Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 29, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Pure, raw linseed oil
I -1 4 I..
tobis IC8B man rcauy-
W-' A mixed; paint, out vvnen
w mixed with thick
pigment, gallon for gallon, it
makei the best paint for the
least money,
MImh IIi N ii Chason Iihh return"'! O "-- -r-- ------.-o
from Hiilcin. to upend the Hummer.
Miss Gleason whm reelected to teach
III Hulein the ensuing yeur.
mi Aiiiui miiiihiii, of Porting' V'N
lied Oregon City relative Sunday.
MImh Mldlam leaveH Wednesday on nil
extended trip to Pennsylvania.
Rev II II Robins, Mr and Mr. W
M Hhank and MrM. Carrie V Parker
IIiIh week lit tended t he HeHloilH of the
lliiptlst AHHoelatldn at Cortland.
C. I) lliirtriirinn haa rAiirned frftm mas. an eight tiotmd Hon
MarHhfleld where he attended the
great Council of the Improved Order George Hlmler, of Parkplace, ),,-,
of Ited Men iim a delegate from accepted a portion an fireman at. the
Wacheno Tribe, of IhlH city. OtMOD City Planing MIIIh. Mr. Mini
Mr. Job. Waber anil daughter. MlMler " experienced fireman.
Margaret; Mth. Anna MiuiHtleld, and
daughter, MImh Gertrude, of Oakland, Our patterns are the latent designs.
California, were the guests Hunday of ''r r xr-luive. Misa 0.
Local Events
Fourth of .filly furnlahlngs, dry
goods and hIioh at the right price, at ;
Thomson's HarKaln More.
llorn, Wednesday, June 20, to Mr.
anil Mth. Walter Uernler, at Clacka-!
Mr and Mth. Cha. Albright
Personal Mention
wiih In
0. II Hrown, of New Kra, whm In the
city Monday.
Dr. J W I'owell. of Molalla, wan In
Mm city Monday.
Mrn, I. Porter and liithy have re
turned from CorvalllM
HepreMcntatlve Clyde (J. Huntley
wum In Huliun Wedm-mlay.
Mr It C (ianoiiK returned Monday
evening from Grant I'iimn.
Mr. and Mrn. (I W Church have
returned from the toll Kate
Ir .1 .1 l-avllt, of Molulln
the i lly Hie HihI of the week
MImh (Iruyce MarHhull t,.i
ed Mlllon In Helling' mi
MImh BWt 1 ( 111 1 run n of Hcntlle, la
the KUeMt of the MImmom Goldsmith
A Mather, the merchant at Clack
iiinaN whm in the city Monday
J. Wallace Cole haM returned from
a liiiNliieNM trip to Cimim county
Frank McLcran. of the Wllholt
HprliiKM. wbm In the city Tin-mlay
Mrn .1 It Shaver of Molalla, vUlled
IIiIm week with Oeraon City friends,
Norman White i home from Pacific
1'nlvernlty for the Hummer vacation.
Mr C A, I'wIm Iihh returned from
a vImII with her molher at New Kra.
Mtm A (JoldMinlth and daughter.
MImh Zlda have Wtllf d from F.u-MM
w A l ley i man,
hank of Bataodi
'l lli -,ill
R, I,. JohnHon left Monday for a via
It at Wood I) urn ami IiIh old home near
1. i MiMire and hoiih have returned
from a week's visit at their old home
at HrowiiMVllle
Mrn Holier! Kelland ami Mrn Johji
(ileuMoii have gone to Kuglimd for a
three monthM' vlalt
Huperiutendeiit J C .liiMer han re
turned from a trip to IiIh farm In Polk
cunty, near Salem
Rev K H llulllnger whm at Wood-
llorn, Thursday, June 21. to Mr. and
president of the
waM III the city
burn TiivHilay night where he deliver
ed an llltiMtratcd lecture
Mrn O. W ICasthnin and dailKhter
have returned from an extended vImII
with relutlvi-M at CitMcade Iieka.
