Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 27, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Short Sidehead Stones
Will Repair a
VI I). OlllM
Hindu iici'ili.it
MIIlN lii'ldKo.
linn Twm oiniihiyiiil til
ft-pttliM to tho HcotU
Pity the Poor Jurymen
Wllllarn Heard nml J. 3. Ilatlnn are
on l h.t Hint irlnl Jmy In tins lmi-l fraud
itmm In I'miliim!.
Takee Leryer Njrne
(in.Mlittin, July so,-, Tint Multimiiiuh
Ki'ionl will cluuin.. Iln 11111110 to tho
Jliiuvtir titilln J.rulil.
Judicially Married
Minn Mlnnin Ciiiniilicll iuhJ Mr, John
Mi'1.liT. both or Miiltnoniitli county,
w.-r.i iiinrrlml hy County Judj."! (Irnnt
II. IMmlck In lilH oiru-it hi Hid court
IiiiiIhc, Tlilirmluy, of IumI week,
Ouslnese Change at Molalla
I-. W, nml Kvcriiiiui KolililiiN uro
HOW Hill,, OWIIMIH Of till) WKlt lUlOWU
huHliH'MN coiiiliictfit iimlcr tho iiiiuih of
Hohl.lim limn., thi.y Imvltig rwiiily
imn luiMixl tin.. inUo-eHt of Krunk ICvit
hurt. Released From County Jail
. (ii'oio Mucklnnw wan rt litMiil from
tint county Jail. Krhlny, lot IuivIdk com-
lili'toil IiIm i'S, iluyN' hi 'IlloliCo for lltf
niiull u ml l.uttxry, Miuklnow, whllo
tiiiih r tho iiilhioncg of .lilrik, hit a
luun who wim in work on Hut rock
Ttmhor In W'i'Hi OrcKon City.
Ouye a Woodburn Business
tioorKo M Tumi)' went to Wood,
burn, hint cck. where In. will loitt,
IimvIiik unhiiMid tlui confectionery
buHltictw hi retof.iro condiict.d In that
town by (i, N, Mctiulro, Mr. Tiirnoy
only recently iliMMI!i..il of a, Hiinllar
bllHltlCOl In thin city to F. U. Irf'IlL of
Automatic Roof Sprinkler
Au automatic rMif .rlnk!ln nyn-ti-iu
I tieiuK hiHtalled by tin' I'ortliind
i. ietl Klectrlc comiMiny lit It h hIu
tlnil on the Went Hlile. The work In
beliiK done by u I'ortliind company.
Thin protection will prevent It repel!,
lion of the recent Pre thiil jduyud hav
oc with the cupola,
Buy Lane County Saw Mill
JiihtUe 1,1 vy Sttpp made u bimlncK
trip 10 OttWeKO IllHt Week til IIHMlht ill
cIobIuk u deal by which M. II Dunn,
formerly of thai town, beciune own
er of a tract of timber land, a
mill and a InKKliik' rmid in l.uue coun
ty. Justice J. W. Vim Morn, of On
weKi", ban gone to Cottage, tlrovij with
Mr. Jiunn.
Water for Canemah Cemetery
An ice cream hocIuI wa well put
roliled, Tllexday evening, on the lawn
wt the home of Mr, Stoko In fano-
Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak
System any one may take and iinish pictures. It's daylight all
the way.
Brownies (almost Kodaks) $ I to $9.00
Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $J 05.00.
Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6.00
Burmeister & Andresen
Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City JewelefS
tiuih, Tha oo,la! whh given by tho
t-iidleN' Aid Mocloty for tho purport
of MecurliiK fund toward tho imp
plyliiK of tho cmneMtry with wntor,
Tim Cniieirmh Aid Iium dorm much In
benmifying Oregon C'lty'a Moutliern
Will be Opened for Settlement
The Koveriunetit Miirvey contract tin
'Hied by 5, I-, nnd II. A. KaiidH of
thin city, 1h for a portion of the south
part of tlie Cot villt Indian rcnorvatlon
In northern WiiHlilriKtoii. , Tho work
Include tho running of tho Mtnndiird
and meridian linen. Tim contract will
not lie undeitnlien until next HpririK.
The town!ilp IIdoh will bo run later.
It in tho Intention of tho Government
to throw thU tract open to Mcttlement,
In Big Street Car Deal
JanifM II, ItoblnKon, of Chleo, Calif.,
Joined IiIh wife and children In Oregon
City, Friday, In their vlHlf, with Mrn.
