1 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1906. THIRTEENTH BEAUTIFUL GLADSTONE PARK IS CROWDED TO LIMIT WITH CAMPERS. BIG ATTENDANCE OPENING DAY Welcome Add.rest By Hon. W. C. Haw ley Attractive Features of Program Proving Great Drawing Cards. One of the biggest and best years ever known in Chautauqua history is now in session at Gladstone Park. Be fore the opening day every tent was taken and campers are still stringing la like an old fashioned Kentucky camp meeting. More new faces are Been than ever before. PRESIDENT CHAUTAUQUA ASSN. Prof. Willis C. Hawley, A. M.. LL. B., congressman-elect in the Second Congressional district, is president of the Chautauqua Association. His ad dress of welcome Tuesday blossomed Into a splendid oration. The opening day's sessions. Tues day, were interesting and attended by immense first day crowds. The introductory exercises were of a more elaborate character than usu ally attends the formal opening of the assembly, the address of welcome by the president of the association, Congressman-elect W. C. Hawley. being an oration. His subject was "The Power of the Human Voice." Equally bril liant was the response of E. S. J. McAllister, of Portland. The address es were preceded by an invocation by Rev. E. S. Bollinger. A lecture by Dr. J. Whitcomb Brough I er. Portland's spectacular pulpit ora- tor, was the feature of the afternoon's program. "What's under your hat?" was the subject of the lecture by Dr. Brongher, who was presented by Pres ident Hawley as a "humorist and phil osopher." "Mrs. Martha Gielow. of Alabama, entertained big crowds Wednesday and Thursday with her Old Plantation -programs, drawing large numbers of admirers from Portland. The Oregon- ian sent up its dramatic critic, Mr. Barrett, who speaks highly of Mrs. Gielow's artistic performances. Rosinl. the juggler, has astonished Immense audiences with his amazin? feats of balancing and equilibrium. None but a cool hand and steady nerve could have accomplished such feats as balancing a lighted lamp on the tip cf a sword, and on a string, and other apparently impossible tricks. Rosinl j is delighted with Oregon, and pays a i compliment to the Chautauqua restau rant that it furnishes the be-it meal for the money of any Chautauqua In the country and he has been to all of j them. lie Is booked this year for j the sixth time at the big Colorado j Chautauqua at Boulder. PROF. A. M. GRILLEY. Pbvsleal director of the Y. M. C. A cf Portland, will have charge of all classes in Physical culture. Headquarters have been established on the grounds by the following named Institutions and organizations: Pacific "University, Professor Henry L. Bates; Philomath College, Professor and Mrs. White; Portland Woman's Club, Mrs. M. A. Dalton; Oregon State Congress of Mothers, Mrs. C. M. Wood, presi dent; Kindergarten, Mrs. A. H. Burk holder; W. C. T. U., Mrs. Henrietta , Brown, Albany; Domestic Science, Miss Lilian E. Tingle; G. A. R., and W. R. C, Mr. Blankenship; Holmes' Business College, Gordon Jones; equal suffrage headquarters, Mrs. A. S. Dunlway. .'' ' ' - V r -7 J V 'V. ' V y v W CHAUTAUQUA MRS. A. H. BURKHOLDER. Kindergarten and Mother's Study ' tory from the husky Washington boys. Classes 4o bo held under the auspices 1 The game Thursday Is by tho Port of the Home Training Assoclalm of land Trunk company and Northwest Portland. iUun and Hicycle clubs. MISS LILIAN TINGLE. Miss Lilian Tingle, who was so sue- Instructor in Domestic Science, has cessful at last year's Chautauqua, as been engaged again for this assembly. Kr; ".N,TV v ' s - ' I .: . :. t: - I -Tt GEO. H. Parsons' orchestra of eleven pleos. has been enaged for tha entire ses sion. The orchestra gives two daily . -. --r t:AJX 1 y i CHAUTAUQUA Mrs. Walter Reed, Mrs. Anne Beat- rice Sheldon, Mr. Arthur Alexander, Mrs. Rose Block Bauer, Mr. Dom J. Zan, Mrs. Imogen Harding-Brodie, Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hinges, Miss Mary Adell Case, Mrs. Kate Ward Pope, Mrs. BALLOON ASCENSIONS AND PARACHUTE JUMPS Arrangements are In progress for two balloon ascensions, just after the ball game, Monday and Saturday ev enlngs, July 16 and 21. Prof. Chris J - ; j: it A . 1 ' w ,y , 'I i i s . W v 1 . 