Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 03, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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...Short' Sidehead Stories...
I I'PHI! I.Y-TOl I) TAI.RH 01'
City Man Will Try Btockralslno
A part of tint Keen donation claim
hi'iir IIIkIiIiiikI Iiiih been lioimht by
Unliiiii) IIoIiWniiii (if Portland, wlio will
conduct a alork farm,
They Want to be Carriers
W, J, Laimnfoid nml Robert Mr
Clliitncfc, luitli (if Ori'Kini City, toolt
tliii rnnil mrrlor'N cuiiiiiliiiitluii lit th
liicn! poHtufricd Hiittirdiiy. KKht liud
IWinitlly applied but only t,n two mini
d ni)niir(l.
Crape Crop Under Averane
Tint Kmp crop on tint tillliidM
Ithollt MlUlllllilo Will lilt bi-lfiw thn liv
criiKi Ihln year, any J. It. Ilroi'tji.,
wIki axcrllixN thn tihortiiKK to tlm ex
rcuMlvii warm wcntluT Hint prcvullcil
t Hut tlimt iliu vIiich wont In bloom.
Assault Charge Dismissed
Tim cliiiiKi! of ntti-mplitil criminal
iiMNitult MKiihint (ilmlon KrlKlimiin of
(itti'lli'ld, wiu iIIhmiIhhciI, Friday, by
JiiHtlcn of t It. Vnc ,vy Htlpp. win)
held Hint tlm tcMtlmoiiy ut thu trial
llil not mipport the nlli'Kitlloii In the
(Illllpllllllt. '
Sheep Creek Bride Deserts
ICd mutt i W, Clark, In a divorce milt,
tiled In tho Circuit court, say bin wife,
inure In M. C'liirkn, deserted him In
June liiNt year. Tin y wern married at
Hlmi p I'r. i-k. Albertii, Ciinailn, In July,
1VI:I, Tlm plaintiff anks for tho earn
and ctiHiody of their four children.
Only One Left Alive
Owfii Woods, of Tiiiuiiin, who Visit
ed Oregon ('liy friends for Several
days last week, Ih Hut lust surviving
member of Hie crew of the fttnitltl'T I
Mm H.'iuilor, which blew up at Port
land In the year is",. At (ho time of
Hi" accident Mr. W.s.ds wan quite m
vnrnly Injured.
Aching for a Divorce
(inorgn Walker Akn achnu for a ill-
Vurce from hlN Wife, Klnln Myrtle Akn,
after a married llfn of 18 yearn. He
avem ttlm left him a year ago In port
land, and their two children am with
her. Il doemi t auk for tlm children,
but Hlmply a Heveruiicn of (h IkiixIh
that bind htm to Kittle.
. "V
Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak
System any one may take and iinish pictures. It'S daylight all
the way.
Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00
Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00.
Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6,00
Burmeister & Andresen
Suspension Bridge Corner The OrCgOfl City JcwclcfS
Till! Wl!l!K S DOINilH.
Responsible for Oogi' Acts
Fri'd Jilnlirn wim given JtidKiiient for
$2 liy Juiilleii Btlpp, Saturday, UKalniit
Henry lluar ami John Kauffmaii, The
milt rtmtilUxl from tlio killing: of
Itltilim's MhiMtp by (logH bilot)Klrig to
Hid di'lVtldllllU. Five Mhlttip II 11(1 HlX
IiuiiIin wr killed, and llluhm alleged
Hint Nfvt.rnl othor Hhcop tiolonKltifC to
him went Injured by thn same (logH.
Il nought lo rooovor 1 10,
No Boxea, No Free Delivery
Tint fourth uMHUlant postmaster Ken
Mill has noiincd loHtinuHtr T. P.
Hun. lull Hint bcfnro an additional free
delivery mute cnn Im ordered enlab
United illicit fourth of Hut fami
lies IIvIiik atoiiK tho route propound
must erect Bpprovi-d mull boxes and
thn poHtinuHior iniiHt certify to thin
fart before service- can bo commenc
Deep Thlrit Allayed
J, II, Chinlcs of Albany, parched by
residence lii "dry" I.lnn county, cumo
to Oregon City Tliurmlny of IiihI week,
iiiel beforn midnight wat carrying a
load of mingled bop and corn Julco
that aiiiai'd all beholderM. lie wiih
ncconim.idiili'd with a bed In tho city
lock up, and paid a mifTIf lent mim to
Itecorder Hlnilck lint next day to pay
for tho trotihlo Im nuimnl,
One Dollar Reward Awaita Lad
A big wllver dollar In In Secretary
CroMd' haiitlx awaiting Hobi-rt Du
boU, left an a reward for tils honety
In returning a valuable gold watch
Im found ut (iloilHtotm Park during
tlm Chautiiiiiua. MIh H. M. Canto
owned thn watch and Mm gavo thn (hil
ar to Mr. Crona for Duboln, but the
full. ..I I.. ..,.... .1.1.
pearly all of thn lout urtlclen during
tlio KeHHlolt worn recovered.
