Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 22, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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i Mti
Personal Mention
o fl
A J. Htewart, of Stone, was In tlx
city Haturday.
K. C Chapman, of Clackmas. was In
the city Monday.
IC DiMlman. of Clackamas, waa In
the city Haturday.
I, K. Doyoe, postmaster at Canliy,
waa In the city Monday
.1. Wallace Col. IlIlM itone to Cons
comity on a biiHlnxHa trip.
Ortn Cuttln, of Molallt, waa an
On put Ottj visitor Monday.
Mth I,l.b Smith, of Halem, vlsltfd
Oregon City frlenda Monday.
A. '. Hi-aullau haa returned from a
business trip to Kaatern Oregon
MIhh Cooloy, of I'enclletoll, la visit
Iiik her aunt. Mrs .1 Wallace Cole
MImh Alice Shannon leavea Saturday
for a vlalt In Colorado and Katiaaa
Will It LOgtM waa a bualneaa vial
tor to Newport the flrat of tin- week
.1 C I'addock and E IV Dedinan. of
Clackamas, were in the city Saturday.
(Iran II. Dlmlck returned Monday
from a buHlneaa trip to Klamath KalU.
II f Gibson anil John Duns, of
Eagle Creek, were In the city Mon
day MIhh I'earl Allen, of Cndghton, waa
the guest of Oregon 'ty friends Sun
day. Chaa. Cox haa returned to Corvallla
nfler vlaltliiK with hla coualn, John W.
Mrs J White and daughter, of Tn
coma, were the Kueata Sunday of Mlaa
Mra Caufleld
l.uther Moore and two anna apent
iiie weeK in iirownaviue. i. inn county,
at their obi home.
ChailllxTM Howell uud M E Howell ,
have returned from a bualneaa trip to
I.lncidn county.
Ilobert Mount haa returned to fill
verton nfter a vlalt with lilt brother, ,
Dr, h s Meant
Mla May Ht range, who haa been
teaching achiMd at (c ol go IH holm',
for the auinmer vacation
Mr Itert Ablrete linn returned to
tin- city from l.lnd, Washington, and
will apend the aummer here.
Mr and Mra. II I). Mount, of 811
vertoll. have been '.in,.; their mm, j
Dr. II S Mount. In thla city.
(i, (' I'Hchlaon haa returned from a
trip to tie- i Iiik property of the ;
Crown Itoya' Company In l.anc county.
MImh Dorothy I Jitoiirctt la at Im
Camaa, WaahluKtoti, visiting at the I
home of Mr and Mra Win Shoahnn. '
Mlaa Helen Bollinger, of I'acltlc
Cnlveralty, haa returned
drove, to remain for tin
from Forest
Hiimmcr va
cat Inn
Mlaa Lena Dlller who haa been
tending Huntington Hall at I Ange
lea, la tin- guest of Mr. and Mra. .1. II
Mra. II M. Templeton ami family
b fi yesterday fur Hroadhrook, Con
necticut, where they will Join Mr.
Templeton and live.
Mr and Mra. ( Iconic ltiiinlall biivc
returned from Salem where they at
tended the commencement exercises
at Willamette Cnlvcially.
Chrla llartmnn haa Rone to Mnrsh
Held aa a dclegutc from Wachcnn
The advance of dental science has been so rapid
and the improvements so numerous in all
branches of the work that few people realize to
what an extent the pain accompanying dental
operations has been minimized. This has
been accomplished not alone by improvements
in the agents employed for producing an
aesthesia, both local and general,but in methods
and appliances used for their administration.
The work of filling teeth has been so improved
as to allow of its performance in much less
time, and with little or no pain as compared
with the work of former years.
Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City.
An eastern expert grauduate dentist with us all
the time. We guarantee to please you.
All the latest painless methods.
City Phone
Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House
Pure, raw linseed oil
costs less than "ready
mixed" paint, but when
mixed with thick
pigment, gallon for gallon, it
makes the best paint for the
least money.
Tribe No. CI. Improved Order of Red
Men, to the grout council.
