OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1906. I Li I I I f FT Y POLHADOrCAN'i :1h U I pi n vu u imp Pure, raw linseed oil C08t8 less than "ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick gment. gallon for gallon, it nakes the best paint tor the cast money, FOR SALE BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. r A I Mr. (ilcHMi)n will vlnlt Ireland, the place of bur birth, and Mr. Holland England, her blrtUplc. Mrs. Kelland and Mra. GIoiimou will remain Urn month visiting tho different place of interest In Europe, - . Received Birthday Spoon. Mis .Myrtle Buchanan charmingly entertained tint Gypsies at bur homo Thursday evening of last week. Whist was played, Mis Edna Duult,on win ning thu prl.o, Tho club ban adopted (lit) practice of presenting each mem ber with a souvenir birthday spoon at thi! meeting of the club tbut Is held nearest tin; (lulu of that Important anniversary MIhm CI Barclay I'ratt whh the first member to b u remem bered, receiving a dulnty apoon at that night' meeting, OREGON CITY and VICINITY BRIEF MENTION OF LOCAL HAPPENINGS GARNERED FOR THE BUSY READER. FfTTT rUTTTi SOCIETY AND PERSONAL NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. A. Knight, of Canby, wun In thin city, Tuesday. MIhn Alllo Gale ban returned from a vltlt In Eastern Oregon. J. W, KliatUick, of Grctdiatn, wa lo Oregon City, Wedwday. W. 1. Dunlon, of I.IImtuI. wan In tin city on tiiiMlni'MK TuoHday. A. M. Khlbti'y, of Bprlngwator, wai In tin' city Frliluy mornliiK. Ernest Matthlo and family have gone to Hi-uhIiIi) for an outing. J. II. Milt, of .Macksburg, was In the city Thursday of lat week. Mr. George Nlcolal. of Molalla, vis ited Oregon City friend Friday, Ml Ethel I'urk went to Vancouver, perlntenderit of the government hatch eric. Hugh M. Pugh, an old time resident of tblH city, and now of Almlra, WbhIi., spent a few day In tho city on bust lies. V, H, Cordon la moving hla family back to Oregon City from Grants Pbm ami will occupy a realdcncu at Green Point. ' Mr. and Mr. W. E. Ronncy. of Col ton, werti In town Monday, on their way to Denlng, Wash , on Puget Bound, for a vlnlt. MIh I-na Ooldcmlth returned to Han Francc laxf week where she re mime tho portion sho held before tho catastrophe. II. F. ClbMon, of Eagle Creek, wa In tho city Kuturday on buslnc con- Over thirty student are enrolled at .tin girl fell from a second story win tb Bummer Normal. I dow four week ago and received in- - juries that resulted fatally. Ed. Jerret's valuable bird dog wan polHoned by some unknown scoundrel. The Oregon City Colto won a poor- j ly played but Intomitlng game fronH The grading of Twelfth afreet up . the Outlaw nine of Montavllla at WH' the bill from JeffTnon ban been com pleted. There will be an adjourned meeting of tho city council Wednesday night, July 25, Pupil Surprise Teacher The memhera of thn old eighth graile of the Harclay aehool nurprlaed their former teacher, Mra. Viola God frey, .Monday night by arriving at her home on Hoventh Htrcet unannounced. An enjoyable evening waa apent on i Highland the luwn, an Impromptu program of iiiuhIc und talka Hiipplementlng tho lint, of gamea. Tho gueHta Included MIhhck Jeaflle Illbee, Hellen Holllnger, Wava Jlarrlngton, Uuth Hrlghtblll, Cerirude Hamilton, Kuth Derlng, and Kdna I'ark; (harlea Iloblnaon, Arthur Deutu, Fred Luce, lo KoHeiiHteln, (iaylor Cttdfrey and Earle Walker. Old newspapera for sale at, tbla of fice 25c per hundred. A dauilitT waa born Tuenday even ing to the wife of Ceorfe M. Kirk of Waahlngton, to vlnlt lier brother. Mra. J. NeUon Winner entertained ! nected with the eatate of the late A! tint Aloha Club Thuritday afierniMiii. Iiert Melitner. Robert WllllaniH and Harry Ilaxler MUhch ICdna Caullebl, Clara C'aufleld left Kunday night for Ban Franclnco. ' and Nleta Harding vIlKted from Bat Councilman and Mra. Win. Audre-1 urilay until Monday at HlllalMiro with ncn Jeft Friday morning for Newport. ! lllanche Itouitton. Mla A. C. A. Harclay Ih enjoying tho ocean bree.c and mH:lal Ufa at Bea nldiv Mitta Ltd la McCarver, of Portland, la a gueNt of her aunt, rn. C. C. Hub-cock. MIm N'lna Kelly