Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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...Short Sidehead Stories...
Hugh.. Taken to Sslem
Sheriff Tioinlmtli Frlilny evening
took I in I Might's lo Hlllt'M In I r t ii
Ills sentence of Ml years for tlm crime
of Incest of which ho wan OOBVlotad
liy a Jury In Judft MoBrtyl mi nnm I In
liiy before.
Thl.f Take. Hon. and Buggy
Sunday tin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k there wuh stolen
from I ho linrn of Senator John M.
QMris'l brother, on IiIh funn nmir
lltittevllln, h vnlunhlo Iioi'ho mid rub
ber tired buggy, l'ho thief niul stolen
properly wit truced by tint owner
M fur uh Aurora mid the i.iim i In
nil directions worn notlltitd of the
eessor to that office Mr Webster Is
tin' present Deputy Flub Warden and
hi in.; Umo served tin. people of 'lack
amiis county In tho liwor Hoiiho of
ihi. Htatu Legislature.
Annual Meeting
Si'crilury .lint. I' 'iiiniihell, of the
Orison I'lty Hoard of Trade, hurt call
od the annual it t ItiK of tint stock
holdtfl of that orgiinliilloii which
will bit hold al the office of Ihn secro
tury evening. Tho present officer
of the hoard are W A. Huntley, prim
Ident; H (i ('aill)eld, llmt vice pree
Ident ; ('. II. Dye, second vice presl
ilenl; Jus. I'. Cainplioll, Mecret.ry; I).
' I Jitiiurettr. treasurer.
New Rock Cruih.r
I'lacliuinaH county lias received the
new rock crtiHher (hut wan recently
pun-baaed at a coat of fi:i05. Tho
machine i of the same model ns the
one already owned by the county and
now operated In connection with the
building of the Stafford road but the
new crunhor In not of Hitch law ca
pacity The new machine will be Ini
tiated Into service at Viola to which
point It wan taken by J Fiillsm
Hock will be cruHheil for the Improve,
men! of the Viola bill which la being
reduced to a Ichh difficult grade.
Why Oregon City People Should Fol
low Thla Valuable Advice.
Because tin- proof Ii In Oregon nty
You can ally Investigate It.
Not necessary to experiment,
With some untried remedy.
Profit by tho experience of a citizen.
Harry M. Hhiiw. Ilnotyno onerator at.
'tho Kntorprlse Office, and living at
(inr, 10 Firth Street, Oregon City, Or.,
aaya: "Hlttlfiic for houra a day bent
over a type Hotting machine finally
rendered my hack ho lame and sore
that I bad to ko to a physician, but
lid not net any noticeable benefit from
the treatment. Three years ago I
learned of Hoan'a Kldnoy pills, got a
box and began ualriK them. They gave
me the first relief 1 had been able to
Tbt time-worn njnnctioB, "Km pd "na 7 m"
off 'ni to-morrow what yon can do to-ir,,""f f!"ni trlM: ut P- riM na"
du.t'l. nw ..rii.-ri.llv orr nte.l in this I lulre ' my HometlraeH causes
I. a in . "Do it'to du - Th.it ih theterac!""" aoreneaa In my back and when
oiMm mm u mi I,. i4a n u,,,t that "ver lb' occura I always reaort t(
H.ialuiiii' ' old with ,"" a rsianey rina aim imv.-r in vain.
I can conscientiously advise anyone
In need of auch a remedy to go to
Huntley Bros, drug atoro, here In Or
egon city, procure Doan'a Kidney I'llla
and give them a trial."
For Male by all dealera. Price 50
cents Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
member that Hod glveth and taketh
away again, and an It haa pleaaed HU
divine will to remove from our midst
an honorable and respected comrade,
who aerved In the late war for the
preservation of the Union, that those
who come after may lire to enjoy tlm
freedom and peace of this beloved
country, we bow to His divine will,
mourning and sorrowing for the dead
and gone, who out of deep sympathy
deserves profound respect. Therefore
be It
Resolved, That we lament and con
dole the passing away of our noble
comrade L W Ingapari, who haa been
have had. Mr. Hoff read the publish
ed reports of the official votes of
Clackamas county several days ago
and was surprised to learn that W. 8.
