OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUOOST 10, 1906. IMMENSE YIELDS OP OATS AT VIOLA Viola, Aur. 8- A number of our farmers are stacking their grain. The oat crop Is unusually heavy, sixty and Beventy bushela per acre have been reported by several of our hill farm ers who have harvested. The Rcdland M. E. church will give an Ice cream social at A. 0. Holllngs worth's Saturday evening, August 11. All are invited. Dr. B. F. Rowland, presiding elder of the East Portland district, will preach in the M. E. church at Redland at 11 a, m. Sunday, August 12, at Highland at 3 p. m. and at Viola at 8 p. m. William Hlgginbothom and wife from DuBois saw mill, spent Sunday at James Sevier's. Wesley Krupke of Portland, is vis iting friends here. Mrs. Cora Simmons of Oregon City, Is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ward. Urana Lacroy returned home the first of the week from a visit with Mrs. David MilUr at Highland. Miss Lula filler spent several days lately with relatives In Portland. Mrs. Geo. Dubois of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hamilton. The ice cream social here Saturday fcvening was a great success. Unnecessary Expense. Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the expense of a physician's service in such cases If Chamberlain's Cholera, Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of this remedy will relieve the patient before the doctor could arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases and no family should be without it. For sale by Howell & Jones. 2500 PEOPLE AT W1LH0IT SUNDAY Famous Resort Crowded With Health Seekers Strike of Teasel Harvesters. Molalla, August 7. Sunday was the big day of the season for Wilhoit. Some 2500 people were there partaking of the sparkling water. Mrs. O. D. Eby of Oregon City, has THE GOOD TH1NG5 OF EARTH Are Not All Far -Fetched. That our American forests abound in plants, the roots of which possess tue niusi i valuable medicinal and curative virtue, is abundantly atte-d by score of the ' moot eminent raodical writers and tach- I ers of our a. Evpn the untutored 1 Indians had. by Intuition and expert- j ment, discovered the u-xdulnes of many j native plants before the advent of the white rac on this continent This In- ! formation, crude though it was. Imparted freely to the friendlier of the whites, led the latter to continue Investigation unt:l to-day we have a rich assortment of most valuable American medicinal roots and herb. It is to longer thought necessary that a medicinal aont. in ord-r to be good and useful, must htuce been brought across the ocpsq or mat beinr carried seven times arosthe Sahara Deert on the backs of fourteen camels" makes It the nvwe valuable. Dr. Tierce believes that our American forests alwid in most valuable medi cinal roou ior the cure of motit of our obstinate and most tatal diseases, if we would properly investigate them; and, In confirmation of this firm conviction, he points with pride to the almost mar velous cures e.feoted by his "Golden Med ical Discovery," which has proven Itself to be the mo-t elicient stomach tonic, liver Invlgorator, heart tonic and regu lator, and blood cleanser known to med ical science. Xot less marvelous, in the unparalleled cures It is constantly mak ing of woman's many peculiar affec tions, weakriftw.s and distressing derange ments, is Lr. 1'ierce's Favorite Prescrip tion, as is amply attested by thousands of unsolicited testimonials contributed by grateful patients who have Ix-en cured by it of loucorrhea. painful periods, irregular ities, prolapsus and other displacements, ulceration of uterus and kindred affec tions, often after many other advertised medicines had failed. Both these world-famed medicines are wholly made up fro'n the (flyceric ex tracts of native, medicinal roots, found in our American forests. The processes employed in their manufacture were original with Dr. Pierce, and they are carried on by skilled chemists and phar macists with the aid of apparatus and appliances specially designed and built for this purpose. Both medicines are entirely frie "from alcohol and all other harmful, habit-forming drills. -'A full list of their Ingredients is printed on each of their wrappers. Tli'Y are both made of such native, medit-in.il roots as have received the strongest endorsement and praise for their curative virtues from the most prominent writers on Mntrrln M&lin in this coimtrv. V.'hit Is said of their power to cure the several diseases for which they are ndvlsed may be easily learned by sending your name and addrws to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., for a little booklet which lie has compiled, containing copious extracts from numerous standard medical books, which are consulted as authorities by physicians of thn several schools of prac tice for their guidance in prescribing. It is fuf.e to A.I.U A postal card request will brinp- it. You don't have to rely solely upon the manufacturer's say-so as to the power of Dr. Pierce's medicines to cure, as with other medicines sold through dniKKlsts. You have the dMnicrtmtfA te-tlmony of a host of the leading inedkiil writers and teachers. 