OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1908. ...Short Siclehead Stories. I Tl:Kl!l,V.TOI.I) TALI! 01' Oregon Patent! Lait Week Itiivld fc linker, of Iiuiulcit, was tfllllllcl luttiiut Oil B H ! 1 1 1 1 I 1 1) I M 1 1 1 1 1 T . Says Wife Deserted Him Ni'Ih J, Kvulii, lit n divorce com liliilnl fihl In t Ito circuit court ehurges Kullii'iliin ('. Kviiln, whom ho married ul Colombo t'liy. Colo,, In October, r.iuo, wllli (li'Mrlliiii coiiiiiiIUkiI four ycum fotlow Iiik lln'lr iiiurrliiK". Inhurtfan Treatment Charged Mitry l.l..ln Dfciu-r, by ln-r altor-in-y, lllml a null In circuit court, Mon day, iimyhiK tr a divorce from Henry W. I turgor. They wurn married In .Miillniiiiiitli counly on )t-cciiilmr 21, !io:. Thiy huvit ichIiIkiI In vurloiiN pitted allien, principally In Wmdiliig lull, but she hIIckon ho Iiiim lrcalii her criii'lly iiml luhuiuitnly, ulso Iiuh full ed to provide for lo-r MiiHit-riitnc. Two Estate Probated Tllll IKtttlH of I ho Into Wllllum II. VuukIiiui, of Miilullit, Iiiim linen admit IkiI lo probate. Tim estate U of tbo rHllllillli-il Vllllli- of f'jluu, .Mm. I,i'iiu lUtKrovii Iiiih lii-en np pnlnleil iiiliiiliilHtriiirU of tlin eitliiln if her ileeeitHeil hilHlmnd, Clinton lliir Klnve, Who bmt li 1m f by drowning In HiIm city m-venil days ago. The property of the cntutti Ik of l!n vuluo of Mini. , Eatacada Ranch and Gladstone Lott Solcl- The ulil Heilford ranch of MO aerea, HtiutloiiHt of Kntai'iida, wax nolil Mon day to K. A. Hmlth of VanhliiK'on CollNldel III lull ) 1 01)0, Tho Mllll Wtt oiiele tbruiiKh C. A. Warren of this ilty. He II I ho Mold hU lot owned liV t'hiules Hold lit Cladntotio for tlOO ach. I,. C, Uiitcbe Iho purchaa--r, Mr I.ai'he will build a home on I lie lots. A. R. Dlmlck la Promoted A. U. IMmlck, formerly chief dis putiher for the Oregon Water power Hull ay company, ban been npiHilnt- d HHHlMtant nuperllltelldelit to aue- red (i, V. Iloynloll, who reHlniu-d to become claim anent for the traction linen owned by tho Portland Hallway, l.lKht k Power company. Mr. IMmlck Ih a brother of County .hi'lKe IMmlck of Ilia" city. It a rcHldeut of Hellwood iuhI h well known here. Would De Separated In a divorce proceedlio; tiled Satur day afternoon, Annie itaxter. of thlx ity. cliu i k h Jamea llaxter. to whom nh" wax married at Auburn, WbhIiIiiic ton, in September. I'.ec, with cruel and aliulve t r-nt in.-iit . She repre-m-nu thai the ilerendaut i-arua from J.'iO to "U per mouth when h work mid alio aikx for an order of tho court KODAKS AND ALL THE NEW THINGS FROM THE KODAK CITY Kodak the Chiliren. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak System any one may take and iinish pictures. It's daylight all the way. Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00 Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00. Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6.00 Burmeister & Andresen Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City JcwckfS Till! W!l!K-5 DOINIIH, requiring htm to puy Into the court 1100 to bit uxml by Iht un attorney fl'"H llllll COMtH III JjrOHOIMItllm tllO Hlllt. To Exterminate Thistle County .IiiiIhh (irnnl II. Dlmlck went to llulley Hut unlay, on the lino of llni Oregon Water Power A. Hitllwuy Com- IHIIIV In the Kllulei-li tmrl r.f Mm -miiii. ty whero It Im reported Ciinnillim 1 thistles urn being ulloweil to grow without uny iittniiipt being n i a I to extirinlniitn the pent. JihIko Dlmlck will order Iho runner oh whoso prcin Ihcm thorn I h In! ih uro growing, to pro ceed liiimeillntely with their destruc Hon, oilierwbui the lnw will ho Invok oil, There N ii penalty under tbo Ore gon uliituitm for permitting the Cnniid Inn thlstlti to grow and multiply. Charged With Attempted Aesault CoiiHtahlo (!ibh, lily returned Fri day nl:ht from the canti-m part of the counly with (Jhloon KrlKbaum, of (iarlleld, whom he placed under ar-ii-hi on complaint of TIioh. Huxley on a rliioM' of criminal hhhiiuH. 