OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1906. Official Clackamas County Returns for State and District Officers, Election June 4, J 906. 1", S, Senator i Short Term V. S. Senator long Term Representative Congress Governor Seer, of State Stale Trens. Sup. Judge Atty. General Supt. of I'tlllllt! IllHt, State rrlnler I,nhnp Com. d oi in 4' c 1 I 01 o I! XI Ml 03 in' .2 !5 t2 f5 121 53 83 45 19 105 c to I "" 1 "" I '29j'l00! 100, 11! 41! 39 23! 78 50! " mi CI ! 5 137 10 3 41 59 21 20j a 4j 1 ""f 15 112 7! 47! fi! 63! 135 63 80 67 25 42 7 10 21 6 1 4 1 3 n 9 0 8! 14 40, 9 19 91 21 Abernethy Harlow Beaver Creek Hull Run Poring Canyon Creek Canby Clackamas Cherryvllle Cauemah Cascade Damascus. . . . Eagle Creek Estacada George Harding Harmony Highland Killen Macksburg Molalla Milwaukie Marquam. , Maple Lane Milk Creek Needy New Era. Oak Grove Oregon City No. 1 Oregon City No. 2. Oregon City No. 3., Oswego............ Pleasant Hill Soda Springs ...... Springwater Tualatin Union Viola West Oregon City. Total.. J...."... 14 1 (' .' 10 ! l! .! 13! ! l j 21 j I 17: , 2 ' "j 10! ! :oj 5- ' 10! i 5! ! 7! i 121 , s: 4! 8) S! 10! 13i 10! "i 10! 19! IS 19! 22J 7; 10 4 5 4' C 12. 10Sf 3652869; GRASP AT STRAWS. Land Fraud Defendants Hope to E cape Sentence. ' Portland, Or.,June 14. Like drown ing men grasping at straws, those de fendants who have been convicted but not yet sentenced for complicity in the Oregon land frauds are seeking to find, through the death of Judge Bel linger, before whom they were tried, a loophole for their escape from pun ishment. They are building their hopes on a ruling made by Jhdge Wol verton while he was on the Supreme Bench of this state, to the effect that the allowance and signing of a bill of exceptions In a judicial act which can only be performed by the Judge who presided at the trial. It has been planned that the Mel- How Rapid Life is Killing Our People. UNPRECEDENTED NUMBER OF DEATHS RESULT FROM HEART CREASE. The fact that 125 perms diixl recently iT one week in New York City, from heart disease, whi-n tin1 death ran- the corresponding week in r.4 was only , has given rise to th bi-lief anion? phy sician that New Y'ork residents, and American people generally, for that mat ter, are livini? too rapidly. The strain of business and cares attendant, on lieree competition and the worry attendant mi anxiety to gain wealth are given as an explanation by physicians of the condi tions which eit inlay. Doctors have established the fact that the nerve forces which control the stom ach and the heart, are affected hv the hurry of men in tlie daily scramble to bolt their fo'xl. in order to quickly resume their exciting careers. Many young men now succumb to heart disease, where 5) years ago, a case was rare when a person under 30 years of age died from this malidy. Women arc also victims. This is at tributed to the manner in which they worry over s i-ial engagements, also to over-work. Worry and excitement, to gether with miny nerve shocks which come to h II in their daiiv life, of bu-tla and hustle, are the principal causes which snap the lieirturin?s. We Americans, both men and women, are living too fa-t. We work too hard and worry too mui'h. How can the strain be best contracted an I the damage done be quickest repaired? Only by humor ing and agisting the stomach to act in a more healthy manner. Tims will the blood he enriched, the nerves invigorated and the action of an enfeebled heart Strengthened and regulated. l)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains just the right irig'e iients to do thi. as will be seen from what eminent medical authorities say of the different ingre dients composing it. To make the weak ened stomach stronz that it may prop erly diest the fo-Kl and thus manu facture rich, red IiI ikI. Golden Seal, a prominent inure iient of the "(iolden Medical Disoverv" is pre-eminentlv the article needed. The late I'rof. John M. tit-udder. M, ).. of Cincinnati, author of Sped lie M",lication." says of it: "It stimulates the digestive, processes, and increase the assimilation of food. By the-e means t!u: lilmul u nirirlnd. Toe consequent improvement on the nervous and ir! indulur systems are natural result..-1 li - further savs : "In relation to its general effects on the System, tu fe i lid im-:li:iitK in ixc ttliiml v:hii h tlwre i-i xm-h ijriu rut miininiiti t,r tipinlim. It is tinh '(,,( regarded as thr tonic usi to in all det.jlitcied states." Tub I'.vitkii StvrKs lust'hxs vi-nisy says of Gulden Seal -oot: "As local remedy Hydrastis ((iolden Seal) lias a remarkable effect upon the mucous membranes. I'sei, in Ka-tru-iiiicstiiial (stomach-bowel) catarrhs. " In its iiiilueic-e itjinii the nervous system tit its agent (Golden Seal), has stimulating properties, affecting respira tion and circulation. Irniitirtiinj tone und inarenxtd purer to tlie. ImtrVx mlUin." Then besides Golden Seal, which, ac cording to the best medical authorities, stands at the head of all stomach and heart tonics and invigorators. there, fo Stone rout (Colli nsotiia Canad'-nsisi.wliicii enters largely into the composition of "Golden Medical Discovery," and it is an acknowledged stomach and heart tonic especially superior to all other remedies in valvular and other affections of tin; heart. The late I'rof. Win, Paine. M. 1)., of Phila., savs in his work on Concen trated Medicines: "I, not long since, had a patient who was so much oppressed with a valvular disease of thi heart that his friends were obliged to carry him Hp-stairs. Il. how ever, gnalnslly ri'eovured under the infln-eti-e of Collinsnniii (the active mudiclnal principle of fcloue root), and is now at- 137j (Ulj 90! 25! 471 123 92i 19! 75i 91! 74! 67 102! 2G 64 39 r2 IS 7 5 6 3! 1 12 6 2i 65' i 38 2; 71! 1! 23! S! 42! Oj 20! 10; 105! 91 611 1! 19' 1 49 fi! 67j 9; 60; -I l,M 5, 80 1! 22 4! 55j 10 36! 4, j 1 '!'V , O.'i : 4.) o it' i f'-l Si 661 4' 53! 21 4li 1! 33 1! is' 3j 42 Ill 6lj li' 123! 3! 141! 7! 84 4! 83j 2j 69 0! 26 l 37! 1! 48: Oi 18, li 34! 2! 77! 1 6i C! 31 3! 22! 15! 3 16) 8 90! 661 1 67 11! Ylti 1 7 11 17 s I 52 47 21! 67i 361 1 5 4 S! 4! 13! 3 1 3 3 O 9! 6i 1 23i 5S1 54 211 51! 57 42 43 15! 51 23! 79: 49 7lj l.'i I it 69! 15 46 24 40 9 32 20 43 I 14 42 30 89 6j 29 10 541 go! si! 7Cf 57j 64' 381 69 !' 65! 36 39 38 30 46 41! ss: 5" 16! 51 106 35 41 41 23 106 16 o 0 201 I 14 69! 55; 81 35 31 1 , 57 19! 32 19! 51 so 29 24 37 61 1 4 10i 291 69 30 4S 17! 61 12 -I IS' n! 6! oi 6i l! 1) 4! ! 280 721 25S', 209! 1211 us 87! 46 9! 43 3Si lGfi! 115 6i 164 25! 163 105 11! 139; 111 70 50 21 29 54 . ooi 13 87 33i lOlj S6! 16!, 83' 69 15, 491 66 2S! 601 8! 26 o! it 3! l! of 9 178! I'M ?! 13! 61 38 63 19 19 l"i 28! si 21 iOS 2165! 19301 2009! 