Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 27, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates:
One year $1.60
Six months 75
Trial subscription, two months. . 28
Adrertlolng rates on application.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol-1
lowing their name. If last payment 1 ,
not credited, kindly aotlfy us, and ;
the matter will receive our attention, i
Entered at the postoffle at Oregon
City, Oregon, as second-class matter.
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1906.
ii TK ' 'V
Portland prides itself on its wealth,;
on the large number of wealthy citi- j
tens. It Is reported to be one of the f
richest cttles per capita in all the ;
world. But it takes something more
than wealth to Insure a city's future.
If Portland's rich men would get
half the hustle on them for Portland,
that Seattle's citizens, rich and poor,
do for Seattle, Oregon's metropolis
would be so far ahead of the, Sound j
city in five years that there would
be no more rivalry between them than
there was between Chicago and St.
Louis after the census figures of 1SS0
were made public.
Portland wants everything done for
It. Self-help is the tonic needed.
How much larger would Portland
have been, and how much more trade
would the merchants have had. if lo
cal capital had taken the Initiative
for a north shore road to Spokane fif
teen or even tn years ago, instead of
waiting nntil "Jim" Hill had built up
Seattle all he could with "Inland Em
pire" trade and then started to build
the water grade route simply to fore
stall Harriman?
And now Portland is waiting for
Harriman to furnish trade routes to
Central and South Central Oregon,
and Coast Oregon. Waiting for Har
riman, whose every move will be
made with the Interests of San Fran
cisco first in view!
If Portland was a Hve town it would
have had railway connection with
Coos Bay years ago, and would be
even now promoting and backing
with every ounce of energy and no
little money a competing line to Cen
tral and South Central Oregon.
Here's a prediction: San Francisco
will have railway connection by com
paratively easy grades, with the Kla
math country for years, while Port
land will still be dependent on the Sis
kiyou mountain climb via the South
ern Pacific.
This is vacation time. Everyone
who can get away is making for the
mountains or seaside. A few weeks
later they return with sunburned
nose, a coat of tan and renewed health
and energy.
Everybody is going who can but
still by far the greater number of peo
ple cannot go. The "crowds" , who
throng the resorts are but a handful
to the stay-at-homes.
Pity the stay-at-home. 'Tis not his
fault he isn't at Newport, Seaside,
Long Beach or in the mountains. Some
can not leave important business af
fairs but the most of us simply can
not afford, or we think we can't.
It is safe to say, however, the fel
low who took a vacation will have just
as much money right after Christmas
as the fellow who stayed at home dur
ing the hot weather, and he will be
enjoying his meals better than the
economical man.
So take a vacation, if only in a tent
a mile up or down the river. It will
lo you good.
The Oregon City city council even
thinks vacations will improve the
superlative and has granted her po
licemen vacations.
"Who wouldn't be a Clackamas coun
ty farmer, with his barns crammed
with hay, hay ricks on every available
spot, big fields of wheat and oats gold
en and heavy in their richness, orch
ards breaking with their loads of lus
cious fruit, hop gardens promising
enormous yields, and big prices for
evervthing offered for sale. No won
der Clackamas land is in demand and
nrices are advancing rapidly and
And all this prosperity In the most
pleasant climate in the world.
Surely Clackamas husbandmen, and
all her residents for that matter, are
favored people.
A Democratic paper at Norfolk, Va,
Bays that "If Mr. Bryan's Commoner
doesn't shut up about free silver and
the platform of '90, folks will get the
Idea that the whole graveyard or dead
issues is to be galvanized into a simu
lation of life to frighten the Democrat
ic children in 1908." A ghost dance
for two years is viewed with alarm by
the long-headed members of the party.
. o
A military band in the Philippines
vh'ch knew only two tunes, "Always
in ti-e Way" and "A Hot Time," has
stirred up plenty of trouble by play
ing the former at a soldier s funeral.
The choice seems difficult, but the
preference cf the boys themselves
ought to have been respected.
