ft OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1906. CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. 8urveyor J. W, Dullness Transacted at Regular June Tarm. Hi It remoiiibered, Thut nt a regu lar term of tint County Court of Clank iti'iitt County, held In tint Court IIOumci In OnKon City, for tho p'lrpoaci of triMiHuctliiK county business In Juno, tho mi mo doing the lima fixed by law for holilliiK a regular term of said court, iiruHimt, Hon. TIioh. V, Ilyan, county Jmlmi, preslillift ; T. II. Klllln and Win. HioliNt, eoiiiiiilHHlonorx, when tho folliiwlntt linicoKilliiKH wore bad, to-wlt: In tho mutter of claim examined ami allowed: Pauper I'eter llntiNon, ' 1(1.00 10. llltrliinun, 10.00 Mr. Hyckinnti, 5.00; It. (I. ()Kdn, 6.00 10. llnriiH, BOO K. Forrester, (5.00 J. Lowidlen, 6.00 Krugur, 7.00 M uMii-i'Hoii, R.0I) 10. Vuluntlnn, 7.00 Avln, 8 00 .luck, S.dO Molloy. 10.00 I'rlmllo, 8.00 Gardner. 10.00 Mnttlo riekcim, 10.00 A. (I. (iuyiiuu, 10.00 Jlruw-wlck, 10.00 F. W. HpraRtin, 10.00 Mra. Hradtl. 10.00 Mrs, J. (!. I'urkor, 15.00 Mra. Ilidnx, 16.00 J. A. Joni'S, 10.00 Mra. M, Ford, 8.00 ('. lllulim. 6.00 Tho. F. Hyan, 3H T,5 J. ICwhart & Co., 600 Mra. Cuytiup, 10.00 Circuit Court It. I,. VauKlmn, 9.20 C. F. rollvka. 7.20 Coron Insane Moldrum, llnnry Moldrum, II. II. Johnson, H. L. Holmttn, 12.00 7,60 28.60 19.3S C. II. V. M. 1, H. John J. 10. W. 1.. Isaac) W. T. Jail II. W. Tnunbath, Justice- T. I). Joimrud, Hrt JoiiNrud, 8herlff II. N. Kvcrhwt, (1. A. Drown, Kdlii-tla Cliaan, WlUon k Ztiinwult, Ilruco C. Curry. Uiti Cochran, W. V. Hmlth, Recorder C. HucIhkK'T, Assessor Ella Shaver, i F. J. Nelson. School ' Superintendent KlUaheth llayhurHt. 1.. A. Head, J. C. Zlnaer, T. J. (iary. V. A. Schmidt, J. K. Caluvan, Treasurer I'M lift t ii Chane, County Commissioner Win. HroliMt. H. H, Mount, BOO W. 10. Carll, 6.00 W. IT. Tol Co., .60 A. Nelson, C.0 Current Expense I'BClfln Tolophono Co. Water Commissioners C. N. Greoninan, (IIuhr ft Prudhomme, Huntley JlroM. Co., Htnty 22.45 Vancouver Transporta tlon Co., Htnamor Rent, Knterprlso, printing, Election F. . DutiKan, W. A. lleylman, f M. A. Mather. W. Grlsenthwalte, 1'opo Co.. Wm. Knight, It. A. Htratton, J. W. McAnulty, .1. C, Marquam, ChttM. TJiompaon. J. W. Hoots, (). VlHHlnKr, II. W. Shaw, T. C, Juhh, A. J. BorrisUfdt, Fruit Inspector A. J. Lewis, In the matter of road re port a examined and allowed: Dlatrlct No. 1 Ileal I & Co., W, Hmart, C. Henderson, (I. ll-tt, C. C. Counsel!. C. Hulton, J, CollllHI'll, W. II. CollhHoll Dlatrlct No. 2 Btor.m b Htorm, (!o. liurgean, K. Jlaricreave, II. Chllcoto. I. Johnson, C. Iloadermel, A. U. l.iindcH, Frank lloblnaon, J. C. Paddock, Frank Wolfe, Dlatrlct No. 3 Kager & W'lnif, J. C. Klllott ft Co., J. K. Hlefor. H. 8. Dallas. It. T. WlUel, A. Welsh, A. Matthias. K. J. IlorltiK. F. M. OHhurn, T. J. ltohna, (S. ltlM'H(, Ji-mho Sherman. Clarinet' Slefcrf A. WolfliaRon, H.00 Dlatrlct No. 4 F.dward DoUKlaa, 22 75 14.20 C. II. Linn. 11.85 4G 3.20 2.30 24.05 11.40 4.00 29 60 25.00 10.00 8U0 62.00 30.00 1540 COD coo S4.C5 6.00 COO 6.00 1.1.05 15.00 .80 2.26 100.00 315.22 28 60 10.30 13.70 1.20 .80 19.10 0.30 35.00 6.80 10.30 6.00 .CO 1.80 3.60 4.70 24.00 .25 20.00 1C.00 18.00 20.00 COO 800 15.00 1092 11.25 20.60 16.80 3.75 9.00 11.35 1.75 1(1 !R 6.36 80.4 27.83 7.1 e 19.30 1.C0 1.00 2.25 8 40 9.60 17.60 12.25 3.00 4.50 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER A talk with us will convince ycu that ELEC TRIC LIGHT is the only light you can afford to use in your home, or put in the house you are building. Your property will rent more readily, will pay a higher income on the invest ment and attract a better class of tenants IF IT IS EQUIPPED WITH EI ECTRIC LIGHT. ELECTRIC POWER never tires. It