4 B. - ft IN SESSION TWO GREAT SERMONS BOOKED FOR SUNDAY. Two grout sermons are booked for Sunday next. Miss Hollo Kearney, of Mississippi, and Ur. Krnost K. Halior, of Oakland, I'nllfurnln. Next Monday night. Dr. M. A. Mat fiows. of Souttle, lectures on "The Wonlth of Altruism." Ono of tho greatest programs In Chautauqua history comes all next week. i BASEBALL SCORES. The Northwest Gun Ulcyelo base ball club dofoatod the Multnomah Am ateur Athletic alne by a score of 17 to S at the Initial game of the tourna ment. Tuesday afternoon. In the Interesting game Wednesday afternoon, the Vancouver club defeat ed Cbemawa Indians by the close score of S to 7. The dusky lads bad the sympathy and rooting of the spec tators but were unable to wrest vie- PAPSONS. concerts of one hour each, and two hours' sacred concert on Sunday. r v ) v.. uItcz.t& rs:"!? SOLOISTS 1906. Max M. Shillock, Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton, Mr. J. Ross Fargo, Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab, Miss Ethel Lytle, Miss Evelyn Hurley and Miss Ethel M. Shea. A) las Martha Frances Draper, Pianist. Nelson agrees to go up at least 3000 feet and perhaps 7000 feet and come down with a parachute. As a sclen- tiflc display in aerial navigation the Chautauqua management has decided to take the Professor for the above named dates. Wha. t I . U ," . , r i . -i -!., -.f if. . . . "'., - AV V n CLACKAMAS Bridge over the picturesque stream LARGE MOP YIELD SURE IN CLACKAMAS FAVORABLE REPORTS FROM VAR IOUS SECTIONS HIGH PRICES EXPECTED. - ' The acreage of Imps In Clackamas ' county is greater than last year, so say local dealers. Growers from ' many sections of the county report ; heavy crops of the finest quality, j ' Most of tho hop nan uro expecting! much lietter prices than last year, basing fttelr belief on the reports that tho crop In New York Is likely to bo of Inferior grade, while the Coast hops ' win ue or the Dost. Several fields have been contracted already at 10 cents, but the majority of growers are not disposed to con tract yet. Reports say the English and German crops are poor this sea son. ,' HIS WIFE DESERTED HIM. Alfred Richards filed a suit fur di vorce Tuesday from his wife, Jane Charlotte Alice Richards, whom he says deserted him nineteen years ago and has not lived with him sinco They were married Nov. 6, 1880, at Brixton, Ixmdon, England. DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR BOWELS. Many serious diseases arise from ne glect of the bowels. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are a pleasant and agreeable laxative. They Invigorate the liver and regulate the bowels. For sale by Howell & Jones. A procession on the streets Wednes day morning was first mistaken for a belated calathumptan parade, then an advance for the St Hopkins show, but Truths About The great majority of dentists represent to their patients that a rubber plate with fourteen teeth set in a half circle is just as good as anything else for a set of artificial teeth. Some make such reptesentations knowing them to be false, others because they know no better. The responsibility for this condition rests with the dental profession A great many people would not accept a rubber or celluloid plate if they only understood the superiortty of a metal plate in cleanliness, health fulness and durability. We would like to talk to with you about metal plates for artificial teeth. Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City. Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry. We guarantee to please you. A square deal to everyone. City Phone 1293 L. L. Weinhard Building, OREGON V: m x RIVER. near the t'hiiutmupia grounds. lt proved only our fellow townsmen I Street Commissioner J. C. Bradley, Dr. A. 1.. Heal le and Dave Cnulleld starling on their Journey to Austin's i Hot Springs if. headwaters of tho 'Clackamas, The "inulea" were loaded ! with Hulling parnphornalln and ball, especially bait. Wooden guns were ! taken so they wouldn't he tempted to I shoot at game out of season, although City Attorney Campbell says that was a useless precaution as mo mniuio In such cases made and provided while jit prohibits killing game, does not say anything about shooting at said game, Tho "boys" will be gone m'vorul day and expect .to return loaded with tales. Dr. Davis Preicrlptlon for Headaches. When wo recommend and guarantee Ake ln the Mead tablet for headaches and neuralgia, It Is because wo know you must obtain relief or wo standi ready to pay your ten cents back. Suft I sure, and ulways cure. -uuuiiey uros Shocking. "She suffers u mysterious pain, nnd the doctors are