OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1908. it OREGON CITY and VICINITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED TOR THE BU8Y READER. W. J. Hinllli wiim lliifil $.-, Thiiraday fur being drunk, I''. I'.'- Mllg lIU ll.MI)rll tln Mil- li miii of Martin l: in i ii i ti i . Ctituitrurlliiu work mi Him Dtnlti Timim May nilliMiiul lingua UiIn wm-li, I,. Itui'milch friii'tureil iwo (,f ,, rlliH hIiUii lit win U uL IiU luinm, Mini- t i - Wanted, l''wrin li-niii, Imrni'iiH and WHKIMl Clll'lll fur CIIHll, lllljlllrtl of T Tiut.f, (IIiiiImIiiiih, Oiv, .lurk l.litouri'ttn left, V'iiiMiiiy night fur I'lliili-lli l.lhll rntilily, Mtn'r lii will Join ii nuuplng )iuty. ., ONI tinwpapira for al-i at thin of tlci -'iUc p'T hundred. Jim llnrily, fur mini" Hum mnpluypd n( llm WiIIiiiik'IIh Pulp & 1mmt inllU, li ft Thumday fur ICivitiU, Waah. Coiiiii'llniiiii A, Knapp .-nl to (In Mini Hvr illKtrlrt. I.biui enmity, Mini- iluy. In iiilut n look ut tln Crown Hoy IlllllH, pniKiciiN of thn arret fulr mid carnival. AiiKU'ii. L'O to "IJ, Ini'lualvo. horse jmwer electric motor, and to leave the' now system In a year on trial anil take It out. ot Did end of Unit tlmo If utiKallaructory. Kxtenalvo Im provement tint being matin fit tho Kardny building. Tho front stairway la being remodeled and entirely re built., and now rear Htepu are being tuldi'd as ini'iuiH of exit In rami of fire In tlii ImlldltiK. All trimmed und mitrlirifiiod lint "di.w coMt at Mliia (Joldamltli' :,1tt Hi'imiiM in'" being nmili. (,) tin- brick puvi'iiti'in on Main Mlnwt between Tenth and ICIi-vi-titli Mtrm-U. JihIk ' Tliuiiiiin r. Ryan wan at Ht. Helen Hnluidity where the grand luilK" of Mhhoiih di'dlrutfd llm now CoiutnMu count y court hniiae. Judge Jtyan la inland orator of tho Mason. Minn Kilnii I'ark returned from New port, Woilni'Hilay rilnht, when aim had been a guent of Mrn. Hruee !urry. Mr. Curry, who tiad been homo on bus- IneKM .for two weeka, left , Thursday fur Newport to Join hi family for tho remainder of the heiiKiin. I'rof W. W. Dixon, whi) h prlnel pul of the Went Oregon City hcIiiktIh, lam year, l ondiicteil a Hummer normal xchool lit Eugene, .iittetided by S!8 teaclu-rii, Ho ha been engaged aa prliii liiiil of tho hi IhmiI ut Folida Waul)., for; the coining year Tho entertainment committee of v 'ourt Kobln Hood No. !, V. of A., haa iMHiied alluring Invitation for tin: monthly "Mow-Out" to bo heJd In W. O. W. hall next Tuesday, night at 8 o'clock sharp. Members aro Invited .o toiiio and "(111 their hollow tooth," and the program show thoro will bo ilenty of fun an well aa good thlriga to at: Solo Harry Shaw Duet Fay iirothora ItoxliiK Coiili'Ht '. Tim grocery and KeneVal meridian linn Htor of Mrn. i:, A I'hllllpH on tin Ml! In cloxeil for IllVoIri' pfepiiriitory to mile H l IvrrliiK of North Main atreet left for linlliiiiii)iilU, hut,, Monday on a trip n tin. IdIitiki of t, 1 h lumber lil.eHK. Tho family of'tieorKu Kortnan wlnh to thank llm many frlenda who camo to help tia In our recent hereavo iiienl. MUM (SKO. FORM AN. Thoiuan Hhea, of Albany, la tempor arlly aetlnn an uKent of tho WcHtern I'nlon Telegraph lompiuiy hero, whllo A Kent Walter HhcaxKrceii la attaont at Newport rellevlujj the reHldl'Ilt BKetlt thWe and at the hiiiiid tlmo unjoylntf a laiatlon at tho aeaaldn. F.d. JiMdmko haa returned from a year'a aurveyltiK trip In New Moxleo and will vUlt relntlvcn hero for aov ral weeka. Full lino of Duck llata at reduped price at Mlna (loldNinlth'a. 34 tf (JcorKo (, C'ompbell, who waa om ployed in tho O. K. barber ahop for aoveral inontha, I now connectod with I'arker'a harbor ahop. ('. A. Nah, John F. Clark and Henry I'uaey leave In a fw daya for IkniKlaM county yn a hunting trip and wilt bo atwent nUiut two weeka. J. K Waaaom haa moved hia con fiH'tlonory atoro duo block north to tho room recently vacatod by tho Tea ImiMirlltiK company. Mr. T. Torklemm and children loft Wednemlay for Hatllo, where thoy will reiildo. Mr. Torkleaoa la employ ed at Klrklaml. near Seattle. Frank Hunch, tho Iioumc fumlnhor( l.i out vlewltiK, thla week, tho flno rrom of Kraln on hla bin fitrni at DoiIko, hIho lnHpectltm hla timber clalma and