KoJiliiMon'M mother, Mrn. V'.L, Cochran,
Mr. Itobliidon wait one of the party of
fifteen who urived In I'ortliind, Thurse
dny, with (', H. tAnn In their prlvato
tar i;i Frledu. They aro Kftn Fran
cliico uud Cnllfoiiilii copltullHlH and
their eoiitbleniliil men, who are an
noiiated with Mr, Iomh In tho deul by
willed Imn and they have acquired
full control of the ntock and f run
chlHoa of tho I'nited Kallwaya of
I'ortliind. The deal wh llnoily con
ununited In I'ortlaud, ThurKdny, wlien
the holding of J. Whyio FvanH and
J. It, Venn were taken over. Mr, Hob
Intou, who I Hiiperiiilendent and chief
engineer of tho liutto County rail
road, left for Chleo, Saturday nlnht.
Tried To 8ave; Nearly Drown
Hum Ktowe, nil employe of tho, Wil
lamette I'ulp a Paper company, wo
nearly drowned Friday morning In an
effort to nave (jeorgo Iti'iniulnger, of
Portland, agent of tho I'uclHc Fire Fx
tlnnulwher company. llemiuliiKer fell
Intw the Hwift water of the canal at
the lock, and a be wii tiuuldo to
jnwliu wu,i near death when Htowe,
Meellig bin plight, plunged Into t lie
(water to the rcHcue. Htowo I an cx
, pert Hw linuier but Hemmlnger clunped
iiim In the embrace of a drow ning man
1 uud be wit rendered helplf-HX, lioth
linen W'onlil have drowned bad It not
! been for T. V. Heddlck, another em
jpluye of the mill, who ttecured a pike
j pole Hint Hucceeded In bringing tho
'drowning men to nhore, both of whom
j recovered with but alight 111 effect
j from their plunge.
Four Hop Contract Recorded
Four ugreeiueiit. Involving the 1 in mJ
bop rrop of o many Cliickuma coun
ty farmer, were recorded at the court
Iiouho IuhI week, Uy the term of tho
liitttruinent the grower, in cotiHldera-
a r i
V k- j.i V
tlon of an advanco of 7 cent por
pound, that wan pold on April 1, or
May 1, In tho mim of $100, tho balunco
to bo paid at harvoat tlmo, agreed to
aoll their crop to tho partlo making'
tho advances. Tho balance of tho mar
ket valuo of tho crop Im to bo paid
when tho hop aro dollvorod. Throo
of tho agreement uro made In favor
of M. (Jatewood, of Portland, by
tho following named grower: F.
Irlnh, crop from flvo acre; W, O,
iJlckornoii, 14 ucroa, and J. It. nnd
ICvan I!Wl, 14 acre, Under tho
Haunt condition Frod Kamrath, (loo.
and Arthur Htaben havo disponed of
tliolr 1 !(()( crop to Chorle H. May &
Co., of Now York, In each cao tho
grower muy annul tho contract by ro-
paying tbo flOO boforo harvot.
(Continued from pago 1.)
tho man'H method rlghtoou." Ho
Maid the welfuro tif tho country 1 on
dangered by aeveral ciiumom, among
which are Irreverenco, avarice, tho
lhUor traffic and political power, Huc
coMHfuliy to meet Hioho condition aro
required nun of action, "carecrow
that will Hcarn.'V Tho need I for vir
ile, Indignant nnd hcUvo men who will
ndJiiHt their live to a to-rvico for their
fellow men, and not for aelf. Cotill
dence, bo KBhl, I refpilred that every
mini muy nittko tho proper uo of tho
talent with which bo I endowed.
Immediately preceding tho after
noon lecture, tho member of tho
graduating cIiihh from tho Chautauqua
Junior Jiildo Iiepurtmeiit. were present
ed with diploma by VIcoI'reHldent
I tye, on the recommendation of He v.
Howard N. Smith, who was In chargo
of till department. The young people
constituting the cIuhh were:
Intermediate courao Eleanor Pal
mer, Roberta M. Kchiibel, Harold A.
Smith and Arthur Toby.
Junlorw -Helen McClado, Mildred
Jacob Young, Fulton Maglll, Heatrlce
E. Palmer, l!eKlo Legg. Ilalph Young,
Itachel King. Ambrose Ilrowuell, Clark
Story, Miriam Oberg. Jean Jacob,
Wetulnl Smith, Lillian ltobertHon and
t.liuly I.egg.
The roll of honor pupil, who did
not quite complete the courwe contain
ed tin; inure of ten young people, a
follow: Gludy Wyrnon, Olive KUley,
Ella Crow, Nellie Johnston, Venre Hon
kin, .lame Mcdeelian, Marlon White,
Walter Hcott HohUiw, Yedd Hrown
and Harold Led.
