Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 22, 1906, Image 1

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VOL 32. NO 28.
School Directors Render Satisfac
tory Accounting
Judge Thou F. Ryan It Re elected Di
rectorMany Women Take
Part In Election.
Ili'Nldi'H mimuKliiK th school aatla
faetorlly hihI making tunny needed
Improvements to the grounds nnd
bullilliiKN. Hi" board of director of
thn Oregon City i i dnrliiK the
school year Just ckmed. succeeded In
reducing the Indebtedness of the dis
trlct $10G0. ThU result Ih shown In
the annual report of tin Iniard which
wok submitted at the Jfarly meeting
of the patron of th district Monday
evening at Hi" county court room
Th" report followa:
'It Ih with conMlderahlc pleasure that
we rail your attention to the fact that
during the year, the outstanding in
d"litedti"MM ha been reduced In the
amount of 10f,0, having our preaent
UahllltleH $1:1,501 an againt $14,550.81
one y i iii BKO.
"During the iih( year wo have put
In new water cIohM at an expense if
"Opening I he school an uaual In
Heptemher last, found Unit th" at
tendance wan even larger than the
preceding year, but were able to pro
ceed without any extra teacher; to
warda the clone of the year, throtiKh
the removal from the city of many
children and the fact that very many
oth.r were prevented from attend
auce by reason of measles, the average,
ntti-nilanc" wan much reclured.
"At the annual u Unit of the dt-
trlct held for the purpose of levying
a tax for the ensuing year, Die matter
of an ndvance In the wage of leach
era, which had been preaented to the
Hoard wax taken up and dlacuaaed by
the taxpayer In attendance, with the
reHult that a resolution waa paaaed
recommending that the lioard Increase
the salary nchedule of the teacher";
aa contract h .s been duly and legally
entered Into between the dlNtrlrt and
the liacherH for tin- year JiihI ended,
no action wiiM taken by the rnard at.
the llui". It Iium been understood, how
ever, Hut! In accordance with the wlah
e of the taxpayer ilh expressed at
said meeting; that an InireuHo In the
amount puld teachers for their aorv
Icea Hhall he made when contract are
entered Into for the ii"Xt school year
Tin' amount of such Increase, has, as
yet, iinl been determined but will be
within Hi" very near future.
"We iii" plenaed to report that the
KitHtham hcIiimi! building la In very
Kood condition and will need but little
repair durltiK the coming year.
"In the Hnrclay hulldlnK It will be
licccMxary to make a number of cbuiu;
e, auch aa putting In a back stair
way, and alao run-wing the preaent
front stairway and the bulldliiK re
quire reihliiKlluK and palntluic. It
will alao b; neeeaaary to renew the
rurnacea; we are unable to report the
coat of theae repair at thl time, a
our cHtlmaloM are not completed
"The Increaae of the achool popula
Hon of the dlatrlct la very mall, the
enumeration being 1247 a against
HM3 laal year.
"Very trill v,
TB01 F. It VAN,
Hoard of director, School l)ltrlct
No. 62.
At the aame meeting, K. K Hrodl. ,
dlMtrlct (derk. aubmltted hla annual
raport for the flacal year, ending June
16, imni, allowing the receipt and ex
Legislature May Deprive Governor
of Appointments
one that many aspirants will be likely
to Keek, and Benson and Steel will
undoubtedly find that they have many
frlenda who know all about. flh and
fry and hatcheries. It haa been re
ported that the preaent board haa
thought of making a change, but In
quiry bring a denial with the positive
aertlon that Van Onsen's admlnlatra
tlon haa been aatlafactory and that
any change, if at all, will be by the
new board.
Brown Hat Frlenda at Court,
Friends of Higher Education May
Take Action
duly notified, failed to apray hla trees,
say an editorial In the Oregonian.
A Mllwaukle orchard waa entered un
der these conditions several weeks
ago and 34 prune trees infested with
scale were cut down. The irate own
er promised to make the Inspector
pay for the damage inflicted, and In
pursuance of thl purpose, has brought
suit for the sum of $2040, the alleged
value of the trees thus destroyed.
