Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 15, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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and Union Pacific
Throuch Pullman tandard and Tour
ist sleeping far daily to Omaha. Chlcagn,
Spokane; tourist sleeping cars dully to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
Bleeping curs (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago. Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs (seals free to the eat dally.)
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Curs.
Time Schedule. Asm
Chicago- ! Salt Lake. Denver, !
Portland , Kt. Worth. Omaha, s 5 D ra
Special ' Kansas City. St. v
:16 a. tn.lxiuls, Chicago and
j East
FinrM i SH I-k- Pn-er. !
li n m Pt. Worth. Omaha, 8.00 a m.
JiL Sunt- KansMClty St
Bt. Paul
Fast Wall Walla Walla, Lew-:
:16 p m Iston. Spokane, Mln- 7;ij
tia 8do- Ineapolia, Pt. Paul,!
ppo limluth. MilwauKw.,
kane. Chicago and East
a m.
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every Ave day at
I p. m. For Astoria, way points and
Portland, Orejron. .
I p. m.; Saturday at 19 p. m. ' Pally
service (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Yamhill rivers.
For detailed Information of rates.
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co..
your nearest ticket atrent. or
General Passenger A iron L
Astoria & Columbia
n;. Dils.rtfl Pn
KlVci ndlirOaU UU.
8:00 A.M.
For MayeeTT-Ralnler,
. Dally.
Clatakanle. 'Weatport
Clifton. Astorta.War-
renton, Flavel. Ham
mond, Fort Stevena,
Gear hart Park. Sea
side; Astoria anal
I Seashore. .
Express Daily. '
Astoria Express.
7:00 P.M.
9:40 P.M.
C. A. STEWART. Comm'l Agt., il
Alder street. Phone Main 906.
J. C MATO. O. F. A P. A,. AatorU. Or. j
Leave Portland 1:45 a. m. dally (except
Sunday) for Salem and way points.
Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday for Independence, Al
bany and Corvallis,
Regular service, courteous treat
ment and prompt dispatch are our
Office and Dock:
Foot Taylor Street
Phone Main 40.
Portland and The Dalles !
Str, "Bailey Gatzert" leaves Portlan?
7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesday and Fri
days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues
days, Thusnsdays and Saturdays.
Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A
M. Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday,
leave The Dalles 7 A. M. Monday.
Wednesday and FrfJays.
Steamers leaving- Portland make dally j
connection at Lyle with C. R. 4 N. train j
for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley I
points. j
C. R. & N. tram leave Goldendale on i
Monday, Wednslay and Friday t
8:30 A. M., mak-tng connection with;
stcairier "Regulator" for Portland and
way po'.ntB.
C. 11. & N. train leave Goldendale on
Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday at
8:30 A. M., connecting at Yyle with
steamer "Se-lle B." for The Dalle, con
necting then, wiC O. R. & N. train i
Eat and 7,'est. !
Str. "Badio B." ';eav!i Cascade Locks .
dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th ;
Dalles and way points; arrive at 11 A. i
M.; leave The Dalle 2 P. M arrive i
Cascade Lock 6 P. M.
Meal served on all steamer. I
Fine accoramoiia.u(jr.s tor team and ;
wagona. i
Landing at Portland at 'Alder Street I
Dock. !
Y. p. Sc. G. M. j
Gen. Office. Portland. Oregon. ;
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
A Valuable Agent.
Tlir ctver'ho employed In IV. PloriVp
medicines vreatly enhances the nnsll
cinal inh i t. i s Which il t'Xtraots and
holds III solid (ill Illlllll lieiter tllHIl rtll'O
hol wniiM. ll ul-i possesses medicinal
properties o( lis own, being 8 valuable
dcniulccni. nutritive, antiseptic unit anti-fi-rnn'iit.
ll mitls greatly to tin' etlicacv
of tin1 Clack Ou t rx bark, tuilden Seal
rit. Sumo root and Ouet'ii's root. con
tained in ";,ldeii MtViical Discovery" in
f nu.lii'iiit chrome, or liugerinir coughs,
bronchial, 1 1; f,ii t and lung iiiTivi ions,
for all of uliiiii those agents aro rccotn
nn'iuii il bv Manda rit medical authorities.