The cIiihh in American literature
concluded It seHKlon under tho direc
tion of I'rofcHHor P. J. Hoadley, by
faking up the literary I'rcHtdeiit, viz:
Wutdilngton. John Adam. JefferKon,
MiidlMou, John tjuliny Adttiii. Lincoln,
(Jriint and Hooevolt. Professor Hate,
of Forest (iruve, read "Lincoln' Ad
dre at Gettysburg." The clan gave
the ('haiituiiqua salute at tho close of
the session and Invited Profesor
Hoadley to rortirn and continue hi
work ut Hie next assembly.
Tho M. A, A. C. won tho pennant In j
tho baseball tournament by defeating
tho Portland Trunk company by a
large ooro Saturday aftornoon. In
tho fourth Inning, with the acoro 3 to
1 In favor of tho clubmen, A, Holt
man, catcher for the trunkmakora, was
retired from tho game with a badly
Injured finger. J, K, Dornor, who auo
cceded Heltman, was almllarly In
jured by a practice ball from the pitch
er, and tho gamo did not procoed un
til an Indian substitute wan added to
tlio crippled team, which apparently
lost heart and wa badly routed.
Tho annual meeting of tho ntock
holder failed, owing to lack of a quo
rum. An adjournment was taken nub
Ject to the call of tho president.
8unday, July 22.
Tho concluding session of tho Wil
lamette Volley Chautauqua for 1900,
were made memorable by two grand
Mormon, one In tho afternoon by Dr.
Ernest E. Baker, tho opostlo of "Sun
shine Religion," ami tho other in the
overling by tho Oregon favorlto, Dr.
locko. At tho conclusion of Dr.
Iicko' sermon, tho audience Joined
In singing "Cod Ho With You Till
Wo Meet Again."
ParNon' orchestra gave a farewell
concert from 4 to 5 p. rn., and tho
Kinging of National air by Mr. H, It.
Dunlway of Portland was much en
Joyed. ,
A new feature of Chautauqua life
tbla season wa tho kindergarten, un
der the auspice of tho Homo Train
ing Adulation, of Portland. It ha
been called the "garden spot of Chau
tauqua." Tiiat tho interest In tbl par
ticular work did not wane wa mani
fested by the throngs.
Large number of Cbatitauquans
took advantage of tho physical culture
work offered this year under the direc
tion of Professor A. M. (iriliey, of tho
Portland Y. M. C. A., more than 200
person being enrolled in the various
classes. In tho junior contest the first
prize wa won by George Olsen, with j
45 points; Harry Hargreavea second,!
t" point; Mark Eub-ry third, 10 point.
The enrollment In the different classes
wa as follow: ladles' class in In
dian club, 35; ladles' das in calis
thenics, 75; girls' class, 40; boys'
das, .'55; men' clas, 10.
Thursday George H. Hlmes, of Port
land, offered three small cash prize
to young people under IS years of age,
who would bring In the first, second
and third largest collection of twig
from the forest tree found on the
Chautauqua grounds. Tho award were
made at the tent of the Oregon Histor
ical Society, as follows, all of the com
petitor being from Portland:
Miss Eleanor Palmer, 912 East Yam
bill mrect, whose list was a follow:
White fir, red tlr, oak, dogwood. Balm
of (Ulead, large-leaved maple, vine
maple, ash, chittem wood, crabapple,
spirea. (two varieties), Oregon grape,
poison oak, raspberry, thimble berry,
gooseberry, service berry, nyrlnga,
salal, huckleberry, snowball, ceanothus
or soap bush, os berry, wild rose,
large an4 dwarf. 28.
Harold Smith, D05 Hawthorne ave
nue White fir, red fir, oak, dogwood,
Halm of Gilead, large-leaved maple,
vine maple, ash, chittem. crabapple,
Hplrea t three varieties), Oregon grape,
I poisou oak, raspberry, thimble berry,
I hazel, w illow, huckleberry, blackhaw,
I service berry, salal. snowball, syringa,
! blackberry, wild rose, large and dwarf.
I Arthur Tobey, 11 East Taylor
I streetWhite fir, red fir, oak, ash, dog
j wood. Balm of Gilead, large-leaved
i maple, vine maple, chittem, crabapple,
(spirea, (three varieties), Oregon grape,
j poison oak. huckleberry, service ber
ry, oso herry, blackberry, na.einerry,
hazel, syringa, willow, snowball, wild
rose, large and uwarr
Miss Miriam Oberg, 407 East Tenth
Ked fir, oak. ash, dogwood, vine
maple, spirea (two varieties), black
berry, oso berry, thimble berry, hazel,
sweet briar, chittem, Oregon grape,
syrliiKia, ceonothus or soap bush,
snow ball, wild rose, large and dwarf.