133 ! drum case, which may probably come I up today, in the United States District j Court on a motion for a new trial, shall i stand as a test of the contentions ! ripil hv other defendants In similar positions; hence a great deal of Im portance attaches to Judge Wolver ton's ruling in this matter. If he grants Meldrum a new trial on the issues raised by the defense, It is taken that it will he a practical recog nition of the doctrine set up by him while a member of the Supreme Court of this state, while, on the other hand, if he holds that the ex-Surveyor-General is not entitled to a nevi trial, and then proceeds to sentence him upon the 21 counts of the indictment un der which he was convicted by a Fed eral jury in November, 1904, It is con sidered that the Government has fur- ; tending to his business. Ifrvtnfnre ,t -sicians knew of no rente-.!. v tl Hlouiof soli'stres ii.'g itllii' so li;:it !-i a Uiah.dy. ilti tl.eni it w;.s ; . t. , ' Wot'K.and i( leartul y H..;ne( ! . :,t i, . tiuit deatli was n,,1;r at liami. tu, i , tiiiijuestiouahiy alion.s relief in s; i. ca,s. and in most instances ellccis u . cure." j "Gulden Medical I)icovery " so str.u gl." ! and faithfully repren-i.ts the act'e n 1 di I cinal iruiciples lesiding in l.oth (.1 i , 'i i Seal ai.d Mone root tliat it can le le ! pended Umui to produce tlx-ir Vi ti l itntl ! ami lust cnratie efficts. It ne t 1 1 t. i lioiveM-r. 1 eevpectid to ,errorn. tn nit l i Tliose who have at 1 -wd t hcii:-elve ly j nver-i rk. and thus inctei! ston act ai.d lieart weahiie-s must m t exjxct a cure from the "(iolden Medical 'isntvery' unless they reform their hah. is. 'I l"ey must let up on their strenuous laiorsai il not over-tax their trains, nenu- nr tniis'ies. take rational exercise in the out-door air. and simple tHi and not too much of it never gormandizing or overloading the stomach. Get to sleep early and take plenty of rest in bfJ. With these improved habits of life the broken-down one may confidently ex iwct relief and cure from tlie use of that great stomach, nerve and heart tonic and inigorator, "Golden Medical Discovery." It is 'a trite saying that no ian Is stronger than his stomach. I)r. Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts it in shape to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney troubles. If you take this natural blood puritier and tonic, you will assist your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red Uuod. that is Invigo rating to the train and nerves. The weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people sutler from, is usually tlie effect of poisons in the blood: It is often indicated by pimples or loiis apoearing on the skin, the face becomes thin and the feelings "blue." Dr. Pierce's "Discovery" einV all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. ! It is the only medicine put up for sale through druggist. lor like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful drugs, and- the only one, every ingredient of which has the professioiftil endorse ment of tlie lending medical writers of tliis country. Some of these endorse ments are published n a little book of .extracts from st ridard medical works j and will be sent to any address frtr. on ; receipt of request therefor by letter or ; postal card, addressed to Dr. li. V. Pierce, ; iiutTalo. N. Y. It, tells just what Doctor Pierce's medicines are made of, ! The "Words of Praise" for the several ! Ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi . cities are composed, by lenders in all the several schools of medical practice, and ! recommending them for the cure of the i diseases for w hich tlie "(iolden Medical ; Discovery " is advised, should have far j more weight with the sick and alillcted : than any amount of tlie so-calM "testi ! monials " so conspicuously flaunted before ! the public by those who a re afraid to let ' the ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Dear In mind ! that the "(iolden Medical Discovery " Jims i'riiK daIhk of iionkstv on everv'hottle wrapper, in a full list of its Ingredients. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation, imigorate, the liver and regu late, stomach ami bowels. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing more than a thou sand large pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing rmttt. Send :si one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only stamps for the I took in paper covers. Addrwa Dr. E. V. Pierce, i'iuffalo, N. Y. , I x ""ji "21!" 6j 12 3 6; 3' s: t 51 7 ; s l I 12: lflj 9' 11' ! o ol 10 3! 22! 6 in 11! 6' 31 10! ;j I 2 i ?iS 21 1 " 2' 2 2' ! 26' T i 5 6i 2' 5; 91 39) 70 21! 36! 12 94 67! V'J 46 5S 10 25 14 4.) 20 82; 75! ?! 62! 57! 108 93 23 72 77 74 58 91 14' l"l 8! 6 ' 9! 1! 61 3! 171 Si 20! 16! Oi 271 9' HI 13! 6 25 11! 8, 8; 5; o! 6 i! 1! 4 3! 338; If i 31 5j 80; 39; Ji5! 62 18 48; 99! 111 53 34! fit',! 73! ! , 1 3 1 Oi isi 0! 14! 20 40j 56 36 26 41 3l! 50; 68; 45 47! 21j 49; 5l' 54! 1351 141; 81: 7o; 48 1! 5 li 1' 0i li 6; 4 6: 0! l! Oi o; ol 01 1! 12' US 2; 36i 75 76 40 Oi li CI 9 51! 45; 38; 4li 59, 33 (12! 68 7t 1981 195! no; 114; 2'' 12 13' IS 0 13' 71 68! 3; 59i 15 166! 3; 153! C' 121! 4 92 4 75 49! 72! 211 25; 27! 43! 27 39 62! 45! 58! 20 18! 2i)j 28' 21 31 102! 68' 99! 0! 5! 0! 9 42'! 2155' 95; 227 2396:1934 2659; nishetl enough legal conclusions to overcome whatever preponderance there might have been in Judge Wol verton's previous decision in the case of Heinrichsen against Smith. This was a proceeding tried origi nally before II. H. Hurley. Judge of .the Circuit Court of Multnomah Cottn ! ty, who died soon after the trial, j Henry E. McGinn was appointed to ' fill out the unexpired term and when ! attorneys for appellant sought totave him sign the bill of exceptions upon which It was proposed to base their appeal to the Supreme Court, he re fused to do so upon the ground that the bill of exceptions cotrld only be settled by the Judge before whom the Issues were tried. This ruling was affirmed by the State Supreme Court, then composed of Judges Wolverton, Ixrd and Bean, who held further that the only method of settling the bill of exceptions was fty process of a new trial, which was accordingly granted. It is claimed by Mehirum's attor neys that In the case of Malony vs. Adsit. 175. 1'. S. 281, the United States Supreme Court virtually upheld the ruling of the state court in the case cited, and It will be interesting to know what new authorities the gov ernment officials may be able to pro duce in order to offset the plea of the defense. It is certain that the Federal pros ecutors are fully cognizant of the points raised by. Mehirum's attorneys, and It is equally noteworthy that they do not attach much significance to their contentions, although just how the propose to meet the issues Is a secret that may never be divulged ex cept under stress of court proceedings. It is alleged that friends of Mel drum declared that he would never be sentenced, even after his conviction, !and those who claim to be In a posi tion to know assert that when Judge P.elllnger became appraised of theHe boasts, he resolved to give the con- vlcted ex-Surveyor General the limit jon each count of the indictment under j which he was convicted, or-a total of 1210 years. j MM !! l ! THERE ARE FEW j people who know how to take care of i themselves the majority do not. The Silver is a most important organ in ' the body. Herbine will keep it in con idition. V. C. Slmpkins, Alba, Texas, ' write: "I have used Herbine for chills and fever and find It the best medicine ! I ever used. I would not be without ! It. It is as good for children as it Is i for grown people, and I recommend it. 1 It Is fine for lagrippe." 