The question of clean orchards and
i perfect fruit in this state is Involved
In the outcome of this suit. That the
The office of clerk of the Mate Land I
THERE ARE NOT MANY PLUM8 Hoard l one within the power of the MUTUAL CONSOLIDATION OF DI8- owners of orchards will not, In many
new board to fill, and If Benson and
Hti-el wlh they can reward a friend
by creating a vacancy In that ofTlce
and then filling It. But It 1 known
that 0. O. Brown wa an earnest sup-
; cases, without compulsion, spray their
i fruit trees and destroy those that are
! mosay, dirty and useless, Is a fact
, well attested by the Infested fruit that
has appeared in this market In years
Board With Republican Majority KNr of M Md in ; Oreoon City School. Already Hm !.
ho Is believed by hi friends to be Two of the Four Grades Of
reasonably afe In his position.
In this connection It may be said
that Governor Chamberlain, who la a
member of all the board. Is an ardent
advocate of the retention of Brown,
and of all other Republican offlce-hold-
Could Turn Membere of Minor
ity Out into the Cold.
Salem, Oregon, June 17 The out
look for those who desire political ap
pointment in return for political ac-
fered in High School.
den trees that abound throughout the
Willamette Valley. The orejaardist
who sprays his trees finds his crop
at the mercy of bis neighbor who ne
glects to do ao. It Is manifestly Im-
' possible to re-establish and maintain
the reputation of Oregon fruit, accord-
Advocate of a countv high school ln to the required market standard.
er under the board who have given j , .7 .7T . . unless these old orchards are destroy-
efflclent service. It Is known that hehave not fintlre'y disheartened ed and tne newer oneg gpraTe(1 at
will pursue a stand-pat policy, and hv the defeat of this project by the proper times. The thrifty citizen finds
ilvlty In the primary and general ; whatever Henson and Steel may pro- , votf.rH at tne j,,ne election and an in- "Praying his own orchard unavailing
election campaigns of 1900 1 not very ! J'"". win atana nrm tor me re-i education that will u -Z U'1"C'"'' """
tlr .. Th, op I lentlon of prear-nt Incumbents all the 1,tltutlon higher education mat win lhft way are wblte wlth woo)y aphla
promiainK. i no piurn irees are i. w wgy )jp un() (( wn (f hM n( ,J(, avallanle for the young people of matted with San Jose scale, or are a
and high and the fruit doea not look rh,iu,(. i..L.,.en Henubllcan and if nrm riv anrt virinitv mav vpt he breedlna Dlace for the codlin moth.
a thoiixh It would easily drop. As i changes 'are made by the loard It will
remarked by a local politician a few ,'" y the agreement of the two Repub
day ago, If the men who were elected j l!" member
This settlement carried ita own evl
ritrton ami a r ft i r 1 1 n t If ffiUftWH that
UndeMhe sUte schrxil law the mu- Oreeon must either abandon its pre-
tual consolidation of two or more dis- tentions as a state able to raise fruit
June i pay their political debts with i h )M atoether probable that Ben-itrlcts for this purpose is authorized as fine as any in the world, or take
pendlture and the present Indebted appointments, there are likely to be a ' son and Steel will agree upon all j and tbis vicinity where the sentl- measures to compel indolent, thrift
neaa of the district. The report fob 1 great many debts unpaid. There are I their appointments, for If they Bhould ! . . nrf,nnllnrfH B,.h an inBH. : le88 orchardista to come up to the
lows: a few plum that can be shaken off, ' disagree there would be a tie and tlM j IX tiTEESSL ta . m i tby Board of Horti-
R'ceiptt. hut not many of them are large or Democratic tiovernor would tie per-),, .,,..,. cunure xor me prouueuon oi ciu
Pr i ulcv.
County Treasurer from
trlct tax
There la amall opportunity, for de-
County schiH.l fund 7086.50 .ir.h. .r,m.m,.ntu . ih,. in
latltutlona at Salem. In the first place,
State HchiKil fund
, lr advantage of as a means ofi?" .
mltted Uj cast the deciding vote. They . mmf.0 th hl(Fll ooh, , fruit.
