OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1908. COUNTY COURT (Continued from page 7.) A. J. Lewis, 14.00 S. E. Hillman, 15.20 Paul Dunn, 24.00 O. P. Sharp, 19.SO W. 11. Mat toon, 20.60 Hans Paulsen, 19,40 Samuel Myers, 4.20 John Blttner, 14.00 C. S. Fuse, 4.20 James Dowllng, 4.C0 J. Bluhni, 2.S0 Wm. Beard, 4.40 Albert Crossan, 28.00 A. Walker, 4. 20 Wm. Sprague, SCO Fred Bluhm, 4.00 A. K. Stephens, 2.40 Fred Ely, 4. 20 F. A. Miles, 4.20 Samuel Elmer, 4.40 Fred Heft, 4.00 Daniel Williams, 4.20 C. W. Fred rich, 4.20 H. S. Mount, 2.20 Thos. Armstrong, 4.60 George Brockart, 1S.00 Gertrude Hughes, 4.20 Gertie Hughes, 6.00 of the Peace T. J. Jonsrud, 3.95 Bert Jonsrud, 9.40 James Henderson, 3.70 Lewis Cook, 3.70 Chas. Betz, 3.70 Mrs. Frohlick, 5.10 Livy SUpp, 4.70 Ed. Shaw, 3.10 L- Stipp, 3.70 Chas. F. Ely, 5.40 L. Stipp, 5.10 H. W. Trentbath, 9.00 j L. Stipp, 9.70 G. A. Brown, n.20 A. L. Hunter, 3.50 A. Hunter. 3.50 E. Ringsted, 3.50 Hubbard, 3.50 J. Henderson, 3.50 L. Stipp, 3.70 H. W. Trembath, 2.40 L. SUpp, 4.70 C. E. Burns, 3.10 Sherlff- Zumwalt & Wilson, 12.00 H. W. Trembath, 32.07 Recorder Glass & 'Prudhomme, 17.50 CI Buehegger, 50.00 G. L. Hedges, 9.00 Treasurer Enos Cahill, 3.50 Ednetta Chase, 34.00 Coroner R. L. Holman, 5.00 ! G. C. Burk, 1.40 G. H. Hargraves, 1.40 J. A. Tufts, 1.40 J. C. Sawyer, 1.40 H. Peckover, 1.40 i- H. Blankenship, l.4o , F. C. Milhorn, 1.70 D. L. Torrance, 1.70 Dr. Meissner, 5.20 C. E. Rlckabaugh, 1.70 " L. P. Lovett, 1.70 . J. W. Loder, 5.20 R. L. Holman, 16.00 Dr. C. B. Smith, 6.00 E. Peterson, 1.70 James Alexander, 1.70 Richard Alexander, 1.70 F. Williams, 1.70 L. C. Erie, 1.20 Otto Myrhe, 1.20 Lester Hale, - 1.20 F. Millard, 1.20 W. W. Tucker, 1.20 1 Fred Kruse, 1.20 J. W. Loder, 10.30 R. L. Holman, 17.45 Assessor Antoinette Walden, 6.00 F. J. Kelson, 75.00 Ella Shaver, 50.OO Current Expense G. B. Dimick, 5.00 Telephone Co, 9.55 Court House Peter Nehren, 9.00 Pauper Mrs. Guynup, 15.00 R. L. Holman, 23.00 C. Bluhm, 5.00 C. Bluhm, 5.00 Mrs. Guynup, 5.00 Insane A. M. Shibley, 5.00 W. Howell, 4.00 D. A. Chase, 2.50 S. Raney, 2.50 Road Surveys J. W. Meldrum, 80.30 J. Lewellen, 36.80 W. H. Counsel, 36.80 L. Koellermeier, 4.00 A. Koellermeier, 4.00 A. J. Hodge, 4.00 H. A. Iderhoff, 4.00 L. Toedtemeier, 2.00 A. Tofcdtermeler, 1 2.00 K. Koellermeier, 2.00 Thos. Daniels, 2.00 Radford & Son, 8.00 Wm. Hudson, 4.00 A. Radford, 2.60 Paul Prue, 2. 00 Victor Halter, 2.00 Printing Courier, 9.28 Enterprise, 79.45 Road Work District No. 1 W. H. Counsell, 5.50 W. Smart, 11.00 A. Tucholke, 12.00 A. Kirkley, 6.00 C. Counsell, c.00 W. H. Counsell, 10.00 No. 4 R. Zeek, C.C0 P. Douglass, 14.00 C. Locgwell, 2.25 Grover Douglas, 23.25 Ed. Douglas, 25.00 S. S. Wilson, 18.00 J. F. Douglas, 10.50 W. Douglas, 18.00 H. F. Gibson, 2.50 Grover Judd, ic.25 C. Bartolmay, 7.00 H. S. Gibson, . 