1 Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. ! STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Cherries To Be Discussed at Salem July 6-7. f The mid-summer meeting of the State Horticultural Society will be held in Salem, Oregon, July 6 and 7, ! 1900. It will be a special cherry meot ; ing. In continuation of the move ment last year iwklng to the improve iment of our fruit displays the business ! men of Salem have donated cups' for I the best displays of cherries as fob ; lows: ! Ten-pound box commercial pack i first prizes: Lamberts, cup, $10; Roy jal Anns, cup $10; Deacons, cup $10; I Dings, cup $10; Black Republicans, j cup $10. Second Prizes -Lamberts, cup $6; ! Hinga, cup $6; Royal Anns, cup $6. Best assortment named varieties on plates First prize, cup $10; second prize, cup $0. Unnamed seedling of merit on dates First prize, cup $10; second prize, i cup $6. ! For further particulars as to com j petition write M. McDonald, Salem, ! Oregon. j This is a splendid display of cups ! and the cherry growers of the state ought to make a general response to such a generous offer. Bring or send your fancy fruit. Let us show tlie peo ple til Salem that we appreciate their good will. Q ui m t Sj j S j 1 S i I ca o xt "m l "" M ts ( n i I 3 IT) 45 1561 2 K 21 60 0 10 36 90 1 7 8 24 5 3 1,2 51 0 2 4 21 14 12j 48 117 9 51 36 100 0 71 4 22 11 13! 21 78 10 17! 35 71 10 10; 35 76 1! 5! 28 70 7 6: 461 99 1 Oi S! 21 5 , 6! 26! 00 7 3' 13! 4l! 5 17, 24 52. I 2' 291 49! 2; 19' 12! 50! 3, 21 77: 801 51 3, 101 91 ! 3! 1! 30' 541 I 22! 17! 09 1 11! 13! 40. 0 13; 19! cu' 3 12' 39' 71! 5' 3' 20; 92 5' 20 691 219 4; 12 50 22Sj 7! 13! 551 134 3 12 32! 118 2 t ; 40. 77! 1' O! IS 28! 2' 7! 24! 39 IV 2 47! 57! 0: 2 14! 23 2! 8! 7! 35 8 4! 50 4S 4! 28; 31! 36! 361 52! s! 30; 201 30! 3d! 16' SO! 16! lis! 21! 19! 20! 41! 39! 96! 92! 76! 471 41! 17! 26' 5o; 13' lit 651 53 37 r 21 27 31 35 44 16 13 0 4 M I 79; 19 65 76 63! 14! II 41 21 4! "I 4; li 59 8 5 33 451 41 50! 70I 75; 52! 54! 33! 63! 62: 65; 178! 173! 112! 1011 67! 27! 36! 521 21! 30; 92i 29i li 27! 33 it'; 79! IS! 41! 23! 18! 20 40: 33' 79! ",! 641 33 38 19! 25! 44 11 9': 3i 5; l 1! 4 9; 91 h' 9' 3 3 1 4 13: 1! V 1! o 5' 3' 172 i: 3; 50 107. 00 117! 311 1158 2954' lH'Jj 2509 1435 I This will bo the biggest anil boat j summer meeting that the society has j helii In years: in fact It promise to ' out-class the past annttul meeting In , enthusiasm. ! The Marlon County Society has ; strong committor In charge of all j phases of the work and visiting horti jculturistH are assured a hearty wel I come and a lively time. ; The program will Include papers 'and alks by such men as Dr. Card (well. Col. Dosch. Professor Coote and I Lewis, Commissioners Newell. Itefd, land Park, and Messrs. J. R. Shepard. K. II. Hheppard. M. McDonald. Lloyd jT. Reynold. L. M. Gilbert, H. C. At 'well, Geo. H. Lamberson, K. C. Arm strong. II, S. Gile, H. M. Williamson j ami others, While the meeting is chiefly for the cherry, the walnut will receive no j littl,, attention. 1 The first session will bo held at j 1:30 p. m.. Friday. July 6, Saturday morning visiting horticulturists will isee the sights of Salem and vicinity I by courtesy of the Oregon Nursery Co. The Very Best Remedy for .Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F, Itorroughs. an old and well konwn resident of IllufTton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy In my family for sev eral years. I am never without It." I This remedy is almost Btire to be I needed before the summer Is over, j Why not buy It now ami be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by ' Howell & Jones, "s WILL INCREASE ASSESSMENTS. State Tax Commission Proposes Changes in Tax Laws. Portland, Or.. June 14. Railroad tax valuations -in Oregon will bo Increas ed more tlmn five-fold, If the State legislature shall enact the bill which the State Tax Commission has recom mended. The Commission finds that the com mercial value of the railroads In Ore gon to he $70,000,000, at which fig ure the railroads would bo assessed and taxed, under the plan It proposes. The railroads paid taxes this year on a total assessed valuation of $13, 308.697. By the method agreed upon by the Assessors of Multnomah, Clackamas, Marlon, Llnn.J.ane, Dong las, Benton and Polk, at. Albany Inst Monday, this total would be Increased to perhaps $35,000,000, If adopted by all Assessors, which would be only 50 per cent of that promised by the Stato Tax Commission. The law proposed by the- Com mis sion would, rajso the valuations of other classes ( property correspond ingly, thus avoiding an unjust Increase on the railroads. The assessment per mile would be $38,000 the mean be tween main and branch lines, for that on main roads would be hlglr than that figure and that on lesser ronds lower. The $70,000,000 "commercial value" Is the sum on which the Oregon roads can pay 0 per cent. Interest, after pay ment of operating expenses and tax es, as ascertained from the Commis sion's inspection of their accounts. Tliis figure Is close to that fixed by the United States Census Bureuu, which last year .placed the commercial value at $75,661,000, or $13,000 per mile. The following changes In Oregon tax laws are to bo proposed to legislature by State Tax Commission for enact ment next, January: Taxation, of railroads, strum and electric, and power companies operat ing in more than one county, 011 basis of riot earnings, capitalized at a fair rate rtf interest. Taxation of banks, National, state and private, on capital slock, surplus and undivided profits. Reduction of the household exemp tion from $300 to $200. County Treasurer instead of Sher iff to be Tax Collector. 117 49 78 21 47 19 104 80 S; 29 50 s 11 4 58: 52 6 34 32 46 37 63 10 33 21 lfi?i 01' 103! 25' 5it; 3 135' 109! 23' 1 96 82( 77! li:i 29 71! 42l 57! 6 8 i II 1 6 6 4 s 5 :'! n 3; 121 9! 1 8i 16! IS! II1 7! it H "I it 2I o: 19 -'! 8' y 23' 1 2' 13! 161 61 20 ' II 13 10; "I 01 6! t fi:' 6! 2 1 18 13 0 3 8 ' 5 13 16! 321 7 23 23 67 76 63 IS! II1 7! "i "i SI li 21! 3: 18! 5! O! 19' 101 12! It! IS 17 591 s:i 20 r,; 35! 45: . 44! 51' 71! 75! rui 5s: 35, 60! 66! 12 18 ri 1 ' 8' 14' 61 4! 21 101 7! I 6 I' 12) '5 27i lOj 301 33! s 11! 34! 20. 151 30! 131 36! 21i 31! 19' 15! 7! 1I: in! 8! Hi 18, 659, 111 2! li 2' 9; 31 4! II 0; 29! 311 r,7; r,9i yoj 63i f,8i 38 74! 45 89 21 1 43! 28, 20 26! 47! a.H 116! 110! 81 41! 43! IS' 3d! W 15 li; 73! 8 49j 8 15! 6! 8! ii : 4' 5i 4 2 79 !! 86! loj 229, 6' 235 9! 136: 1! 125 7! 64! 23' 155 II 162! 12 8 6 Oi 104' 111 70: 281 33' 55! 21 31' K5. 3' 0 96' 29; 2 47 0 59' n; 2. 5: 36! 3 120! 