Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 27, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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An ordinance miming certain streets
of Oregon City.
Oregon City does ordain as follows.
That the street on tho south ship
of blocks 74. 81. S4 and 01 between
the top of tho hhifl and a continua
tion of John Adams stret and hereto
fore known as lfith street shall here
after be known and designated as
South street.
That the street south of blocks 75,
80, 85 and SO between the top of the
bluff and a continuation of .lohn
Adams street and heretofore known
as 17th street, shall hereafter be
known and designated as South Sec
ond street.
That the strtn-t south of blocks 7t.
79. 86 and 89 between top of the bluff
and a continuation of John Adams
street, and heretofore known as 18th
street, shall hereafter be known and
designated as South Third street
That the street south of blocks 77,
78. 87 and 88 between the top of the
bluff and a continuation of John
Adams street, shall hereafter be
known and designated as South Fourth
That the street east of blocks 4,
7, 14. 19 and 22 of Holmes- Addition,
and the street on the east of block
4 of Darnall's Addition shall hereaf
ter be known and designated as Elu
ria street.
' That the street between blocks 5
and ti of Darnall's Addition heretofore
known as "E" street shall hereafter
be known and designated as Verm
ylea street.
That the street west of block 4 In
Darnall's Addition and heretofore
known as "C" street, shall hereafter
be known and designated as Magnolia
That the street west of blocks 4, 7,
14. 19. and 22 of Holmes' Addition, and
west of block 3 of Darnall's Addition
shall hereafter be known and desig
nated as Warren street.
That the street west of block 2 in
Darnall's Addition and heretofore
known as "A" street, shall hereafter
be known and designated as Irving
That the street west of blocks 2
9 and 13 of Holmes' Addition and the
street west of block 3 of Darling's Ad
dition shall hereafter be known and
designated as Holmes street.
That the street west of block 4 of
Darling's Addition heretofore known
as Spring street shall hereafter be
known and designated as Darling
That the street south of blocks L
2, 3, 4 and 5 of Holmes' Addition shall
hereafter be known and designated as
Willamette street.
That the street south of blocks 6,
7. 8. 9. and 10 of Holmes' Addition
shall hereafter be known and desig
nated as bogus street.
That the street south of blocks 11,
12, 13, 14 and 15 of Holmes' Addi
tion shall hereafter be known and des
ignated as Roosevelt street
That the street south of blocks 18.
19 and 20 of Holmes' Addition shall
hereafter be known and designated as
Pearl street
That the street south of blocks 21.
22 and 23 of Holmes' Addition shall
hereafter be known and designated as
Dewey street.
That the street north of blocks 4,
5 and 6. of Pleasant Place Addition
shall hereafter be known and desig
nated as Caufleld street
That the street south of blocks 4,
5 and 6 of Pleasant Place addition
shall hereafter be known and designat
ed as Sommer street.
That the street east of blocks 3 and
4 of Pleasant Place Addition shall
hereafter be known and designated as
Pleasant Avenue.
That the street west of blocks 3 and
4 of Pleasant Place Addition shall
hereafer be known and designated as
Dimick street
That the street west of blocks 2 and
5 of Pleasant Place Addition shall
hereafter be known and designated as
Latourette street.
That the street west of blocks 1
and 6 of Pleasant Place Addition shall
hereafter be known and designated as
Straight street.
Read first time and ordered publish
ed at a special meeting of the Council
of Oregon City, held July 23th. 1906,
and to come up for second reading
and final passage at a special meeting
of said council to be held Wednesday,
the loth day of August 1906, at 8
o'clock p. m. of said day.
By order of the Council of Oregon
An ordinance providing for the num
bering of buildings in Oregon City,
Oregon City does Ordain as follows:
Section 1. There shall be a uniform
system of numbering all houses,
Btores and other buildings (except
sheds and outbuildings) erected or to !
be erected within the city limits of
Oregon City. Oregon, by placing on the
door or door frame of the main en
trance to said buildings or as near
thereto as practicable, its proper num
ber as shown by the map and plan
showing the system of numbering such 1
buildings now on file In the office of
the Recorder of Oregon City.
Said numbers shall be painted on
the building, or on metal or glass or
a metallic figure used at the option of
the owner and so placed as to be
readily seen from the street. The
figures designating the number wheth
er painted or otherwise, to be not less
than two inches in height.