'It Ih a i'o Incidence that, thla arrcHt, which Ih the Mrnt official act of Couatablo Kly. la for the Identical offenKn for which ex Countable , vv. Tieinliath nrrontel liU lliHt man upon iimhiiiiiIiik tho con Htublehlt. KrlKhuuin wan arraigned before Juntlci) Htlpp, Saturday uftei iiimii, and ph-aded not Kullty, Tho pre- lliolnary evamliiiillon wan net for Sat-! unlay, July 21. Crops Free From Pests "It has been yenra xlnce cropa In Clackamaa county were Ichh liifeated by peats of anv and all klnda." aald K County Treiiiiirer linos Cahlll, who'f'Tod more wax In the city h'rldny from hla farm at New Era. Mr. Cahlll report that ' crotm of all klmln are In unh-nillil con- Ut Ion and the prospect of tho early part of tho aeaaon for aatlMfartory ylebh become the more certain an tho ttralu ri'ttche maturity. Farmera aro wnrkhiK over tlnia In tho hay fields durlim the ptimeiit K''d weather ami wbll" the crop Ih not exceptionally lo-aty, tie nuallty In ko"!- Brown Contributes $10 to City Frank P.rown, who iiHtiaulted bent an old man on Main afreet ptenliiK of the Fourth, waa fined and the $20 by lleiorder IHiulck. Monday Half the amount wax remitted and Drown paid $1" and allotted to no. wan only averted by Dr. KIiik'h New Edward StlhM. charKfil w It Is dKht- j IMarovery. He writes "Three doctora liirf and disorderly conduct, was dla-jnve me up to die of lunn Inflamtna iiilHei, Saturday, by Hecorder Dlmlck, tlon, caiiHed by a neglected cold; but the evidence hhowlliK he had arteil on the defensive. The aKKreHHor, Wol ertou, waa lined $10 aeveral days prevlouiily. Bruin Coee Calling VV. M, Hurloil, a farmer residing at Vloin, was In tho city Saturday mornliity, and roportnd that the per-' enulal unlet of that community wan' MorloiiHly dlaturbed at 'i o'clock that morning by tho uppcaranco of a largo black hear that mado bold and cam rlKht Into tho midst of tbo aottlement. AroiiMi-d by tho harking of dogs, tho rosldctils armed thenou-lvi-a ami Kavo pursuit, but tho bear dlHnppearod In tbo woods before uny effective, shots could hu taken. Itev, I'atton killed a beef tho day before and It was tho prospect of a feast of frond moat that attracted tho boar from his mountain r,"tr,,ut Higher Pay For Car Men The Portland Hallway him IricreitH od the pay of Ita comliictora and mo- tortiieii on iiverioe (it a ei-nt nn hour. Thoro Ih hIIII aome dlfforeiici) between i tho wane acalea of tho Portland Hall way ami tho Oregon Water Power & Hallway company, both of which have come under tho control of tho Port land Hallway, IJht & power company, tbo now $:;o,ooit,0oo rnowr. The Oro Hon Water power & Hallway company paya II men 23 ceuta an hour for tho H rut two year they aro In Ita employ. inirliiK tho next two yearn tho men f t 42 ceniH and for tho fifth yenr 25 contH an boor. Probably Homo rear laiiKeiuent will bo made when tho con Holldatlon la completed whereby tho carmen on all tho city llnea will, bo paid tho Hume wae, Was In III Fated Santa Rosa Mr. and Mra. J. W. Noble, lately of Santa Itona, Cal., arrived Saturday for a monih'H vUlt with their son E. J ""'I fmlly, and daiiKhtor, Mlaa Jennie Noble. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Noblo wont reMblenlH of thla city for twenty-eight yearn and It koepa them busy Rrectlnic old frh-nda. Mr. Noblo was In tho grocery IhihI ih-hm at Santa Hoxa at tho time of the IiIk carthipinko, and while tho beautiful little Sonoma city auf-1 In proportion lo Ita al.o than did San Franclnco. Mr. Noblo lucioiy encnpeij wltlt llttlo oamaKo to hla Htock, which wan In a frame build- Inn that illd not fall. Mr. Noblo Hold out hla biiHlneKH about a month ago and will take a vacation vIhRIiik hla children hero and at Portland before uoliiK to 'Fresno, Cal., w here ho will locale, A TRAGIC FINISH. A watchman's m-Kloct permitted a leak In tho Kn-at North Sea dyke, which a chlld'a tlnK'T could have stop ped, to become a ruinous