In ail raM'S x hero there is u xx listing
axx:v of flesh, loss of appetite, with
weak stomach, as In tlio early stages of
eoii-ue'puoii. there can bo no doubt that
glx i.'i mio sii - us a valuable nutritive and
aids llie toiliii ii Soal root, Stoiio root,
(Jiiivn's ro..t and ISluek Cherry hark lu
promoting digestion and bunding tip tho
t!i-han.l stionirlli. controlling tin" cough
ami hrmgtjig about a healthy condition
of tlien In, If .-xslem. Of course, it must
not lie i Ap. d to work miia.h-i It lll
Hot cure
t.-'impiioii evTiiin its earlier i
l;i;i"i. It i;l euro VIT) v itr, ooslin
ate. chronic coughs, l iMncliial and laryti
jreal troul'l.'s, aid chronic sore throat
1 1.. ....1...1.0 ti
...,t ,..;W.'n..:' It Is in the hinrermi
coiurlis. or those of lom; standout, even i six weeks from and after tho Hervlco
when Hccoi..paniid I v blettiiuu from upon you of tho summona uml com
luiu;s. tliat it lias p. rforined its most plaint herein: but if published then
marvelous ceres. Seed lor and read the wltl,ln 8,x wwka from and after the
:i'.::.'':::'K :,,,;:,v: ;-. ''sth day Pf jm.,. a. d. i-oo which is
' t . . . ; .
1 1 s iiiai
I'uter into
lr. Pierce's !
tioklen Mistical
over) and learn u hii j
this ine.'icine has si1V'h
a w n.e ranm oi
api'lu-a'iou in the cur,
1 1 illseiise.s, h i
sent Inc. Adure s r.
V. Pierce,
ltiillalo. N". V. '1 he ''Discovery" con
tains no alcohol or harnilul. habit-form-liu;
. : r ii .1. 1 ii'jivilieiits all printed on each
boi'.io wrapper i:i plain hinrllsh.
S.ck rf'op'.. esp.viaiiv those sufferttu;
from ilis'i as. s ,.f 1,,1'it standim;, ar Invited
kieolisn.t t r 1'ii I . e b lefti r. ''iV. All
CorreSpoildi'llce IS i.eld
nnd sacnsili se:',e
strictlv private I
al. Address Dr.
Ji. V. l'lon-. Knir.ilo. N V. -
lir. Pi.-ree- Mmiioal Adviser is ont frtt
on receipt of stamps to pay exiiens.. t ,
mailiui; hhIii. Send - one-cent stamps
for paiHT-covi-reU, or 31 uuips for tlyth
bound copy.
Will Spend Friday, June 22d, at Wil
lamette. The Sabbath Schools of the Baptist.
Presbyterian, Methodist and United
Brethren Churches and the Uulou Sun-
I tlay School, of Ely, have united and
jwill give a. picnic at Willamette next
Friday, the 22d inst. If tho combined
attendance of the half-dozen Sabbath
Schools participates In the picnic,
there will be 1000 persons present.
The following named committee
has charge of the details: Prof. T. J.
Gary, chairman; Otto Olson. Metho
dist; day Godfrey, Congregational;
Mrs. Green. Presbyterian; O. P. Kel-
ilogg, United Brethren; Pearl Curran.
j Union; and V. M. Shank, Baptist.
i In all lu stage.
cleanses, soothe and heal
Cleanses, soothes and heals
the diwaned membrane.
It cares catarrh and drires
away a 'cold in th head
Cream Balm li placed Into th nostrils, spread
over the membrane and Is absorbed. Belief 1 lm-
mediate and a enre follow. It la not drying doe
not produce sneezing. Large Sae.McenU at Progs
gU or by mail; Trial Size, 10 ct-nu.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wamn Street, 'ew York
e-exer can ten wnen you u masn a ,
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' '
Eclectric Oil instantly relieves the j
i pain quickly cures the wound
m r
j Portland Evening Telegram,
and the Weekly Enterprise, both one
j year, tor $5.5Q,
; (Corrected Weekly.)
