Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 03, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Notice is hereby Riven that tho un
dersigned will apply to the County
Court of Clackamas county, Oregon,
for license to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors for a period of
twelve months from" the 5th day of
September. 1 906, and that I will pre
sent the following petition to said
court on said day for said license.
Hated this 21st day of Julv, A. D.
To the Honorable County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon:
We. the undersigned residents and
legal voters of Pleasant Hill Precinct,
in Clackamas County, and State of
Oregon, hereby respectfully petition
your Honorable Body to grant to Win.
S. Flynn, a license for the period of
twelve months, to sell spirituous, malt
ana vinous liquors in less quantities
than one gallon in the town of Wil-
Bonvme. Pleasant Hill Precinct, Clack
amas County, State of Oregon.
Joseph Stangel, George Todd. J. C.
Jaeger, Fried Krnger. J. M. Broyles, O.
E. Tauchmann, M. Tauchniann. Henry
Voss, Carl Korman, Louis Hasselbrink,
Fred Schwartz. H. E. Rldder. Gust
Jaeger. Emil Jaeger, James Wilson,
James McConnell. N. McConnell, Jacob
Bauer, J. A. Voss. W. C. Heater. E. S.
Calkins. Wm.M. More, Fred Brookman,
Amos Morgan, Frank Liebermann, Wm
G. Morgan, John Groseclose. N. D. Bea
vert, Wm. Oberst, A. Murdock. G. H.
Hamilton. N. Kellogg, J. S. Roberts,
S. M. Roberts, E. Brookman. Jav Bak
er. T. M. Baker. Tom Baker, Rufus
Stahlnecker, Robert Stahlnecker, Fred
Stahlnecker, Alison Baker, W P. Bak
er, R. Stinebaugh, E. W. Jeager, C. A.
Baker, M. M. Baker, J. T. Herron, J.
W. Flcken. J. N. Hoffman. J. E. Vinson,
er, W. F. Bristow. L. T. Vinson. E. L.
Bristow, J. H. Baker, Oliver Baker,
Alec Monroe, E. Hines. Frank Riser,
Richard R, Lee, M. Roberts, F. A.
Schrader, H. T. Wilhelm, E. Elliott,
J. S. Mitehum, Aug. Rothenberg, W.
E. Maycock, T. E. Roberts, Chris Wil
helm, Fred J. Epler, Wm. Boston, T.
Pinard, Vm. Kramien. Gus. Kramien,
J. Tautfest, F. W. St Clair, Ross
Loney, Walter Scott Lewis, Eddy
Pinard, Elmer Himes. J. A. ParrotL
W. Porter, Al. McCully, Guy McCully,
w. Baker, Jno. Soovey, Walter An
derson, Lucian Geer, Frank Schmidt,
Peter Irmen. A. F. Shain, E. Struve,
J. Fetter, Joe Roberta, J. Failmegger,
F. H. Ridder, Joseph Lawrence,
H. V. Boeckman, Joseph C Chalup
Bky, F. W. Schrader, G. F. Butson. W.
S. Salmon. 34 t5
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Edmund W. Clarke, Plaintiff,
Georgiana M. Clarke. Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon:
To Georgina M. Clarke, the above
named defendant. Yon are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled court and suit at or
before the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this Summons, and if you fail to so
appear and answer 6aid complaint, the
above named plaintiff will apply to
tthe court for the relief demanded
therein, to-wit: For a decree forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between said plaintiff
and you, and thatjlaintiff be decreed
tha enro on1 IMlctnHv f tha frn mlnn.
