Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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...Short Sidehead Stories...
1l:im!I.V.TOI.I TAl.tM 01' TMI1 WI!ljK'5 DOINOH.
100 Slashing Permits
County Clerk (Ireetimnii Iihh IhhiioI
about, ir.O in-niillM to net out lire, un
der t lit mIuhIiIiik law, Tint majority
of farmer are too buny harventlriK to-
bother with burning mIuiiIiIiikh now,
Guilty of Amult and Battery
I HIllTKlllKt'r Of t'lllfltllllilW nlnad-
'il ifiillty In Juiitlce Ktlpti'H court ut
Orison City, Hiilunlity, to the eliar,o
of iWHiuilt itml buttery on William
Foray lh and wum fined C. lie paid
tho amount and wum (llHrliurK'Ml.
Every Little Helpe
Tho hIiowith of Sunday illicit helped
tho hop crop pronpett a little, though
good "Honker" would have Insured
a big yield and ttplendld (pmllty. Tlio
warm, dry weather hint hud one kx1
effect In keeping tln vines clear of
Eatata Admitted to Probata
The entate of Maricaret A. Btuokey,
of Mllwauklo, who died at Kalem re
cently, Iium been admitted to probate,
and her hiiKbuiid, Jidm J. Htuckey,
bo administrator. Tim emnte con
Hint of property of the eHtlmated val
ue of 300.
Didn't Intend to Kill Dog
Fred Iirolthaupt arretted for ma
Ilclotwly klllltiK a (Iok, claimed lu IiIh
trial beforo Juntlre Wtlpp of Ort'Kon
City, Saturday, that tlio killing wan
purely accidental, that ho uliot at tlio
dog In tho dark merely to frighten It
from hlN premise. Tho court rt
nerved hi tleclitlon.
(Irowera are unwilling to contract to
day at 15 ct titH,
Want Forest Reaerve Land f
Home time ago. Charles Jtoadarmol,
I. H, Wllaon, Henry and AiiKUMt Hollo,
of ClaekanuiH, filed application!) for
land within tho Cawcado foreafro
nerve that la tnoro valuubln for agrl
culturul purjoMf-H than for It" timber,
and they have received notlco from
tho Department of FortiMtry at Waah
liiKton of tho receipt of their appllca-
Flah Racka Near Gladatone
Flali racka uro being loMtalled In the
Clackama Junt abova tlm Houthern
I'uclllc bridge ut (Jladatontj to secure
Halmon for propaKatlng ptirpoHOH,
Field Huperlntendent Wlaner la auper
Intending tho Initialling of the racka.
Tbo i'kkm that will bo taken from the
fall run of aalmon will bo lined at the
Government's hatchery on tho Clacka-
man river.
Lightening the Suspension Bridge-
Tint top layer of tho flwrlrig of the
auHpenalon bridge la being removed by
K. D. Odda, under contract with tho
county court, and tbo construction of
tho walka on either aide of tbo wagon
way hna been abandoned aa It ha
been found that tho extra weight waa
caiialrig tho Mteel cablca to cut Into
tbo plera. All aurplua weight la bo
lug removed.
Beat Deputy Game Warden
Deputy (iamtt Warden Clyde UlcH of
Canby recently attempted tho arreMt
of two men lu their cump, that ho waa
auro had been killing doer. Tho
huntera act uiMin Dick and aeverely
beat him. Tho officer la trying to
learn their name and they may yet
t arrenletl on a double charge.
Sold Hope at 9 Cents
V.. A. I linen of rieaaant Hill on April
18 contracted to m il 3.r00 pounda of
hop to a Portland buyer at 9 cent,
ami h. (Jeer on March 28 contracted to
the name man rooo pound at the name
low figure. The contracta were filed
thla week In the Recorder' office.
Two Wlvte Seek Divorce
Mary Whit" haa lnatltuted suit for
a decree of divorce from Henry C.
White. They wero married December
3, 1900, In Nelaon, Waah. Mra. Wblto
compluln that her buaband la guilty
of cruel and Inhuman treatment and
peraonul Indlgultlc. Nettle E. Dumdl
haa commenced ault for divorce
agalnut William M. Dumdl. Tbey wero
married at Princeton, Mlaaourl, In
187-1. and Mra. Dumdl allegea that her
huaband deaerted her In Portland two
year ago.