After sampling all of the European
climates John I"). Rockefeller has
found tin ideal spot in France where
the air is r-picy with the scent of white
strawberries and tho daily expense bill
can be. offset with a couple of gallons
of crude petroleum.
, o
After a journey of more than six
months the dry dock Dewey has ar
rived at Malta, having been towed
from Baltimore. All is over except
the shouting when Uncle 'Sam sees
the bill.
A flood in a town in contra! New
York filled the streets with carp weigh
ing from 3 to 30 pounds each. This
looks like luck, but some of the citi
zens are mad because they fulled to
get trout'
President Roosevelt has given his
personal guaranty as to the wholesome
character of American tinned meats.
Will King Edward do as much for the
bottled jam and chow-chow of Great
The monthly contribution of the
street car company toward sprinkling
Main street should be doubled. Its
right of way occupies nearly half the
street and its car raises more dust
than all other traffic combined.
New gold discoveries are frequently
announced in Nevada. The midget
state in population Is actively digging
gold and irrigating, and new prospects
have opened before It.
An analytical philosopher argues
that there can be no such thing as a
free railroad pass. The general idea
Is probably correct, and comes at a
consoling moment.
Republicans of Oregon Elect Large
Majority of Candidates.
Salem. July 23. Out of 312 offices
in the state of Oregon, the Republi
cans hold 249 and the Democrats hold
SS. while two are tilled by Independ
ents, one by a Prohibitionist and one
by a woman who has not political par
ty designation. One office Is vacant.
The Republicans hold "2.S per cent
of the county offices and the Demo
crats 23.7 per cent. The lndepend-
I v, i V,..nrir . v ,h 1 1,1
, T 'roh1;
tionists elected a Coroner. The woman i
, . , , , . . .
was elected hchool Superintendent 0
Coroner of Wheeler county.
As will be seen from the following
figures, which show the political affili
ation of the county officers, the Dem
ocrats fared best in electing Sheriffs
and County Judges:
Rep. Dem.
County Judge IS
Clerk 25
Sheriff 17
Treasurer 26
School Superintendent ....23
Assessor 22
Surveyor 25
Commissioner, two years.. 24
Commissioner, four years... 30
Coroner 27
Recorder 10
3 1
4 i
I ;
88 j
Total 219
Many of the counties have no Re-; system anu brings tier to a premature positively cure diarrhoea, dysentery,
corder,' which accounts for the small'0'1 aKe- 'l transforms the peevish, pa-ns In the stomach and bowels and
number of men elected to this off'ce i whining baby Into a little creature allli.ts never been known to fall. For
Secretary of State Dunbar has just " 11,18 a" sunsmne. uui 01 tne uany
compiled a new official directory of 11 fornl tt clllll f sweetness and
the State of Orecon and it will be charm. In the child It inculcates nab
readv for distribution in a few davs. its or self-reliance that will stand him
It shows the names and addresses of : ln Sot)1 st,'a,i when he Krows "P t0
all state and countv officers, the mem-, encounter the battle of life.
her r.f all hnanU nml n.mmlslons : " .vo not get III line With the
and the heads of all state institutions. '
, j
The Clty-by-the-Sea has indulged, for
nearly a century, in dreams of mari
time prestige and success; these vis
ions have been wrought of the real
fabric of honest inspiration. She
once went so far in her idle fancy as
tn hniic- that Pnrthin.l mlfht hp her
friend and contribute to the realiza-
tions she longed for; that the metroiKi
lis in her great qu-st for preeminence,
might count this city and section with-
. " . - . ' . !
in the purview 01 her own realm ana
r. rr,lsin fhlnffa tliat a cliaro nf tho '
metropolitan increment might fall hith-i
erward to gain and hold the loyal
friendliness and aid of this commnnl-
tr. In this latter hope she has signally -
failed. It Is not of the Portland creed
f ai.i herself hv ai.tint? the r-n-nmnnl.