' Wheat No. 1, C773c per bu.
QMt-fWtB !
i Flour Valley, $1.25 per bbl. HardiruJt Court of the
! wheat $1.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack.:
; Howard's Best, $1.23 per sack.
Oats In sacks, $l.la per cental. I
I Hay Timothy, baled $1V?$12 peri
I ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mlxou hay $9.
j cheat, $8.50. I
i Mlllstuffs Bran $19.50 per ton; :
I shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per i
j ton barley rolled $25.50 per ton.
Potatoes )0if50c per sack. ;
j Eggs Oregon 18c per ,doz. j
flutter Ranch 2'di?,a', separator,;
!35c; creariK-ry, 35Ti40n. '
iZ'iioO; creamery 50555. j
! Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips. Par-1
snips and F.eets 73c per sack,
Good Apples Choice $3.00.
Honey 11& 12 C per lb. .
Prunes (dried) Petite 4 l-2c per,
lb ; Italian, large 7c per Hi: medium;
3 l-2c per lb; Silver 7c per lb. i
Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, j
4',2C lb; sliced, Cc; fancy bleached,!
Dressed Chickens 12V&C lb.
Live Stock and Dressed Meats
Beef, live $3.50'g$1.75 per hundred.
Hogs, live, G&! dressed sheep,
$4'?i$0 per head; dressed 9c; veal,
lambs, live $2.50.
$3.30 pc
Notice is hereby given that, the fol
lowing described real property locat
ed and being In Oregon City, Oregon,
will be formed and constituted into a
new Sewer District, and which said
Sewer District will he known as Sew-
er District No. 5, and will be attached
I to tke main of Sewer District
'No. 2, and whlcto said real property Is
described as follows, to-wlt: All of
lots 3, 4, 5 and C of Blocks 38, 42, and
if,; also lots 3, 5, and 0 of fractional
Block .No. 40; alno all of Block D; also
a strip 132 fCet wide alonjj Seventh
Street off of the Northerly side of tho
Public Square-between Harrison and
Taylor Streets of said Oregon City;'
also all of Blocks 1, 8, and 13, 100 feet
off of the west side of Blocks 4, 7, an
j 11, nnd 100 foot nit of tho east aide of
iltloeks , , Hint 12 of Holmes Addl-,
, Uou to said Oregon. City, together i
with tho Streets and alloys Immedi
ately adjoining said lots mid blocks, j
This notice is published pursuant
to nn ordor of tho Council of Oregon
City, tnado at a Hpoolnl meeting of
said Council hold May ISth, libitl,
Hy ordor of tho Counell of Oregon
City. V. A. PIM1CK,
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Mary P. llawoith, Plaintiff,
Allen llawotth, Defendant.
To Allen Haworth. tho above named
hi tho nnmo of tho state) of Oregon:
ton "to norouy required to appeal ;
and answer the piaintirca complaint
filed against you on tho 23th day of
May, A. I. I'.HH',. in tho ahovo entitled'
U tho snid Circuit Conrt,
x ithin ,
tho time prescribed in tho order of
publication of this summons, for you
to so appear and answer tho said com-
plaint, and If you fall to so appear and
answer the said complaint on or ho
Iforo the 20th day of July. A. I). liHiC.
I tho plaintiff w 111 apply to tho Court for
i tho relief demanded In plaintiff's said
! complaint herein, to-wlt; for a degree
Idlsolvint; the bonds of matrimony now
am' herctotore existing between you
iand said plaintiff uinm the ground that
you have wilfully deserted and aban-
donet ,ho pinimirf for more than one
. , .nriw
desert and abandon plaintiff without
her consent.
This summon is published iu tho
.Oregon City Enterprise a weekly
newspaper, publlshejl and of geiiaral
j circulation In said Clackamas Conn
Ity, Oregon, for not less than once
icach week for at least six successive
weeks by written order of the Hon.
