OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY, 20, 1906. Ho LoiFou All MR. and MRS. WILBERT THOMPSON, 001 Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIO CURED HIM. Gilbert Thompaon never knew a well day until lait June he hadl bun conitipated all his life man j doctori treated him, but ail failed to even help him- hi health failed rapidly and oa January 21, 1903, Mr Thompaon aktd ui to lugged a treatment (of her huiband We thought the caae tooierloui and recommended that a ipeclalitt be consulted but he alio failed to help the patient-NOW HE IS WKLL. Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mm, T'ompwi nrnt wrote n at follows My himband, m, iifTr from sharp palm In till tomiih and imi'tlii.ii thinks It It hiinrt. It inn know tijr mtnrn mall lmt oaune Mie pain, II yim can, Mr. lluiiuptja I I,,..... I. ...........l .l,u,l(,rM I... I !,. hv.t uIvhii hi,,, ill. " VVoliroiiitlyiidvlM)atlilniit 'laM.M:lBllliiiiilM. We nil'! "We Want U Wilt M'lH's Crape ' Tonln, Ii'iiimi wo know II will atr constipation, hut Mb. bottle lit no olijeet " wft a Immaii llfn In at tk. and II your liiimsiia a rami u an nriou an you nv ww luRKim jrwi wiwn ,na"in np.nui., ....... klml, promptly." At Urn tarue ttiim, knowing that Mull's Ural 'Ionic could do no harm, advlv-d Hh una until a iilir)i-laii oould b aoriiullrd. Jammry Mi Mm. i liomon wrotn that phynlnlaii had liwn lomullwl. He dlasr lioiMid Miecasaas bnlim clironlc raHistlpsllon and dyniMipnla. ill lrnalflifit followed faithfully, but tlmm was no.nriin)lllili. liriproiiiMitlnMr. llioniiwiri'atialtli. Then ho be-all taking Moll's (irape loulo and on Kept. It, iwa, we inoolved Hid followliiK lottnr from Mr. '1 liompaom "You will rimtmbir that I wrote to you laat Januarw In regard to my husband's health. It la foui- months alnoa ha quit taking Mull' Orapa Tonlo lor oonatlpatlon, whloh ha Buffered from alnoa birth. He took luet 24 bottles of It and la perfeotly cured. Ha la muoh atronger gained considerably In lleah. I oannot thank you enough lor Hull'a Orapa Tonlo. It la worth Ma eight In gold.' Jual $12 cured him and ha haa apent hundretfaol dollars with doctors who did him no good. Now I want to alate my eaae to you and eapoot your early reply. I alao have nonet -pallon. have had lor three years. Kindly let me know aa I am euro It will euro me If you aay It will, aa It did all you claimed It would In my huaband'a oaae. I await an early rnply." aanat B B wiinilDCnal O A 4 M etf a ( aVaaAawB ft IIL LET US GIVE YOU A 50c. BOTTLE. ThU Coupon I good for a 50o. Dottle of ffluU't Grapo Tonlo. Kill out till, rou pun end earn) to the lightning Mr.llilna I'o, 157 Tlilril'Ave., k l.lanil, I II,. ami ynu Mill rnnvlte a full OOr, tulll of Mull', (irapa I niilf. I bate nover tWii Mull firape Toiilr, but If you will .up ply ma wlllt a O0. boltla r. I will take It a. illrt.tl. Nama htraat ' i City UtaU tVfl PULaV AOOAt ANO WHITS MaUNIaT If you ore afllii tcl with constirxitU or any of its kiti'lreil diwane-a we will buy a 50-ccnt bottle for you of your druggist ami fcivc it to you to try. If you are conntijiatcd wc know it will cure you. Sun-ly if we have such confuli-nce in our reim-ily a to jmy f.r a Imh1o of it that you tnay U-it for yourself it won derful curutive qualities, you ahoiiU not reftiae to accept our ofTer. Mull's Grape Tonic Ls the only tun' for const ijmt ion known, We lo not recom mewl it for anything but C'oiistijwition nml ita allied ilisi-asea. It u our free gift to you. In ncci jting this free bottle you do not obligate youraclf further thiui to take it content. Mull'a (,raje Tonic is tilt-MAniit to tike and one I wit lie will benefit you. Wc want you to try it nwl, therefore, if you will fill out the attache! coujxm and