32.50 No. 5 J. Straus, 117.30 W. A. Hall, 21.25 A. Vester, 25.00 No. 6 A. D. Edwards, 55.00 J. B. Fawnwy, ,75 John Straus, 178.10 .1. S. Albel, 22.00 J. E. Albel, 22.00 A. Winche, 8.25 J. Strous, 18.75 No. 7 Meinig Bros. .90 Thos. Aubry, 4.50 E. R. Leaf, 3.00 i Chas. Leaf, 7.50 W. A. Crtm 3.00 W. S. Fogies, 22.50 J. M. Thomas, 3.00 A. C. Thomas, 3.00 Jas. Fogies, 28.00 No. 8 Moinlg Bros. 10.00 F. McCabo, 9.00 B. F. Hart, 3.00 II. Brldenstlne, 6.00 D. V. Douglas, 10.00 No. 9 L. S. Baker, 8.75 Henry Schmidt, 11.40 Robert Miller, 12.45 S. Muler, 6.00 Peter Rath, 9.20 Wllle Una, 4.35 Krlst Johnson, 1.50 Paul Mlguala, .75 George Wolf, 3.00 Ed. Wolf, 1.55 M. Kitchmiller, 7.50 G. Woodle, 3.00 William Held, 18.25 No. 10 Cary Hardware Co., ' 10..96 Wm. Davis, 23.00 Chas. Graham, 3.00 Otto Kletsch, 3.00 F. H. Davis, 6.00 Herbert Huxley, 9.00 E. L. Wannacott, 5.00 D. Brldenstine, f 2.00 R. Herring, g.oo Henry Anders. 8.00 W. R. Oatfleld, 27.50 Walter Lemon, 2.00 No. 11 W. A. Holmes, 4.25 C. H. Dauchy, 1.95 M. Rivers, 31.00 Frank Smith, 15.75 C. E. Smith, 10.50 M. Glass, 19.25 G. Randolph, 1.75 W. Forsythe, 1.75 George Rail, 14.50 E. Rivers, 14.50 J. E. Smith, 50.00 O. L. Clyde, 14.87 W. H. Smith, 7.87 E. Himler, 35.50 J. Murphy, 35.00 J. Shafer, 3.50 O. Freytag, 19.00 E. Carter, 1.50 ! No. 12 Wilson & Cooke, g.25 uonney & Miller, 70.66 Storm & Storm, 303.85 Fred Gerber, s.oo J. S. Gill, 35.00 I E. Swales, 33.00 1 J. Campbell, 14.00 R. Kerr, 2.25 E. A. B. Howard, 7.00 C. Gill, 16.S0 H. Gill, 21.00 C. Johnson, 14. 00 J. Mosteel, 4.00 A. Mosteel, 5.75 F. Gerber, 20.50 A. J. Johnson. 1 7S District No. 13 Fashion Stable, 2.00 F. Busch, i.bo Scripture & Beauliau, 8.90 Pope & Co., 65.60 J. H. Moody, 28.00 C. W. Parrish, 16.50 James Davis, 16.00 John Green, 10.95 W. H. Brown, S.75 Harry Hubert, 2.60 H. P. Mattoon, 5.25 W. C. Ward, 10.50 H. H. Mattoon, 17.50 John Hughes, 25.35 George Gill, 29.75 Earl Fairbrother, 11.35 C. M. Fairbrother, 7.00 C Ray, 18.35 A. Hubert, 17.50 W. E. Emmet, 3.50 A. M. Kirchem, 37.60 Geo. Funk, 19.25 Fred Rant, 45.25 J. T. Kullam. is nn District No. 14 E. Story, 2.00 J. Everhart & Co., 11.20 Cummins & Co., 184.69 Burley & Moran, 8.25 C. W. Freidrich, 3.50 G. F. Gibbs, 37.50 Harry Shelly, 14.00 James Shelly, 15.75 A. Mautz, 10.50 C. C. Gibbs, 14.00 A. Splinter, 10.50 T. W. Gibbs, 5.25 Geo. Shortledge, 5.25 Geo. Huberr, 5.25 G. F. Gibbs, 22.50 C. C. Gibbs, 10.50 F. W. Glbbe, 7.00 James Shelly, 3.50 Geo. Shortledge, 6 25 Geo. Huberr, 9.65 A. Splinter. 1 ?s. District No. 15 F. Bunch, 1.80 O. C. Planing Mills, 17.61 R. H. Taber, 47.60 A. Warner, 30.77 C. Clark, 1.23 itoy starrord, 25.90 Carl Scheck, 18.12 Ward B. Lawton, 16.50 D. G. Hylton, 27.75 H. L. Scheer, 5.25 Gus Winesett, 8.75 Frank Hendricks, 1.75 Geo. Winesett, 14.62 Geo. Harding, 1.75 M. Telford, 2.63 Adolph Joehnke, 15.75 F. L. Trullinger, .88 R. Dundas, 3.00 J. Fettinger, 3.00 Walter Mead, 3.00 R. Gelger, 2.25 Fred Chinn, 3.00 Tom Penman, 3.00 Wm. Gardner, 2.25 H. Engle, l.r.o Will Steahely, 4.50 A. Curry, 2.00 J. L. Mattock, 3.00 J. Hettinger, 13.90 A. Steahely, 4 00 W. G. Randall, 5.00 C. H. Rider, 7.00 District No. 16 F. Busch, 3.25 C. H. Rider, 3.00 H. H. Gregory, 6.00 Walter Mead, 12.00 George Rider, 3.00 Tom Penman, 6.00 V. G. Randall, 40.00 Fred Chinn, 3.00 Wm. Huras, 3.00 L. L. Mattock, 15.00 A. Blunchard, 6.00 R. Dundas, 1.50 J. N. Critzer, 3.00 E. Wheeler, 3,00 No. 17 Carlton & Rodoukrnus, John Thomas, Jos. Pvrlngor, M. lVrlnger, 38.03 11.25 12.75 8.25 4.50 6.25 750 3.75 3.00 18.00 24.00 1.00 27.00 61.50 3.00 1.50 5.25 t T. M. H. M. D. A. A. Thomas J. Crimes, Strojc, Strejc, Pmnalotz, K. lHmtck. 