8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1908. 1 i t ! i YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY Only Two weeks left in which to avail yourself of the opportunity of buying seasonable merchandise at a saving of 50 per cent on the dollar. We are offering values in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc., that are unmistakably and without a doubt the lowest. Remem ber only two weeks left in which to take advantage of the greatest bargains ever offered. S & & - 4 MORAL: BE ON HAND DON'T FAIL $5.00 Pants $3.10 4.00 " 2.20 3.50 " 1.80 2.50 " 1.30 1.50 " .70 $1.50 Shirts 95c 1.00 " 70c .75 " 55c .50 " 35c $1.50 hats $.85 2.00 " 1.15 3.00 11 1.95 UNDERWEAR $1.50 garments 90c 1.00 " 60c .75 " 40c ' .50 44 30c $3.50 you can get the choice of suits ranging from $7.50 to $J0. All our $(2.50 and $15 suits reduced tothe extreme low figure of $5.15 Our $J5 and $18 H. S. & M. pure imported worsted suits at $9.65 A dollar saved is a dollar made. Now is your time, only two weeks left j. M PRICE SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON No. 34 CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT (Continued from page 7.) District No. 24 Carlton & Rosenkrans J. S. Yoder. C. C. Molson. C. G. Hoffman, L. D. King. John Gahler, J. W. Kramer, M. Borkholder, John Kropf. M. Henerlee, Jim Dozier, Geo. Askins. C. Ackerson, H. Kyllo. Warren Haskins, Ernest Sconce, Wood Johnston, Tom Johnson, M. Gottwold, Fred Smith, Thos. Ogle, Otis Ogle, v O. Bercstrom. Wm. Yoder, Solon Kinzer, R. I. Garrett, District No. 25 Carlton ft Rosenkrans J. Glade, C. Gilbric. G. R. Bailey, A. Willbroad, J. W. Smith, C. Moras, F. P. Broach, J. Willbroad, F. Yohann, J. Carbiner, J. Damm, C. Yost, I. Baka. W. Heinz, J. O. Morris, R. Wright, D. Wolfer, F. Stier. J. B. Mitts, District No. 26 Lloyd Shaver, Arthur Zweifel, P. L. Scharael Geo. Case, 0. W. Robbins, L. M. Morris, Joe Marsh, Isaac Williams, W. J. K. Vick. Vick & Lewis, District No. 27 P. A. Campbell, C. K. Quinn, H. Dale, Fred Hubbard, W. E. Harmon, 1. D. Larkins, F. L. Skirvin, Fred Myers, T. O. Ridings, Ellis Ridings, A. Ridings, Myers, L. Skirvin, G. W. Bentley, Orlean Thomas, Ben Thomas, L. Labour, District No. 28 15.38 9.00 2.70 1.65 ! 6.00 3.00! 9.00 6.00 1.50 6.00 15.00 I 4.501 .751 5.00 j 1.50 3.00 1 District 2.25 .751 3.00! 6.00! 3.75 2.50 .751 3.00 3.00 30.00 10.00 4.50 4.50 8.00 4.50 18.00 9.00 12.00 3.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.10 2.25 30.75 J. A. K. 24.00 18.00 18.00 6.75 .75 1.12 1.12 1.12 21.00 27.50 3.00 9.00 9.00 13.50 10.50 15.75 .75 12.75 7.50 7.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 7.50 50.00 A. Wyland. C. G. Vorheis. Oscar Vorheis, Bennie Boyles, J. Nightengale, F. Vorheis, J. Marts, Archie Boyles, Scott Carter, G. Marts. L. D. Shank. Ralph Hardy, Chas. Hardy, A. Hardy, X. B. Wade, G. Wyland. A. Hugel, D. M. Groshong. , Henry Dougherty, A. M. Oroshong; No. 30 M. Hays, Leslie Whitten, Winfleld Baker, J. Manning, Oscar Whitten, Wm. Dyer, J. Munroe, A. J. Monk. Frank Davidson, J. P. Cook, A. J. Monk, Frank Davidson, Orrin Davidson. Frank Whitton. J. O'Brien, J. Tledeman, Thomas Fox, Robert Wanker, A. Wood house, J. R. Hays, E. Coiirand, John Wanker, No. 31 W. H. Woodhouse, Z. Elligsen, G. Settje, S. J. Barns, W. Frererici, E. Frererici, No. 