4 1 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1900 l-?''''''''''''''''' MlMM . .. - - ii&aJ b also w$m mwm mmM , " Aiirap 8 A Gathering of Good nings a GARNERING OF BARGAINS It is Harvest timewith its abundance-its fullness-its completeness. Surely never such a bountiful harvest as this in half-priced onermgs. Uur annual Harvest Sale when you who are wise can reap the benefit of our months of preparation-when you find ood displays, rare offerings, choicest goods, and most remarkable price concessions. We are very generous in our Harvest Time values, Ia ish in our reductions, because we like to make this a great feast of plenty for our patrons. I rungs to enthuse over the most practical minded shopper must recognize and appreciate these timely offerings, she can t help it, Lome and partake of the spread Come and exult over these Harvest Specials, come and see for yourself. SALE BEGAN AUGUST i 5, AND LASTS TEN DAYS HARVEST IN Men's Shirts Special values in Men's Dress Shirts, soft bosom. Special . 50c HARVEST IN Men's Trousers A special lot of Men's Pants, great value $1.39 HARVEST IN Hosiery Ladies' Fast Black Hose, 20c values. Special 3 pairs.. 45c HARVEST IN Embroideries Swiss and Nainsook Edgings and Insertions, regular 15c, 20c, 23c and 30c values. Special, yard 12c HARVEST IN Table Damask Extra heavy, plain and mercerized, assorted patterns, reg ular 60c to 73c values. Special, yard 49c HARVEST IN White Goods These are staplesstandard things seldom offered at cut prices 'but they are here ami make a very tempting display. Our entire stock of White Cotton Dress Goods. 10c to 35c values, yard 9c HARVEST IN Dress Goods HARVEST IN Toilet Soap Kirk's or Armour's best quality, regular 5c, 10c and 15c values. Special ,v At HARVEST IN Work Socks Men's Heavy Work Socks, mixed colors, regular 15c values. Special, 3 pairs ....25c HARVEST IN Pillow Tops Our regular 50c to 75c Pillow tops In plain and fancy pat terns. Special price ." 39c HARVEST IN 1 HARVEST IN Boys' Wash Suits Our entire stock of Boys' Wash Suits and separate pants will be closed out at 25 per cent discount. HARVEST IN i Handkerchiefs We have Just received 50 dozen handkerchiefs, plain and fancy edges. Special values at, each.: 5c HARVEST IN Silk Ribbons Our regular 20c, 22c and 25c values in plain colors and fancy designs. Special price, yard 17c HARVEST IN ' Domestics Handsome and worthy, no one on bargains bent should overlook these. If there are finer goods for the price we have never seen them. Heavy Unbleached Sheeting, special value, "Red Star" brand, a heavy clean cotton, even thread, 36 in. wide, worth 10c, only, per yard 5c "Fruit of the Loom" 36 Inch Bleached Muslin 8c "Anchor Brand" 36 inch, half Bleached Muslin 8c "Thorndyke Brand" Sateen Ticking 18c Boys' and Men's Caps Men's and Boys' Caps, all colors, all sizes, 25c and 33c values. Special .....12c HARVEST IN , Boys' Pants Splendid assortment Boys' Knee Pants, ages 3 to 15. Special ...... 45c HARVEST IN Boys' Suits Boys' 2 and 3 piece Suits, sizes 4 to 9, regular $3.50, $3.75, $1.00 values. Special $2.10 Boys' 2 piece suits, age 10 to H, regular $1.00 to $3.00 values. Special $2.85 HARVEST IN Men's Suits Men's Summer and Winter woight Siits, Single and Double Breasted Coats, $11 to $11 values. Special price ...$8.50 These represent very special effort to get together only such fine fabrics and choice stvles as well as make, a rich harvest for discriminating buyers. See them first then buy. We will place on sale about 75 pieces, values from 65c to 90c yard. Special price, yard 45c , HARVEST IN Shoes You can't find fault In these shoes, and you can't complain about price. Here Is where extremes meet, highest quality and, lowest prices, plenty of choice, too. For men a special lot of $3.50, $3.75 and 11.00 shoes During this sale for $2.90 For women, a special lot of $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 shiMjs, great value. During this sale $1.73 Some great bargains In Children's Shoes. HARVEST IN Notions Yes, the little things are In for It, too. Marked them all down. Never have we known such slaughter of odds and ends and small wares. Needn't ask what tho harvest shall be, come and help yourself. Spool cotton, best grade, all numbers and colors 4c Knitting Cotton, all numbers 3c Pearl Buttons, one dozen on card 3c Hooks and Eyes, 24 on card, best make 1c Embroidery Silk, best brands 2C Bono Hair Pins, per dozen 5c Finishing Braid, white and colors 3c Velveteen Skirt Binding .....2c Brush Skirt Binding ". ... 