;Thos. A. McBrldo, as Judge of tho
: Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
j for Clackamas County, made and dat
jed on the Tth day of Juno A. I). PJntJ
'and duly filed in said Circuit Court.
S. H. Ortl'BICU.
i Attorney for Plaintiff.
; Suite C17 Commercial Block,
Portland, Oregon.
Adminitrator' Notice to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, administrator of the es
tate of John P. Yoder, deceased, late
of said County and State. All persons
having claims against said estate are :
hereby notified to Hie the same, duly I
verified according to law with my at i
torney, C. H. Dye, Esq., Corner tlth !
and Main Streets, Oregon City, Ore
gon, for settlement, within six months
from the date of this notlre.
Administrator as aforesaid.
Oregon City, June H, 19u.
, .
. ()r,,Rnn for rinckarnns County.
jr,al)llm F. llmokS) plaintiff.
i vs.
prl!ni, r)n,ks. Defendant.
Suit for Divorce.
T.. t
rline Brooks. Defendant:
in the name of the State of Oregon.
von are herehv renulreil to anneflr and '
r ,1 ?t ' atS i
vou In the above entitled suit, on or I
j before the 27th day of July, HloO., that :
l.eini? the last dav nreseribed in the
' order of publication of this summons, ; the County Court of the State of Ore
and if you fall to so appear and an-:, Kon for County of Clackamas, and has
swer said complaint the plaintiff will duly qualified.
Supply to the court for the relief there-: All persons having claims against
I in prayed for, to-wlt: a divorce from (said estate are hereby notified to pro
file marriage existing between you
and the plaintiff.
This summons is published In tho'egon, with proper vouchors, within
Oregon City Enterprise for six con
secutive weeks by order of the Honor
able T. A. McBride, Judge of the (Mr-
State of Oregon for
Brighfs Disease and
Diabetes News.
The New Fulton Compounds Have
Record of 87 per cent of Recoverlei
Amonz Chronic Cases of Bright'
Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore
Considered Incurable.
DroKKlsts know thrt Bright' Disease and
Diabetes have been regarded by physician as
Incurable and that up to the advent of the
Fulton Compounds that nothing on their shelve
would touch It. It Is a pruven fact that nearly
nine-tenths of all cases am now curable, and
druKiflits themselves are taking the new Com
pound. One of tbe recoveries wu Dr. Zell
Limself, the pioneer druggist of b'J3 Pacific
street, flan Francisco, and ho kiivo It to over
dozen others who recovered. Here I another
Interesting recovery (We copy from tbe Sucrar
I mecto News of November io, i'josj
After a serious illness of over a year Jutlge
J. It. Alien of this city has recover! and re
gards himself most fortunate in successfully
battdng with what Is generally regarded as a
fatal malady, Bright' Disease of the Kidney.
In speaking of his caso Juoge Allen ald: '1
believe that the treatment given me by my
phvslciun was In accordance with tho best
method used In the regular prautict of medi
cine, but It iiHordcd mo no rt if. Hearing of
the Fulton Compounds I went to Snn Francisco
to Investigate anil was soon convinced I should
undergo tlie treatment, It w:m throe mouilis
before' I noticed a change for the better. I u,l
the medlclno faithfully for nearly a year loin
can now lind no evidence of the disease- and
am satisfied it Is entirely cllmiiiaO d. My ap
petite is good, I have (ruined seventeen pounds
In welllit and will be pleased, to describe my
expoi ience td anyone who may call or write,.'
Sacramento News. Nov. II. YJ!!.
Tlie editor of the News himself was the friend
who told judge Alh-nof Mai Fuiton t'oinpoiiiids.
They are tbp oriy tldncs known that cure
Ifright's Discus" ur,'4 tilahetes. Fnltiin' B'-uul
Compound for Hri!it's and KMncy IJisescis,
fl; for Dlnbeles, if I. SO. John .1. Fulton Co.,
4nB WashiiiRton strsot, San 1'niiiclsto, coli
compounders. Free uniilyses fir piulenis.
tieu'l for . J-'atrnrtilet. We lire tne oxiiltlalv
swtstor tUcvu Cmpouuds la U.istiiy.
