OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1908. OREGON CITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. Ralph Knight, .of Conby, wont' to I'iii-UihhI Sunday night to Join mi o, It. & N. Burviyliit party, Ilitby won't sulfur live iiiliiulim with croup If yim apply Dr. Thomas' Kv,Uc trio Oil u! on It Bi'tM Ills) IiiukIc, W'lllliim Myers, prescript Ion clerk nt Howell fk .Iiuh'h, tin returned from Wllholt where ho spent IiIm vacation, Ciniiii.T R li, Ifolmuii wan In Port land Monday morning to attend iikI Iiik of the Htntn lloiird of Kunorul Old newspaper for lata tit thU of fice 2!ic pur hundred. Judge ThoiunM F. Uynn wan In Port luml Monday attending a directors' meeting of tin) Albany WiMiloii mllU company. Milton iMmley of CliickaiiiiiH was In the city Monday on business ronnoi t cd with lh thtatu of tho lut Martin Van lluri'ii Donley. Ilnrry ('lurk was sentenced to 10 luy lu Jail aud work on thn strefix by Recorder Ulinlck, Monday, for ovtr Indulgence In firewater. Tho FlNher-Thorsen & Co. baseball toain won from lh Oregon City nine at Willamette Falls field Huuday after 1)(M it by a score of 20 to 0. All trimmed and untrlmnied bats linlow coHt at MIxh Goldsmith's. 3ltf Tho laying of ar.00 feet of water plpo In KiuiMas City addition ban been com jdeted by Superintendent Howell mid the water ha been turned on. liHt, on July 21, a ladles' cn uin nllk IiuruHol between Oregon City and JiuiH'H Potter' placo. Flndr pleuxo Ji'iive at the F.ntorprW office. The IiiihIiu'hh men of upper Seventh utrcet HiitiHcrlbed llbrally to tho sprinkling funil and now that thor oughfare, U being watered dally. II. I,. Price, of Tho Dallea, who with hn brother, A. A, Price, aro arrang ing to open a clothing More In tho Mimonlc building, Ik In tho city. Tom llrown, auperlntendeiit of. tho Salmon river hatchery, wall In town, Monday. Ho ban been temporarily trarmferred to tho Wallowa hatchery. WONKY TO I)AN AT 0 AND 7 per rent. Farm wcurlty, U'lton & Hchuubol. MrM. Itruce Curry, who In ((ponding tho summer at Newport, suffered an attack of appendicitis a few days ago, but recovered without submitting to tin operation. The earth that Is being excavated for tho Improvement of Sixth street 1h being used by Street Commissioner llradley for making a fill at Fifteenth and Main streets. (!. A. Heinz, wno went to Klamath Falls lust January to engage In the bakery and grocery business, has Bold his lntorosts and will return with bis family to tho WUlumetto valley. Jamea (J. Straight, who recently completed a service In the U. 8. navy, Is homo visiting his mother, Mrs. Vlry' Straight of Fourteenth street. He Is a brother of Councilman H. E. Straight. Full lino of Duck Hats at reduced prices at Miss Goldsmith's. 34 tf While assisting In th reconstruc tion of tho bridge at Twelfth and Washington streets Monday, Dave PROSPERITY dates from the first dollar saved. Per haps the best reason for saving money is, that practically nothing can be accomplish ed without it. You must have-it to start you in business, to furnish your home, to , educate your children, to protect you against sickness or misfortune, and to pro 1 vide for you a comfortable, independent old age. MAKE YOUR START TODAY, DO IT NOW The BANK OF OREGON CITY JLV V-fJL" Bank open from mJ VICINITY Urn i ' Caiiflold dropped, n heavy scantling on hli foot, ami will be u cripple for sev eral Onyx. NlKht Officer 1C. h, Shaw, accom panied by bin family, left Tuesday for Wllholt. wlmro he will spend tho ten days' vacation recently voted tho member of tho police force by tho (illy council. Contractor Marry Joiu-h and a force of workmen begun Monday morning tint work of Improving Sixth street between Railroad avenue and Water street, the contract for which wan re cently nwardud Mr. Jones on tilt bid $1170.32. K. M. Howell ban bought O. W. KuHtham'H residence property, which coiiMintii of all of block 05. Tho eon niirutlon was $3i)()0. Mr. Eastham lm purchased A. MlhlHtlu'a rowl'lnco mi Eleventh street for $2000 and will make that lil i homo. All rnllltiery goods below coHt at Mix Goldsmith's 34 tf Tho Job of repairing tho bridge at Washington and Twelfth street turna out to bo larger tbau expected. Tho big supporting timber were found to Im rotten and hud to be replaced, and no liiHtend of dimply rclloorlng, tho bridge Inn ha 1 to bo virtually rebuilt. Hen Heard wan ut Kalem tho flrnt of tin- week, practicing at tho National guard rlllo range. Ho gocn to American Lake with tho O. N. 0. for tho annual maneuver), and next mouth to Beaglrt, N. J., to tako part In tho national iilu Kit an a member of tho Oregon team of crackahotH. Cow liat: A deep yellow Jcrnoy, itmley, atrayed from HunuyHlde, Clack ainoa, on July 21. Had on heavy boll. Will bo fresh In Keptembei', with aoc (Hid calf. Howard of $" for informa dim leading to her recovery. 