Mra. M. Whltoomb of Mlneapolla,
Mlneaota, la the guest of her alator,
Mra A. V. I'arker,, at (ilndkton and
will remain for the Summer.
MIhh (iuatena Kandall. daughter gf
George Handall, of thla city, waa a
graduate from the claaHlcal courao at
Willamette Cnlveralty thla year.
D. 0. Latouretto waa at McMInn
villi- thla week attending a meeting of
the hoard of truHlecH of the McMlnn
vllle college of which In- la treaaurcr.
MIhh Marlbel M-I.lrutii and Mlaa
Clara iKierner were mcmbera of the
class of young people that waa gradu
ated from the Portland Academy laat
Friday night.
Mrs A Knapp of Oregon City waa
a vlaltor In Corvallla thla week, hav
ing come in wllneaa the graduation
from th OA'' of her only child, John
Knapp, a npular atudi-nt -Gazette
Jack l.atourette la home from the
State Cnlveralty for the Summer va
cation The other Oregon City stu
dentH will return from Eugene the
latter part of the week.
MIhh tiertrude Nef.ger, who haa
I n attending the Cnlveralty of Seat
lie, returned home Sunday. Mlaa Net
zger waa recently elected u member
of the rorpa of teachers In the Ore
gon City achoola.
W II lllanchard went to Oregon
City Saturday to vlalt relatlvea for a
couple of weeka. He will alao attend
the MuhoiiIc Grand !dge, which la
In Hcaalon In I'orlland thla week,, aa
a delegate from the local lodge of
that order .--Hrownavllle Tlmea.
H 1. I'rlce. b merchant at The
DalleH, waa In the city Monday on
bualneaa, After Augtiat lat Mr. Price
will be associate,! with hla brother,
A. A. I'rlce, of thla city, and will sue
reed to the management of the cloth
ing ImimIiichh now conducted In thla
city by J M. I'rlce.
County Recorder. Henry E. Ster
ena, whoae term of office will expire
tho first Monday tn July, ho., accented
a position with the Oregon Water
Tower and Railway Co, aa chief clerk
In the office of Superintendent, G. C.
Fields Mr. Stevena' new duties will
begin about July 5th.
Drs Beatie & Beatle, Dentists,
KoyuiH 16, 17, 18. Welnhard Building
i Probably the most expensive adver
tising ever done In this county is thnt
now h wk. done by Huntley Bros. Co.
1 With every dollar purchase they glvo
! absolutely free a ticket for a fine 16x
2t Crayon Portrait. The Krtralt may
be of yourself or another and is mnde
by Prof. Bauer well known aa the beat
Crayon Artist on the Coast. He worM
In one of the big windows and Is al
ways watched by an admiring crowd.
Over 'J1"1 satisfied customers havo re
ceived portraits In every rospect tho
j equal of any ever sold for $3.00. Hunt
ley Bros, contract with artist expires
next week; If you have a friend or
relative whose portrait you want en
larged li'ixl'it a dollar purchase wlli
get It for you without charge.
Farmers' Independent
Phone 131
0 i
Old newspapers for sale at thin of
fice 26C per hundred
MrH. Minnie Turney and Chan. B.
Jordon wore granted a marriage li
cense Kntiiriliiy afternoon.
Tar Soup 2c, toilet soap 2c; laun
dry 2 He :ie UK l) FRONT,
The net proceeds of the Chalrty ,
Hall, given iriHt week were $4! 'i:. Thla '
haa been added to the Han Francisco ,
relief fund. ,
Marriage llcenaea were laaued Tues
day aa followa: Anna Hrown and M.
I, Ingram; Mary A.
CIiiih IC. Dullola.
Hamilton and ,
m 1 I
Our patterna are the latest denlgna. ,
Our sty lea aro exclusive. Miss C.
County Clerk Groonman Monday la-1
sued a marriage license to Knrah (lath-
eriiie Johnston, of Aurora, and W. E.
RoHciikrantz, of Troutdale.
