OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1908. 7 WILL STRICTLY AND MORE POWER NEEDED r AIRLY CNPORCE LAW .KL Oregon Siioit Line and Union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Tlnoiiith 1'ullmnn tnc1ur(l nd Tour ist lnliiK "i Uslly In Oiimlia, ( hli ntfu, Hjxikmm; tourist sleeping rail dally U hanu (,'Hy; Ihrniiiili Pullman tourlsl Iri.plim cm iiiiMlly comluilixl) weekly to l.'hli ,,, Ksiikad Oily, reelln hit: ulmhs (seals frog lu Itia east dally.) HOURS 7f) Portland to Chicago 7f I V No Change of Cm. Depart. Tlrnt Schsdulss. Asai I ')ilr I'urUmiil Hiieilsl Halt ,ak, Iienver, r"t. Worth, Omaha, kaniu Mlv HI. B.26 p III a. rii I .mils, Chi res u and KaeL Allnnllo K( press II n. m Via. limit Infliin. Halt IjiVh. Denver, Kt. Worth, Omalia., 00 Kansas City. Ht I -nils, Chiitaao and: baat. Ht. ill Kaat Wall; Walla Walla. Ls- Is ! in via Spo kane, letort. Hookane, Min neapolis, Ht. Caul. )ululh, Mllwankm.. Chicago and East. I ll a m Ocean and River Schedule Kor Han KrenHenoEvary ftva days at g I n. m. Kor Astoria, way points and I'm Hand, Oregon. I p. m.i Halunlay at 19 p. hi. Pally service (water trinlttln) on Wlltani' atta and Yamhill rivers Kor detailed Information of rata The Oregon Itallroad Navigation Co your neereat ticket aannt. or Ueswal I'anamrT A rant. A. L. CAia. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad CO. leaves. t'NION DEPOT 1. ..... ... ' I Arrives ally. 11 10A at I I 00 AM. I'or Mnyarta tlslnler. (ally. Clatakaiiln. Weslport Clifton. Astoria, VVar- trnton. Klavel, Ham mond, Fort Hlrvens, irarhart i'ark, Hoe autn. Aatorla and Heeahore. Kipteee Pally. Aatorla Kipraaa T:M P.M. i tO I' M C. A. BTKWAItT. Comml At.. sl Alder street. I'hona Main M. 3. C. MA TO. O r. V. A.. Astoria Or UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE. ALBANY, V CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. 1.4-avn I'ortlnnd (:4S a. m. dully -xrr4 8unily for flnlrtn nd way polnta. I-ave Portland t:i Tufxluy. Tliuraday and Hiiturilny for Indpprndnnoa, Al- tinny and t'nivnllta. Hi'Kulur service, courteous treat ment anil prompt dispatch are our Mperlallli'H. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Offlca and Dock! Foot Taylor Straat Phont Main 40. COLUMBMIA RIVER 8CENERY. Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "SADIE B." Btr. "rtnlley Oatiort" lava PortlanJ 7 A. M. Mondays. Wdnadaya and Frt daya; Iravea Tha Dalles T A. M. Tuaa days, Thuaradnya and Saturdays. Sir. "Regulator" leaves Portland 1 A M. Tiieadaya, Thursdays and Saturdays, ieavii Tha Dalles t A. M. Mondays Wednesdays and FrJayi. ntesniai-s leaving Portland mke dally connection at Lyle with C. R. A N. train for Quldendale and Klickitat Valley polnta. O. fl. N. tram leaves Qoldendala on Mondnya, Wednesdays and Krldaya at 4:10 A. M., urn Wing connection with tenmer "Regulator" for Portland and way polnta C, It. N. train leaves Qoldendala on .Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at :S0 A. ,M., connecting at Tyla wlUi steamer "Hadla II." for The Dallea. con neetlng there with O. R. A N. t'alna Bast and West. Btr. "Badla B." leaves Cascade Lo dally (except Sunday) st 1 A. M. for The Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A M. leaves The Palles 1 P. M.. arrives Cascade Locks I P. M. Meals served on all steamers. Fine aociimniodaiions tor teams ana wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. MARCUS TALHOT,, V. P. & O. M. Gen. Offlo. Portland, Oregon. A HARD LOT of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bow- j els, unless you awaken tliem to their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pllht; tho ploasnntost and most offoc-i tlve euro for Constipation. They pre-1 vent Appendicitis and tone up tho system. 25 cental at Howell & Jones'; drug store. ' I NOTICE TO THE ENTERPRISE J CORRESPONDENTS The management of this pa per requests each correspond ent to hIum his or her full name to the news letters, not for pub lication, but that we may be sure from whom the Items COIIll'. We would also like to hear from each and every corres pondent within the next two or three weeks crop and harvest news Is of especial Importance and Enterprise readers want to know how It fares In differ ent sectliiiigtf our big county. If requests for stationery have been them. iivci'looked, please repeat EDITOR ENTERPRISE. APPOINTMENTS OP ELDER 15. E. ROWLAND HE WILL PREACH IN METHODIST CHURCHES AT DOVER AND 2I0N. Viola, July 23. Mr.Oberstnller, who Is doing millwright work at Centralis, Washington, spent a few days with his family here during the past week. Loren Tenny has his now hay and stock ibani completed. Charles Hlgglnbothom, from the Dullois saw mill, spent timidity with friends hero. James Sevier is talking seriously of purchasing n steam threshing ma chine. Dr. n. K. Rowland, the M. E. Pre siding Elder of the East Portland Dis trict, will preach at Dover, Saturday evening, July 2S. Dr. Rowland will also hold services In the M. B. church nt .Ion. Sunday, July 29 (it 11 n. ni. find 2:)0 . in. If ' VNJ:5-1 Gives tone, vitality and snap, ti The Doctors Send You