Jr,,; dement' ani'R Z hJtiaTO
! beVssumed ThaT'ln the Stfi ! a,n mb.
-ni i . ."in Ji i muieu kj me voiera. a numoer oi
400 70 ,.,.". ou ""I political rewards they will act ' '"' " T2. rTTS. "TT-.T l.ll Authorizea Mayor Caufield to
71111 fill wviimvi BUb vavtai t i - vtvv. v- fcrtl V,Ar fJHUJIIJCUt ' n..-is-- W UU OIC lUlCIOBl' I
i-d. and thl deprives the Republican , .. . . , c,, , - ed in higher education have this sub-! Designate Day.
d the pleasure of snatching the places
; for th
Both the Secretary of State and
Total $19,02:1.35
'I.. .. . ja .-1 . ....
,.m.H-,n Klimoim fllie.W ,,1 ,.lin,, ay Kl...,.rlnt.n,t..n r,f
Janitor' salarle on; r,u (m, I.I1tl.tiary W K Flnzer will "ecretary's office and two in the treas
... haiary len.w ,,. cmrRand oVCr the Oregon Na
ject under serious consideration and
I 'I ' r . ' f, I . ,.. , . , J ' 1 HNTO r' I IWU.1 1 Hll'l'l' I ULI'VII UH'I
have bean filled by DtWMrrt SJS--S.e 1 ri- there may be some developments be-1 At a special meeting Tuesday night
ntHiue VToerlLndenrff ; SJiSSJS the th 8Ch00' in the Fa"- ' orderf thatfMahyn
J ' r, w PP t r w n -cn-.ary's office and two in the treas- On this subject an Oregon City dis-1 Caufield designate a day that shall
M-nltentlary, W. E. Flnzer will ,ierartment not countlne stenoe- Patch Portland Journal says: be known and generally observed by
command over the OreKon Na- "r n partm ni, not counting Btenog ' ' ..-u.nine nn" rtav Mavnr
isciiiKd supplies 177. 0 .i,,,..! r-imnt w v v..r aHli en raphers. it is generally believed that ; a movement nas Deen placed on " .' ,,, , V r a.Z S
Fuel. ..." 303.50 1 cLntlr o he Ora "ne rhafH tw" of the present foot tor the establishment of a central , ufleld will determine the day tx
Sewer Assessment 13.12 S5LS "tLSTKl , in the office of the Secretary ! high school in Oregon City, which, if ! J?0" JfiS
i t .
newer r.i.enaion ..; Z.iu i ,hl, lri.,
Refund tuition ls.r.o Ilr(. of ,h). printing exj)ert.
n-t wmi-i i luiii-in .......... 1 1 nu.n
I'alutltiK KaHtham hulldlngs.
New Flag
Water rent
SchiHil election
Printing and advertlalng ...
Intenst on lainda 060.00
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V.
Graduttc of the Ontario Veteri
nary ColU-ge of Toronto, Canada,
tad the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, ba located
a Oregon City ami ettablithed an
office at The l'athioti Stablet,
Hevctith Slrret near Mate.
Both lelt-phonea.
l'armert' 13a Main 131 1
lab 1 "St on 1'ioatlng debt .
1 ...tii at bank
MIcelllineiU exane
So 1 .-r' Home and Albert Tozler arlll " j 1 a- 1 - nar nf .11 iti,na
14.40 1 .uTrf ,7..ml.. .H.; i i. J State will be retained, but probably I carried out, will result in the abolish- 'TS.TTJZ .71
aa viio wa- w.t m I i i 1 j T II ci I L lit rtMU!L X JURltlY U1C CUUIU
no nifirt man mar. 1 ne reiemion oi mfin iue uiu bcikwi Rrauea ul x ' " . - - - , .
one of the present clerks Is probable ' Parkplace and other distrlcea In this . Thf Qay be announced later.