the apple orchard that la reputed to be ahead of anything: In tho Hood River valley. Wantod Oontlctnan or lady with Rood reference to travel by rail or with rig. for a firm of f 250,000.00 capital, Salary $1,071 por year and oxpenaoa. Salary paid weekly and oxponnoa advauccd. Addreaa with atamp. Joa. A. Alexander, Oregon City, Oro. Doc. 21 ROBIN HOOD'S "BLOW-OUT." tMitt I , DEATHS OF THE WEEK Clifford Long, aon of Peter and Amanda Img of C'laokamaa Holghta, died at Kt. Vlncont'a hoapltal, Auguat 8, after only a day's lllnoaa of appondi cltla, aged 17 yeara and H daya. For aomo tlmo ho waa omployod at tho papor mllla, but waa lately working In Dr. Nlchola' hopyard. Tuoaday ho waa nel,ed with an attack of appondl cltla and waa taken to Portland tho following morning, when an operation waa Immediately performed, but death cnatii'd during tho 'afternoon. Funeral aervlcoa woro held at the homo Saturday morning at 10 o'clock; Interment waa In Mountain View terri tory. Hong VV. lllttonhouai) I'lano Solo Mr. Hlmth Hong Mike .Munch Indian Club Swinging F. Oliver Hong Frank Koder Ktory (lua Freeman Hong VA Frederick Story Dr. Strickland Song Frank Koenlg Hong Mr. Hearlo Hong Mr. McCord Hong Hen Green I'otato Itacii by Hammorly and Mc Cord Prize, ono lodgo pin. Iloxlng Conte.it Pillow Fight-Fauat and Kail Prize, ono motith'a duea. Null Driving Content. .Prize, ono 'Pin Hack Kaet open to ail prize GOc. Shoo and atocklng race prize ono month' duea. Fritz Zimmerman, aged C8 yeara, led WodnoHilay morning, Augaat 8, at hla borne at Mountain Road, whore ho had realded for tho laat 27 yeara. In la aurvlved by IiIh widow, four ilaughtera and fivo aona. Funeral waa hold from tho family realdence Friday morning t9 o'cliK:k; Inter ment in the Stafford cemetery. - C. Corning, aged 71 yeara, died of paralyala, Wedneaday, at the home of hla aon, Alva Corning, of Willamette. He la survived by three children, Alva Corning of Willamette, Mra. Theo dore Pointer of Sylvan, Oregon, and Mra. John Anderaon of Clinton, Mis- aourl. The body waa taken to Sylvan Wednesday night for burial. Mr. and Mra. Ken worthy of Walla Walla. Wanh., visited old frlomla hero alt week. Mr. Kcnworthy la In poor health and ho and hla wife have been traveling for aeveral weeka In hopoa that change of air would tlo him good. Mr. Kenworthy run a lunch counter here utitll eight yeara ago. Tho nln year old daughter of I,. K. Ilurko fell from a HcafToldlng, Friday, where Mr. Hurko'a now houao la under fonatructlon, and auntalnod a fraeturo of tho wrist MONEY TO I)AN AT 0 AND 7 pr cent. Farm security. U'Ren It 8chnohol. J. W. McAulty la clerking In Mllea & McGlaahan'a gnicory atoro during tho abaenco of Mr. McGlaahan. who la enjoying an outing with hla family on tho Columbia. It la believed tho United Ilallwaya lompany will begin conatnictlon work In tho near future, Thla la the road that la projected through Canby prai rie. Canny Tribune. K. T, Farr leavea Friday for Maine. Waahlngton, with hla high-diving dog, Maximo, and will atay there during the Cow Imt: A deep yellow Jeraey, muly, at rayed from Sunnyaldo, Clack amaa, on July 21. Had on a heavy bell; bellnlrap fantened by baling wire. Will bo froHh In boptember, with aecond calf. Reward of $3 for Information leading to her recovery. 0. W. Hondurant. R. F. D. 1, Clacka maa, or phono Sunnyaldo atoro. 30 tl All mlllnery goodi bolow coat at Mlaa Uoldamlth'a 34 tf City Treasurer Jack R. Caufleld hna resigned and tho Mayor haa appointed Mortimer D. Latouretto to the office, the change taking effect at once. Mr. Caufleld waa elected laat December to nerve one year. Ho haa been connect ed with tho office force of the Willam ette Pulp & Paper company for aeveral yeara and leaves to take position aa timekeeper on the north bank rail road ronstructlon. Tho new treaaurer Is a aon of C. D. Latouretto and la a young man of Integrity. He la employ ed In tho jComtnerelal bank. Tho School Hoard la considering the Installation of new heating apparatus lu the Harclay achool building, the old furnacea lielngabout worn out aft er 10 yeara' use. W. G. Mcf'heraon, reproHeutlng a Portland company, of fered to Install free of coat a hot-air blower