children named in said complaint of each days continuance of such viola
plaintiff and you. This summons is tion af'er such conviction shall be
published in pursuance of an order j deemed a distinct and separate of
of Hon. Grant B. Dimick, Judge of ; fenBe
the County Court of the State of Ore- j ' , '
gon, for Clackamas County, made on I Read first time and ordered pub
the 26th of July, 1906. 'The time pre-; lished at a regular meeting of the
scribed In said order for the publica-! Council of Oregon City, held Wednes-
Se w'eS? "ditVof tht Lday' Auguf l8t' 190C' and P
publication thereof is the 27th day of for 8econd reading and final passage
July, 1906. at a special meeting of said Council to
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Administratrix's Final Set
tlement. Notice is hereby given that the final
account of Ora Brawn, administratrix
of the estate of Jerry Young, deceased, PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING STEPS
has been rendered to said court for j
distribution of the estate, and that Sealed proposals for furnishing and
Monday, the 13th day of August, A.D. ! performing all labor and all material
IS SplVdsaU "urtXte ! " "uild.n,
settlement of said account and hear- constructing of a new flight of steps
ing said petition, at which time any from the present new steps from
person interested In said estate may Third and Fourth Streets, Oregon City
fnPrf aMfiie hlS fxcePti0s in writ- to the to of th b,uff McLo hlln'
ing to said account and contest the i T,nm,0L , , ... '
same. (Promenade, in accordance with the
First publication of this notice, July ! P!ans and specifications therefor now
13, 1900. ; ' jon file with the Recorder of Oregon
. 0RA BROWN, j City, will be received by the Com-
founfdece'ased iDliUee on Streets and Pul'lic
U'Ren & Schuebel, attorneys for es- i of the Council of Oregon City, until
tate. 31t5 i Tuesday, the 1 1th day of August,
100C, at 4 o'clock p. m. of said day.
ORDINANCE NO Plans and specifications containing
j further information will be furnished
An ordinance establishing Sewer 1 upon application to the Recorder of
District No. 5, and providing .that; Oregon City.
property owners therein shall make j Each proposal must be accompanied
connection with the public sewers 1 by a certified check for a sum equal
thereof, when constructed. 'to five per cent of the total estimate
Section 1. That lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 ;of the work, which sum will be subject
of Block 38; Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of j to forfeiture in case of the failure of
Block 42; Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Block 'the successful bidder to furnish bonds
45; fractional Lot3 3, 5, and 6 of ( and enter Into a written contract for
Fractional Block 46; all of Block D;jsaid work, if called upon so to do,
also a strip 132 feet wide along . within ten days from the date of the
Seventh street off of the Northerly ! acceptance of said bid by the Council
side of the public square between j of Oregon City.
Harrison and Taylor Streets, County The right to rejoct any and all bids
Addition to Oregon City, Oregon; also j and to accept any bid considered most
all of Blocks 3, 8 and 13, and 100 feet j favorable to Oregon City is hereby
off the west side of Blocks 4, 7 and 14,
and 100 feet off of the east side of
Blocks 2, 9 and 12 of Holmes Addition j
to Oregon City, Oregon; together i
with one-half of each street and alley
immediately adjoining said lots and)
blocks be and the same are hereby
constituted a sewer district, to be
known as Sewer District No. 5.
Section 2. That all property own
ers within said Sewer District No. 5,
are hereby required to connect all
water closets, privies, sinks, bathtubs
and drains containing or carrying sew-
Woman's Trials.
The bitter trail In a woman's life Is to
be childless, Wliiu-nn tell how hard tho
suiiifiile nuiv have been ere she lenrnt'to
resign herself to her lonely lot? The ab
sence of this link to biiid marital life
together, the absence of this one pledge
to mutual affection is common illsap
iNiiiitment. Many unfortunate couple
K'ooine estranged thereby. Kven If they
do not drift apart, one may read the whole
extent of their dispiolntincnl in the eyes
of such a childless couple when they rest
on the children of others. To them the
largest family dors not seem loo numerous.
In many cases of barrenness or child
lessness the obstacle to rhild-bearliui Is
easily removed by the cure of weakness on
ths part of the woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription has been the means of
restoring health and fruitfulness to many
a Urrcn woman, to the (treat Joy of the
household.' In other, but rare cases, the
obstruction to the hourlng of children has
been found to 1 of a surgical character,
but easily removable bv painless operative
treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute, liulTalo. N. Y.. over w hich
Dr. Pierce of the " Favorite Prescription
fame prusides. In all cases where chil
dren are desin.il and are absent, an effort
should be made to lind out the null cause,
since H is generally so easily removed by
proer treatment.
