Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 13, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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1 ,.r
001 Main St., Peoria, III.
Wilbtrt Thompson ntvef knew t wf II day until It June-he had been contipted H his life many I
doctor treated him, but all (alkd to even help him his health failed rapidly and on January 21, I
1903, Mr. Thompson Mked of to auegert a treatment tor tier nuwoana we tnougni nt
tooierloui and rceommended that a peclalit be coniulted but he aho failed to help the
patient-NOW HE IS WELL.
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mm. T'-onirwon flrnt wrote in at follows "Mr liimtmnd, aiM I'l, tnffnm from sharp pains In tils stwwti and
si)tni'tlii!i' thinks It Is Ills Iwitrl. iM m know tjr return mail wimt iiusis tie pain, If you tan. Mr. llwoipsjo
Ih'ii ;rnill I7 snmriil rtixtUirs, Imt thy hav kIiii lilin up." . . ,.
VViiriiiii4lyiiilvliHlHistnrst-c!lsi1.i:liilltMejisiilt!(t. Wenuniei "W want to wl Mull Crape
Tutilii. IximiiiMi wn know It will urn ceintu.Mloii. hut H a bottle Is no olijmsl " "s wh'in a human life Is at stakn.
anil 11 imtir iiusnana I rut u s snriuus i imj aum, wi auKrai, i u'u"n i.i..;" .runni ................. --
kind, prmiiplly." At tlis snme (linn, knowliiK th Mull's (,rnm Tome tould do no harm, wo ailvll Its use until a
physli!laii ooiifil be eoiinHU'il. Jimtinry 24 Mrs. 'I hompson wrot that physician had lnwn csoiemltiwl. lis !!
itnsnd llin fasti as twine nhroule ronsllpatlnn and dysipla. tils trealmwii . follnwud faithfully, hut tlmro as
iioiiiir(iM,ihinlmt.rt.mmitln Mr. 'I limnpstjii'a Imaltli. Tlmo be begwi lakluK Mitll Orape lotiU: and on Bept.
in nnrn
a, Imt, we received the IuIIowIiik letter It ma Mrs. 1 lionipsnii;
"You will remember that I wrete te you laet Januerv In regard to my husband' health. It
la four monthealnoe he quit taking Mull'aOrapa Tonlo lor constipation, which he suffered from
alnoe birth. Ha look usl 24 bottles ct It and la perteotly cured. Ha la muoh stronger and hea
gained eonelderably In fleah. I oannot thank you enough for Kull'c Orape Tonlo. It la worth Ha
woighl In gold.' Juet 1 1 2 oured him and he hae apent hundreda af dollara with doctor who did
him no good. Now I want to alata my eaee to you and e a pact your early reply. I alao have oonatl.
petlon.Tieve had for throe yeare. Kindly let ma know aa I am euro It will euro ma llyoy aay It will.
aa It did all you claimed It would in my husuano e eaee. s iwin mn wi r
Very reapeotfully youra, NR. W.H.THOMPSON, 8
Main SU Paora, III
This Coupon It good for a 50o. Dottlo of
Mull't Grape Tonlo.
fill out this eoupnn ami 11111 to th Lightning
HiHtlrlne f'Oq IAT 1 lilril'A.., Ittirli lalnml. III., .ml you
Hill merit. full !, 0O,i, holllr of Mull'a 4.r.
I Imve lier tak.n Mull's Clr.p. Totilr, but If you
III .ii,(il)r ma wiih a QO. boltu r, 1 will take It as
illriM (l. j
htr.l No.....
arve euu aooaeaa ao waive ataietv.
If you are nfllu tt-l with constipation or any of it kln'lrcd
tliwaws wo will Imy a 5mtit lxUle for you of your ilrugK'
ami give it to you to try. If you arc conHtlpntccl we I now it
will cure you. jstircly if e hitve euch coiifidfiice in our retnp'ly
us Id jmy for a Wile of it that you may test for yourself it won
tliTful curative (lualitiis, you eliouM Mot refuse to accept our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
U the only cure for constipation known. We lo not rccotii
iiicihI it for anything Imt Coiihlipiition ainl itt allicl lit-4ses. It ie
our frrr gift to you. In acct ptiii( tliia free bottle you tlo not obligate
yourself further than to take ite conU-nU. Mull'a Grape Tonic is
inYaMiut to tokc ami one lK,ttlc will la ntrfit you. Wc want you to try
it ami, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon ami nwil
It to us tiMlay we will inatruct your dniggibt to give you a 50-cent
bottle and charge auuie to us.
HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists,
The county court met In adjourned
jiiiHslon Wednesday. By order of the
court, hereafter no person other thaa
the Itecorder or his deputies will be
allowed to copy any record In his of
fice by pen and Ink. Careleua persons
dropping biota of Ink and spoiling the
books, Is the cause of the order.
The petition for a telephone fran
chise by Orlder & Co. was granted,
subject to restriction. The new bridge
over Milk creek at Union Mills was
accepted and contractor paid $325 for
same. Floor of old bridge ordered re-
moved. The face of the tax on land
In Sees. 27 and 28, 2 2, assessed to
John Parsons, Is accepted in full of
all demands and penalty Is remitted.
The official bonds of H. W. Ever
hart as supervisor of road district No.
20, of F. W. Grecnman as clerk of
A happy solution of the Sixth and
Fifth streets steps question Is prom
ised as the outcome of a conference
between city and Southern Taclfle
company officials. It Is proposed to
cross the railroad by overhead bridge
placed half way between those streets,
and with connecting approaches from
each atreet to the bridge and atept
from the bridge to both Fifth and
Sixth streets on the bluff.
Another result of the conference la
a proposition for an overhead cross
ing for teams at the foot of Singer hill
at Tenth street, thus doing away with
the very dangerous grade crossing
now at that point.
The railroad company will have
plans prepared for both these Im
provements and present same at the
next meeting of the council.
Clackamas county, and of Justices of, Tuesdays conference was partlcl
the peace and constables of the sev- pated In by Chief Engineer Boschke,
eral districts, were approved. The ap- Superintendent L. R. Fields, Mr. For-
pointment of E. Mass as special dep
uty sheriff, without salary, was con
firmed; likewise that of Jessie Pad
dock as clerk In treasurer's office at
salary of $20 a month while at work In
the office. Maud Woolfolk was allow
ed $25 damages on lands on JKiser
road. The claim for salary by the sec
retary of the county board of health
was referred to district attorney of
Sixth district for opinion.
The went her bus Immmi null warm
tlin past two weelis.
Must I'VerylHMly in our vicinity U
laid up lth colds.
A number from hen attended the
celebration at Wrlnhl'a Klrltw ami
r-iort'd a fulrly rimhI time
Emerson Hpatis U orltii fur Jones
Jk Kaltdlelsch.
Elmer I'txiiier iiinl dntiKliter. of Ore.
icon City, called 011 bis father, It. M
t'tMiper, out' day last week.
Tho iiteaslea hnvii at Inst reuched
here. Ada and lleriilc Cregory liavo
them now.
Dora HurRess. who has been work
Inn for Mr Williams In Oregon City,
returned to her homo here last week
Mrs. ImiwI spent a few days In Port
land last week,
Harsh Edwards, of Portland. U vis
iting wlih friends here.
The rtanco at Will I. Junes' Sutur
tiny itlRht wuh a grand aucrcss, even
If they didn't M to dunm before
sdevt-u o'clock,
Mrs, I) Spat ami family spent Molt
day with her sister. Mr. E Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Inskeep of
Portland, are visiting with his par-
Mr. and Mrs C, Spanuler, went to
New Era Hunday.
U, Howard I working Str Fred'
Hclyiffer UKHtn
Stanley tiregory . fell frotu a fence
and broke his arm one day Inst week.
Dora and I.lzxlo Hurgesa spent Wed-j
iiesiluy nl in m m with Tbeiiu Howard j
41 nil cousin.
Hot wenther; line for haying, and
the formers are availing themselves
of It. J'rops growing nicely.
Tin pi'ol of Ibis vicinity celebrat
ed the Fourth at Estacada. Over 4io
people were in attendance and there
would have been more If tint curs bad
not given out. (ieo, C. llrowuell de-
Mrs, flood, of Salem, is visiting hf-r
daughter, Mrs. Smalley.
