OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1006. 7 FSvmvNVW TIio Kind You Have Always Ilouiflit. immI whh h 1m leoa In uho fur over 30 yvnrn, ha borne tlio Hlirimturo of and liu been iihmIo tinder IiIh init io HoniilwiiiervlMloii ftlneo Hh Infancy. Vftofyy, -CUCAtti AlloWiiooiiotodncHvoyoiilii thin. All Counterfeit, Imitation and " JiiHt-iin-irood" urn lmfc Kiiwrlinent that trlllo with and endanger tlio Iiealth of lufanU and Chlldrcii-Kxncrleneo against liiporluiouU What is CASTORIA CiiKtorlu U' a IiarmlcHM miliNtltuto for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drop and Hoothlnjf Hjru.m. It l l'lcaHunt. It eontuln iieltlier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo iiliHtitme. ItH wr I U irnuranteo. It destroy Worm mid allay lVverllineM. It cure I)larrheii and Wind Colic. It relievo Teething TroublcH, wren CoiiHtlpatloit and Flatulency. It luudmlluten the I'nod, regulate tho Mtomaeh und liowcl, irlvlnjr healthy and natural Bleep. Tho Children's I'auacea Tlio Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho Signature of Mr. Craw, our new saw mill man. Wm. Jones wan In Oregon City Mow lay, Mrtt, .'J.'iMtiriiiii spent Bumlay with Mrs, 0. Ii. White. Hurt Jlanlrough returned to his work In WiiMliliiKlon Friday, after a abort vlMlt lit homo. Mry Clarke spout Thurmlny with Imr brother awl family on Mt. Pleas ant. Mr. Jlraldir'H flog wan poisoned lant week, Wo urn having lino weather to grow weeds. M . DEAFNE88 CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, hh they cannot reach tl' iIImi'hmimI portion of tho ear. There Ih only one way to cure deaf n'HH and that In by constitutional rem edies. Deafness la caused by on In flamed en mill Inn of the mucous llnlriR of tho KuxUchlan Tube. When thin tube Ih Inflamed yon havo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It la entirely cloned, deafness fa the renult. and unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out and thin tuho ro Htored Ui Its normal condition, hear ing will be deHtroyed forever; nliin canes out of ten aro caused by Catarrh which Ik nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous nurfacen. Wo will give One Hundred Dollar for any cane of Deafnenn (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hairn Catarrh Cure, 8end for circu lars free. V. J. CIIHNHV &. CO., Toledo. O. Hold by druggists, 75 cents. Take Hall's Family 1'llln for conciliation. Buu Hair at Auction? MARCUS DALY'S PLUCK. At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it's nature's way. Th btt kind of a testimonial "Bold for over ilxty yean." A Mad b i, O. Ajor Co.. Low.IL, Aim BHulututti of 9 (ABSAPiflLUL PUIS. CMf UBY PKT08AU vers The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt tWTaVH MSMK. rt UM ITHIt, air. AID TO HOMELESS PUPILS. Clackamas Student Will Contribute To Their Relief. TWILIGHT. All thoMe' Interested In the new Hchool district aro reqneHted to be preaent at a meeting to bo held at Twilight Hall. Friday, June 22, at 8 p, m. DON'TI 1 I GREENWOOD. What hiiM hain-ne.l to our enrr1 Mindeit from (ireenwood? I'ei)il lu our vicinity are bi'KlunInK to wiincler If It In kiiIhk to rain all Hiininur, Mrn. Clara Knot and little daui;hter and Mamie tiregory, vlalted the bit ter'a imrentH, Mr and Mr. II. H. (ireK ory, Siinilny. Mr. T. C. ThoniaH hiix hU new barn aluioHt i nt j )( t . We are niniii to hear the buz of a Kuwtulll III our nelKhborhnod, whli'h Will hiiUIIiI like old tlllteM. MImh Huth Hrnker Kniit Neveral (Iiivh luHt ue'k vIhKIiik with friends In Willamette and Orcein City. (ii-o, lllder ban quit worklnK In Port land and In working for Mr. Crow. Hon Mead wan the KueHt of Mr. and Mm. Hobt. Clark Friday even- IliK Keveral from here attended the dance at New Kra Saturday nlht. Mr, ThotiiBH Smith was taking pic turen In our part Sunday. MImn Mayme Knldow returned to her home In Willamette lant week, af ter t'loniiiK a very aucceanful term of hc-Ik Mil here. Mm, ThoinaH and Mrn. llraker were calltmc on Mm. Clarke one day lant week. Marry F.unttnan In hauling brick for s I ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER A talk with us will convince you that ELEC TRIC LIGHT is the only light you can afford to use in your home, or put in the house you are building. Your property will rent more readily, will pay a high" income on the invest ment and attract a better class of tenants IF IT IS EQUIPPED WITH EI ECTRIC LIGHT. ELECTRIC POWER never tires. It setves faithfully, never complains. Requires little or no space, less care. Absolute adaptation to all con ditions. Expense starts and stops at your command. The use of ELECTRIC POWER means: Great saving in machinery and initial cost of installa tion of plant, high ECONOMY in cost of oper ation, and an