MM '. wwu "nn iii couuuuo;,n tlie treasury department. vicinity. The city schools have one l"c V
34. ih ;'" M''f,,rm ""' s,at" '' : '-t a I half of a high school, that is the ninthly rfulrin the propr umbenng
and tenth i-radpa are Pml.racf.fi In fhp i 01 reslut Buu l""R "ul
.up base for lieu land selections and; r-.ntmcm "u-i- r-imv,. D.,wi0 n of the streets. This must be done
, runuitiK down violators of the state
land law. The
lorce win likely he retained ex
cept as vacancies may occur by dia
Kir one cause or anotner. . a miillni, nf thn e.-neral cnmmlt. : nenilitnre nf a lnre-o vinrn nt mnnsv
May Lose Appointive Power. . i,pointcd by the firemen of tuls 1 annually and the consequent levying
That 1. these poaitlona will be re- cl,v' held Monday night, it was decld- of a high rate of taxation to cover the I
. v.o., .... .1 ' ir' I v - it. -I... ... j ,.,
aior OI me Biaie . . . .. hl(rh Hchl rrrnru. nf four rrHp la ""ore " p.ovcnu m.u.
wboli ii-mtentlary Will Spend Sunday. July lb. at Ca- taZki b, , , mmm, ! Weattasl be DM Ball MBf
neman farK. ate high school in the several districts
around Oregon City requires the ex
154. CO
'0 80. tallied bv IH-mocrat unless the next to hold a big picnic and barbecue I cost. This has been a matter of some
lOKlalature in it great wisdom. at C anemah Park, In this city, Sun-j regret in past years, but it has been,
ery service.
It was ordered by the Council that
Recorder Dimick notify C. D. Latour
ette, of the City and Suburban Rail
way Company, that his Water Street
franchise will be cancelled because of
his failure to comply with the condi
tions under which the franchise was
T,.fnl tici riff no ,i t.. ... . -- - 1 ai a ilav lull- IS Tli.. Hav u111 ,-,in !iwl. '. in a muBHiirf unarnlHohlo on1 Ihn I
-i....i.., .... iiiiiikti nt-ni hi enuei a lew mwn mil " - "'"" 1 oranto,! Thu Ruenrrtpr waa alao in-
Caab on band 02 will deprive the Governor of the exclu- with a dance for which a committee I steps that are now being taken will fJ"2LJ? van that
Liabllltlea. alve appointlnK power andkplace the was named Various sub-committees J correct existing conditions and make "ruxiea OH J.fli " rf"
0 per cent bond due June 1, I control of the appointments mentioned ;were appointed to manage the details ; it possible for each district to obtain
1908 16000.00 i In the handa of a board composed of a !of the affair. The committee elected ;high school privileges at a minimum
'.percent biuid due 191:', ... tiooo on lt"publlcan majority. This may be Sam Stowe chairman and Jack R. j cost.
Note due Hank of Oregon done. j Caufield, secretary and treasurer. Dr. "in the recent election an efTort
City 1501.00 Th(. Governor has thought it pos-! W E CaH1 wl" hp Pre8ldent of the wa8 made to establish a county high
. slble and will not be much snrnrlaed ,lay Hn L"ther .Moore was named . 8Chool. but was lost by a vote of 1952
Total $i:t,r.oi on lf ,hl, i.(.iHiam tavt .n-h xcher. In the afternoon it Is pro-' to 1746. and while it wi
Number of children of ohcl aire. ! aeitn n if .k m. tw. i, 1 posed to have a baseball game, the ' where the school would have heen
February. I90fi, enumeration, 1247. ltwo iKHlatureH la any criterion by can,ain8 of the opposing teams to be located, it was generally understood
Teachert Receive Increase In W8MS. which to predict the "action of the 15?' Reonner and chas E'- while Fire that if the majority of the voters of
An Increase In the wages being nt,xtt there wlll 1)t, ri0 Hueh cnanK.. i CnM McFarland is to umpire the con-! Clackamas county declared in favor
paid the teacher employed In tho I ma,,.. The last two U-glslatures not te!' ' i of the proposition that the county
Oregon City c1ui1h. amounting to only left the Covernor with all his' various committees are -to hold ; COurt in which authority is vested
IH) each per month for the two prin i appointing power but when new of-! another raeetlnB net Monday even-1 would select Oregon City as the most
clpal and f.r, per month for grade j flcea Wl,re t(, flll(1( h(, wa8 given ' lnR at the Columbla Hook Ladder , logical site for the schools. This be
teachers was agreed i.n and grant-1 tn,. authority to make the appoint-1 Company 8 na1 In a(,ditou to the nef generally prevailed and aroused
ed at a meeting of the board of ul-1 m.nia Ti... Hnn..i,iieon i ,rii.t.,r , general committee, the sub-commit-' much antaconism of small towns
iitb aie nn luiions.