8end for this copious testimony. It can be relU'd upon to be truthful because it is entirely din interested. From t!' e little booklet above mentioned, you will loarn what a marvelous curative action Stone root, one of the prominent ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Diseovory, 'exercises over the heart and Its diseases, especially those valvular affections which ara attended with diffi been spending a week with her par ents at this place. Teasel harvest is half over, There was a strike in the field last week. The harvesters struck for 10 cents a bas ket and their demand was grauted, then all moved on as if nothing had happened. Why Fret and Worry. when your child has a severe cold. Yon need not fear pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horohonnd Syrup a positive curt? for Colds, Coiifths, Bron chitis and Whooping oCugh. Mrs. Hall, of Sioux Falls. S. D writes: "I have used your wonderful Ballard's Horn hound Syrup on my children for five years. Its results have been wonder ful." Huntley Bros Drug Co. ONE CROP CLOVER PAYS P0R A PARM Linn County Farmer Makes Profit of Over $2000 From 43 Acres. Albany. Aty. 6. Raising enough clover in one season to pay the pur chase price of his land is the feat per formed by Carl Newschwander, a farm er residing near Albany. This year he raised 20,000 pounds. This year clover on 43 acres, and sold It for 12 cents a pound, realizing $2100. The cost of seed and threshing the clover was about Jl a bushel, or less than $100. Hence his profit was more than $2000, which is more than he paid for the 43 acres. Besides raising the clover Newschwander made enough out of other departments of his farm for liv ing expenses, so the net result of the clover sale is clear profit. Don't Grumble when your joints ache and you suffer from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and get in stant relief. A positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Contracted Muscles, Sore Chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Bogy, a prominent merchant at Wil low, Texas, says that be finds Bal lard's Snow Liniment the best all round Liniment he ever used. Hunt ley Bros. Drug Co. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JOHN V. THOMAS, Dentist cult breatlnu?. smothered -rjaf, nr, palpitation or lrr-jl.,r her: ; i' r. Paiue. author o! Pains-'!. r,;'t,,:nv ,( deuicme, conquered Ku.ie r!o; .p.fi e In these cases. i,iid cites td rwfs ev I by it jo his I'xtei.slve practice M- i fv-al rout, artotht-r fcrnniinent im;ruie.:t of Dr. iVren's "l iscovery.' Is' niso valuable heart toi.ic, as i alo Hi i ChiMTybark. a not tar Ingredient Y u will also learn that the eminent I . Hale, LI!inwoiid. Johnson. Urw. Ce and others recomou ud Golden Nol ru t, and seveml of them ten root. s root. Kiim.'root and Kifcck tberr) i - .'K for l.roocliivl. throat and lnr.f .l:. lions atiet'ded ith hoar-eness. js r ti :t cough, ii uli'-weats hdu Kiiidrd r n torn ird r-Htir-ar afntroucidng ii n-or; tion. All tl,v gjtt-ut arc fa ihfiil'y ; d f Mil v ri'pres'iited In Dr. I'trne's (oi.i n Medical Discovery, and it can be c. : iidentally r-i I ini umn to produce lh- r combined curative efiects. riot only in t.ie above mentioned aCwttons, but also in all catarrhal diseases, no matter whether affecting the nn-al passages or other regions of the body. In nasal catarrh, while relying on the Discovery" as the Us constitutional remedy known to medical science, Dr. Sage's Catarrh P.emedy should be used to cleanse the nocal passages. Together they constitute the most thorough and effective course of treatmeot which can be employed for the cure of that trouble some disease. No other medicines sold through drug gists for like purposes, have any such profetmimul endorsement as Dr. Pierce's, ana, in consequence, none are so largely prescribed by physicians who know w hat they are made of and that their composi tion is of the best ingredients regardless