to Howell & Jones' drug store to get your prescrip tions filled, because they know you will get them filled there just as they are written and just as the doctor wants them filled. Their twenty years' experience in compounding prescriptions well qualifies them for this work. . Get ting your prescription filled by Howell & Jones means carrying out the doctor's wish to the letter and the best service there costs you no more than the next best elsewhere. Paints, Oils and Glass are being sold by this drug firm at prices never so low in Oregon City. y They just furnished to the county over one ton of lead and four barrels of oil for the work of painting the suspension bridge. HOWELL & JONES The Reliable Druggists Chimbm Kowtll OrCflOfl City -ln" Jon" ' TIip Methodist church at Viola will j bold sn Ice cream social on the even j lng of August 4. All are Invited. A. O. Holllngsworth of Redland, has lii-en helping Lnri-n Tenny In the hay Held. The hay crop In these parts Is unusually heavy and of an excellent quality. Mr, Craham has taken a contract to log for the Derrlng mill company. CARUS LOCAL ITEMS i '' Harvesting is In full blast In this vicinity. Hinder can be heard In all directions. Several from hero visited the Spir itualist camp-meeting at New Era, Sunday. Miss Herthena Howard called on Miss Emma Inskeep one day last week. Mrs. Indon and daughter have gone to Liberal. Miss Rosa Hurgess spent Sunday wiih her parents. Lizzie Lewis spent Sunday with Miss Jagger. The dance Saturday night was a splendid affair. Misses llelle and Ada Gregory spent the afternoon at Howard's. Tuesday. Lizzie Hurgess spent several days in Oregon City, last wek. There will be services at the Evan gelical church next Sunday. Charley linker and family are vis iting with relatives here. 11. O. Inskeep is working in Port land. BEAVER CREEK Cutting grain Is the order of the day. Linn Draper, of Holtoti, Is spending a few days with W. Martin and fam ily. G, Roberts had the misfortune to lose a horse last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rowlands, of Washing ton, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pary. , Luke Huffy, Coxle Thomas and Itlodwen Thomas, called on the Martin family Tuesday evening. Mr. 'Mid Mrs. T. R. Lewis of Cams, called on G. Roberts and family, Sun day. The children's Jaynets Tonic Vermifuge Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. OSWEGO PENCIUNGS Oswego. July 24. Mrs. V. Fischer, of Portland, was calling on Oswego friends last week. Miss Jennie Thompson. ,of Mount Tabor, guest of Mrs. J. Gardner dur ing the past week, has returned home. Miss Clara Conk has returned from i Salem, where she was visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Cooper. Herman Hcthke is on the sick list. Mrs. J. K. Worthington and Gay lord Worthington attended the grand lodge of the Degree of Honor and the An- jdent Order of I'nlted Workmen in j Portland as delegates from the home I lodges. Miss Bessie Francis, of Portland, was the guest of Miss Ethel Thomp son Saturday and Sunday. Edgar Davidson and family, of east ern Oregon, are visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Jennings, of Gaston, is the guest of Mrs. J. Gardner. E. J. Russell has returned from Cot tage Grove. J. Gardner made a flying visit to Falls City. ONLY 82 YEARS OLD. "I am only 82 years old and don't ex pect even when I get to be real old to feel tnat way as long as I can get Electric Bitters." says "Mrs. E. H. Urunson, of Dublin. Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old "as young and makes the weak strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, tor pid liver, inllanied kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after tak ing Electric Bitters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists. Price 60 cents. Exchanging Things. Little Margaret Mamma, won't you please take baby sister to the store and exchange her for a wee little baby one that will fit my dolly's go-cart? TWENTY YEAR BATTLE. "I was loser In a twenty-year battle with chronic piles and malignant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; which turned the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains," writes A. M. Bruce, of Farniville, Va. nest for old Ulcers, Cuts, .Burns and Wounds. 25c ate Howell & Jones' drug store. friend- LETTER FROM FRUIT INSPECTOR LEWIS WILL NOT ALLOW SCALY APPLES SOLD. Oregon City, July 25, 190C. Editor Enterprise: There has bon a good dual of adverse criticism late ly of rny action In condemning and destroying infected fruit offered for alo In Oregon City, which I think 1 not altogether Just to me, and which arises largely from a mlsunderstand- ng of my position. A short time ago, July Gth and 7th, the State Horticultural Society held their midsummer meeting at Salem. The Inspectors of the several coun ties were reuueHted to be present, (there were ten there), to discuss and formulate a uniform method of pro cedure and at a meeting held at that time and place presided over by com mlssloner at large, VVIIher K. New ell, it wax decided by a unanimous vote to