Richards, the Hoclallst candidate for
labor commissioner, had received 1,
533 votes In Clackamas county, while
with no other opposition than the So- i
clallst named, Mr. Hoff himself ae
cured 2,746 votes against 3,177 for 8u- j
perlntendent of F'ubllc Instruction J. 1
H. Aekerman, who was not only op-.
prised by a Socialist but a Prohibition
; 1st as well.'
He accordingly came to the city
and made Inquiries and It was found
Women Obtain Mrs. Pinkham't
Advice and Help.
ah. Rm Guided Tiioaseade ta Health.
Io w Lydia B. Ptakham'a Vagatable Cam
pound Carad Mrs. Allea Hrryhlll.
"A ml I.. Hilttk iluii irti ntonthi I I'K.ked Ilk
Itila I J owr Ii to Of I loan Hyiup.
hie knu i i v' D or 1 1. iii..Miliing cold with
wbn h have la-en struggling for iwv
eral days, ktIiii)m weeks. Take some
rr I iiihlr remedv for it To-OAV and Irt
that rrmeily U- Dr. Hum lire's Oerman
Syrup, which baa been in use for over
thirty live vent. A lew iIoih-h of it will
undoubtedly relieve viur cough or cold,
audit continued use lorn frw days will , New York, sole agents for the United
cure you completely. No mailer how States
ilrepseiilril your tough, even if dread Remember the name Doans and
column pt ion hal iitl.e ked your lungs, : take no other.
German Syrup will sun-lv effect a curf; '
as it ban don.-brfore in ttiousanda of ap- , .,
parentlv 1,o,h -lew. r.iin o( lung trouble. OLwIutlon Notice.
New trial Isiitlra, 2 jc ; regular aiat. On and after thla date, we, the un
75C, At nil dniijgiats. a dei;;!gned, do declare the partnership
beiweeu us, mutually dissolved for-
Charman & Co City Drug Store
ev er
at James, Oregon, May 22, i
Respect the Ordinance
Complaint Is made that people In
the suburbs have become careless In
putting stock out to graxe, many teth
ering their cows so that the animals
cross the sidewalks to the inconven
ience and annoyance of pedestrians
There Is a city ordinance that prohlb-, nK (hit this be don
Its i he picketing of cattle and other1
stock so that they run reach the side i
walks Persons making the complaint ,
feel like prosecuting their
irs under the ordinance, not
withstanding Its provisions aro being
largely abused. t calling attention
to the ordinance the complainants1
hope to hrlng alMiut a discontinuance
of this rural practice
vanced from $2200 to $2300 per year
Along with this Increase In the re
celpts, thi' city Is entitled to fr.e de
livery service which will be petitioned
for at once liefore this service can j
be established the government re
quires that the names of streets be,
posted and all residences numbered
The City Council at Tuesday night's
meeting enacted an ordinance compel
June 8, at.
dJO Jlot
Postmaater'e Salary Increased
lly reason of the Increased receipts
at the Oregon City post office, which
for the fiscal year eliding on the lioth
ins! , will exceed lo.oiiii, the annual1 rumor has it that
salary of the postmaster has been ad ! this county. Is the
Webtter May Get the Place
In theh reorganization of the State
Hoard, Frank W. Henson and George
A Steel succ ling Secretary of State
Dunbar and Statu Treasurer Misire.
respectively. It Is considered highly
probable that a number of changes
will be made It) the various sulMirdl
nate office that are controlled by the
Hoard Among these Is the State Fish
Warden It Is rumored that II (1.
Vanillism, the present Incumbent,
will not he reapisdnted and the same
Your committee appointed to pre
pare a tribute of respect to Comrade
L W Ingram do respectfully submit
the following statement, coupled with
words of sympathy for the bereaved
family. ,
Comrade Ingram was born January
10, 1840, at Hellfont. Penn . and died
at bis residence In Parkplace, Oregon,
June l.lth, 1906.