156.3177 381; 315 2171 1585 275' Washington system of certificates of tax delinqueticy, in the Interest of better, tax titles, 1 State to receive 10 per cent of all liquor licenses. Tax Commission of five members to b created, for purpose of assessing public utility corporations and super vising all assessment in the state. Franchises ttot to be directly taxed, but to be taken Into consideration by the board In determining the taxable valuation of a public service corpora tion, according to the systems In Michigan and Wisconsin. First assessment under new method to be made In 19o8 and first levy and collection In 1909. The new code will not touch exjress. telephone, telegraph, sleeping car and oil companies, which are to be taxed by two Initiative laws, enacted by tho people at the polls on June 4, DEADLY SERPENT BITES are as common In India as are atom aih and liver disorders with us. i-or the latter however there is a sure 'remedy: Electric Hitters; the great I restorative medicine, of which S, A. fllrown. of Itennettsville-, H. C, says; "They restored my wife to perfect I health, after years of suffering svl'h j dyspepsia and a chronically torpid j liver" Klectrlc Hitters euro chills and i fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, I kidney troubles and bladder'dlHordei s Sold on guarantee uy iiowen .miie. druggists. Price, 50 cents. REDUCED SUMMER EXCURSION RATES. Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breitenbush Hot Sprlngi From All S. P. and C. & E. Points. On nnd after June 1, 1906, the South ern Pacific In connection with tho ICorvallis & Kastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit at very low rates, good for re turn until October 10, 1906. Three day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, gsd going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on salo from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at tho seaside. Season tickets from all East Side and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at vesy low rates with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tour ists to visit the Santlnm and Brulten bush Hot Slrings in the Cascade mountains, which can bo reached In) one day. Season tickets will be good for re turn from all points until October 10. Three-day tickets, will be gKd going Saturdays and returning Mondays only'. Tickets from Portlnnd iind vici nity will bo good for return via th East or West side at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vl elnltywlll be gisid .going via the Le-bnnon-Sprngflold branch If desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport, on Yaquina tick ets to Yaqttjna only. Sunday excur sions to Newport on the C. & E. will begin June 10th or 17th and run every j Sunday thetearter, leaving Aiiuwiy at 7:30 a, m.; leave Corvallls 8 a, m. S. P. trains connect, with tho C. & E. at Albany and Corvallls fir Ya quina and Newport. Trains on tho C. & E, for .Detroit leave Albany at 7:30 a. ni., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there tho sanio day. Trains from nnd to Corvallls connect with nil East Side trains on the S. P. Full Information ns to rates, time j table, etc., can be obtained on appli cation to J. C. Mayo, (Son. Bass. Agt jC. ft. 13. It. R. Albany; A. L. Craig, (1. j P. A., ri. P. Co., Portlund, or to any jtt. P. or 0. & E. agent. Rates from Oregon City to Newport I $6.00. j To Yaquina $0.00, ! Three day Rats from Oregon City to Newport, $3.00. !. . oi d o '5 to u 0 X h S 4 r 'in " s- m r r t. i- 21 Ml 6 51 llo 65) 8 58 2 22 51! 26' K 87 3 38 84 45j 7 23 2 7 21 101 4 ,46 8 13 51 II 4 19 0 4 23 3 12 114 16 49 118 60i K 86 13 40 2 491 6 22 0 6 22 4! 14 76 0 24 77 29 20 76 6 31 85 40l 11 72 H 31 70 48 si 02 1 35 62 40 6 87 7 53 91 58 0 221 4 6 22 8i 5 Ol 4 26 63! 3i; 4j 36! 