Mlatook a Five for a Ten
An honcat looking lad who gave hla
name aa George Ilrown of Vancouver,
Wanh., waa In trouble In Oregon City
a Utile whllo Monday morning. Ho
examined guns and ammunition In C.
(1. Mlller'a "tore, bought Homo of the
latter and gave Miller a five dollar
bill. Whllo Miller was getting hi
change, Ilrown picked up hla purchaa
ea alao a cheap 25-callhre rifle and de
parted, Chief of police Uurna over
took Drown at Green Point and
brought him back to the gunatorc,
Ilrown claimed ho thought he tendered
Miller a ten dollar bill and the amount
covered tho price of tho rifle, Ho wa
allowed to go upon payttig for the
gun. ;:
Young Woman Adjudged Insane
Mlaa laabella Popo of Klllott Prairie,
waa adjudged tnaano Friday, and com
mitted to tho atato aaylum ot Balem.
MImk Popo la 28 year of ago and waa
born at Victoria, Hrltlah Columbia,
Tbo unfortunate young woman labor
under tho hallucination that alio in a
great writer, baa been connected with
great nowapapeyi and haa been acnt
for to aaaumo editorial charge of the
Iloaton (Maaa.) Globe. Her guardian
la Captain Georgo Popo of Wood burn.
Mra. L. Tucker of Boring was
examined Friday on an Inaanlty charge
brought by W. r, Deen, but tho ex
amining phyalclan and court were
convinced of her aanlty and ordered
her dlacbarged from cuatody. She I
58 year of age.
Make Good Cochran'a Defalcation
J. 8. Cochran, F. M. Samson, A.
HardeRty and A. Woodcock, bondamen
of A. T. Cochran, have paid Into the
county court 1809.10 to cover the de
falcation made by tho latter, who
apent admlniatrator money and then
aklpped the country. A. T. Cochran
waa appointed admlniatrator of tbe es
tate of hla father, who (led three
yeara ago. Tbo son Bold some of, the
property and Blurted a saloon at Hub
bard getting Borne of tho neighbor on
hla bond. , Eaatcrn heirs became eu
pIclouB and when an accounting was
oidered by the court, Cochran skipped
and hla whereabouts are unknown.
John J. Cooke of Oregon City waa ap
pointed admlniatrator, and be brought
ault agalnat the bondamen to recover
tho amount of tho defalcation. Two
of tho heirs were Induced to relinquish
their claims against tbe estate In favor
of tho bondamen and aettlement has
juat been made by the payment of
Bunch of Happenings in a Live Town
Reported by The
A Bpeclflc for pain Dr. Thomas Ec
lectrlc Oil, strongest, cheapest lini
ment ever devised. A household rem
edy In America for 25 years.
Eatacada. Aug, 9 J. W. Iteed has
tho contract for remodeling the 0. W.
P. building at tho corner of First and
Alder In Portland. Tbo work will take
until September 1. Tho remodeling
ia necessary on account of consolida
tion of the Beveral companies.
, Poatmaster Surface baa moved tho
poatofflco Into the new quarters and
will attend to tho office work himself.
Mlas Irwin will play hello girl until
permanent arrangements are made by
tho 'phono company for an office girl.
Manager Holknap of tho Estacada
Brick & TUo company, is having a
turntable put In at the largo clay dry
ing shed bo that the cars loaded with
clay can be run to both ends of the
shed and dumped. Thla will be a
J I. O. BoBwell departed for Salem
Ti:aday In response to telephone
meaaage from Supt. Tiffany of the
Willamette Hallway company building
tbo electric lino from Salorn to Port
land. Mr. Uoswell will have charge
of putting up the electric wire along
tbo line.
Harry Groff bas gone to Nam pa, Ida
ho, to accept a position as engineer
In a large aawmlll. He goes on a
promise of good wages and a steady
Job. W. O. Kubn bas a large Interest
in the mill" and It was h'o who Induced
Harry to go out. Omer Groff assumes
tho responsibilities as engineer at the
wood factory.
Another new Industry for Estacada
W. A. Jones Is going to Install a
steam wood saw. Tbe outfit kas been
purchased, and will be put Up' near the
livery barn. Mr, Jones Is going to
put In a new wagon weighing scales
of the Howe make. These are con
veniences that have been looked for
for a long time.
The school board haa let a contract
to Al Llndaey to flnisn the new acool
house now in course of construction.