ties that would and should stand by the s
raetropolis. Her cardinal aim has
!,. en to build her own walls from the ;
fragments torn from the bulwarks of .
her weaker sisters of the state; to
rear her own greatness upon the de -
pletion of the outlying posts of com-
meree round about her. We often ,
onder what Portland would be today ,
if her foundations had been laid on j
this peninsula Instead of where they 1
were Implanted, and why they were
not placed here! Well, there is one i
resource left us, time Is of the essence ,
of all things, and the best and bright- j
est of all our dreams may yet nnrt tui-,to
ftilment at the hand of circumstance
wielded in that immeasurable quantity
that noma an 01 tne iuiure anu us un-
toioings. Astorian.
Albanians Like Chautauqua.
As 'usual, many persons go this year
to Gladstone park for the Chautauqua ' with alfalfa I have not lost hope. I;
program and for the outing. The ar-' have made a few plants grow luxur
rangements at Gladstone are good and iantly, and why not more of them
the management offers a course of when I have learned the secret? At
more than average merit. Those who present the crop sems to be crowded
attend one year are inclined to do it out by other plants and I have tried
again, and it is pleasant to look for- liming and inoculating with bacteria
ward through the years to this insti- from Washington without much effect,
tutiou as one of permanency Albany Summer planting seems to promise
Herald. best, and seed sown the last of July
m - t ' makes plants fi Inches high ln four
Notice. ! weeks. H. Ockles, Hartford county,
On account of not being able to be .
in Oregon City and look after the col -
lection of the notes and accounts due ,t wJthout anv f)thcr crop, ,t wa8 ,
us by our patrons and acquired by c , twjf.e ,jurin(, ,he H(lmrnel aml
us during the time we were in the im- fmt(,mi wint(.r with a K,)0(1 Rrowth 1
plement. business in Oregon City, we am, was r,rot,;cte,, Wlh a Hght cover
have left the same at the office of at- lng ()f Htabe nianllre. Tnig HUmnu.r:
torney 0. D. Eby, in Oregon City, so Hon)fi f)f tn planta Wf,rfi ()Ver 3 f(,(,t
that our patrons may have a place high early in June when it was mowed. !
where they may call and make pay- It vas rnowe( again in .July, and a
ments. thir.-l time In Au trust. Several kinds
All persons knowing themselves in-
debted to ua either by note or ac
count are requested to call ;;:id settle
said notes and accouti':
convenient. All pa' "'-"
carefully receipted fo;- i,
31t4 FAIRCLO'.'i
as iasi, as
i v 111 be
.said O. D.
Wife Makes Nineteenth R una wry.
Hamburg, July 17. The io'hn ing
a iiei;sein nt appears in a Ila.tib.'ch
"!, !' r Klein, hereby warn ell
who;:! it may concern t'j give no as
stance oi any' kind to my wiio who
has run away from me for the ni'ie-
tuentu time, and for whose liabilities be fine and thick and better for hay.
I am no longer responsible." 0. C. Dean, Lenawee county, Mich,
Wound That Caused Death of Mother.
Also Results In Birth
of Her Child. j
c.,i .... - 1 !. 1, rhwee a few minutes before his arrival.
...a1: " ': -"TAa'am ,y 'lt """Miad she been within the reach of
... am, ,,,, ,M- ... iw e.-HM-Mue, ee
occurred at the little village of Mac-'.
l.,v ..!.., mil..- ..uf ,.f .l.lu nlle .