baa been transfer red from the United Btatea Land Of llco at Hownian, Montana, to tho La (Jrande, Oregon, office. Mr. II. C. BleveriM, Jr., and aona, b ft Friday ulght for their homeH at Editor IUxon of tho Canby Trlbuno'Ban Franclaco, after an extended vlnlt null VJU'KUii y,liy rflHUVCH. Mr. and Mra. J. Bugarman, formerly of thla city, but now of Portland, were waa In the county aeat Monday on bua HMH. Carl Norberg. who recently returned from Colorado, left Friday night for Beattle. O. W. Haathain returned Monday from a Meveral day buHlncna trip to Heat tie. ilermuii I-e, one of tho oldeat act tlera f Canby, waa In Oregon City, Monday. Win. KohltiKon. of tho Fair atore, returned Bunday from a bualneaa trip to Kugene. Mra. Kiibn, of BMikan. la a guoHt of Mr. and Mra. Jacob CaxHcl) at the Klec trie Hotel. Mlaa Mabi l Chandler of Sun Fran claco la vlKltlng at the homo of Mrs. 8. A. Chane. JulliiH Coldxrullh and family of IZu gene are vlMltlng friends and relative In tbla city. Will Murnhall. merchant of IIurhcII vllle. vlaltcd bla nuither at Cancmah ever Sunday. Mlaa .Mabel Chandler, of San Fran rlHcu, U a gucxt at tho home of Mra. B. A. Cbiue. Mr. and Mra. Canper Tacharnlg are upending a few dnya on their farm at Kaluma, Wanh. Mra. Cisirge Iturlburt ha gone for a vlalt with her mother and other rcl Btlvea at Powell. Neb. In town Monday morning on their way to Wllholt Spring for an outing. Mln Ltibker went to Portland Wed neHday, whence ahe lcavea Thurnday for (ilendale, Waah., to eater on her imnieHtead claim near that town. J. W. McKay and family of tho Weat Sldo Lave gone to Sell wood, whore they will remain until Mr. McKay complete thu work he baa undertak en. Mra Willi Johnson and two child ren of !,afayctti after a two montha' vlnlt with her parent, Mr, and Mra. O. A. Cheney, returned home Wednea day. Mr. and Mra. H. O, Plnkham and B. A. Plnkham, who have been vlnltlng at tho home of Harry M. Shaw, left Friday night for their home at Mar cola. MIhh Rbeba Child ha returned from Sacramento, California, whore ahe haa been for her health. .MIhh Childs waa formerly a teacher In the Parkplace acbool Mr. and Mra. Bruce C. Curry and aon left Saturday for Newport. She will Hpend the heated term there, but Mr. Curry will return the latter part of tin month. Mr. ami Mr. Pat Kino, of Pendlo- Hoberjj-Trlpp. At the Flint United Preabyterlan church, of Portland, Monday evening, July 2, MIhb Ella France Hoberg and Mr. Clarence Carlton Tripp were mar ried by Rev. Andrew W. Wllaon. Tho bride la well known In Oregon City, where ahe formerly realded and her fnnd here wlnh her much Joy and hnpplneH. The wedding waa a very pretty af fair. The church waa decorated in la France roae and Ivy. Following a twenty-mlnuto organ recital by Mlaa Gertrude Folstead, tho choir of tho church conHlNtlng of a chorua of thirty voice, aang tho wedding march from Ijohengrln a the bridal party entered. There were four UBhera and tho brldeB- malda were Mlaa Ada McFarland and MIhh Jennie Oammlne, droHHod in pale blue, carrying aweet pea. The maid of honor, Mla Ixmlne Stewart was alno In blue. Tho bride wbh given away by her father, ChrlKtopher Ho bt!rg. K. F. Uarnea waa beat man. The brldo wort a dainty gown of or gandie, with long tull veil and train, tho veil waa caught by a brooch of dlumonda and pearla, the groom' gift About 3G0 guOHt wltneHsed the cere mony, and a reception followed at the parental home 581 Sixth Htrcet After a trip to Chicago, Mr. and Mr. Tripp will realde In Portland. He la a buyer for a large Arm in that city. Tbe brldo ia highly gifted In music and waa a aucceaaful vocal teacher. Tho miHpennlon bridge I very much Improved. In appearance In ita drea of frfcuh white paint. Jut added, our Gc, 10c, 15c Bargain Counter of hoUHehold ware, ace them at Thomson' Bargain Store. 