OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1906. HARVEST IS GREAT LABORERS ARE FEW HARVEST HANDS SCARCE AT MOLALLA GREGORY STARTS TEASEL HARVEST. Molalla, July 24. Hay was never more plentiful. Measles are playing out for want of victims. Have you Ien to Wilhoit Springs yet this season? Anthony Mixre Bros. Co., have rained a large new barn on their farm. Jesse Bagby has just remodeled his house and dressed It with a new roof. A horse owned by George Dough erty was badly cut on the hip by fall ing on a snag last week. There has been a great demand for farm hands in this locality. The har vest is great and laborers are few. Five "smart Blocks" passed through this community last Saturday on a fishing tour anj shot two hens for an old lady west of town and threatened the dog. The woman is watching for them on their return. Dr. Powell was called to the Mar-1 miara neighborhood recently, to at tend a lady dangerously ill with the measles. Several new comers have appeared on the prairie lately. The new hop house at Vicksburg Is about ready for the new crop. Geo. H. Gregory will begin his teasle harvest Thursday. Several of our girls have been get ting married and yet there are more to follow. H. L. Vaughan and wife have been spending a few weeks at Wilhoit im proving their health. Mrs. J. V. Harless is at the hospital undergoing treatment for cancer. Herman Bros, and H. A. Kayler purchased three self-rake reapers to harvest their clover seed crop. Frank E. Everhart has retired from the mercantile firm of Robbins Bros. & Co.. It cool, then stir in the alum and sul phur, get the druggist to pulverize the alum tine as possible, or the ointment will bo gritty. Some one asks for a recipe for scur vy. I have used camphor with good results. Bathe the gums with camphor as strong as you can bear it. Here is a recipe which is snld to be good for wild hairs in the eyes: Have them all pulled out, and bathe the lids with camphor. For felon: One tablespoonful of sweet cream: put In small dish over flro and boll; thicken with flour to paste, stir smooth; cool and spread on cloth and apply: renew as It dries. It will bring relief at once. LUCY. THE WELLS ARE DRY AT MOUNTAIN VIEW A LARGER WATER MAIN TO CEM ETERY, WOULD SUPPLY CITIZENS ALONG LINE. ABRAHAM LINCOLN was a man who, against all odds, at tained the highest honor a man could get in the United States. Ballard's Horehound Syrup has attained a place never equalled by any other like rem edy. It is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Influenza and all Pulmonary diseases Every mother should keep supplied with this won derful cough medicine. Sold by Hunt- ( Some Good Home Remedies. I send directions for Eureka oint ment, which is said to be a cure for tetter, salt rheum, itch, scald head or any skin disease: One pint of pine tar, one pint fresh lard, one-half pint of finely pulverized alum and one-half pint of sulphur. Put the tar and lard in a pan, put on the Are, let come to a boil; stir well, let Mountain View. July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely are taking an