mail it to u to-day wo will iiihtruct your druggist to give you a 50eut bottle am! charge aumc o us. HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists. MASHED TO DEATH BY HEAVY WAGON YOUNG MAN FALL8 UNDER LOAD OF HAY WHILE HORSES RUN AWAY. John Kappcrman wan cruahnrl to dt-aih, Thumday of Iat week, under the wIu;i:Ih of a hay wagon In the vl- j ciulty of Pote s mountain near Wll I laini'itc Kappi-rrnan wan working for 1 William Hfcllbcrg, who had Just pur--.haa!d a nw wagon, upon which ho j had placed a rick for hauling hay. The I wagon wan loaded hi the field and j Kappcrman atarted to drive the team I to the harn. He was driving down a i hill when the load shifted forward. ! Kapperman tried In vain to stop the 1 honteH, but the anlmala had become excited and ran down the hill and the driver slid off the forward end of the load and landed right under the feet of the horiKiH. IJoth wheels of the wagon paH'd over hia body, and the weight of the load cruuhed out hla life. He lingered only a few hours. Kapperman wan erigaed to marry a daughter of. his employer, and had Intended to lead MIhs Hellberg to the altar next month. The young lady la completely proHtrated over the untime ly death of her betrothed. Funeral services were conducted at Holman's undertaking parlors In this city Friday, conducted by Kev. J. F. Doescher, of Shubel. The remains were forwarded to Davenport, Neb., where the parents of the deceaHed reside. Miss pearl Trulilnger has been la bed with the measles. flay Cooper, of Oregon City, spent Tuesday with his grandfather, II. M. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Ward spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Howard. A few here are thinking of going to the picnic at Liberal Saturday. ( Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. H. Evans were guests of Mrs. Win. Davis one day last week. Chester Inskeep and wife have re turned to their home In Portland. Martin Chrlstensen and Miss Rosa Hiirgess, of Oregon City, were here Saturday evening. Herman Fisher and family visited with friends at New Era Sunday. Ralph Howard Is staying at home. Richard Davis Is helping Tom Ins- keep haul hay. Miss Iva Irish spent Saturday ev ening and Sunday here. Lizzie Uurgess called on Bertha Spangler one day last week. COUNTY COURT (CiuiMnui'd from pHe I) ( W. Fredrlch, a OO i K. M. Darling. 3-' KIiwt Dixon. 3.00 j A. H, Kh liiHiiilth. 3.00 I II A. Waldron. 3 ' K. A. Sett, 3 00 I K. O. Soely, 3 00 J. L. Hwaflord, 3.00 ('. M. Mason, 3.00 Tom Fay, 3, 00 H. ;illirt. 3.00 H, S. McLaughlin, 0 00 H. Heltkemper, 6.00 J. F. UlMlcy, 7 20 C. V. KUli.y. c 00 Fred W. Harris. 0.00 F.d. Ilottemlllor, 6.00 O. W. Myers, o.OO NrocXcrp covxltV. rrvo5c VaiLp W. - hvj99 : v 0 Many mothersuf families in thel'iiiUMl States have reus hi fn he grn'eful to lint Tii-rsou who reo 1 uini'iiili'd Dr. IVroe's Fnviirit' I'resi'i'ipti.iii. l''iis is a nuMi im spceially pn-a jr.ls'i! fur ilisfiiaea of woiiuuikiiid. it d mm not cure euwma, cutarrh in all its f irnis, nor beiin dis ensn, fur 11 is put iiji for the mmjlf pur MMr? of curing tune'iHr prrunir fo '(iicn. U b.ts n rep it:itio;i of over a third of a eeiit'iry of ctiri-s, mid has old more largely 011 this continent than any oilier liunlciiio f ir women. Another point in its favor it docs not contain a siugln drop nf nlcolml or harmful haliii-fornilug drugs, It is nurely veguUblii and perfectly harm less in nnv condition nf tiie system. An alcolinlin couipoutnl fir women is ometliitiii nil woman should take and yet " Favorite Prescription" is tliu only ionic an 1 nervine put up for sale through druggists, especially for wom an's weaknesses, that does not contain alcohol and that too in large quantities. Womanly weakness will