3H1 lienry Stratum went to Gladstone Park Monday, where he will conduct a barber ahop during the Chautauqua assembly. lamette Fall Bunday, The acore was 13 to 11, and it cloaenfi waa mainly due to tbe decision of the umpire who was manager of the Outlaw nine. A return game will be played at Mon tavllla, Sunday, July 22. WILL ROASf 200 POUNDS OF BEEF FIREMEN WILL HOLD BARBECUE AND PICNIC AT CANEMAH PARK SUNDAY. Small coraet cut to 19c; hose up porter 8c; 10c hoae to 1c; 13c hose for 11c. RED FRONT. Two hundred pounds of beef will be served at the annual barbecue and picnic of Oregon Clty'a volunteer fire men at Cancmah park next Sunday. The Aurora band of 20 pie.cea will be in attendance, having contributed ita services for the day in appreciation of the consideration shown this organi zation by the firemen during the Fourth of July celebration and firemen's tour nament in July. 1905. While the fire men are to meet at the Park at 10 a. m trie only exercise oi ine aay to The doubling In alze of the p pea whch the wlc wln b(J admltted ,iU supplying the reservoir has resulted j bgln t, . 1;30 0.dock ,n the aftornooo. in greauy oeuer wir 'r u , The firemen desire it expressly mv Superintendent Howell says It will be more easy to keep the reservoir filled to it capacity of 1,500,000 gallons, and there need be but little fear of any scarcity of water for sprinkling purposes. Men' shoes 49c up RED FRONT. Joe Knowland and William Shannon left Wednesday for a two-weeks' pros pecting trip In Baker county near Sumpter. Mr Carl Caufleld left Friday night ; ton. and Mr. and Mr. I). M. Taylor, for Sun Francisco to Join Mr. Caufleld and iiialie their home. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Hidden of Mod ford are visiting hi mother here and attending Cbautaug.ua. Mr. and Mr. H. It. McAlpIn aro Kpemllng a short vacation with friend at llnlsey. Linn county of Portland, were guests Thursday of last week, of their old friend, Sheriff and Mr. R. II. Beutle Mr. M. J. Buck, of Portland Is a guest at tho home of her on, Deputy Sheriff Shirley Buck. Mrs. Buck's mother, Mr. M. K. lllig, and daughter, m is . .Margaret, of Nowliorg, aro ex- The folly of dependence upon Port land for ice cream by local dealers was shown on the Fourth when sev eral could not secure their complete orders. Possibly this will give some one the encouragement to start a fac tory here and wholesale the summer cooler to dealers in this city and near by towns. Misses Jennie Hanking and Nettle Kruse and John Flnnucan have ac cepted office positions with the Oregon City Planing Mill company. Jack Latourette went to the O. W. j P. & Ry. Co. s logging camp near Rainier, Monday, where he will be employed for several weeks. Our patterns are the latest designs. Our styles are exclusive. Miss C. Goldsmith. MONET TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent Farm security. U'Ren & Schubel. H B. Cartlidge, of Salida, Colo., has arrived in tbe city and has resumed tbe foremanshlp of the Enterprise l printery. He is acompanled by bis derstood that only active and exempt members of the city's volunteer lira department, the Mayor and member of the City Council are to participate in the big feast. At meeting of the general commlttea ' Monday evening reports were reced ed from the various subcommittees) showing the details for the day'a ex ercises to be well attended to. Tho committee on sports was reorganized and a program of interesting events in this conectlon will be provided. It was decided to make a nominal charge of 10 cent a person for spectators, who will be admitted to the grounds only after 1 o'clock. The program for tbe day will be as follows: 10 a. m., meeting of firemen on the baseball field at the Park accompanied by the Aurora band. Announcements by Dr. W. E. Carll, president of the day. Report of Chief L. O. Moore. 