2c Clark's Darning Cotton, all colors 2C Sanitary Belts, new Idea 25c Battenberg Thread, all numbers 2c Tooth Brushes ar SOF1ETI NQ PGR NOTHING Rewards for Stamp Collections There's a fascination in stamp collecting of any kind, and there's a rich reward for collections of ADAMS BROS. PREMIUM TRADING STAMPS. On all cash purchases made at this store, we give free to everybody, at all times, these trading stamps, one with each purchase, or ten cent part of a purchase. When you have filled one of our stamp books, holding 300 stamps, you are entitled to take your choice of a variety of valuable premiums. 300 stamps represents an expenditure of only $30 for merchandise, and think how quick you spend this sum 'on wearing necessities. , And the prices of our merchandise are not "fattened out" to make up for the stamp discount tfrty are the very lowest you can f jod. Two, three or four books of stamps entitles the holder to premiums of commensurate values. It's just like finding money, that's all. mm ; - OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH ! STORE M PREMIUM i ?Wfr !!& ROWDY YOUTHS I CREATE RIOT IN CAR I (Continued frtu Page 1 ) Mclkilisld were bound oer to tlm Clr 'cult court, the nrst iwu un.lr loo bonds each, and McDonald l.'.o .Smith i and Mclfcimtld are out on Imll mid J Foley Is expected (, furnish -runty ! Ill a day or so. ; The preliminary examination was held In the County court rooiu In order j that the large number of witnesses and J spectators might be arconitilodAted. Deputy District Attorney C. Schucbel, ; assisted by F. T. Griffith, attorney fur jthe Oregon Water Power & Hallway company conducted the prosecution, the defendants conducting their own 'case. Witnesses were Introduced by (the street railway compnny positively j fixing the blunie for the serious dis turbance on the three men who were held to the Circuit court. A a defense, each of the nrcused lads gave his version of the affair, each claiming to be exempt from any blame for the fracas. The charge on which the trio Is held, that of "grossly Injuring the property of another, grossly disturbing the pub lic pence." Is punishable by a minimum fine of I'D and a jnll sentence (lf one month. Tho maximum penalty Is a fine of iJtti) and six months In the county Jail. STEPMOTHER'S LITE MADE A BURDEN Maia Street, Bet. Sixth and Seventh OREGON CITY, OREGON Clarlnda E. Gibson, over )') years of age, has filed suit for maintenance BKalnst her husband. James Jr., Gib son, to whom she was married In Portland, May 2, i:toj. she says he owns a farm near Eagle Crvek, and a part of the marriage contract was that his son Dick should bo ousted from said home. This was at first done, she says, but Dick has returned and with another son, II. F., have made her life a burden. Her hubhy has also seemingly tired of her ri tut she alleged cruel and Inhuman treat ment by him. She was compelled to leave home a few weeks ago. and she says her husband hns made a pre tended deed of his farm to his sou II. F. Gibson. She asks for $100 at torneys fees and $15 a week maintenance. MAPLE LANE PERSONALS. A camping party from Maple Une. consisting of Lawrence Alautz, John Darling, Clarencu and Fleasnnt Allen and their mother, Mrs. A. II. Allen. Mrs. Derrick, and children; Miss Hu.ilo Cockle and Miss Mclzr-na Brown are at Mt. Hood huckleberry grounds this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mailt Und Mr. mid Mrs. John Crawford returned, Sunday, from Mt. Hood huckleberry grounds. Notice to Bridge Builders. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be" rocelved ut tho office of tho county clerk of Clucknmas county, Oregon, for the construction of a brldgo across Tryan Creek, near Os- iwcgo, according to plans and spoclll catlons now on fllo In tho office of Bald clerk, said bids to bo Indorsed "Bids for construction of Tryan Croek Brldgo," and must bo filed with the said clerk on or before noon, Wednes day, September 5, 1900. . Tho County Court reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. F. W, GRKISNMAN, 36. t3 ; County Clork.