Sec. 2. The base line or street f,r
starting said numbering shall be
Water street for all streets running
easterly and westerly and the base
line for all streets running northerly
and southerly shall bo First street.
Sec. 3. The numbers for all build
ings on the northerly side of all
streets running easterly and wester
ly shall be odd numbers commencing
with the number 101, and the numbers
for all buildings on the southerly side
of all streets running easterly and
westerly shall be even numbers, com
mencing with number 102. The num
bers for all buildings on the Westerly
side of the streets running northerly
and southerly shall be odd numbers
commencing with number 101, and
the numbers of all buildings on the
easterly side of all streets running
Hot Only Do We Get Inspiration
Nature, But Health a Woll.
For people ha are run-down ji ml nerr-
w ho utter irom muigcM'.rni
or art1
esl;i, headache.
biliousness, or torpid
liver, coaled toi
tongue with hitter taste In
the mornlnir and poor appetite. It
... ' ., v ;.
,...i I...',, . , i., th..ir r..i nul
out the bodv Into its proper condition. It i
fa becoming aaors and more apparent that i
Nature's most valuable health - giving
agents arc K be found in (uresi plants
and roots,
NY.irh forty yars ah'o. Or. K.V. Pierce,
now tnntttltlng physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo,
N. Y., discovered that by scientifically
MtracUng and combining certain medlcl
n. i principles (nun native roots, taken
from our American forests, he could pro
duce a Dtedtcme which was niarvelonslv
Ottcienl in curing cases o( blood disorder
and liver and stomach trouble as well as
many other chronic, or lingering ail
ment. This concentrated en tract of
Nature's vitalitv he named "lioldon Med
leal Discovery." It purities the blood hy
pulling the stomach and liver Into
hea.ttiy co. uiition. thereby helping the
digestion and assimilation of food w hich
feeds the blood. Therb) It cures weak
stomach, indigestion, torpid liver, or bil
lOUinoil. anii In udrisi derangement.
If voo have coated tongue, with bitter
or bad late in the morning, frequent
headaches, feel weak, easily tired, stitches
or pain in tide, back gives out easily and
achat, belch tui of gas. constipation) or
Irregular bowaw, feel Bathei of heat al
ternating with chill sensations or kin
dred symptoms, they point to derange
ment of your stomach, liver and kidney,
which the 'Golden Medical Dtanovary
will correct more speedily and perma
i.ent I v than am other know n agent. Con
talus no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. 1
All ita Ingredients printed in plain Eng
lish on wrapper.
The tola motive for substitution Is to
permit the dialer to make a little more
protit. He gams; yon lose. Accept no sub
stitute for "Holden Medical Discovery."
Constipation causes and aggravate
many Stftoai diseases. It is thoroughly
cured by Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets.
One a laxative; two or three are cathartic.
northerly and southerly shall be even
numbers, commencing with number
Sec. 4. Numbers in accordance
with the map and plan now on file In
the office of the Recorder of Oregon
City shall be placed on each and every
of said buildings within fifteen days
after the approval of this ordinance
and each and every building hereafter
erected within said city shall have
placed on the street side thereof the
number of said building In accordance
with the provisions of this ordinance
within fifteen days after the comple
tion thereof.
Sec 5. Any owner of said build
ings now erected or hereafter erect
ed within the limits of said Oregon
City or other person having cus
tody and control of said building who
shall refuse or neglect to cause to .be
placed thereon the number thereof
in accordance with the foregoing sec
tions of this ordinance shall be deem
ed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction before the mayor or re
corder shall be fined in any sum not
exceeding twenty-five dollars or by
imprisonment for any term not ex
ceeding twelve days, or by both fine
and imprisonment
Sec. 6. In addition to the penalty
prescribed in section five of this ordi
nance the City Council shall on such
refusal or neglect have the power and
authority to cause the number of the
said building to be placed thereon as
hereinbefore set forth, the cost there
of to constitute a lien upon the prop
erty and to be entered and colleced
as any other lien.
Sec. 6. That Ordinance No. 346 of
Oregon City be and the same is here
by repealed.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
Council-of Oregon City, held July 25,
1906, and to come up for second read
ing and final passage at a special
meeting of said council to be held
Wednesday, the 15th day of August,
1906, at 8 o'clock p. m. of said day.