1 1 15 37 27j 52! 521 1; 25! 54 38! 3 46 3! 29 46 33! 21 49 21 42 52 50 20 80 4j 78 72 91 5 79 6' 18 76 20; 0 51 I 41 51 40i 26 f.Mi 4i 2 61! 4o! 12 33 3 18 39! :, 13! 66! 0 IS 64 26j 15 68! 1 41! CO 49' 9! 71; 11 27! 79 31! 22! 2oo 4i 86 195' 95 12! 206 61 69 193! 81 ! 17! 117 loj 65j 117 82; ll 1I2 I; 39! HOj 41; 6( 77i 2t 36! 80' 385 0; aoj 0' 17! 3n; is' K! 4il! 21 23! 40! 20 l! 57 I! 46; 55l 48' 2; 22! oi 151 2oJ V'J 5' 3r 2' '11: 33! ill 8! 95 2j 62! 90j 64; 387 2731 158.1217 2716 1533' STATEMENT FROM MR. MAY. Cams, Oregon, June 10. 190(5, Kdltor Enterprise; I saw In a recent Issue of your pa per nu Item In regard to money that was left or stolen at my house, so Mr, (inciter says. I wlh to stnt that Mr, llitclier says, I wish to statu that Mr. be coiiUm-d to the truth. ( think a man of his calibre should be a little more careful m to what he writes the newspaper. So far us miy Injustice having been done him, ther has been none, 1 will say that he Is nothing more nor h- than a miser and If lie had lost his money 11 h h claims to have, lie would have been Insane by this time. Yonrs truly, HKNRY MAY, (The F.nterprlse first printed a now Item that precipitated this controver sy It has since printed a statement from Mr (Inciter and Mr. May and so fur as this paper Is concerned, the controversy must now end. W have printed the news and given both of the Interested parties apace for his ver sion of the affair We will now drop the subject -Editor I TRIED AND NOT FOUND WANTING Why Huntley Broa. Are Warranted In Recommending Dr. Davit' Prescrip tion For Indigestion. Because of the fact that so many so-called Indigestion remedies prove dlsappolnling we are frequently ask ed If Dr. Davis' Prescription, Pepslko la Tablets really will bring the relief expected. If there were tho least doubt In our mind and if we did not positively and absolutely know the real worth of this remedy, you yourself must know that we would not be warranted in recom mending Pepslkola Tablets If they did not possess great merit. As a usual thing we do not offer a dyspepsia remedy on our own person sotial guarantee, but unless Dr. Davis' Prescription relieves and cures your coated tongue, heart burn, dl.zy spells, sour stomach, wind belching, sleep. Icshiichs, weakened energy and other symptoms of judlgestlon we will hand back your mtfncy cheerfully and with out any argument. Pepslkola Tablets are also 11 grand nerve tonic and no one should hesl tate to try a 25 cent box as they will not cost you a penny should you fall to receive the benefit expected. JOHN YOUNGER, T3S -MT 13 X-13 JE. Near IIuntley'B Drug- Store, FORTY TEAKS" KXPERIEN'CE I Ureal Britain and America. 0. R. & N., THE TIME SAVER. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via This Popular Columbia River Route. Franklin was right when ho said "Lost time Is never found again." , Tho O. R, ft N In addition to giv ing you 200 miles nlong tho matchless Columbia River, saves you 17 hours to Chicago, It Is the Short Line to Lewlston, Short Lino to the Puloimn country. Short Lino to Spoknno. Short Line to tho Coour d' Aleno eoun'try. Short Lino to Salt Itke City. Short Line to Denver. Short Lino to Kansas City, Short Lino to Omaha; Short Lino to Chicago, Short Lino to all points East. Throe trains East daily, 9:15 n. m 8:15 p. m., and 0:15 p. m, The "Cliich-go-Portlnnd Special," Is (in line ns tho finest. Every comfort of homo. For particulars nsk any agent of tho Southern Pacific Company, or write A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. ' 4? Y 1