OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1908. SPRAYING POTAT6ES INSURES GOOD CROP HALF PACT AND HALF FICTION 2 Stitches In Her Heart. The Tetlt Journal announces that M. Quenu, a surgeon at the Cochin hospital. Paris, has successfully per formed the operation of stitching the heart of a young woman who had stab bed herself In the chest. The patient was able to leave tho hospital In good health twelve days after the operation. New Lockjaw Treatment. A new treatment for lockjaw has been used successfully In two case3 at the Pennsylvania hospital, Philadel phia. It is simply a more rational use of the tetanus antitoxin. Heretofore It has been the practice to make the Injection in the spinal cord, without re gard to the locality f the Infection. Now the plan is to inject into a nerve close to the point of Infection. Boy Lives with Half a Skull. The side of a boy's skull was remov ed at the Pottsville, Pa., hospital re cently in a desperate attempt to save his life. George Edmunds, the 13-year-old son of a prominent citizen, while walking along the Pennsylvania rail road tracks, became frightened at the approach of a train and fell EO feet through a bridge. One piece of bone 4 inches in size and several smaller pieces, were removed from his skull by surgeons. He will have nothing but skin on one side of his head if he re covers. NEWS FROM DOVER Mrs. Jewell of The Dalles came Saturday to see her sister. Grandma DeShazer. who is still very sick. Jacob DeShazer and family came Fri day from eastern Oregon. Dr. Walters spent the day with the land having spent several days on his farm. Mrs. Exon and daughter Jennie, Mrs. Atwood and daughter Margaret spent the afternoon with Mrs. Keith, Tuesday. Dr. Watters spent the day with the Exon family, Wednesday of last week. Mr. Fitzgerald is sick. George Kitzmiller and Will Raftree are In the mountains hunting and fish ing. The young men who bought the Itagland farm, were out from Portland over Sunday. Mrs. M. L. Raftree will leave here Monday for her home in Chicago. Truths About The great majority of dentists represent to their patients that a rubber plate with fourteen teeth set in a half circle is just as good as anything else for a set of artificial teeth. Some make such representations knowing them to be fake, others because they know no better. The responsibility for this condition rests with the dental profession. A great many people would not accept a rubber or celluloid plate if they only understood the superiority of a metal plate in cleanliness, health fulness and durability. We would like to talk with you about metal plates for artificial teeth. Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry. We guarantee to please you. A square deal to everyone. City Phone 1293 L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON. A Device to Measure Pain. A French phystclan has Invented an instrument, known as the dolorlmeter, by means of which doctors may cal culate accurately the suffering of a patient who Is in pain, in pounds or grams. Eggs a Century Old. In foiling a large tree some days ago in Cirencester. Gloucestershire, a bird's nest containing four eggs was discovered Inclosed in a hollow near the heart of the trunk, says the Lon don Mail. The sap rings showed that ' nearly a century has elapsed since the , eggs were laid, and it was obvious that j the hollow had closed automatically. The eggs were intact, but slightly fad ed. New Light on Appendicitis. A noted Gorman physician. Dr. Berg man, who presided at the meeting of the Berlin medical association Thurs day, agreed with others present that the clinical diagnosis of appendicitis seldom permitted an accurate Judg ment of the case, and serious doubt of the value of operations was expressed. Frof. Orth said that in 10 per cent of his cases the appendix did not con firm the diagnosis, and in another 10 per cent there was no disease whatso ever, while he knew of many serious cases which had been cured without operating. She had been with her brother, C. A. Keith, during his sickness. A. J. Kitzmiller and C. A. Keith were in Sandy last week on business. Mrs. Dr. Atwood and daughter re turned to Gresham, Tuesday, after having spent two weeks with Rev. Exon's family. Mr. Seward is making quite a lengthy visit in Washington. Summer Diarrhoea in Children During the hot weather of the sum mer months the first unnatural loose ness of a child's "bowels should have Immediate attention, so as to check the disease before it becomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system. Rev. M. O. Stockland, pastor of the M. E. church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberlain's 1 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years and find it a very val uable remedy, especially for summer disorders in children." Sold by How ell & Jones. Artificial Teeth - ---- - ' Farmers' Independent Phone 131 MOLALLA SKEPTICAL ABOUT RAILWAY Correspondent Also Makes Jest Of Bell Telephone Company Generosity. Molalla, Aug. 7. Our town Is now stretching its neck, looking for the "Hot Air" railroad electric car line which is now being pushed to reas suring proportions by Oregon City capital (?). How generous the Hell telephone people are becoming, and how they talk like theirs was the only "system." Next they'll be paying the good old farmer a monthly premium to graft on to their trunk lines just to be In touch with him, you know. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pills solved for me," writes John N. Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money refunded. Only 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. OCEANS OP WATER AI NINETEEN FEET East Mt. Scott, Aug. 8. Blackber ries are ripe. The young ladles have decided that they would rather pick something smoother, something that does not leave such impression on their dainty fingers. Mr. William Ulrlch has gone to east ern Oregon to work in the harvest fields. Most of the people of this valley at tended the camp meeting Saturday and Sunday. Oat crop is being cut and there is a good yield. Miss Ethelyn Moll of Kelso, was vis iting with Miss Clara Ulrlch over Sun day. Mr. Flowers is busy building a new house which he began this past week. Mrs. Strack had a well dug and at the depth of nineteen feet got enough water fof all the stock and house use. The Old Cow. There is no rule by which the age of a cow will determine the end of her period of usefulness. Some cows re main strong and vigorous up to 15 years old, while others indicate age and evident decline at 10. It is a well-established fact among breeders that after a cow has raised The Doctors Send You to Howell & Jones' drug store to get your prescrip tions filled, because they know you will get them filled there just as they are written and just as the doctor wants them filled. Their twenty years' experience In compounding prescriptions well qualifies them for this work. Get ting your prescription filled by Howell & Jones means carrying out the doctor's wish to the letterand the best service there costs you no more than the next best elsewhere. Paints, Oils and Glass are being sold by this drug firm at prices never so low in Oregon City. They just furnished to the county over one ton of lead and four barrels of oil for the work of painting the suspension bridge. HOWELL & JONES The Reliable Druggists Chambm Howell OregOtl City Ll" E- hm jtwo or thn-e calves her value as a' breeder may be prtty accurately de termined, ami she has also arrived at the age of best service as a calf pro ducer. The heifer is nut the bent mother, usually, but Improves mater nal qualities as Khe approaches ma turity. It Is, therefore, very uncer- i tain in results to turn the heifer oft because she does not with her first calf equal the old cow in her produce. It is also bad management to turn the old cow off because she Is old, when she has proven a valuable breeder of excellent calves. Many an old cow has produced a calf that would scil for three or four times what the old cow would sell for. The old cow even among grade cat tle Is often worth more to retain as a producer of calves than to exchange for the uncertainty of a young animal. Excellence In breeding Is what Is de sired in the breeding herd. If you have this in tho old cow, be sure you have something to take her place In this very desirable quality before you dispose of her on account of old age. Judge closely, Judge accurately on the value of the old, reliable breeding cow, remembering that good cows are scarce and that It is much easier to get rid of a good cow than to buy one. ANNOUNCEMENT. We call your attention to tho fact that Dermakola ointment is a positive cure for Eczema, ulcers, wounds, piles, and every kind of skin or scalp troub le. It costs 25 cents if It cures. If it don't we return your money. Hunt ley Bros. FARMERS' TELEPHONE LINES. Representatives of the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph com pany have started a house to house canvass among the farmers of this county, offering an extremely low rent al rate for instruments to be used In connection with the central offces of the company throughout tho county. For 8 1-3 cents a month the subscrib er is given free switching with all other subscribers connecting with his central exchange. Under this rate it would appear that no rural resident need bo without a telephone and Its attendant advantages .especially as every assurance Is given of prompt and efficient service. Mr. O. J. Hall is in charge of the canvass In this county and he states that ho may be seen at tho central of fice of the company in Oregon City, Oregon, or will visit any community or organization of farmers Interested in telephone matters. 33eow. "Doan's Ointment cured me of ec zema that had annoyed rne a long time. The cure was permanent." Hon. S. W. Matthews, Commissioner Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. FOREST FIRES NEAR BULL RUN RESERVE Hundreds of Men Fighting the Flame Which Threaten Big Lose. Hood Illver. Aug. fi. Forest fires which have been burning fur several days In the vicinity of C.reen Point and the Hull Itun forest reserve have already destroyed some and are threatening tho loss of much timber. The "res have so far been confined to a point several miles from Green Point and as forces are engaged In staying the (lames It Is not expected that they will reach that point. In the Hull Run reserve, which Is several miles south of there, a force of more than a hun dred men is fighting the lire, ami re ports from there are to the effect that they are making some headway. Old tlmbermen say that It Is many years since the forests were In such nn In flammable condition, and men In log ging camps are- being warned to use extra precaution In starting and put ting out camp fires. EVERYBODY IN OREGON CITY KNOWS HUNTLEY BROS. Have Confidence When He Tells You Pepilkola Tableti Do Cure Indigestion. Possibly you may think our only reason for praising these tablets la because of tho small nroflt w mnko on each 25 cent box, but how little satisfaction there would bo in rec ommending a remedy that would dis appoint you and thereby lose your trade. This thing of selling a worthless ar ticle is mighty poor business policy. Square dealing always pays bost and when wo tell you what Penslknln rnh. lets will- do, our confldenco Is based on our own personal oxperlenco In Belling them here in Oregon City year after yoar. There isn't a remedy In this store that we recommend more highly and unless Pepsikola tablets really do what we claim for them how utterly useless our efforts would be. tfor coated tongue, sour stomach, wind belching, fullness aftor eating, heart burn, sleeplessnoss, weakened energy, and other symptoms of indi gestion we recommond them with every confidence and always rofund the 25c should you fall to receive the benefits expected. First Aid to Beauty. Nothing is more certain to benefit your complexion than a 5 cent box of Laxakola tablets. They freshen tho. skin, give color to tho cheeks, cure constipation and give you a clear, rosy, healthy complexion. Huntley Bros. Tim spraying of potatoes has been demonstrated to lie an Insurnnco of a crop of marketable tubers, IHstrlct Fruit Inspector J. II. Held, or Mllwnu Mm has been giving prnrtlcal Iohsoiis In potato spraying In the south purt or the county, and In a recent Inter view lui told the t'nnby Tribune the following fiic la: "Spraying potatoes fjr blight Is no longer nn experiment, but tho farmer wants to be shown. We don't claim thnt we can nmke more potatoes grow to the hill by reason of spraying, but we assert thnt more. marketable pota toes can be obtained from n hill us ing the llnrdcaux mixture. An acre run be sprayed twice for $1 Oil, which rnrt It-ally means a clop Insurance, of $t oo an acre, "Any one can make the spray, and the expense Is nominal. The spray should be made by taking four pound of blurHtono and dissolving It In 25 gallon of water; four pounds of limn with Jmit enough water to slack II. af ter which lldd 25 gallon of water. Itotli dm Milestone und llino when prepared should be placed In separate fmrreU, then take u third barrel and pour a bucket full of Milestone solu tion, and then a bucketfull of lime so lution This make the perfect spray. The bliieHtiuii' run lie bought for 32 rents and the limn for 10 rents, making the Mai of 42 rent This amount will spray an acre twice, the remain der of the dollar being extra expense for time of the nuin and team, "At the Cleveland patch certain rows will not he sprayed, others will receive one, two and three sprays re spectively. Ily this method ran Im demonstrated the value of spraying and what amount of spraying U necessary." TRUTH 8TRANGER THAN FICTION Surprising Statements Vouched for by Huntley Bros. All of us who know Huntley Jlros. are confident that they would niako none but straight forward. honest statement. arid when they tell you of the many Oregon City people who have suffered for year with Indiges tion and have Hen cured through u log Pepsikola tablet we must bellev every word I true. No other remedy so quickly relieve and cure hour stomach, heartburn, coated tongue, nervousness. Insomnia, debility, that run down, tired out feeling am! every other trouble arising from ixor diges tion. Huntley llro. continue to sell Pepsikola tablet with the under standing thnt you can have your 25 cent lilir k In case yoll are in the least disappointed. In the fare of lh.no fact nobody should hesitate an In stant to avail themselves of the oppor tunity to regain perfect digestion, per fect health, renewed energy, new vig or and new vitality, through the use of a remedy that does not cost a penny should It fail to do all that Is claimed. Then I tin rlHk to you whatever and we ask you to try It on Huntley Ilros.' guarantee. When wp rerommcnil and gunrantoo Ake ln the Head tablets for healachea and neuralgia, It Is because wo know you must obtain relief or we stand ready to pav your ten cents back. Hafo, sure, and always euro. Huntley llros. Thought He Belonged Inside. Rev. w. II. Morrison of Urooklyn. Mass., formerly of Manchester, N. II., where he enjoyed a long and success ful pastorate, is a bit of a humorist and enjoys a Joke, whether on himself or another. His manner and sympath etic characteristics make him In much request at funerals, and It Is reluted that on ouo occasion It so happened that tho harks allotted to the mourn ers wero all filled, so the minister rodo to tho cemetery on a hearse with tho driver. On returning from the grave ho was dilven to his home on tho same uncon ventional conveyance. Ills wife met him at tho door, and, somewhat In dignant at the apparently unusual pro ct '.-dings and not noticing thnt It was n hearse tho clergyman was riding on, exclaimed: "William, what did you ride up t"ern for? Why didn't you get Inside, whero you belong?" Bfintlfully located in Portland, Oregon, oners unsurpassed (acuities lor lit cul ture and education o( young women. Special opportunlliM in Music. Art. Languages and Liter ature. Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab oratories, Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet, The irgeel and oldest Ladles' Seminary In the raclfio Northwest, It enjoyi a national repulsion (or Im parting the heat phyilral, mental and moral train ing and developing true womanhood. Equips socially and educationally (or the moat ensiled station. Conlera Academic and Collegiate Degree by State Authority. Interlerence with convictions ol nonUthollce la icrupulouely avoided. Academy I Ideally located, amid Inaplring icenlc advan tages. Social opportunities aurh ai are available In no other city on the Coaat. Buildings large and commodious, well lighted, heated and ventilated: dormitories and private rooms supplied with all modern conveniences. The Institution Is liberal nd progreailve without sacrificing the character end tradition of age and achievement. Term modest. Satisfactory referencea required. Write (or announcement booklet, Board and tuition $180 per year. Address Sister Superior, St. Mery'i Academy PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S. A