seives faithfully, never complains. Requires little or no space, less care. Absolute adaptation to all con ditions. Expense starts and stops at your command. The use of ELECTRIC POWER means: Great saving in machinery and initial cost of installa tion of plant, high ECONOMY in cost of oper ation, and an INTENSIFIED PRODUCTION possible only where ELECTRICITY is used. Advantages in the cost of producing power in Oregon City, in comparison with other cities of the country, enables us to make terms ex ceptionally favorable to manufacturers, and to furnish unequalled service at lowest rates. REDUCED RATES FOR CURRENT ON METER BASIS. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller, Contract Agent for Oregon City Co., Frank lloyor, II. Hviplu, Klchurd (ilthonn, ' J. Btfdnman, l Htolnman, O. DoiiKla. If. 8. OlbMon, II. 8. (JlbMon, Dlatrlct No. 6 W, A. Hall, HdKiir Illchey, J. HtraiiH, Jl. NdHm, 10. KhdK'd, J. IS. Abboll. J. 8. Ablwdl, J. Ht.ruiiH, District No. 7 Chaa. Uiaf, W. 8. Ff'KluB, Dlatrlct No. 8 Mdnlic Itroa. C. W. HarrlH, II. L. Chalknr, II. ItrldonatlnQ, J. JtuKh. Joe Moycra, F. McCttbo, II. F. Hart, W. (). Hugh, I). W, DoukIuh, Dlatrlct No. 9 Honry Schmidt, Kolx-rt Miller, Fred Linn, Adolf Miller, I'etor HHd, Krut Johnnon, I'otor Hath, Wm. Hold, Dlatrlct No. 10 Cary Hardware Wllllo UavlM, 8. 11. Vanlcauvan, Alx Irvln, I). Hrldf-natlno, Frank Thornaa, Horace Davis, J. II. Tracy, J. Ward. Frank Khoden, Frnd Da via, IIinry Trapp, K. D. Wonnncott, W. K. Oatflold, J John KfppT, Jo MIcklcHon, Jack Honubon, J. P. Irvln, R. HorrlnK. F. Ulrklnfold, John Irvln, Dlatrlct No. 11 Pope & Co., (i. F. (Jlhba, C. C. Olbha, J. K. Smith, K. IllmU-r, P. E. Smith, M. Claaa, W. SchwabauiT, K. It Wits, L. Hlraler, . Dlatrlct No. 12 Storm & Storm, J. 8. GUI. C. lilll, C. JohnHon, W. J. Howard, H. Johnson, J. Minder. F. (jfrber, J. Campbi-II, E. Swalca, (S. Kohl. A. J. Johnson, F. Klntt, "P. M. Klrchem, O. Entu'lM-rg, II. HabltT, J. Strawhackcr, J. lwla, H. FlHchor, No. '13 J. T. Fullam. Dlatrlct No. 14 WUIIh Imel. J. EvtThart & Co., Hurley & Moran, (!. F. Glbba, Joo Flatter, L. Derrick, P. Allen. C. O. Allen, A. Splinter, J. Shelley. C. C. Olbba, Dlatrlct No. 15 F. rtiiHch. K. H. Tabor, , A. Warner, C. Clark, Hoy Stafford. C. Schenk, D. G. Hylton. Frank Hendricks, -W. 11. Lawton, II. L. Scheor, (!un. Wlnesett, McCord Hill. Pope & Co., A. Stnehly, C. Hider, A. Itlanchard, H. Dundas. J. Hlttlnser. Walter Mead,. K. tlerger, 1 I. . Gerner. Fred Chlnn, M. Staiibor, Tom I'enman, A. Gelliileh. A. Aljjor, Wm. Gardner, H. F. Allen. P. 11. Meud. W. G. Handall, District No. 16 F. Hunch, Fred Chlnn, M. Stauhor. Walter Hreakcr, Walter Mead, W. G. Randall, Tom Penman, H. J. Kleuhofor, J. HettiiiKer, Dlatrict No, 18 K. Schmidt, E. W. Ilornshuh, District No. 19 J. J. Mnllett, District No. 20 F. Husch, Christ. Iiittnor, Geo. Stephens, Kmil lilt tmr, EuKene Kirk, Fred Heurer. ' Fred Mtidlson, Anioa Vnllen, John MmiKnn, W. H. Hotteiuiller, JohnN Putz, C. UnnR. l'eter Schlowe, H. Sullivan. District 10.10 3.55 5. r5 11.85 6. G5 2.1)0 20.00 6.20 40.75 .45 10.00 9.00 8.00 22.00 16.00 48.10 18.00 12.00 28.00 10.50 4.50 1.50 7.50 825 1.50 BOO 3.00 9.00 25.00 12.00 10.50 9.00 1.50 2.00 3.75 8.75 23.25 5.41 13.00 C.80 6.00 31.00 13.00 44.20 17.40 5.