32 Peters & Aden, Hugh Her, Bert Tooze, Will Todd, Joe Taylor, Chas. Tooze, Sam Hillman, R. Stahlecker, John Butson, Ed. Baker, Peter Heater, J. Huffman, , Bud Baker, Albert Bristow, Will Bristow, R. Heater, C. Heater, Will Baker, Luther Vincent, Frank Kaiser, Fred St. Clair, Chas. Jones, Bruse Case, Dan Stahlnecker, Rufns Stahlnecker, Walter Wagner, Robert Stahlnecker. Will Boberg, Chas. Epler, M. A. Zinn, District No. 33 Ed. Closner, District District 33.00 34.50 28.50 13.50 4.50 18.00 12.75 6.00 5.25 13.50 2.25 3.75 6.00 3.00 9.00 3.75 1.50 10.50 3.00 69.00 18.85 15.35 15.35; 11.85 i 9.60 1.75 ; 3.00! 2.60 3.00 25.00 ; 31.50 23.75 30.75 25.75 30.00 19.25 3.00 16.75 10.50 6.00 7.00 7.00 12.50 I 45.00 4.00: 6.00 ; 3.50 ! 1.75 I .35 2.00 2.00 9.00 1.00 I .75 1.00 3.00 2.00 10.00 8.25 0.00 MO 3.00 3.00 3.00 1 3.00 3.00, 9.00 9.40 4.50 1.50 50.00 9.00 6.75 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 11.25 District T J. Gary, 7.80 W. H. Woodhouse, 12.50 Chas. Baker, 10.00 O. C. Lumber Co., 8.45 J. C. Reasoner, 70.00 W. Bhatz, 70.00 P. Berdlne, 70.00 J. Settje, 39.00 A. Woodhouse, 4o.nn A. Dunwold. 4OJ0 A. Koellermeier, 42.00 John Wanker, 30.00 John Turner, 14.00 j Dunwold. 26.25 1 J. Rauch. 29.75 J. Kekel, 25.00 . F. Kekel, -.'." C. Baker, 52.50 J. Bushbaum, 7.00 Z. Elligsen. 10.00 Mathew Rauch. 12.50 C. Turner. 22.00 G. Peters, 10.00 E. T. Grider, 88 W. Klser, 3.50 Ed. Batdorf, 8.00 Francis Shannon, 90.00 O. C. Planing Mills, 2.40 Willamette Falls Co., 559.50 Willamette Falls Co., 754.00 O. C. Machine Shop, 4.25 F. Busch. 5.40 POP ft Co., 41.43 F. Green, 38.00 A. Schrader, 12.00 Elliott, 20.00 8. C. Ross, 24.00 C. A. McMillan, 8.00 R. Ward. 4.00 H. Yoder. 18.00 H. Frost, 5.00 F. Shannon, 14.00 A. Volpp. 14.00 R. Johnson, 34.00 E. Mosler, 2.00 H. B. Cranford, 2.00 R. Caufleld, 600 G. Godfrey, 7.00 A. Johnson, 14.00 F. Schaber, 14.00 C. Harding, 5.00 W. Kiser. 3.50 Ed. BaHtdorf, 8.00 J. 8hannon, 4.00 A. Formong, 14.00 J. W. McKay, 94.50 W. Snyder, 29.00 Miller & Jones, 4.30 James Shannon, 18.00 J Manning, Oscar Whitten, J. Monroe, K Davidson, J. P. Cook, Thos. Fox. A. J Monk. F. Davidson. F. Whitten, Orin Davidson. J O'Brien, J Tlcdcrnan, John Wanker, A. Woodhouse, J. R Hays. Robert Wanker, E. Courand, District No. 35 M. C. Donahue ft Co, Proctor Hi Boers, A. D. Kdwards, District No. 36 W. H. Bremer, N. Bialr. Paul Schneider, A. Schneider. H. M. Robbins, Hans Jensen, (i. ('. Hoffman, J. 8 Owlngs. N. Yoder. J. B. Mlshlor, A. .1. Strubhar, Amos Yoder, R. Choate, B. K. Klllln, J. N. Stanton, Matt Olsen. District No. 37 C. W. Kruse, District No. 39 8. G. Bailey. A. S. Bailey, General Roads T. F. Ryan, T. R Klllln, Wm. Hrobst, C K. Greenman, Poison Implement Co Huffalu Pitts Co., lieall ft Co., Vlgorlt. Powder Co., 7.50 6 01) 10 00 4,90 15.00 13.00 21.00 3.00 I ! (HI 24.00 I 21.00 21 I'll :i no i 21 nil mi for Improvement of county road; Ordered that petition be grunted on cond It Ion that entire amount of sub scription be worked out on the Kelly ami Bradley road, and that the county furnish petitioners with one thousand pounds of powder. In tin matter of additional powder for opening Henderson road. Ordered that 15" pounds of powder additional be allowed for purpose of opening said road In the matter of tin' disposal of the old Gates rock crusher; Ordered Hint said crusher be sold -4 00 t() t1(, warren Construction Company . - . . . . . C.00 39 5o 37.45 76.10 18 00 37 .'