11:30 a. m. Serving lunch on base- wife and for the present will enjoy ; camping at Chautauqua. H. A. Gal loway, the new manager of this paper resides with his family in a part of the Eli Maddock bouse, 1309 Main street. Miss Maysie Foster has accepted tbe position of grade teacher In the Port- 1 p. m. Opening of day's sports, to which the public is cordially Invited. There will be the following events: One-hundred yard dash, open to all firemen; three-legged race; 50-yard dash, single men ;v fat men's race, con testants to weigh 190 pounds or over. The pupils of the ninth grade or tne jan(j pubiiC schools, to which she was i Tug of war between team selected irelay school enjoyed a picnic at elected last week. She has been a from Catx Barclay Magoon park, Tuesday. They were chaperoned by Mrs. W. H. Godfrey, valued teacher in the Oregon City school for the last three years. Her resignation and the non-accemance of Miss liunuun is asisting in nunuey M1s Edith Gallogly leave two vacan Bros.' drug store in place of Miss Mar- cieg to be filled by the board of direc tha Frances Draper, who has assumed torg aj tt8 next meeting, her duties as Chautauqua accompanist. Licensed to Wed. July C Julia Mark and H. Harris. H. Harris, 21. July 9 Justine Kessler and Anton Rupp. July 9 Grace Smith and F. P. Dria kell. July 11 Renlah Hungate (of Mo lalla) and A. W. Vernon (of Polk coun ty). July 11 Maude William and G. A, Blglow. The groom is under 21 and hi mother gave her consent to the IsHiiance of the license. July 11 Hattlo Frazier and Hy Henderson. All Inactive firemen will be dropped from the rolls by the Cataract Hose company, including those Irregular In attendance or in arrears in their dues. Cataract and Fountain companies and another from the two hill com panies, the winning team to have con test with the Columbia hook and lad der company, the latter company to have tbe privilege of selecting the members of its team from any of the other companies in the department. Galvanized 10 quart pails 19c; 14-; excepting only the members of the vie- Senntnr elect J. B. Hedge returned . pected soon for a visit Thursday from Toledo, whero ho had1 Mr. and Mr. Ceo. A. Harding and been on legal bushies. I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde (i. Huntley left Roy Kelly went to Seaside, Monday, i Tuesday morning for Newport, on Ya where he will act a representative of qulna bay, to attend the state conven the Evening Telegram. j turn of the Pharmaceutical association. Cnlem Cm left Wednesday for the They will return homo Friday, headwaters of the Clackamas, whero Clark Devereaux, of Eugene, stopped ho has mining Interest. off hero for a visit with his aunt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Davison of Portland, C. A. Nash, on hla way East. He goes were calling on old friends and neigh- j a a delegate to the Omaha lnterna bor in this city, Sunday. tlonnl 11. Y. P. U, convention and will . Ml Honlta Ralston, of Aberdeen, i visit his old home in Mlnesota during Wash.. Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. G. j his absence. Miller, of the West Side. Miss Ethel Cheney of McMlnnvllle, Mayor and Mr. E. G. Caufleld left spent Saturday and Sunday with her Saturday for Seaside to spend a week parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Cheney. in their cottage by tho ocean. Mis Cheney Is asaoclated in tho pbo- Mrs. J. M. Lawrence and daugttter tograph business with Miss Boss Krum of noseburg aro visiting Mra. Law' renco's sister. Mrs. C. G. Miller. Mr. W. T. Hanklns has returned to her homo at Star, Lano county, after a viwlt with Oregon City relative. MIhh Esther U'Ren, of Eugene, nleco of W. 8. U'Ren. In In Oregon City, to remain until after tho Chautauqua. t'ounciiman arm Mrs. 11. k. straigbt formerly of this city, Miss Krum hav ing charge of their gallery at Corval 11 and Mis Cheney the one at Mc Mlnnvllle. Rupert Clark visited several days with hi parents hero during tho past week. Ho Is with a surveying party working near Capo Horn, tho big pro njunotry on tho north bnnk of the Columbia, the possession of which for left Wednesday for Star. Lano county, tuniudlnu'ls just now the bone of con where they will spend their vacation. t(.ntlon 1(0twwn tho , am, ,. MIh HImIo llartmann, who bad been mnn railway systems. f.,,"' ?r; Oo,"'n,". Mra. John Gloaaon and Mrs. Robert Wednesday for her home at Seattle. Kellnnd left Sunday evening for a tour Lt'lghton Kelly left for tho Roguo in Europe. After vwltlng Mends and River valley Monday, where ho is su- relative in Chicago and New York, THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J. MEYER President Cashier Transacts a general banking business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Stephen