going to operate." "What do they suspect?" "Why, tho symptom seem to Indi cate that the coats of lior utomach are out of stylo, of course, they Intimate nothing of this to her, for fear of the shock It might give her." ANNOUNCEMENT. We call your attention to the fact that Dcrmakola ointment Is a positive cure for Koroma, ulcers, wounds, pile, and every kind of skin or scalp troub le. It cost j 5 cents If It cores, if I It don't vie return your money. Hunt ley Bros. Tko Twlcea week Journal and the Enterprl-io. one year. 12.15, cash, tf INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar proof, and all kinds of casualty Insurance written by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of tlco with Justice of the Peace. Artificial Teeth Farmers' Indep:nien Phone 131 PICKENS Dentist ' Opposite Court House CITY, OREGON. Perlahable Millinery. Mrs. Ilognii (will, paper)-Ulory bo! Th' London mlllluera do bo trlminlii lint with rale fruit ! Mr. llogiin--Tiolli, I hope th Amer ican milliners folly milt. Iv they do, Mury Ann, think v phwiit bargain In lints ye ll bo aide to got by a luto Saturday iilghl!-I'ueK. OLD CHRONIC SORES. As n drowsing for t'liroiile mnvn there Is uolblng mo good us Chamber, lulu's .Salve, Wlrtlo It l not udvlwibhi to heal old wires entirely, tlioy should bo kept In good condition for which this salvo Is oMpi.clally valuable. For stilo by Howell & Jones, f Tho KntorpilMo mill Weekly Ore goiilnn. one year, fliS canli. it THE CHARM OF A CLEAR COM PLEXION. Nothing lends more to personal at trnetlvtiu'HM than tho clear sktii and Lfroiili complexion Hint emues to those Willi IIHO I.UXIKOIII miiiem, linn ni," fi cents, a giiuianteed cure for sallow lions mid constipation, Huntley Bros. Most elopements are due to tho fart Hint there are no wedding presents la sight. OASTOHIA, ... u ..... ii - ., A LM Bigaatai r MaUInu '' Vrn "! "My pell 1 1 'I' iiio'1. nil.i I have iii! her." H.lM the Im' 'jeeper The m i -!i:ne -t l.,i;i-ene. to bo III th ::i,-e. and b, I' lie pen and held It ov, r tin' Cis J . -1 fn- thirty see.Hid. "V 01 cull lo ike ill) old pell lis g hkI n't new." lie k;i!.1. "by holding It over tl:;ii" I ke tlil f n- Imlf a minute ami afterward dipping It Im cold water." He dipp'il I be li il pell III cold WntiT nt be p.r.;e, and It nUrled slightly. "Now try It." be ild Tin' lniil.kee.er tried the pen and el claimed Joyously, "By tioorgo. It n gwl as new a g i la " Tmi ITi rl lH'n. 8olllrt seiileiiiet a-e I i.e illl 'ifnphs: you feel that they i iiut b.ive been writ ten by these ;!.; u i one el n coub have written t! em. Htieli Is th by T-ir.eyriiiHl: "To sm CimhI In the world It U itulcli m ire tier essnry to pimsej, ' n .eM-'r.iM'in to ill" ruvcr who Is fid tbn:i to dUeovto who Is a clovf-r f in " And Nitp.deoii' ebarsrter Is drawn full length In fils senieiiilius remark of Ms: "J coiutonii I or I n'H silent." f,vi of 4intn. To cure us of our Inuoo lernto ov of gain w should wrlously rmshW how many gmd there nr thnt money-will not uirclittt and tin-no the lvtt. and liow many evils tler are thnt money will nut remedy, nnd them, tint wnrit. Colton. Wl.hr ll Wm, Mrs. Peek fooiitoMiptnuuslyt What are you anyhow, n man or n mous' Henry Peek (hlitrly A num. my der If I wer a tuoime I'd have you up on that tithl'i yelling for h-lp right nw! F.tehnnge. Serin anil Drlli-rlii. "Veil d ni t agree, then, tli.it so-ln Is believing?' " 'Not uiueh! I some people ev ery day that 1 never could Ik'Ucv" Philadelphia Ixvlg r. CONTINUE Thoa who ara saining fifth, and atravnuth by rvuular trt mant with Scott's Emulsion ahould continue that traatmant In hot waathnri amallar Ooaa and a llttl cool milk with It will do away with any objection which la attached to fatty pro duct a during tha haatad aeaaon. Senil lot Iin mpl. BroTT HOW NIC, UnmLtt, 409-41J I'url Street, Ntw Yard. oc. and fi .on all dru(il. .nWMlwi.m.illtJ CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of mm. PROCURED AND DCFCNDCD. HMirtm.lr,, urKwiui ' nn.it. i.l'jri,H-rl wHn'li Hint frm n-iHirt rr-fl mIvi,-,,, how Ut uliUUl lutbtnli!, tru.lt) nuu k I cmyrigliu, eUl in 111 COUNTRI Ca. Ilmlimf iSirrcl vilh Washington lavrs timoA mRfy anil ojttn int patent. Patent ind lnfrlngsmnt Pnctlci Excluslvaly. Wrll,t or nomn to tin Kt CM Rlnth Itnrt, opp. QnlUd (UW rtat OHo. WA8HINQTON, O. C. DENTISTRY , I At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday j on Appolntmenti. JOHNW. THOMAS, Dentist