break, devast 1 ii K on entire province of Holland. In like manner Kenneth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., permitted a little cold I to ko unnoticed until a trade flnlah Dr. KlnK's New Discovery saved my life," (iuarauteed bcHt counh and cold cure, at Howell & Jones' drui store, .0c and $1 Trial bottle free. DISEASED APPLES CONDEMNED MONDAY DEPUTY 8TATE INSPECTOR LEW IS FINDS INFECTED FRUIT IN OREGON CITY. J. A. IvwIh, deputy state Inspector of fruit for Clackamas county, ?ol b,,ny In Oregon City, Monday, and condemned several hundred pounds of apples, at tho various grocery atorea. The fruit was Infected with the San Joho scale or coddling moth. Inspector Iwls vlalted all the stores In town and found moat of them had beea careless In the pur chaae of apples and had diseased fruit on hand. It was all, destroyed, the local merchant having to bear the Iohs. Mr. Ia-wIs warned one dealer that a (loan of kerosene would be f?'ven his fruit show If any more Infected ap ples were displayed. The dealer however noticed that Mr. Lewis had berry boxes In his wagon that had been used before and a slight hlr.t to the effect that people In glaHS hoiises shouldn't throw stones, cooled off the Inspector on the oil proposition. Dealers have been so anxious to se cure tho early Astrakan apples that they have been careless or regardless of the law. It Is safe to say that no more Infected fruit will bo bought by Oregon City grocerymen for a while, and growers will have their trip for their work, who bring such fruit to this market. The dealers take their loss philo sophically. They know they were either careless, or too eager for early apples, and deserved to be caught. Mr. I-wls Is determined to do his utmost to stamp out the fruit pests In this county, both In his official ca pacity and by personal example. One of the grocers who was caught with bad fruit, says Mr. Lewis' orchard, four miles west of town, is absolutely c lean In that respect, he spraying the trees and taking every precaution. Apples Infected by the coddling moth are wormy, the hole usually be ing near the butt end of tho apple. The San Joho acale shows In red spots or blotches on apples. The germ or etfg of the parasite Is deposited near the center of the spot and Immediately under the skin. It Is stated that If eggs are collected, to fill half a tea spoon anil then distilled the extract Is a deadly poison. ) m m m ONLY 82 YEARS OLD. "I am only 82 years old and don't ex pect even when I get to be real old to feel that way as long as I can get Electric Hitters." says Mrs. E. H, Hrunxon, of Dublin, Oa. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and makes the weak strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia, tor pid liver. Inflamed kidneys or chronic I constipation are unknown after tak' Ing Electric Hitters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones druggists. Price 50 cents. DEALS IN CUCKAMAS REALTY Furnlihed Every Week By the Clackamai Abstract Company. The Clackamas Abstract & Truat Co, are ownora of the only complete .Abstract plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice, and all work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted. estates settled and tltlea perfect ed. J. F. Jennings to J. B. Evans W half lot D. 1st Add Jennings Lodge $175. C. Carter to H. C. Lohman NW of NW section 34, 24 E; $975. t ScIkhiI DIst No. 4 to Ed. Newton lot 11 Hlk. 3, Edgewood, 1. H. Kaegl to C. Kaegl lots 5 and BIk. 63, Oak Grove; $1290.78. C. Miller to M. Miller 100 acres In claim No. 50. 33. E; $1.00. P. C. Miller to H. Engle SW of SW section 27, 52 E; $000. H. Engle to P. .C. Miller W half of the NW of section 35, 52, E; $000, C. M.'KHimel to H. Breithaupt 40 acres In section 20, 23 E; $1)00. J. F. O'Brien to V. G. Register 14 acres in J. I). Miller CI.; '$10. P. Gronatzkl to F. M. Baker N half of S half of NW section 20, 44 E $1.00. R. Burchared to J. C. Mortenson 10 acres in section 3. 