INTENSIFIED PRODUCTION possible only where ELECTRICITY is used. Advantages in the cost of producing power in Oregon City, in comparison with other cities of the country, enables us to make terms ex-, ceptionally favorable to manufacturers, and to furnish unequalled service at lowest rates. Don't let your child nuffcr with that cough when you can cure It with Jial lard'a llorehoiind Syrup, a nure cure for Counhn, Hronchliln, Influenza, and Croup, 1'ulmonary dlneanen. II. II. UiiKhter, Ilyhalla, Mian., wrltea: "I havo two children who had croup. I tried many different reme dies but I munt nay your horehound Syrup Ik the beat Croup and Cough medic I no 1 ever uaed." Sold by Huntley Proa. Co. PARKPLACE. The neighborhood was allocked Wedneaday morning by the aad new of the auddeii death of Mr. Ingram, which occurred from heart failure. It la a great ahoek to the bereaved family. - The eighth grade graduating claas will hold their exerclne m the An nembly Hall. Saturday evening. June ir,, to which all, who are Interested In the young peopta are Invited. The i Mothers' Club w ill nerve Ice cream f I ter the exerclaea are over. Worth Hamilton In analatlng E. C. The puplln of the Claekaman Coun ty nchoola are going to make contri butions toward the relief of the un fortunate puplln of San Franclaco, whone nchool building were deat.roy ed by tho fire. The plan of lending aid In outlined In a circular letter that han been ncnt to the parentn, teach er aud Hchool officer of Clackamas County by Superintendent Zlnner. The letter augg'.'Ht the following plan o( action: A letter ban been received from the Superintendent of Schrxjl of San Francisco, atatlng that In the recent dlnanter that city has loat 34 school buildings which will coat about $6, 000,000 and that the teachers who have taught In these buildings cannot be employed, nor the building re placed for some time to come, without aid from other source. In order to help the children of San Francisco In their great misfor tune It Is suggested that the children of Oregon be allowed to make contri butions of small sum to be used for the erection of chool buildings. Many cities all over the United State are Interested In this movement, fore most among them the achool children of Galveston, Texas, whose public schools were rebuilt and maintained after the storm of 1900 by voluntary contribution from the school child ren of the t'nited State. A circular letter from the State Su perintendent, endorsing auch contribu tions, has also been received. I there fore suggest that parent and teach er allow children below the high school to contribute not more than 5 centn each, those above that age not to exceed 10 cents each. TbeUank of Oregon City and the Commercial Bank Hamilton In the Hed Front. W. K. Johnson put a line new range (have kindly consented to receive such in bin Home last weea mucn to me gratification of Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. F. J. Cutter, from Seattle, Is spending a two weeks' vacation with her daiiKhter. Miss C. Agatha. Mrs. ! Cutter came to see her daughter grad iuate from High School Inst Wedne ! day night. Teacher and pupil are enjoying their vacation. Charlie Smith Is homciagnin from his mall-weighing trip In Idaho. Mr. Wm. Holmes anil daughter Kita are going to Lebano. Oregon next Monday to see Mrs. Holmes' father, Mr Lucas, who lives there. contributions. SUMMER NORMAL. Tli Mlorr of t.umn T Ttrnnght torcraa and Woallb. When the outlook was Uie blackest und tbln Indomitable captain of men, Marcus Daly, lind exhausted Ms re source und bin credit a fortunate ac cident placed In hi blind a small but t nulllelent mini of money to transform i Inevitable defeat luto certain victory. Lloyd 'J'evln, the California lawyerjBiid tils mining partner, J. v. iiaggiu, wuo hud been vlsltlnjf their properties at Homentako, ntopied at Butte on their way home to California to take a look ut the new camp. Marcu Daly knew ilessrs. Huggln and Tevla well, for he hud worked for them In the old Califor nia days, lie vllted them at their hotel, not the gorgeou palace of gran ite, marble, preclou onyx and mahog any which adorn Uutte today, but a humbler wooden atructure more In keeping with the wjualld surrounding of the new camp. In Haggln' bed room, the only place available for a private conversation, Daly made a clean breat of it to bin friend and appealed to them for aid, explaining hi theory fully and citing- many ad ditional fact which had developed dur ing til mining operation la Anaconda that went to strengthen 1L . It wa thoroughly characteristic of the man that he did not attempt to haggle over Uie terra of the loan, but stated merely the fact and closed hi negotiation with the word: "Now, gentlemen, that i a correct statement