I, Woodcock, K, M. Itmifm and
MeHHrH. Hardest y and Cochran, of
Needy, were In the city Monday.
MIhm Helen HollliiKer hai returned
from Forest (irove, where ahe haM
I,, in attending Pacific I'nlvrTMlty.
(iordon MiMin-N a prominent U. of
() Mtudent, vlMlted In Oregon City UiIm
we.-li tin- guest of .lack l.atoiirette.
i Fred Hhauuon and Arthur Heater,
until recently i-mployi'M at the W P
h P MIIIh, left I IiIh week for Heattle.
I Mth. I.Uxlu Hoppel Iihh taken a Miilte
, of riMiiiiM In the Htevetia block where
I with her children she Ih now living.
II A ItandM, the Miirveyor. baa re
: turned from Idaho, where he ban been
! performltiK a large Murv?ylnK contract.
.1. M Lawrence, receiver of the
I 1 tilled Stllll!! Illllil offlc- lit ItoJ.eblirK,
I Mpent Sunday with Oregon City rola-
Trnftou M I lye whh Ki aduated laat
Vi iih hiIh evenliiK from Oberlln I'nl
verMlty with Hie degree of Hai helor of
Walter SliiaHgreen, Went em I'nlon
I TelcKraph optirator, haa returned from
I a vImII with relatlvi-K at Albany and
'Mill RobertM who Iihh been attend
i Iiik the Halem HlKh Kchiad. haa re
turned and will Hpcnd the Summer va
j cation here
I Hay llnrbiir baa returned from Van
, couver. II C. w here he whm employed
In the W. I'. Telegraph office for mcv
' eral montha.
1 Mim, W. H. Wlgglna and daughter,
of Portland. Ma-nt Sunday with Mth.
Wigv.liiH' parentH, Mr and Mth JamiH
Mrn A K Acheaon arrived Monday
from Sun FranclMco, and will npend
the Hummer with her mother, Mrn.
M J. Moreland.
Mrn Ida M Habcock and daughter,
MImh tlrace have returned to Sulem.
after a vHIt at the home of Mr and
Mri W I P'"
Traths About Artificial Teeth
The great majority of dentists represent to their
patients that a rubber plate with fourteen teeth
set in a half circle is just as good as anything
else for a set of artificial teeth.
Some make such representations knowing them
to be false, others because they know no better.
The responsibility for this condition rests with
the dental profession
A great many people would not accept a rubber
or celluloid plate if they only understood the
superiortty of a metal plate in cleanliness, health
fulness and durability.
We would like to talk to with you about metal
plates for artificial teeth.
Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City.
Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of
We guarantee to please you.
A square deal to everyone.
City Phone
Farmers' Independent
Phone J3I
Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House
MImh Hutli M, BmIHvhm. (Ifuightor ft
- i -...i a-.. n tar (J. .ill ...... i.. . ' '
Nr. HQ l ,. r,. n.liov... . Wl.o ..on iyjrH Ctlir(. ,;,,. a 10-polind MOtl.
bee,, attending Mount Angel Acadcmv & ,aitK,lt,.r of ,Jr. anf,
and College for the paat year, won the MrH , w ,,owH (f Molaa
gold medal awarded for general ex-, ,
OtllMM, Oeorge C. Brownell will be the ora-
K K. CroMM. of Helm, Tillamook r of the day at. the Khtacada Fourth
County, and Ilev. Charli M C. Croaa, of of July ce i, ration, for which elaborate
Merldlnn, Idaho, were In the city thin arr'ingemei.tM are being made for the
week, having come to attend the fun-1 entertainment of vlMltora to that city,
eral of their mother, the late Mrn a
DorcaH Holda, Monday afternoon there occurred In
Mra K. V. Rand returned Monday 'hla city a double wedding, the prln-
venlng from Corvallli where ahe han ' Ipaln being . Nellie Andernon and A.
been vlMltlng frlendn and attending ' Wallace; .elrna And.-rHon and E.
cnmmei,(ement exerclMCM at the State F. Wallace.
Agricultural College.