system, operated by a two A LARGE CITY SHOP. "Fresh every hour" la tho alluring slKn In front of a new candy factory on Main street. Just aouth of Adams Ilroa.' llazaar, that waa opened last week. Tho place la attractive outside and In, and the delicious candiea in view are ao fresh looking aa to prove tho algn no Idle ItoaaC The proprietor, J. I. Mayhew, la a past master of tho art of candy-making. He knowa the secret and la adept at making over StuO klhda of elenant confectiona everything In chocolatea, bon bona fudge, fruit rolla, toasted marahmal Iowa, crisp, cararnela, dipped almonda, Cuban ntlcka, cryatallzed good of all descrlptlona and tho finest of apun gooda. Hla factory la aa clean and neat aa the retail atore in front. Thla atore should make a great auc- cesa. in inia ago ot auuueruuoim, uue should be sure the sweetmeats your loved ones eat, are abaolutely pure and you aro abaolutely auro of that when you buy In a ahop where every thing la home-made, aa It la In May hew's. Thla atoro will be a great con venlence In other ways. It Is equip ped to furnish all kinds of Ices, fancy and brick Ice creams and sherbets on short notice an hour or two and person may have delivered any re freshment unexpected company may roiiuire. Quality of gooda will be strictly first class. Ice creams, sod water and other refreshing summer drinks are retailed in the atore. THE HORSESHOE is an emblem of good luck. The savings pass-book is another emblem of good luck; " and not only that, but of business shrewd ness. Have you one of our books? y The BANK OF OREGON CITY ' Bank open from 9 a. mJ to 3 p. m. , 0. W. P. CARS COLLIDE NEAR MILWAUKIE With five passengers on board and running at full speed a Sellwood car crashed Into an O. W. P. work train about three-quarters of a mile north of Mllwaukle, Wednesday afternoon Motorman Huhlsh was cut by flyina; Klaus and both Ida legs were fractur ed above the knee. Although the crash of the car with the train was terrific all the paasengera, four men and one woman, luckily escaped with only minor Injuries. i U f l I ! 1 !.roL.o0rr.CANS.n ITTTTTT S iff 0 M i..uilr ) Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than "ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick Unlock pigment, gallon for gallon, it makes trie best paint for the least money. FOR 8ALE BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. Ml Mrs. B. F. Weddle, aged 32 years, died Saturday morning of lung trouble at her home near Stafford. Tbw sor rowing husband and four children are left to mourn her death. Funeral was held Sunday from the Stafford church. Rev. Charles Waehlte officiating. George Forman of Barton, died at hla home, Tuesday evening, August 7, of neuralgia of tho heart. He was in hla 64th year. ROCK CREEK AND SUNNYSIDE August 15. The picnic at Damascus passed off very pleasantly. Program waa Interesting and all seemed to have a good time generally. Mrs. John McMurry haa sold her place to Rev. Pitta. Mr. and Mrs. Rodlun have gone to the mountains for a week or two. There was a singing at Mr. Stoll's Sunday afternoon and all enjoyed a good time. They will meet again next Sunday at the same "place. The young lady at Mrs. Griffith's haa been quite ill. They have had Dr. Hickman out to see her twice. Mr. andMra. Hunter of Beaverton have been visiting their sons and fam ilies at Sunnyslde for the past week. They had not been there for several years before. They are getting well along- in years and are quite feeble. Blanche Davis is somewhat better and hopes are entertained for a speedy recovery. Grandpa Johnson is about the same. There waa a gathering at Johnson's Monday in honor of Mrs. Elva Hunt er's 48th birthday anniversary. She has been staying with her father late ly. All enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. She received a few presents and the hearty wish of the company for many more happy years. Those present were Mrs. Donley, Mrs. M Reed, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. L. M. Hunter, Mrs. M. Smith. Mrs. B. Deardorff, S. E. John son and LeHoy Johnson.' Mr. Walters is having a cellar dug under his houe. , old baby boy Juat recovering from the