11. Knight, District No. 18 L. Moser, Mr. Gibbs. K. W. llornwhuu, P. ltohlandor, District No. 19 J. R. Edwards, A. Mallntt, G. Ashby, J. Trulllwer, J. J. Miillatt. W. 11. Husband, J. Edwards, District No. 20 F. Busch. 4.50 1.50 15.00 .75 1.50 3.70 3.00 1.25 7.50 37.50 23.90 16.63 23 90 15.75 22.75 2.50 1.37 7.60 1.75 19C5 31.60 44.25 10.50 4025 S3 25 26.75 53.12 17.05 9.62 17.50 22.75 30.00 3.50 23.63 15.75 5.66 3.60 64.60 Amos Valleu, U. S. Dlx. C. Wttner, B. Sullivan, District No. 21 Win. Baker, F. Carver. F. Countryman, J. Countryman, Dan McClaren, P. E. Bouncy, Oliver I.aferty, I7. R. James, B. Hubbard, J. Gorbett. James Mallntt, Peter Laforty, Bon Noyer, J. C. C. Hall, Leo. Carver, F. Arquette, W. K. Itonnoy, District No. 22 R. D. Ball. D. C. Ball. Budd Lay, Goo. Boy or, A. Engle, Neil Jackson, Gotlleb Freyer, Ira nickoy, B. F. Noyer, Clay Engle, Fred Shaffer, District No. 23 S. O. Miller & Son, R. W. Zimmerman, A. J. Zimmerman, 26.97 44.00 16.25 10.50 9.00 6.75 7.50 3.00 5.50 7.50 3.00 4.50 3.00 18.00 19.50 .75 7.50 18.75 4.50 3.00 1.50 .75 .50 3.50 3.50 3.00 4.50 1.50 20.00 11.45 4.50 6.05 14.00 16.58 11.25 1.50 6.00 .75 3.37 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.12 3.00 1.50 .37 17.25 10.12 9.37 7.13 6.00 40.00 Fred Bachert, W. J. Andrews, C. Frost, P. Kratise, D. Kiramel. James McGill, W. W. Keebaucb, District No. 24 Fred Watson, J. M. Brier, Levi Lance, Frank Keniston, J. Chrlstaer, Dallas Miller. Isaac Williams, L. Moshbergtar, O. Kyllo, A. Eyman, W. F. Eyman, F. Schultz, C. Corothers, F. E. Fisher, J. Kramer, H. Johnson, E. B. Miller, J. H. Dozier, R. I. Garrett, District No. 25 Carlton & Rosenkrans, D. Rath, O. W. Scramlln, J. B. Mitts, District No. 27 Carlton & Rosenkrans, Ira James, Jake Ernston, M. D. Leabo, 0. Hammond, ' J. E. Naylor, Roy Richlngs, T. O. Ridings, David Beugll, Roy RochlngH, T. A. Spurlin, Chas. Spurlin, Edgar Shaver, J. Skeltan, Ed. Jackson, Geo. Jackson, Fred Hubbard, H. A. Hlbbard, W. E. Harmon, William Harmon, 1. D. Larkins, J. Labour, District No. 28 F. J. Ridings, 2.85 Frank Haun, 4.50 Francis Haun, 4.50 C. G. Vorheis, 7.50 Ray Wyland, 1.50 O. C. Williams, 1.50 A. M. Groshong, 15.00 District No. 29 W. L. White. 25.50 District No. 30 A. J. Monk, 18.00 Tom Fox, 3.00 O. Davidson, 16.00 J. Obrlen, 15.00 J. Tiedeman, 12.00 A. Woodhouse, 16.00 Riley Hays, 28.00 John Wanker, 12.00 Frank Whitten, 4.00 J. Monroe, 8.00 Mark Hays, 14.00 Leslie Whltton, 12.00 A. McBeath, 16.00 J. Klsor, 2.00 J. P. Cook, 17.50 District No. 31 Wilson & Cooke, 1.50 Z. Elligscn, 53.10 W. Schatz, 28.00 Aug. Delker, 48.00 G. Kittje, 2.00 J. Reasoner, 8.00 J. Iiushbaiim, 23.02 T. Johnson, 14.00 C. Tumor, 48.0fl , .1. Wanker, 20.00 M. Todthunter, 21.00 M. Ranch, 2.62 Al. Woodhouse, 10.00 M. Hayes, 1.75 P. Wltten, ' 1.75 W. Powell, 2M.00 K. Koellermeier, 4. 