C. D. and O. C. UATOUHITT1,
Main Street. Oregon City, Oregon.
FurnUh Abttracta of Title, Loan Money.
Foreclote Mortaaa-. and tranaaot
Oeneral Uw Butlnpat.
W. 8. U'Ken 0. Bohabi
Attorneys at Inw.
eutrdjer bwolmt.
Will practice In all courta, make collec
tions and aettlementa of eatatea.
Furnish abatractt of title, lend you mon
ey, lend you money on flret mortgmae.
Office In Enterprise Building.
Oregon City, Oregon.
i in utuuiuut lie ei.iiiii. si en a.s I Kn IV. i ji.AA,nj t. r.AA an tn wa-
I ... 1 ..... . .. -I.. - I, T rt I - ' ' UIICVLCU lu ur no iiirimcu tat . -
? " "' ,,al,a'- asiacacia. MiiwauKie, Moiaiia. ana
oen istoiiuie anil in m. H. Moweu.
Teciora aionuay evening. ,,nvo ,;(iv..rn,,r 4.Vervf hlnir he aU
me Biry oi i uy nupcrmienaeni ,., for an(l ln far, was mori llberaI
wa cHtahllshcd at IIOOO per annum with him than a Legislature has com
aud the election of a successor to i monly been with a Republican Gov
Miss ( lark, the retiring superintend- ernor.
ent, wa deferred until another meet-I ,
Ing. In . lectin, a Clti Sunerlntend. ! Board My Be Glven Contrcl-
ent, the Hoard does not promise to i l,ut there will probaldy be sOxing Shaver ,E. J. Noble, L. Ruconich and
art hastily. On the contrary, the sev- pressure brought to bear upon the Chas Haniford.
et al application that have already I luxt legislature to Induce It to enact Soliciting and games and sports
been received for the place will be ! '"wa which shall take away from the ! H. Stratton, Al. Cannon, Wm. Peters,
f..ll .l .L . v. .. ' Ctverni.r the eveliaalv,, e,,nt . . ,! ,,t the ' V H 11 n, nil MM.
.111. -unit t . iiini.i.-i eu 111111 ttiiru iiie v . v. w. . ... 1.1,1 ctt i , - m i;.; .
Hoard I atlHfle,l that tbev have found ! lrlon and place that Institution in Dance Howard F. Latourctte. Wm. I TZLZZ , " J ITi -7i. i "!r
R. Uigus, Roy Woodward and Clarence i l"V.. r "V ual ."""'
1 ne scnooi ai luameite nas oeen
contemplating the addition of the ninth
grade and this would entail fitting up
another room and engaging an addi
for the same reasons similar action
will be taken in the matter of the
elevator franchise that was granted
him some time ago.
Plans, specifications and estimates
for the improvement of Sixth street
herween Railroad Avenue and Water
was not specified j street were received and ordered pub
lished; the ordinance assessing the
cost for the improvement of Fifth
street was passed, the ordinance or
dering the grade of Washington street
re-established, was ordered re-published.
It was ordered that an ordinance be
drawn assessing the cost for the im
provement of J. Q. Adams street, and
the cement sidewalk ordinance was
other nlaces and it was also onnosed
Order Sam Stowe. R. E. Wood- j by a large percentage of the farming
ward. J. A. McGlashan and E. A. j community, who took the ground that
Leighton. tneir taxes were high enough and
neiresnmenis 1 . u. nanman. w m. i would not stand for a raise.
"When the defeat of the county high
school became known, the directors
quire proper provision for drainage.
The amounts of the liens in Sewer
District No 2 and the Third street im
provement were ordered paid out of
the general fund.
