OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1908. t CBOPS BETTER THAN EXPECTED AT CARUS Cams, Aug. 14 -Nearly everybody In our neighborhood has threshed. The crops turned out pretty good, bet ter than was expected. Teasel cutting Is about over. Jacob Kalbfleisch attended the camp meeting at Jennings Sunday, a week i-So. Mamie Kvans of Hazeldale. called on Lizzie U is Saturday afternoon. mt. ami Mrs. ni. X. Davis went i to Heaver Creek. Sunday. I Thena Howard has gone to Macks burg for a two weeks stay with her grandmother. Edith and Aletha Jackson of Ore gon City are cutting teasles for Mr. Gregory. Mrs. M. E. Ir.don called on Mrs. Eph Jones, Friday. Belle Gregory spent the day with Clara Schoenborn, Saturday. Summer Diarrhoea In Children During the hot weather of the sum mer months the first unnatural loose ness of a chiLi s bowels should have Immediate attention, so as to cheek the disease before it becomes serious. All that is necessary Is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system Rev. M. O. Stockland. pastor of the M. E. church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ior several years and find it liable remedy, especially for summer disorders in children." Sold by How- ell & Jones. SPLENDID WHEAT NEAR UNION HALL Union Hall. Aug. R Monroe Irish, who lives on the Casto place, known as the Alpine farm, has some of the finest looking wheat in this part of the county bright, clean straw and large, well filled heads. Irvin Wheeler and Alvin Phelns called on John Burps, Sunday. " Don.t Be Bue Sturgis brothers are BtlU hauling , , , . t , , i.,,k. . uauiiuj, and j all jnterest wnen help ia lumber to Aurora. . . within reach. Herbine will make that Gene Burna is working In Portland, liver perform its duties properly. J. B. Threshing and baling hay are still 1 Vaugha. Elba. Ala., writes: "Being a going on In this vicinity constant suCferer from constipation tw fx. , . and a disordered liver, f have found John Thomas is doing some car-!Herbine to be the best medicine, for penter work for John Robins. these troubles, on the market. I have An old gentleman, who lives near'U3ea" lt constantly. I believe it to be Macksburg, was in this vicinity a few j th19wbef,t medicine of kind, and I - jj,, . wish all sefferers from these troubles flays ago. peddling soap and spoons, j t0 know the g00(i Herbine has done Mr. Grime3 made a business trip to I me." Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Truths About w I v M . The great majority of dentists represent to their patients that a . rubber plate , with fourteen teeth set in a half circle is just as good as anything else for a set of artificial teeth. Some make such representations knowing them to be false, others because they know no better. The responsibility for this condition rests with the dental profession. A great many people would not accept a rubber or celluloid plate if they only understood the superiority of a metal plate in cleanliness, health fulness and durability. We would like to talk with you about metal plates for artificial teeth. Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry. We guarantee to please you. A square deal to everyone. City Phone L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON. Oregon City, one day last week. Frank Hilton, who formerly lived hero has bought a small ranch near Canby. Too dry for a good crop of potatoes. I understand that wheat near Carus is turning out from 25 to ISO bushels per acre; oats, also, Is fine. Fred Haberg has b;w vorv 111 hut is reikirted some befvr. , Mr. and Mrs. Cramer have return ed from a visit to their old home in Iowa. v Judd Kellen is getting out cedar posts on his ranch. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life Fills solved for me." writes John X. Fleasant. tf Magnolia. Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money 1 refunded. Only 25 ceuts at Howell & Jones' drug store. LIGHT RAINS IN VALLEY. General Summary by Weather Bureau for Week Ending Aug. 13. I The long spell of dry weather was I broken by showers on Sunday and ! Monday, which were heaviest In the neighborhood of the Bltjo mountains. The rainfall In the Willamette valley was very light, and barely sufficient to lay 'the dust. Forest fires Increased during the week, and the atmosphere in the west and north portions of the state became very smoky. The rains 'ere not heavy onoUKtt t0 extinguish the fires, but they cleared the utmos phere of smoke and made it harder for the fires to spread. The mornings in the coast counties, as a rule, were either cloudy or foggy, and the after noons were clear. Elsewhere up to j the beginning of the rains fair weather prevailed, with unusually high temper j atures. Friday and Saturday were' I very warm days, and in the interior 'of the state the maximum tempera ! ture ranged between ninety and one .hundred degrees. The prevailing (winds were northwesterly. Artificial Teeth Farmers' Independent Phone 131 Chambers Howell MOLALLA WHEAT 25 OATS 50, ALSIKE 25 Fair Yields of Grain About 200 Acres r of Clover Hulling at South Molalla. Molalla. Aug. 14. Threshing Is well along. Wheat Is making 25 bushels, and oats 50 for maximum yield. The first Alslke clover turned out 10 bushels seed per acre. Clover I hauling has begun in earnest; there Is about 200 acres to do south of Mo lalla. Vick and Lewis are running their thresher on the prairie. Cole & Cole's outfit is at work in the vicinity of Macksburg; while Shaver is taking care of the Teasel creek neighborhood and Herman & Kayler are looking out for South Molalla, threshing both grain and clover. Mrs. Gates returned to Oregon City Monday. Milton Trullinger is still on the Hick list. F. C. Perry has gone to the Coast for two weeks. L. W. Robblns and family have gone to Newport. FARMERS' TELEPHONE LINES. Representatives of the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph com pany have started a house to house canvass among the farmers of this county, offering an extremely low rent al ratft for Instruments to be used in connecUon with the central offces of the company throughout tho county. For 8 1-3 cents a month the subscrib er Is given free switching with all other subscribers connecting with his central exchange. Under this rate It would appear that no rural resident need be without a telephone and its attendant advantages .especially as every assurance Is given of prompt and efficient service. Mr. G. J. Hall is in charge of the canvass in this county and he states that he may bo seen at the central of fice of the company in Oregon City, Oregon, or will visit any community or organization of farmers interested in telephone matters. 33eow. DOVER NEWS The fine shower was welcomed by every one except those who had grain in the Held. Dr. C. H. Atwood was called to Do ver Saturday to see Grandma Deshaz- er, who was very sick, Tuesday morn ing she U resting well. He also call ed on Capt. Branson, who has not been well Blnce coming to Dover. The Doctors Send You to Howell & Jones' drug store to get your prescrip tions filled, because they know you will get them filled there Just as they are written and just as the doctor wants them filled. Their twenty years' experience In compounding prescriptions well qualifies them for this work. Get ting your prescription filled by rfowell & Jones means carrying out the doctor's wish to the letter and the best service there costs you no more than the next best elsewhere. ' Paints, Oils and Glass are being sold by this drug firm at prices never so low in Oregon City. They just furnished to the county over one ton of lead and four barrels of oil for the work of painting the suspension bridge. HOWELL & JONES The Reliable Druggists OrCgOJl City C. A. Keltk went to Washington county to li rarmlngton, k arler ilia i farm. ' Will Jtaftreo accompanied his moth er to Portland, Monday. She left for Seattle Tuesday. A'. J. Kltzmlllcr Is aupplylng the nelghlnirhood with fresh beef. Dr. Atwood of (JreHham took dinner with C A Keith anil famllv nl urrliiv i evening. Mrs. Robertson went to Eagle Creek Monday. ANNOUNCEMENT. We call your attention to tho fact that Dermakola ointment Is a positive cure for Kczema, ulcers, wounds, plies, and every Kind of skin or Bcalp troub le. It costs 25 cenU If It cures. If It don't wc return your money. Hunt ley Bros. STRAWBERRIES RIPE AT EAST MT SCOTT East Mt. Scott, Aug. H I think our editor gave us a broad title as to the news from this placo last week, so I will