0. W. Iliimliirant, It. F. 1). 1 ClackamaH, or phono aunnyaldo atoro. 35-tl orgt V. Hurrlugton, of Nome, Alanka, arrived In Oregon City, Mon day night, and will make an extended vlHlt with hU rclntlvcH. Mr. Harring ton hn be-n at Nome for alx years during which time he has made but one vlull homo, throt and one-half years ago. Mr. Harrington Is engaged In mining In Aluska. Wanted Gentleman or lady with good reference to travel by rail or with rig, for a Arm of $U50,OU0.0O capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expctiHcs advanced. Address with stump, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon City, Ore. Dec. 21 Ilruco Curry reports astonishing In crease In real estate values at New port, citing ono Instance where a lot Bold three yenrs ago for $00 and now the owner has refused $!00 for It. Mr Curry says that the crowds at New port, citing ono Instance where a lot He estimates that there aro now more than tJOOO at this resort. A groat many Oregon City peoplo own summer homes at Newport, and among those recently Investing was Councilman William Andresen, who has purchased a ueat cottage. Fountuln Hose Company No. 1, gave Clarence Osburn a grand send off Monday night when he left for Windsor Uicks, Conn., whero ho will probably locate. Tho boys assembled early at their hall und a short program of speech making was followed by a proceslson to the depot headed by the Oregon City bund. Mr. Ostium was foreman of the company, and an em ploye In tho Willamette paper mills. VVJLiJ 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Ho leave a host of frlnnd here. At tho regular nn-otl ntf of tho Fountain Homo company lat Thursday night, tho regular business wan dispensed with and a aoclul evening spent In honor of Mr. OHbnrn. Machlno No. 2 at tho W. P. & P. iiiIIIh Im cloned down for two woeka for repaint and overhauling. When No, 2 U put In commlHHlon again, machine No. 1 will bo ovorhaulorl. No men aro laid off, bolng glvon work ele whero In tho mill. An prodlcted to tho council by Bu- perlntendont Howoll, tho filling of the aprlnkllng cart at tho hydrants ro- ducca tho preKHuro In tho malna until aorloiia Inconvoulenc.o to patrons ro aultH. A pump and a tank on tho river bunk Im tho Kolutlon of tho problem In many town. W. II. Howell, poBt-offlco clerk, la taking hlH vacation. Ho will put In tho tlmo at Heattlo and Victoria, It. C. Friend up thoro may rocognl.o him by a beautiful diamond ring that ho received TueMday from hla parents. Mr. and MrM. W. 11. Howell, an a re minder of hlH 2lMt birthday aunlver anry. Aug, 7 Myrtle W. Acock and Let ter H. Towimend. A West Side Darling. Horn, Tuenday morning to Mr. and Mra. C. C. Wanker, near Tualatin, a daughtur. Sprlnflwater R. F. D. 1. PatronH on Sprlngwatcr H. F. D. 1, who formerly received their malt on Oregon City routes, Mhould notify tho Oregon City poKtniantor of change of addn'HS to Itmuro prompt delivery of mall. The "400 Defined. "Pop," said Tommy, "what do the newspapers mean when they say member of the 400?" "They refer, Tommy, to certain so ciety men and women who think they are better than anybody else, and that's alxiut all the thinking they do." "Did you ever see one of 'em, pop? "I don't know. Tommy; but you can easily tell ono If you happen to run across It." "How?" "If It's In church, the plumes on Its hat hide the preacher. "If it's at a party, the most of Its clothes aro In the dressing room. "If It's In an automobile, dodgo It, If you are quick enough, and come home to mamma alive. "If it's wulklng on the sidewalk, It usually strides along as if It was tak lug tho street home with It. "If It's In tho theatre, you can tell by the stony stare In Its face that the actors are doing good and intelligent ....... i, "If It's In a railroad station, In full dress, you'll wonder why the locomo tive doesn't Jump tho track and tako to tho woods. "You can't miss It. Tommy." ' In Self Defense Major Hamra, editor and manager of tho Constitutionalist. Eminence, Ky., when ho was fiercely attacked, four years ago, by Piles, bought a box of Hueklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says: "It cured mo In ten days and no trouble since." Quick healer of Burns. Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. To Clean Hard Wood. Spread purafflne oil on the soiled woodwork and let it stand for an hour or more to soften tho dirt, then wash with soap and warm water and wipe dry. Next rub on a mixture of parafflne oil and turpentine one-third turpen tine and two-thirds oil. Polish with soft flannel. Let It rest an hour or two, then polish with soft old linen. ft the surface Is wry dull, dirty and scratched, Instead of washing with soap and water, add more oil and sprinkle powdered rottonstone over It. Hub gently and regularly first with a circular motion and then "with the grain of the wood. When the surface Is smooth and bright w ipe off the rotten stone and finish as you would after washing with soap and water. "Make Hay While the Sun Shines." Thero Is a lesson In the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and ho prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So It should be with every household. Dysentery, dia rrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlaln'3 Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which Is the best known medicine for these dis eases, should always bo kept at hand, as Immediate treatment Is necessary, and delay may, prove fatal. For sale by Howell & Jones. Dr. Davis' Prescription for Headaches. When we recommend and guaran tee Ake-ln-the Head tablets for head achos and nouralgla It Is because we know you must obtain relief or we stand ready to pay back your ten. cents. Safe, sure, and always cure. Huntley Bros. BUSY BEE SHINGLE MAKERS AT WORK Happy Hollow, Aug. 8 The busy liee shingle mill here commenced op erations Monday. August 6. All tho men connected with this rnlll aro ex perienced shingle makers, Kph and John Doiljje, Clarence Mallatt, Archie Doiigan and Henry Turner ar In charge of the work at tho mill, while Evans, Oren and Illackburn, are cut ting and hauling shingle bolts. There are no drones In this hive for all are busy bees. Tho Queen Heo restuarant Is In chargo of Mrs. Ella Mallatt who la as sisted by Miss Doris Kvans, The venerable John Larklns was visiting at Happy Hollow, Saturday. A. L. Larklns and family and F. Black burn, wife and son, called on Sunday, also Glen and Robert Oren, Jr. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO STOCK OF MOLALLA ROAD ARE STARTED (Continued from pago 1.) Pacific Hallway company. A lino to Oregon City will give competitive rates, as well as shorten distance to largo markets. BOLTON EXTENSION RUMOR. There is a persistent rumor that the Willamette Falls electric road across tho river will bo extended to Dolton and possibly to Oswego. Officials and representatives of the company deny any knowledge of such Intention. Tho reason given by the rumor for build ing the extension to Oswego Is to shut the Salem-Portland line out of that territory, a reason that probab ly started the rumor. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Hear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when ho began taking Electric Hitters. He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suf fering, which 1 would never have sur vived had I not taken Electric Hitters. They also cured me of General Debil ity." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver, and Kidney complaints. Blood Dis eases, Headache, Dizziness and Weak ness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by Howell & Jonea, drug gists. Hit Text. Some years ago, says the Kansas City Star, an Aurora preacher Inaugu rated the practice of having the child ren quote Scriptural texts as they dropped their Sunday-school pennies in the contribution box. On the first Sunday under the new plan a little shaver came and said: "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver," and In drop ped the penny. "Charity shall cover a multitude of sins," and In dropped the next. "It Is more blessed to give than to receive," quoted the third and so on. Just then walked np a little fellow with the unmistakable remnants of molasses candy on his chubby face, and, as he dropped his cent, he bawled out: "A fool and his money are soon parted." SUNDAY EXCURSIONS ON THE CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD TO