t t i OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1908. 3 H)CKA0OT'CAN3' 9 GAL? PA'T rtAOYTOAPP'Ifjl ........ ru 1 1 uiiMw..ifnmnri OREGON CITY and VICINITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. Road Hod Front' Carnival Ad. (itm Kennedy left for California, Monday, on a surveying trip, Old newspapers for talo at tbla of fice 26c pr hundred. II. L. and Hoy W. Kelly went to Seavlew, Tuesday, for tho benefit of 11. 1. Kelly's health. Wallace Cole will build a rottago on IiIh Iota adjoining his homo prop erty, Blxth and Center atreet. . HONEY TO LOAN AT 0 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Rea & Behuebol. Tho Utile son of Gorgo V. Ely won taken (o I'ortland last week where the lad'a fractured arm wax rcaet. County Clerk Grccntuan has issued but CO hit n tern' license ao far thla season. Over 600 were Issued last year. 8. J. Hastings, (5. C. Atcheson and I)avj Jonea went to Vancouver, Wash., Monday, where they will perform aomo hotiMemovIng contracts. For Sale Five extra good cowb and a new Iowa Cream Separator for sale or trade for team. Goo. W. Itradley, Oregon City. 33t2 The rout of the flrcmon'a picnic and barbecue waa about $100, about one half of which had to be ralaed by con tribution from the fire companion. Jainea Beattlo la hero from Tacoma, for a vlalt with hla sister. Mra. C. Kchuebel. and hla father R. T. Heat tie, who haa been very III, but la now Im proving. Good thread 4 tor 10c; beat 3 for 10c. lluttona lc and 3c do. Carnival. RED FRONT. Tho OrearAmerlcan Importing Tea company haa Hoard Ita local branch and removed tho atock to Portland. It attempted to do bUHlneaa here with out publicity. All trimmed and untrlmmed hata below cost at Miss Goldsmlth'a. 34tt Frlenda here have received letters from Clair Cauflcld, who haa a postal Job on tho laland Oahu, near Hono lulu. He and hln family aro well and like their new home. 1e for l.".c candy, fc for 10c chim ney h, 2c for laundry or toilet aoap; oranges lc. Carnival. Tho Red Front Mr. and Mra. Win, Itohlnaon of The Fair are upending a few daya at Mar tin Spring. Mr. Robinson will leave noon for New York to purcha.se hla fall and winter atock. George W. Harrington, of Nome, Alanka, hns telegraphed relatives here that he will reach Oregon City Sun day, for a visit. Mr. Harrington has not been homo for three yeara. For Rent Good 2 story house, bnrn, woodHhcd, summer house with water; seven lots and over 200 fruit trees. Parkplace. .Inquire at Parkplace store. ' 33t2 Charles Wright and A. H. Grlossen are camping at tho headwaters of tho Molalla, catching fish and "seeing" game. W. II. Porter has the chair in the barber shop during Wright's absence. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J. MEYER Transacts a general banking business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p, m. n n o o m Turc, raw linseed oil H costs less than ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick ft 14 pigment, gallon for gallon, it makes the best paint for the least money, FOR SALE BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. Y-t W. J. Gordon and family, who re cently returned here from Grants Pan, will conduct tho hoarding house on Heventh street between Main and Water, which ha a been In charge of Mra. M. J. Moreland. Extra prlcea for egga and chlckena extra meana more than market price. Our Carnival la our clearance and clear-up tho profits are all youra. TUB RED FRONT. If you owo tho city anything for II cenaea yon had better pay up or tho Chief of I'ollco will be after you. Chief Iliirna haa been made official collec tor by tho council and he anya ho will vlalt tho delinquent If they don't pay up at once. Udlea' $2 calf fihoca $1.39. FRONT. RED The Improvement of Fifth atreet Is aa good a Job of tho kind as one ever aeea. When the Improvement of Hlxth atreet la completed, aa It must be within 90 daya, that end of town will present a thotiaand per cent bet ter appearance. J. W. Church, well known In this city, haa realgned aa manager of tho Portland Flouring mill at Lind. Wash.. and with Mra. Church, formerly Mlas Elma Albright, of thla city, will locate either at Portland or some point on tho Sound. All mimicry goods below coat at Mlas Goldamlth'a 34 tf Tho new atreet sprinkler haa a ca paclty of 800 gallons and as driven by Councilman Williams during