2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1906. Oar Cott espondents Corner t 1 Brkf IUU ot Gossip From At! Part of the County. j REDLAND. Mrs. John Derringer died tho 23 Inst, and was burlod on tho follow Ins Sunday. Miss Maud Stone, who recently grad uated from the Normal department of Willamette University, is now homo lor vacation. Mr. Howard Gill, of Logan, was re cently a Redland visitor. Haying is now begun in earnest. Mr. Brock, our central man. recent ly installed a phono for Mr. Pologn. Mr. M. Black of Salem, passed through our town last Sunday. A picnic Is planned at Viola picnic grounds on the 4th. A great number are talking of celebrating at Glad stone Park. Our road supervisor is tearing out the corduroy and grading up the road on the Viola hill and bottom. The rock crusher has arrived and it Is planned to cover the grade with crushed rock as soon as it is conven ient to operate the machine. Miss Minnie Hulbert is working for Mrs. Bonney. Mr. Pat O'Connor was recently our town. in DEADLY SERPENT BITES are as common In India as are stom ach and liver disorders with us. For the latter however there is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters; the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville. S. C, aavs: "They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering wl'.h dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver" Electric Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder disorders Sold on guarantee by Howell & Jones, druggists. Price 50 cents. SUNNYSIDE. Farmers are very busy, some are haying, but the weather is cloudy to dry the hay good. Emmet Odell has two or three pick ings of strawberries yet, and has quite a good many pickers. Raspeberries are also getting ripe. Mr. Royer, the Dunkard Minister, Is still very low with pneumonia. Mr. Reed is repairing his threshing machine and getting it in order to thresh the grain. We hope he may do well. The people of Sunnyside are talking of a tile factory, also railroad at that place. Joe Deardorff has been buying sev eral sheep again, but he won't go back on the goats; they are the fellers to clear the land. Mr. Stoll has been digging potatoes for market. Otto Smith had a number of cherry picKers last Saturday. People will meet at iho nirni i ground and clear the underbrush out, ' the bod- Herbine 'M keep It in con next Saturday, preparatory for the' I ditlon. V. C. Simpklns. Alba, Texas, 4th of July. Mr. W. Baker has sold'1""8- "I have used Herbine for chills his place; also Mr. Holmes has sold an(1 teveT and And it the best medicine his place. DEATH FROM LOCKJAW never follows an injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antiscep tic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, mer chant, of Rensselarsville, N. Y.writes: "It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds, burns, and ores. 25 cents at Howell & Jones, drug store. MOLALLA. Hot weather prevails. . Crops are doing splendid. T. M. Cross received a message Friday telling him of the sudden death of his mother at Gladstone. Miss Myrtle Cross is home again, atood the ride out well, has her can vass house pitched in the sunny cor ner of the yard. After a week's vacation at home, Miss Leavitt has gone to Seattle to attend Summer school. W. A. Shaver broke the cross-head in his sawmill Friday. Fred Schafer bought a new saw for his mill without a hole in it, so had to return it for completion. Three days after the 4th of July, will be the next regular meeting of No. 310. It Is very important that members be in attendance because of the fact that the Clackamas County District Pomona Grange meets at Mo lalla four days afterwards, Wednes day, July 11th. A Safe Headache Cure. We ask our customers to try Ake-in-the-Head tablets for neuralgia and headaches with the understanding that you must get immediate relief or your money back. Safe, sure and six cures for ten cents. Huntley Bros. UNION HALL. Mr. Willis Ewlng, of Portland, was the guest of Mr. J. L. Thomas this week. Grandma Burns. Miss Nancy Thom as, Mrs.' James Burns and two child ren, Creston Thomas and Mrs. J. D. Wllkerson and Miss Ruby Toedrneyer were the guests of John Mohan and family last Sunday. L. P. Burns and son Louis went to Mother's Ear a woo m MOTMn't a whm numnma ah immtmr, aho im rum Tim THAT COM '"Ml THAT SCOTT'S EMULSION muMHjma rum kxta ara-or no MOummMMMHT mo scrssr rom rnm hialth o morn mother aho CHILD. Send for free (ample. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUta, 409-415 Pearl Street, New Yotk. 50c. and $ 1.00 j all druggist. Oregon City Saturday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nash un til Sunday. Mrs. Chas, Thomas and Miss Ber tha Higgs were the guests of the for mer's mother, Mrs. E. Bowman, of Maeksburg. John Burns and T. J. Grimes ore vorkiug for Chas. Bowman this week Miss Mary Mohan of Portland Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J Mohan. Mrs. James Parker was the guest of Mrs. John Thomas last Sunday. Our road boss, Mr. Adam Knight. and IXnig. Pitnick, are doing quite a lot. of work on the roads in this vi cinity. They are opening a portion of the road near I'nion Hall. James Fryear and family have moved to Mr. James Adklns' sawmill. Joe Thomas has purchased a horse from Bill Cribble. John Mohan and family visited Mr. James Wllkerson and family last Sat urday evening. George Kellnnd and wife visited the latter's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Peter Engle. We noticed Curtis Helvey pass one day last week with a new hay rake. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Grimes made a business trip to Canby last Saturday. Mr. Robert Vorpahl W building a large silo on his farm. Unknown Friends. There are many people who have used Chamberlain's Colic, Chalera and Diarrhoea Remedy with splendid re sults, but who are unknown because they have hesitated about giving a testimonial of their experience for publication. These people, however, are none the less friends of this rem edy. They have done much toward making it a household word by their personal recommendations to friends and neighbors. It Is a good medicine to have in the home and Is widely known for Its cures of diarrhoea and all forms of bowel trouble. For sale by Howell and Jones. DOVER. Grandma Deshazer Is able to sit up in bed. Dr. Walters spent several days on his farm last week. A. J. Kitzmiller met with quite an accident last Friday night while out looking for a cow. His gun went off. the bullet passed through his foot. They took him to Portland hospital. At last reports he was doing nicely. Guy Woodle is carving the mail from Dover to Sandy in the absence of the regular carrier. THERE ARE FEW people who know how to take care of i themselves the majority do not The .liver is a most important organ in I ever used. I would not be without it. It is as good for children as it is for grown people, and I recommend it It is fine for lagrlppe." Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. CLACKAMAS. Strawberry picking is over, and pea picking is the order of the day. Peas of the best quality are sold In the market, others are delivered at the canneries. At a special meeting of Grange 298, P. of H., held Saturday evening. June 23. a building committee, consisting of E. C. Chapman. Frank Talbot, and Henry Roadermel. was appointed to look after the interests of the new hall. Mrs. H. S. Webster and family will go to Seaside Immediately after the Fourth. Mrs. Webster has rented a cottage for two months at that re sort. A. O. Hayward went up to Redlands Tuesday to help Walter Emmet build a barn. Mrs. S. Mather, Mrs. J. S. Steph enson, Mrs. R. M. Kelly, were appoint ed delegates to atened the meeting of the W. H. M. C. held June 27, In the First Congregational Church. Port land. Grandma Gruber went up to Hub bard last Friday, to spend a week or two among her many friends in that place. Where to spend the Fourth, is now the question. Family parties and a picnic diner will be the solution for many Clackamas people. If you know the value of Chamber lain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the diseases for which it Is especially val uable: sore nipples, chapped hands, burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 cents. For sale by Howell & Jones. CARUS. The farmers in this vicinity are making hay. Potatoes are looking fine in these parts. Several from here went fishing Sun day. Miss Edith Jackson spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. C. Spangler. Born, to the wife of Charley Nob let t, a son on the 20th inst. Edna Irish spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Maggie Stewart and daughter Floy, spent the afternoon at E. How ard's Sunday. Agnes Burgess is working for Mrs. Wells, at Liberal. Miss Clara Schoenborn did some sewing for Mrs. Spence last week . The charivari and dance at Ander son't Monday night was a grand suc cess. Abb Thomas of Beaver Creek, bought some sheep from Wm. Davis one day last week. Ralph Howard spent a few days at home last week. Mr. Lawrence Darrlnger and Clyde Smith left Monday on their fishing trip down the Columbia. Lew Bucknor -is working at Cum min's saw mill. Nearly every one here are preparing for the big celebration at Wrights' Springs, A few from here took In the picnic at Macksburg Saturday. The Very Best Remedy for .Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Dorroughs, an old and well konwn resilient of Bluffton, Intl., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as tho very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy In my family for sev eral years. 1 am never without It." This remedy Is almost sure to bo needed before the summer Is over. Why not buy It now and bo prepared for such an emergency? For sale by Howell & Jones. GREENWOOD. Fanners In our vicinity are taking advantage of the line weather making hay. Geo. McCormack was visiting here Saturday and Sunday ami left Monday morning for The Dalles, where he will continue his work for the rail road company. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stoker and family were the guests of Chas. Rider and family Sunday. Miss Ma Lucy, of Portland. Is vis iting her cousin, Anna Cahlll. this week. Several from here attended the strawberry social at Central Point last Thursday evening. Alfred Gregory was home visiting his parents over Sunday. Dave Thomas,, who hail his leg broken. Is getting along nicely at the St. Vincent Hospital. Enos Cahlll attended the old soldier's encampment at Grants Bass. Boss Mead and Ruth Braker were visiting at Clnrkes last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thomas went to Portland last Sunday to see their son Davie. Anna Cahill was visiting in Portland from Sunday till Wednesday of last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Lucy. A HAPPY MOTHER will see that her baby Is properly cared for to do this a good purga tive is necessary'. Many babies suf fer from worms, and their mothers don't know it if your baby Is feverish and doesn't sleep at nights, It Is troub led with worms. White's Cream Ver mifuge will clean out these worms In a mild and pleasant way. Once tried always used. Give It a trial. Price 25c. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. TWILIGHT. Clarence Old has been suffering from an attack of measles. Mr. Geo. Holland and wife were vis iting at the home of his brother Tom last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lazelle and Miss Em ma Wilehart attended Warner Grange at New Era last Saturday. Mrs. McCord has been staying In Portland the last two weeks with her daughter who is sick. Mrs. Mollle Spence who has been visiting at Mountain Ash Stock Farm, has returned to her home in Port land. A meeting was held In Twilight hall last Friday evening, June 22, and the new district was organized, and the following officers elected directors, Geo. M. Lazelle, Wm. McCord. C. E. Swick, Clerk, D. L. Boylan. Complexion Secrets. To remove pimples, moth spots, Bal- lowness, blotches, clear up the com plexion and put the bloom of youth in the cheeks use Laxakola tablets, a positive cure for constipation. 25 c at Huntley Bros. UNION MILLS. There seems to be quite a bit of sickness in this neighborhood at pres ent. A number are cutting hay this week. Charlie Boynton has purchased a bunch grass horse. Edwin Trulllnger, who has been quite ill of measles, Is somewhat bet ter. Fred Woodslde has sold one of his horses to Mr. Daniels. The dances that are being given at Liberal are quite a success; the music is of the best and the piano is a great help. Misses Blanche Wiles, Mary Trul llnger, and Eva Wallace, all have the measles. Dell Trulllnger Is logging with a traction engine, which we hope will prove a success. A number from here have gone down the Columbia river for the fishing sea son. Mrs. Ashby and children are spend ing a few days at Salem. Mr. Evans and Mr. Turner have gone to the mountains on a mining expedition. Ida Boynton spent Sunday at the Wallace home. Misses Jennie and Jessie Aklns, who are cooking at DJx's saw mill spent Sunday with their mother. Will Currens has his phone put up now and is ready to talk. rHt fCPANDl !ss)eel MAKER OS WATERPROOF OILED (LOIHmV r5LI(KR5,POMMEL SUCKERS AND HATS." FOLLOWING OUR