Tuesday afternoon, through which a
life was brought Into this world in a
i,,antp !, will ., , i L- .. ....... .,,..J
iiit-iiiivt nidi (ii(i iimrvtT M i(-iu
in medical history, while another!
precious life went out In tragic sacrt- U probable that no case exactly
1 parallel to this has ever happened on
Mrs. Wiliard English, aged 23 vears,! t'1" I'neitle coast, and perhaps few
wife of a young farmer of that neigh- (a,s J"t similar have been record
borhood. was the mother of two child- h1 anywhere.
ren and was expecting in the very i The maiden name of Mrs, English
near future the visit of the stork to was Olive liecr, though not related
add another to their little Hock, About ! to the pioneer family of that name
4 :!rt o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. I w hich has been so numerous In the
English was standing In the road in
from of their dwelling, when she was
... , , . . k
pimucbij rtuu urn a jit u'ui y tn itu it'(i
jbv a vicious two-venr old heifer, one
whsp horni penetrated the wo-
man's abdomen.
Ily a rapid lunge of
Don't Rock the Baby.
You have often heard it said that
the hand that rocks the cradle Is the j
hand that rules the world. The new!
15! science boldly declares that the hand j ventor, placed his gun before a corn
's ; that nicks the cradle Is the hand that tnlttt t of Judges, he stated its enr
1$ ; spoils the world. Rabies shouldn't be ryirg power to be much below what
7 i rocked. f he h it sure the gun would aceom-
7! Yes, it ruthlessly sweeps aside j plish. The result of the trial was
U (things about which cluster our most
(j i sacred memories, does this new sci
u'ence; but it has rewards to offer that
more than compensate for the things j
it takes away. It saves the lives of!
thousands of innocents. It emancl-!
pates the mother from a thralldom j
that frequently wrecks her nervous
modern ideas all you mothers? Olvej
the baby a chance a chance to grow ;
up healthy and strong, a chance to de-!
i velop his own individuality, w hich is
hif most precious gift from God and
with which you have not a shadow
of right to interfere.
Hitched Children to a Plow.
Complaint han been made against
a farmt-r Jiving five miles southwest
ui .Mt-oan, t in. . inui lie nas neeu
hitchiug four of his seven children to
a plow which he compelled them to
Amtr fhr.xieh a 1 1. n . u r r., tritfL- wflrrldn '
"'"" " " . ... B. .......
While he gUldeil it.
After securing substantiation of the .
tDrn "kie- agent of the ox
Rlver alley humane society, went to
the 'r and compelled him to send
ulc V , --..- r
r of school age. The farmer, it Is
alleged, was rearing them In lgnor-
""-'- , "B 'uajo".l " ult -""""
a eirls- The eldest is not over II
rs ... , . 1. ,
mie,M" ' 7 .
- S! attached to it which was put
1 about the shoulders of the children.
'.ne ninner ay uiiici.ii. p.ow- or -
111 a,Y ls u'"''1
l" nul
old tHriumt; suHts.
As a dressing for old chronic sores
there. Is nothing so good as Chamber-
iain-8 salve. While it is not advisable
nea oW Bore3 entirely, they should
k,.pt ln g(KJfi condition for which
tnis galve lsl especially valuable. For
sale fjy nowell & Jones
Experience With Alfalfa.
After several years of partial failure
I have planted alfalfa in June at the
' . f ,,', . th(. r(, ',,,.,
fjf Hoil are UHed but Jt HWmH to do
best here on clay. Everytime It is
mowed the alfalfa looks better. I do
not use bacteria or any other special
treatment. J. F. Zook, Mlffin county,
. Our alfalfa cut three crops this year
and seems to be the most profitable
hay crop on my dairy farm. In this
section it will not last more than three
to five years, being gradually choked
out by June grass. When turned un
der alfalfa sod gives Immenese yields
of potatoes. It is much better for
plowing under than common clover.
I sow 45 pounds of seed to the acre,
the thick seed causing the stalks to
the animal's head sideways a terrible
Ktti,h W,,H wm,HH llu w,,mttl'
body and penetrated Internally to and
including the uterus, but missing the
The husband, who was only a short
distance away, rushed to his wife's
assistance, ili'lvlnir awav tlm fufurliil-
i thee in .1.0 road the
baby came Into the world by virtue
of the awful wound indicted upon the
mother. The woman rose to her feet
and walked into the house, the bus
bund carrying the newly arrived bur
den, and be Immediately rushed to Mr.