In all the various weaknesses, displace
ments, prolapsus. Inflammation and de
bilitating, catarrhal drains ami in all
cases of nervousness and debility, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the most
efficient remedy that can (possibly U used
It has to its credit 1 111 ml mis of thousands
of cures more In fact than any other
remedy put tip for sale through drinrslsLs.
especially- for woman's ue. The Ingredi
ents of which the " Favorite Inscription
is composed have received the most
positive endorsement from the leading
miilical w riters on .VifTii .Vnim of all
the several schools of practice. All the
Ingredients are printed in pluin t'ntf(l7i
on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine mav know exactlv what
she is taking. Dr. Pierce takes his pa
tients into his full eontidenee, which he
can afford to do as the formula after
which the "Favorite Prescription Is
made will bear the most careful exam
ination. Br. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are th
best and safest laxative for women.
erage with public system of sewer
mains, to be constructed within said
district within 90 days from the time
said sewers are completed and ac
cepted by Oregon City; and all per
sons neglecting or refusing to make
such sewerage connections within the
time named shall, upon conviction
thereof before the Mayor or City Re
corder, be fined In any sum not less
than ten dollars nor exceeding one
hundred dollars at the discretion of
the court; and each day such refusal
or neglect shall continue after the
said 90 days, shall be deemed a dis
tinct and separate offense.
Section 3. Within the same time,
to-wit: 90 days after the completion
of the said main sewers, all property
owners within said sewer district are
required to close and properly fill with
earth all privy vaults and cesspools
within the same; and hereafter it
shall be unlawful for any property
owner to dig or make use of any cess
pool or privy vault, and all persons
violating the provisions of this sec
tion shall, upon conviction thereof, be
fined in any sum not less than Ten
nor more than One Hundred Dollars,
at the discretion of the Court, and
be held Wednesday, August 15, 1906,
at 8 o'clock p. m. of said day.
By order of the Council of Oregon
City w. A. DIMICK,
All proposals must bo addressed to
the Committee on Streets and Public
Property of the Council of Oregon
City in care of the Recorder,
By order of the Council of Oregon
Oregon City, Oregon, August 1, 1900.
Committee on Streets and Public Prop
erty of the Council of Oregon City.
In the Matter of tho Collection of
sPollnqnont Street and Sewer Improve
ment Uens due Oregon City.
Whereas, assessments for street,
sewer, and sidewalk Improvements
within Oregon City, have been made
heretofore upon certain real property
in Oregon City hereinafter described
which said assessments have been
duly and regularly entered In tho
Docket of City Liens and due and reg
ular notices of such assessments hnvo
beeu published as required by law
and more than twenty days have claps
ed since the date of tho first publica
tion of such notices of the assessments
upon the real property hereinafter
described and the snid assessments to
gether with the interest thereon as
provided by law remain wholly un
paid, and
Whereas, the said assessments so
remaining wholly unpaid were enter
ed In the said Docket of City Liens
on the dates hereinafter stated, against
the property, in the amount and in the
name of the owner or reputed owner.
as follows: 1
May 4. 1S92. Mrs. K. L. Newton. Ixits
1 and 2. Block 142 of Oregon City
.' $24 90
May 5, 1897. H. E. Cross. Lots 3 and
4, Block 100 of Oregon City, llS.Oti
Jan. 7, 1900, Wm. J. Raugh. Lot 4 and
Northwesterly 25 feet of Lot 3 in
Block 1 'of Fairvlew Addition to
Oregon City $10.00
Oct. 23, 1900, Mrs. Mary F. Cross,
part of lot 2 in block 24 of Oregon
City $15.75
Jan. 14, 1901. James Dolan Estate, Lot
4 of Block 13. of Oregon City.. $2.50
May 2. 1901, Mary Ann Dutcher, Lot
5 of Block 144 of Oregon City. $14 04
May 8. 1902, Miss Staben. Lots 5 and
6 of Block 45. County Addition to
Oregon City $2.55
June 14, 1902, Thos. Charman, South
erly 10 feet of Lot 3 and Northerly
ten feet of Lot 4 of Block 2 Oregon
City $16.55
June 14. 1902, Mrs. Scott, Easterly
half of Lot 1 of Block 25, County
Addition to Oregon City .... $14.00
Sept 3, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson. Lot
4 of Block 124 of Oregon City. $15.39
Sept 3, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
5 of Block 124 of Oregon City. $15.39
Sept 3. 1903. Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
4 of Block 145 of Oregon City. $15.39
Sept. 3. 1903. Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
5 of Block 145 of Oregon City. $15.39
Sept. 3, 1903, Thomas A. McBride, Lot
1 of Block 34, County Addition to
Oregon City $24.38 i
Sept. 3, 1903, Thomas A. McBride, Lot
8 of Block 34, County Addition to
Oregon City ,$24.38
June 23, 1903, John Weismandel, South
16 feet of Lot 8 In Block 18
Oregon City $13.20
June 23. 1903, Aaron E. Wait Lot
1 of Block 19, Oregon City ... .$48.54
June 23, 1903. Aaron E. Wait, Lot
2 of Block 19, Oregon City . . . .$43.10 j
June 23, 1903. Peter Paquet Estate.