Wanta Land at Currlntvllle
Thn Oregon Water Power & Hall
way company In negotiating for a atrip
ol lain! on either nlde of u right of
way through thn wet half of tlm Hugh
Currln (Intuition claim at CitrrliiHvllle,
owned by Mrit. Dlunna Currln. Thn
track Ih hounded by heavy timber and
thn company Heck tlm right to cut
thin timber down far enough on each
fldn of Hid truck to prevent any poH-
" " . . .
.. . v AT V.f.'. ,
m -. - jf '., 1
1 ar ,:r- . '
4t : r.
nihility of thorn falling across the rails.
New Road at Viola la O
Tho new hill road at Viola Im big
value for tho money, according to
Judgo Dlmlck, who with J, A. Cain,
made an Inspection drive out that way
IiihI week. Tho two in Una of film liMi
way Is paid by a Hpeclal tax on the
land benefitted, about $800 being rain
ed by that method. Judgo Dlmlck and
Mr. Cain drove from Highland to Vio
la over tlm old Pioneer rood, a road
Holdom lined und hardly known ex
cept to residents of that vicinity. (Ally
ono team had been over It thin year,
Identlty Still Unknown
Tho Identity of tho unknown (load
man that wan found In Bucker Lake at
Oxwego ban not yet been learned.
Coroner It. I,. Ilolman received a let
ter from Mm. Hamantha J. Davln, of
Oluckttmim, who thought tho dead man
might havo been W. It. titacka, who
dlHuppeared from bin homo tutor Clack
hi 1 1 it ji Juno 11 and bat not nlnco been
Imard from, lint tho deHcrlption nup-
plled by Mm. Davln In no particular
(allien with that of tho dead man, who
Ih generally coiiKldnred to have been a
Ktruuger In thin nectlon of tho coun
try. Mre. Collins Prefers Bacon
Mm. Nora Collins has Instituted
milt In thn circuit court agalnKt Kdwln
Colllnn for a dttcreo of divorce. They
went married In Columbia county,
Oregon, Augimt .'10, 1H01, and have two
chlldn n, Wilbur, aged H yearn, and
Hazel, ukciI II yi'um. Sho alleges
that her hiiMbaml detterted her In Oc
tober, !i02, and during tho last three
years has utterly failed to contribute
towurds the HupjMirt of his family. Sho
atks for tlm euro and custody of Hip
children, and wants to resume her
maiden name of Nora Huron.
Girls Cling to Overturned Boat
A rowbont capsized In the Willam
ette rlvnr, opposite 8t. Johns church,
Oregon City, on Thursday ofternoon
of last week, and tho four occupants
of the boat, I.loyd and Kvelyn Hard
ing, Wallace Caufield and Morelto
Hickman, were narrowly saved from
drowning. They escaped with only a
bail scum. Tho two young men wore
rowing tho girls across the river at a
point near tho Catholic church, where
the stream Is of great depth, when tho
small craft, which was loudcd beyond
It real capacity, encountered a few
small swells from a passing steamer.
f h
J -,. V
tv J
' Jf
that had apparently wanted themnelvon
of Htrength, and immediately capnl.od.
With nplendld prenenon of mind the
two ladn, who are good nwlmmorn, re
tained a hold on tho overturned boot
with ono hand and each Inntantly
nolzod ono of tho glrln, who were told
to hold to tho nldo of tho boat which
wan then convoyed to tho bank by
tho two boyn without further mlahap.
(Continued from pago 1.)
list of (Jcliruuctit assitssments and the
Immediate collodion of same. Thin
notice and an ordinance establishing I j
sewer district No. 0, are printed onL'
pane six oi mis paper.
An ordinance was passed repealing
tho ordinance granting franchise to
tho Oregon City and Suburban Kali
way company; also ono repealing the
ordinance granting franchise for elec
tric railway and elevators V) T. F.
Ityan t al.
Tho ordinance assessing the cost of
tho Improvement of John Qtilncy
Adams street from Sixth to Seventh
streets ($ 1002.25) was passed.
A resolution was adopted providing
for paying two bonds of Hewer District
No. '. duo September 1st. for $500
Cemetery Sexton Elected.
F. Williamson and C. liluhm applied
by letter for tho Job of cemetery sex
ton, llluhm, tho present sexton, was
elected by six votes to one for Wil
liamson. There Is no salary attached to
j tho position, but the fees for digging
graves are said to provide a fair wage.