Waiited a n-siMiiialbli' and expe-1
rlenci'd miin tir woman to aell an artl-
Local Events
clc that Is used In every homo In In Woodmen of the World hall Hatur
Oregon City. Address Ilox :!77. Olym-. dav afternoon. The audience waa
pla. Waiiblngton.
H. Hchradcr has purchased the bak-
cry of H I. lirlghtblll and will move ,
t In- HalesriKim Into the building he is:
now erecting on the Kelly property !
n.'-ar the poHtofflc
per cent. Farm aecurlty. U'Ren
k Schubel. ;
Couiity treasurer-elect J c. pad- j
dia:k, and youngest daughter, who will
asslHt him In conducting the office,
were In thi' city from lackamaa
In a divorce suit rued Tuesday. Ix-na to Impure blood. liurdock Blood Bit
Baldwln, who was married to 8. M. , tcrs Is a cleansing blood tonic Makes
Baldwin at Portland, In 1H97, charges ; you clear eyed, clear-skinned, clear
that since the marriage, Baldwin con- brained,
trading the drinking habit and Is now
a habitual gross drunkard.
Harding Grange No. 122, Patrons ,,r 0f her guest, Mrs. Willis Platts. of
of Husbandry, will give a grand ball 1 Manila. At a flower party in tho af
at Harding Orange Hall. Wednesday terniam the nrlze at five hundred went
evening. July 4. Music will be furnish- to Mrs. John Lewthwalte and In a! The Rev. Charles Scaddlng. of La
ed by Morton's orchestra and an oys- guessing game. Miss Laura Pope won. Grange, 111., was elected bishop of the
ter supper will be served. in the evening Mrs. W. E. Pratt and ! Episcopal Church for the Diocese of i
Tl. Intnaf Qfvlna n,1 iittorn In
... j t
dress bats. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Chief of Police Burns Tuesday ev-
enfng receiver! word from Portland
that the horse and buggy stolen from
thcyiearlti farm near Buttevllle. early
Hunday morning, hud been recovered
In Portland and restored to the own -
Married, at the Baptist parsonage,
at iiihiii, Wednesday. Miss Ethel Cum-
uiins to Mr Burdel Van Donge, both waa aaut w ith five hundred and re-
of Clackamas county. Rev. H. R. Rob-1 freshments.
Ins, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Van!
Donge will make their home in Port- Men's $1 canvas shoes, leather sole
land. !49c; men's lace shoes $1.44; white
oxfords 83c, 99c, to $1.19 for ladies.
Dr. George Hoeye. dentist, Caufleld KKD FRONT.
Building, Oregon City.
The women of the First Baptist
Oregon City will again this year as j church, of this city, are preparing a
usual supply various places with i)X for shipnieut to the needy Ba,
Fourth of July ortors. In addition to j tiats of San Francisco. Bedding and
thoHe already motioned In these co!-1 Kitchen utensils, including granite
unins, Grant B. Dlmlck will officiate , ware and tinware, are desired, but no
at the celebration to be held at : chlnaware can be shipped. Persons
Wright s Springs. I desiring to contribute to this ship-
! inent are requested to leave their con-
Fred Bluhm has Hied spit In the Jus- j tributlons either at the Baptist church
tlce court against Henry Burr and ',,,- the parsonage by noon Saturday,
John Kauffinan of whom be asks When the siionlics will be nacked and
judgment for $17. lUuhm alleges that
dogs, belonging to the defendants.
Killed five sheep anil six lambs be- If you haven't the time to exercise Harding, E. E. Brodie and James Heat
sides wounding 16 other sheep, all regularly.y Doan's Regulets will pre-1 ly, delegates from St. Paul's church
his property. vent constipation. They Induce a mild 1 in this city, attended the convention.
Wanted steady help, families pr
fcrred. Apply to the Oregon City
Woolen Mills. 4t
At a meeting of the athletes of the
t Diversity of Oregon luesdny after -
noon (.onion Moores. the well-known day at the home of the officiating of the Grand Army of the Republic, 1 growth timber, well seasoned and
sprinter, was elected captain of the 1 clergyniaii. Rev. E. S. Bollinger. In Department of Oregon and the Wo- split reasonably fine, 70 cords to be
track team for 197. Moores' home is j this city. Mr. Uenningsen has for , man's Relief Corps, was held at Grants , delivered at the Barclay School build
at Salem. Besides being a good man nianv vears been an emnlove of the Pass this week, becinriinir Wednes-i in a inH U of m
on the track team ho Is a star foot ball
player Eugene Guard.