Mrs. McGeehan and the children
have gone tu Gladstone and are camp
ing during the Chautaiwiua. Mr. Mc
lleehan Is camping at home and liv
ing alone. ,
Mr. and Mrs, I-wellen and Mrs.
FulrcloiiKh attended Chautauqua Wed
llvered the oration and tnadn one of nosdny and remained for tho evening
his t liarai lfrlstlc talka. Everything : to hear Mrs. Olelow's address,
went off nicely w ith a few exceptions, j vr Malloy la slowly recovering
On,, of the marching teams ran away. I from his illness.
Mr Cooper aud Mr. Wilcox got quite j txot and shoe repair shop Is
badly bruised; Hucksley and Tracy 01.,,e In the May building by Mr.
had a Utile scrnp; Foster got enough Hradley.
whiskey to deatMp hl equilibrium f Ed. Selby and the two oldrr boys
an I fell down and smashed his nose, returned to the camp In Washington
Two or three went to the lock up. ut Sunday morning.
Miss Linda Woomer was tloddcss of' Mrs. Hall, Miss Pearl Currins and
Liberty. ' jOeo. Everhart went to Portland and
Albert Smith and Ceo. lladen were ' attended the opening of the musical
up from Astoria to celebrate. .suason at the city park.
Mrs. aicJiiauo anu cnuaren visuea
Mrs. Fred Currins this week.
Mrs. Matchett went to Portland
Judge Dlmlck bad his first experi
ence, Wednesday, in making two souls
happy by tying a matrimonial knot,
when he married In his court room
Hattle Frazler and Hr Henderson both
of Multnomah county The hap
py couple Immediately repaired to a
nearby liquid refreshment resort and
celebrated the occasion.
dyce, bridge architect, and Resident
Engineer Ballin, representing the
Southern Pacific company; City En
gineer H. A. Rands and Councilman El
P. Rands, chairman of the committee
on streets and public property of the
City Council.
Mr. -and Mrs. Hteaveson from Port-j
land, have been In Sprlngwater taking
an outing. j
Henry (,'omcr Is having a barn rais
ing iimler the management of Earl 1
Shlldey. .
l-ots of berries now.
Measles In Springwater.
Mrs. Estella Bard Is HI from poison
Charles Folsoin, of Washington,
(his bought A. Stacy's farm, fur which
be paid $10,0(10.
Sunday and spent the day with her old
Indiana friends.
Mrs. (Jllletto and Mrs. Allen drove to
Molalla Wednesday to attend Grange.
Mrs. Smalley and her mother went
to Portland Wednesday.
"Whiln-returning from the Grand
'Army Encampment at Washington
Will Mclntyre spent a few days vis
iting F. Sagur and family.
E. II Slink is on Die nick list.
Will Wallace spent Sunday at home.
Dlx Druthers are running a small
A. M. Shlbley has some cheap lands city, a comrade from Elgin, 111., was
f ir home-seekers.
The It. F. D. Is going all right from
Springwater via 1igan, Viola, High
liind and back to Springwater.
! taken with cholera morbus and wan
In a critical condition," says Mr. J. E.
Houghlaml. of Eldon, Iowa. "I gnvR
1. 1 111 Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and believe savi,!
his life. I have been engaged for ten
years in Immigration work and con
ducted many parties to tho south and
west. I always carry this remedy and
John Mattooti has returned to the have used It successfully on many oc-
More and will treat all customers well. Cast-ado Locks.
I lob Billiard nnd George Anderson Farmers ure having a difficult time
.Hpent Hunday nt Mr. Wallace's. ! to tlnd sufficient help to rush their hay
Mrs. bitttt Cummins attended the imrvest.
.lance at Mr. Clurk's Saturday eveu-j Th(, lu,()p,t of V())a ar BnxlollHiy
f , " . ,. , i waiting the completion of the crushed
Uml Wallace is Working for It. ,.,,,,..,,. Vi,.i 1,111
I i.n.n ,.'j'.t -(.. I."
Haying Is the order of the day. The
crop Is line, the weather good and the
farmers are rejoicing. The old cow
nnd horse can laugh next winter when
the snow comes.