South half of Lot 4, Block 48, Ore
gon City $30.31
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson. Lot
3 of Block 100. Oreeon Pltv. 1(12 72 1
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
4 of Block 100, Oregon City.. $44.73
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
5 of Block 100, Oregon City.. $14.73
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
6 of Block 100, Oregon City. .$02.72
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
7 of Block 100, Oregen City. .$02.72
June 23, 1903. Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
3 of Block 124, Oregon City.. $31. 11
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
4, Block 124, Oregon City. .. .$49.10
June 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson, Lot
Po Your Ankles or Limbs Swell?
Are Your Eyes Puffy? We aro
the 60I0 Agents for the Only
Thing Known That Cures tho
Kidney Diseases that Cause
Dropsy, viz: Fulton's Compound.
It ts now well known that dropsy la not In
Itself a disease but 1s commonly a nyniptom of
Blight's Disease or Dlabetcn. Henro, up to the
discovery of the Fulton Compounds, dropsy was
incurable. It is now, however, curable In nearly
Dine tenths of all cases. Here in an Interesting
recovery, to which we refer by permission.
Mrs. Peter Ooyhenelx of iX Fillmore street.
Baa Francisco, became alarmingly dropsical.
Her physician bad finally to tap ber every few
days. She was tapped nearly forty times and
grew worse from day to day. The physician
finally told ber husband that she had Urifht'l
Disease of the Kidneys, that it was In an ad'
vanced chronic Hate and beyond medical aid.
Eer heart also gave ber the usual trouble and
he was In such a serious condition the relatives
were sent for. They put her on Fulton's Com
pound. It slaved on h stomach, the first
thlnif that had done so fur a week. The second
week the dropsy declined a little and the Im
provement was then gradual until her recovery
was complete. This case was examined Into
by representatives of tho San Francisco Star
and the Overland Monthly, and the tfenulneiiess
of the case and the recovery were fully attested
In their columns.
Mrs. Thomas Chrlstol of 428 Twenty-seventh
street, San Francisco, was also swollen with
dropsy, as a result of chronic JirlKht's Disease,
to more than seventy-five pounds beyond ber
normal we'Kht, and had to be moved in sheets
and was close to death's door although she bud
four physicians. She was put on the Fulton
ComiouDds. Three weeks showed Improvement
and in six month abe was well, and permit
this reference.
There is only one thing known that will cure
the chronic kidney disease that Is behind dropsy
and that is Fulton's Compound. The Kenal
Compound forUrliht's and Klein' v diseases, II;
for Diabetes, 1 1. SO. John J. Fulton Co., 44
Washington street, San Francisco, sole corn
pounders. Bend for pamphlet. W are the aul
agents for this cit j,
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
6, Block 124. Oregon City. .. .$19.10
Juno 2?, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson. Lot
tt. Block 124. Oregon City $;I1.U
Juno 23, 1903, D. M. Whltinoro, UM 1,
Block 144. Oregon City $43.10
June 23. 1903, Anna Hand. Lot 8. Hlk
144. Oregon City $m.iO
Juno 23. 1903, Sarah J, Houderson, l.ot
3, Block 145. Oregon City. .. .$31.11
Juno 23, 1903, Sarah J. Henderson. Lot
4. Block 115, Oregon City. .. ,$49.10
June 23, 1903, Surah J, Henderson, I Ait
5, Block 145. Oregon City $19.10
June 23, 1903. Surah J. Henderson. Lot
t Block 145, Oregon City $31.1 1
Juno 23. 1903, Wm. J, Ranch, Lot 5.
Block 155 of Oregon City, .. .$35. 34
Juno 23, 1903. Wm. J. Rauch, lit 6.
Block 155 of Oregon City $5.11
Sept. 6, 1903, W. W. Myers, West half
of Lot 1, Block 159. Oregon City
Sept. !'.. 1903, W. W. Myers. West half
of Lot 2, Block 159. Oregon City
Sept. fl, 1903, John Welch, 1M 7. of
Block 103, Oregon City ....$548.93
Sept. 6. 1903. John Wel;h, Lot 8, of
Block 103, Oregon City $221.35
Now therefore, It la ordered, that
the Recorder of Oregon City Issue a
warrant directed to the Chief of Po
lice of Oregon City and commanding
the said Chief of Police to collect tho
said assessments and each of them,
together with the Interest accrued or
to accrue thereon by levy upon and
sale of the said real property In par
cels to satisfy the amount of tho as
sessment due and upon each of said
parrels. In the manner provided by
Read, adopted and ordered publish
ed at a regular meeting of tho Coun
cil of Oregon City, held August 1,
1900, at 8 o'clock p. m.