outing at the Coast. Mrs. Burley met with a painful ac cident Sunday evening by stepping on a rusty nail that penetrated quite deep and lacerated the foot which bled profusely. Mr. Smalley has returned home from visiting his father at Sunnyslde, Wash., who was badly hurt by falling off from a building on which ho was working. Several wells in this place are al most dry, and the water pipe to the cemetery has been a failure the past three or four weeks. Would it not be a good Idea to put in a larger main to the cemetery then the clttzens along the line could tap it and get a supply of water. It would surely pay the city to do so as it is needed and the cemetery association should look after it also. We see a great many thistles along the side walks and peoples premises from here to the down town streets. Better cut them out if you do not wish to get into trouble. Mrs. J. D. Locke and children went to Wilsonvllle last Wednesday to visit Charlie Dickey. Mr. St. Clair, from Indiana, called on Mrs. Matchett and sister, Sunday afternoon. John Francis came in from the Ogle mines last Wednesday after supplies for the camp. BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful atten tion as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medicine in use for bowel com plaint is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any unnatural looseness of the bowels. For sale by Howell & Jones. Troths About Artificial Teeth .... j s j The great majority of dentists represent to their patients that a rubber plate with fourteen teeth set in a half circle is just as good as anything else for a set of artificial teeth. Some make such representations knowing them to be false, others because they know no better. The responsibility for) this condition rests with the dental profession. A great many people would not accept a rubber or celluloid plate if they only understood the superiorly of a metal plate in cleanliness, health fulness and durability. We would like to talk to with you about metal plates for artificial teeth. Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry. We guarantee to please you. A square deal to everyone. SCHQOL OFFICERS Clackamas County, Oregon J. C. ZINSUK, 5uperlnUndcnt June, 1906-7 City Phone 1293 Farmers' Independen Phone J 31 L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON. J Nam 1 Milwaukle 229 2 Klllott l'ralrlo 5! 3 Cunotnuh US 4 Iwer iAignn 77 fi Clad Tidings 43 6 Sampson SO 7 Currlnsvlllo 71 5 iAigan S3 9 Knst Clackamas 33 10 Kngles SI 11 Meadowbrook 45 12 Garfield 30 13 Welches 22 14 Viola 23 15 Heaver Creek 53 l(i M (milium ;t! 17 Eagle Creek 52 IS Mundorff 78 19 Kelso 0 20 Maeksburg 114 21 l.lnn's Mill 40 22 Oak Lawn 21 23 Wilsonvllle 57 24 Sprlngwnter 77 25 Dickey's Prairie 22 26 I'nlon 69 27 Maple Lane 04 2S Concord 52 29 Cams 70 30 Stone 01 31 Hock Creek 58 32 Clarkes 72 33 Highland I 77 34 W. Oregon City l91 35 Molalla 109 30 Liberal 29 37 Hazella 53 38 Mark's Prairie 03 39 Sandy Ridge 45 40 Needy 07 41 Stafford j 90 42 Cherryvllle 40 43 Mt. Pleasant 42 44 Boring 1 95 45 Mull Kun 1 21 40 Sandy ! 