00 District No. 32 Winter Bros. 10.50 Cus Yearger, 7.50 Hen Tooze, 1.50 Henry Wllhelm, 1.50 Dan Stahlnecker, 4.50 Carl Cohman, 5.00 District District No. 33 Cary Hardware Co., 17.25 Myers & Nash, 55.00 Wm. Clomior, 6.75 Geo. Bowdlsh, 13.50 Willis Yoneo, 13.50 Gerald Wilcox, 1.50 George. Uanoy, 6.00 (li'orgi) Bowdlsh, (1.90 Ed. (Moaner, 34.00 District No. 34 E. Story, .90 J. C. RoiiHouer, 1100 C. Turner, 28.00 A. Koellermeier, 28.00 W, Schnt,, is.ui) M. Ration. 8 15 (forgo Ranch, 1 88 John Turner, 20.00 L. Shawber, 6.50 A. Dunwold, 5.25 E. llatdorf. 32.00 W. Robinson, 30.00 T. H. Elliott, 17.50 A, Miller, 7.00 J. Boy Ion, 80.00 J. Kraus, 12.00 Jefferson, 8.00 M. Gross, d.oo Gardner, 8.00 Chan. Baker, 50.00 E. Story, .60 James Shannon, 120.50 Wilson i Cooko, 3.30 Pope & Co., 4.75 J. Montgomery, 1.60 1. A. Lolloall, 4 50 F. Busch, 5.75 Willamette Falls Co., 292.00 Tom Smith, 60.00 C. Hobble, 6.00 L. Erlckson, 46.00 M. Schonebork, 2.00 Tom Noles, 14 00 Tom Munson, 30.00 G. M. Caldwell, 43.00 F. A. Green, 44 00 ( S. C. Rohm, U.oo M. Munch, 42.00 Geo. Volpps, 15.00 Carl Volpp, 23.00 F. Scharber, 15.00 A. Johnson, U.oo R. Johnson. 11.00 B. Shipley. 14.00 H. H. Payne, n ot) K. Tumor, 40.00 C. Shields, &2.E0 R. W. Porter, 27.00 H. Yoder. 18.00 O. Johnson, 3.00 R. Gamble, 13.00 A. Fro mon g, 8.00 J. Shannon, 17.60 M.. Snyder. 34.37 J. W. McKay, 93.20 A. J. Monk, 9.00 Tom Fox, 900 O. Davidson, 12.00 J. Obrlen, 9.00 J. Tiedeman, 6 00 A. Woodhouse, 12.00 Riley Hays, 16 00 John Wanker, 12.00 A. L. Walling, 10.00 E. Crourand, 4 00 J. Monroe, 6 50 Mark Hayes, 9 00 Leslie Whitten, 900 J. Manning, g 00 C. Wanker, 4 00 J. P. Cixjk, 10.00 Miller & Jonos, 1.00 Smith Hardware Co., 15 75 Max Webstar, 52.50 F. T. Doty, 63.00 District No. 36 A. J. IjiIh, 300 85 O. I. Miller, 8 25 S. S. Miller, 4.65 I). J. Lais. 10.00 N. Blair, 8.75 District No. 37 C. W. Kruse, C9 50 District No. 38 Rodlun Bros., 52.74 J. Baumgartner, 16.00 A. Tucholke, 12.75 Lewis Tucholke, 8 00 G. W. Th lessen, 1H.00 A. Tucholke, 8.00 Ph. Oatfleld, 2.00 H. Thlessen, 6.00 District No. 39 S. Bailey, A. Bailey, 15.00 3.00 In the matter of Canadian thistles on farm of Mrs. Henry Brush, In road district No. . . . ; Ordered that the supervisor of said road district be ordered to destroy said thistles. In the matter of telephone nrlvl- lose of W. A. Proctor and S. W. Sco vllle; Ordered that said petition be grant ed. In the matter of the application for powder and fuse In road district No. Ordered that said district be allow ed seven boxes powder and one roil fuHe. In f 10 matter of the application of T. L. Turner for money to repair the Turner road; Ordered that a sum not to exceed $20.00 be expended on said road, and that they have the use of a grader. In the matter remonstrance against the Rypsczynsld road; Ordered that the remonstrance be granted and matter dismissed. In the matter of the Jacobs road; Ordered that viewers meet at place of beginning on the 18th day of July. In the matter of the reports of View ers of Koellemeier and Gorbett roadH; Ordered that matter be referred to District Attorney for an opinion. Iu the matter of clwira of Clarke's Saw Mill Co.; Ordered that Haiti claim be denied until lumber is delivered. In the matter