While canning In the Willamette
river Monday afternoon, tho craft cap
sized throwing Earl l.utz Into the
river. Lutl coming to the surface,
grasped the canoe and was assisted to
thc shore hv ti U II. Miller who was
In tho immediate vleinitv at the time
of tile accident.
m , ,
In tho annual election of school of-
fleers at Oak Grove Monday, T. K.
Cone, was reelected director and Mr.
Casto was elected clerk. At a meet-
Ing of the patrons in the evening, the
proposition to Install the ninth and
tenth grades in the district was voted
Tho latest styles and patterns in
dress bats. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Wanted Gentleman or lady with
good reference to travel by rail or
with rig, for a Urn of $250,000 mi
capital. Salary $1,072 per year an!
expenses per year and expenses;
salary paid weekly and expenses ad
vanced. Address with stamp, Jos.
A. Alexander, Oregon City, Ore
Doc. 21.
Suit to receive $la9, claimed to bo
due tor feeding and caring for a horse,
was this week brought by Homer M.
Mulliin in the Circuit court against S.
B, Hartman. Plaintiff demands judg
ment for that amount and a decree
of tho court directing the sale of the
animal that his claim may ho satis
fied from the proceeds of the sale.
Millinery prices cut nearly in two.
Mo, i.49 up. RED FRONT,
Nino men, employed as loggers at
the Willamette Pulp & Paper Com
pany a mill, failed to return to work
Monday afternoon because of dissa)!-
faction with their wane.. The men
have been f : Ivlng $2.2l per iay and
Mny 21, asked that their pay be In
creased to 2.M. The advance not be
ing granted, the men quit work.
H V. Gibson, of Eagle Creek, has
been iipKjnte administrator of the
estate of Albert. Melssner, who lout
hiH life at Caaadcro laat week, leav
ing an estate consisting of personal
property of the probable value of $100
besides hla home at George, which la
civorcd by a mortgage held by John
Dunn, the principal creditor.
Itching plica provoke profanity, but;
profanity won't cure them. Doan'a
Ointment curea Itching, bleeding, or
protruding pilea after years of stiffcr-
Ing. At any drug store.
In the divorce ault of Mra. Idella
White against Charles White, Judge
M llrlde granted iilalntiff a decree of
il I i - niuurilol it i. r ft, ft u 1 1 1 iiiirufinal
ui mi , , a n u i ijvm ii i miiii inioi
property, consisting of household
goods; gave her the care, custody and
control at all times of the minor chlhf,
for whose support the defendant la to
pay $7.f)0 each month. G. L. Hedgea
appeared aa attorney for the plaintiff.
MIhh Eva Benson's piano clans, as
sisted by Mrs. J. S. Hamilton, messzo-
aoprano, and Mr. J. Roaa Fargo, tenor,
of Portland, gave a matinee mualcale
made up In the main of relatives and
friend: of the pupils of MIhh lienson,
and the soloists were the recipients
of lovely flowers.
The county court toas let the con
tract for painting the suspension
! bridge with two coats, to 8. 8. loonier!
for :i25. This price does not Include i
the water boxes or crossarms, which
must be painted by the water commls-
Hion and the Portland General Electric
company. Howell & Jones were
awarded the contract for the paint
Most disfiguring skin eruptions.
acrofula pimples, rashes, etc. are due
Mrs. L L. Pickens entertained last
Friday afternoon and evening in hon-
... , i i
Dr. ice captured the prizes for five
i ! i i. w nv, .,,
iiuiiuit-ii aici .'ii n . i . n. .1 i . v a
celled In the guessing game.