tho last week has proven an effectual dust-pre ventlve. The business men who pay tho bill for running the cart, are al ready satisfied It la a good Invest ment. A brush fire on the aide of the bluff oppoalto tho paper mills waa extln gulHhed Friday by tho fire equipment of the Willamette Pulp & Taper com pany. The dry grass was set on fire by a cigar atump it is thought, and the bla.o soon reached dangerous pro portions. II. II. Johnson, a well known sur veyor, has been apjiointed deputy city engineer by Mayor Caufleld to take care of the city work In the absence of City Engineer Rands, who haa gono to Idaho to complete some government surveying contracts. K. C. Chewing tobacco, half. 25c; Raisins 5c. ' RED FRONT. Jacob Kuhlxh, of Mt. Pleasant, was fined $10, Wednesday by Justice Stlpp for horsewhipping a boy, Corless An drews, who waa engaged in a fight with Kubish'a son. Tho elder Kublsh went to bis son's assistance and be tween tho two young Andrews would have fared badly If J. M. Warnock had not stopped tho fracas. Full lino of Duck Hats nt reduced prices at Miss Goldsmith's. 3-t-tf Miss Youva Randall mot with an accident at Wren while on hor vaca tion from her postofflco duties. While horseback riding, Miss Randall wns thrown to tho ground, and while she escaped without any broken bones, she was so badly bruised as to bo con fined to her bed for a number of daya. President Cashier Ernest Miller, the leading painter and decorator of Portland, states: "I have been In tho painting business for 80 yours and nan state that tho Kin lock paint Ih tho best article and give more satisfaction In every respect than any other pulnt I have used." 30t4 A called meeting of tho school hoard will ho hdd In a few (lays to fill two vacancies In tho corps of teachers. Kenneth Latouretto, a former stu dent of McMhinvllIe College, who graduated from Yalo University this season, haw returned to Oregon. He will return again In September and take a. pout graduate course. Ken n'th was an industrious student and to learn of hla success Ih gratifying to IiIh many friends here. McMlnn vllle Telephone Register. Wanted Gentleman or lady with good reference to travel by rail or with rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenseH advanced. Address with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon City, Ore. Dec. 21 Tho Mayor and Finance Committee have closed a contract with Williams Bros, to sprinkle Main atreet from Eleventh street to tho basin, and Heventh street from Railroad avenue to Water street, to perform tho work under the directon and to tho satis faction of tho Street Committee, In consideration of what said Williams llros. can collect from the patrons, the city being relieved of all financial responsibility. The roof of tho two story frame store building, corner of Seventh and Adams street, caught Are about 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon from a defective fluo. Smoko was seen by a neighbor woman and an alarm sent in. Hose Company No. 3 waa on the scene promptly and the blaze waa soon extinguished. A holo about two foot square waa burned In tho roof. Fifty dollar will cover tho damage. The building Is owned by Caleb Cross and occupied by Walter & Dorlng aa a bakery. For Sale or Trade: 160 acres in Curry county with 8,150,000 feet of yellow pine and white cedar, for a 6 or 0 room house and large lot In Ore gon City or other town In Oregon. In trade wants $1500 cash. Write C. J. Christlanson, Alamogordo, N. Mex ico. 32t2 Tho remainder of the Price Bros, stock has been removed from (the store room at Main and Sixth street, and the room la now in tho bands of workmen who will mako great Im provements. A modern steel frame plate-glass front will be put on and will be extended round to tho Sixth atreet aide, where a ten foot plato glass will be put ln. Tho entire in. terlor of tho room will be remodeled and mado spic and span for the big new stock of tho Falls City Clothiers, w ho are going to run a modern, up-to-date store with no superior In tho state. Tho popular A. A. Price will be manager. Joehnke-Riggt. In a wedding characterized by beau tiful simplicity, Miss Helen E. Riggs and Mr. Carl W. Jochnke were mar ried Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, on the spacious lawn of Locust Grove farm. Mt. Peasant. The couple stood beneath