measles, which waa the Immediate cause of the mother's death, though she had boon suffering from a disease of tho lungs and throat for some time. Besides her Immediate family ahe leavea a mother and father, and broth ers and slaters, all of whom live near Jefferson. Her mother and sister Kate were at her bedside, and they with a younger Bister are still with the strick en family, and It Is reported at thla writing that the Bister Kate haa taken the diaeaae and Archie, a boy of 12 had to be taken to a doctor. Dr. Mount haa been in attendance, but was not able to give them any hope of the mother's recovery from the first. Tho anxious father sent down the family physician from Jefferson. He appro ve'l of Dr. Mount's treatment thoroughly. Kind neighbors with teams hauled and secured bis grain. On Thursday, the 9th, Mr. Zimmer man was hurried at Stafford. He died of cancer. He leaves a wife and large family of children. Mr. P. Larsen Is quite poorly. Mr. Gebhardt and helpers have the addition to the school house up and partly inclosed. It Is to be finished by the first of September. Threshing machines have been a buzzing on small Jobs for the last week or so. Two threshing at once The Sharp machine usually comes along last, and scoops the larger jobs. Mr. Powell, our genial merchant, has Iwo sisters visiting him this week. Lu Seggert, who was In the hospital with a bad case of blood poison Is out with his threshing machine, but unable to use his band much as yet RUSSELLY1LLE ITEMS Hot, dry weather still continues. Hop picking is about all we hear now days. L. D. Trullinger has gone to eastern Oregon to work In harvest. Mrs. A. Paulson has gone to Port land on business. Ira Flinn and bride of eastern Ore gon, are visiting his father, Mr. Flinn, and his sister, Mrs. L. B. Trullinger, of Wilholt Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Bowman have re turned from Hood River after an ab sence of several weeks. VIOLA NOTE ' 'tf A GUSHER AT GLADSTONE. C. A. Warren Is rejoicing over an extraordinarily good well on his Glad stone lot where he Is building his new homo. Collins & Brown, who dug the well, struck at a depth of 14 feet a Btreain of living water about 6 Inches In diameter. They went about two feet deopeanil struck a subter ranean lako six foot deep. There Is now 11 feet'wf exclle'nt water lu the well. Guardian Appointed. Delia E. ' Yergen was appointed guardian of her brother Carl Gai tlson, aged 17. who owns $147.00 cash on deposit In a bank at McMinnvillo. INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty Insurance written by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice of the Peace. ' A. Y. Cheney left Wednesday for IPolk county, with a, cruiser.. to, Uiapcct his two timber claims, tor which jie has been offered $1500 apiece. Tho 'ftdw rallroud now with 12 miles of the claims will go right through them, Viola. Aug. 14. All are glad to know that Grandma Miller who has been very sick during the past week, la rapidly regaining her strength un der the care of Dr. Mount. As a result of the incompleted work on the Viola hill, a rig upset Saturday alght and a serious accident was nar rowly averted. Messrs Carlson and Benson Intend to start for Alberta next Saturday They expect, by driving through east ern Oregon and Idaho to arrive at their destination in about six weeks. Mr. Galeener has the frame of his new barn about completed. Those who think that first-class onions cannot be raised on hill land would change their opinion by calling on Grandpa Miller. Aug. 10. Eva Smith and E. O. Lo gan- LOROW'S Famous Bohemian Glass Blowers See the Glass Blowing, Glass Weaving, Glass Netting, Glass Frosting and Spinning. Frank E. Andrews returned Monday night from a brief aojourn at Yaqulna bay and has gone to Portland to re sume hla work with the Charles F. Boebe company. Clyde O. Huntley and family, Joha A. Moehnke and family and Samuel Roake and family returned the latter part of last week from a fortnight'! outing at Cannon Beach. Robert Henderson, of Portland, waa the guest last week of his brother-in- law, R. R. McAlpin. being on his way home from an outing spent In th mountains of Lane county. Miss