Craig's store and telephoned to Dr.
W. II. Morse of this city, who Jumped
into his automobile and made the trip
in thirty minutes, but was too late
) ,
to save her life. She died of heinor-
, , ,,., ,t ,
... ,,.., .. ,,, , . , ,.'
' IIMI.I (M'lt'l,-
been saved. The child Is living and
! In healthy condition, with no more
! than attaches to any child of normal
, j,i.
! Waldo hills. Her husband and three
I little children, thus bereft, will have
i , m i ,i ,
, ill" fct'iivi imik pij mimm j tt uiv I'll wrv
netKhltorlKKMl. wherein nlie wih much
esteemed and w here her tragic and un-
j timely death Is sincerely mourned.
When Maxim, the famous gun In-
therefore a great surprise, Instead of
disappointment. It Is the same with
the manufacturers of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
They do not publicly boast of all this
remedy will accomplish, but prefer to
!t tho users make the statements.
What they .do claim, Is that It w ill
sale by Howell and Joues.
Weekly Oregonlnn and Knterprlse
one year, $2.25 cash.
A talk with us will convince you that ELEC
TRIC LIGHT is the only light you can afford
to use in your home, or put in the house you
are building. Your property will rent more
readily, will pay a higher income on the invest
ment and attract a better class of tenants
ELECTRIC POWER never tires. It setves
faithfully, never complains. Requires little or no
space, less care. Absolute adaptation to all con
ditions. Expense starts and stops at your
The use of ELECTRIC POWER means: Great
saving in machinery and initial cost of installa
tion of plant, high ECONOMY in cost of oper
possible only where ELECTRICITY is used.
Advantages in the cost of producing power in
Oregon City, in comparison with other cities
of the country, enables us to make terms ex
ceptionally favorable to manufacturers, and to
furnish unequalled service at lowest rates.
C. G. Miller, Contract Aent for Oregon City
Newport, Yaqulna Bay, Dreltenbush
Hot Springs From All 8. P.
and C. A E. Points.
On and after June 1, 190(1, thrt South
ern Pacific, In connection with th
Corvallls & Plustorn railroad will have
on sale round trip tickets from points
on their lines to Newport, Yaqulna and
Detroit at very low rates, good for re
turn until October 10, lOOfi.
Three day tickets to Newport and
Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and
returning Mondays, are also on sale
from nil Knst Side points. Portland to
l-'ugene, Inclusive, and from all West
Side, points, enabling people to visit
their families and spend Sunday at
the aenslde.
Season tickets from all Knst Side
and from nit West Side points, are
also on sale to Detroit at very low
rates with Htopover privileges at Mill
City or any point east, enabling tour
ists t visit tho Santlnui and Drelten
bush Hot Springs In the Ciweado
mountains, which can be reached In
one day.
Season tickets will he good fur re.
turn from (ill points until October 10.
Three-day tickets will be good going
Saturdays and returning Mondays
only. Tickets from Portland and vici
nity will he good for return viu tho
East or West sldo at option of pas
senger. Tickets from Ktigene and vi
cinity will lie Kxd going via the I.e.
hanon Sprjiiulleld branch If desired.
Hiiggngi) on Newport tickets checked
through to Newport, on Yaquliia tick
ets IO I UIIUIl(l l.U.J. i-Uil. !(.,! ,',(-,- j
slons to Newport on the C. & 1C. will j
begin June loth or 17th and run every ,
Sunday thereafter, leaving Albany at j
7:.'!0 n. in ; leave CorviillU 8 a. tn. t
S. P. trains connect with the C. & j
K. at Albany nml Corvallls for Ya
(pilna and Newport. Trains on the
C. &. K. for Detroit lenv Albany nt
7:110 n. 111., enabling tourists to the
Hot Springs to reach there the some
day. Trains from and to Corvallls i
connect with all Knst Side trains on1
the S. P.