a bow of ferna and roses arched between two large locust trees. Rev. P. K. Hammond pronounced the Impressive ring ceremony of tho Epis copal church. About CO guests were present. Tho lawn was attractively lighted by Japanese lanterns, and the path of tho bride from the house to tho altar was marked by a row of these lan terns, taona Kellogg and Ernestine King, appropriately gowned, served as flower girls, while Miss Nellie Swaf ford presided at the piano and played Udiengrln's wedding march. The brldo was given away by her brother, Fred Rtggs, of Portland, and the bridesmaid was Miss Mona King of llwaco. Wash. The groom was attend ed by Melvln C. McCord, of' Portland, as best' man. The bride wore white net over white silk with a veil, and carried a shower boquet of carnations. The brides maid was dressed In white organdie and also carried a boquet of carna tions. Following the ceremony and tho showering of congratulations refresh-, menta were served on the lawn. Tho bride is one of the city's pret tiest and most popular girls, and tho groom is a young man of Integrity and splendid future. He Is the general delivery clerk In the postofflco. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Joehnke will be at their home In their newly furnished cottage on Jefferson street. ON U. S. COURT JURY. The following Clackamas county men are serving on the jury at the trial of II. H. Hendricks for subornation of perjury of witnesses, now In progress In tho Federal court at Portland: W. 15. Handle, J. E. Jack, Arthur E. Kyrk and Elmer Dixon. J. A. Hatton of this county, was excused. I SOCIETY AND PERSONAL NEWS I Dr. L. O. Ice entertained a number of friends to a crawfish supper, In hla bachelor apartment, Monday night. Misses Essie Mock and Nclta Hard ing chaperoned a party of 16 little folks to Magoon'a Park Wednesday, where the day was delightfully passed on a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Wlsne.r were the host and hostess of a merry party of prominent society people who enjoyed a hayrack ride, Wednesday night, to the old hatchery on the Clackamas. Miss Margaret Goodfellow entertain ed "The Gypsies" at her home, Thurs day evening, the award of a birthday spoon going to Miss Almee Bollack. A letter was read from Miss Edith Cheney, a member of tho club, who Is now at Whitewater, Wis,, and during the evening the club composed a re- o The Bachelors, a social organization representative of prominent young men of this city, will give a social dance In the pavilion at Canemab Park, Friday evening, parson's or chestra, of, Portland, has been engag ed, and the patronesses of the event will be: Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. E. J. Daulton, Mrs. L. Adams, Mrs. J. P. Keating, Mrs. M. E. Jones, Mrs. F. T. Griffith, Mrs. E. E. Brodlo and Mra. L. L. Pickens. Mrs. Charles Moehnke, of Willam ette Falls, entertained on Thursday In honor of her daughter, Mra. E. A. France, and family, of Portland, the following guests: Mrs. Wm. Bluhm, Mrs. Fred Bluhm, Marie Bluhm, Mrs. Fred Fisher, Mrs. E. A. France, Mrs. I. A. LeBau, Mrs, Cbarlea Moehnke, Geneva France, Martin Deacher, F. Kegll, H. Shroeder, August Moehnke, Levean Moehnke, Rae France, Roland Forsberg, Charles Moehnke and Har old Brady. The evening waa spent with music. Ice cream and cake was served. Gaiety In The Mountains. Gresham, July 30. A crowd of Clackamas people had a Jolly time at Snag Camp In. the mountains, even if not many berrlea were picked. Berries are scarce this year. Last Friday morning every one waa aroused from his comfortable nest by a parade of 2000 head of sheep that came throngh the camp. Men, women and children were called out to stand guard over camp. The parade lasted from 4:55 to 6:30 a. m. Snag camp is nicely situated and the most beautiful scen ery can be seen from there. The last evening spent there by this party was given over to singing by Mrs. P. T. Davis, Wllla and Arthur Johnson and Miss Hazel Siefer. Instrumental music was furnished by Pete Davis and Frank Morton. Snag Camp is an ideal camping Bite, and a great place for a good time, so at least think the following who composed this party: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Bachman, Mrs. P. T. Davis and son Pete, Willa, Arthur, Lawrence and Roy Johnson, Loon a and Luella Mor ton, Hulda Blanfus, Hazel Siefer, Lydla, Jennie, Joe and Jessie Bach man. Proebstel-West. The marriage of Miss Mollie West to H. O. Proobstel was solemnized Saturday afternoon in the parsonage of the First Baptist church, Rev. Henry B. Robins officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. Robins and Miss Celia Mlley. Stralght-Boyd. Mrs. Jennie Boyd and W. E. Straight both of Estacada, were quietly married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Parker, on Fourteenth street, Wed nesday afternoon, Justice LIvy Stipp" officiating. Mr. Straight is a brother of Councilman H. E. Straight, of this city. Rhoads-Henry. The marriage of Miss Louise Henry to Leroy Rhoads of Portland, was sol emnized Saturday morning in the coun ty court house, County Judge Grant B. Dimick officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. Belle A. Sleight, deputy clerk, and Miss Zelma Shaver, clerk In tlte assessor's office. The couple admitted It was a runaway match, and hard-hearted relatives had ; Ken outwitted. Licensed to Wed. July ,28 Louise Henry and LeRoy Rhoads. , July 28 Mollie West and H. O. Procbstel. 'july 3j) Helen E. Riggs and Carl W. Joehnke." Aug. 1 Mrs. Jennie Boyd and W. E. Straight. Don't think that piles can't be cured. Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured by Doan's Ointment. 50 cents at any drug store, f J. B. Mitts of Macksburg was In the city, Wednesday. Frank Busch Is spending this week at Wllhoit Springs. Miss Ella Shaver spent Sunday with relatives at Molalla. Percy Caufleld returned Friday night from Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mack, of Canby, were In tho city, Monday. William McLarty Is enjoying a week's outing at Seaside. Carl Nehren returned last week from an outing at Long Beach. Hon. J. L. Kruse, of Wilson vllle, was In tho city Friday morning. U. S. Dlx, sawmill man of Colton, i was In Oregon City, Monday. 1 Henry D. Aden, merchant at Wilson-! vllle, was In the dty Monday. Silas Wright, of Wright's Springs, was in Oregon City, Thursday. Mrs. R. Petzold has returned from a visit with friends at La Grande. Mrs. M. C. Young, of Wilsonvllle, waa In Oregon City, Wednesday. Miss Ethel Park has gone to Van couver, Wash., for a two weeks' visit Ernest M. Foster, of Pittsburg, Pa., Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. M. R. Fos ter. Winnie Hill, of The Dalles, spent Sunday with old friends In Oregon City. Miss Nolle Hart spent a few daya the first of the week with friends at Astoria. Mrs. A. E. Acheson returned last week from a visit with relatives in Seattle. Mrs. Richard Glasspool of Portland, Is visiting at the home of Captain John Graham. Wm. Marshall, the Russellrllle mer chant, spent Sunday in the city with relatives. E. J. Swafford and family of Salem were here to attend the Joehnke-Rlggs wedding. J. A. Tufts leaves Friday for Coop ervllle to visit his uncle, who is dan gerously 111. Mrs. C. C. Babcock and Charles Mc Carver spent Sunday with relatives at Portland. D. C. Boyles is home much improv ed in health, from a three weeks' stay at Hot Lake. Miss Burse Reddick, who is spending the summer at The Dalles, is home for a few days. John Moehnke has gone to The Dalles on business. He will be gone several weeks. George W. Weeks, a prominent dairyman from Salem, visited V. R. Hyde, Monday. Evan Williams returned Monday from Seaside, where he had been spending two weeks. Mrs. William Sheahan and children, of Camas, Wash., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheahan. Miss Edna Park will go to Newport Saturday to remain two week3, the guest of Mrs. Bruce Curry. Mort D. Latourette left Monday for Soda Springs, where he will drink Wilholt water for several days. Mrs. Charles Pope went to Seaside Monday, joining her husband there. Mr. Pope had been there a week. Misses Mona and Aline King, of ll waco, Wash., are spending two weeks at Locust Farm, Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Wm. Woods is staying this week at the home of Mrs. H. G. Bes tow, who is away on a vacation. Miss Eliza Burns, of Union Mills, one of Clackamas county's successful teachers, was In the city, Wednesday. Mrs. E. L. Shaw and daughters have returned from eastern Multnomah county where they visited Mrs. Shaw's sister. Rev. E. S. Bollinger and family went to Clackamas Heights Tuesday, where they will eamp during the