05 47 Oswego 218 4S Park Place 340 49 Harmony 132 50 Douglass 33 51 Holcomb 03 52 Fir wood 33 53 Cedardale 22 54 Riverside 02 55 Teasel Creek 41 56 Russellvlllo 37 57 George 40 5S EI wood 54 59 Whiskey Hill 48 60 I'nlon 23 61 Jones' Mill 44 62 Oregon City 1247 63 Rrowns 80 64 Clackamas 100 65 Heaver Lake 33 06 Marmot 21 67 Skunk Hollow 44 68 Tracys 44 09 Leland 38 70 Evergreen 28 71 Sunnyslde 04 72 Colton 35 73 New Era 29 74 Dryland 74 75 Redland 40 76 Monte Crl.sto 50 77 Damascus 102 78 Dodge 19 79 Meridian 35 80 Shubel 59 81 Phelps 52 82 Graeme 25 83 Dover 41 84 Mulino 51 85 Henrlcl 60 86 Canny 134 87 Wilhoit 28 8S Porter 13 89 Barton 20 90 Hazeldale 16 91 40 92 Yoder 43 93 Oak Grove 49 94 Deep Creek 27 95 ! Timber Grove 29 96 Mountain Road 50 97 Harlow 111 98 I'nion Mills 8 99 j Ea.st Mt. Scott 38 100 ! Hood View 50 101 ! Falls View 15 102 j Eldorado 42 103 Crelghton 93 101 Miller 8 105 j Willamette 141 106 ! Spring Brook 30 107 i Cottrell 79 108 ! Estacada 127 109 I Twilight 27 Joint 6 j Orient 70 10 j Frogpond 27 15 I Sycamore 28 23 i Aurora 18 2C I Tualatin 5 30 ! Young 49 34 I Parrott Mountain 30 53 j Alms 32 57 Hutteville 71 62 i N. Hutteville 58 70 I Willsburg 25 73 Seotts Mills 6 83 j Rugg 14 Clerk. Maggie A. Johnson N. R, Graham S. L. Stevens Fred Gerber C. F. Jackson T. . Sconce J. K. Ely Matilda Frakes J. W. Dennett Albert Kngle 11. F. Noyer J. J. Davis O. W. Kern I.oretuo S. Tenney Henry Hollmann A. F. Jack A. I). Harnett Geo. Koehler F. W. Canning F. J. Kraxberger Geo. Spees F. M. Samson C. F. Wagner J. A. Shlbley Jane Haty A. L. Heueock Lewis Davis A. C. Arnold C. E. Spouce J. L. Stewart S. C. Young R. L. Rlngo May E. Fair fowl J. H. Lewthwalte Win, Maekrcll Fred J. Hums A. J. Woodhouso H. W, Zimmerman John M. McConnell Solon Kluzer H. F. Weddle V. H. Tapp Ward H. iJtwton O. W. Boring K. F. Andre Paul K. Melnlg Albet Walling W. A. Holmes C. G. Millard J. P. Woodle L. D. Mum power M. Kelsoekcr Frank Wlnslow A. M. Vlnyard Frank Sawtell n. F. Hoylea A. H. Miller A. S. Henderson (J. W. Owlngs I. A. Mlley A. M. Waldron E. E. Hrodle R. J. Hrown E. P. Dodman A. M. Groshong Adolph Asehoff John I) Neul W. H. Holder Enos Cahlll M. M. Myers J. N. Hesscllcti C. E. Gorbett Geo. H. Hrown J. E. Mitts W. H. Hrown Andrew Anderson John Mtillenhoil W. E. Myers T. A. Cam pan Rubt. Glnther Jno Robins R. W. Graham Frank Ahnert A. C. Lee Godfrey Hluhm Wm. Knight M. A. Hardy Edwin Mullen L. Hartlemay Sarah G. lyindon H. H. Deetz L. H. Yoder O. H. Wright A. Venter I). Sullivan A. Rypsczynskl Lldie L. Irwin H. E. Derrick H. C. Clrlch A. P. Todd W. II. Wallace A. L. Jones S. L. Canto R. Fanton O. F. Olson M. L. Wllmot J. R. Hall J. F. Jvelaee I). L. Hoylan Chas. Hunter Chas. Thompson G. H. Richey L. Wobert J. ('. Martanazzl W. F. Young W. W. Parrott L. 0. Iwe A. H. Cone Scott Parrott Ortley Plimpton Kate H. Pemberton O. Andrews Pott Office. Milwaukle Woodburn. It, 2 City O. City. It. 2. Mt. Angel Aurora Currlnsvlllo O. City. R. 2. Clackamas Molalla Molalla. U. 2 Estacada Welches O. City It. 2 O. City. U. 3 Marcuam Eagle Creek Cunby Orient. R. 1 Aurora, R. 1 