always bring nervouB irritability and a nervous con dition, for which alcohol is the worst thing in the world. What a woman thus afllicted needs is a vegetable tonio and Invigorating nervine like Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which will build up her delicate system and bring about a healthy tone. It cures the drains and weaknesses of women, nlso displacements, as prolapsus, ante version, retroversion, irregular mid 1ui 11 f ui periods nnd kindred ailments. If vou v.nnt to know whnt nils you the Oniled Slates mail will bring you the best medical advice for only the cost of writing materials and stamps. Many women owe their present pood health to the fact that thev consulted Dr. Pierce by letter, giving film all os eihle information about their condition, yuijitoms, etc., and received in return good medical advice iriVi cont them nothing. This is wbv we advise you to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, the founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, nt Rnffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce by no means confines himself to prescribing his well-known proprietary medicines. He tells you in 1I10 most coinmoh-sense wny what, ails you; what you ought to do, what litis of trratmeiit Flmuld be followed out in vitur part,iilnr esse, and if your c:i docs not indicate the need of his proprietary tin'dicine, he tells you plainly and fninkly what jou do nerd, and the beM nossihle method of im proving your health. If you are a young wniiuin just entering" upon the duties of life, you should have good medical advice of a confidential nature. 1 1 you're the mother of children, you may want advice about yourself and how best to put your system in order that your cbildien may be healthy. To sufferers from chronic diseases which do not readily yield to treatment, or to people who me past the youthful stage of life and want eontldential advice about their ailments or their phvsical condition, Dr. Pierce offers careful con sideration and the best medical advice within his power, free of cost. "' Favorite Prescription ' is indeed an ideal medicine for women, and by far the best i I have known to restore lost health and strength," writes Mrs. R. C. Roelker, IN Ingrain Street, Henderson. Ky, " I suffered misery for several vears, being troubled with flooding. My back ached ami I had bearing-down pains and frequent headaches. Would often awake from sleep in such pain ami suffering it would be hours before 1 could close my weary eyes ngain. I dreaded the long nights as well ns the weary clays. Consulted two different physicians hoping to get relief, but find ing that their medicine did not seem to cure me I tiied Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, as a friend had recom mended it so strongly. Am glad that I followed her advice for it was the only tiiedirine for me. F.very ache nnd pain has gone, and not only this, my gen eral health has improved. I feel well and strong, have a flue appetite, have gained (lesli and never looked better. My ad vine to suffering women is to t:ketlio 'Favorite Prescription' and they will never be disappointed with the results, ' I'onnnlii printed on wrapper. You should rend The People's Com mon Sense .Medical Adviser, by R. V. Pierce, M. D. Send J1 cents in one-cent stamps, fortius 1()0H page book in paper covers, or !?l cents for the cloth-bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N.Y. H. W. Koehler, 3.00 D. It. Fox, 3.00 . C. Kruse. 3.00 C. W, Prosser, 300 J. Clncher, 3.00 O Whltlen, 3.00 M. A. Coon. 3.00 P. II. Zimmerman, 3.00 W. K. Wanker, 3.00 A. (J. Walling. 4.00 H Cans, 3.00 J. W. Thomas, 3.00 F. K. Davidson. 6.00 J. llaker. 6 00 K. L. Uaker. 6.00 K. (J. Jones, 3.00 S. M. Kelso. 