Green, H. B. Nickels and G. C. Etchlson went to Lane county, Tuesday, where they are Interested in the Crown Boy mine, now being de veloped. Carl Arnold, formerly of this city, met with an accident in Portland re cently by which he suffered tbe frac ture of the leg. He ia at St. Vincent's hospital. quart pails 23c; large baskets 9c; small 5c. RED FRONT. Tbe latest styles and patterns In dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. ' George Turney, who purchased the R. L. Holman cigar store a few months ago, Jias sold the business to F. G. Lent, of Portland. After acquiring this property, Mr. Turney Installed ice cream parlors and fitted the place in to an attractive resort Mr. Lent, the new proprietor, is an ex-railroader who lost his eyesight in an accident He Is assisted in the conduct of the store by bis wife. Ernest Miller, the leading painter and decorator of Portland, states: "I have been in the painting business for Coke; third, necktie, Adams Bros, 30' years and can state that the Kin-t torious team. 3:00 p. m. Baseball game. In the evening there will be given a dance at the pavilion for which musio will be furnished by the Portland Marine orchestra of 18 pieces. The charge for dance tickets was fixed at 50 cents. The merchants have made the fol lowing liberal donations as prizes for the sporting events: 100-yard dash First prize, fountain pen, Huntley Bros. Co.; second, pocket-knife, Howell & Jones; third, pair suspenders, J. M. Price. Three-legged race First, pipe, P. G. Lent; second, razor, "Wilson & 50-yard dash, married men First i lock riftlnt Is thp hpsf articlo anil Plvp ! cni-li flnnr Pm-tlanrt ITlmirinw f!ll Rev. P. K. Hammon and family are I mom satisfaction in pvpi-v resnect than ifY. noKnnll can Mumaz-hinr. chorrloa among the campers at Chautauqua. , any other palnt j have used 30t4l Miles & McGlashan; third, box soda ENTERPRISE CHANGE. J. W. Cochran, who was con nected with the Enterprise for the last three years, now de votes all hi time to reporting for the Oregonlan and Tele gram. Ho has been succeed ed in the Enterprise work by H. A. Galloway, receptly from Troy, Ohio, who has editorial as well a business charge of the paper. GREATER OREGON CITY HAS 7000 POPULATION SCHOOL CENSUS SHOWS 2142 -PERSONS OP- SCHOOL AGE POP ULOUS SUBURBS. County Superintendent of Schools Zlnser has completed tho totalings of the school census taken last Febru ary and reported last month. The figures show there are 8490 persons In the county between the ages of four and twenty years, and the coun ty will receive school money on that number for the school year beginning next October. The smallest number of persons of school ago reported from any one dis trict is eight. The number in the Ore gon Citys district is 1247. This indi cates a population of 4053 in tho city at the time the census was taken. Those figures are misleading to those unacquainted with the situation for this city has a number of suburbs ad- Joining the municipal limits that ore consequently there will be no service at St. Paul 8 next Sunday or the Sun day following. W. F. Schooley who boJgbt the Schllrf retail cigar store last week,, and advertised it in the Enterprise' for sale, disposed of the business td Roy Woodward. Millinery at cost or less; half price on many hats 19c, 98c and up. RED FRONT. Ottls Kaig reported to the police that his room in the Electric Hotel was eutered Monday night through a window, and a gold watch and $10.50 stolen from bis clothing. J. I. Meyhew, recently or Canon City, Col., has purchased the Sladen building on Main street and has taken a five year's lease on the ground from H. C. Stevens. Mr. Mayhew will re model the building and establish a re tail and wholesale confectionery busi ness. He will take possession on July 19th. The lower story of the building is now occupied by the Olym pia restaurant an,d the other by the millinery stock of Mrs. Sladen. Both must move the first of next week. Laundry soap 2c and SV&c; toilet soap 2c and 2Hc RED FRONT. crackers, F. T. Barlow. 