Mrs. Wales llursels Is quite 111
James Sevier Is logging for Bonney
& Miller. '
Rev. Button and wife visit old
friends at Forest Grove on July . 4th.
Mr. Pattou's nine months old baby
Sold by Howell & Jones.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, C773c per bu.
FlourValley. $4.25 per bbl. Hard
wheat $190, Portland, JJ10 per sack.
j Howard's Best, $1.25 peFsack.
' Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental,
i Hay Timothy, baled $1W?$12 per
Uon; clover $9; oat, $9; nilta hay $9
cheat. $8. r0.
1 .1. . .11 li ... I ...
recureu in- m ..r up m u.e v,uu...K- Mtllstuffs-Bran $19.50 per ton;
t,m county baby show. shorts. $20.50 per ton: chop $18.00 per
1 ne iniiaiiitaius or 101a were ton; Darley rolled $25.50 per ton.
potatoes 40 st ftec per sack."
Eggs Oregon 18 to 20c per doz.
Hut top Ranch 2")!U 35; separator,
aroused about 2 o'clock Friday morn
ing by the fierce- barking of t. lot of
John Shepnrd's two nephews who i.ogs In tho suburbs. A. L. -CopuldUd
have been visiting him, will soon re- rushed out to make an Investigation . 33c; creamery, "540c.
turn to their home In eastern Oregon, and found a black bear practicing a; Rutahegas, Carrots, Turnips, Tar-
N. A. Fllnn has gone to Sandy, Ore- fistic encounter with the curs. Several ; snips and Beets 75o per sack,
gon, to visit friends and relatives. Ho shots were tired at the .Infuriated anl-1 Cood Apples Choice $3.00.
will return in a few duys. null, but Mr. Bruin boldly rushed! Honey 11 12 VjC per lb.
O. Poulsoi) lias gimo to Portland to through town ami again disappeared mines (dried) Petite 4 l-2c per
work with his team,
in the woods.
Subscribe for the
Oregon City
lb; Italian. largt 7o per lb; medium
5 l-2c per lb; Silver 7c per lb.
Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered,
4tyc lb; sliced, Cc; fancy bleached,
Dressed Chickens 12V4o lh.
Llvo Stock and Dressed Meats
Beef, live $2.r(()$3.00 per hundred.
Hogs, live, G5,4; dressed 8V4: shoep,
$210 $3.V0 head; veal, dressed 6c;
lambs, live, $2(Li$2.50 per head.
$3.50 per head.
The children's friend
Jaync's Tonic Vermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles?
Gives tone, vitality and snap.
Get it from your druggist
Klamath Falls, Or., July 8. Survey
ors of the Oregon Eastern Railroad
have reached Naylox, 124 miles north
of Klamath Falls, on the east aide of
I'pper Klamath Lake and it Is expect
ed that the survey will be finished to
this lxilnt within the next week or
ten days. While the camp is estab
lished near Naylox, It la rejiorted that
work Is still being done north of that
point. Little is known of the detail
gained by the survey, except that very
fayorable grades have been found all
of the way south from. Walker's Range,
where the route finds its outlet to the
plains region of Central Oregon after
tho somewhat difficult ascent of the
Cascades from Natron. Surveys of the
line will connect at Klamath Falls with
the estaUlshed line for the California
Northeastern, the road building from
Weed to this point and which will be
completed by October.
With completion of the Oregon East
ern the llarrlman systera will have the
advantage of a route around the most
expensive and difficult portions of the
present main line, and the Influence
of this connection is certain to be very
great in the making of an Important
lallroad, commercial and distributing
points here.
Advices from reclamation engineers
in charge of work In the Klamath
country show that progress on the big
canal Is very satisfactory; also that
many inquiries are being made about
lands to come under the project, and
indications are that the many settlers
who have already signified their In
tention to locate will be followed by
many others with the completion of
the big undertaking.
, ;
Washington, July 7. The Secretary
of the Interior has granted authority
to the Reclamation Service to con
struct 19 miles of canal and 27 miles
of laterals In connection with the Kla
math irrigation project, and to employ
the force required to carry the work
vigorously to completion, in order that
this distributing system may be ready
for use when the main canal now un
der construction, is completed.