3 00 M. C. Young. 3.00 K. 0. Llchtenthaler, 9 00 J. 8. llarnes. 6.00 Albert Crossan, 11.00 A. M. Croshong, 6.00 Scott Carter, 6.00 A. V. Davis, 6.00 O. S. Iloyles, 6.00 Frank Gray, 6.00 J. Wllholt. 6.00 A. M. Shlbley, 6.00 W. F. Smith, 6.00 J. F. Moger. 6.00 Wm. Wallens, 6.00 W. H. Kandle, 6.00 J. W, Marrs, 6.00 J. A. Shlbley, 6.00 H. A. Kruse, 6.00 Chas. Thompson, 6.00 C. F. Pollvka, 7.70 O. P. Sharp, 6.00 Chas. Wagner, 6.00 II. F. Wecldle, 6.00 . K. Kruse. 6.00 Jacob Mlley, 6.00 W. J. Shaw. 6.00 Wm. Steinbach. 6.00 Sidney Graham, 6.00 W. L. White, 9.20 Paul Pellatz, 6.00 T. N. Snyder, 6.00 W. M. Stone. 6.00 Green Mayfield, 6.00 U. C. Armstroug, 8.40 A. M. Kirchem, 6.00 L. Tenny, 6.00 James Haydn. 6.00 W. C. Ward. 6.00 J. A. Moffatt, ,3.00 Win. Ream. 3.00 II. E. Werner, 3.00 O. Tonkin. 3.001 E. Mass. 3.00 Chas. Raker. 3.00 H. F. Shipley, 3.00 A. Fromong. 3.00 J. W. McKay, 3.00 K. Mass. 3.00 O. F. Olson, 3.00 J. T. Gary, 3.00 E. T.G rider, 6.00 Mrs. Allen, 2.00 W. A. Jones, 6.50 A. F. Stokes. 2.00 School Dtst. No. 27, 2.00 Pleasant Hill Asa'n., 2.00 Mrs. Aallen. 2.00 School Dist. 103, 2.00 City of Canby. 2.00 Warner Grange, 2.00 O. W. Scrarultn, 4.00 H. Hilleary, 4.00 Melnlg Rros. 2.00 Butte Creek Fair Co., 3.00 M. W. Sheppard, 4.00 Harding Grange, 2.00 Abernethy Grange, 2.00 Oswego Grange, 2.00 School Dist 14, 4.00 School Dist. 27, 2.00 O. Shtdler. , 6.00 T. O. Jonsrud, 8.80 H. Cans, 6.00 J. H. Revenue, 15.00 G. B. Dtmlek, 8.70 A. L. Morand, 6.80 F. W. McLeran, 4.00 J. D. Ritter. 7 9.40 R. A. Wright, 6.00 J. H. Tracy, 15.00 B. L. Commons, 1.50 Fred Wyder, 1.00 L. E. Armstrong, I.lvy Stipp. Kdnetta Chase, County Commissioner ' T. B. Killn. John Lewellen, Circuit Court Georgia Hughes, J. A. Killings, Jennie Hughes, J. C. Bradley, C. F. Bruns, Wm. Bard, Joseph Graham, J. H. Roadermel, M. Holland. John K. Ely, Jennie Hughes, R. S. McLaughlin, W. G. Kleinsmtth, Gertrude Hughes, John Gaffney, Jr.. T. Blanchard, Geo. Randall, 18.70 6.00 6.00 24.20 15.20 4.20 10.50 4.20 4.20 18.00 22.00 28.00 19.60 4.20 22.00 17.00 23.20 4.40 17.00 16.40 15.20 20.00 Jayme's Tonic ruiitfutfe Givcs strength to men, women and children. druggist's. (Concluded on page 8.) THE CHARM OF A CLEAR COM PLEXION. " Hs'othlng lends more to personal at tractiveness than the clear skin and fresh complexion that cornea to those who use Laxikola tablets, trial size 5 cents, a guaranteed cure for sallow ness and constipation. Huntley Bros. The Enterprise and Weekly Ore goulan, one year, $2.25 cash. tf SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK Farmers are very busy with hay and grain work. Hands are scarce. Mr. Stoll has been looking for some, but has not got any yet. They had to leave the hay and go to cutting their grain. Mr. Stoll has a sore hand and is unable to do much himself. Joe Mlady had a runaway the fore part of the week, but did no great dam age ran for about a mile and were stopped by one of the neighbors. Girls seem to be scarce as well as men. George Johnson has been on the lookout for one for more than a week, but haa found none yet. Mrs. Johnson Is Improving slowly. Mrs. Bertha Deardorff haa a supply of Mothers' Salve, also Witch Hazel Jelly on hand. Salve for colds and catarrh and all sores and boils is an excellent remedy. Witch Hazel Jelly for the complexion. Call and try a package and be convinced of its su perior qualities, only 25c a package. Albert Deardorff and family have come back to Happy Hollow from Cali fornia, where they have lived for sev eral years. EAGLE CREEK NOTES Engle Creek. July 18. Haying is well along In this section, and a very good crop is the result. Harvesting grain will soon commence. J. P. Woodle began cutting barley Tuesday. J. W. Cahill has a brother from the East visiting htm. Mr. Bilyeu has his new barn nearly completed, he will build a new house soon on his lots at Eagle Creek. Mr. Peabody, of Dilfur, Or., and Mrs. Maud Johnson of the same place, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. A. J. Douglass, and family. Walter Douglass and family are still camped at Wesley Douglass' farm. Mrs:E. E. Elliott has been attend ing the Chautauqua at Gladstone for several days. SAVED HIS COMRADE'S LIFE. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist "While returning from the Grand Army Encampment at Washington City, a comrade from Elgin, 111., was taken with cholera morbus and wad In a critical condition," says Mr. J. E. Houghland. of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave Llm Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and believe saved his life. I have been engaged for ten years In immigration work and con ducted many parties to the south and west. I always carry this remedy and have used it successfully on many oc casions." Sold by Howell & Jones. 0. W. P. TO EXTEND ITS LINE TO SALEM? LATEST CAPITAL CITY PIPE DREAM OF A WILLAMETTE VALLEY ELECTRIC LINE. BEAYER CREEK NEWS Beaver Creek, July 18. The warm weather Is ripening the grain very fast. Mesdames Lewis, London and Bur gess, called on Mrs. D. W. Thomas Tuesday. Miss Esther Martin called on Miss Lena Studeman Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Johnson spent a few days with, Mrs. Daniels this week. A few from here attended the dance at Inskeep'a and reported a good time. Ed. Smith and Clarence Williams called on Miss Maud Daniels last week. THE SMILE that won't come off. appears on baby's face after one bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge, the great worm medicine. Why not keep up that smile on baby's face. If you keep this medicine on hand, you will never see anything else but smiles on his face. Mrs. S. Blackwell, Okla., writes: "My baby was peevjsh and fretful. Would not eat and I feared he would die. I used a bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge and he has not had a sick day since." Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. bowels. For sale by Howell & Jones. MFTLNGS FROM SflUBEL Shubel. July 18. The end of this week will find all the hay around here In bams. E. W. Hornshuh has gone to the Coast for a few weeks outing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ginther made a pleasure trip to Portland Sunday. . G. A. Shubel and Ed. Schmidt at tended the Chautauqua Saturday night George Kerbyson and son Harry have gone down the river to work In the logging camp. Mrs. E. F. Ginther spent a few days with her daughter Mildred of Portland, last week. Mrs. Chas. Shockley, of Highland, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moehnke, one day last week. Otto Moehnke has gone to eastern Oregon for harvest Miss Ella Hornshuh and David Moehnke. respected young people of this community, were married last week by Rev. Wettlaufer. We wish them a happy , successful future. Mr. Massinger is laid up with rheu matism. . Wm. Hettman is working for Holla North, of Highland. Mr. Stegeman injured his foot se verely a short time ago by a harrow tooth penetrating It. The Twlce-a-week Journal and the Enterprise, one year, 2.25, cash, tf CARUS The dance at Inskeep's Saturday night was a splendid affair. Several from here attended the camp meeting at New Era Sunday and report a good time. Salem, July 18. J. B. Ryan of Port land has been securing rights of way In this county for an extension of the O. W. P. & Ry. company's electric line from Oregon City to this city. Advices from "headquarters," are to the effect that the extension will surely be built down the east side of the river and