Mr. Llndaey 's first contract did not in
clude finishing the two upper rooms,
but since tho school funds would be
sufficient it was though best to have
the building completed at once. Tbe
additional cost is $CC5. The first con
tract was for $4271 which will place
tbe cost of the building at $4936.
now In the. bop business at Salem. The
principal office on the coast will be at
8alern, In the heart of tbe Oregon hop
belt. Branches will he maintained In
Washington and la California, and the
men who will have charge of the firms
buying In those states under Mr. Car
rnlc.hael, have already been engaged.
A representative of Wiggins, Rich
ardson company is now on bis way
from London V) confer with Mr. Car
mlchael and set the new scheme In
operation, The plans have already
been perfected, and It Is said that all
that remains tq be done Is tho sign
ing of the papers that will delegate to
Mr. Carmlchael the necessary authori
ty to buy up a large portion of the Ore
gon crop.
Tbe grain la nearly all threshed and
some, have not finished cutting.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kanne have tak
en a trip to Minnesota. Their daugh
ters, the Mlaaea Helena and Huldah,
are keeping ho ise until their parents
I hear that Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Clark
have become grandpa and grandma
Mrs. George Otty has taken a trip
across the waters to England to vis
It her relatives and ber old home.
Tbe Ladles' Improvement Society
gave a lawn party on the school
grounds, Saturday night, the grounds
being beautifully decorated with
Chinese lantsrna'. A good time was
reported by everyone present.
Miss Helena Kanne and brother
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and tbe McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, haa located
a. Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Sublet,
Heventh Street near Main,
Both Telephone.
Farmers' 133 Main 131 1
C. O. and 0. C. LATOURETTE,
Main Street, Orefon City, Orron.
rum lit h Abstruta of TIU, Loan Monr,
foreclose Mortgajr. and transact
General Law Buaineas. .
Attorneys at Law.
Will practice In all court, tnaka eollce
ttona and settlement of estates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon
ey on first mortrafs.
Office In Enterprise Building.
Oregon City, Oregon.
j. u. Campbell
Orecon City, -Orefea
uavia visnea wun meir sister, ottb. 1
E. a Tiaker of Highland. will practice In an the courts of the sUU
Mrs. Sturchler, a resident of this
place until a few years ago, was laid
to rest, Sunday afternoon, in Multno
mah cemetery.
Office In Caufield Bulldlnf.
Furnished Every Week By the Clackamaa
Abstract Company.
Attorney at Law.
Jnstice of the Peace.
Office Is Jaeger Building, Oregon Cltr.
T r'f
Kr ' .' v t A V .'JIT. lt
Estacada, Aug. b. James Smith and
family are living in the Welter resi
dence. They are from Boring. Mr.
Smith bas a half interest In the Es
tacada Meat Market with his father-in-law,
J. It. To'wnsend.
Mrs. Nettle Grabel expects soon to
move to Portland to live. The family
have made their home for several
years in Sherman county where Mr.
Grabel buys grain, but lately they have
decided to go to Portland.
GH. Foreman, a pioneer resident
living near Barton died very suddenly
Wednesday at tho age of 64. Under
taker Dunning, of Portland, embalmed
the body which will not be buried un
til the children living at great dis
tances can arrive. Mr. Foreman leaves
a widow.
Uncle Wo. Shannon, of Springwater
was In town last "Saturday. He re
ports good crops, and although Mr.
Shannon was once a wealthy steam
boat and ship owner, he enjoys the
country life the best of all. A daugh
ter Miss Mamie Shannon Is teaching
In the Denver schools, and a son, W.
F., has a good position as stenograph
er there.
Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak
System any one may take and finish pictures. It's daylight all
Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00
Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00. "
Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6,00
Burmeister & Andresen
Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon Gty Jewelers
"Make Hay While the Sun Shines."
There Is a lesson in the work of the
thrifty farmer. He knows that the
bright sunshine may last but a daand
he prepares for the showers which are
so liable to follow. So it should be
with every household. Dysentery, dia
rrhoea and cholera morbus may attack
some member of the home without
warnlnc. Chamberlains Colic, Choi
era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which is
the best known medicine for these dis
eases, should always be kept at hand,
as Immediate treatment is necessary,
and delay may prove fatal. For sale
by Howell & Jones.
A. Scott to R. Scott 40 acres in see.)
21. 51, E; $1.00.
J. Ritter to F. H. Schultz 40 acres
in sec. 2, 51, E; $600,
E. M. Hornshuch to R. Hornschucb
5 acres in cl. 41, 22 E; and lots 5
and 6, Blk. 38, Oregon City; $4000.