"I was loser In a twenty-year battle
with chronic piles and malignant sores,
until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve;
which turned the tide, by curing both,
till not a trace remains," writes A. M.
Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Best for old
Fleers, Cuts, Burns and Wounds. 25c
at Howell & Jones' drug store.
A Judicial Mistake.
The judge w as in a hurry to get away
from the halls of justice, having an
Important social engagement. But
two cases remained, and he told the
court officers to hurry.
Immediately a man was hurried Into
the witness box.
"What Is your name " queried the
prosecuting attorney.-
"I decline to answer," replied the
"What's that!" shouted the tmpa
ftent judge. "That is contempt of
court, and I remand you to jail for
thirty days."
"Your honor," said the attorney,
"there appears to be a mistake some
where. This Is Mr. Dodgers, head of
the Regular Oil Trust, and"
"O, 1 beg your pardon," said the
judge. "I thought this was that strike
case and the witness one of the men
arrested for violating my Injunction.
The witness is excused."
E. P. and H. A. Rands of this city,
have been awarded the contract by
the United States general land office
for the resurvey of a portion of the
south half of the Colville Indian res
ervation preliminary to Its opening
Squaring the Account.
A practical joker of New York City
tells this story upon himself, and de
clares that the experience cured bim
of tis bad habit:
On my arrival at San Francisco, aa
a joke I sent a friend of mine at home,
well known for his aversion to spend
ing money, a telegram, with charges
to collect, reading, "I am perfectly
well." '
The Information was evidently grat
ifying to him, for about a week after
sending the telegram an express pack
age was delivered at my room, on
uhlch I paid $4 charges. Upon open
ing the package I found a large New
York paving stone, on which was a
card, which said: "This Is the weight
your recent telegram lifted from my
The Wells-Fargo Kxpress company
under the act of the last session of has a surplus on hand of $20,000,000.
congress. The amount of the contract 1 which stockholders want distributed
las dividends.
Th.it the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools
of practice, endorse and praise in the strongest possible terms, each and
ev-:y ingredient entering into the make-up of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, the famous stomach tonic, liver invigorator, heart tonic
and regulator and blood cleanser. This is also equally true of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for the cure of all those weaknesses
and distressing ailments peculiar to women.
No other medicines sold through drug-!
gUU for domestic use. can show any such
prutwiiiiiKit endorsement. Dr. Pierce's
above mentioned remedies are non-alco
holic and non-secret, all their ingredients
bet!), printed on each bottle wrapper.
They occupy a unii)ue position ana are
are neither secret nor patent medi
cines. Thev are powerful to cure but
safe to use m any condition of the sys
tem, even for the most delicate, women
and children.
Pure, tripple refined glycerine, which
Is used iutend of alcohol both for ex
tracting and preserving the active, medi
cinal principles from the roots of the
several Ameru'an forest plants entering
into Doctor Pierce's medicines, is much
superior to alcohol for these purposes,
ami is entirely free from the objection
able features Inherent in alcohol, inas
much as it produces only salutary Influ
ences upon the system, while alcohol,
even In moderate "portions, if long con
tinued, as in the treatment of obstinate
ailments, is very injurious and often
besets a craving for stimulants. Fur
thermore, glycerine itself is a most
valuable curative asent instead of being
a harmful habit-forming acent like alco
hol. Its nutritive properties, Dr. Pierce
and many others eminent in the profes
sion believe, far. surpass tho- of cod
liver oil, entitling it to favorable con
sideration as a remedy in all cases of
Incipient consumption, especially when
it Is combined with the active medicinal
principles extracted from Black Cherry
bark, Queen's root. Stone root, (iolden
Seal ro.it and BliwHlroot, as in "Golden
Mc Ileal Discovery."