By order of the Council of Oregon
An Ordinance regulating the opera
tion of. and limiting the speed of Au
omoUtea and other machines or ap
paratus of similar character.
Oregon City does Ordain as follows:
Section 1. That it be and it is
hereby made unlawful for any person
or persons, to operate, run or drive, or
CflltM to be operated, run or driven,
any mobile, automobile, motor cycle,
or other machine or apparatus of a
similar character, propelled by means
of electricity, steam, gasoline or other
product of petroleum, within the cor- j
porate limits of the city of Oregon
City, at a greater rate of speed than
eight miles an hour.
Section 2. Every person or persons
operating, running, driving, or hav
ing control of any mobile or automo
bile shall, when approaching any
treat crossing, within the corporate
limits of Oregon City, give or cause
to be given some danger signal or
warnings to pedestrians.
Section 3. Every person or persons
operating, running or driving, a mo- j
bile or automobile, ox other machine
or apparatus of a similar character, 1
described in Section 1 of this ordi
DAOce, shall attach to such machine
or apparatus, a numbered metal tag,
to be placed on the rear end thereof,
where the same may be easily 'seen,
which number shall be not less than
four (4) inches in height.
Section 1. Any person or persons
violating any or all of the provisions
of this ordinance, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof before the Mayor
j or Recorder, shall be fined in any
j sum not exceeding One Hundred Hol
lars, or by imprisonment in the City
I Jail, in any term not exceeding fifty
: days, or by both such fine and irnpris-
onment at the discretion of the Court,
i Head first time and ordered publish
ed at a special meeting of the Council
of Oregon City, held July 25th, 1906,
and to come up for second reading and
final passage at a special meeting of
said Council to be held Wednesday,
August loth, 1906, at 8 o'clock p. m.
yt said day.
By order of tho Council of Oregon
City. V. A. DIMICK,
An ordinance defining certain duties
of the Chief of Police regarding the
collection of licenses.
Oregon City does Ordain as follows:
Section 1. It Is hereby made the
duty of tho Chief of Police of Oregon
City to inspect the license of every
person, firm, company or corporation
engaging In or carrying on any
sloii. trade, calling or occupation for
which a license shall be required un
dor Ordinances Nob. 207 and :S2:t of
Oregon City, and If he shall ascertain
that said person, tlrtu. company or
I corporation so engaging In or carrying
OB such profession, trade, calling or
occupation has failed to obtain a II
cense as provided by said Ordinances
Nos 207 ami 323. the Chief of Police
shall Immediately collect the amount
of such license due Oregon City and
pay the same to the City Treasurer.
The Chief of Police shall also make
j any and all collections of any at all
licenses, foes and moneys which are
I or may become due Oregon City as
the same shall be required of him by
the Council of Oregon City, and said
Chief of Police shall receive as sole
compensation therefor the sum of
I $15.00 per month
Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 27'.' of
Oregon City be and the same Is hero-
by repealed
Read first time and ordered ib)
! Itshed at a special meeting of the
i Council of Oregon City, held July '.T,
1906. and to come up for second read
Ing and final passage at a special
nil cling of said Council to be held
Wednesday, August lMh. 1906. at 8
: o'clock p m. of said day.
Hy order of the Council of Oregon
An ordinance authorising the pur
chase of a street sprinkling cart.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
i lows:
That the Finance Committee of the
Council of Oregon City Is hereby au-
1 thorized and empowered to purchase
one street sprinkling cart for the pur
pose of sprinkling certain streets of
Oregon City, at a cost of not to exceed
1900.00 for said cart.
Read first time and ordered pub
llshed at a special meeting of the
'Council of Oregon City, held July 23,
1!00, and to come up for second read-
' ing and final passage at a special
meeting of said Council to be held
Wednesday. August 15, 1906, at S
o'clock p. m. of said day.
Hy order of the Council of Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the Statt
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Nora Collins. Plaintiff,
Edwin Collins. Defendant,
j To Edwin Collins, defendant above
named :
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
i against you In tho above entitled
cause on or before the 8th day of Sep
1 tember. 1906, said day being more
1 than six weeks from the 27th day of
I July, 1906, the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, and If you
fail so to answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
; the relief prayed for. to-wlt:
For a decree of said court forever
i dissolving the bonds of matrimony
! now existing between plaintiff and
defendant: and for such other and
' further relief as may tie equitable and
The ordet for publication of sum
mons in this case was made by the
Hon. Grant H. Dimick. judge of the
county court, of Clackamas county,
Oregon, on the 26th day of July, 19o6.