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 .48.25 12.20 23. CO , 16.00 2.00 34.00 .75 28.00 .00 20.00 6C.00 41.25 25.37 3.50 17.50 13.12 21.87 6.12 District No. 21 F, Himch, Joe Carl Hon, U. H. 1)1 x, P. K. Honney, Vinton Rice, Hurt Hubbard, F. M. Countryman, Frank Carver, Leo Carver, J. (iorbett, Frank Carver, Fred Wlnalow, Wrn. Ilaker. , J. Countryman, ' F. Wloitlow, Ed. Hpulack, Janriea Mallett, C. Wlnalow, Dan McLaren, IJ. 8. Dlx, Geo. Gardner, , C. C Hall, W. E. Hnnney, District No. 22 M. Trulllnger, It. D. Hall, D. C. Hall, E. LlnqulHt, C. Dlud'iulat, C. Halberatadt, ' F. Anderaon, Ed. Andoraon, J. Hahrndt, L. Pendleton, Albert Haty, Gottlieb Freyer, Guat Johnnon, Geo. Boyer, Clay Eni?le, Hudd Iiy Jan. Lay, L. Dickey, Cheater Dickey, Ira Dickey, Albert EriKle, District No. 23 It. W. Zimmerman, Jamea McGlil, F'red Hachert, F. M. Lucke, Geo. OKleaby, D. H. Yoder, H. O. ZleKler, J. F. Carpenter, (Concluded on page 8.) J. M. Nlcholaon, llay Wyland, ORDINANCE NO.... 6 feet long and 8 Inches wide dreaaed 1.25 on the upper surface and laid upon 3.50 two Htrlnxers and a curb. 10.50 Tho atrinKera will be 4 x6 Inches and 9.C2 not leaa than twelve feet long and will J .50 be laid 'on edge with broken Joints, j 7.87 Tho atrlngera will have a firm bearing 8.37 In every six feet In length of walk. 6.C2 The curb will be four by twelve Inches 8.75 net on edge and firmly embedded la t.lfi) the earth. ' 14.00 The planking will be securely nall 6.25 ed to stringers and curb using two 11.00 '4 '3 inch wire nails in each bearing. 6.12! The walk will have a grade or fall , 5.75, toward the center off he atreet of 10.12 Inch to each foot In "width of walk. 12.25 In the event of the owner or own .50 era of any or all of the abutting prop 3.60 erty desiring to lay, or construct walks 3.00 : curbs, or gutters of concrete In lieu 4.37 of wood, as herein specified, the right 9 fL A 1 u roatrval fr.n Vi nrr - ain law ssa n 52.50 atruct the same. In which event the! additional cost of such concrete walks, ,1.00 curbs or gutters over and above the 21.02 j contract price for the same walks, 38.50 . curbs or gutters constructed of wood, 19.25 'shall be borne by the said owner or 15.75 owners of the abutting property and 8.75 ' the contractor shall look to such own 12.25 j er or owners only for such additional 12.25 compensation. 11.37 All concrete walks, curbs or gut 33.25 ters shall be constructed In accord 21.87 ance with the Standard City speclfl 53.37 cations tor such watys, curbs or gut 52.60 ters, and subject to the approval of 27.62, the City Engineer or Committee on Streets and Public Property. Note: The present walk upon the Norther ly side of 6th Street Eaat of Main Street being upon the proper grade and In every way conforming to tho requirements of the City Specifica tions for such walks will not be re moved or disturbed In any way; and 4.50 ' In the event of the contractor damag 7.50 j Ing same either by accident or other 3.00 1 w ise be shall repair the same la a 18.40 j good and substantial manner at his 3.00 own expense. 3.00 j Lumber and Timbers. 21.00 ; All lumber and timbers ued In the i work must be of sound flr timber, square 58.50 ' d',1 and free from all large loose or un- 38.50 14.00 28.00 9.62 3.50 21.00 6.00 25.75 60.00 splits, and sound knots, waney edges, generally free from sap. Removal of Rubbish. All rubbtah that mar accumulate'durlng An ordinance providing for the time the performance of the work or by rea- and manner of Improving SUth Street' ot ihe worlt herein provided for shall of Oregon City, Oregon, from" the east- i removed by the contractor and the rly line of Water street to the west- trt left ,n a c,ean nd 001 condition, erly line of Main street, and from the Settlements. Easterly line of Main street to the A11 ttlements that may , appear tn atone wall of the Oregon & California Prlon of the macadam or other 60.00 42.50 ; 19.75 22.73 21.50 35.00 19.25 14.50 14.50 12.18 11.00 5.25 11.00 10.00 10.85 5.80 3.25 30.00 8.75 8.75 - 8.75 10.50 1.75 1.75 42.00 1.05 47.50 26.25 25.38 25.38 22.75 19.25 5.25 16.63 10.50 8.75 2.00 20.00 57.50 7.50 6.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 6.75 3.00 4.50 7.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.50 43.20 6.65 I 4.50 9.00 24.00 0.00 ! 