In the proposed sale of all street,
sewer and sidewalk liens held by the
city, the finance committee was di-
of the several schools in the vicinity I rected to proceed with the sale of all
of Oregon City ,looked aboutfor a 1 property so Involved and have the
the right man for the supcrlntendency tne nanus of a hoard I here are many ,h. Logus, Roy Woodward and Clarence
a selection will lie made and not until;'1""" "eiuiiuicaiia woo woum uae u uiuner.
ifflce, and ways and means must be
Dissolution of Partnership.
Oregon City,
Will practice In all the courts of the state
Officio In Caufield Building.
Practice ln nil courts of the state.
Federal and United States Supreme
Room 300 Commercial Huilding
Portland, Oregon.
When you require nn Abstract of Title
to lands in Olnokamas County, have
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for tho purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We Invite you to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
Money to loan on Clackamas County
The principals of the Barclay and j found, they think.
r.asinam nuiimnga w.i. nereaner re- he penitentiary is a tree that holds Notice is hereby given that the part-i tional teacher and the same is true
eelve $,r, per month Instead of t.r. quite number of plums, though none ntrshlp heretofore existing between at Oak Grove. County Superintend
t.rade teachers, newly elected, will b. of them are particularly desirable. UVm. Gardner and George Gardner. 'ent J. C. Zinser. who is a firm advo-
iiiiu-ii iii t, pel iiiuiiiii nun miowcu i ne onices pay rensonaiue salaries.
an Increase In pay of $'J .r.o per month i but no more. There are a snperin-
for the second year nnd a further in-! tendent, two wardens, a bookkeeper.
a farmer, a phvsician and some 15 or
crease ot JJ.iio per month the lollow-
Ing year. Grade teachers, who have
been In the employ of the district for
three years or more, will receive $50
per month, Instead of $15 as hereto-1
fore. There are two exceptions among
the grade teachers, In that the two
llrst primary teachers, who have been !
In the service of the district for the I
last three years, will receive 5Bper
month as against $50 under the sohed j
ule of last year. By the revised
l!0 guards.
In political circles It Is quite gen
erally believed that there will be few i
changes in Important places at the i
other state Institutions, which are un
der the control of a board compose I I
of the Governor. Secretary of State
and State Treasurer.
Calbreath Feels Secure in Place.
Superintendent Calbreath. of the In-
schedule, however, a newly-elected snue asylum, is counted safe In lus
llrst primary teacher would start with ! position because be was I supporter j
$50 per month, with $52.50 per month of the Republican Candidates who won
for the second year and then $55 per j and also because bis administration;
month as long as the teacher remain- has been satisfactory. The positions
ed In the employ of the district, of the physicians nt the asylum hate
The revised schedule of wages j never been used for paying political
umiiunls to an increase of $5 per , debts and will not be now. There are I
month for each gratlo teacher. numerous minor places at the asy-1
Judge Ryan Re-elected. j lum, however, that can be filled with
Judge Thos. F. lyan, chairman of the political friends of the Secretary
the board of directors In the Oregon of State F. W. Benson and State Treasi
City Puliic Schools, was on Monday urer Steel, and these are plums that,
reelected to succeed himself, for an- I will probably be shaken into the wait-J
other live venr term. Jus. V. Caninbell, Ing grasp ol the faithful and eflectiv
under the firm name and style of Wm. icate of high schools, has made an ex
Gardner & Son, has been this day dis-! animation of the school law and has
solved by mutual consent. Wm. Gard- j discovered that in section 5 of house
ner succeeds to the business and will bill 60, which was passed at the last
assume all liabilities and collect all j session of the legislature, the act
accounts due the firm. providing for school consolidation has
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June been amended to exactly suit the case.
7, 1906.
This law provides that any school
board may. at its discretion, contract
with the board of any other district
: for the admission of pupils in such
I other district on such terms as may
; lie agreed upon and by such hoards
and the expense so incurred shall be
paid out of the school funds of the
district sending such pupils. Failure
to live up to any such agreement is
provided for, and should the district
The commencement exercises of St.