Ho enlisted In the Civil War for the
UnlOB, August 8th. 1862 was mustered
out in August, I860, serving out his
full time ..f enlistment, performing an
honorable part during the service.
There Is seemingly a life period al
lotted to every person, either short
1 IV - ;
... ''-:
or long in duration, some of whom
H. A. Webster, of measure that pno with Imnor and a
most probable sue- degree of usefulness, but we must re
Kodak the Children. Let the Children Kodak. By the Kodak
System any one may take and tinish pictures. It's daylight all
the way.
Brownies (almost Kodaks) $1 to $9.00
Kodaks, $ 5.00 to $105.00.
Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight Development $2.50 to $6.00
Burmeister Si Andresen
Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City Jewelers
(The Poet Scout)
At Chautauqua, Thursday. July 19.
It la (treat
satisfaction for ft
woman to feel
that ah. oan writt
to another tellin
her the moat pri
vate and confiden
tial details about
her illness, and
know that her let
ter will be seen by
ft woman only.
Many thousands
of cases of female
diseases come be
fore Mrs. Pinkham every year, some
personally, others by mall. Mrs. Pink
ham Is the daughter-in-law of Lydia IS.
Pinkham and for twenty-five year
under her direction and since her de
cease she has been advising' sick womea
free of charge.
Mrs. Pinkham never violates the con
fidence of women, and every testimon-
lal letter published is done so with
, the written consent or request of th.
; writer, in order that other sick women
; may be benefited as she has been.
Mrs. Alice Berryhill, of SI 3 Boyoa
; Street, Chattanoog-a, Tenn., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" Three years ago life looked dark to me.
I had ulceration and Inflammation of the
female, organs and was in & serious condition.
" My health was completely broken down
and the doctor told me that if I was not op
erated upon I would die within six months.
I told him I would have no operation but
would try Lydia K. Pinkham'- VegetabU
Compound. He tried to Influence me against
It but I sent for the medicine that name day
and began to use it faithfully. Within five
' days I felt relief but was not entirely cured
until I used it for some time.
" Tour medicine is certainly fine. I hare
induced several friends and neighbors to take
it and I know more than a dozen who had
female troubles and who to-day are as wall
and strong as I am from using your Vege
table Compound."
Just as surely as Mrs. Berryhill was
. cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound cure every woman
suffering from any form of female ills.
If you are sick write Mrs. Pinkham
for advice. It is free and always helpful.
a faithful and efficient member of
Meade Post No. 2, during his member
ship, often serving In an official ca
pacity with honor and respect, hence
we most respectfully extend our heart
felt sympathy to the bereaved family
of the said deceased, fully realizing
that it "God's will be done,"
When our soldiers went to Cuba
and the Philippines, health was the
most Important consideration. Willis
T. Morgan, retired Commissary Ser
jeant 0. 8. A., of Rural Route 1, Con
cord. N. H.. says: "I was two years in
Cuba and two years in the Philippines,
and being subject to colds, I took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, which kept me in perfect health.
And now. In New Hampshire, we find
it the best medicine In the world lor
coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and
ah lung diseases. Guaranteed at How
ell & Jones, druggists. Price BOc and
I1.C0. Trial bottle free
upon investigation that through some
body's error Mr. Richards had been
placed on the Clackamas county bal
lot as a Democrat and not as a Social
ist. Nsturally he received the Demo
cratic vote in Clackamas county,
which is between 1.100 and 1 200, and
also received the Socialist vote and
a portion, at least, of the Prohibitionist
As Mr. Hoff was re-elected labor
commissioner by an overwhelming
majority, the matter is of little mo
ment, but he shudders to think what
It might have been had the election
been close and had he been defeated
by a few hundred votes. In the lat
ter Instance the vote of Clackamas
county would probably been thrown
out. but this would not have helped
Mr. Hoff, as he carried the county
over Ir. Richards by a majority of
1.213 votes and local attorneys, while
not having given the matter close
study, believe that the whole election
would have been Invalidated all over
the whole state so far as labor com
missioner was concerned.