22, E; $1S50. W. C. Brown to V. F. Strack SE of section 12, 24 E; $200. State land Board to H. Roddy 5 acres 'in section 31. 12 E: $300. II. Reddy to S. Allen 2 acres in sec. 31. 12 E; $300. C. T. Howard to E. L. Thomas 14 acres In section 10. 4 2 E; $350. Gladstone R. E. Assn to H. L. War ren, 1 acre in Gladstone, $300. S. D. Meldrum to M. R. Thompson lots 7 and 8 BIk. 39, Oregon City; $1. M. Roberts ,to A. Andrews, lot 7, 1 blk. 3. Gladstone; $1. i M. Roberts to M. Miller, lot 8, blk. 3, Gladstone; .$1. Hihernla Savings Bank to M. B. Moore lots 4, 5, 6. 11. 12 & 13, blk. 6, Milwaukle Park; $240. C. II. Green to J. M. Kunvath, NE of SW. section 2. 51. E: $.... J. E. LaCroy to S. LaCroy half, of 222 acres in CI. 54, 33 and 4 E; $1000. M. Roberts to H. Schlirf, lots 8 to 13, blk. 11. Gladstone; $300. P. Stegemanu to Wm. Clark 3.8 A. In section 7, 43 E; $1. W. Blount to H. BIglow S half of the NE of section 11. 32 E; $1500. H. Jones to H. Hargreaves N half of tho SK of aoc, 33, 43 E; $750. J. M. Erlckaon to O. K, Warren NE of HE m.-ctlon 7, 41 E; $1200. J. (ilbxon Jr., to H. F. Olhaon lot 1, section 32, 34 E; and 8E of NW of aoctlon 3, 34 E; $1010. J. F. Clark, Atty at Law, Prealdnt and Manager. Over Bank of Orenon City. EVERYBODY IN OREGON CITY KNOWS HUNTLEY BROS. Have Confidence When He Tell Pepaikola Tablet Do Cure Indication. You I'oaslhly you may think our only reason for praising these tablets Is because of tho small profit we make on each 25 cent box, but how little satisfaction there would be In rec ommending a remedy that would di' appoint you and thereby lose your trade. Thla thing of selling a worthless ar tide Is mighty poor, business policy. Square dealing always pays best and when we tell you what i'epslkola tab lets will do, our confidence Is based on our own personal experience in selling them here in Oregon City year after year. There Isn't a remedy In this store that we recommend more highly and unless PepHlkola tablets really do what we claim for them how utterly useless our efforts would he. For coated tongue, aour stomach. wind belching, fullness after eating, heart burn, sleeplessness, weakened energy, and other symptoms of Indi gestion we recommend them with every commence ana aiwaya reiuna the 25c should you fall t receive the eneflts expected. Notice. On account of not being able to be In Oregon City and look after the col - ction of the notes and accounts due by our patrons and acquired by us during the time we were in the im plement business In Oregon City, we have left the same at the office of at torney o. D. Eby, in Oregon City, bo that our patrons may have a place where they may call and make pay ments. All persons knowing themselves In debted to us either by note or ac count are requested to .call and settle said notes and accounts as fast as convenient. All payments will be carefully receipted for by said O. D. Eby. 3114 ' FAIRCLOLGII BROS. MODEST CLAIMS OFTEN CARRY THE MOST CONVICTION. When Maxim, the famous gun In ventor, placed his gun before a com mittee of judges, he stated its car rying power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accom plish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surprise, Instead of disappointment. It is the same with the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy They do not publicly boast of all this remedy will accomplish, but prefer to let the users make the statements. What they do claim, is that it will positively cure diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known to fall. For sale by Howell and Jones. Farmera Crowded in Polk. i wouldn't live in such a country, remarked a passer-by, as he observed men harvesting in a vetch field be tween Independence and Salem, says the Enterprise. There was one mower at work and 11 men following, doing the shocking and removing the im mense windrows from behind the machine, so the horses could get along next time. "Why. they will have to lease other ground to shock and stack that crop on." added the observer. Such are the Oregon crops, especially In Polk county, this year. L MM t"0 M 7"1 lUDYS Ciinnncltnni PILE VMjjy wuiiw y I 0. HUt. T boDlMiB, Bap t I Or-!M ftclwels. 