. i is m tne an till Spot at 55 4n (B(Q) SAILED BEGINS SATVJRIDAY, JULY Store Closed Thursday and $18,000.00 Worth of Men's Boys' and Youths' Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes to be disposed of. To do this prices must be so cheap that it leaves no room to doubt their genuineness. No ordinary price-cutting will prevail at this time, or bring the desired results demanded in the above quoted orders. The people of Oregon City can prepare themselves for some surprisingly big bargains, and all are invited to participate in this, no ordinary event The stock will be arranged to expedite quick selling, and an efficient corps of sales people will be in attendance. IT WILL BE WELL TO BEAR IN MIND That this is a stock composed of wearables suited for all seasons. While your present wants may be for now, the sale includes goods for future as well as for the present. Anticipating your needs, you can save much more than retailers' profits on purchases for use in the coming seasons. A Nicely Atranged Price List Will Be Left at Year Dcor Shortly. PHONES IN NEARLY ALL LOGAN HOMES OR WILL BE AS SOON AS THE BOXES ARRIVE IDEAL DAIRY COUNTRY, i Logan, July 11. Many went to Es tacada the 4th, then attended the ball at Logan in the evening. The ball was a success and all had a pleasant time. It will not be long before the "hello" call will be heard in nearly all the homes here. Mr. Brock puts in phones as fast as he gets them, but it seems almost impossible to get freight over the railroads now. Some are impatient because his or her phone isn't put right in. As soon as they arrive they will be put in. The Stone division is supplied as far as V. Kirchem's. Haying is now on in this part of the county. Also Chautauqua, and if the two don't bring rain it will be a mystery. The creamery is running at full ca pacity, and a little more so part of the time. It is necessary to churn three times some days. If the dry weather continues it will relieve con gestion somewhat. This is an ideal dairy country and farmers are just beginning to realize the fact. Henry Swales and bride are so journing here for the present. M. H. Riebhoffs new cottage is nearing completion and adds much to the appearance of Prospect Point. F. Hutchins also has a large new barn ready for the shingles. Walter Sheppard's familiar face is seen once more in Stone. Saturday was Grange day at Logan and there was the smallest attend ance of the season, only 2D being re ported present. Farmers have to "make hay while the sun shines" and as most of them were at it, they could not attend. Rev. Lewis preached in the Ravens wood church Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Boss visited her parents in Portland, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Whipple, of Dakota, are visiting at A. H. Partch's. Miss Evaline N'ewkirk is staying with Mrs. Jno. Hughes, of Redland, this summer. UNION HALL ITEMS. People here are very busy getting In their hay. Mrs. Irvin Norton and two children are visiting Richard Dundis, near New Era. Mrs. Norton and children will visit her father and mother in the near future. Her folks live on the Coast near Nestucce bay. 4L o r nanos 01 Friday Mrs. Jane Parker visited Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Grimes Sunday John Molzen's two daughters and their husbands were visiting him the Fourth. Robert Vorpahl was mowing hay for Alvin Phelps. Trvin Wheeler has returned from eastern Oregon. Perry Burns and wife were visiting at Grandma Knotts, Sunday. There was a new mail carrier through here Monday. Calvin Parker has put in a tele phone. Charles Pipka and two sons are get ting out "a lot of telephone poles. Ernest Sturgis is hauling lumber to Aurora. Charles Thomas is haul ing lumber for James Adkins. BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful atten tion as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medicine in use for bowel com plaint is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any unnatural looseness of the bowels. For sale by Howell & Jones. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. The picnic at Sunnyside on the Fourth, was a very pleasant affair and there was a large attendance. A bounteous lunch was spread and all partook with relish. The programme was a success also. A violin, cornet and organ were on the ground and all enjoyed the music. About fourteen gallons of ice cream were sold. Otto Smith had a stand there too. Some people came from Portland and some from Arleta, besides the neighborhood gathering. People are very busy with their hay. The Sunday school at Rock Creek will have no meeting for two weeks on account of Chautauqua. Mr. Rodlun is having some new machinery put into his mill. George and E. Harvey and families were at George Deardorff's on the Fourth. Now Mrs. Hennis is visiting there. I am glad to say Mrs. Geo. Johnson is feeling better and hope she may soon recover. Mrs. Eft Hunter and Lydia, also Mrs. Emma Welch were at Mrs. J. E. Deardorff's Saturday eating ice cream, and the day being so warm, it was enjoyed very much. ABRAHAM LINCOLN was a man who, against all odds, at tained the highest honor a man could get in the United States. Ballard's Horehound Syrup has attained a place never equalled by any other like rem edy. It is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Influenza and all Pulmonary diseases Every mother should keep supplied with this won derful cough medicine. Sold by Hunt ley Bros. Drug Co. TO EE OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, Corner Sixth and Orders from the Head Office in Portland: "Close Oat the stock on the spot; ship none here; cut the life prices." HAY IS CARED FOR; GRAIN YELLOWING CLEARING WEATHER RECALLS HURRY CALL FOR MEN IN HAY FIELDS AT STAFFORD. Stafford. July 11. There was a "hurry call" for men In the hay fields, but the clouds have "rolled by," and i the hay is being rapidly cared for. j Some farmers are nearly through. I Grain is beginning to change color. I Ah! Stafford Is the land to live in. Mr. Waehlte's daughter and bus-1 band, with their little girl, came on j Friday to make a visit. They are j from near Eugene. I A little girl of Charlie Wagner's is very sick with the dread disease dlph- theria. Mr. Nimlc's unluck day Is Monday. On that day a load of hay tipped over; then a pulle to the hay fork broke, and with minor mishaps the hours were filled. Rev. Waehlte has his hay all se cured on his 20-acre farm recently bought of Mr. Chawder. Mr. Pomperine began the building or ins nop-not.se on won-iay. uus ArrvlnB ln Nwnort at noon, return Gebhardt is architect and builder. ,ns ,PBVC Newport Rt B.,0 ,y. Mr. Hornas has another win. His ,nf, r1 at th nn(!Ht f wife and two chi dren recently came j th(j Coast ,.alth r(,st aQ(1 pl(flimiro up from Dunsmulr. ; for tho weary worker. YOUR LIVER" Is out of order. You go to bed in a bad humor and get up with a bad taste in your mouth. You want something to stimulate your liver. Just try Herbine. the liver regulator. A posi tive cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia and ail liver complaints. Mrs. F. Tt. Worth, Texas, writes: "Have used Herbine in my family for years. Words can't express what I think about It. Everybody in my household are hap py and well and we owe it to Herbine. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. DOYER NEWS NOTES. Mrs. KItzmiller and son Walter have returned from Portland. Charles A. Keith has gone to Port land to take treatment for his swollen limb. Haying is in full blast around Dover. Mr. Lee and family, of Portland, are spending a few days with T. L. Rob ertson and wife. Dr. Roberts was called again to at tend Grandma Deshazer, who Is still confined to her bed.' Captain Branson and wife are here for the summer. Rev. Exon and fam ily have returned from Boaverton. Grand Army Post Reunion. Gresham, July 7 Preparations are being made by M. A. Ross Post, G. A. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1908. gmmmmJ tmmmmk r CmmhA tim0r f" J."!ajr-.. g Main Streets SIVWrlgKt, OF PORTLAND R., for Its annual reunion next Augunt. Excellent grounds have been prepared I in a grove near town, ami everything I will be In rcudlni'HM for opening day, August 0. A whole' week of fun. fro I lie and entertainment Is promised. The ! (Mist will be assisted by the Woman's Relief Corps and the various Grand Army organizations of other place)!. I Good speakers will be secured for each day of the encampment, and i special arrangements will be provided j for transportation and campers' corn i forts. A HARD LOT of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bow els, unless you awaken them to their proper action with Dr. Klng'H New Life Pills; the pleasantest and most effec tive cure for Constipation. They pre- vent Appendicitis and tone up the system. 2.", cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. - , - ! SUNDAY EXCURSIONS ON THE CORVALLIS 4. EASTERN RAILROAD TO NEWPORT AND RETURN. Sunday excursions to Newport and return on the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad will fc;ive Albany ..EVERY SUNDAY AT 7: 30 A. M. inrei) nay una season tiCKets rrom all S. P. points good going or return ing on Sunday excursion trains. Fare from Albany, Corvallls or Philomath $1.50 for the round trip. Connection at Albany with Eugeno Local going and South bound over land on return. O! R. & N., THE TIME SAVER. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via This Popular Columbia River Route. Franklin was right when ho said "Lmt time is never found again." The O. R. Sr. N., In addition to giv ing you 200 miles along tho matchless Columbia River, saves you 17 hours to Chicago. It is the Short Line to Lewlston. Short Line to the Palouse country. Short Lino to Spokane. Short Line to tho Coeur d' Alone country. Short Lino to Salt Lake City. Short Lino to Denver. Short Line to Kansas City. H i Short Line to Omaha. Short Line to Chicago. Shprt Line to all points East. Thrwo trains East daily, 9:15 a. m., 8:15' p. m., and 6:15 p. m. Tho "Chicago-Portland Special," is an flno as tho finest. Every coiyfort of home. For particulars ask any agent of the Southern Pacific Company, or write A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. WIT si tK 14, AT oat of Oregon ShotLine and union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST -,, DAILY Through Pullman standard anil Tour tat sleeping car dully to Omaha, Chicago, Huokane; lotirlut sleeping ran daily to Run em City; through Pullman tourlal sleeping enrs (peraonally conducted) weekly to Chlrago, Kansaa City, rwlln Ing chain (seats free to th eaat dally.) HOURS Portland to Chicago No Chunt of Car. 70 Depart. Tim 8chadula. Ami Chleago rorlluiid Special :lt a. m Bait Lake, Denver,! Kt. Worth. Omaha, g-25 d m Kanaita City. Ht. ' " p m- I inula, Chicago and Eaat. I Atlantic Express 8:16 n. m. via. Hunt ington. Bait Lake, Denver. I Kt. Worth. Omaha, 8:00 Kansas City, Ht. iiouls, Chicago and taut. Bt. Paul Kant Mall Walla Walla, Lw- laton. Rpoknne, Mln- 7 j t m nenpolls, Ht. Haul, Unliilh. Milwaukee, Chicago and Eaat. I 6:16 p in via Spo kane. Ocean and River Schedule For San Francisco Evory Ave day al t p. m. For Astoria, way polnta and Portland, Oregon. 6 p. m. ! Batuiday at 10 p. ra. Dally service (water permitting) on Willam ette and Yamhill riven. For detailed Information of rate, The Oregon Hnllroad Navigation Co., your nearest tlrket agent, or Qunoral 1'aaaenger Agent A. L. CAIQ, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad CO. Leaves. UNION DEPOT Arrive. 8:00 A.M. Dally. For Mnyirem. Rainier. Pally. 11:10A.M 9:40P.M Clntakanln, Went port L'lirton, AHtorla, War ren ton, Flavel, Ham mond, ton Btovena, (Jem-hart Park, Sea- xidn, Astoria ana Seashore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. f:00 P.M. C. A. STEWART, Comm'l Agt., ii Alder atreet. Phone Main 906. J. C. MAYO, O. F. & P. A., Aatorta. Or. wmW tcoxsk UDopllar 9 A. M. Sale Lasts Bat Ten Days UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. 8ALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY. CORVALLIS AND WAV LANDINGS. I-ave Portland 8:45 a. m. dully (except Biindiy) for Balein and way polnta. fj-ttve Portland 6:45 Tuexluy, Thursday and Hulunlny for Independence, AN Iwnv and 'orvnllla, Regular service, courteous treat ment and prompt dispatch are our specialties. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Docks Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 40. COLUMBMIA RIVER SCENERY. Portland and The Dalles R,OTJTJ! Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY QATZERT" "DALLES CITY "REGULATOR" "METLAKO "SADIE B." Btr. "Bailey Oatiert" leavea Portlan 7 A. M. Monday, Wedneadaya and Fri day"; leavea The Dalle T A. M. Tuna dnye, Thunmdaya and Saturday!. Btr. "Regulator" leavea Portland T A. M. Tueadnya, Thtimdaye and Saturday; leave The Dalle 7 A. M. Monday. Wedueadny and FrMay. Steamer leaving Portland make dalle connection at I.yle with C. R. A N. train, for Qoldendaln and Klickitat Valley point. C. R. A N. train leave Qoldendaln on. Monday, Wedneadaya and Friday at 6:30 A. M., making connection with, teamer "Regulator" for Portland andi way point. C. R. A N. train leave Qoldendaln out Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 6:30 A. M., connecting at Tyle with, teamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con necting there with O. R. A N. train. Eaat and West. Btr. "Sadie B." leave Caicade Lock, dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th Dalles and way point; arrive at 11 A. M.; leave The Dalle I P. M arrive. Cascade Lock 6 P. M. Meal served on all steamer. Finn accommodation tor team and wagon. Landing at Portland at Alder Street: Dock. MARCUS TALBOT,, V. P. & O. M. Oen. Offlne. Portland, Oregon. OABTOIIIA. Bewithe lha Kind You HaraAlways Bought IheKinil You Haro Always B Signature of