City Hubbard. R. 2 Wilsonvllle Sprlngwater Molalla. Gresliam. R. 5 O. City It. 3 Milwaukle, R. 1 'CaniH O. city. R. 2 Oresham, R. 4 Mulino. R. 1 O. City. R. 4 City, care W.P. & P. Molalla Liberal O. City, It. 5 Aurora Harton Aurora, R. 2 Willamette Fir wood City, Rv 1 Harton, R. 2 Hullrun Sandy Oswego Parkplace Milwaukle, R. 2 Harton. R. 1 City Flrwood Molalla. R. 2 Canby Molalla Molalla, R. 1 George Eiwood Hubbard Aurora, R. 3 City City City. R. 1 ICIarkamas Wilhoit Marmot Sherwood Estacada, R. 1 City City Clackamas, R. 1 Colton New Era Aurora, R. 4 jO. City, R. 2 j.Mt. Angel, R. 1 IGresham, R. 4 Dodge Aurora City. R. 4 Canby, R. 1 Sherwood, R. 2 HIhkH! Mulino O. City, R. 3 1 Canby ! Molalla (Estacada R. 1 Harton City, R. 3 Hubbard Hubbard Aurora, R. 1 Jiarton, R. 2 O. City. R. 4 Willamette Harlow Mulino Lents, R. 2 Sherwood, It. 2 Mulino, R. 1 O. City, R. 3 Crelghton Estacada Willamette Oswego, R. I Orient, R. 1 EHtacada City, R. 1 Orient Sherwood G rcsharu Aurora Sherwood, R. 5 Sherwood Newlierg, R. 2 Alms Aurora Newlierg, R. 2 Milwaukle, R. 2 Scott s Mills Oresham Director 3 Yeats. .J. W. Gruslo John Eagau W. A. Hedges Fred Mower D. Hengll Fred Watson (1. II. Linn Marsh Frakes (1. Haberlach S, F. Hall J. W. Standlnger F. II. Davis Joseph Autenahrer J. A. Randolph Henry Parry A. D. Hall J. It. Colt John Bunko Geo. Maronay D. Harms E. L. Evauson A. P, Schneider Jake peters lV. T. Smith Fred Schafer Andrew Teuke John Gaffney jH. (1. Starkweather jt'lia. E. Stewart iT. E. Hrown ill. Paulson S. Elmer illobt. Rutherford CoF. T. Doty 1 1. M. Tolllver W. C. Parln J. R. Hays J. K. Grlbble J. C. lmgwell Ernest Warner ! Fred Moser 'L. Chalker jR. H. Taber J. MltHU j Wesley Uncoil lE. Coalman lEd. Wanker W. H. Smith I A. Clark J. W. Cahlll Sol Wheeler T. Colling,, Frank Dhoogo (). C. Clausen E. E. Judd Scott Carter Henry Johnson W. T. Henderson Joseph Meyer C. D. F. Wilson C. R. Llvesay W. E. Carll Thos. F. Ryan G. Randall C. F. Clarke Ray Welland Chas. I af H. Iderhoff J. E. Crawford W. H. Jones Edgar Hrock A, Hunter W. R. Jones J L. Hoffman J. Rupp Aug. Hubert '(!.. l(v j. D. Chltwood it M. Park W. Armstrong John Heft J. Perlnger F. A. Schrader Chas. A. Keith W. A. Woodsldo W. F. Harris H. A. Dedmun A. CrosHttn J. Honebon Harvey Gibson L. linker Hen Emmert W. H. Voder R. A. Wright J. M. Andcrxon W. H. Wettiaufer Niels Chrlstensen J. J. Sandsness I). L. Trulllnger Ell Huddle C. I. Calkins Frank Mueller W. H. Jones T. E. Cone A. Demoy R. A. .lunken G. G. Kruse Fred Had ford O. F. Howe Geo. La.ello R. I. Anderson T. L. Turner W. N. Chileoto J. (I. Miller N. M. Moore Henry Vohs R. O. Hrlstow Frank Hickman .las. Kenyon W. E. Muycoek H. F. (ilover Mrs. H. II. Colson E. A. Yunker Director 2 Yean II. Scott W, F. Stanton Thos. V. Searlo Mrs. A. Fallert M. D. Lenho W. H. Sconce A. 10. AlHiaugh C. N, Tracy .las. S. Stephenson D. C. Hall A. L. l.urkliuj C. Krlgbaum Geo. A. Hell Wm. Mat toon Fred Kamrath I. 1). Larklus Geo. Judd F. M. Haramore X. IHcker F. W. Harth Wm. Sprague S. G. Ackerson Wm. llrohst A. Genserosky G. Feyrer A. Llnglo Arthur Halley C. W. Rlsley