50-yard dash, single men First, gold cuff buttons, Burmeister & An dresen; second, 10 shaves, O. K. barber shop; third, razor strop, Charman & Co. Fat men's race First, box cigars, C. B. Frissell; second, shirt I. Selling; third, brush, G. A. Harding. Tug-of-war Prizes to be announced later, but a cash prize will be provided for tbe winner of the main event The management has engaged an experienced man from Roseburg to as sist L. O. Moore as chef, in prepar ing a genuine old-fashioned barbecue feast. "Jim" Hanley and George Day, mill the city Saturday, on business connect-1 on -upr Ma stF,eet ir, drunk' ed with the estate of the late Albert Meissner, of which he was recently appointed administrator. enness, fighting ani disorderly con duct in general. They were inclined to resist arrest by the night police, and one jumped on the policeman's back as the latter was busy with the other fellow. F. A. Miles happened to be passing, and as a lover of fair play he t.i a .i c wiih.,- v... picked Mr. No. 2 off the officer's back returned from points on -the Sound, j chim- sPtators s half whem thev had heon aSRStlnir in tho aCr0SS the Street The men were put The latest styles and patterns in dress bats. Miss C. Goldsmith. if, m mo . . ., .,, . ... - building of mills for the Portland I" vrJ!T. . Magistrate Dimick. Flouring Mills company. Officers-elect of Court Robin Hood No. 9, Foresters of America, will be installed next Tuesday night by Grand Chief Ranger Dalgatis, A banquet will follow the ceremonies. Wanted Gentleman or lady with, good reference to travel by rail or with rig. for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and expenses per year and expenses; salary paid weekly and expenses ad vanced. Address with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon City Ore. Dec. 21. An Editor's Reply. "Why didn't you retaliate when that fellow struck you?" "I didn't know him, and it Is our rule not to pay any attention to anonymous contributions." E. F. Story has sold his Seventh-1 street blacksmith shop to Ed Quint, J of Canby, and has himself acquired ; the Miller shop at the corner of Main and Fourth streets, where he is now located. Wanted steady help, families pre- Woolen Mills. 4t The Enterprise and the Semi-Weekly Journal, one year, $2.25 cash. tf The 0. W. P. Co. cars now run with in the city limits at greatly reduced speed, in most Instances not exceed ing the ordinance limit of seven miles an hour. '-The temper of the council was surely made plain in the notice sent by Recorder Dimick. to all intents and purposes a part of i ferred. Apply to the Oregon City tne city. The suburbanites worn m our factories, do business here or trade here. Counting within a two mile limit there are at least 7000 people. This is proven by tho school" census of the following: West Oregon City 191, Parkplace 340, Mt. Pleasant C9, Ca neniah 148, Willamette 141, or a total of 2142 children of school age. " On the same basis the population of the county lust February was 27, 590, a number certainly within bounds. Of the 8490 children enumerated, 4112 wero male and 4078 female. Superintendent Zinser Is very busy getting out his annual report, the mag nitude of which one can appreciate when one knows that over 800 sopnrato Items are carried out in many column ed detajl. The city rock crusher was started up Monday morning at Falls View, south of the Farr property. Large quantity of rock will be crushed for use In the improvement of Fifth and J. Q. Adams streets. The lower end of the former is receiving a nice coat ing of rock this week. Mrs. Clara Morey received word Monday, of the death of her five-year j old granddaughter, the daughter ot Mr. and M'-s. Axel J. Eekstrom, at! their home in Albany, N. Y. The lit- PROSPERITY dates from the first dollar saved. Per haps the best reason for saving money is, that practically nothing can be accomplish ed without it. You must have it to start you in business, to furnish your home, to educate your children, to protect you against sickness or misfortune, and to pro vide for you a comfortable, independent old age. MAKE YOUR START TODAY, DO IT NOW The BANK OF OREGON CITY Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.