The first two being tied, received an
equal sum; the third prize, and the
fourth, honorable mention.
Have Confidence When He Tells
Pepsikola Tablets Do Cure
Possibly you may think our only
reason for praising these tablets is
because of the small profit we make
on each 25 cent box, but how little
satisfaction there would be in rec
ommending a remedy that would dis
appoint you and thereby lose your
This thing of selling a worthless ar
ticle is mighty poor business policy.
Square dealing always pays best and
when we tell you what Pepsikola tab
lets will do, our confidence is based
on our own personal experience in
selling them here in Oregon City year
after year.
There Isn't a remedy in this store
that we recommend more highly and
unless Pepsikola tablets really do what
we claim for them how utterly useless
our efforts would be.
For coated tongue, sour stomach,
wind belching, fullness after eating,
heart burn, sleeplessuess, weakened
energy, and other symptoms of indi
gestion we recommend them with
every confidence and' always refund
the 25c should you fail to receive the
benefits expected.
:s Heautifully located in Portland. Oreuon.
Ptti-rs unsurpassed facilities (or the cub
ture and education of younu women. Special!
opportunities in Music. Art. Lanisiiaues and Liter
ature, Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab
oratories, Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The
largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific
Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation for im
partini; the best physical, mental and moral train
ini; and developing true womanhood. Equips
socially and fducationally lor the most exalted
station. Confers Academic and Collegiate Degrees
bv State Authority. Interference with convictions
ol non-Catholics is scrupulously avoided. Academy
Is ideally located, amid inspiring scenic advan
tages. Social opportunities such as are available
in no other city on the Const. Buildings large and
commodious, well liuMed. heated and ventilated;
dormitories and private rooms supplied with all
modern conveniences. The institution is liberal
and progressive without sacrificing the character
and traditions of age and achievement. Terms
modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for
minsunceinent booklet. Board and tuition $1S0 per
year. Address Sister Superior. St. Mary's Academy
furnished Every Week By the Clackamas
Abstract Company,
L. J. Arnold to J. Kraeft, W half
of 8E, and lot 7, aec. 20, 31, E; $1.
L. Baker to S, A. Douglas, two acre
In Glover CI., 24, E; $180,
State to J. Hchiepia, five acres In
Garrett CI., 22, E; $500,
O. . Board man to D. C. Byden, lot
15 and 17, Boardmaa'a Add; $100.
Will. Falls Co., to A. D, Bowers, lot
U, Tract 37, Will. Tract; $200.
K. Kelnhofer to C. Bodowlg 15 A.
In CI. 4fi, 33, E; $700.
M. C. Well to Cm. HoMeln, 35 acres
In section 17, 42, E; $950.
M. William to V. 8. May one acre
In Holme CI.; $120.
W. 8. May to J. Gafney, one acre
In Holme C; $115.
N. W. Shipley to S. MoHier, lot 10,
11, and 12, Block 10, Windsor; $1)00.
Hlbemla Hav, Bank to F. C. Do
Bauw, lot 4, blk. 13, Mil. Park; $30.
C. G. Oettman to H. Heinz, one
fourth aero in Crowley Claim; $80.
H. Look to 8. J. Hawk 10 acres in
section 27, 13, E; $715.
A. Lacy to C. M. Folsorn, N half and
N half of 8 half Lacy Claim, 44, E;
E. Coalman to M. F. Donahue, tracts
and rights on Sandy river; $100.
G. Reddaway, to F. J. Prushoff, lot
15. blk. t, Parkplace; $150.
11. B. Robertson to D. Quant 8.84
acres In section 30, 11 E; $1.
D. Quant to J. If. Johnson 8.84 A.
In section 3d, 11 E; $4000,,
F. Jacobs to ,1. H. Johnson Tract in
Robertson ; $300.
A. H. Shea to E. Lehman W half of
SW, section 7, 23, E; $1000.
Bingham & Pain to CP. Lewis, tract
on Willamette river, CI. 46, 21, E;
J. W. Reed to Estacada Bank, lot
4. block 15, Estacada; $150.
J. W. Reed to A. E. Sparks, lot 9,
15, Estacada; $1C0.
Buss to A. E. Sparks
lot 10,
15, Estacada; $1C0.
W. P. T. S. Co., to E. S. Bank,
13 to 1G, blk. 5. Estacada; $1241.
Ellison to M. L. Roberts, lots 45
40, blk. 41, Minthorn: $50.
W. B. Robinson to H. H. Lone, five
acres In section 31, 1 2 E; $700.