Mrs John Brandow Lewthwalte en-
tertalned Saturday aftermxjn at her
home in West Oregon City In honor,
(,f the first anniversary of her mar- i
riagc The hostess was assisted in
' the entertainment of her guests by her j
i maid of honor. Miss May Peel, and
I her bridesmaids. Miss Alice Lewth-
walte of this city and Miss Hortense
drelfoz of Corvallis. The alternoon
easy, healthful action of the bowels
without griping. Ask you druggist for
them. 26c.
Mr. Henry Uenningsen, of this city? 1
; an,i lss t'l)rine Hoffman, of Portland, .
, wore quietly married at noon Satur-
Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper Com-
pany. and has many friends who wish evening. 0f said wood to be delivered on or be
for himself aorf bride much happiness j Mrs. Jennie B. Harding, department fore September 1. 1906. Second
and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Henning- president, and Mrs. Rosina Fouts, de-lgrowth wood is not desired. The
sen will live in the Griffith cottage on partment secretary of the W. R. C, school board reserves the right to re
Thirteenth street. , left for Grants Pass Modnay evening, I ject any or all bids. Bidders shoald
and the other delegates followed Tues-; enclose their bids in a sealed envelope
ny teason oi an ci ror mo auveruse-
"' llu' i:ii-i'-iu Mercantile Com-
. 'm" 111 "m W,HKS r.nterpiiso was
made to state that a lady s coat, worth commander: Robert Holland, post com
Irom $4 to $10, would be given away niander: .las. F. Nelson, Enos Cahill.
absolutely free with each and every
purchase. The ad should have read
that such a gift is presented with
'each purchase amounting to $5. And
this company does exactly as it agrees
to do. Remember, a lady's coat, worth
from $4 to $10 Is absolutely given
away with each $.'. purchase.
Snrina fever is prevented bv the
; use of our Red Line Sarsaparilla. None
Just as good.
our price wi coats.
City Drug Store,
The Sabbath Schools ol the Metho
(list. Baptist, Congregational, Presby
terian and United Brethren donoiul
nations and the Elyville Sunday
School spent today on a picnic 1
at Willamette. Tho young people with
baskets of good things wont to WU- :
laniotto on tho car leaving tho West '
Side depot at 9: 30 o'clock in tho morn-,
Ing. A programme of literary and
musical numbers and various games,
all supplemented by a lug dinner at !
the noon hour served to pleasantly
engage the time of tho children and
those who arranged the day's outing.
The committee In charge of the
Fourth of July celebration at Kstaca-1
da Is desirous that, the people of Ore- j
gon City enter a candidate In the
contest for Goddess of Liberty. To aid
this plan there has been placed at 1
Mowoii iv .nines mug store a uniioi
dates from the first dollar saved. Per
haps the best reason for saving money is,
that practically nothing can be accomplish
ed without it. You must have it to start
you in business, to furnish your home, to
educate your children, to protect you
against sickness or misfortune, and to pro
vide for you a comfortable, independent
old age.
Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
box where votes may be deposited,
The frlenda of Miss Nora Hanlfln and 1
Miss Ethel Green are already work-1
Ing In their behalf and other candl-ithe
dates will appear as the contest pro -
gresses. Votes may be had at ten I
cents each. The fact that no Goddess
of Liberty Is to be elected at Oregon
city this year, lends Interest In the
contest that has been started.
Hats one half price : all hats re
duced. Children's trimmed leghorns
75 cents and up. Call while the as
sortment la good.
7-6 MRS. H. T. SLADEN.
.u ru.. RjrfiB. . ,ft. m
Elected to Succeed the Late
Bishop Morris.
Oregon by the eighteenth annual Epls-
conal convention held at thf Trinity
. -
parish-house- last week.
The vote of the ministers of the dlo-
cese was 14 for Mr. 8caddlng to 13 for
the Rev. Frederick W. Clampett, D. D., of the recent election from every
of Trinity Church, San Francisco, Cal. j county in the state give the following
The contest between the friends of the : pluralities:
two clergymen in the convention was' Chamberlain 2494: , Bourne 3199;
an animated one, and eight hours was ! Hawley 3780; Ellis (for congressman
occupied In the discussions. 'in 2d district) 16164; against woman
The new bishop was born in Toron-
to, Canada, November 25, 1862, and
e.iucated at Toronio University and
ordained to priesthood In 18H6. He
served as curate in Buffalo and then
two years as assistant to Rev. W. 8.