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington , Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Btation Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
towns .
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication,
uistance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harduisf s Drasr Store
The question Is asked, "What effect
will the destruction and rebuilding of
San Francisco have upon the cities of
Puget Sound?" That question can be
answered only In part at this time be
cause time alone will tell the whole
As a natural result of the disorgan
ization of the business of San Fran
cisco numerous new enterprises will
come to the cities of the Northwest,
and those cities will be benefitted tem
porarilyuntil buslnes Is re-establish-ed
in San Francisco and permanently
as a result of the rebuilding of that
city and the many changes In her
trade relations.
An Immediate and direct benefit will
come to the manufacturers of lumber
and building materials. The burning
buildings had scarcely cooled off be
fore the "people of San Francisco were
at work, clearing away the debris to
make, room for new buildings. Al
ready the lumber mills of Washing
ton and Oregon are running to their
fullest capacity, and notwithstanding
the great quantities of lumber which
tliov are turning out dally, they are
unable to supply the increased de
mand. The result will be a very ac-tm-
lumbar market for many years to
come. It will cause the establish
ment of new mills and the enlargement
and improvement of old ones, thus
giving employment to thousands of
working-men. in addition to those al
ready employed in that industry, with
a Corresponding increase in trade
throughout the whole Northwest.
James B. Melkle In the Pacific Month
ly for June.
9U1 $1.12;
$i00; No.
Is hereby given that the following
county warrants, being unclaimed for
a period of over seven years will be
cancelled unless called for on or be
fore July 1st, -906:
No. 6373 for $2.00; No. 8284 $00.75;
No. 8571 $1.25; No. 8865 $1.00; No.
9172 $00.75; No. 9224 $1.50; No. 9245
$00.75; No. 9297 $1.50; No.
No. 9404 $3.00; No. 9666
9755 $1.50; No. 29563 $6.00; No. 29577
$00.30; No. 29817 $3.00; No. 29953
$1.70; No. 29954 $1.70; No. 29955 $1.70;
No. 9 $4.95: No. 227 $1.50; No. 372
$2.20; No. 987 $1.70; No. 990 $1.70;
No. 1171 $1.20; No. 1172 $1.20; No.
1297 $3.10; No. 1317 $1.70: No. 8310
for 75c.
Parties claiming any of the above
named warrants must be fully iden
tified. F. W. GREENMAN.
County Clerk.
Portland Evening Telegram, daily,
and the Weekly Enterprise, both one
year, for $5.50.
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city
Office, Rooms 4-5-6 Barclay building.
All calls promptly attended to.
Phone, office 41, residence 1044.
Attorney at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City.
WTf Yf A eura uarautod i( you uae
PILES up.-suppository
Qrlrd School!, SlatrOTtllo, s. C., wrltri: " 1 co Mr
ttii-j do ftll too olfcira for them." Dr. 8. M. Derwro,
Ran-o. Rock, W. Va., arlmi "Toi-t lo inln-ml wii
Ikelioi." Dr. U. D. ScQUI, Clarksburg, Trno.. rli:
"la practlco of JS yrt. C hove found no rvni.!. o
Iciuol Tour.." Patct, 60 ClifTt. Sampiw Kroo. fc.
iiv iru3;i
Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros.
Call for Free Sample.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures. Ab
stracts of Title and General Law Bus
iness. Office over
Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, Or.
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
Socialist Candidate's Name Appears
In Ranks of Democrats.
Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff was
In the city 'Saturday afternoon and
discovered an error in the official bal
lot for Clackamas county that explain
ed away the fact that ho is minus sev
eral hundred votes that he should
Prices Reasonable
DO YOlir VOk Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Oflice Opposite Masonic Building
'"""ZZf'i'21 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.