By order of tho Council of Oregon
City. W. A. DIMICK.
Notice of Executor's Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that tho final
account of Mllo Thomson, executor of
the estate of Alex Thomson, deceased,
has been rendered to the county
cour? of Clackamas county, Oregon, for
settlement, with a petition for a final
distribution of tho estate, and that
Monday, tho 3d day of September, A.
D. 1906, at ten o'clock a. m., has been
duly appointed by said court for tho
settlement of said account and hearing
said petition, at which tlmo any per
sons Interested In said estate may ap
pear and file their exceptions In writ
ing to said account and contest the
First publication of thla aotlco July
th. 1906.
Executor of the estate of Alex Thom
son, deceased.
U'Ren & Schuebel, attorneys for ex
ecutor 33t5
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of tho estato of John R. Shav
er, deceased, by the county court of
the State of Oregon, for Clackamas
County, and has auly qualified as such
administrator. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby,
notified to present the same to me at
Oregon City, Oregon, caro Ella Shav
er, Assessor's Office In said city, or at
the office of Graham & Cleeton, 205
Marquam Building, Portland, Oregon,
within six months from date hereof.
Dated and first publication July C.
Administrator of the estate of John
R. Shaver, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Nela J. Kvale, Plaintiff,
Katherlne C. Kvale, Defendant.
To Katherlne C. Kvale, the above
named defendant:
In the name of tho State of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to appear
and answer the plaintiff' complaint
filed against you on tho 6th day of
July, A. D. 190fi, In the above entitled
suit in the auid Circuit Court, within
six weekH from and after tho Hcrvlce
upon you of the aummona and com
plaint herein; but if published then
within alx weeks from and after the
Cth day of July A. D. 1900 which la
tho time preHcrlbed In tho order of
publication of thl mimmoiiH, for you
to bo appear and answer the said com
plaint, and if you fall to ho appear and
answer the said complaint on or bo
fore the 18th day of August, A. D. 1900,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded In plaintiff's unld
complaint herein to-wit; for a decree
dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between you
and said plaintiff upon the ground that
you have wilfully deserted and aban
doned the plaintiff for more than one
year last past, and do now so wilfully
desert and abandon plaintiff without
her consent.
This HiimmonR is published In tho
Oregon City Enterprise a weekly
newspaper, published and of general
circulation in said Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, for not less than onco each
week f at least six successive w"eks
by written order of tho Hon. Grant
B. Dimick, as Judge of the County
Court of the Stato of Oregon, for
Clackamas County, mado and dated
on tho 5th day of July A. D. 1900 and
duly filed In said Circuit Court.
Attorney for plaintiff.
216-217 Allsky Building, Portland, Oro.
Notice la hereby given that we, the
undersigned, have boon, by the Coun
ty Court, of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County, duly appointed ex
ecutors of tho estate of Flora E. Smith
deceased, and have duly qualified aa
such. All persons having claims
against said estate, are hereby notifl-
AYcCclnule Prcpivalkm for As
similating Ihd Food mul lie tfuU
tlng the Stuuuuitt andlknvm cC
ncssarvilkst.Cofi tains neither
Lh)niin.Mtrjhlive nor Mineral.
Not Nam c otic.
W SmJ'
Apcrfccl nrmcdy for foiwtlp
tiort. Sour Stonuch, Diarrhoea,
Worms JConvuLsiortsJevcrish
ocss and Loss or Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
Nrw YonK.
txACT copy of WAFFia,
ed to present the same to us, with
proper vouchers at the County Clrk's
office In Oregon City, Oregon, wlthltt
sli months from tho dat hereof.
Dated this 3d day of July, 1900.
Executors of tho estato of Flora E.
Smith, Deceased.
V. N. Barrett. Attorney for said ea
tte. Ctlmei
Notice la hereby given that tho com
mitter on Street and Public Pmo-
erty of the Council of Oregon City
win receive sealed oius ror Hie rurnlHti
llig and delivering of &)() cubic vnnl
fof crushed rock, to be delivered with
in the corporate limits of Oregon City
at any place designated by tho Su
perintendent of streets.