have to thank him for his broad and deep thoughts. Miss Clara Tlrlch has gone to Da mascus, to work for a short time. An Interesting young people's meet ing was held Sunday night, Miss Hulda Becker being leader. Grain here Is all cut. Early potatoes are reported a good yield. C. F. Zinser has just come In with a box of strawberries as nice as can be had any time of the season. ACCIDENTS IN NORTH MAS. CLACKAi Estacada, Aug. 9. Ralph Lemon had j two fingers on his right hand cut off Tuesday. He was at work at Yocum's sawmill and got his hand in tho planer. He was taken to town, the fingers am putated and tho wound dressed. Last Saturday at 10:30 while at work on a ladder H. M. Wing, of Currlns vllle, fell dislocating and fracturing his left limb at tho knee Joint. He was taken to a hospital In Portland, and owing to his age will he laid up for a month or two. Mr. Wing Is the father-in-law of W. II. Stewart of Currins vllle. Tho News. First Aid to Beauty. Nothing Is more certain to benefit your complexion than a 5 cent box of Laxakola tablets. Thoy freshen the skin, give color to the cheeks, cure constipation and give you a clear, rosy, healthy complexion. Huntley Bros. Unit E. Mm Jt nilcuui c r tr TO ACRE AT SHUDEL ShuUd, Aug. H Threnhltig U In full blast. Grain Is yielding umixually well; (iodfrled Mochnko had live acre lof tDttt Mi "evenly four liunh- 1 m r ru Henry dlnther Is laid up for a few days, being Injured by overllftlng at tho mill. Rev. Henry Jlorimhuh, presiding el der of the Kvangellcal church, preach ed here Sunday afternoon. Will liluhin und family of Oregon City, are visiting a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Mot h tike. Fred Fisher and family of Oregon City, took a drive through our town Sunday. Robort Clnthcr and family spent Sunday at Wilholt springs. Michael Moehnko and wife are spending a few weeks at Seaside. G. A. Shubel went to Oregon City on business one day last week. Mr.-Masslnger, I am sorry to notf, Is still laid up with rheumatism. Tho Evangelical church will cele brate children's day next Sunday In the grove at the church. Otto Moehnke had his finger severe ly cut with a water glass on an en gine one day last week, and conse quently Is laid up for a while, In Self Defense Major Hamm, editor and manager of tho Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when ho was flercoly attacked, four years ago, by Piles, Wight a box of Ilucklnn's Arnica Salvo, of which he says: "It cured me In ten days and no trouble since." Quick hoaler of IturnR, Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug Btoro. Rtiullfullr located In Portlind, Orton. offtri uniurpiutd facilities (or Ilia cul ture and iducitlnn ol fount wonin, Special opportunity In Muilc. Art, Languivti and Liter alure. Well equipped I'hyilral and Chemical Lab oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The larseat and old.it I.adlei' Seminary in the Pacific: Northwest. Itenjorsa national reputation (or Im Barlinr the best ohrsicel, mental and moral train Inf and derelopinc true womanhood. Equips soclallr and educatianallr (or the most eialted statioa. Conlsrs Academic and Collet-late Degrees br State Authority. Interference with eomlctlons el aoa-Catholica la scrupulously avoidsd. Academy Is Ideally located, amid Inspiring scenic adtan tages. Social opportunities such aa are STsilabla la no cither city on the Coast. Buildings large and commodious, well lighted, heated and tentileted: dormitories aad private rooms supplied with all modern convenience. The Institution la liberal and progressive without sacrificing the character lad traditions of at and achievement. Terms nodes!. Satisfactory reference required. Write for announcement booklet. Board aad tallies S180 per fear. Address Sister Superior, St. Mary's Academy PORTLAND. OREGON, U.S.A. DEATH 01' PIONEER , WOMAN AT MAROUAM Mnrtiuam, Auk. II.-Mim, ICII.aboth Walk Adair wan born July I I, IH'.!7, In North Carolina. Hhe wan married to W. It. Adulr, March 1!. 