Full Information ns to rates, time
. ...,. ..... 1 ,.(.. 1.....1 ......11 1
mine, en., ru-l ue iMimuira 1,11 itt'i'ti-i
cation to J, C. Mayo, (leu. Pass, Agt!
C. & K. R It. Albany; A. I Craig, U. ,
p. A.. S P. Co , Portland, or to any
S. P. or C. & K. agent.
Rates from Oregon City to Newport!
Id inquma v.
T!m day Rate from Oregon City
to Newport, M.00.
We call voiir attention to the fact
that t'eriuuk.ila cdntiinnt is a podltlve1
cure for Kczema, ulcers, wounds, piles,
niel every kind of skin or scalp troub
le. It costs 2.1 cents If It cures. If
It don't we return your money. Hunt-
tf ley pros,
'2,KK)!iiilH of long
tanou teleihtnn wire lti
Oregon, Wanhintrton, Cali
fornia ami Idaho now in
operation by w 1'aoiflo
Station Telephone Com
jmny, covering; 2,2f0
Quick, lumimUt, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal coiniininioution.
Distance no elled to a
oleiir unilerstanding, 8o
kan nnri Hun Francisco
as (uisily hoanl it Port
land, Oregon City ofllce at
Ilanltiiir's l)riir Store
f nocur,o and DtrrNoro ""-i -w. '
ili uj ..1 1.1. 1 .,(((.-.,.(( 1, (,-i r. , (.(, I
)((' .!(.'. li-W 1.1 O.IM4II l(Lit. ,ttl IWUkl
iMHiiiiim, IN all couNTMic a.
ilmitet Jit n t i4 II ,itHA-t m tt im,
Pitint tnd lflfrlnmfi Pfictlt ticlulltllf.
W Htn (((n (o ua Ml
I) KIMk (,-. t IU4 itolM fatoal 0.l
r If
j IuuSlCr .111(1 IX DlCSS
j Freight and parrels Mivenl
to all p ul-i of tlit eily
.Sol. In ureguii City by II untie) Hi,,.
ykMMrf. 60 YEARS'
Trade Marks
Df iat
Copyrights Ac.
(jttli hlr a'rtti i.iir mihUM fr whttitmr n
litffiiitit.ii im I'ftttmltif fiJcmttMt ' rn nt titilr.
hotniMM. tlim.t.n.tMHal HANOBDOIt on ltiu
piMtt frw. iMt nfMirjr fur urtrtM Mt! nnla.
Talent town ttirmitrti Minitt A t. rlT
lyteUti n(U, Wl'lioiH I 'lNfri, lu lit
Scientific Jlmcricnn.
A hnUnm!f littttf rnt01 f mrvmt nr.
ruiatiiiii t siif iittiiiri' )fifiml, 'rrm. z
ytnr : f..iir tn-.nth,. , H-.iairall nnwairalert.
MUNN&Co.36,B""""' New York
l.r..i, Ii om,-. e& V SU Wuliiumuti, l. U
Seventh Street, near Depot.
Urent Britain ami America.
Famousjat" home for
Generations past;
Famous now all over
the World.
For 8lla oy
Aoenoy for Oregon City,
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
1 U lr JlJ LZlAJ U za
I.-ii,irTg.in Tl nnffin i iniiifiiiT.ll.ln.ilimill.ni.nai.iiiiii.iiBin.1
r mi mm 1 1 iiiiiuiminn i mi i mitrwi'" I
M ll I iiinmiiYinii
u, 11. uiuuuiuaii,
1 1u11cr.1t
1 9 MADAMS EJMTp ill95 s!
I II iimi moa to un. - .- ......
rl . ( (-.,..., .,( ,(,(
jn iiKiTiokimritrn L,.,,..,, ,
1 Btimnw Miiymi mvmjimmtmmn
I Famousjaf home for I
I Generations past: 1