MImh Kvb Phllllpa, who haa been at
tending MbOOl In Oregon City, la via
King relatlvea and frlenda here, be
fore going to her home In Tillamook
WaHhlngton County (Koreat Orove)
D. C. I.atourette, a banker of Or1
Old newMpaperM for aale at this of
fice 25c per hundred.
l.adleH, have your anlta made by
Mr. K. Webater. He la from San Fran
claco, la up to date In Htyle, will fit
you perfectly and give you good work.
dates from the first dollar saved. Per
haps the best reason for saving money is,
that practically nothing can be accomplish
ed without it. You must have it to start
you in business, to furnish your home, to
educate your children, to protect you
against sickness or misfortune, and to pro
vide for you a comfortable, independent
old age.
Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Men'a $1 canvaa ahoea, leather aole
49c; men'a lace ghoea $1.44; white;
oxfordH 83c, 99c, to $1.19 for ladiea.
The week atarted off brinkly In a
matrimonial way, four marriage li
RED FRONT. Clinton Hargrove, Pulp Mill Employe,
Meeta Death in River.
gon City, attended' the Annual Hoard J'rlceM reaaonable. Room 15. Electric
meeting of the college TucH.lay. He u"1' "r'
wkh at one lime I'rofeaaor of mathe
matlcH In the college. Telephone
KeglMter. (McMlnnvllle.)
P. H. Sroat, of Salem, candidate for
Hccrctary of Htate on the Democratic
Loat June 22, 190C, on Molalla road,
creek, package containing pair men'a
pantH, pair ladiea' ahoea and one bed-
unri.u.l I iiovi, ot llrnnnn f'llv nnul.
ticket In the recent election, waa In ,,.,. (. . w , r
the !ty Tui'Mday. He wan dlatrlbut- . '
lug ail vert Inlng matter for the big cel
ebration to In- held by the Elka at
Kalem, June 'W to July 4, Inclualve.
Dra. Heatlo &
ItoouiB 10. 17, 18
caealaauing from the County C erk a, , c Ha e an ,ove of the
office Monday aftrnrn a followa: : Wlllaniette PuIp & Papt.r Minf) M
Anna Wagner of Wl aonvllle. and Mar- from tram Qn wh,ch he WM
tin Dragae t. of Hood River; Nellie An-;workj d dmwned ,n the wll.
derHon and A. I.. Wa ace: . ma An-1. . . . . . m . .
. , n r, j r. o i j i j n.n i i ' ameiie Kiver laie i uesaay anernoon.
between (Oregon City and Caufleld deraon and E. F. Wallace; Mabel ; ...fnvi) aa hoDuJ .uv,,,
Suarta and Henry P. toaa. ! acr an e,eyated platform over the
The funeral of the late Mra. 8. A. aid hTwLmwn
,,, , . . , , . entangled in a rope and he waa thrown
Blackburn took p ace Monday after-, drowning In aight of
noon from the Methodiat Eplg)Pal : fe,low.workme. who were unable
churchy Rev. ft C. Blackwell off ciat- Tfae wag recovered
Ing. Mra. Blackburn died In Portland, following the accident
Saturday- afternoon. Several years cogt h
HI iiiT; JUij a 4oaj iijvuiiu, i--
per cent. Farm aecurlty. U'Ren
t Schubel.
Beatle, Dentlata, ; Thomaa F. Johnaon, of Bolton, and city by a Southern Pacific train and
- .. 1 11 ..r. ... I ' n nifi
r..lk, n.,IMI.. A n ii ft l.lnonlvt w.-re mnrrlerl Snmliiv , hnr o,.r. woo Hllo,l In a limoin -omr, i wa' Beu 4" nun ica.cn a mm
, .ii.n.i-i i u. - "v. --. " - "WHS --""'I' onfi phildrpn He and h in famllV
Mr. Johnaon being an employe at the
! Willamette Pulp & Paper MIIIm.
Saturday. June 23. 1M6, at the home Multnomah lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A.
IX-ceaaed had many relatives In this
city, where ahe formerly resided.
came to Oregon City
about six months ago.