SUCCtSifci AT PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO AND OTHER EXPOSITIONS WE WON THE 1 HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD i .AT THE 5T.LOUI5 WORLDifAIR rTUniiK . iVjfoN m "mo TlCsT H t TOWtl fAHADIA J CO LIMITED,, y Pied Woodsldo aold mime beef cat tle to Newt. Parr a few dnys ago. , DID YOU NOTICE ITT . Tho Astoria & Columbia River Rail road Co.'s latest Souvenir Post Btxdt containing 12 half tone views of Clat sop Beach and other points of inter est along Us lino between Portland and Seaside Is making the hit of the season, Everybody wants It and you w ill have to place your order enrly to avoid the rush. Mailed free ujiou np plication to J. C. Mayo, (I. P. A.. As torla, Ore., or C. A. Stewart, Agent, 2IS Alder St., Portland, Oregon. STAFFORD. Farmers are busy and Jubilant car ing for the satisfactory yield of hay, and the nice days we have had to cure the same and get It hauled under cover. A man was around Monday selling a map of Oregon. We hnvq not seen It as yet. therefore cannot say as to Its excellence. Ills price was l.!0, which Is cheap enough If It Is a map uptotlate, but If It Is a rehash of the old maps, It Is dear Ht any price. A fellow comfortably dressed, look ing strong enough to work and per haps about thirty years old, appeared at the back door to Mrs. Gage's kitch en Monday morning, and asked for his breakfast. While eating ho asked If he was In Clackamas county. She told him he was half a mile from the line Ho volunteered tho Information that he came from Oregon City. Per haps tho Judge bad turned him loose and warned him to get out of the county. There Is something of a mystery lurking about Stafford, and we have been listening for what wo shall hear, but hear nothing. In the quiet still ness of tho Sabbath twilight tho sharp crack of a gun was heard, Im mediately followed by the klyl of a dog. almost Instantly hushed. W'hoso gun. whose dog? Perhaps Stafford history Is to repeat Itself. .Men are still at work hauling cin ders from the pipe-works ut Oswego onto the roads. It was at first thought each team could haul 1 yards by doubling teams up hill, but iimii weighing a load at lllckner's It was found to weigh over (Ioimi pounds, which was decided to bo too much, so wo hear. The grader has been hauled up to Pleasant Hill again. Henry' Schat. Is working In Mr. Nlmlc's hop yard. The hops are look ing tine. ! Mrs. Renter was quite sick last week, but Is better now, although af flicted with a bad cough. Mr. Saum does not appear to mend very much, has frequent alarming sick spells, but between times feels com paratively easy. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS ON THE CORVALLIS 4. EASTERN RAILROAD TO NEWPORT AND , RETURN. Sunday excursions to Newport and return on' the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad will leave Albany ..EVERY S FN DAY AT 7:30 A. M... Arriving In Newport at noon, return ing leave Newport at 5:30 p. m., giv ing 5 hours at the finest resort on the Coast. Health, rest and pleasure for the weary worker. Three day and season tickets from all S. P. points good going or return ing on Sunday excursion trains. rare from Albany, Corvallls or Philomath 11.50 for tho round trip. Connection at Albany with Eugene Iocal going and South bound over land on return. RUSSELLVILLE. News are scarce In this part of the country, as all we can hear Is measles, but we hope for something better soon. as all the measle patleinu are able to be up again. N. A. Fllnn and M. S. Trulllnger are both on the sick list this week. Miss Judith Poulson, of Portland, accompanied by Mr. Baxter, are vis iting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Poulson this week. Elders F. G. Speck and Jacob Har- less were visitors In onr vicinity last week. Elder Speck delivered three able discourses at our school house, district No. 5(i. Camp meeting at Wright's Spring on the picnic grounds, beginning July C. All are invited to come and hear the Old Jerusalem Gospel preached In all Its glory and ancient simplicity. , m m . OABTOIIIA. Bn tha -Jf oa 1)3,8 W3W UM RATES. Newport, Yaqulna Bay, Breltenbush Hot Springs From All S. P. and C. 4. E. Points. On and after June 1, 1D0C, the South ern Pacific in connection with tho Corvallls & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaqulna and Detroit at very low rates, good for re turn until October 10, 1900. Three day tickets to Newport and Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at tho seaside. Season tickets from all East Side and from all West Side points, aro also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tour ists to visit the Santlam and Brelten bush Hot Springs In the Cascade mountains, which can be reached In DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: 8aturday on Appointments. JHNO W. THOMAS, Dentist pmii i.i. ii 1 u..!,.!.! mm nun 11 11 1 iiiiiiiiuii.jiLiiii.Miii!Miii,iu.Miiii,iiii, .muni iin m;.,l.. 1 mm " 1 jmi n i ii in immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmami mr Ii mi rltHAi I if "MS I 1 1 M wMHiwrnvirag) III I si, .,l,..:Ui. ,ln....i..li,-,..,i,:i. ; 11 1.1"' , ; ,ji i : AV'cCclalJc PrcparallourorAa- 5iiuiiaiiiRUicioixiniuii(tuLi ting the Siumuiiis aiulboweU of aTOtnotert"Dtcs(lon,CIfcrful Ticss nrui Rcst.Contalns neither Opnitn.Morphiite nor Mineral. Not Nahcutic. aou aswinrtraajt Apcrfccl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stonwch. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,r "evcrish utss and Loss of Sleep. YacSimita Sijnaturt of new vonic. EXACT COPY Of WHAPFEB. ono day. Season tickets wilt be good for re turn from all point until October 10. Threeday ticket will be goo.l going Saturdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vici nity will bo good for return via tkn East or West side dt option of pas senger. Ticket from EuKene. and vi cinity will be good going via tho Le banon Springfield branch If desired. BaggaKo on Newport ticket checked through to Newport, on Yaqulna tick et to Yaqulna only. Sunday excur sion to Newport on the C. & E. will begin Juno loth or 17th and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Albany at 7:30 a. rn.; leavo Corvallls g a. in. S. P. train connect with the C. ft "Taking Timo All oWrvinj peuplo iiuiHt have nnticiil a growing sentiment in thia country in t.ivor of uuig only put-up f-i" .1 and iiieilii-oiet of known com poMitioii. It is but milunil that one should have une interest in (lie coin jH.fMlion of ibnt mIiicIi be is expected to swnllow, wh-Hier it be food, drink or medicine. Tin ni'iilirni-nt bus re iiilied in the introduction in the legis lature of iii:my ul the Stale, a also in the Con, re of the t'nited States, bill providing for the publication of formtiU or irircdient on wrapper a'i'l labeU of uie-l.i'iiies and food put U; for general c niiiiii)ttoii, Icoj4iii;mi tli,s growing disposition on the part of the public generally, and nutiMicd that the fullext publicity can only add to the well-earned repu tation of hi proprietary medicine, Dr. It. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., ha "taken timo by the forelock," a it were and if nil)liliing broaden."!-, ami on each bott'o wrapper, a full and com plete lint' of all the ingredient entering lllt hi me liciliex, "(iolden .Medicitl Discovery," the popular liver invigor ator, sUim:i'h tonic, blood puriller and heart regulator; also of bin "Favorite I're-riplion " for weak, over-worked, broken-down, debilitated, nervous, in TaHd A'ouien. This bold and out-spoken movement on the part of Dr. Pierce, lias, by showing exi'.itly what bis well-known medicines are composed of, completely disarmed all burning critics who have heretofore unjustly attacked them. A little pamphlet, has been compiled, from the MLa idar 1 medical author;! ici of all the h'-ver.il school of practice, showing the stronger! endorsements by leading medic i writers of the several Ingredients which enter into Doctor Pierce's medicine and recommending these ingredients for the cure of tint diseases for which Dr, Pierce's medi cine arc advised. A copy of this little booklet is mailed trre. to any oi desiring to learn more concerning the valuable, native, medicinal plant which enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's medicines. A requent, by postal card or letter, addressed to Dr. II. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., will bring this lit'lo booklet by return post, it tells exactly what ingredients are used in the mak ing of Dr. Pierce's famous medicines. i'liis striking departure of Dr. Pierce from the usual course, purstyd by thn manufacturers of proprietary medi cines, at once; takes his medicines out of the cltiHS generally known as " iiatent" 0 secret medicines, neither of which term is at all applicable to them, as their formula novv appears on tho wrnpner of every bottle leaving the great laboratory at Buffalo, N. Y. It places them in a class nil hi) Ihnn guliim. Neither of them contains any alcohol, which fact alone should cmine them to be classed all by tl ninelves and as entirely harmless vegetable ex tracts, made and preserved by the use of glycerine and not with the usually employed strong alcohol, which works so much injury, especially in cases where treatment, even though of the best, must be continued for consider able periods of time, in order to make the cure permanent. Many years ngo, Dr. Pierce found that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, was far better than For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of In Use For Over Thirty Years iMHin, nm am. E. at Albany and Corvallls for Ya qulna and Newport. Train on tha C. ii E, for Detroit leavn Albany at 7:3") a. m.. enabling tourist to thn Hot SprlnK to reach there tho lima day Train from and to Corvalll connect with all East Side tralu on the S. P. Pull Information a to rates, tlmo tabu, etc.. ran bo obtained on appli cation to J. C. Mayo, Men. Pas. Agt c. & K. H. H. Albany; A. I,. Cralg. (J. P. A.. 8. P, Co.. Portland, or to any 8. P. or C. & E. HKent. Itate from Oregon City to Newport $0 00. To Ympilna ffi.00. Threo day Uato from Oregon City to Newport, $3.00. by Tho Forolock." alcohol both for extracting and r nerving the medicinal principle reniding in our imligr ut, or native, medicinal plant, audi as be emplovn cxi hmively in manufacturing Inn nieiliriie-rt. Somo of thene liiediclluil roots have, 'lice Dr. Pierce llmt commenced to use them, advanced so in price, that they may lie cultivated with great profit by our farmer. Tbi is especially trim of (olden Seal root, which enter into both the Doctor's "tiolden Medical Discovery" and bis " Favorite Prescrip tion." It now bring upward of fl.'iO a pound, although formerly Mclling at from' I-') to ID cent 11 pound. Many tons of this iuot valuable root ar annually coiiKumcd in Doctor Pie no's Laliratory. From "Organic Medicine," by Urnver Cim M. I)., of New York, e extract the following concerning Hvdrantia (tiolden Seal root ),u Inch enters largely, a we have already stated, into the com. position of both "(iolilcit Medical Dis covery" ami "Favorite Prescription." Dr. ('00 siiyn: " llydtiisti exercise an I'xpceial iiilluerice over mucous sur faces. Its action in tbi renpect is so manifest that the judications for it em ployment cannot 1m- mir-takcn. (Hence the cllicieney of "tiolden Medical Dis covery," which is rich in (tuition Seal root, in all catarrhal affections, no mat ter in what part of the system located.) t'pon the liver it acts with equal cer tainly anil elhciicy. A a cbohigogue diver invigoriiior), it Im few equals. Also In scrofula, glandular disease generally, rutaneniiM eruptions, indi gestion, dcbil.iy, dim ihien, and con stipation." Dot-tor Coo continues: "Hydrastis dioldcn Seal root), bus been success fully employed in the cure of leucor rlnea. Itisof sitigularellicacy when that Coinplaiiit is complicated with hepatio (liver) aberration (ileiiiiigemcnt). Hy drastis js also of inei-timable value in the treatment of chronic derangement of the liver. It. seems to exercise an especial inlluence over the portal vein and hepatic (liver) structure generally, resolving (dissolving) biliary deposits, removing obstructions, promoting se cretion, and giving tone to the various functions. It is eminently cholagngue (liver accelerator), and may be relied upon with conlldencu for the relief of hepatic (liver) torpor. It promotes di gestion and assimilation, obvintes con stipation, and gives trine to the depu rating (cleansing) functions generally. " Dr. Coe furtiier says: "We would here add that our experience has de monstrated Hydrastis to be a valu able remedy in bronchitis, laryngitis, nnd other affections of the respiratory organs." After rending the foregoing rxfrncr who can doubt the great, ellicacy, In ti long list of disease, of "(lolden Med-, ical Discovery," one of the principii ingredients of which is (ioldeii Sea root. (Hydrastis)? Am this applies with ('(pud force to Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak, worn out, over-worked, nervous invalid women. Dr. Pierce's Plensnnt Pellets nre com posed largely of concentrated principle extracted from Mandrake root. Tiny regulate mid invigorate the stomach, liver nnd ' bowels, One or two liHttt sugar-couli'd "Pellets" a Uohg. AW IF