Maurine McAdara of Pendleton was a guest at the home of George A. Harding Monday, and on the following day started from Portland with her mother for an outing at Long Beach. Mrs. E. L. Johnson and two child' ren, Anna and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simmons, Mrs. Roberts and Bon Oudin, who have been camping on the upper Molalla for three weeks, return ed home Sunday morning. Rev. E. T. Simpson and family of Corvalli8 and Rev. V. C. Sheppard and family of Vancouver, Washington, are visiting Rer. P. K. Hammond and fam ily. Rev. Simpson la preparing to go to Honolulu for missionary work. Mrs. J. B. Robinson and two sons of Chico, Calif., and Miss Harriet Cochran, return Thursday night from Newport Mrs. Robinson will continue her visit here with her mother, Mrs. F. L. Cochran, who was ill the fore part of the week, but is now better. Misses Bertha, Celia and Zlda Gold smith left Saturday for Yellowstone Park where they will enjoy nature's wonderland for a fortnight Miss Zlda will return, home direct from the Park, but her sisters will visit friends and Inspect new styles In millinery at Seattle for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Loder and son Jack, Mrs. Peter Mclntyre, Miss Mary Mclntyre, James Mclntyre, Mrs. C. A. Nash, Miss Mary Sandstrom, Harold Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Waldon M. Shank, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ketch urn, Ruth Ketchum, Robert Ketchum and Miss Cora Sellers returned last week from outings at Cannon Beach. Rev. J. T. Abbett pastor of the Cen tral M. E. church of Portland, was here.Frlday, to call on Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cartlldge. Mrs. Cartlidge, who is one of the newly elected teachers In the public schools of Oregon City, was a member of Dr. Abbett's congre gation when he was pastor of the Methodist church at Willlamsport, Ind. J. M. Mark is home from the East, and the remainder of the party, Mrs. Mark, Miss May Mark and Mrs. Chas. Bluhm," who have been visiting rela tives in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, for the past two months, are on their way home. They will stop off at Salt Lake City and Denver en route, and will visit relatives at the latter place for a few days, and expect to reach Ore gon City next Sunday. See the Woman Dressed in Glass See the Glass Steam Engine, Scientific Water Hammer, Cartesan Diver, Old London Punch ' and Judy for Children. Every Visitor Receives a Present. Five Days Only, beginning Tuesday, August 14th STAFFORD. Rain threatened, but did not come, and the few who still had oats in the field were glad. .11 of an inch fell Sunday night, but it seems now like it had cleared off for all time. Mrs. Weddle died about 4 o'clock Saturday morning, and was hurried in the Stafford cemetery on Sunday aftrnoon. More that two hundred peor)le followed her to her last resting phu?. The funeral was held at the BatlsJchurch and.Mr. Waehlte, the resident minister preached the funeral sor Jioif; She, leaves to mourn her demise a husband and four children, the eldest a daughter In her teens, and all from the husband to the three year 504 Main St. opp. Brightbill Bakery Open 2:30 to 7:30 and 7:30 to 9:30 SPECIMEN TICKETS, 10c Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the Un dersigned Executrix of the Estate of Nels Nelson, deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon her final account as executrix of the last will and testament of the said Nels Nelson, deceased, and that Mon day, the 17th day of September, A. D. 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day has been fixed by the said County Court as the time for hearing of objections to Bald re port and account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 14th day of August. 1906. . IIANNA SOPHIA NELSON, -Executrix of the last Will and Testa ment of Nels Nelson, deceased. 36t5 THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $lOO,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J. MEYER - ? - i I V,' Transacts a general banking business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p. m. , r President 'Cashier .iM ..'"!::' v:.'c - - c