J. It. 1-ewls Grant Mumpower Geo, V. Johnson Fred Marshall D. A. Miller P. Hansen J. It. Coin G. W. A I wood F. M. Rulcy D. II. Yoder J. S. GlblMins Herbert Johnson , John Wanker D. W, Douglas A. C. Warner J. 11. Jonsrud G. G. GIbons Clms. Schonkn G. C. Garfield C. H Johnson W. J. Hudson A. J. Douglas Frank Hattan J. G. DcShuzcr ('has. Fisher Chaken Knight IJ. L. Tubs S. Hovies Robt. MI1I.T Ainos Vallen ,D. C. Yoder W. L. White W. II Hiddlcson ('has. H. Caiiflcld C. (). Albright (Aug. Staehely W. T. Johnson It. Thomas ; Ernest Asehoff , jSam Mower N. M. Tracy llobt. Moiitgomery iJolitl Acker F. M. Sumner John Putx Mrs. J. Dustln C. Harnai-kf Ixmls Funk Wm. Hlrtrhet ;H. C. Whlhlon jJ. W. Marrs (!. Fnmt 'Jacob GroHHmlller D. Dlmlck ,E. L. linker l.los. Ie.Shazer IT. Wiles j Henry Henrlcl ;L. 11. WaiiK Coover Anders Hurghardt Evans Kramer Yoder Wolfer A. l-'orsberg Grace Volpp Parmeiiter Evans Hec Iter Harnes Sawyer II 11 II T. J. D. 1 J II. E. ; J. J. L I). C. 'J. T. (!eo. I). P !.l. L. L. C. J. S. iThos. ('. Smith L. E. Hetitley M. G. Thurston Frank Capen !J. W. Stone H. Koek ;ll. A. Slrnttoii jWni. McCord 1 A. W. Anderson J. L. Kruso Jas Richer A. (1. MlHhler John Nyberg N. D. Heavert A. W. Laughlln J. J. Elsnor F. Rent James Parrott Ira Hurley John Kellls L. Walch Director 1 Year. C. W. r. v. W. A A C. J H J. II hllllp Slrelli I, . ivenugy " M. Kleiilseii Kohl II. II, Thomas .1. Ring II, H. Coop Itobt. Dane M. Shearer S. A. I). Ihinuate It. II. HllllllglBSS Phil Wagner W. 10. Welch Abe Htoriuer Win. Shannon E. II. Albright N. K. Ktlnulev ('has. Lucke (lie Mlkklesoit II. Luliben Godfrey Schneider A. Jacobs Aug Rotlieuberit E. Closner Geo. II. Nikolai II. HolTmelHter (. Dlekerson J: It. M. Oat field H. 10. Gregory II. S. Anderson K II 1 liil.lmr.l C. N. I.aiklns W. II. Falrfowl A. K. Ford W. W. Everhart II. O. FutiHt Gscar Whltten John Nordhnusen J. II. HorTtnlster Win. II Stiiwe. Jr. It. W. OldeiiMtadt Harris Andrews Hull Thomas Revimuo Jarlsch J T. Aiuerson I Harry Gilford W. J. Ilowlett !Dan Walts F. W. Alt J. C. C. Hall J. F. Eckersoa ,C. H Herman !J. W. Nightingale Peter Ruth Lawrence linker II Illosser M. Sprolnky J. S. Imel Geo. A. Harding Fred Chlnn A. Mnther J. M. Nicholson Henry Von Helm l,oillM Toeiltetneler H. Epperson ('. V. Stoker H E. Courtwrlght U. P. DovU W. S DU 'Jos Relf J. Heinz J. T. Fullam Julius Wausen W. R Dallas A. Munlitiank J. F. ('siiiiii E. W. Ilornnbiih Perry Hums j.l. llutHon Geo A. Wolf jG. Ashby (!. Hluhm II, C. Glllmore A. Hardy J. H. Howman ;C. Zeek iM. E. lindoii D. Kuufinan 'Joseph Conrad jN. P. Adams 'J. W. Ackerson Peter Schlewo jWm. Hellberg .1. II. Jesse IC. O. Hoynton RidiKtock jF. F. Tih.o II. J. Helvey !