7.60 ' o.oo : Railroad Company on Railroad Ave nue. Oregon City does Ordain as follows: Section 1. The proposed Improve ment of that part of Sixth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the EaHterry line of Water street and the westerly line of Main street, and between the easterly line of Main atreet and the atone wall of the Ore- 7!' j Railroad Avenue, shall be completed Ing of the contract by the parties thereto, due notice thereof having Iwen given by publication of notice as will more fully appear by proof thereof if firounn t m on A AI.i(l 1m V. s-. nrtAA Section 2. The Improvements shall consist as follows: Grading. The street ehatl be graded down or flll- mA lin In Ihm i i h. trrn H.i am K. j'Clty Engineer; no material of a per I lshablo nature will be placed in the OU nil ,,i.i. .in j in, iub iv-iiinuiui-r win ue ueposiieu n'pon Main Street between 14th and 15th streets under the direction of the Superintendent of streets, such waste material so deposited will be paid for In excavation only. Care mum be taken to preserve the proper crown and all soft and spongy places not affording a firm foundation shall be dug out and the space refilled with good earth, sand, gravel or crushed rock, carefully rammed or rolled so as to make such filling compact and solid. The full width to be paved shall be sprinkled and thoroughly rolled and com pacted with a road roller, of not less than five (5) tons weight, and by ram ming in such places as the roller can not reach, and if during the process of rolling, Indentations or sunken places appear, such shall be filled with prop er material, and then again rolled, un til even surface Is secured. Such rolling shall be completed In sec tions of at least one block, and shall be tested and accepted by the City Engineer before any material for the pavement Is placed thereon. Grading will bo paid for per cubic yard for excavation and embank ment. Macadam. On the roadbed thus formed and com pleted will be spread a layer of clean, hroken stone, free from dirt, not less than eight () inches in depth at the center and four (4) inches In depth at the curbs, after, being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. The stones shall be square faced quarried rock, uniform In quality and as nearly approaching the cube In form as practicable; of not less than one Inch In diameter, nor of greater diameter than will pass through a two and one-half CO Inch rintr. On the above layer of stone will be spread a layer of screenings, Band or flno gravel as may be designated by the 18.00 j City Engineer. In sufficient quantity to 15.00; till up all Interstices, and to brine the street to the proper grade after being thoroughly rolled and compacted. And such sand, Ri-avel or screenings shall be sprinkled and rolled until a firm unyield ing and thoroughly even surface Is ob tained, which surface shall be the flnlsh- 1 ed grade of tho street. Macadam will be ,7." j paid for per cubic yard in place. 25.50 j Obstructions., The surface of the street will be clear 9.00 i ed of all obstructions Including timbers, ! planks, side walks not otherwise pro 1.50 i vidod for and cross walks. If 9.43 such obstructions are not removed by 3.(10 M hu owners of the ad.liteent property 2.00 ! wilhln three days after having been notl 12.50 ! tied by tho Superintendent of Streets 12.50 they shall become the property of the ,50 contractor and shall be removed by him 1.50 without additional compensation there 1.50 for. 7.50 Sidewalks.' 