CJiarwian & Co., Cily Drug Stare.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
Then? is it disease ptovailini; in this
couutt V most dancci oils because sofleeep.
M tive, Many silii.lril
.TIU4 deaths arc canst d
by it -heat t dis
eiise, piuuuiiiiii.i,
lie. ut I'liiluie or
(ipoplov v ill e often
the lesiilt of kid
nev disease, It
kidilcv troulde is
ulloxved tomlx nine
thckidlicx poison
...I i.i f ..ill i.
..- i"""t hjii
j laek the vital organs, c.iustni; entai l Ii of
the bladder, or the kidm-vs tilt niselves
luruk iIovmi and waste away cell cell.
I lUaildef tioiildes ulnmst nlw a s result
! fiotil a derauv;emeut of tin: kidnevs mid
j a cute is obtained iiuiekesl bv a proper
' treat nieiit of the kid ne vs. If J oil aie feel
i imr badlv von can make no mistake bv
taking Iir. Kilmer's 5wanip-koot, the
gteat kidney, liver and bladder lemcdv.
It collects in. ilnlity to hold untie and
scaldiin; p.oit in p.i-sm it, mid oxer
comes that niipleas int necessity of being
compelled to go olteii through the tlnv,
and to get tii many tunes during the
night. The mild and the cvtiaoidinai y
elici t of Sax. lino- Knot is soon realied.
It stands the highest lor ils x mulct (ill
Clues of the most distressing ruses,
Swamp Knot is pleasairj to take and is
so'al bv all di ii'.'.vMsts in' liftv cent and
one dollar si.vc U-t ,!!. You ui.iv Ii7e a
sample bottle of tins xumdci tut new dis
covery and a book that ti lls all about it,
both sent tree bvni.ul. Aildu si, In. Kil
mer Co , liingh imtoii, N. ', When
xxiitmg nieiilioii leading this ijinioiis
oiler ut tins paper. hou't nii.ke uuv
in slake, but teiuenil'i'i tlie ii.onr , Sw amp
KiHit, )r. Kilniei 's Suuuip Root, and the
address, Utiigh.iiiit'iii, N. Y., o i cxeiy
Clackamas County, made on the llth
day (if June, I'.un;, tlio tlrst publication
being on the 15th dav of Juno, plod.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
it Ice Is hereby given that the tin-
derslgtied administrator of th" estate
of M. J. Wnlgauiot. deceased, has tiled
his final account in said estate lu said 1
County Court for Clackamas County, j
Oregon, and the county Judge of said1
county has appointed July li",. l'.ioi!, at
10 o'clock, a. ni. as the time when
objections to said account shall.be
All persons are hereby notllled to
file any objections they may have to
said account with the county clerk of
said county court . on or before said
First Publication June 15. PJOC.
Administrator of the Estate of
M. J.
Walgamot. Deceased.
(..,.,,, stratum
i Notice Is hereby given that t will
(apply nt the next meeting of the city
i council for a renexval of my liquor 11
I cense at my present place of business,
j Main street between Fourth and Fifth
! streets V. Rarnho.
I now have money to pay County
' Warrants eroloru,-.! nrlnr t Xfnv Isf
I ...- - . . . "
i :;,. inrerest win cease on SUCH war-
... .1... .
r ,. ,rn,
i Oregon City. Oregon. June 8th. Ifinf,.
i c-ii.
i i i . , ,1, v mi tiuuiun x. ninny uru.
- . .
N0t, f Appointment of Executor,
The undersigned hns been duly an-
fsilnted as executor of the estate ofJllft-
.lolin liennet Ueardorrr, deceased, bv
' f'nt tne same to mo at my office
; Nos. 201-3, Front street. Portland. Or-
six montlui from this date.
Executor of the last will of John Ben
nett Deardorff. deceased. t
Dated May 23. 1900.