(). E. Allen !.I. (. Hounds III. Mass c. w. Hryant ;E. J. Swunk jjohn Ktormer iC, E. Swlck iM. II. Wheeler E. L. Sharp J. Z. Olson A. II. Glesy O, F. 1 .111 Hon I Fred Kruger C. A. Parrott Win. Hardin Geo. X. Gooding S. T. Edinlston if). II. Lance Jas. Smith F. O. Murkwardt REPORT ON CROPS AT RUSSELLVILLE PRUNES AND PLUMS PLENTY POTATOES AND APPLES ARE A LITTLE SHORT. Russellville, July 24. The hot weather has terminated at last, and we are having Oregon weather again. Haying is about over In this vicinity. The crop is rather above the average and the farmers are jubilant. The ap ple crop Is a little short; prunes and plums are an over-production. The spuds may be a little short, but they are good just the same. We have been wishing for rain, even praying for it In a half hearted way. Wo saw some clouds not much larger than a man's hand, but no rain has fallen yet. However the effectual fer vent prayer of a righteous man avail eth much. Roy Pelkey and Benny Johnson have the measles; Benny is having a double dose. He thinks he is having the little German, and the great big French measles both at once. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Trulllnger are visiting friends and relatives in the vicinity of Sand, Oregon. N. A. Flynn went to Sandy to cele brate the glorious Fourth of July; also to visit relatives and old ac quaintances. He must have had a "good time" as ho returned home quite sick. He Is convalescing now. Lots of people at Wilhoit Springs now and still they come. Robbins brothers and F. E. Ever hart of Molalla, have dissolved part nership. The brothers continue the business with the same facilities as heretofore. Hurrah for the Oregon City and Mo lalla railroad. I do hope It won't be a fizzle. LARGE WHEAT CROP CUT AND OATS RIPE THE CHARM OF A CLEAR COMPLEXION. Nothing lends more to personal at tractiveness than tho clear skin and fresh complexion that comes to thoso who use Laxlkola tablets, trial size 5 cents, a guaranteed cure for sallow ness and constipation. Huntley Bros. Tho Enterprise and Weekly Ore gonian, one year, J2.25 cash, tf NEWS FROM EAST MT. SCOTT NEW PRESIDING ELDER FILLS APPOINTMENT. East Mt. Scott, July 24. Wheat Is nearly all cut and a gisid crop Is ex pected. Outs are nearly ripe. Our new presiding elder, Rev. Hen ry . Hornschueh, of Portland District, preached hero Sunday. The stork flew over the neighbor hood Tuesday, July 17, and left at tho home of Mr. and Mrs, Rebstoek a fine baby boy. Moher and son aro both doing well. MIhs I Inlila Becker has been working for Mrs. Rebstoek tho past week. Albert Held made a visit with his folks, Sunday. William and Ernest Ulrlch attended Chautauqua, Sunday, OASTOIIIA. Bean the ltlfl ,lave Wm,,s DOVER DIRECTORS EMPLOY TEACHER WINFIELD EMMEL ENGAGED FOR THE WINTER TERM, WHICH BEGINS OCTOBER 1. Mr. KItzmllle'r Is homo after a month's stay In Portland, His foot Is getting along pretty well. Grandma DeSlmzer Is very sick. Hop daughter, Mrs. Ward, Is here. Mr. Roberts' folks havo gono ,to Mt. Hood for an outing. Mr. Keith Is 1 10 from Portland. He Is Improving. Haying Is about over around Dover. The directors have hired Wlnflold Emmel to tench the winter term of school in District 83, school to begin October tlrst. Dr. Davis' Prescription for Headaches. When wo recommend and guarantee Ake ln tho Head tublots for hoadachoa and neuralgia, it la because we know you must obtnln relief or we stand ready to pny your ton cents back. Safo sure, and always cure-Huntley Bros.