cars running to here be fore the west side line is out of the paper stage. All the preliminary sur veys have been made. Franchises will be secured to run along the highways In Clackamas county. DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR BOWELS. Many serious diseases arise from ne glect of the bowels. Chamberlain's pleasant and agreeable laxative. They invigorate the liver and regulate the Stomach and Liver Tablets are a On many farms, hoes, forks, shovels and other tools have to be looked up when wanted, and this looking up sometimes consumes more time than would be required by the Job of work itself. Oftimea plows, harrows and cultivators, instead of being carefully housed, are left out of doors all win ter, 1 a) . a. Union Leader 4c, Battle Ax 35c; 10c box matches 5c. Cheese 15c. Carnival. RED FRONT. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use .... Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Sand (or free tample. -SCOTT A BOWNE, ChemUta, 40041 Pearl Street, New York. 50c.aodS1.001 alldruggUu. OLD CHRONIC SORES. As a dressing for old chronic sores there Is nothing so good as Chamber lain's Salve. While it is not advisable to heal old sores entirely, they should be kept In good condition for which this salve Is especially valuable. For sale by Howell & Jones. COOLER WEST OF THE CASCADES General Summary by Weather Bureau for Seven Days Ending July 16. The feature of the week was the ex cessive high temperatures that pre vailed up to Monday, when it turned cooler In the western counties, but continued warm. east of the Cascade mountains. There was only one hot day in the coast counties, but else where maximum temperatures of over 90 degrees were common and In a few localities maximum tempera tures of over one hundred degrees oc curred. No rain of consequence was reported, and that which fell was in the form of small showers that were generally light and mostly from the northwest Dr. Davis' Prescription for Headaches. When we recommend and guarantee Ake-in-the Head tablets for headaches and neuralgia, it is because we know you must obtain relief or we stand ready to pay your ten cents back. Safe, sure, and always cure. Huntley Bros. A few days ago a bashful young lady came into one of the stores here, carrying three or four chickens. She inquired the price of chickens, and at the same time put them on the coun ter. The store keeper didn't know the chickens' feet were tied, and asked if they would lay there. She bit her lip and said: "No, sir they are roosters." INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty Insurance written by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice of the Peace. OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 6773c per bu.' Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack. Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled $13$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mlxtu hay $9. cheat, $8.50. Millstuffs Bran $19.50 per ton; shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes $1.00 $1.50 per sack. Eggs Oregon 2025c. Butter Ranch 1820; separator, 25; creamery, 25 30. Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnlp3, Par- 1 snips and Beets 75c per sack. Good Apples Choice $3.00. Honey ll12c per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite 4 l-2c per lb ; Italian, large 7c per lb ; medium 5 l-2c per lb; Silver 7c per lb. j Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, 4o lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached, I Dressed Chickens 12&c lb. I Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $2.50$3.OO per hundred. Hogs, live, 6H; dressed 8! sheep,. '$2.50$3.00 head; veal, dressed 6c; lambs, live, $2 $2.50 per head. $3.50 per head.