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is July 27. 1000, and the
date of the last publication Is Septem
! ber 7, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Saloon License.
Notice Is hereby given that I will
apply at the next meeting of the city
council for a renewal of my liquor
license at my present place of busi
ness. S'-venth street and Railroad av
enue. D. MclIKNRY
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
The New Fulton Compounds Have a
Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries
Among Chronic Cases of Bright's
Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore
Considered Incurable.
DrufTRlirts know that Hrieht's Disease inA
Diabetes bave been regarded by pl.yslclsns as
Incurable and that up to the advent of tha
Fulton Compoundu that nothing on their shelves
would touch It. It In a proven fact that nearly
Dlue ientns of all cases are now curable, and
druggists IbasaaalTas arc taking tte new Com
pounds. One of the recoveries was Dr. Zeila
tlmsclf, the pioneer druffiat of 12 Paciflo
strei t, San fYanc'.sco, and be gave 1 1 to over a
dozen others who recovered. Here Is another
Interesting recovery ( Wc copy from the Sacra
memo News of November IS, 1002):
"After a serious Illness of over a year Judga
J. R. Allen of this city has recovered and ia
gards himself most fortunate In iccessfully
bait. Ing with what Is generally regarded us a
fatal malady, Drlgbt'ft Disease of the Kidneys,
In speaking of his case Judge Allen said: '1
believe that the treatment given rae by my
physician wss in accordance with the best
methods used In the regular practice of medi
cine, but It afforded me no relief. Hearing of
the Fulton Compounds 1 went to Kan Francisco
to Investigate and was soon convinced I should
undergo the treatment. It was three month
before I noticed a change for the better. I used
the medicine faithfully for nearly a year ana
can now llnd no evidence of the disease and
am satisfied It is entirely elMfnated. My ap
petite Is good, I have gained seventeen pounds
in weight and will be pleated to describe m
experience to anyone who nuiy c;ill or write
Sacramento ftews, Nov. if,, nos,
The editor of the News himself was the friend
who told Judge Allenof tho Fulton Compounds.
They are the only things known that cure
Bright's Disease m.J Diabetes. Fulton's Renal
Compound for Urlght's and Kidney Diseases,
fl; for Diabetes, 11.60. John J. Fulton Co.,
40B Washington street, ban Francisco, sole
compounders. Free analyses for patient.
Bend for i'ampblet. We are the exclusirs
gents for these Compounds in ihlg city.
Charman Sf, Co., City Drvg Store.
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mlttee on Streets and Public Prop
erty of the Council of Oregon City :
will receive sealed bids for tho furnish I
Ing and delivering of 500 cubic yards
Of crushed rook, to be delivered with
in the corporate limits of Oregon City
at any place designated by the Su
perlntendent of streets
All bids tiro required to be sealed
and tiled with the undersigned com I
inltteo, in care of the Recorder, by :
Tuesday, the 14th day of August 1006.1
at 4 o'clock p in . of said day. The tin- '
derslgned committee and the Council
of Oregon City reserves the right to
reject any and all bids, and to accept
the bid considered moat favorable '
to Oregon City
Committee on Streets and Public
Property. 32t2 :
Notice of Executor's Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the final
account of Mllo Thomson, executor of
the estate of Alex Thomson, deceased,
has been rendered to the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, for
settlement, with a petition for a final
dlstrlbutloa of the estate, and that
Monday, the 3d day of September. A. i
i 1) r.ioO. at ten o'clock a. in . hits been
duly spiKilnted by said court for the
settlement of said account and hearing
said petition, at which time any per- j
sons interested In said estate may ap
i pear and file their exceptions In writ
; Ing to said account and contest the
i same
I First publication of this notice July
! 27th. 1906.
Kxecutor of the estate of Alex Thom
son, deceased.
I' Ren Ai Schuebel, attorneys for ex
ecutor 3315
In the Circuit
Oregon, for
Ada M Jones
Court of the State of
the County of Clack-
Martin i Jones, Defendant.