The sexton Is by the charter to give
ono day's work per week toward tho
general care of the cemetery, but this
Is not enforced, said the Mayor.
John Illttner, contractor for the Fifth
street Improvement, was given a war
rant for $:05.
The Mayor was empowered to look
after needed repairs to the fountain
at Seventh and Main streets.
Prisoners in the city jail tamper
with the lock on tho Iron lattice door,
so a plate of sheet Iron will be put
on to stop their prying fingers.
Councilman Andresen suggested that
tho old H. & L. truck be stationed on
the hill, as It was simply In the way
since the new one came.
The Recorder was directed to col
lect from the O. W. P & R. Co., Its
share of the recent street repairs
along the Catholic church property.
Tho Street Commissioner was di
rected to notify residents along Sev-
jenth Street near the Eastham school,
jto remove trash from the street in
front of their premises. He will also
notify Councilman Williams to clean
jiip about his property at Fifth and
i Washington streets and to build a
' sidewalk along same,
i The( condition about Williams'
property was brought up by J. W.
j Cooke, w ho lives across the street
rrom Williams. He said the weed3
were not mowed, old lumber was ly
ing In the weeds and there was great
danger of Are. He spoke strongly of
the neglected condition and said he
was sorry Mr. Williams was not pres
ent as he would have preferred to
speak in his presence. All the other
property owners had been compelled
to clean up about their premises and
to build sidewalks, and It was only
fair to treat Mr. Williams the same
Councilman Andresen moved the
Recorder be directed to request Mr.
Williams to clean up and to build a
sidewalk. Mr. Cooke protested against
the word request, as did also Coun
cilman Drand. and the word was
changed to order and the job given to
the Street Superintendent.
The Finance committee reported
j favorably on tho following claims, and
j same were allowed and warrants, or-
dored drawn:
j General Fund.
' Chas. E. Burns, chief of police.
Collecting licenses, dog bur
ials $77.00
E. L. Shaw, nlghtwatch 73.00
Henry Cooke, special police 75.00
W. A. Dlmlck, Recorder and ad
ditional work 33.00
E. L. McFarland, Chief of Fire
I Department 10.00
Oregon City Enterprise, printing 15.00
Hodges & Griffith, office rest.. 7.50
J. U. Campbell, Pros. Fees.... 25.00
Goo. Marley, cleaning Main St SC. 00
Pope & Co.. fire supplies 3.00
0 N. Greenman. hauling 1.00
Wilson & Cooke, broom 2. CO'
Willamette Pulp & Paper Co., i
expanding rings 2.20 I
Wilfred White, plans, tracing, j
specifications, bridge, steps,
lumber bill, etc 40.00
Chas. Catta, meals at jail . 8.00
Portland General Electric Co.,
lights 183. G5
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.,
hauling 34.65
Jesse Curtis, cleaning Main St 6.00
E. T. Koarnes, cleaning Main St 10.00
E. Albee, cleaning Main St 4.00
Road Fund. !
J. C. Bradley, Street Sutt $40.50
David Caufield, street work... 25.00
C. D. Straight, street work 29.00
John Gleason, stroet work .... 43.00
A, Wlckham, street work 1(5.00
James Ware, street work 8.00
O. II Jefferson, street work
with team 25.00
T. M. Miller, work on Main St.. 10. SO
John (Jreen, work on Main 8t 3.00
13. J. Fay, work on Main St 3.00
K. P. Elliott, work on Main St. , 1.00
W. M. Gardner, work on Main St
D. B. Frost, work on Main St..
C, H. Straight, work on Main St
George 8mith. work on Main St
Pope & Co., nails
Wilson & Cooke, saw, wheel bar
row, nails etc 11.40
Oregon City Planing Mill Co.,
lumber 56.45
u,;Jran f0UT
days 18.00
8ewer District No. S Fund.
H. A. Hands, level plans, spec.
profiles, etc $02.50
J. Q. Adame Street Imp. Fund.
H. A. Hands, setting stakes 7.50
Sixth Street Imp. Fund.
II. A. Hands, plans and estimate
of cost 2T.50
In another column of this paper Is
County Treasurer Paddock's first call
for warrants, and notice of stoppage
of Interest on warrants Issued prior
to Juno 1, 1S05. Clackamas county Is
just about one year behind In Its pay
ment of county warrants but road
warrants are being paid upon presentation.
The county road machine is being '' Well efj nipped Phriical and Chemical Lb
, , , , T . , oratoriet. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The
used by the city In work on John , Urg, nd o;de Ud,. miBtn iB tbe Plcine
Qlllticy Adams Street. ' Northweat. it enjori a national reputation lor Im-
I parting tbe bett physical, mental and moral traia-
How an Oregon Citizen Found Com
plete Freedom from Kidney Troub
les. If you suffer from backache
From urinary disorders
From any disease of the kidneys.