of application of su pervisor road district 18 for 400 pounds of powder; Ordered that application be granted. In the matter of application of su pervisor district 20 for powder; Ordered that application be granted. In the matter of subscription for Improvement of road from Meissing er's corner to Kllnger's; Ordered that county furnish plunk ami powder for mile of road, grad ing and labor to bo done at expense of petitioners, lumber to be furnished by petitioners t.o county for $5.40 per thousand delivered on road. In the matter of vacation of street in the town of Boring Junction; Ordered that the petition be grant ed as prayed for. In the matter of tho Daniels road; Ordered that said road bo opened, and expense of location be paid by county. In Mie matter of changes Jn the Myer & Beeson road; I Ordered that viewers meet At place of beginning of said changes ou tho 18th day of July. In tho mutter of tho Koellermeier 1 oiul ; Ordered that thin matter be laid over until August term. In tho matter of appointment of Shirley Buck us Deputy Sheriff;, Ordered that said appointment bo approved and salary tlxod at $00.00 per month. In tho matter of appointment of Chas. F. Ely as Deputy Sheriff; Ordered that appointment bo ap proved, said deputy to serve without pay from the county. In the matter of appoint ment of L.IC, Williams as Deputy Recorder; Ordered that appointment be ap proved, and salary uxod at $60 per month. In tho matter of appointment of B. A. Sleight as Deputy County Clerk. Ordered that appointment bo ap proved and salttry tlxed, at $60 per month. In the matter of appointment of C. BuohoKKor as Deputy Recorder; Ordered that upiHiliituiout be ap. proved and salary llwd at $2 25 per day. In the matter of appointment of road supervisor In district No. 2; Ordered that ,M. II. Webster bo and Is appointed supervisor of said dis trict. lu tho matter of copying record lu Recorder's office; Ordered that no person, other than Recorder or deputies, be allowed to copy records with pen and Ink. In the matter of tax due 011 land lu section 27 and 28. T. 2 S. R. 2 E, as sessed to John Parsons; Ordered that petition be granted and that fuco of tax bo accepted In full of alt demands, and that nenaltv bo remitted. In the matter of telephone franchise of Glndiir & Co.; Ordered that petition tie granted with usual restrictions and conditions. In the matter of official bond of II. N. Everhart as suitei'vlsor of district 26; Ordered that same be approved. In the matter of bond of F. W. Greeninaii as County Clerk; Ordered that same be approved. In tho matter of appointment of K. Mass as special demit v sheriff: Ordered that same be approved. ho 10 serve without pay from county. In matter of brldgo on Milk Creek at t'nlon Mills mid payment for same; Ordered thai said bridge tie accept ed and a warrant for $325.00 be drawn in favor of D. L. TrullliiKcr In payment for same, and that floor of old bo re moved. In matter of elalm of Maud Wolforlh for damages by reason of location of Klser road; Ordered that warrant for $2500 be drawn in settlement of said damages. In the matter of Deputy Treasurer; Ordered