prohibit the Kale of all scale or worm Infected fruit. Upon my state ment to the meeting that a rigid en forcemeat of that meant an apple fam ine for Oregon City, It wan finally agreed that we should use our own Judgment in regard to the worms, but t prohibit the sale of scaly fruit as far as possible. The method to be employed was designated and we were given to plainly understand that It was not a question of sentiment with us at all, but an absolute duty, which we must perform or somebody would be appointed who would do as Instructed. Now, after these instructions, and fn view of the fact that every deaie In town had been asked to help the movement by not buying this class of fruit and knew that they were violat lng the law when they did buy and offer for sale, I think the talk of boy cotts and ungentlemanly conduct, and of exceeding my authority, are a little out of place. Of course we know that there Is class that always oppose any move ment of this kind until it becomes pop ular and then say, "See what we have done for you," but they are excusable They don't really do the cause any harm, as their Influence is very lim ited. In conclusion I want to say that ara In full accord with the work and shall endeavor to do my duty as far as possible without fear or favor and with no personal feeling whatever. But If the law Is continually broken after repeated warnings, they can blame no one but themselves for conse quences. A. J. LEWIS. Fruit Inspector for Clackamas county, INSURANCE. Plate Class, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty Insurance written by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice of the Peace. NO MAN STRONGER The celebrated Dr. Abernethy of London was (irmly of the opinion that disorders of the stomach were the most prolific source of human ailmenta in general. A recent medical writer eays "every feeling, emotion and affection reports at the stomach (through the system of nerves) and the stomach is affected accordingly. It is the vital center of the body ." He continues, "so we may be said to live by (and he might well have said through) the stofiiach." He goes on to show that the stomach is the vital center of the body. He gays "the function of di gestion in its several stages is to pre pare the f'lod in forms which are suita able to be added to the structure," meaning the structure of our bodies. He continues, "every physical action from simple breathing, thinking and circulating of the blood to the most active bodily exertion wears out por tions of the structure (of our bodies) and they become dead and so require to be taken away speedily. Much of the food which we take, and especially when unwholesome or in excess, adds to the waste material, and when it has undergone chemical changes it is still more mischievous." Then he goes on to the effect that the nervous svstem prompts every part of the circulating system. He says "it gives its message every moment to the intinate number of glands nd follicles to unload them selves of ,at material so that the current oi blood may carry it away." " When these two processes of nutri tion and excretion are thus carried on with equal assiduity we are in health, but when this equilibrium does not exist there comes disorder and disease. The common form of such derange ment is indigestion or dvspepsia. The function of nutrition is interrupted and all .the operations which depend upon it go wrong. Under these condi tions it has a wav of appearing in other types of disorder. Many of these often mislead physicians. Other parts of the organism are likely to be in volved, and we may find consumption, kidney complaint, hepatic (liver) dis orders, hysteria and even mental alienation (derangement)." He says n it may be observed that deranged persons have a woe-be-gone expres sion, offensive breath, irregulir action of the bowels, hallucinations and other like conditions of dyspepsia." The foreuoing ia no doubt a rational view of the sad havoc worked in the human system by indigestion and dys pepsia, torpid liver and kindred ile rangements, which are generally asso ciated with or followed by miuiv other diseases of diverse appearance, but oil depending upon the weak atr.i dis ordered stcmaeh. Cure the stomach weakness and you cure all these dis eases and derangements. For weak stomachs and the conse quent indigestion or dyspepsia, and the multitude of various diseases which result therefron no medicine can be better suited as a curative agent than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. The Golden Seal root, Stone' root, Mandrake root and Black Cherry bark are all recommended by such eminent authorities ns Pr. Bartholow, of Jefferson Medical College; Prof. John King, author of the " American Dispknsatory" ; Prof. John M. Scnd der, late of Cincinnati; Dr. William Paine, author of Paiue's Epitomy of FOR GLADSTONE SPUR W. P. & R. COMPANY BUILDING AIR LINE FROM CAZADER0 TO PORTLAND. The O. W. P. & R. company will build the Gladstone Park spur into the Chautauqua grounds by next sea son If present plans for additional power are completed by that time. An official of the company has so promised Secretary Cross;. The O. W. P. & R, Is building the finest power feed line trma Ca.adero to Portland there is In the world. It will be an air line, the shortest dis tance between the two points, and when finished will give plenty of Juice for all the new projects and exten sions contemplated, by the company. One of the improvements to b made is new steel on the Oregon City line. Mowing down the prices, one fourth to one-half for trlmmeg1 hats, flow ers, etc. Hats Z'jc, 99c. Rlbbonu lc. 3c, 9c. Carnival, Red Front SAVED HIS COMRADE'S LIFE. 