-'I 10.50 9.00 2.25 2.70 .50 1.50 5.25 3.00 6.00 6.00 .75 15 00 1.10 1.60 71.05 42.50 10.50 16.10 63.80 16 ,90 7.65 60 65 30.00 177.25 435.51 Pope & Co., O. C. Machine Shop. M. B. Webster, F. T. Doty, F. Busch, Wilson & Cooke, In the matter of application of W. S. Flynn, for saloon license In Pleas ant Hill precinct; A remonstrance having been filed In this matter, It Is ordered that said application be denied. In the matter of the petition to im prove the Straus road leading from Cottrell to Boring; A subscription In the sum of $120.00 .50' having been filed, It Is ordered that 3.10' said subscription be accepted and 57.50 1 petitioners allowed one thousand 09.00 I pounds of powder. 4.52' In the matter of petition of A. Kocl- F Royal ft 80 fool, cov- for $1281.00 they b for $2 10 per! f HIIIIM J. H. Moody, 59.50 H. Hill, 19.12 S. Kuge. 36.00 J. M. Turner, 37.12 L. Schaber, 25.37 F. Schaber, 22.75 0. Turner, 8.20 E. Athey, 14.00 C. Turner, 56.00 S. F. Sharp, 56.00 R. W. Oldenstadt, 18.00 G. Petrie, 12.00 Mark Hays, 12.00 L. Whitten, 12.00 Winfleld. Baker. 12.00 2.50 I lenneier, and others for county rond Ordered that board of county road viewers meet at the place of begin ning on June 25, 1906. In the matter of petition of K. Koel lermeier for a county road, Ordered that board of county road viewers meet at the place of begin ning on the 26th day of June, 1906. In Hie patter of additional aid for support of W. T. Tlnsley. county charge; Ordered that, allowance be Increas ed to $10.00 per month. In the matter of subscription and petition of C. B, Johnson and others for a cash nrlce of $250. they to tnk crusher from McCtd hill nnd remove same ut their expense. In the matter of petition of Portland General Electric Co, for franchise for transmission of electrical (lower from Cazadero to Multnomah county line. Ordered that same be granted sub jee t to conditions made by county court. In the matter of purchase of new rock crusher; Ordered that the offer of lleall & Co., to furnish the crusher, screen and elevator for $1368 be accepted. In the matter of letting the contract for building bridge across Sucker Creek at Oswego; Ordered that bid of Son for construction of ered Howe Truss llrldg ami approaches to Hitme foot, be accepted. In the matter of painting Suspen sion Bridge; Ordered that the Clerk post notices I asking that bids be submitted to fur-j nlsli necessary materials to cover said bridge with two coats of paint. Also bids to furnish necessary labor for painting bridge two coats of paint, on or before June 16, 191)6. In the matter of Inspection of cer tain changes and Improvements of certain roads; Ordered that the court, meet on Juno IX, going on Mint day to Inspect roads In l.ogan and Viola district; on June 19th to Inspect roads In Boring nnd DnmiiKciiK ami on .lime UOth to Inspect roads In Barlow, Klllln, .Mariiuam mid Molalln districts. In mutter of report of Hrncc C. Cur ry relative In books and accounts of Sheriff Shaver, deceased; Ordered that said report be accepted and Died and accounts of said sheriff be considered and deemed