J. C. Moreland, Attorney for executor.
i In the Circuit Conrt of tho State
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
i Ini Schoher, Plaintiff,
i vs.
j cMiarles Godfrey Schoher, Defendant.
j To Charles Godfrey Schoher, the
; defendant above nnnied.
! In the nnme of the State of Oregon , and In default thereof, the plnlntlff
jyou are hereby required to appear will apply, to the court for the relief
! nnd answer the complaint filed iiRalnst I demanded In tho complaint, which Is
, you In. the above entitled suit on or'timt the bonds of matrimony existing
before the expiration of six weeks between you and nlalntlff be dlssolv-
from the date of first publication of
this summons, which Is by order of
the above entitled court, fixed ns Mon-
day, July 3, PIOO. and If you fall to so
n-..w,rtM m,l ....... ...m t!.,. r.lnl,IIW ...III
"I'l""1 '"' mi: 1,1,11 II 1.1 u WHljHDove 0111.11.10(1 COUt't, 111(1(10 HIK1 CU
"I'I'ij o' ni" n'iii tin; i:iii:i iinj-
ed for In the complaint, to-wlt: for
a decree of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between you and' the
above named plaintiff, on tho ground
of desertion, and for such other relief
ns the court may deem Just and equit
able. Tills summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thos. A. Mcllrlde, -Judge of
the above entitled court and cause,
Tlie date of the first publication iu
May 23,,iOOO, and the (Into of the last
publication is July 0, 1900.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Olncknmns County,
Thomas ITenry Cooper, Plaintiff,
Milna f'ooper, Defendant.
To Edna- Cooper,- the defendant
above mimed : ,
In the name of the State of OrcRon.
you nre hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or bo
foro the expiration of six weeks from
Mho ditto of tho find iiuhllcatloti of thin Hon or this mimimiii". and If you fall.
iHuninions. which In by order of ttjo , ho to it tpoit f nnd answer, pliilntlfT will
abovo uullUuU cuuit tlxod na Monday, . apply tj lliu uouit for th') r.'il dn
ijuly 9, l'.KMt, and If you fall to mo ap- inaudiHl lu tho ciunpliilnt, (owlt;
I pear and answer" tho plaintiff will lip- A decroo dlitHulvlntt I ho hondrt of
ply to tho court for tho relief prayed unit ilinoiiy onIhIIhk hot ween tho t I a I n
j for .In tho complaint, to wit: for a do-ltirr itml defendant.
cre of divorce (IInsoIvIiik tho bonds This miiimionn Is publliiliod once a
of tnatrliuony heretofore and now vX-1 week for six CD mieooMnlvo weeks by
! Istliii; between you and tlio above i order of llio I Inn, Thou. P Itvim, .(udHo
i named plnlntllT on the ground of do-jof the , County Court of Clackamas
i sei tlon, and for such other relief ns ; County, Ororon. dated May Hi, IlMitl,
jtho court may deem Just and eijult- illreetliu! the ilnd pulilleiitlmi to bo
j able, made on the isth day of May. llinii and
I This HUinmons Is publlidieil by order j the last publication to be made on
of lion. Thus. A. Mellrldo, Judno of i the L'lUh day of June, r.uui.
jtho above entitled court, made audi
entered In tint above entitled court I
and cause, and tho dnto of the Hi id
publication Is May '.T., moil, and tint
date of the Wist publication Is July (!,
Attorney for l'lalntlff,
Administrator' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
bdrator of the estate of John It. Shnv
or. deceased, by tho County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Clackamas
Countv. nnd him duly nualltled as such
administrator. All persons having
elnltiiH nifitlnst snld e,Mlntn nrn liorehv 1
notllled to present the aame to 11)0 nt
the offleo of Graham & Cleeton. 2M
Manpiaiu Building. Portland, Oregon,
within six months from date hereof.
Pitted Mav ISth, P.)0(1.
First publication May IS, P.ioti.
Notice to Creditor.