184H, and died August N, l'.HMI, being 7'J yews, Hi) days old. Four children were born to V. II, mid Kllulieth Ailalr, only one of wllom. Mrs. TIiom, KIIIimi, survives her mother. There are now living nine Ktundclilldreu and II great grand children, Mrs. Adulr with her him hand crossed the plain In t N r U , and Dually Hm'hIi'iI Iii Million county, Ore Koii. Mr, Adulr died November 7, is!' I, since which time Hhe resided on the limne farm near Miller cemetery la Marlon county, four tulles north of Nllverlnn. She waa u coimlntent Christ Ins and for iiimiy years a iiiein lier of the I'lilted llrethren church. Mix. Adair died lis ulie lived, with a strong faith mid good hope In our Saviour and I u l Funeral HervleeK were held by the writer In the Miller church, attended by lt a unrulier of relatives nud friends. Her body VWW tilld to rent by the Hide of her husband III the beitlltl flll Miller Cemetery, (o HWBlt the res urrect Ion morn. IIICNRY HI'IKSH. Children In Pain never cry an do children who are sttf ferine from hunger. Such Is tho cause nf all baby's who cry and are treated for sickness, when they really are suffering from hunger. Thin In cann ed from their food not being asstml litted, but devoured by worms. A few dunes of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them to reami crying and hi'Klu to thrive at nine t ; i v It a trial. Sold by Huntley Unm Drug AN ORECON CITY PIONEER. II M Knighton, an emigrant of IH . -one of those unfortunate who' took S. II. I.. Meek' cutoff and wero lost, ami suffered ho much took up the claim .on which the town of St Helens now tttamlH, HU)M the Mint. Mr. Knighton first settled In Oregon City, and kept a hotel there. In l(W5. In that year be selected tho claim above- inentlnuixl, hut did not nettle upon It until 1st". Mr. Knighton ap pear to have been an active, dashing Rtnl HpiTulutlvc. rather than a erl oils and careful htiHlneMK ,m(). From the 'Spectator." which bej-an to bu published about the time he came to Oregon, It U eajiy to gain an Idea of his Hoclal and buHlnens character. Ho went to parties and gave parties. advertised well whatever buHlnena he engaged In. and was what wo rail "a live man," His wife was a Miss Eliza beth Martin, daughter nf a setUer of that name In Yamhill county. Knighton went to tho present site of St. Helens, and after a Mrenuoun I twelve or fifteen years of endeavor U) make that point tho metropolis of j the Oregon country, he failed In hla htiHlness ventures, and took to steam j boating, being employed for a time as I captain of one of the bouts of the P. T. Co. on the Willamette. Captain I Knighton died at The Ialle In 1KG4. of typhoid fever. DEEDS, NOT WOROS. Oregon City Ptople Hava Absolute Proof of Deed at Home. H It'a not wordH, but deeds that prove true merit. The deeds of Doan'a Kidney I'llls. For Oregon City kidney sufferers, Have made their local reputation. Proof lies In the testimony of Ore. gun City people who have been cured to stay cured. William McLarty, tailor In the Court House Hlock, living at. 10th mid Washington streets, Oregon City, says: "I had persistent backache and pain throughout the loins that seemed to never let up, and the worst part of It was the annoyance I wiw caused at night, for I could not find a comfort able position or get any restful sleep on account of the continual aching. The result was I lost energy. I learn ed of Domi's Kidney I'llls, curing othera of similar trouble and I procur ed a box at Huntley llroH. drug st.oro. Ily tho tlmo I had used half of one box there was so much Improvement that It seemed almost unnecessary to tako any more, but I finished tho box to mako sure of the beneficial results. I could then sleep the entire night, arlso rested In tho morning, and not a trace of tho aching remained." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., tluffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United Slates. Remember tho name Doan's and tako no other. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfo, of Hoar Orovo, la., of all usefulness, camo when ho began taking Eloctrlo llltterB. Ho wVltes: "Two years1 ago Kidney trouble causod me great Buf fering, which I would never have sur vived had I not takon Elootric Rlttora. Thoy also cured me of General Dobll lty." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver, and Kldnoy complaints, Wood Dis eased, Headache, Dlzzlneas and Weak ness or bodily docllao. Price 60c. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists.