OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUOU8T 3, 1906. 7 BOARD OP TRADE li EETING TO-NIGHT X CHURCH AND RELIGIOUS NOTES 1 da, it .1M OREGON SlIOfTlilNE Union Pacific AND THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY ' Tliroimh Pullman atanriaril anil Tour 11 alneptnc rare dally lo Omaha, Chlrajn. PpiikniKii luurlal tlnouttiM rata dally la kanaaa C'liy; tliroiiKh Pullman tonrlal leaiiltiaT cure poi mtrmlly iiiduotwl) waxkly lo ('liiraKu, Kanaaa t'liy, reclin ing clialta (aval fraa lo Mia aaat dally.) HOUR S Portland to Chicago Nu Change of Car. 7 7 Depart. Time Schtdulee. Aaaiva Oili'aai Portland Hix-rlal t.l a- in Halt I -a ha. I)nnvor. rl. Worth, Omtlit. ;i , Kanaaa flly. Hl.j p, Uinta, vim ago ana Kal. Allantln ICtprnaa III p. in via. II mil In it on. Halt I-aha. Ifcinvar, Kt. Worth, Omaha. Kanaaa City. HI. Uinta, Cliliau and ICaat. I 00 a m lit. I'aul tail Mall Walla Walla. Ulnn, ".ixikmia, Mln naplla, HI. I'aul. iMilnlh, UllwaiikK. Chicago and Eaat. 116 p m VI Hio kana. Ml m Ocean and Pivcr Schedule For Han Krancleoo- Evry five day al I p. m. for Aaiorla, way polnie and I'ottlantl. Orrm I p. in. Haiutday at 10 p. m. rxuit arvlra watr Mrtnllllni) on Wlllam alia and YaiiiMU rtvera. for dalallvd Information of rala Tha Orrini Hallrnad Navtcallon Co. your nnarvat tlrhal aajnnt, or Oaanral l'-na-"r A-ot A. l C4AIO, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad CO. Iavaa. UNION DEPOT Arrlv-a t 00 AM. Dally. Knr Maviora n.alnlr. Pally. Clatakanln, Wi-alport Clifton. Aaiorla. War- ronton, rlavrl. Ham irioA u mond, t ort nlavrna, (iarhart Park. H.-a- iiin, Aatoria ana Hoaahora. Kiurnaa Dally. Aaiorla Eipraaa 7:00 r.M. 140 P at C. A. BTKWAflT. Commf ATt.. Ml Aldrr alrmt. I'liona Main 00. 3. C. UATO. O. V. A P. A.. Aalorta. Or UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INOCPKNDENCI, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINOS. Iava Portland 6:45 a. m. dally (xcf4 8mi1ny) for Hnl.Tti and way point. Iav I'orlland Turaday, Thuraday and flatunlay for tnilcprndrnca, Al bany and Corvallla, Regular service, courteous treat ment and nromnt dispatch are our specialties. ORtOON CITV TRANSPORTATION CO. omc. and Doaki root i ayior ointi Phona Main 40. .... I SCENERY. COIUMBMIA RIVER Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY 0AT2ERT" "DALLE CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "8AOIB B." Btr. "Hntloy aaln-rt" lava Portlan. 7 A. M. Mondays, Wdnadaya and Krt daya; Ivavca Tha Imllt-a 7 A. M. Tuai days. Thusradnya and Haturdaya. Btr. Il'Stilator" Iravca Portland 7 A M. Tuoailaya. Thuradaya and Batuidaya icavra The Palh-a 7 A. M. Mondays Wcdneadayt and Kr' Isya. BtnumiTi linvlnc Portland niaka dally connection at l.yle with C, B. A N. train (or Cloldomlala and Klickitat Valley point C. H. A N. tisin lcawa Ooldfiidal on Mondays, Wodnnadaya and Krldaye at 6:30 A. M.i making connection with teamer Regulator" tor Portland and way points v C. fi. A N. train fvn rjoldndal on Tunadaya, Thursdays and Baturdaya al :S0 A. M.. connecting at Tyla with steamer "Hurtle B." for The Dallea, eon netting there with O. R. A N. l.-ln Kant and We.it. Btr. "Badle B." leaves Caacude I.o dally (cso'it Hiinday) at 7 A. 11 for Th Dullea and way points; arrlvee at II A M.i leaves Tha Dalles I P. M arrive Caaeadtt It-ks P. M. Meals aerved on all steamers , Fine annum modauuns lor t'-aooi an4 waRons. I L.anuing in ruriuiim mi jiiuer duw Hock. MARCUS TALDOT.i wnH enjoyed by all. A delicious lunch V. P, & G, M. was served at midnight. Those pres Oen. Onloe, Portland, Oiugon. , Saloon License. Notice Is hereby given thnt I will npply nt the next meeting of tho city council for a renewal of my liquor license nt my present place of busi ness, Main street between Fifth and Sixth streets. D. MclIENRY. chmbn Howcii CARUS LOCAL ITEMS Frank Jagg-r started out with his ! thrt-HhliiK mai-hliiK Thursday. Teasel cutting bt-Kan Monday. Mrs. Maggie- Uhman and son John-! , nlo of Portlantl. spent a few days here with relatives and friends. i Miss Hlodwln Thomas, of Heaver (Creek, spent Sunday and Monday at 'ni. Davis1. j Herman Fisher has purchased a new binder. Arthur Erlckson, after spending a couple of weeks with his parents, re turned to Tacoiiia, Washington, Sat urday. i Halph C-roen, of Oregon City, was here Friday and Saturday. Richard nnd Willie Davis spentva few days last week at the Oaks. R. M. Cisiper took dinner at Tom McArthur's, Tuesday. I Ralph Howard has purcbaHel a new horse, harness ami wagon. I Covey Thomas was hero Tuesday. I Jack Griffith and Rachel Lewis, who are working In Portland, spent Sun day with her parents. i Mrs. Dan Spat, and family, of Hea ver Creek, called on her ulster, Mrs. Eph Jones, Friday. I Jacob Kalbllelsch spent Sunday with friends at Ciinby. Tom Evans of Itiizeldale. Is working for D. White. Norman Howard has returned homo from Guide. O-icnr. Erlckson has quit work at Gladstone, and Is now working in Oregon City. , . f k , tfc ,enic " nl Metropolitan Park Strttiluy. Mr. Wtddner, of Reaver Creek was li)oklng for sheep and cattle here Tues- day. The presiding elder preached a very Interesting sermon Sunday evening. Mrs. pavoy Jones nnd daughter Co lena, called on friends here one day last week. Mrs. L. 13. Gardner, of this place, lias gone to Seaside. Sluj will remain there the rest of the summer. cims. Stewart gave a successful dunce nt tholr homo Friday night. It Jaymels Tonic riMfmtfe . gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly childrerjp And it is good for their ciders, too. r , Ask your druggist for it. The Doctors Send You to Howell & Jones' drug store to get your prescrip tions filled, because they know you will get them filled there just as they are written and just as the doctor wants them filled. Their twenty years' experience in compounding prescriptions well qualifies them for this work. Get ting your prescription filled by Howell & Jones means carrying out the doctor's wish to the letter and the best service there costs you no more than the next best elsewhere. Paints, Oils and Glass are being sold by this drug firm at prices never so low in Oregon City. They just furnished to the county over one ton of lead and four barrels of oil for the work of painting the suspension bridge. 0 HOWELL & JONES The Reliable Druggists Oregon City ent were: Misses Emma Inskeep, Liz zie U'wU, Sarah Edwards, Iterthena Howard. Pansy Irish, Holla and Ada Cregory. Floy Stewart and Ilertha ISpangler, and Mrs. H. O. Inskeep. Mrs. C Stewart. Mrs. W. Stewart and two children. Messrs. Halph Howard, Tom Inskeep, Richard, Willie and Johnnie Davis, Ralph Green. Tom Evans, Al bert White, Virgil May. Arthur Erlck son, Ed. and Gwrge Gregory, Robert Schoenlsirn, Jack. Glen and Dell Irish. Eph I'wls, Edgar. George, Wayne and C. Stewart. Otis Morris and L. Baker. SPRINGWATER NEWS Ctsiler and delightful weather for harvesting. Grain good, binders click ing In nearly every field. The El wood nine and Sprlngwater ball club have played two games as follows: At Sprlngwater El wood boys 2:!. Sprlngwater 17; at El wood Sprlngwater 1(1, Elwood 13. George ' I.ewellen, after a stay In Sprlngwater for 10 days, has return ed to Sherman county. Ills sister Wavn, accompanied him as far as Portland and her aunt and niece came home with her. Sidney Smith had one of his fingers lacerated In the box nctory. He has been home recuperating, but Is about ready to go back to work. Miss Annlo Hargreaves, of Seattle, nnd two of hor cousins from Glad stone, are In Sprlngwater taking an outing and visiting friends. NOTES FROM CLARKES Grain Is about all cut in this part, nnd threshing will soon begin. Mr. Dlx and Miss Jennto Aklns spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Wallace. W. Wallace is working for H. Bill iard. Mr. and Mrs. Stark spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bebee of Cams. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and family also Bert Kidder, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Wallace. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Wallace are intend ing to move up on his ranch In the i near future. Mr. Mosler had the misfortune to break a rib while hauling hay. Um L Jonts HOP CONTRACTS AT IG CENTS AT SALEM Salem, Aug. 2 While there has been no flurry In the hop market, the prevailing price has remained at 15 cents, though several contracts at 16 cents are reported. There is no doubt the buyers are on the anxious seat. With the advices from Europe Indi cating a heavy shortage they realize a little later only high bids will take Or egon crops, but they don't like to risk above 15 cents t present. OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 70 72c per bu. Flour Valley, $3.95 per bbl. Oats In aacka, $1.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled $la1$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mlxia hay $9. cheat. $8.50. Potatoes to 1 cent per lb. Eggs 22 cents per doz. Butter Ranch 17 V4 020; separator 20 25; creamery 25fJ27. Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips and Beets 10 to 50c per sack. New Corn 12 cents a dox. Good Apples Choice, 5065c per box. Honey 11 l2c per lb. Dressed Chickens 12c lb. Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $2.50 $3.00 per hundred. Hogs, live, 6Hl dressed 84; sheep, $2.50(3 $3.00 head; veal, dressel. 7c: lambs, live, $2$2.50 per head. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when lie began taking Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suf fering, which I would never have sur vived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of General Debil ity." Sure cure for all Stotvach. Liver, and Kidney complaints, lUood Dis eases, Headache, Dizziness and Weak ness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, drug gists. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JOHN V. THOMAS, Dentist The Oregon City Hoard of Trade will meet In the County Court room at 8 o'clock this, Friday, night. A matter of special moment will bo presented and every business man Is urged to attend. SUIT TO SETTLE THE SMITH REWARD A friendly suit by V. 8. May vs. The County Court and all persons Interest ed In the Smith reward, was filed Friday, to settle the matter and have the money Judicially appropriated In accordance with the award made on May 9th, last. ' Farmers, mechanics, laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at once. Pain cannot stay where It Is used. FOSTER DEEDS HIS LUMBER. C. O. Foster has deeded 4000 acres of timber land In townships 7 and 8, range 3 east, to the Foster Lumber company for a nominal consideration. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Complex Ion sallow? Liver needs waking up. Doan's Itegulet's cure bilious attacks. 25 cents at any drug store. TAKE8 MORE OF TUALATIN. The Oregon Iron & Steel company has filed notice In the recorder's of flee of the appropriation of 1,290,000 cubic Inches of water from the Tuala tin river. The ditch will be known as the Tualatin and Sucker Lake canal, the point of diversion being at the same place as the intake of the pres ent canal. OABTOniA. Btarttba glltt had Yoq Kaw H'Wff Beiiffl Eigaatua of In Self Defense Major liaram, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when he was fiercely attacked, four years ago, by Piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says: "It cured me In ten days and no trouble since." Quick healer of Burns. Sores. Cuts and Wounds. 25 cents at Howell & Jones" drug store. INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty Insurance written by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Jti8tice of the Peace. Why Fret and Worry. when your child has a severe cold. You need not fear pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a positive cure for Colds, Coughs, Bron chitis and Whooping oCugh. Mrs. Hall, of Sioux Falls, S. D., writes: "I have used your wonderful Ballard's Hore hound Syrup on my children for five years. Its results have been wonder ful." Huntley Bros Drug Co. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. New Era, July 30. While driving a binder in the Huffman field at New Era Saturday morning. A. J. Hodge was struck by lightning and severely bruised. He had been working since 3 o'clock. A shaft of lightning struck the fence, glanced to a tree and then struck the binder, throwing one of the horses down and knocking Hodge to the ground. Mrs. Huffman had left the tree just a few minutes before. "Make Hay While the Sun Shines." There is a lesson In the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, dia rrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which Is the best known medicine for these dis eases, should always be kept at hand, as Immediate treatment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by Howell & Jones. OASTOniA. 8an the J) ,he Von Hai Alwavs Bought TO EXAMINE ASSESSMENTS. Assessor J. F. Nelson has a notice In another place in this paper of the meeting of the county board of equal ization which wllr convene Monday, August 27, for the purpose of exam ining the assessment rolls and cor recting any errors in valuation that may be found therein, description or qualities of lands, lots or other prop erty. When we recommend and guarantee Ake-tn-the Head tablets for headaches and neuralgia, it Is because we know you must obtain relief or we stand ready to pay your ten cents back. Safe, sure, and always cure. Huntley Bros. OASTOIHA.. Bem the The Kind Vou Have Always Bout?! Evangelical Chautauqua Convention. The annual Chautauqua convention and campmeetliig of the Evangelical Association wag convened at River View Camp, near Jennings Lodge, on the 0. W. P. line Tuesday morning;, and the sessions will continue until Thursday, August 9. The initial ser vice was a rally, under the direction of Rev. Ezra Maurer and Rev. II. E. Hornshuh. On Wednesday there was a ministerial round table In the morn ing and a Sunday school convention In the afternoon. Thursday afternoon was taken up by the V. P. A. conven tion. The business sessions of the convention will be concluded Friday with general discussions and the elec tion of officers. Union Services During August. At a meeting of the Oregon City Ministerial Association Monday, It was decided to hold union services each Sunday evening during the month of August, each meeting to be held In one of the different churches. Next Sunday evening the service will be held at the First Baptist church, and Rev. J. R. Landsborough, of the Pres byterian church, will preach. The fol lowing Sunday, August 12, the union evening services will be held In the First Presbyterian church. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, leaves next week for a visit to his former home in North Dakota. In view of hla Intended departure, the members of the congregation have arranged to In formally entertain at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cooper, Tenth and Jackson streets, Friday evening. An informal program will be given and refreshments will be served. The Methodist parsonage will be remodeled into a store building and extended to the street Don't Be Blue and lose all Interest when help is within reach. Herbine will make that liver perform its duties properly. J. B. Vaugha, Elba. Ala., writes: "Being a constant sufferer from constipation and a disordered liver, I have found Herbine to be the best medicine, for these troubles, on the market. I have used It constantly. I believe It to be the best medicine of Its kind,' and I wish all sufferers from these troubles to know the good Herbine has done me." Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Complains Against Stepmother. Mary Resch, aged 13 years, of Wll sonville, was sent to the boys' and girl's aid society at Portland, Monday, where she will be detained, pending the Investigation of the charges of mistreatment that have been preferred against the girl's parents by neigh bors. Resch conducts the Boone ferry and has been married three times. It is alleged the stepmother has grossly mistreated the girl. Don't Grumble when your joints ache and you suffer from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and get in stant relief. A positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns. Cuts, Contracted Muscles, Sore Chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Bogy, a prominent merchant at Wil low, Texas, says that he finds Bal lard's Snow Liniment the best all round. Liniment he ever used. Hunt ley Bros. Drug Co. County Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to par county warrants endorsed prior to June 1, 1905. Interest will cease on such warrants on date of this notice. Oregon City, Or., August 3, 1906. J. C. Paddock, Treasurer, Clackamas county. 34-t4 Meeting of the Board of Equalization " for Clackamas County. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for the County of Clacknias, State of Oregon, on the last Monday in August, 1906, viz.: the 27th day of August, A. D. 1906, will attend at the office of the county clerk In the court house in said coun ty and state and continue to meet from day to day for one week, and pub licly examine the assessment rolls of said county for the year 1906, and cor rect all errors In valuation, descrip tion or qualities of lands, lots or oth er property. It is the duty of any and all persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed to ex amine said rolls and ascertain if their property is properly assessed, and If not to have the proper corrections made thereon. Dated this 1st day of August. 1906. JAMES F. NELSON, Assessor for Clackamas County, Ore gon. 34-tl Hump Bad SavrrC FMIHtinN won't make a Q hump back straight, neither will It make C f a short le j long, but It feeds soft bone I Q and htala diseased bene and is among (j tne tew genuine meant oi recovery in ft rickets and bone consumption. If Send lor free sampla. SCOTT & BOWNB. Chemlita. 40915 Pearl Street, . New Yot 50c. and liiOo; all draggUta.