All bids am required to be Mealed
ana nieti witn tho undersigned com
mittee, In care of the Recorder, by
Tuesday, the Uth day of August. 19ofl,
at 4 o'clock p. m.. of said day. The un
dersigned committee and the Council
of Oregon City nuerves tho right to
reject any and all bids, and to accept
the bid considered most favorable
to Oregon City.
on Street and Public
In the Circuit Court of the. Stnto of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Nora Collins, Plaintiff,
Edwin ColllnH, Defendant.
To Edwin Collins, defendant above
In tho namo of tho Stato of Ore.
gin, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint filed
against you In tho above entitled
cause on or before the 8th day of Sep
tember, 19iifi. said day being more
than six week from tbe 27th day of
July, 1900, the date of tho first pub
lication of this summons, and If you
fall so to answer for wantvthereof tho
plaintiff will apply to tho court for
the relief prayed for, to-wit:
For a decree of said court forever
dissolving the bondH of matrimony
now existing between plaliajlff and
defendant; and for such other and
further relief as mny be equltablo and
The order for publication of sum
mons In this case was made by the
Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of tbo
county court, of Clackamaa county,
Oregon, on the 20th duy of July, 190G.
The date of tho first publication of
this summons Is July 27, 1900, and tho
date of the last publication Is Septem
ber 7, 1900.
' J. F. WATTS.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for tho County of Cluck
anias. Ada M. Jones, Plaintiff,
vs. ,
Martin O. Jones, Defendant.
To Martin G. Jones, thu above named
In tho namo of tho Stato of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
youin tho above entitled suit, In the
ubovo named court, on or before Fri
day, August 31, 1900, tho samo being
six weeks from tho first publication of
this summons, and you will take notice
that if you full to so appear and an
swer said complaint, the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for tho relief de
manded in said complaint, to-wit: That
tho bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and Plaintiff bo dissolv
ed. This Hiimmons is publlshod by tho
order of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck,
Judge of tho County Court for Clack
amas county, Stato of Oregon, in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper of general cli dilution in
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Vf VTAtf HIMI1, MffW fTV,
Clackamas county, for alx uccelv
and coniectitlvo week, rouitneffclnir
Friday. July 20lh. 1900 and continuing
to and Including Friday. August 81.
i3iti. ;i;o. c. IIROWNICLL.
2217 Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In tho County Court of the Stato of
Oregon, for Cluckamna County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Win. C.
Llchtent baler, deceased.
Notice I hereby given that tho. un
dersigned ha filed hi final account
a executor of the estate of Win. C.
Llchtent hater, d eased. In thu abovo
entitled court, and that said court haa
ordered that said final account bo
heard on tho 8th day of September.
190G. and any anil all persons Interest
ed therein ar hereby required to fil
their objection. If ny there be, to
said final account on or before said
time and hearing of Maid final account.
Administrator of th Kstato of Wm.
C. Llchtctithaler, deceased.
Date of first publication August 3, 190H
Date of last publication August
In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for Clackamas county,
F. O. Wiles, Plaintiff,
Agne J. WHeH. Defendant.
To Ague J. Wile. Defendant abovo
In the name of tho Stato of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear ami
answer the complaint filed against you
In tho abovu entitled cause on or bo
foro August 2."., 1900, ald day belnit
more than six weeks from tbo 13tb.
day of July, 11)00. tbe date of tho first
publication of said summons, and It
you so fall so to appear or answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to tbe court for th relief prayed for
In the said complaint; to-wit: For a.
decree of said court dissolving th
marriage contract heretofore and now
existing between plaintiff ami defend
ant, and for such other relief as to
the court may seem Just and equltablo.
The order for publication pf sum
moiis In this suit was uinde and enter
ed by Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrldo, cir
cuit Judge of tho County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, on tho 12th duy of
July, 1900.
3H7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tho Twlce-n-weok Journal and tho
Enterprise, one year, $2.2!., cash. tf
See Nature's
Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
Cnstlo Gate, Cunon of the
Grand, Black Canon, Mar
shall and Tennessee Pus
ses, and the World-Famous
Hoyal Gorge
For Doscrlpltlve and Illustrated
Phamplets, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, Oen'l Ag't,
124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or.'
'eVr".'"Ct' v " ( r rift