To Martin ti. Jones, the above named
defendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit. In the
alsive named court on or before Frl
day. August 31, 1906. the same being
six weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and you will take notice
that If you full to so appear and an
swer said complaint, the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for tho relief de
manded In said complaint, to-wlt: That
; the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you ami Plaintiff be dlsssolv
1 This summons Is published by the
ordtw- of the Hon Grant H Dlmlck.
Judge of the County Court for Clack
amas county. State of Oregon. In the
, Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
I newspaper of general circulation In
Clackamas county, for six successive
and consecutive weeks, commencing
Friday, July 20th, 1906 and continuing
1 to and Including Friday, August 31,
1 32t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
; Istrator of the estate of John R Shav
I er, deceased, by the county court of
the State of Oregon, for Clackamas
County, and has duly qualified as such
administrator. All persons having
1 claims against said estate are hereby
' notified to present the sanll to me at
Oregon City, Oregon, caro Ella Shav
i er, Assessor's Office In said city, or at
the office of Graham & Cleeton, 5
Marquam Building. Portland, Oregon,
within six months from date hereof.
Dated and first publication July 6.
i 1906.
Administrator of the estate of John
R. Shaver, deceased.
In the Clroiiit Court of the 8tat(
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Nels J. Kvale. Plaintiff,
Katherlne C. Kvale, Defendant,
To Katherlne C. Kvale, the above;
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon: j
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the plaintiff's complaint!
filed against you on the 5th day of j
July, A. D. l0fi, In the above entitled
suit in the said Circuit .Court, within
six weeks from and after the service j
upon you of the summons and com
plaint, herein; but If published then
within six' weeks from and after the
0th day of July A. I). 1906 which Is'
the time prescribed In the order of
publication of this summons, for you !
to so appear and answer the said com
If ,,,.,i r.,11 t,. u, in, in .tie unit
i.ian.i. mn j".. ..... ... im"
answer the sum complaint on or lie
fore the IMh day of August, A. D. IM6,
the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for
the rell' f demanded In plaintiff's snld
complaint herein to-wlt; for a decree;
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now I
heretofore existing between you 1
and said plaintiff upon the ground thut
I you have wilfully deserted nnd ahan-,
Idoned the plaintiff for more than one
year last past, and do now so wilfully
I detert and abandon plaintiff without1
her consent.
This summons Is published In the ;
Oregon City Enterprise a weekly,
newspaper, published and of general
' circulation In said Clackamas Conn
! tv, Oregon, for not less than once each
week for at least, six successive weeks
by written order of the Hon. Orant
I R Dimick, as Judge or the County
I Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County, made and dated
on the nth day of July A. D. 1000 and
duly Died In said Circuit Court.
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
210-217 Allsky Building, Portland, Ore.
. 0
Notice Is hereby given that, we, the
undersigned, have been, by the Coun
ty Court, of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County, duly appointed ex-
III.L'JS- """Pi
L-TffTCoP .lllpMttMMIIWMMllimi
AWfictablo Preparation for As
almUuttiig uVrmxlaiutHt-tfula
ting lie 9 uiuuuiK and Uowcb of
iTtmwtos TMtfesHon.CLmtrut
neM artd Rent Contains nr ithcr
OunimiMorphini nor Mutual.
Not Nahcutiu.
Aocrfcrl Itcnudy forCnnslirwi
lion. Sour Sloinath.Dian huca,
Worms .Convulsions, feverish
ucss and Loss or Slum
Tac Simile Signature of
lxact coHYor wiuma.
teuton of the aetata of Flora I smith
deceased, and have duly qualified an
such. All persons having claims
against said ostat are hereby not Hi
ed to prenent the same to us. with
proper vouchers at the County Clerk's
office In Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 3d day of July, 1106.
Executors of the estate of Flora E
Smith. Deceased
W N Harrett. Attorney for said es
tate. Ctimes
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the Stuti
Oregon for the County
In th- Matter of the Batata
John Ooebol. Deceased
Notice Is hereby given Hint the un
derslgned administrator of the bIhivc
entitled estate has filed In the County
Court of Clackamas County, State of
Oregon, his final account, as such ml
mlnlstrator of said estate, and that
the court has fixed Monday. August 6,
ir06, nt the hour of ten o'clock A. M .
of said day nt tho Court Room of said
Court In Oregon City. Oregon, as the
time and place of hearing any and all
objections to snld report and the final
settlement of said estate.