J. Parmenter to W. G. Thomas, 2.45
acres In claim 41, 23, E; $1300.
J. Ghormley to E. Brown lot? 39,
40, 41 and 43, blk. 70, Minthorn; $1.
J. E. Noble to E. Cromer, 45 acres
In CI. 55 and 38; $1425.
II. E. Harris to S. Harris part of
lot 5, blk. 18, Oregon City; $1.
E. Bailey to A. L. Imel, half acre In
Roots Add; $000.
S. Imel to P. B. Wick, half acre in
Roots Add; $1000.
C. M. Deyoe to The Canby Bank E
half of lot 1, blk. 3, Canby; $050.
J. H. Hitching to J. F. Marks, 11
acres in claim 41; $555.
J. F. Kyniston to L. L. Lantz, 30
acres in section 1, 5 1, E; $765.
The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
are owner of the only complete Abstract
plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and
reliable work on ahort notice, and all
work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money
loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe
cuted, estates settled and titles perfect
ed. J. F. Clark, Atty. at Law,
President and Manager.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
A watchman's neglect permitted a
leak in the great North Sea dyke,
which a child's finger could have stop-
ped, to become a ruinous break, devast-
ing an entire province of Holland. In
like manner Kenneth Mclver, of
Vanceboro, Me., permitted a'little cold
to go unnoticed until a tragic finish
was only averted by Dr. King's New
Discovery. He writes "Three doctors
gave me up to die of lung inflamma
tion, caused by a neglected cold; but
Dr. King's New Discovery saved, my
life." Guaranteed best cough and cold
cure, at Howell & Jones' drug store,
50c and $1. Trial bottle free.
A nrt fuara,nlcvd if joa HM
JUDrs Rnnnncitnm
PILE wuwwiiwiy
1. Matt. TtxamoMin. Sun 1 1
1 urailM scnoeii, Btatwui, a. c., write; ' 1 ea ttj 1
I they do U Ta clum fur iceru. lit. H, M. ((.
I rut to a. nr. n. l. McUUL Ulancstxjrc, Tna., writes :
la ft prsetlc f S3 j&r., I bv finind no rt niwlt t
ha! Tmr. Prici, W Ctjrr. 8njt)i frt. Soldi
I ty Uniin. martin Ru DV, LANCASTER. Pk.
Sold ia Oregon City by Huntley Bros.
Call for Free Sample,
Practice in all courts of the state,
Federal and United States Supreme
Room 306 Commercial Building
Portland, Oregon.
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands in Clackamas County, have
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite you to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
60G- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
Money to loan on Clackamas County
DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggago and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
Telephones Office 1121
Residence 1833
iUUnt DUnho?
iriiai la a uaunuuuc i
Dinettes of Woman' Organism Cured anil
Ctmequent Pain Stopped by Lydift E.
Plnkham' Vegetabli Compound.
"It seems as though my back would
break," Women titter these word
over and over again, but continue to
draff along and suffer with aches In the
small of the back, pain low down in
the aide, " Iearing down" pains, ner
Youaness and no ambition for any taak.
They do not realize that the back la
the mainspring- of woman's organism,
and quickly indicates by aching a dis
eased condition of the female orfran
or kidneys, and that the aches and
pains will continue nntil the cause la
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has been for many year the
one and only effective remedy in such
cases. It speedily cures female and
kidney disorders and restores the fe
' male organs to a healthy condition.
I " I have suffered with female trouble for
t over two years, suffering interne pain each
month, my back ached until it seemed aa
i though it would brealt. and I felt so weak all
over that 1 did not una eirengm 10 anena v
my work but had to stay in bed a large part
of the first two or three day every month.
I would have sleepless nights, bad dreama and
severe headache. All this undermined my
"We consulted an old family physician, who
advised that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. 1 began taking it regularly
and soon found that I could sleep and eat
better than I had done for months. Within
two months I became regular and I no longer
suffer from backache or pain." Miss Mauds
Morris, Sec. Ladies' Aid and Mission Society,
65 E. Hunter St., Atlanta, Qs.
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduite of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKUlip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
a'. Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers' 132
Main 131 1
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
Funtiah Abstracts of Title, Loan Money,
Foreclose Mortgage, and transact
General Law Business.
V, S- U'Sea 0. Bchtebsl
Attorneys at Law.
Wttl. practice In all courts, make collec
tions and settlements of estate.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon
ey on first mortgage.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon" City, Oregon.
Oregon City,
Will practice In all the courts of the etate
i Office in Caufield Building.
Attokxey at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Ab
stracts of Title and General Law Bus
iness. Office over
Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or.
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
Prices Reasonable
i ff) ' I
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.