Death by accidental drowning1' was
' the verdict reported Wednesday af-
a : -. i .. . i i .. . i
our i n u .ever is urevcnieu uy w : . . .. I , . ... ,
of (ieorire I. PratherH at ll.M.d River i ,,n,iv nl..ht T.tHerv..d Si !,,,., , T.r b.a i Vnn.!n D' lne coroners jury law m
Oregon, Mlaa (ioldle Hall and Mr. day by a special meeting. This is Jut at good. Our price 60 cents
City Drug Store.
rlage In the presence of relatives and with Maaonry that la annually observ-
frlendM. Rev. 8helly officiating. Many ed.
presents were received and aftf-r the m
ceremony the coiipl, drove out to (,. The latest styles and patterns in ! Tuesdav to serve 25 days in the coun
I. WllkliiH where a large wedding din- dress hata. Miss C. Goldsmith. ! ty Jail for drunk and disorderly Con
ner WaH Served. Those Iiresent Were: ! a Hunt nn the ,.r..e..dini- ftav when he
Mr and Mrs. Wllklns. Mr. Claud Hall, The Clackamaa County Summer struck another man with a rock be-isn'p-
quired In to Hargrove's death. In its
verdict, the Jury recommended that
the gang plank spanning the canal,
where deceased waa thrown Into the
George Macklnnaw waa sentenced lJjf? TlJJSZ
E. Hargreavea, J. A. Tufts, H. Peck
over, J. C. Sawyer and H. Blanken-
MIhhi Vera ami Ollle Hall. Edith, normal Hchiwl waa convened Monday ; cause he had been denied permission
Funeral services will be conducted at
........... ....., u..... uuilliai nvu.nyi "oo muiruvu jwwwj I aunt: uc Iiau UTTVU UCUICU lluunsiuu tilt j - . . r. -
Myrtle n,,d Tilly Wllklns and Mrs at the Y. M. C. A. building with an at-! to ride on a wagon that was already n loc,kT Fnda m ? "f hl km!!.
Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman will re
side in HiHid Itlver for the present
tendance of 23 teachers. The Instruc-1 heavily loaded. A few weeks ago
J. Robert Landstorough at the First
mcu. icii mxno agu . , .
tors are Sups-rintendent Zinser, Prof, while In the city Jail. Mackinnaw de-, ""."". TLm v' rT
T. J. Uary and Prof. 1. A. Read. i mollshed all of the furniture, also the 7" '- "V""u", " '"T D,
. stove, with which the place was sup- 'S vTh members of Court Robln-
i. ,i ih. ci.r Liu hood No. 9. Foresters of America, to
t . (iiicu. ,Mnh tho ' w a memhar
Hata ouehalf price; all hata re- Tuesday evening, two new members
iluced Children's trimmed leghorns w,.r(. initiated and refreshments were
fit - U nAMrfx In n I. ...It
Joe Smith, who waa arrested by 1,1 lleuu lue " "
n cents and up. tall while the as- served. This was the last meeting of Chief of Police Burns Saturday, Tues- " m
Hortment Is good. ithe Chapter until September when the dav afterncxin in Justice court pleaded! crxc aociiit daniui r.AMAt .
regular meetings will b resumed. guilty to the charge of stealing bond '
a i wires from the Oregon Water Power
KEELEY RIVERS WEDDING. Dr. George Hoeye, dentist, Caufleld & Railway Company's track between j The canal will be 46 miles long, va-
Building, Oregon City. j this city and Portland. A sentence of rying from 250 to 500 feet wide at the
Wednesday evening at the home of one year in the County Jail was 1m- top and 150 feet wide at the bottom,
the bride s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mac A wedding was celebrated Wednes- posed but this penalty waa reduced to S The locks will be twins, built of
Klvers. at Parkplace Miss Bertha j day In this city. During the afternoon three months, with the understanding ! concrete masonry. Each one will be
Rivers became the wife of James Kee- .Catherine Uvina Dye and Henry ! that when Smith has completed his j 738 feet long and 82 feet wide, with a
ley. of Portland, the ceremony being : Suales w ere united In marriage at 1 sentence he is to leave the State, j lifting capacity of 30 to 32 feet. There
performed by Rev S P. Davis of this n. Court House. County Judge T. F. ' Smith came here recently from Salem, will be two pairs at the Atlantic en
city, In the presence of the many Ryan officiating. j but the name under which he was ar- trance to Lake Bohio. two pairs at
friends and neighbors of the contract- j m - m rested and sentenced is known to be 1 Pariso and one pair at Miraflores.
