OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1908. ....Short Sidehead Stories... TI3U.E1I.V-TOI.D TAtBfl Of THE WI!I!K'5 DOINOS. Corporation. Don't E.cap. in Clack- ma. In addition to tho Increase In corpnrulo properly assessments heretofore noted In (ho Enterprise, IIih uMNHMiimont of llm Oregon Iron ft Hl'l company', property In this cuunty Iiiih been raised by Assessor Nelson' from I.Hi,000 to 20),000. Tho I 'oil In ml Flouring Mill Ih assessed at tr0,ooo, tho Weyerliauner Timber com puny 1105,180, 8. p. contract lands $1711,000, telephone ami telegraph companies $35,000. In all the corpora tion will puy more than onu fourth of tho total amount of taxes that will bo rulHOil for county purpose, on tho 1900 tax roll. Figuring on a basis of a 17-nilll levy for comity purposes, corporation, will pay a grand total of $11,200 In taxes to thn county alone anil In mMlllon, will ho lluhlo for tho usual roail and school taxes, Inquire, for Jam.. E. Engll.h W. II. rCnullMh, of Kansas City, Mo., writes to Chief of Police Burns In (julrlnK for bin brother, Jame. U. ICmkIIkIi, who with hi wlfo and son were living at Oregon City a year ago. At Unit time thn author of tho letter any. ho received a letter from bin brother, poiitmarkcil at Oregon City, In which tho writer Intimated that ho might go from till, city to Drain, southern Oregon, and since that tlmo nothing ban been heurd from tho nil. sin relative. Tho Kaunas City man claims to huvo written tho poHtmns ters at Oregon City and Drain, but ha been tinablo to g-t any Informs cuncernlng hU brother, for whoso snf vty tho mother, ni!"d 70 yearn, and other relative are coiiMblerably alarmed. , 1005, upon which (Into tho defendant gnvo to tho plaintiff hi promissory nolo for $150, puyablo In Mix month from tho (lata of tho noto. An attach ment ban been iHauod, 8lx Divorce.; No Marrlag. License.. Hlx dlvorccH wore granted at a short hohhIoh of tho Circuit court hold by Judgo Mcllrldo Friday. No morrlugo llconHCH wero Issued on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, Tho current wan all ono way, Tho divorce, granted by Judgo Mcllrldo woro an follow.: Lou Hehobor v. Chorion Godfrey flchober, tho cuHtody of a minor child being given tho plaintiff; Maud Clays v.. Henry Clays, plaintiff bolng restored to h"r maiden name, Maud Cook; Clayburn F. Brook, v.. Perllno Brooks: Annlo Hoben vs. Andrew lloben; Thomas Henry Cooper v ICdua Cooper; LIhhb Pinkham Colo- mun vh. John Doylo Coleman. Clack. ma. Man on Federal Jury Tho Jury In tho trial of If. H. Hen drlck. in tho Federal court at Port land, brought In a verdict of guilty. Four Clackamas county men wore ou that Jury, and five aro on tho Jury that I hearing tha evldenco In tho cuho agilnHt Charles A. Watson on a charge of perjury In connection with dual proof on hla homestead entry. Tho Claekarna men aro: Philip A. Graven, former, of Liberal; Klmor Dixon, farmer, drogon City; Arthur O. Kyrk, pressman, Oregon City; M. K. Kandlo, farmer, Highland; J. K. Jack, merchant, Oregon City. Two Mor. Ca... of Deeertlon Two moro dlvorco suit were filed In tho Circuit court, Tuesday. Mus otta H. ICmbody, who was married to Url Embody at Hun! a Ana, Cal., In Juno, 1890, ak. for a dlvorco, alleg ing desertion. Bertha A. Hayward la suing Will Hayward for a legal ep aratlon on the ground of desertion. They wero married at Logan, Clocka Standard flour mill, on which bo will N, A. McMurry to V. Pitts, 52 acres erect a shingle mill having a capacity In sec. 6, 23, E; $3000. of 8000 shingles. For tho convenience A. Swygert to 8. Slegonthaler, 31 of shipping the mill', product, tho acres In sec. 23, 13 E; $"50. plant will be connected with tho main ' F. 8. Bagby to B. Todd, SW nee. 8, lino of the O. W. P. Ilollway by a aide- 51 E; $1039. track. M. L. Wllloughby to II. Wliloughby lot. 1 to 8, blk. 13, Canemah; $1.00. Fall. From a Hayloft J. A. O. Graham to J. II. Graham, Mr. Bmlth, the wife of Captain hot 1 and 2, blk. 2. Lees' Add Canby; man county, September 22, 1903, and Bmlth of Parkplaee, fell from a hay- $(;00. tho doHcrtlon charged la .aid to have taken place October 3, 1903, about 11 day. later. Plaintiff auk to bo al lowed to resume ber maiden name, Mertha A. Trulllnger. Roll of Paper Cru.he. Man'. Leg Thomas Fay wan Injured Friday corning In tho Crown-Colurabla Pulp ft Paper