Rainford. of St. George's Church, New
York; as rector of Trinity Church,
Toledo, O. for five years, and since
May 1, 1895, as rector of Emmanuel
Church, of La Grange. 111. He was
married in 1895 to Miss Mary Pomeroy
of Toledo, O. Bishop elect Scaddlng
is author of "Direct Answers to Plain
Questions for American Churchmen."
He Is active In Sunday school and mis-
sionary fork. He is chairman of the
Sunday School Commission of the dio-
cese of Chicago. He is a successful
lecturer, having lectured in England
on "The Church in America." Another
lecture Is entitled "Picturesque Alas-
: ka." He is a believer in athletics and
i a devotee of golf, cricket, and base-!
i ball. Rev. P. K. Hammond. George A.
Many Attend the 25th Annual En
The twenty-fifth annual encampment
day and continuing until this. Friday,
day evening. Among those going In
tm', Oregon City party were: George
, Harding, senior vice department
v Mautz, Oregon Washburne. Captain
' j t Apperson. J. A. Lewis. J. A.
, Tufts, Mrs. Clark Ganong and Mrs.
I j. J. Tinale. of Oregon City: J. F.
j neyoe 0 "m Deyoe and J. S. Dick of
Caiihy George Webster. Mrs. H. M.
Webster and Miss Nora Webster of
Another Substantial Enterprise
The now plant of tho Oregon City
- Planing Mill Company on North Main
- j street was started Monday morning
- '
Transacts a general banking business.
Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
with a force of 25 men. The number
of ooeratlves will be Increased to 40
within a few days. The plant Is under
management of Mr. H. P. Dla-
This mill has a capacity for turning
out about $10,000 worth of manufac
tured lumber each month. Ita pay-
roll will contribute materially to the
wage earning capacity of the city
since the real extent of the enterprise
for employing labor does not end with
the force employed at the mill In this
city. The management has contract
ed for the entire output of a half-doz-
' en saw mills In the Interior of the
county. This means that labor will
be furnished for at least 25 men at
each of these mills. The institution
will be a further benefit to the com
munity in that it will supply the trade
with all kinds of building material.
Contractors have found It necessary
to purchase much of their materials
in the Portland market, but this de
ficiency will now be supplied by the
new mill.
. puratittf 24Q48ufr
lnamDenam " lurauiy VJV oun
rage is Beaten 10,173.
Salem, Or., June 18. Official returns
sunrage win.
Election Results.
Results of Oregon state election,
, June 4. as shown by complete official
returns for all counties, except for
Harney, whose returns are estimated:
Chamberlain, Governor 2,456
Bourne, U. S. Senator 3,166
Mulkey, U. S. Senator 47,416
Eakin, Supreme Judge 21.470
Benson, Secretary of State. . .29,834
Steel, State Treasurer 29,039
Total vote cast almost 100,000
Republican vote 56,000
Democratic vote 26,000
Socialist vote 7,500
Prohibition vote 5,000
Majority against woman suff-
rage '10,173
Majority against local option
I change !9.982
Majority against Barlow rtoad!13,l41
Majority for gross earning tax. ! 64.086
! Harney county not included.
Sealed bids will be received by the
School Board of School district No.
62, Oregon City, Oregon, until 5
o'clock. Saturday, July 7, 1906, for
furnishing 123 cords of flrst-class fir
wood, said wood to be four feet in
length, cut from sound large first
' School building in Oregon City. All
i and mark "Bid for wood" and ad-
dross the same to the Clerll Of School
j District No. 62.
By order of the School Board.
E. E. BRODIE. District Clerk.
Dated this 22d day of June, 1906.
Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all
kinds of casualty insurance written
by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of
fice with Justice of the Peace.
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.
..... . TLrA-r .
JltJNOW. IJtlUMAo, DlMitlSt