2.60 A- sidewalk will bo constructed on 3.00 either side of the street (except as 3.00 ' hereinafter provided) as follows: 42.50 1 The planking will be 2 inches thick, work before the final acceptance of the work by the city shall be repaired and made good by the contractor at bis ex pedite. Obstructions to Travel. The work must be done In such a man ner aa to obstruct public travel a little as possible. . Colored Lights. Colored lights and If necessary night watchmen are to be maintained at all obstructions, or other places of danger. Classifications EARTH This will Include clay, sand, loam, or other earthly materials and loose stones containing less than one cable foot. LOOSE ROCK This will Include all loose stones con taining one cubla foot to one cubic yard. SOLID ROCK This will Include all loose rock or holders containing one cubic yard and upwards, also all rock ledges or other required for the completion of the entire Improvement as herein specified after the approval of the contract by the Mayor and should the contractor fall to com plete the work within the time specifi ed In the said contract the city shall have the right to charge the contractor the sum of five ($5) dollars per day as liquidated damages for each and every day that the work shall remain uncom pleted after said specified date and such sum shall be deducted from tho amount of the final payment. No pro posal will be considered when not accompanied by a certified check equal to five (5) per cent of the total estimate, which check shall be forfeit ed to the city upon the failure of the successful bidder to execute the agree ment provided for herein within tea days after the award of contract. lilank forms upon which all proposals are to be submitted will be furnished up on application to the City Engineer. Payments. ' Monthly estimates of the amount of work completed will be made by the Engineer and an advance payment of seventy-five (75) per cent of such es timate will be ordered at the first meeting ot the city council thereafter. The remaining twenty-five (25) per cent to be paid In a lump sum wlthla thirty-five (35) days after the final ac ceptance of the entire contract whea completed. Bond. The contractor will be required to fur nish a bond with approved security in the full amount of the contract price, condi tioned on the faithful and complete per formance of the work in accordance with all the stipulations of the contract and within the time named therein. Engineer. Wherever the word "Engineer" la used In these specifications it is un derstood to refer to the City Engineef or to any engineer employed and au thorized by the City Council to su perintend such work. Committee. Wherever the word committee oc curs in these specifications It shall be understood to refer to the Commit tee on Streets and Public Property ot the City Council of Oregon City. Contractor. Wherever the word "contractor" oc curs in these specifications It Is under stood to refer to the contractor, or firm of contractors (or any ymber thereof) or any contractor undertaking the work herein specified. All the above work and material to be furnished, shall be done and fur nished to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Section 3. The Committee on Btreeti and Public Property are hereby authoriz ed to advertise for and receive proposals as aforesaid, and the Mayor and Record er shall enter Into contract with each person, firm or corporation to whom the contracts are let by the City Coun cil for the improvement or parts there-, of specified in this Ordinance. Section 4. Each contract shall con tain a stipulation to the effect that the person, firm or corporation to whom said contract is let shall look for pay ment only to the sum to be assessed upon the property liable to pay for such improvement, and collected and paid into the City Treasury for that purpose and they will not require Or egon City by any legal process or otherwise to pay the sum out of any other fund. Read first time and ordered publish- material requiring to be disintegrated j ed at a special meeting of the Coun cil of Oregon City, held Tuesday, June 19. 