company'. mills, a huge roll of paper falling on hlra and breaking hi leg. Ho wan removed to a doc tor", office where hi Injuries were attended to, but be will be unable to roHurne work for some week.. Robert Warner ha. been laid up for ten daya by reason of an accident auxtalned last week In tho paper mill. He .lip ped and fell on machine No. 5, break log hla thumb and bruising hla sboul der. loft In a barn Saturday. Who nan d. Zimmerman to R. W. Zimmerman reached the top rung of the ladder, part 8t.c. 32 and 23, 41 E; $800, when .he fell to the floor and was there two hour, before .he was lounn. t CUckimu Abtr.et & Troet Co. No bonen wero broken but .he will be ar. owner, of th. only complete Abetract confined to her bed for a week from P"" B Clack, county. Prompt and ,..,,.,, ranaoie wore on inon nonce, una ui iu9 ciiuv;l ;i iuo tail. I i. i.. i K..,... loaned, mortrixne forecloied. truata axe- Huibend Ueierted Mer in portiano euted, eatatce attid and title, perfect Alice Pcrmln ha entered suit for ed. J. F. Clark, Atty. at Law, divorce from Fred Pcrmln, to whom Freaident and liuuw Mbft wob married In Vancouver. Wash- Over Bank of Oregon City. Ington, July 17, 1902. She allege, that her huaband deerted her la Pork iun,i tn.,.,v 97 ifie-j .nH .ak. fn . never ry a. no cnuaren wno are am- iuijij vwauu m t , 4vvu, .aaava v I I... Q lea K o nonaA permitted to reume her maiden name of a baby.g who' cry and are treated oi Alice Bmitn. for Blckne., when they really are Buffering from hunger. Thin In caua- Thlef Eat. Midnight Lunch ed from their food not being animl- Hmo i.rr,wi,.r i.n.bn intn thn reKt- lated, but tlevourofl by worm. A tew Children In Pain denco of Andrew KoberUon, on the will cause them to ceaxe crying and Foreclosure And an Attachment Tho GlndHtono Heal Kntnto BH.cicla tluii ban brought null agaliiHt Alf M. Eklund and P. II. Marley for thn fore- rloMiiro of a mortgngo ou Mock 122 of GladMtone. Tho mortgage wan given to necure tho payment of a proinln nory nolo for $2S0 executed by Kk lund lit fovor of tbo Gludxtono Ileal ICmIbIo Hiotoclutlon. Marb'y hnn nomo Intercnt In tho property acquired by obtaining tox title. Frank Pflleger ban commenced action In tho Circuit court agnliint (lotthard Muckenthaler for $150 and Interest from Juno C, Estate Coneltt. of Death Claim Tho entate of John B. Mulllken, who wan killed by a live wire In this city a short tlmo ago, wan admitted to probate Monday, afternoon, and J. A. Cain was appointed admlnlHtrator. Tho estate connlnta of a claim of $600 for Innuranco agalnnt tho Portland General Electric company, In whose employ Mulllken wa when he lost his llfo. Tho mother of tho deceased from Coralna. Mich., and a brother from Bnobomlnh, Wash., wero In Oregon City, Monday. hill at Oregon City, Thursday night, ben to thrive at once. Give it a by unlocking the screen door. The trial. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug only thing missed by tho family next morning was a loaf of bread, some fruit and a portion of a box of mush. W. S. EDDY, V, S.f M. D.V. Graduite of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, ba. located at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion Stables, Beventh Street near Main. Both Telephone.. Fanners' 131 Main C. D. and D. C. LATOUWETTI, ATTORNZT8 AKD COUNSELORS AT LAW. Main i treat, Oregon City, Orefoa. Furnish Aba tract of Title, Loan Moaer, Forecloae Mortc.. and tranaaxit General Law Buslnaae. BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. Meldrum'. Barn Burned A barn on the property of J. W. V. ft. T'Xti 0. Bosssbtl ' U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law. Qtutfdjev 3ibtokat, Will practice in all courts, make eoUeo tlona and Mttlaments of estate. Furnish abstract of title, land you mon ey on drat mortgage. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Believe. Outlaw Wa. Her Husband A Mrs. Frank Smith of Chandler, Okla., believes tho description of Frank Smith, tho outlaw shot near New Era, tallies closely with her hua- band who left her and was lout heard of In Oregon. C. E. Crlder of Chandler wroto to Chief of Pollco Burns about tho matter enclosing a stamp plcturo of tho Oklahoma Smith. Tho resera bianco to tho dead outlaw Is not con sidered sufficiently strong to positive ly Identify him an tho murderer of Pollco Officer George Honlon, Sheriff J. H. Shaver and Captain O. D. Hen derson, of Woodburn. Widow Receive. 