correct and settled. In the mailer of vacation of streets In Boring Junction; Affidavits of posting notices not. hav ing been filed, It. Is ordered that this matter be continued. In the matter of the Fellows and the William Daniel's roads; Ordered Unit action on these roads be continued until the July term, in order that Mr. Bauman and Mr. Dan lels may appear and show cause why the reconiineiiilal ion of viewers that the petitioners should pay the cost of laying out and establishment of mild roads, or thai same should be denied. In the mailer of change In the grade ol' Be. SOU Hill road; Ordered that offer of William Jones nnd Aila Moebnke be accepted and that the report of J W Meldrum bi pproed. ami clerk Is hereby directed to have deeds from said William Jones and Ada Moehnkc recorded and that bill of J W Meldrum be paid In the matter of application of em ployes of county working on the rock crusher for an Increase In wages; Ordered Hist this matter be laid over until next meeting of court. In the mutter of petition and sub hi 1 pt Ion for Imprm clie nt of Smith and Davie road from Cams to I'help's place; Ordered that subscription lc ac cepted and that Adam Knight be In structed to work out same, and when said work has been performed, that the county nssUts In building brldgu iir making fill over branch of creek. In the matter of (he petition of the Cascade Power Company for privilege I to place poles on certain roads to convey electrical power; I Ordered that same be allowed, suh Ject to regulations heretofore adopted ' by Court. In the matter of Iron In old bridge at Sucker ('reek , Ordered that offer of Royal ti Son , for $16.50 per ton for snld Iron be ac cepted, on condition In addition to said 'price, contractor agrees to take out land pile up the Umber In bridge for 'use nnd benefit of county, ami that allowed the use of as much as needed for false work. In the matter of report of County Judge of receipts and expenditures and sales In connect ion with county exhib it nt Lewis & Clark Fair; Ordered thai same lie approved and filed wth clerk, nnd that the commit tee receive the thanks of the court (M good and satisfactory work. In the mutter of unclaimed county warrants; Ordered that the clerk advertise same In manner provided by law. In the matter of purchase of crush ed rock from Multnomah County for Improvement of roads In district No. 37 ; Ordered that Mr. Kruse be Instruct ed to purchase same at seventy cents per yard. In the mutter of claims for fees, horse hire, railroad fare, EMail nnd lodging! of citizens Incurred In hunt ing down murdered of Frank Smith; Ordered that clerk with the county court of Marlon County, and the city of Woodlnirn as to Justice of claims filed In this court. In the mallei' id' reward for capture murderer ; Ordered that said matter be con tinued until July term in order that all claimant! may be beard and set tlement made as to who is entitled to receive reward. In the mailer of Paul Schneider road ; Ordered that Mary L. Woodcock, Lew Woodcock and George Perdue be allowed as damages the amount, of One Dollar each; that road I stab- lilhed as B OOlinty road; and Hint su pervisor open said road with labor of pel It loners and that expense account he pnlil. apportionment or of Frank Smith.