that tho appointment of Jessie Paddock be approved with sal ary of $25.00 per maiith while at work In office. In the matter of claim of Secretary of Count' Board of Health; Ordered that matter be referred to District Attorney for an opinion. In the matter of appointment of board of county road viewers for ensu ing year; Ordered that S. A. D. Hutigate, W. II. Counsell and N. Illalr be and are apiolnted such Isiard of county road viewers. In the matter of the Gorbett road; Ordered that said road bo opened for travel. In aiatter of bids for wood for n suing year; Ordered that county clerk advertise for bids for 40 cords of good sound, live, nr wood, to be delivered at court bouse yard. In the matter of supplies for court house; ; Ordered that County Jndgo purchase all necessary supplies. In the matter of accepting tho Suck er Creek bridge at Oswego; Ordered that a warrant bo drawn for $1281.00 on contract price and de livered to C. F. Royal & Son when said bridge Is fully completed and ac cepted by the county court and the balance be paid wheif all extra work Is properly accepted. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS ON THE CORVALLIS A. EASTERN RAILROAD TO NEWPORT AND RETURN. Sunday excursions to Newport and return on the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad will leave Albany ..EVERY SUNDAY AT 7:30 A. M... Arriving In Newport at noon, return ing leave Newport at 5:30 p. m., giv ing t, hours at the finest resort ( the Coast. Health, rest and pleasure for tho weary worker. Three day and season tickets from all S. P, points good going or return ing on Sunday excursion trains. Fare from Albany, CorvalllH or Philomath $1.50 for tho round trip. Connection at Albany with Eugene I-oeal going and South bound over land on return. O. R. & N., THE TIME SAVER. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer, via This Popular Columbia River Route. Franklin was right when he said "Lost time Is never found again." The O. II. & N In addition to giv ing you 200 miles along the matchless Columbia Rivor, Baves you 17 hours to Chicago. It Is tho Short Line to Lewlst.on. Short Line to the Palouso country. Short Line to Spokane. Short Line to iho Coeur d' Alone country. Short Lino to Salt Lake City. Short Lino to Denver. Short Line to Kansas City. Short Line to Omaha. Short Lino to Chicago. Short Lino to all points East Three trains East dally, 9:15 a. m., 8:15 p. m., and 6:15 p. m. Tho "Chicago-Portland Special," is an fino as the Ilnest. Every comfort' of homo. For particulars ask uny agent of the Southern Pacific Company, or write A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agont, Portland, Ore. Oregon SlIOITLlNti and union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST .. DAILY Through Pullman Ulni1rd and Tour ri daily In Omaha, I'lilrajp tut vlrepli lii Hiiokaiia: louiial aiMiiltif ran daily ( H unniia City j through Pullman tuurlal Iiti.Ihh I'm a (pciaonally conducts!) wkly 10 I hlcagii, Kanaaa Oily, roelln liif vlialra (ala fra to the aaat daily.) HOURS Cortland to Chicago No Chii(;e of Cart. 70 70 Dtpart Time lohtdulaa. Aaai (lilcago Portland Hpoolai 1:11 a. tn Halt lka, tWivr. VI. Worth, Omaha, Kanaaa City. Ht. I ,ula, Chloago and KaaL 6 J p in. Atlantio Rinroaa I ll n. m. Via. Ilunt Ingtoii. Halt Laka. Danvar, r t. Worth. Omaha. 