11104 By tho payment of $1104 to Mrs. Lena Hargrove, widow of J. C. Har grove, and administratrix of her hus band's cstato, the Willamette Pulp & Paper company has settled In full all claims of tho estato against that corporation for the death of Hargrove. While In the employ of the Willamette mills several weeks ago Hargrove fell from an elevated platform on which ho was working Into the Willamette river and was drowned. 8hingle Mill for Mllwaukle Milwaukle, Aug. 6. Jeffries Dennis has purchased 24 acres of water front land adjoining the site of the old J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Bids are asked, for furnishing plans and specifications and for construct ing a Howe Truss Bridge across Butte I Meldrum, at Moldrum Station, was Creek at Scotts Mills, Oregon, at a burned to the nrround. tho afternoon Point where the old bridge now stands; of August 1. Mr. Meldrum and fam- also bids are asked for said work ac- (Oregon City, lly were camping at Government cording : to plans i and PecWcatto" on j ta rf toU Camp at the time. Tho cause of the file In the County Surveyor s office at 0fflc m Caufleld Building. fire Is unknown. Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. J A certified check to the amount of -Oregon KODAKS AND ALL THE NEW THINGS FROM THE KODAK CITY TV vv . ;;vsv 7 . 11 iV.' .,: v V Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak System any one may take and finish pictures. It's daylight all the way. Brownies (almost Kodaks) $t to $9.00 Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00. Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6.00 Burmeister & Andresen Suspension Bridge Cornet The OtegQll Qty JcwdctS Contr.ct for 5,000,000 Feet of Lumber five per cent of the bid shall accom- Foreman Monroe of the Dorenbeck- pany each bid, conditioned that the cr sawmill at New Era has taken a amount of said check shall be forfeited contract to cut 5,000,000 feet of lumber la the event that the party making and the logs will bo furnished by gaid bid falls to .lgn a written con- Peter Horneck. Tho timber will be tract and give approved bond within cut on the north fork and floated down five days from the date of the accept- Trout creek. ance of said bid wherein he shall agree to faithfully perform said work accord- Band Picnic at Hubbard (n(r .ho anj Rmrflratlnna that Several hundred people enjoyed a hall .doDted by the Joint Courts picnic at the springs near Hubbard, of MarIon and Clackamas Counties. Sunday, given under the auspices of gal(1 ma win opned ln the the Aurora band. This organization County courtroom at Salem, Oregon, now includes all that Is best in mat at 1:00 p m Friday the 7th day of lino In southern Clackamas and north- September, 1906. JIVY STIPP Attorney at Law. Justice of th. Peace. Office ln Jagger Boll ding, Oregon City. 0 W. EA8THAM ATTORNEY AT LAW CoEeetlcraa, Uortgage roreeloawea, A itracti of Title and Oaneral Law Bna inean. OfSoa ever Beak of Oregon City, Oregoa City, Or. era Marlon. "It Pay. to Advertise" Llssa Pinkham Coleman filed on Wednesday a suit for divorce from John Doylo Coleman, and on Friday received a decree. Tie. for Salem-Portland Line Aurora, Aug. 4 Fred Hurst of this town has a contract for 75,000 ties for the new Salem-Portland electric rail way, and Is at work on the big order. DEALS IN CLACKAMAS REALTY Said Courts hereby reserve the right to" reject any and all bid3 on said work. ' County Court of Marion County, Ore gon, by JOHN H. SCOTT, as County Judge. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, by GRANT B. DIMICK, as County Judge. 35t4 Fumlahed Every Week By the Clackamas Abstract Company. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. For Improvement of John Quincy Adams street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the North line of Sixth Street to the South line of Seventh Street. Notice is hereby given that the Council of Oregon City, at a regular meeting held Wednesday, August 1, 190C, declared an assessment by Ordi nance No. 353, for the Improvement of John Quincy Adams street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the North line of Sixth Street to the South line of Sev enth Street, In manner provided by Ordinance No. 342 of Oregon City, upon each lot, parts of lots and tracts of land benefitted thereby, to be as follows, to-wit: Lot 8. Block 159, Anna Jones $87.44 Lot 7, Block 159, Anna Jones,. . 