of cost. Kend for the little fret book NOW. The "Golden Medical Discovery mnst not be expected to produce miracles. While It is especially suited for the cure of all chronic, Ihujerinii ciivtjte that are cunOle, It Is not so effective In arutt colds and eotiRba uniess slippery elm mucilage, flaxseed tea, solution of gum arable, or other mucilaginous demulcent lie drank freely In connection with its use. Nor must the "Discovery" be ex pected to cure consumption in its ad vanced staires. In Its early stages It will stay Its progress and often effect a cure If Its use be persisted In for a reasonable length of time. Send for the little book noted above and learn what those most eminent in the medical profession say of the Inifredlents out of which Dr. Pierce's miKllcines are made and thereby learo why they cure obstinate diseases. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, co-t.i venes?, or constipation of the bowels, loss of appetite, coated tongue, sour stomach, windy belchlngs, " heart-burn." pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in glass vials, tightly corked, therefore always fresh and reliable. One littlo "Pellet "Is a laxative, two are cathartic. They regulate, Invigorate and cleanse tho liver, stomach and bowels. A good medical book, written In plain English, and free from technical terms. Is a valuable work for frequent consulta tion. Such a work Is Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser, In plain English, or Medicine Simplified. It's a bock of 10U8 puges, profusely illustrated with wood cuts and colored plates. H Is given away now, although formerly sold In cloth binding for fl.Sn. Send 21 cents. In ono-T-nt stamps, to pay for cost of mailing only for paper-covered copy, addressing. Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.j or 31 cents for an elegantly cloth bound copy. It trives over 200 preiTlp. tlons for the treatment of acutbOud chronic ailments. A MACEDONIAN CRY TOR HARVEST HANDS Enough Work In Country To Close Winter Soup Kitchens In Portland. Iignn, Aug. 8 -Work plentiful; men scarce. Harvest help Is at a premium hero. People by hack loads are seen going either camping or on picnic trips. One merry crowd on a hay rack from Port land going up tho Clackamas, looking for a camping place, Idle men need not complain of hard times. Get Into the harvest fields, and sweat an honest sweat. They can learn where flour comes from any way. It takes flour to make bread. The Idle men loafing around parks and plaza shades these days In Port land could earn quite a neat sum dur ing the harvest ason. Anyhow enough to put "soup kitchens" out of business the coming winter. It would lighten the burden of the Salvation Army, too. Saturday was Grange Day at Logan, but am sorry to say waa a "record breaker" for small attendance all ow ing to the press of harvest work. Those present had a jolly time. The toot of the threshing engine will soon be heard as two will begin this week here. Gerber Bros, and also Tellefson. Mr. Schlappy and family are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. John Boss for a couple of weeks. M. H. Uiebhoff's new cottage is about ready for the occupants and la quite a neat residence. Mr. Hutchins has about a half acre more of shingles to put on, then his large new barn will be all covered. Bruno Frederick was a guest at tho Fallert home Sunday. Those who take a hop picking out ing are beginning to get ready for It. Miss Stelnman, who has been with Mrs. J. C. Young all summer, will re turn home next week. Miss Annie Rhoadarmel Is visiting Mrs. E. Brown of Logan this week. H. E. Cross was out looking after his rural Interests here Monday. Strenuous Jaunts are a fad now, "alle same Teddy." Arthur Schmale will be cream col lector on the Logan route hereafter. Three different meat wagons are making trips through here each week. Grain is exceptionally good around here. The thistle crop will be above the average. What's the matter with the court? Is it near sighted? People from the country can see thistles growing right on the streets of Ore gon City. Why not "charity begin at home," See! Don't believe they ran tell a Canada this'tle from dog fennel anyhow. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned as Executrix of the estate of Ulrich Aemlsegger, deceased, has filed her final report as such execu trix In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the Court has fixed the 10th day of September, 1900, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day at the County Court room In the Court House in Oregon City, as the time and place for the hearing of the said report. Any persons having objections to the said report are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and make the same known to the Court. Dated August 9, 1906. JULU AEMISEGCER, Executrix aforesaid. Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Execu trix. , 35t5 County Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to pay county warrants endorsed prior to June 1, 1905. Interest will cease on such warrants on date of this notice. Oregon City, Or., August 3, 1906. J. C. Paddock, Treasurer, Clackamas county. 34t4 Meeting of the Board of Equalization for Clackamas County. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for the County of Clackmas, State of Oregon, on the last Monday In AugUBt, 1906, viz.: the 27th day of August, A. D. 1906, will attend at the office of the county clerk in the court house in said coun ty and state and continue to meet from day to day for one week, and pub licly examine the assessment rolls of said county for the year 1906, and cor rect all errors in valuation, descrip tion or qualities of lands, lots or oth er property. It is the duty of any and all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed to ex amine said rolls and ascertain if their property Is properly assessed, and if not to have the proper corrections made thereon. Dated this 1st day of August, 1906. JAMES F. NELSON, Assessor for Clackamas County, Ore gon, 34-t4 SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oregon for Clackamas Comity. Alice Poriiilii, Plaintiff. vs. Suit for divorce Fred Tcrmln. Defendant, To Fred IYrmln, Defendant: In tho name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the rIiovo entitled suit, on or before the 21st day of September, 190(5. that being tho last day prescribed In the order of publication of this summons and If you fall to so appear and nnswfr said complaint, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein pray ed for, to-wlt: a divorce from tho mar riage existing between you and tho plaintiff. This summons is published In tho Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper, fur six consecutive weeks by order of the Honorable T- A. Mellrlde, Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho Statu of Oregon for Clackamas County, made on the 4th day of August. 1906, tho first publication being on the 10th day of August. 190G. S. H. HARRINGTON. Attorney for Plalutlff. "5 17 Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of ' Application for Liquor License. The undersigned' wilt present the following petition to the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, on Wed nesday, tho 5th day of September, 1900 for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less quan tities than one gallon at a saloon In Cascade precinct, for tho period of one year. CASPER JIWKER.' In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Clacka mas. In tke matter of tho Petition of Cas per Junker for a petition for Liquor Licence. To the County Court of tho above County and State: Your petitioners would respectfully represent that they are legal voters in Cascade precinct In the above nam ed County and State, and actual resi dents thereof. That they would respectfully re quest that you grant a Llcenso to Cas per Junker authorizing and permit ting him to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less quantities than one gallon In a saloon located nt what is known as Sandy, In said precinct. And your petitioners will ever pray. Dated at Sandy, Clackamas County. Oregon. July 1 Ith. 1906. E. Beers, H. P. Bruns, E. Coalman, II. Rldderbusrh, W. Bosholm, O. Ram bow, V. A. Proctor. John Straus, Fred Hamilton. I. I. McKay. Geo. N. Dick erson, Chas, Krebs, Henry Kidder busch, T. G. Jonsrud, N. C. Kuhn, Henry Rldderbusch, Fred Kelsecker Henry Kelsecker, Harry Hlllman, J. H. Wewer, S. O. MltcheU, A. Johnson, John Buchholz, R. Kaiser, Gottfried Stuckl, Frank Feth, A. G. Bornstedt. E. A. Revenue, Ed. Miller, J. R. Taw ney. C. S. Chase, Chas. Sharnke, Julius Wendland, Chas. Erron, J. M. Dicker son, E. Fischer, 0. E. Edwards, J. L. Erl, William Waespe, J. R. Maro ney, Albon Melnlg, F. Suckow, 1,'lrlck Trubel, Joe Uden, Albert Trodlnger, F. J. Suckow, Theo Koennecke, J. P. Hart, Mike McCormlck. J. H. Hoff melster, Henry Koch, Paul Dunn, T. H. Fisher, Joseph Meyer, John Meyer, Geo. A. Wolf, Olo Mlkkelsou, C. M. Bailey, James Lamper, H. L. Chalker, Wm. Robblns. 35 t5 Notice to Bridge Builders. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk of Clackamas county, Oregon, for the construction of a bridge across Tryan Creek, near Os wego, according to plans and specifi cations now on file In tho office of said clerk, said bids to be Indorsed "Bids for construction of Tryan Creek Bridge," and must be filed with the said clerk on or before noon, Wednes day, September 5, 1906. The County Court resorves the right to reject any or all bids. F. W. GREENMAN, 35 t3 County Clerk. Notice. On account of not being able to he In Oregon City and look after the col lection of the notes and accounts due us by our patrons and acquired by us during tho time we were In tho Im plement business In Oregon City, we have left the samo at tho office of at torney O. D. Eby, In Oregon City, so that our patrons may have a place where they may call and make pay ments. All persons knowing themselves In debted to us either by note or ac count are requested to call and settle said notes and accounts as fast as convenient. All payments will be carefully receipted for by said O. D. Eby. 35tl FAIRCLOUGH BROS. INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty Insurance written by O, A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice of the Peace. Stomach Troubles and Conatlpatlon. No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowel are constipated. Mr, Chns. lmldwln, of Kdwnrdsvlllo, 111., says: "I suffered from chronic constipation and stom ach troubles for several years, but thanks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tun almost cured." Why Hot get a packago of these tablet and get well and stay well? Price 25 cents. For sale by Howell & Jones. RATES, Newport, Yaqulna Bay, Breltenbush Hot Springs From All 8. P. and C. A E. Points. On and after June 1. 1900, tho South ern Pacific. In connection with tho Corvallls & Eastern railroad will havo on sale round trip tickets from points on their linos to Newport, Yaqulna ami Detroit at very low rates, good for re turn until October 10, 190(1. Three day tickets to Newport and Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at tho seaside. Season tickets from all East Side and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stopover privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tour ists to visit tho Santlam and Brelten bush Hot Springs In the Cascade mountains, which can bo reached In one day. Season tickets will bo good for re turn from all points until October 10. Three-day tickets will be good going Saturdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vici nity will be good for return via the Cast or West side at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi cinity will be good going via tho Le bnnon Sprjngfleld branch If desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport, on Yaqulna tick ets to Yaqulna only. Sunday excur sions to Newport on tho C. & E. will begin June 10th or 17lh and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Albany at 7: SO a. in ; leave Corvallls 8 a. in. S. P. trains connect with the C. ft E. at Albany and Corvallls for Ya qulna and Newport. Trains on tho C. & E. for Detroit leave Albany at 7:30 a. m.. enabling tourists to tho Hot Springs to reach there tho samo day. Trains from and to Corvallls connect with alt East Side trains on the S. P. Full Information as to rates, time table, etc., can bo obtained on appli cation to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pas. Agt C. & E. K. R Albany: A. I Craig. O. P. A.. S. P. Co., Portland, or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent. Rates from Oregon City to Newport $6.00. To Yaqulna $6.00. . Three day Rate from Oregon City to Newport, $3.00. Colonist's tickets will bo sold from tho East to points on the Oregon linns of tho Southern Pacific Co. via Port land, commencing February 15 and continuing dally to and Including April 7 and from September 15 until October 31. The rates from some of tho princi pal points are: Chicago, $25; llloom Ington. 111.. $31.80; St. Louis. $30; Omaha. $25: Kansas City, $25; Coun cil Bluffs, $25; St. Joseph, $25; Btoux City, $25; Denver. $25; corresponding rates will bo made from other points and will appear to alt points on Ore gon lines. Persons desiring to pay for tick ets to bring anyone from tho East or middle West to Oregon may deposit tho amount required with the local agent of tho S. P. Tho company will do tho rest. For further Information Inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket office. O. R. & N., THE TIME SAVER. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via This Popular Columbia River Route. Franklin was right when he said "Ist time Is never found again." Tho O. R. & N., In addition to giv ing you 200 miles along the matchless Columbia River, saves you 17 hburs to Chicago. It Is the Short Lino to Ixswlston. Short Line to the Palouse country. Short Line to Spokane. Short Line to the Coeur d' Alone country. Short Lino to Salt Lake City. Short Line to Denver. Short Line to Kansas City. Short Lino to Omaha. Short Line to Chicago. Short Line to all points East Throe trains East dally, 9:15 a. m., 8:15 p. m., and 6:15 p. m. The "Chicago-Portland Special," Is an fine as the ilnest. Every comfort of home. For particulars ask any agent of the Southern Pacific Company, or write A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennosseo Pas ses, and tho World-Famous Royal Gorgo For Doscrlpltlve and Illustrated Phamplets, write to W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. I 9 OREGON SnonTLmd and Union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullinii tanflarci ami Tour lt ldiig est dHy mli. i'hleaj Hpoksno; imiilut lMiplng dully t kuniiii Cllyi Oitniiglt Pullman toiuiat liMlng cur (pcmotmllr oiduotd okly to Chlcsgo, Kan Cllr. reclin ing chair (aval fra to tits aaat dally.) H OURS Portland to CliU'ago No Change of Cam. 7 70 Dapart Tim chadula. Alaiva Chtcag.) I 'or timid Hi)-lai Halt lik. Invrr. r i. noil", " """ ;5S o m. Kanaaa Clly. HI. v " I. it a. in Uiula. Chicago and. Kaat. Atlantlo Ktraa I l& n. m. via. Hunt Ingtun. Halt I-aka. Pnnvar.1 Kt. Wurth, tlmalia. 100 kimu t'llV. Ml. I Uiula, Chicago and; Kaat. Kaat Mailt Walla Walla. via Ado- nap.lla, hi. Paul. T1 via nx puimh, KlllwaukM. Han. Chicago and Kaal. Ocean and River Schedule Tor Pan rrandaco Evary day J I p. m. Kor Aatorla. way polnu aa4 Put Hand. Orvgnn. I p. m ; ftatuiday at ! p. m. Dally avrvlc (walvr iwrmUIIng) on W1U (( and YamMll rivara. rr dulallcd Information of ralaa, Tha Urrgun llallnwd A Navigation Ua your nnarvat llt-kot agnnt. or 0Mral paaacngt AganC A. I CdAio, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad CO. Lavra. I CNION DKI"OT I Arrlvaa. 1:00 AM Dally. Kor Maygnr ttalntcr Iatly. 11 10A.M. 49 P.M. I'lalakanl. Waatpori l.HIK'tl, .ilUlit, n ri ronton. Havnl, nam iniiml. Fori Htavrna. tioarliart Park. Ha aids. Aalorla and Hraahnra, ICiorvaa Dally. Aatorla Kipraaa 7:00 P.M. f?. A. STEWART. CnmnYl Agt., M Aldnr trtct. Phona Main to. J. C. klATO. O. r, V. A.. Aatorta. Or. UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDIPINOCNCE, ALBANY, CORVALLI. AND WAY LANDINO. Iava Portland 1:46 a. rr). dally j4 Bunday) (or Rnli-m and way polnta. I-avo Portland 6:45 Turaday, Thuraday and Hitturdny for Indrprndnnca, Al bany und Corvalll. RcRular aorvlco, courteous treat ment ami prompt dlnpatch are our apttclaltlen. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Offlca and Dock! Foot Taylor Strttt Phona Main 40. COLUMBMIA RIVER SCENERY. Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY QATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO "SADIE B." Btr. 'Uallay (Hliarf laavaa Port lan 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednaadays and Fri day ; Iravea Tha Dallca 7 A. U. Tua. dayi, Thuaradayi and Saturdays. Btr. "Regulator" loaves Portland T A. M. Tueadaya, Thursdays and Saturdays; leaves Tha Dallrs 7 A. M. Monday, Wednesdays snd KriJaya. Steamers leaving Portland make dally connection at Lyls with C. R. A N. treia (or Ooldendala and Klickitat Valley points. C. R. Sk N. train leaves Ooldendala oa Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays at :J0 A. M., Halting connection with steamer "Regulator" (or Portland and) way points. C. R. N. train leaves Ooldendala as) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1:30 A. M., connecting st Tyle with steamer "Badle B." (or The Dallas, con necting there with O, R. gt N. trains East and West Btr. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Lotftt dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. (or Ths Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A. M.; leaves The Dalles S P. M., arrives Cascade Locks t P. M. Ideals served on all steamers. Fine accommodations ior teams ant wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Btreet Dock. Marcus taldot., V. P. & G. M. Oon. Otnce. Portland, Oregon. THE CHARM OF A CLEAR COM PLEXION. Nothing londa,moro to personal at tractlvenoHH thnn tho clear skin and fronli comploxlon that cmnos to thOHO who iiho Laxlkolu tahleta, trial alze 5 cents, a guaranteed cure for sallow noas and constipation, lluntloy Bros.