NEWPORT AND RETURN. Sunday excursions to Newport and return on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad will leavo Albany ..EVERY SUNDAY AT 7:30 A. M... Arriving In Newport at noon, return ing leave Newport at 6:30 p. m., giv ing 5V4 hours at the finest resort on the Coast. Health, rest and pleasure for the weary worker. Three day and season tickets from all S. P. points good going or return ing on Sunday excursion trains. Fare from Albany, Corvallis or Philomath S1.50 for the round trip. Connection at Albany with Eugene Local going and South bound over land on return. Pointed Paragraphs. A very young man likes to be mis taken for a cynic. Some men hurry through life as If widows were chasing them. Most women expect to draw blanks In the matrimonial lottery. Many a man's good fortune Is due to the will power of a deceased relative. Nothing Is gained by abusing those whoso opinions differ from your own. Is it a coincidence thaMhe worldly parson revolves around the collection plate? If a boy doesn't earn more than he gets he will never amount to much as a man. Babies and pianos cause a lot of trouble because the people refuse to let them alone. And it takes two fools with but a single thought to generate a full-sized case of mutual jealousy. After a self-made man has finished tho job he should make a few friends to be used in case of emergency. There are times when we like to meet enthusiastic men and there are other times when we are just as anx ious to get away from them. OASTOXIIA, Bean the ) 1 w m m nm milvs m&' 1 IS li U.U-roiKA.QOT.CAWS.KI, JU f . j Cg 2PAJf HAPPINESS IS NEAR AT MOUNTAIN VIEW Only Three Things Needed In The 8uburb Everybody It Go ing Hop-Picking. Mountain View, Aug. 8. All we need here to make us all happy Is city de livery of mall, the electric cars run ning down past here on Molalla ave nue and a water main put In for the benefit of everybody, for we have a very limited fire protection. All the wells are most dry. There, I guess that's all that's needed. Everybody Is In peace with his neighbor and all lit serene and happy. John GUlett has been cleaning up and whlte-wutilng the poultry houses and painting the yard fence for Mr. Murrow. Somebody will find a nice little house here If they want to rent. A bright eyed baby girl was born to Mrs. Nellie McCord, Sunday morning, weight nine pounds. John Everhart spent a few days last week at Newport Everybody Is egaged In our neigh borhood to go hop-picking and soon there will be nobody to gossip over the back yard fence, and those who stay at home will wonder why they are so lonely., The Sunday school of this place had a very enjoyable picnic last Wednes day In Holmes' park. Ray Grubbs moved his family and household goods to Portland, Monday. Ferd. Curlns and family went down on the Molalla, Sunday morning, ac companied by Mr. B. Nefgsker and sister. They went into, camp for a week. John Everhart drove the team that took them over, and on his return stopped over night at his home in the country. Miss Grace Donaldson and George Brown of Portland visited at Mr. Mc Geehan's, Monday. Fred Sherrad left for Heppner Jet, Tuesday, where he expects to remain for some time. Mrs. J. W. Murrow came over from the Ladd farm, Saturday, and remain ed over Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Kays. Last Saturday Mrs. Kays was 71 years old, and was kindly remem bered on her birthday. Mr. Reaman la very sick with ty phoid fever at his home here. Dr. Strickland Is attending him. Mr. Rose has dug a well and got a good flow of water, and Is now building a barn on his place. Wm. May Is building a house here. Mrs. Gillette and daughter Lillian, returned Friday from Hlllsboro, where they spent a week with friends. Mrs. Francis has been visiting her brother in St. Vincent's hospital. He was operated on for appendicitis. On her visit last Tuesday Little Stanford Ely accompanied her to see his cousin Harley Ely, who is in the hospital suffering from a broken arm. Har- ley'B little friends all sympathize with him In his serious trouble. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewellen drove over to Sprlngwater last Wednesday. Walt Currlns and his little daughter Adallne and the house-keeper and her son go to Eagle Creek for an outing. Ed. Selby has gone back to the log ging camp. Carl and Curtis will per haps work near home. Mrs. Matchett spent several days at Barton last week. The young ladies from here who went on the hayrack ride to the fish hatchery Tuesday think they paid dearly for their fun, as one of the wagons broke down and the crowd had to take turns walking and riding in the other wagon, arriving home at 4 a. m. We like best to call . SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because it stands so em phatically for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. Send for fre simple. SCOTT St BOWNK, Chcmtsta, 409-415 Pearl Street, NowYofk. 50c.udf1.oo; mil druggtttt. Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than "ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick pigment, gallon for gallon, it makes the best paint for the least money. FOR SALE BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. Kl(UHrcoWfANYL T TT Off The Agent Lot "My friend," said the agent to th Billville brother, "let me sell you an accident policy." "Never had an accident In my life." "But you may have. Ain't yoa about to marry " "Yes, but what'a that got to do wlta It?" "A great deal. Suppose your wlfa was to get angry with you and lam you 'side the head with the fire-shovel; or your mother-in-law might take a notion to break every bone In your body; or " But the Billville .brother atopped him right there. "I've though better of it," he said; "111 be durned if I git married!" KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. Health la Worth 8aving, and 8om Oregon City People Know How to 8ave It. Many Oregon City people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Sick kidneys are responsi ble for a vast amount of suffering and Ill-health, but there Is no need to suffer nor to remain In danger when all dis eases and aches and pains due to weak kidneys can be quickly and per manently cured by the use of Doan'a Kidney Pills. Here Is the statement of a citizen who has reclaimed good health by the use of this remedy: J. C. Buckler, building contractor. of 8 East Ninth St., Portland, Oregon, says: "After having tested Doan's Kid ney Pills for over three yeara I can conscientiously Bay that I know of no remedy for the kidneys that is its equal. Before using Doan's Kidney Pills in 1902, 1 had a constant soreness in the small of the back and to stoop or straighten caused the pain to catch me hard in the back. There was also a weakness of the action of the kid neys, very noticable at night, and the secretions contained a sediment. Hav ing tried one remedy after another without results I finally began using Doan's Kidney Pills.' I found benefit from the start and In time they com pletely cured me of the aching and pain In the back, corrected the secre tions and brought thorough relief. The above facts I related In substance in a testimonial given at that time, which I am pleased to confirm now." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at Huntley Bros.' drug store and ask what their customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 7072c per bu. Flour Valley, $3.95 per bbl. Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled $U"?$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixa hay 9. cheat, JS.50. Potatoes to 1 cent per lb. Eggs 22 cents per doz. Butter Ranch 1720; separator 20 25; creamery 2527. Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips and Beets iO to 50c per sack New Corn 12 cents a doz. Good Apples Choice, 50 65c per box. . Honey ll12c per lb. Dressed Chickens 12Hc lb. Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $2.50 $3.00 per hundred. Hogs, live, 6H; dressed 8tf; sheep, $2.50$3.00 head; veal, dressel, 7c; lambs, live, $2 $2.50 per head. Galveston's Sea Walt makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. V. Good loe, who resides on Dutton St., in Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion the past five years and it keeps me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now it's gone." Cures chronic Coughs, LaGrippe, Croup, Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed at Howell & Jones' drugstore. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.v OABTOniA. Bewt tie ltl8 1,011 HaB Ww;m is The Devil In Scotland. There was much good sense in the old Scotchman, who said: "Ypu can tell that the devil is bad by his very name; for if you take away the d it Is evil; and take away the de it Is vile; and take away the dev It is ill; so that he is an ill, vile, evil devil." OASTOIIIA. Bart the ) w Have Always BotJH