'While returning from the Grand Army Encampment at Washington City, a comrade from Elgin, 111., was taken with cholera morbus and wa in a critical condition," saya Mr. J. E, Houghland. of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave Llm Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and believe saved his life. I have been engaged for ten years in immigration work and con ducted many parties to the south and west. I always carry this remedy and have used it successfully on many oc casions." Sold by Howell & Jones. For Sale: Mare and Colt. Bay mare 6 years old, weight 1200 pounds; kind. Mare colt, good stock, 6 weeks old. Address or call on, C. A. Rey nolds, Lents, Oregon. 32t2 YOUR LIVER Is out of order. You go to bed in a bad humor and get up with a bad taste in your mouth. You want something to stimulate your liver. Just try Herblne. the liver regulator. A posi tive cure for ConstipaUon, Dyspepsia and all liver complaints. Mrs. F. Tt. Worth, Teias, writes; "Have used Herblne in my family for years. Words can't express what I think about it Everybody in my household are hap py and well and we owe it to Herblne. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist THAN HIS STOMACH. Medicine, Dr. Hobart A. Hare, of tin University of Pa.; Prof. Laurei.c Johnson, M. D., Medical Dept., Uni versity of X. Y. ; Prof. Kdwin M. IIa!e, M. D., Professor of Materia Medic in the Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, and many others, as reme dies for indigestion and dyspeps a, torpid liver as well as tor bronchial, throat and lung affections, as will be seen from reading a lktle booklet recently compile! by Dr. It. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, X. Y., "who will send the same on request, by postal card or letter, to any address, free. This little booklet U'lis of what Dr. Pierce's cele brated medicines are made, and gives the properties and uses of each and every ingredient entering into their composition. Write Doctor Piercs, as above and receive it by return post. Queen's root, or Stillingia, is an in gredient entering into the " Golden Medical Discovery" highly recom mended, bv several of the above men tioned autfiorties for the cure of chronic or lingering bronchial, throat and lung affections, public speaker's sore throat attended with hoarseness, dry, rasping cough and kindred affections. Not only is Queen's root specific in its cura tive action in all these affections, but in "Golden Medical Discovery" it is greatly assisted by the combination with it of Golden Seal "root, Stone root, Black Cherrybark and Blood root, with which it is blended in just the riht propor tion. Pure, triple refined glycerin also greatly enhances the effectiveness of all these agents in the cure of chronic and lingering coughs, being a valuable demulcent, also antiseptic, and a nutri tive of great value, especially useful in all wasting diseases, as in incipient con sumption and other Bcrofulous affec tions. "Golden Medical Discovery" is a sovereign remedy in all catarrhal affections, whether affecting the nasal passages, the stomach, bowels or pelvio organs and the reason why wul be learned by reading the little booklet noted above. Send for it now. In chronic catarrh of the nasal pas sages, it is important that while taking the "Golden Medical Discovery" as the most effective constitutional treatment for this terribly distressing and most obstinate affection that the nasal pas sages should be cleansed two or three times a day by the free use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh "Remedy, used accord ing to the directions which accompany the same. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Tellets curs biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or constipation of the bowels, loss of appetite, coated tongue, sour stomach, windy belch ings, "heartburn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Per sons subject to any of these troubles should never be without a vial of tha "Pleasant Pellets" at hand. Put up in glass vials, tightly corked, therefore, always fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are cathar tic. They regulate, invigorate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in plain English ; or, Medicine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illus trations, paper-bound, sent for 21 one cent stamps, the cost of mailing only. Cloth-bound ten stamps more, 81 in all. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y.