month of August. ' Miss Mamie Lewthwaite and Miss PROSPERITY dates from the first dollar saved. Per haps the best reason for saving money is, that practically nothing can be accomplish ed without it. You must have it to start i you in business, to furnish your home, to educate your children, to protect you against sickness or misfortune, and to pro vide for you a comfortable, independent , old age. MAKE YOUR START TODAY, DO IT NOW The BANK OF OREGON CITY Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Stone left Monday morning for a visit' with Mr. and Mrs. William Lowthwalta -at Molalla. W. 8. Chandler and daughter Ruth, guests at the Chase home on the bluff. returned to their home In 8an Fran cisco, Friday. Georgo Ogle, of Molalla and E. C. Chapman, of Clackamas, were among the many business visitors In Oregon City, Saturday, , Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and Miss Edna Mao Gregory went to Sea side Saturday, where they will remain for several days. A. W. Cheney went to Seaside Sat urday, returning homo Sunday, ac companied by his wife and son, who had been there two weeks. Mrs. William Warring and Mrs. Clarence Hlleman, of Tacoma, arrived Saturday evening for a visit with their cousin, Miss Grayce Marshall. Lee Caufleld returned to Cape Horn, Thursday, where he is employed with a surveying party. Ho had been vis iting his parents for a few days. Isldor Price left Wednesday for San Francisco, where he will be associat ed with his brothers, J. M. Price and A. R Price, in the clothing business. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Kaser of Oak land, California, arrived here Thurs day. They will make their home in Portland. Mrs. Kaser was Mlas May Wlshart of thla city. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Humph rys returned Sunday night from a ten days' sojourn at Seaside and Astoria, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrys. D. O'Connell of the Crown-Columbia Pulp &. Paper company and his daugh ter, Miss Mary O'Connel, of the Wil lamette Pulp k Paper company, leave (Thursday for a fortnight's sojourn at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Walker, J. L. Waldron and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Church, J. K. Morris and fam ily and Mrs. John J. Cooke, left Wed nesday for a two weeks' outing at Mount Hood. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ketchem, Ruth Ketchum, Robert Ketchum and Miss Cora Sellers left Monday for a two weeks' sojourn at Sylvan park, on Can non Beach, where many Oregon City people are staying. County Judge and Mrs. Grant B. Dimick, Mrs. Ed. Harrington, Miss Ira Harrington, Miss Wava "Harrington, Miss Pearl Harrington. Mra. Cobey and daughter were visitors at Estaca da and Garfield, Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelly and son, of Astoria, are visiting in this city. Owing to the health of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly have been obliged to remove from Astoria, but they have not yet selected another location. C. M. Oglesby and family returned home Wednesday from Camas, Wash ington, where Mr. Oglesby has had charge of the cement construction work for the Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper company for the last two months. Mr. and Mrs. Beck, of San Francis co, will spend the summer in this city with their daughter, Mrs. Henry Wetr- ler. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gefflnger, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wets ler, have returned to their home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rastell, who had veen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wetz Rastell's borther, H. J. Rastell, of Dickey Prairie, left Thursday night for their home at Oakland, Cal., where Mr. Rastell is employed as machinist in the Southern Pacific carshops. Mrs. George Woodbury and son Francis of Klamath Falls, and her mother, Mrs. Wilkins of Portland, were guests Wednesday of Mr. and I Mrs. E. C. Maddock. Mr. Woodbury owns and operates a line of freight and. passenger boats on Klamath Lake. Mrs. C. G. Huntley and daughter Mildred, Mrs. Samuel Roake and children went to Seaside Friday morning. Sammy Roake, who was rendered unconscious by a fail from a street car, two days before, had so I far recovered as to be able to go with his mother.