8ttwiim. X, C, rHlt: "Imb T ifcf do mil fofi aitum htt uo. r. n. . utot. 1 I iuva Rack, W. V., writ; "Th-r nttrni t, I faction." Dr. H. D. Mi'GUl. t laj-kst-urev l-as., write : ! prmene of 71 tvt, I f anti too remedy to 1 .nut! To.r." ffttc, 60 Civ. bapie Free cld I I hi lni(tU. MriN UDV. LMNCSTt. Ph. Sold la Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Call for Free Sample. ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Practice in all courts of the state, Federal and United States Supreme Courts. Room 306 Commercial Building 1 Portland, Oregon. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, have it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We Invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. ' CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. LET US DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building reWlTmm Williams Bros. Transfer Co. "IT SAVED MY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mr. Wllladseu Tell How She Tried Lydla E. Plnkhim'i Vegetable Compound Jast In Time. Mrs. T. C. Wlllad.-wn. of Manning. Iowa, wrlU-a to Mrs. I'inkham: Dear Mrs. Plnkhara ! " I can truly say that yon Bars sawd ml life, and I cannot express my gratitude ta you la words. " Before 1 wrote to you, telling yon how I felt, I had doctored for over two yean rtwidy and spent lota of money on medicine tx-nidaa, bet it all failed to help me. Mr monthly pe liods had ceased and I suffered much pain. with fainting spells, bealacbe, tockacbe ana bearing-down pains, and I was so weak I could hardly keep arouad. Aa a hut iveort I decided to write you and try Lydia E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound, and I am so thankful that 1 did, for after following roar instructions, which yon sent me free of all charge, I became regular and in perfect health. Had it not been for yon I woeid be in my graTe to-day. " I sinmrely trout that thla letter may lead every suffering woman in the country to write you for help aa I did." When women are troubled with, ir- ; rfijular or painm penoaa weattnesa, oiapiacemenvoruiuc.,. UUi u ora, that bearing-down feeling, inflamma tion, backache, flatulence, general de bility, indigestion or nervous prostra tion, they ahould remember there i one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received auch widespread and un. qualified endorsement. Kef use all sub stitutes. For 25 years Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, has under her direction, and since her decease. been advising sick women free of charge. .Address, Lynn, Mass. W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Graduite of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located a. Oregon City aud established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 13J Main 1311 C. D. and D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Main Street. Oregon City. Oregon. Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money, Foreclose Mortgage, and transact General Law Business. V. 8- O'Een C. 8chuebl U'REN k SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all courts, make collec tlona and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon ey on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. . . J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, -Oregon Will practice in all the courts of the state Office In Caufleld Building. IJXY STIPP Attorney at Law. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City. 0, W. EASTIIAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreoloaurea, Ab atracta of Title and General Law Bua Ineea. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. Prices Reasonable