Administrator of snld Eatate, i
llritre C Curry, Attorney for Estate
June 23. 190C.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Clahurn F llrooks, I'lalntlff,
PnrllnC Brooks, Defendant.
Suit for Divorce.
To I'erllne llrooks, Defendant:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tied against j day of July. l'.tOf., the date of the first
you In thi above entitled suit, on Of ! publication of said summons, nml If
before the '.'7th day of July, I'.IOC,, that you ho fall so to appear or answer, for
being tho last day prescribed In the j want thereof the plaintiff will apply
order of publication of this summons, j to the court for tho relief pniyed for
nnd If yon fall to ho appear and an- In the snld eomplnlnt, to-wlt: For a
swer said eomplnlnt the plaintiff will decree of Hiild court dissolving tho
apply to the court for the relief there-1 marriage contract heretofore and now
in prayed for, to-wit: it divorce from l existing between plaintiff nnd defend
the marriage existing between you: nut. and for such other relief us to
and the plaintiff. tin- court may seem Jim! and equitable.
This summons Is published In the TI rder for publication of Minn
Oregon City Enterprise for six con- none In thin nuU wns made and enter
secutlve weeks by order of the Honor- ei by f Inn Thomas A. Mcllrlde, clr
abln T. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho Or- cult Judge of the County of OlMknOHM,
cult. Court of the State of Oregon for
County, made on tho Mth
dny of June, 1!)();, the first publication
being on the IMh dav of June, 1000.
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
Notice Is hereby! given Hint the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
county court of Clackamas county,
state of Oregon) the ndmiptntrntrin of
the estate of Jane Atkinson, deceased.
All persons having claims against
the said decedent or the snld estate,
aro hereby notified to present the
same duly verified and with proper
vouchees to the undersigned, at her
residence, Ifllwsukie, Oregon, within
six months from the 'late hereof.
First publication June 2'.), 1000.
Dated June 19, 1906.
Executrix of the estate of Jane At
kinson, deceased,
John K. Kollock, attorney for nxCCU
Notice of
Final Set-
Notice Is hereby given that, the final I
account, of Ora Drawn, administratrix I
of the estate of Jerry Young, dCCensed, I
has been rendered to said court tor
tel i lenient with a petition for n flnall
For Infante find Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars the
For Over
Thirty Years
TM iTw laMHIII. IW I '"
dittriMtsM of the estate, ami that
Monday, the ilfb day Of August, AD.
llthrt at ten o'clock a m.. has baeaj
1 1 1 1 v appointed by hm court for th
-.ef dement of said tOOOOOl ami hear
liut said petition, at which time any
person IB IS fOO tOd In said ctat' may
appear and file his cxreptiOM In writ
itiK to said account and contest tho
Flint publication of this notice, July
II, 1906.
Administratrix of the eictute of Jerry
Young. doOOOSOd.
I' lten at Sehuebel. attorneys for B-
tate ,iur
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the un
lerstgncd administrator of the es
Into of Joticph Johannes (Jeorgii Hock.
d asod hns nied In thu County
COtlft of Cluckamas county. Htat of
Oregon, his llnel account as such ad
ministrator of snld estate That ten
O'clock A M . Mondsy, the :mth day
of July, has been fixed by said court
us the time for hearing of objections
to said report and the llnal settlement
Administrator of the Estatn of Joseph
Johannes (osirge Heck, deceased
I' lten a- Sehuebel, Attorneys for Ad
nilnlxtintor. SUMMONS.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon tr Clneknmas county.
f 0 Wile Plaintiff,
Agnes j Mien, Defendant
To Agnes .1 Wiles. Defendant nbovo
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint (lied against yon
III the above entitled cnuse on or be-
i fore August 21
. more tlmn six
l'Jwi, snld day being
weeks from the l.'lth
Mate of Oregon, on the iL'th dnv of
July. U06,
attorney for Plnlntdff,
Sec Nature's
Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
Castle Cute, Canon of tho
Grand, Black Canon, Mar.
shall ami Tennessee PaB-
iei, and the World -Famous
Royal Qorge
For Descilpitlvo and Illustrated
Phemplett, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, Oen'l Ag't,
124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or.
jT wwi sHSMr
IT "XHtlaHaKMPigr ' Ml