of the situation of my affair end the condition of my mine. I must have $20,000, and I must have it at once to meet next Saturday's payroll and cur rent bill and to provide for the ex pense of operation for another six month or so. If I do not get It I am flat broke and will have to close op. I have told you what I have got and what I think and what I think I am going to get when that shaft is down another 100 feet or so. Make your own term, but let me hava tho money." They gave him the $20,000, and, of course, being aatute bulnes men, a contract was drawn up and signed then and there transferring to them the con trolling interest In the property. But up to the date of his death Lloyd Tevla always declared that, though he believ ed thoroughly In Marcu Daly's integ rity, both he aud Mr. Haggln thought that he was chasing a chimera, that the theory upon the elaboration of which Marcu Daly had spent so many sleep less night and all bis substance was fallacious and that no gold-copper de posit 'would ever be discovered in the bowel of Butte mountain. In fine. Haggln and Tevis let Daly have $20,00y because they liked him. They certain ly never dreamed that Anaconda would prove a more veritable bonanza than the Comstock lode. As for Daly, he had never doubted his ultimate suc cess, and when three months after that meeting In the hotel bedroom the main shaft of Anaconda penetrated, a he had always believed it would, the richest aud most extensive gold-copper deposit In the known world he conveyed the In telligence to his partners In California tn this most matter of fact telegram: "We have reached it. Come out and look at lt"-Fubllc Opinion. . - Shively's Opera House One Night Only SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1906 CLARK'S AMERICAN BIOGRAPH and VAUDEVILLE CO. Positively Presenting Mov- j ini Pictures of the Earth- quake, Dynamiting, Fire and Ruins of San Francisco. A trip down Market 8t from City Hall and Mechanics' Pa vilion to the Ferry, showing the principal Shopping and Business district showing the ruin from both side of Market St. a trip 2 miles long covering 15 blocks. The only moving picture of the fire itself at Fifth and Mission, taken from the Grant Bldg. at a great danger of life. The building crumble and fall be fore your eyes. Some of Our Head Uners The Moon Lover, Escaped Lanatic, Keep it Straight, The Strike, A Scene on Every Floor, House Keeper's Curiosity, A Dream of a Rarebit Fiend, The Train Wreckers and many oth ers. Illustrated song by Miss Es tella Sim, positively of the Or pneum Circuit, who also intro duces Coon shouting. Good music. Two and one-half hours' performance. Children 15c. General Admis sion 25c. Reserved seats 35c. Seats on Sale at Huntley's Drug Store. If Yoti Want Don't let the baby suffer from ecze ma, wires or any Itching of the skin, (loan's Ointment gives Instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe for children. All druggists sell it. is furnish unequalled service at lowest rates. j l j n f f JflF I REDUCED RATES FOR CURRENT ON "'S fe 1 . METER BASIS. Wv : PORTLAND GENERAL IJyj; ELECTRIC COMPANY pal I School. Without a peer. ror S.I. oy 1 E. MATTHIAS . H Bolt Agency for' Oregon City. H aMM. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE "XT' The Second Session of the Clackamas. County Summer Normal Will open Monday. June 25, at the Y. M. C. A. Building, and continue for six weeks, up to the August examina tion. A thorough review 1 offered In all the branches required for Coun ty Certificate. Instructors: J. C. Zinser. County Superintendent. T. J. Gary. Prin. Wil Inmette Scluxd, L. A. Bead, Prln. Park place Schwil. Tradc Marks r ,V DiaioNt "Ml" CopvmoHTa Ac AnTnnin1tH alttlrh and donorlpllnn may quickly MiWOtiii our opinion fre wli(hr rd Invention la prohnlilv imKMHahla. Cnmmunlca iiotin.mi'UTc.iin.initbil. HANDBOOK on Paimiu ant fr. DM! ntfrnrv Inr aorurlna patanta. I'niania tnkvn llirouuli Miiim 1 lo. recalM jirrlul nfu-, niitmtitchana, In Ilia Scientific Jlmcrlcan. A handnninnlT lllnalraiail wkiIt. milHiitm of unv arleiiMtln Journal. : lour niontua, il. Bom Iiyail tiawamtaiera. !,anrt elr. Tnrma, 3 1 Cn.361Bro.d.,.NpWYnrlf iiianuh OAlcw, (Ut V HU Wuhtumon, 1). U Portland Evening Telegram, daily, and the Weekly Enterprise, both one year, for $5.50. lrylnj preparations simply devei. op dry catarrh ; they dry up Uie secretions, which adhere to the nif mbraue and decom Ikibo, causing a far more BeriouB trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. lug iuhalants, fumes, smokes and snufia and use that which cleanses, soothes aud hi als. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy aud will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 60c. size. Ely Brothers, GG Wsrren St., K.Y. The Balm cures without pain, docs not irritate or canse sneezing. It spread itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliov. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Bay Ferer. llFivarda Kor ChnrrhirotnaV. At Holsworthy. lu Devonshire, Eng land, the prettiest girl who attend church gets vell rewarded for doing Ri. About fifty yeivs or so ago It struck the Hev. Thoiiins Meyrlck. who wa then vlenr of the parish, that the young ladles there did not attend church so often as they might d.i. So he left a sum of money, and this, according to the term of his will, was to be put out at Interest. The annual Income from It was to be given each year to the prettiest young womnr. nt Holsworthy who had attended church regularly for that year. (irttlnv n Pointer. Hosky 1 any, doctor, I want you to look at n horse up here at the stable nut tell me honestly Just what you think about 'him whether he la sound or unsound. Veterinary I nhvnys tell Just what I think, r.y the way, la It a li irse you think of buying or one you have for sale?-Boston Transcript. Aa Indian Legrad. There was once a man who lived in the forest far from the rest of his tribe. He lost his wife and was very lonely. After awhile he made a wood en doll about her size, dressed It in the clothes she used to, wear and set It up In front of the fireplace. Then he felt better. So a year passed away. One night he came home, and there was his wife sitting in a chair in place of the doll. She spoke to him, saying. "The Great Spirit felt sorry for you, so he let me come back to see you, but you mus never touch nie, for if you do you will kill me." They lived thus together for a twelvemonth, but one night he attempted to clasp her in his arms. Behold, he wa holding a wood en doll! She did not come to life again, and he was very unhappy ever after. a "Cracker ek" Plumbing Job at a little cost, by all means confer with us before handing out your contract. A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near Eighth Wrlah College Yella. The Welsh is a language that looks peculiarly fit for college yells. The Welsh yells are fully up to the level of those of this country? The University of North Wales has a yell something j like this: "Bravo, bravisslmo, ray, ray, j ra-o-rock! Ray-ray-ra-o-rock! Ray-1 ray-ray-o-rock!" Cardiff has a some- S what similar yell, while at Aberyst-1 wyth the cry Is: "Hlp-hlp-hur-aber! Hlp-hlp-hur-aber! Hlp-hlp-hur-Aber-1 ystwyth! With a pip and a pang and n yip and a yan. Yak! Yak! Yak!" Otrrcome, TImson I never fainted away but once, and that was Just a few days ago. SImson What wa the cause 1 TImson My wife told me that she had trained herself so she could walk through a store full of bargain counter sales with her purse full of money and never buy thing. Detroit Free Press. Paradoxical. Smith You remember Muggins, who used to bore us with hi long winded stories? Jones Yes. What of him? Smith He was arrested yesterday for being short In his accounts. Chicago News. Work. "Anyhow you can't deny that Hewll gus is a self made man. He worked bis way through college." "He certainly did. He worked near ly every student In the institution." Chicago Tribune. See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pas ses, and the World-Famous Royal Gorge For Descripitive and Illustrated Phamplets, write to W. C McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A Savi, Ckktaim Ruiatr fur Sitfeskii MiwtTRUAftoif. MtVIH INOWM TO fAU. Sfe! urt Siiy! SMU fuctloa Guaranteed or Mnev Refutiiiiii. Still prwi aid for 11.00 pur box. Will stint them en trial, to he paid for 1 wrwn relieved. Samp lea Free. If your itrugifUl tit Dot have them tvoi your onleri to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., OX T4, LANCASTER, BBS Sola in Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Rare luatKht. Jobson MUs r.lnnk looks awfully I frivolous to nie. What makes you think J she has so much hard sense? Kobson I I Just heard her refuse an Invitation to a card party because she couldn't play cards. Detroit Free Press. Hla Floundering-. "Isn't Mr. Teejus a deep thinker?" "He must be," answered Miss Cay enne. "I never heard him try to say anything without getting beyond his (lepth."-Washlugtou Star. Ho who foresees calamities suffers them twice over. I'orteous. Since knowledge is but sorrow's spj) It is not safe to know. Davenant, j aeuntn and depended. 801d model, i amwiiiK or photo, f orexport man'h and trw report. Free ajvkw, how to obtain patents, trade niarkj, copyright, eta, in in COUNTRIES. Business direct with Washington saves ItmeA money ana often tne faient. Patent nd Infringement Practice Exclusively. Write or oome to us at MS Klath Itraat, opp. United ItatM Fataat OSca.1 WASHINGTON, D. C.