Ing parties The bride was attended The next meeting of the Clackamas ! other than his true name. I Lake Bohio will be an artificial lake
by Miss Elsye Frlederlcb as brides- , Pomona Grange will be held with Mo-j on the summit level, covering 81 square
maid, the groom being supported by j lalla ('.range No. 3lo on Wednesday, j Wanted Gentleman or lady with ' miles and 55 to 65 feet deep.
Wm Rivers, a brother of the bride as i July . The members of the Molalla! d reference t0 travel bv rail or i Alhajuela Lake will store the water
!..... n... .1 f .. ... I M .- . I. ..... , I .... i . .... .. ................. , . . .. . I
IFt'nt null.. ..li. ail. I .ill... Ii-rn-j i.n,i . VtlHUKt' all IIUIMIIK ill I .111.' lll' iit. 1UI
the 10 o'clock car for their home In j the entertainment of all visitors at
Portland, where the groom Is employ- that time.
ed .snd had furnished a home for the
reception of bis bride
The Woman's Club anil their friends
spent Wednesday on a picnic at Wil
lamette, this being the final meeting
before the Slimmer vacation. The
Club will resume Its meetings In Oc
tober, but It is proposed to tender the
pioneers of Clackamas county a recep
tion some time during September. The
ladies went to Willamette at 11 o'clock
and were Joined at the noon hour by
their husbands anil invited friends
for lunch. In thetaftcrtuHin the club
held n business meeting. The club
calendar for the season 1906-7 Is being
prepared by the calendar committee
and will soon bo in the hands of the
printer. The club has adopted the
Oregon (Irape as the club Mower and
carnation red as the club color.
Wanted steady help, families pre
ferred. Apply to the Oregon City
Woolen Mills. 4t
i Mrs. P. K. Hammond, of St. Paul's
Kpiscopal cnuren. .Monday aiternoon
entertained at her home the members
ith rir inr n firm nf MM ooo 00 of the Chargres River by means of a
capital. Salarv $1,072 per year and 'masonry dam, which will take five
expenses per vear and expenses H years to build and coat $3,500,000. It
salary paid wee'klv and expenses ad-1111 cover 59no acres, be 165 feet deep
vanced. Address" with stamp, Jos. ' and furnish motive power for the locks
A. Alexander. Oregon City, Ore. and for lighting the whole canal.
i ne most uinicuu prouieiu is iu wu
trol the Chargres River, which at
times floods the Panama railroad to
,Dec. 21.
'We have better roads right here
vc iittt' urun iupw i ui- n til
Clackamas county than has Wash-, a lt " 1,
said Commissioner T. I
DeLesseps estimated that it would
of her Sundav school class. A short ingum loinoj, hm v. umm.nniy .icogt jic6.000.000 and take eight years
musical and literary programme was , 11 Killen who returned I uesrtay irora flnign cana, Hig compauy
followed by the serving of refresh-! a business trip to Forest Grove and th ml to ljm
maoU. .HlltebOW. Mr. Killen reports that the, j260.0O0.000 and failed after do-
, I roads in the immediate ytcinity of ! y two-fifths of the work.
. . . . l'.iii.wi i :mvu a r-i tiit niar v uc t'tui i " . . .