' Henderson & Latourette to D. A.
Wells N half of lot, blk. 1, Marshfield;
D. F. Leopold to W. F. Hunger, lot
1 and 2, blk. 5, Robertson; $350.
E. M. Howell to O. W. Eastham,
lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 b'Jt. 75, Oregon City;
A. Mihlstine to O. W. Eastham E.
55 feet of lot 1, blk. 67, Oregon City;
F. J. Finger to J. Avery part of
tracts 2, 3 and 4, Wichita; $420.
F. J. Finger to G. T. Parry part of
lots 2 and 3, W'ichita; $892.
F. J. Fineer to W. C. Becton 2.16
acres In Hector Campbell Cl, $324.
R. A. Moore to O. F. Cross lot 1
and W half of NE sec. 16, 33, E;
R. Mack to F. E. Hilton, 8 acres
in sec. 4, 41, E; $430.
W. G. Cole to Society of Sisters
blk. 36 & 51 Oak Grove; $5000.
J. L. Ragland to Bodley & Thomas
W half of SW of sec. 32,25 E; $1.
E. Biehl to V. H. Thayer 40 acres
in Wise Claim; $1.
C. B. Clements to Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank NE sec 28, 62 E; $1.
A. Kelnhofer to T. Kelnhofer W
half of NV and lots 1 and 2, sec. 32,
32, E; $1.
W'll. Falls Co., to H. Schoenheinz,
lot 4, blk. 10, Will Falls; $60.
F. W. Hacker to Freeman lot 7,
blk. 6, Canemah; $250.
J. McLean to E. B. Anderson lot
5, blk. 11. Falls View; $32.50.
F. N. Jamison to E. J. Cromwell
S half of NV and W half of SW sqc.
26, 53 E; $2000.
C. Anderson to E. J. Cornwell SW
sec. 28, 53 E; $2250.
Hibernia Savings Bank to J. M.
Hoover lots 3, 4 and 5, blk. 25 Mil
Park; $126.
H. M. Henry to D. L. Livesay 3.59
acres in sec. 16, 51, E; $800.
C. Yost to V. Brunell 22 acres in
Collections, Mortsac Forseioswsa, A
atraeta of Title and General Law Boa
ts mm.
Office orer
Beak of Oreajoa City, Orecoa City, Or.
Middlemen's Profits Are to be Cut
Abstract of Property Foratabsd.
Office with Orecon City Bnterprteo.
Practice in all courts of the state.
Federal and United States Supreme
Room 306 Commercial Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Cl. 42, 32 E; $3600.
O. W. Eastham to E. M.
Blk. 95, Oregon City; $3000.
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands in Clackamas County, har
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Oar rates ar
reasonable. We invite you to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
696- 608 Chamber bf Commerce Bids;,
Mosey to loan on Clackamas County
Seventh Street, near Depot
The largest hop firm in the world Is
coming to Oregon to buy hopa direct
from tho growers, according to the
It Is proposed to eliminate the com
mission of several sets of middlemen,
which will mean an immense saving
of money to the buyers. In the nature
of things tbe Oregon hop growers will
profit by this arrangement, for they
will undoubtedly get bettor prices for
their hops.
Tha firm that Is thus going to revo
lutionize the hop trade of this section
is Wiggins, Richardson & Co., of Lon
don. The Pacific Coast representative
of tho firm will be John Carmlchael,
The Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co.
are owners of the only complete Abstrau!
plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and
reliable work on short notice, and all
work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money
loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe
cuted, estates settled and titles perfect
ed. J. F. Clark, Atty. at Law,
President and Manager.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Great Britain and America.
i;. i tain,
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city
PILES u suppository
w l. Mm. Thompson, Bop
Oradrtl School!, SltlriTllla, N. C. vrllei: " 1 m '.'
ibft do all yoa ataiin (or thorn." J)r. 8. M. lwr.
Koc. w. V., wril! "TheTum vt'lomliU
feMtoa." IT. B. D. McGUI, Cltrtaburg, T. un vrllel :
"In ractte of US jemrt, 1 har found uo rr.uoilf to
equal your." Prnici, 60 dim, Saaip'ta Jf'ir. Sold
Sold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros.
Call for Free Sample.
Prices Reasonable
Do Your Work Work "aranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Jtfasonic Building
TZTim21 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.