1:00 a m. Kanaaa (Sty. 81, 1 " Uula, Clilrago and Kaat, Ht. Paul Kaat Wall' Walla Walla, 1 11 p m via Bpo kana. Inlim, Rpokarta, Mln nailla, Ht. Paul, tutluih. Milwaukee. Uiloago and Kaal 7:11 a Ocean and River Schedule Kor Ran Franclaoo Evarr flva daya at I p. m. Kor Aatorta, way polnta aa4 Portland, Oran. I p. m.: Hal ui day at 10 p. m. Dailf rrvlra (watar iwrmlttlna) on WlUaja atta and Yamhill rlvara. Kor detailed Information of ralaa, Tha Orrgon Hallroad Navliatioa IV, your nrajMi tu-aai agent, or uaanral I uh i'aaangr AaaoL A. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad CO. Lavrt. UNION DEPOT Arrlvra, I 00 A M. l'ally. For Mayacra ttalnlor. l'ally. Clntakanla, W rat port Clifton. Aatorla. Va- rrnton, Klavrl. Ham mond. Kor I Htavrna, 11 10 A M. lirarhart Park. Ha- Aatorla and Hraahora. lCiprma Iiatly. Aatorla Eipraaa 7:00 PM 40 I'M, C. A. BTEWAHT. Corn ml Aft., in Aider alrrct. Phona Main tot. J. C. aUTO. O. f. P. A.. Aatorta. Or. UPPER WILLAMETTE , RIVER ROUTE. SALEM. INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDING. fave Portland d:4$ a. m. dally (fxci Hunday) for Kalrm and way polnta. Ixavn Portland 6:45 Turaday, Thuraday and Haltinlny for Indt-irntrnr, Al bany and Ctirvallla. Itegular service, courteous treat ment and prompt dispatch are our specialties. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. OfTlot and Docki Foot Taylor Ktraat Phont Main 40. COLUMBMI A RIVER SCENERY. Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY "REGULATOR" "MBTLAKO "SADIE B.M Btr. "BAlley OatMrt" leavaa Portlan 7 A. M. Mondays, Wtdnaadays and Fri day a; Iravaa Th Dallca 7 A. M. Tua day. Thuaradaya and Saturday. Btr. "Regulator" leavaa Portland 7 A. M. Tuadaya, Thuradaya and Saturday; icavr Th Dalle 7 A. M. Monday. Wrduraday and FrfJaya. Bteamcra leaving Portland mak dally connection at Lyla with C. R. N. train, for Ooldondala and Klickitat Vallay point. C. IL A N. tram leave Ooldendal on. Monday, Wsdneaday and Friday at 6:80 A. M anaWng connactlon with teamor "Regulator" for Portland and way point. C. It, A N. train leave Ooldendala on Tueadayi, Thuraday and Saturday al 1:30 A. M., oonnoctlng at Tyle with, atoamer "Badla B." for Tha Dallea, con necting there with O. R, A N. train Eaat and Weat. Btr. "Sadie B." leavea Catcad Ioka dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th. Dallea and way point; arrive at 11 A. M. ; leave Th Dalle t P. M., arr1v Caacade lock ( P. M. Meal terved on all steamer. Fine accommodation lor teama ant. wagon. Landing at Portland at Alder Street'. Dock. MARCUS TALDOT., V. P. & Q. M. Oen. Office, Portland. Oregon. A HARD LOT troubles to contend with. onrlriL' of from a torpid liver and blockaded bow cih, unlRHH you awaken them to tholr propor action with Dr. King's Now Life PWh; tho ploiiHantoHt nnd moat effec tive euro for ConHtlpatlon. They pro vent Appondlcitlg and tone up tho ay atom. 25 cents at Howoll & Jonos" drug; store.