Be cured to stay cured.
Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting
Oregon people testify.
Here's one case of it:
David Campbell, baker, at 221 North
17th St., and living at 170 North 18th
St., Portland, Oregon, says:
"Every word of the statement I
made In February, 1903, concerning
Doan's Kidney Pills is not only true
but having since been free from kid
ney trouble, I am glad to state that
my faith in Doan's Kidney Pills is
stronger than ever. It is now five or
six years since I began to suffer with
a lame and aching back. It was so
bad I could not stand the pain when
bending forward or straightening. I
tried various remedies and began doc
tors' treatment but whatever relief
I found was only temporary, and often
I could not get any relief at all. Hav
ing read la my home paper from Eng
land, that Doan's Kidney Pills were
strongly recommended for such troub
les I got a supply at a local drug
store. The first box helped me so
much that I kept on with the treat
ment, and when I had taken about
four boxes not a trace of the trouble
remained and I have had no recur
rence since. I have told these facts
In a testimonial published in 1903, and
am very glad of the opportunity to
corroborate it.
Plenty more proof like this from
Oregon City people. Call at Huntley
Bros, drug store and ask what their
customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
PILES suppository
Orsdrd School, 8tatttrill, S. C, writ: I can t
they do ill veia ciouta for th'm." Ir, S. M. Drmre.
Hrn Rack. W. Vi,, write: Thff frit rtWrri snii
rstitioa." Pr. U. O. Ui-Gllt, Clarksburg, T no., write :
In a ftrtoilc of 3S y- art, I fatrt fou-iJ no M tnedy tc
fxjufc yoor." Pfcici, in Ciar. SauuptM ,
Sold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros
Call for Free Sample.
Practice In all courts of the state,
Federal and United States Supreme
Room S06 Commercial Building
Portland, Oregon.
When you require an Abstract pf Title
to lands in Clackamas Courtfy, have
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite you to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
60G- 60S Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
Money to loan on Clackamas County
DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
t Office Opposite Masonic Building
TTs Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Have Confidence When He Telia You
Pepslkola Tablet Do Cure
Possibly you may think our oaljr
reason for praising these tablets la
because of the small profit we make
on each 25 cent box, but how little
satisfaction there would be In rec
ommending a remedy that would dis
appoint you and thereby lose your
This thing of selling a worthless ar
ticle is mighty poor business policy.
Square dealing always pays best and
when we tell you what Pepslkola tab
lets will do, our confidence Is based
on our own personal experience la
selling them here In Oregon City year
after year.
There Isn't a remedy In this store
that we recommend more highly and
unless Pepslkola tablets really do what
we claim for thera how utterly useless
our efforts would be.
For coated tongue, sour stomach,
wind belching, fullness after eating,
heart burn, sleeplessness, weakened
energy, and other symptoms of indi
gestion we recommend them wltli
every confidence and always refund
the 25c should you fall to receive the
benefits expected.
Bene the ) lts Yoa JawAhWfJ Bac4
Bmitiiullr located in Portlind. Orecen,
oncn unturpatsca laciuuei inr in cw
lure aod education oi rouog women. Special
l ODDortiinitie 111 Mulie. Art l.ftnffiiatm and IJtar-
I Ine and developing true womanhood.
fooallr and educationally lor th moat eia!te4
(talion. Confer! Academic and Collegiate Degree
br State Authority. Interference with cormction
ol non-Catholic it acmpuioualr aroided. Academy
1 ideally located, amid inspiring icenic advan
tage. Social opportunity men a are arnlabl
in no other city on the Coast. Building large and
commodion. veil-lighted, heated and ventilated:
dormitorie and .private room (applied with all
modern convenience. The initiation is liberal
and progressive without sacrificing the character
and tradition ol age and achievement. Terms
modeit. Satisfactory reference required. Writ lor
announcement booklet. Board and tuition 1180 per
year. Addrets Siater Superior. St. Mary's Academy
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
a. Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers 13a Main 13U
Main Street, Oregon City, Or con.
Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money,
Foreclose Mortgage, and transact
General Law Btuinesa.
V. 8- U'Ben 0. 8ohttbel
Attorneys at Law.
pcutWjfr SUmoltat,
Will practice In all courts, make collec
tions and settlements of estates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon
ey on first mortgage.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Oregon City. -
Will practice In all the courts of the state
Office In Caufield Building.
Attorney at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosure. Ab
stracts of Title and General Law Bus
iness. Office over -Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or.
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
Prices Reasonable