Effie M. Edwards, formerly KITie M. i'""" "' --
Roadarmel, is suing Matthew C. Ed-; as those leading into Oregon C ity
wards for a divorce, alleging deser-! while from a trip into the interior of
tion. Thev were married in San Fran-! the county, he found that the highways
Cisco In April. 1904. Plaintiff is rep-"" t't" '"' '.' """"
Merton Bell, of Gladstone, Has Been
esented by GTordon E. Hayes and asks ; those in this county. Considering the
to resume her maiden name.
difficulty of constructing and main-
The I'nited States bought the canal
property and the Panama Railroad for
$40,000,000 and a perpetual lease to
the Canal Zone 10 miles wide for $10,
000.000 from the Republic of Panama.
It is estimated that the completion
of the canal will occupy eight years
taining roads in Clackamas county. cost $12500O0oo.
The latest styles and patterns in this county is to be congratulated on
dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. navmg ..ucusnr ui., "
t ' vlceable highways. These roads corn
Agent Miller, of Wells Fargo & Co.'s j Pare favorably with those of any other
express, has established his office in ' county in the state,
the building formerly occupied by I " 1
I poll request of Sheriff Word, of
Multnomah county. Sheriff 11. V.
Trembath Wednesday evening went
to Gladstone and arrested Merton Hell
on n warrant charging him with II
leal voting in Sellwood precinct In
the recent election. Bell was taken to
Port land and was released on furnish-
lug bonds In the sum of $500. Bell is
one of the men against whom indict
ments have been returned for irregu
lar voting in Sellwood precinct at the
June election, as a result of the In
vestigation that is being made by the
district attorney's office in Multnomah
Bell Is charged with having voted In
Sellwood precinct although he is a res
ident and freeholder of Clackamas
county. Hie accused man claims that
while he voted at Sellwood, he voted
for but two men. viz: Governor Cham
berlain and .1. M. dentin, for Senator.
He says that If an opportunity will
he given him he will select front the
ballot cast In Sellwood precinct the
ballot cast by himself. But it is un
derstood that in swearing in his vote,
Mr. Hell made affidavit that he was n
resident of the precinct in which he
voted and it is on the strength of this
Irregular affidavit that his arrest waa
Frank Newton near the S. P. Passenger
depot. The Western I'tiion Telegraph
office, will remain in the old office
Socialists Meeting Sunday.
The regular meeting of the Social-
Drying preparations simply devev
op dry catarrh ; they dry np the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heala. Ely's Crsam Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
50c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
- an i t , . . ..1 ,...1 nnnrv unrfnlA t-nli.IV-
'. V. n ", UlCl a ix ii. i.i.,:v ., nv. ..n.,.,
Store. "O Rosea of June and 1 ne ,.."i...... . .. " ' jnc immediately the paiufid inflammation
i Pi.i-i.iiis.. " l,v th.. snn... finis win atso occupy some mm. aim vu. V,,B rW n Rm rm
Main and Fifth -streets, with Walter its will be held in Knapp's hall Sun
Sheasgreen in charge. , at ? A Program con-
, sisting of music and addresses will
"Just Around the Corner." a song, rendered. The principal feature of
written bv Mrs. Martha C. Hnyward. these meetings in the future will be a
of Clackamas, arranged and publish-, study of the writings of Carl Marx in
ed bv the Pioneer Music Co. of Chi- ,h' " hort debates on various
. ..... . .. iinssm.es which nre piinsiilereo e-
cago. is on sate at iiuiuteys hook -----
will be published in the near " v 1UU opi'K nw
i state constitution for the party.
With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
MlUlnerv prices cut nearly in two.
0!le. $1.4; up. RED FRONT.
Mrs. W. E. Joh&aon, of the First
Methodist church Sunday School, on
Monday entertained the members of
her class by giving a delightful picnic
on the banks of the Clackamas river. I
Games were played for which prizes
were awarded Misses Nettie Kruse, ;
Imogen Myers and Hazel Kennedy.
Ethel Jones, who was married to
E. C. Jones, at Vnncouver, Washing
ton, In October. 1803, has brought
suit for divorce, alleging cruel and
inhuman treatment and the threaten
ing of her life by the defendant. Plain
tilt' ftgka tu resume her maiden name,
Ethel Morrison,
Transacts a general banking business.
Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.