Besides Its snjiorior nutritive proper
ties glycerine is a very valuable demul
cent 'and thereby greatly enhances the
remedial action of all the foregoing roots
In the euro of severe coughs, bronchial,
throat, laryngeal and other kindred affec
tions of the air-passages and lungs. In
all "wasting diseases, "where there is loss
of flesh and eradiial "running down" of
tho system, the glycerine certainly plavs
an Important part in lessening the break
Imr down and wasting of flesh, and In
promoting assimilation and Increase of
bodilv strength and weight. It is a power
ful reconstructive agent In all cases of
Impaired vitality and especially valuabln
when associated and combined with such
superior Alteratives and tonics as in
"(iolden Medical Dircovery"and "Favor
ite Prescription." Its wonderful solvent
properties also play an important part in
the cure of gall stones and severe con
stipation. Glycerine Is also ono of the very best
antl-ferments and as such counteracts
the excessive fermentation of foods in
the stomach, present in most cases of in
digestion or dyspepsia. Thus tho pain,
belching of noxious gas, bloating and
other disagreeable symptoms are over
come and the Stone root, Golden Seal
root, Bioodroot and other ingredients of
"(iolden Medical Discovery" are irreatlv
'assisted In their action in completing a
As will be seen from the writings of
Prs. Itartholow, King, Scudder, Halo,
Wood. Hare. Johnson. Coo, Ellingwood
and other high euthorities, as contained
in the little hook mentioned below, these
agents can conlidently be depended upon
for tho most positive, curative action In
all atonic, or weak, states of the stomach,
accompanied with distressing indigestion
or dyspepsia and kindred resultant affec
tions o' the liver, kidneys and other asso
cisted organs. ,
Read from the writings of the authori
ties above quoted, under the headings
of Golden Seal root. Stone root. Black
Cherrybark, Bioodroot, Queen's root and
Mandrake root, in a little bonk of ex
tracts, compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, and
which will be sent you free on request
addressed to the l)octor. at Buffalo,
N. V.. and you will learn that all these
ingredients lire recommended as reme
dies for indigestion or dvspepsia and
"liver complaint," a well as for the
cure of all catarrhal affections wher
ever located, also for the cure of lin- v
gering coughs, arising from bronchial
throat and lung affections. All are In
gredients of "Golden Medical Discovery'
combined in such proportions that eacn
enhances the curative action of all the
The "Discovery "must not be expected
to produce miracles. While it Is espe-l
ciauy suitea lor trie cure ot all chronic,
Umierina amah that are. cumhle. ft ta
not so effective In acute colds and coughs
unless slippery elm mucilage, flaxseed
tea, solution of gum arable, or other
mucilaginous demulcent be drank reefy
in connection with its use. Nor must the
iGoluen Medical Discovery "be expected
to cure consumption In Its advanced
stages. In its early stages It will stay
its progress and often etfect a cure if I
its use be persisted in for a reasonable
length of time. Send for the little book
noted above and learn what those most
eminent in the medical profession say of
the ingredients out of which Dr. Pierce's
medicines are made and thereby learn
u'ii tney cure oostmate diseases.
By reading some of the extracts from
eminent authorities contained In the
little booklet mentionedjabove, treating
of the several ingredients entering into
"Golden Medical Discovery " It will be j
reautty unaerstooa vnu tins unions med
icine cures obstinate kidney and bladder
affections, chronic diarrhea, all catarrhal
affections, mi matter in what part of the
system existing. By reason of the Stone
root, and Golden, Seal root contained In It,
it is a most effective curative In valvular
and other alfections of the heart, as yon
will understand from the writings of Drs.
Paine, Hale, Ellingwood and others, con
cerning Stone root. Golden Seal root and
Black Cherrybark which are to lie found
in the littlo booklet above mentioned.
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
biliousness, sick and bilious headache,
dizziness. cistiveness. or constipation of
the bowels, loss of appetite, con tod
tongue. Sour stomach, windy belcblngs,
"heart-bum," pain and distress after eat
ing, and kindred derangements of the
liver, stomach and bowels, put up in
glass Vials, tightly corked, therefore
always fresh and reliable. One little
"Pellet" is a laxative, two are caihiiitic.
They regulate, invigorate and clcanso the
liver, stomach and bowels.
A rood medical hook, wr'tten In plain
English, and free from technical terms
is a valuable work for frequent consulta
tion. Such a work is Dr. Pierre's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser. It's a book
of hW pages, profusely illu-truted. It
is given awnv now although formerly
sold In cloth binding for 1..V). Send '-'I
cents, in one-cent stamps, to imv for cost
uif mulling only for paiier-ctivered copy,
addressing Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo,
is. Y .; or n cunts lor an elegantly cloiu
bound copy.