88.7 Lot 6, Block 159, David Fancher 88.79 Lot 5, Block 159, David Fancher 87.44 Lot 4, Block 139, Mrs. H. L. L. Clark, 87.44 Lot 3, Block 139, Mrs. H. L. L. Clark 88.79 Lot 2, Block 139, C. E. Nash.... 88.7 Lot 1, Block 139, C. E. Nash.... 87.44 A statement of the aforesaid as sessment has been entered in the Docket of City Liens and is now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer of Oregon City, in lawful money of the United States, and if not paid within 20 days from the first publication of this notice, such pro ceedings will pe taken for the collec tion of the same as are provided by the Charter of Oregon City. The above assessment will bear in terest after 20 days after the first pub lication of this notice. This notice Is published pursuant to ordinance No. 353 of Oregon City, passed August 1st, 1906, by the Coun cil of Oregon City By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Date of the first publication of this W. Wlckline, to T. J. Baldwin, blks 49 and 54. Oak Grove; $1500. A. Wolf to O. C. Randolph SW sec. 10, 35 E; $800. J. Spangler to S. M. Eby, N half of NB quarter sec. 25, 25 E; $400. M. A. Morris to J. C. Frost 5 acres in sec. 30, 12 E; $750. C. T. Tooze to J. W. Thornton, 48 acres In sec. 23, 31 W; $8000. Gladstone R. E. A. to P. P. Hedges et al, lots In Gladstone; $3000. Same to J. E. Hedges trustee, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk. 34, Gladstone; $1. , II. E. Cross to J. E. Hedges, A. F. Hedges CI. 32 E; $1. N. G. Young to I. P. Hart 4 acres In sec. 27. 14 E; $450. G. W. Kenny to J. C. Peterson 85 acres In sec. 33, 12 E; $4175. J. C. Peterson to M. A. Bickford, 5 acres in sec. 33, 12, E; $300. A. D. Hill to M. E. Hayhurst lots 7 and 8, blk. 4. Parkplaee; $1100. W. Lang to W. H. Lang, 24 acres ln sec. 5, 22 E; $1.00. S. L. & I. Co., to C. A. Cole, blk. 36 Oak Grove; $1550. Blanchnrd & Gutperlet to G. Esslg, 25 acres in Vlcker's Cl 31, E; $1300. Hlbeinla Savings Bank, to E. B. Morris, lot 4, blk. 24, Milwaukle Park; $42. Same to T. B. Johnson, lots 5 and 6, blk. 24 Milwaukle Park; $84. Hibernia Savings Bank to W. Sikes lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, blk. 23, Milwaukle Park; $160. C. M. Myers to C. R. Myers, W half of lots 3 and 4, sec. 20, E half of SE sec. 27, and NE of NE sec 34, 3-3 E; notice, Friday, August 10th, 1906. 35t2 $5500. J. A. Roake to R. Robinson 4G acres in sec. 9, 43, E; $.... II. Barrs to L. Bnrrs 108 acres In CI. 53, 32, E; $1000. G. 11. Bniley to J. B. Mitts 18 acres In sec. 34, 41, E; $550. Hibernia Savings Bank to C. D. Mc Coy, lots 13, and 14, blk. 22, Milwaukle Park; $S4. B. L. Obertoeller to J. Bone 25 acres In CI. 48, 33 E; $2048. VF. W. Puttkamer o D. B. McBrlde Co., lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block B, Clack amas Heights; $130. U U PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abatracti of Property Furalahad. Office with Oregon City Baterprla. JJOBERT A. MILLER - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all courts of the state. Federal and United States Supreme Courts. Room 306 Commercial Building; Portland, Oregon. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, cave it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates art reasonable. We Invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas Countffl Property. JOHN YOUNGER, Seventh Street, near Depot. FORTY I EARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. CI. nil J PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city RATES REASONABLE PILES TCc Suppository QrvM Bohooli, SttwTlil, N. C, rk: ' I cn ,j they da U von ektim for them. Pr. S. H. PcTur. KtWD Rook, W. Va., T,H( "Th'TfflM onWerial K&tlg rutloa." Dr. H. O. HoUUl. Clukabtiri. Trnn . wrllw: I " la proilc of 2S imrt. I ha,, fuuud do rriuwlT 10 I equal yourt." fwe, M Cim, Buuplol Fret. Bold I b; Druggiil. MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTCR, , Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Call for Free Sample. Prices Reasonable LET US Do Your Work Work quaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite MaBonic Building , ZTim1 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.