In tho County Court of tlio State of
Oregon, tor tho County of Clacka
mas. lu the Matter of the Estate
Arthur I,. Albright, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given to the cred
itors of and all persons liiteriHte In
the said estate, (hat the undersigned
bus been by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas duly appointed adminis
trator of tho said estate and all per-
sons having claims against the nld!,l"v 1,11,1 proper.
,.,(flt,, nr bercliy requlreil to present
the same, properly verified, to the tin
designed, al the office of Hedges
Griffith In Oregon City. Oregon, with
in six mouths from the date of the
first publication of this notice,
Administrator of the estate of Ar
thur I.. Albright, deceased.
Hedges & Griffith. Attorneys for Ad
ministrator. ,
First publication May IS, 19uf!.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
'Alma Carpenter. Plaintiff,
i v-
I Henry S. Carpenter, Defendant,
I To Henry S. Carpenter, defendant
.. ,.. ... A .
I noovo minion.
I In the nauii
of the State of Ore-
Ron, yon nre hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint flbd
against yon In the above entitled cause
on or before the 3uth day of June,
lDmi, said day being more than six
... a,... -U.L ...... . S .. ,f.w
kooub .roni me (sin (lay oi may, i.mn,
the date of the first publication f
this summons, and If you fall to so
nnnxvor f,,r u iint tl.r,.,,f llu. tdnlmlff
1 will ,,,.lu f., II,,. A,,i,rl f,.. II... ,.11..
j "" "' . " --.;
. ririxvi.il fur tfi.xi-lt- ' ,
'Vur ,it HlM con fr,.v..r
tor a donee of said court forcxer
I dissolving tho Ismds of matrimony now
lelHlliiif l,..f..eti i.luliOIIT .n,t l..f..,l.
...... -.-
jitnt; that plaintiff bo allnxved to re-
sumo IHT miiiiion name, to wn: AIIIIB
w.lson. and for such other and fur-
t'"'r rcWt ns may be equitable and
1 n" ,)r,"('r tor puoncauon oi sum
mons In this case was made by the
Hon. T. A. Mc Bride', Judge of the alsive
entitled court on the 10th dav of May,
The date of tho first publication of
tills summons is May IS, 1900, nnd
the dnte of the last publication Is
June 29, 1900.
I'll' a n Mi.'vliirvii i r
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon for Clnckamas County.
Annie Hohen. Plaintiff,
Andrew Hobon, Defeiidant.
To Andrew Hohen, Defendant'
In the name of the State of O repot i
yr,i. are hereby required to .tppear iu
at-.iwer the complaint filed uiiliist you
In the above entitled cause on or he-
! foro tho 30th day of June. A. D. 1900.
Service of munitions on you b pub-
Heat ion Is madn by order of the Hon.
Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge id tho
, ........
itered on tho 10th day of May, lDOO, ill-
reeling tunc Hani puhiienthm be mad'i
,1... x. re,..
,,. i vsMKuii i-iij r-iooi io is'i, a
xvooKiy newspaper oi general circu
latlon, published at Oregon Cily,
Clackamas County, Stale of Oiegon,
once a week for six successive weeks
prior to the 30t.li day, of Jun", lO'h).
And the llrst publication thereof is
lu the Issue of said newspaper of dat.'
May 18th, 1100.
Attorney for PlulnUT
In tlit Circuit Court of tlie State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Ralph Wesley flowanlock, Plaintiff,
, vs.
Ilatlle Oownnloclc. Defendant'
To the defendant Ilfiltle (lownnlock.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear ami
answer the complaint ugalfist you In
the nliove entitled court ami cause on
or before the 30th day of June, IDOfi,
that being tho time fixed by tho court
for you to appear and answer herein
and six weeks from the llrst publlea-
J. W. HKI.I,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication May IS, P.iofl,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, fur tim t'liiinly of Clneka
inns, Itoinaii aim, Pluliillff,
v. !
Ilenne ('lenient ,al, u, li' feiidant.