John's Parochial and High School will
rake place at Shlvely's Hall Tuesday
evening, June 26. An unusually fine
program lias been prepared for the
occasion. The entire program will be sending pupils fail to defray Its por
carried out by the pupils of the school. 1 tion of the expenses so incurred, ac
All who have ever assisted at the well cording to the term of the contract,
arranged and interesting exercises of I the county superintendent shall de
this school, know there Is another duct the amount of the unpaid ex
treat awaiting them on June 26. Four I pense from the amount due the dis-
pupils will be graduated from the
Tenth grade. Most Rev. Archbishop
A. Christie will present the diplomas
trict sending the students in the reg
ular apportionment.
The schools that are said to be
deeds properly recorded. This trans
action will be in charge of Franklin
T. Griffith who is to receive $25 for
directing the sale of the property and
5 per cent for all collections.
The committee on fire and water
was authorized to employ a carpenter
and determine the extent of the im
provements that are required for the
several fire companies' halls and make
report at the next meeting of the
Council. This action was taken on
the application of the fire companies
that needed improvements to their
rooms be made.
An excessive cloudiness prevailed
during the week, and while showers
occurred nearly every day in the north
west counties and on two or three
days in the southern and eastern sec
tions of the State, the total amount of
rainfall was not excessive, and all
rivers have slowly fallen. The morn
ings averaged from one to two de
grees below normal, but the after
noons, on account of cloudy weather,
were much cooler than usual, especial
ly in the Willamette valley and the
coast counties. The soil is well moist
ened, and a spell of bright, warm
weather is now desired. No frosts
occurred and the winds, while high
in a few localities, were not damaging;
whose Candidacy was unexpectedly
sprung at the last minute, received a
complimentary vote. More women
VOted In this school election than have?
participated In a like event In this
city in years, a total of 182 votes being
cast, of which a majority were cast
by women.
Public sentiment has been runnli
Complexion Secrets.
To remove, pimples, moth spots, sal
lowness, blotches, clear up the com
plexion and put the bloom of youth in
1 Margaret Justin, Mary Sabina Mc
T ,11 1 II... ..1 .1., T . . T" 1-
rather strongly against changes at , '""'" '" ucj x,BKer.
the reform school, mute school nnd
blind school, for political purposes, " nnrrt iTiw.ntn
and there Is a disposition to take I
those institutions out of politics as j will see that her baby is properly
much as possible, it to quite probable eared for to do this a good purga
thorcforo. that anv changes tn the'tlve is necessary. Many babies suf-
and address tho class. The graduates j ready to take advantage of such an i tnelr prevailing direction was from
are: Phillip Julian Sinnott, Agnes j understanding are Parkplace, Oak ! tne southwest.
Qrove, Mllwaukle, West Oregon City, j
Willamette, Canemah, and Maple
Lane. '
beads of these institutions will be made i fer from worms, and their mothers
only (or other than political reasons, ! don't know it if your baby is feverish
but there are I lew minor positions and doesn't sleep at nights, it is troub
thal will be open to those who want led with worms. White's Cream Ver
theni and can command the political j mifuge will elenn out these worms in
Hie elleeliu use I .nvnlioln tlllllets n lit UOI1CO necessnrv tl) throw OUt tlllMB 11111(1 111111 PlCllsaiU Will. UIKV U 1CU
nositlvo cure for eonstlnat Ion. 25 c nresent Incumbents. 'always used. Give it a trial
at Huntley Bros. I The office of master llsh warden is 25c
How to Break up a Cold.
It may be va surprise to many to
learn that a severe cold can be com
pletely broken up in one or two days'
time. The first symptoms of a cold
are a dry loud cough, a profuse watery
discharge of the rose, and a thin,
white coating on the tongue. When
Chamberlain's cough remedy is taken
Immediately on the first appearance ot
A case is to be brought before the these symptoms, it counteracts the ef-
Clrcult Court at Oregon City to test feet of the cold and restores the sys
the law which emnowers a fruit in-1 tern to a healthv condition within a
Price spector to enter a pest-infested or-1 day or two. For sale by Howell &
Sold bv Huntlev Bros. Co. I chard after the owner, having been Jones.
And Avoid Trouble Keep the Or
chards Clean.