1906. By order of the Council of Oregon City. v W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. by blasting. Superintendence. All work herein provided for shall be done In strict corformlty with these spec ifications and plana accompanying same In a thorough and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and his decision as to the meaning and intent of these specifications, measure ments, computations of quantities per taining thereto, whether freely specified herein or not shall be final and conclu sive between the parties. All unfit or condemned material should be immediately removed from the site of the work. In the event of any workman employed by the contractor refusing to comply with the provisions of these spec ifications or with the Instructions of the City Engineer, his assistant or the in spector in charge of the work, or for doing his work In an unworkmanlike manner, shall be discharged by the con tractor as soon as notified in writing by the Engineer of such neglect or refusal. Responsibility. The contractor shall take entire charge of the work during the progress and shall be responsible for any loss, damage or Injury to water and sewer pipes to ad jacent property, or accidents resulting from blasting or from any carelessness or neglect in doirfg the work set out in these plans and specifications, and will hold the city of Oregon City and any and all of the officials thereof free and harm less therefrom. The contractor must protect his work until It Is coiMpleted and duly accept ed, and he must repair any damage don to It by freshets, rains or other accidents at hfs own cost. In case of any accident to water or sewer pipes the contractor shall Immediately notify the proper au thorities. Staking Out Work. The work provided for under these specifications will be staked out by the City Engineer or his assistants and the contractor will be required to carefully Reserve all such stakes set. Alterations. The right is reserved by the city coun cil to make such alterations as may be found expedient during the progress of tha work, and in such event there shall be added to or deducted from the con tract price such sum as shall represent the, cost of such additional or subtracted work to be estimated by the Engineer. Extra Work. The contractor shall not be entitled to demand or receive payment for any work as extra work, unless ordered In writ ing by the Engineer to do the same and at the price agreed upon and named In the written order for such work previous to its commencement. Disputes. All disputes as to the intent and mean ing of those specifications shall be refer red to the Engineer and Street Commit tee whose decision shall be final and con clusive. Proposal?. Parties bidding on the work provided heroin must state In their bid the time If Yoa Want a "Cracker Jack" Plumbing Job at a little cost, by all means confer with us before handing out your contract. A. M I H LSTIN, Main Street, near Eighth CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm I This Remedy Is a Specific, j Sure to Cive Satisfaction. I GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. I It cleanses, Boothos, heals, and protocts the diseased ruembruue. It cures Catarrh and ; drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Kostores the Souses of Taste and Smell. t Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. : Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. ! Large Size, 50 ceuta at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size., 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York.