To Ilenne Clement .aim, nbovi
named defendant:
In the name of Hie Slain of Oregon,
"" ''on by required to appear and
wor "", comphilnt tiled against you
' ' tthovn Hit It led Mlllt oil of befoin
the ;;d dny of September, p.iuU, which
It the time pretieiihed for answering
In the older of the publication of tlilx
miiumoiis, Mel If )nii full to so appear
and anmviT (tin complaint, tlm plain
tiff will apply to tin, Court for the re.
Ilef demanded In (he complaint, to
wlt: n decree of th ('unit ilbtHolvlllg
the bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now exlallng between the plaintiff and
defendant upon the gunnels that Upon
Cio 2d day of September, p.ni2, you,
the hald defendant. Ilenuo Clement
.aim, illari-gardluK the solemnity of
your tiiarrliu'.o vnw willfully and with
out cause deserted and abandoned
plaintiff herein, and ever slnen hav
and still continue to so xxlllfully and
w ithout cause denert and abnndtjn V
plaintiff, and to live iieparale and apart
fiiiin him without any sufficient caune
or any rca-uui ninl ni.;nlnnl his will and
vx It limit his coitiietit, and for such
other nnd further relief in the Court
This sutninons Is published by order
of the Hon, Tim. F. Ityan, Judge (lf
jtho County Court, of Clackamas conn
ity, Oregon, duly mad and tiled this
2!Mh day of May, 100(1.
j The date of the first publication of
ithls summons being June 1st, Iftnif,
j and the date of the last publication
(thereof being the 1.1th dav of July,
j P.tm; IIRPCi: C, CPRRY,
i Attorney for plaintiff
the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, fur Clackamas County.
Benedick Schmidt, plaintiff.
Ohi hdlaiiii Schmidt, Di fi .ul.t.
To Christiana Schmidt, defendant
ahoxe tin nnd
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
i answer the complaint lib it against ym
iln the above entitled court and cause,
on or before six Oil week front thn
mth day of May, P.hm;, the date of
the flrxt publication of this summon,
and if you fail so to appear and an
swer, the iilaliillfT will apply to the
; . . V
I court inr inn rouei ijn, ,r .,u,
I "'"tided In the complaint herein flfel.
i w" : r"r JU'lgtU. lit ami (b cree for-
i eX or
iismdixuik e imiiiiih oi mum-
ninny heretofore existing lietween
I i.ltmltaillT and tlefeiidant, and for llich
' . , ...,.,.. ,.,,, , ,hl,
r Ul"1 th( r r. lief as to the
i ' mil) just mm iiiniiiiiii
I ourt may seem Just and
This summons Is published by order
of the Hon. T. A. Mclliltht, Judge of
(be Circuit Court for the County of
Claekauias, made and dated on the
17th day of May, l!i0r,.
Attorney for Plflntlff.
First publication May IS, Chid.
East publication Juno 2'.'. l'.ioil.
Notice of Final Settlement.
'n the County Court of the Stale tf
j Oregon, for Ike County of Cluck-
I In Hie Matter of the Ksiatc of )
I of
Violet O. Harding. Deceased.
I Not lea Is hereby given that the tin -I
derslgtied, ailmlnbdi ator of the estate
of!. of Violet O, Harding, deceu-ted, litis
Hied III thii above entitled court bis '
I'.nal account of his administration of
said estate ami that the said court
has fixed Monday, the liiili day of
July, liioi'i, at the hour of ti-u o'clock
a. m. of sab) day at the court room
of Hiild court lu Oregon City, Oregon,
us the time ami place for heating ob
jections to the said tin 11 1 account.
Administrator of tlie Pxinie of Violet.
O. Harding, Deceased.
Attorneys fur Administrator,
First Publication June 15, I'.mO. 13
Notlce of Annual School Election.
Notice is hereby given to Hie legal
voters of School District. No. (!2, Clack
amas County, Slate of Oregon, tliat.
the annual iiclnuil election for nald
tiintiUt, will be held at. the city hail In
oregon c ity, Oregon, to begin at
; tlie hour of 2 o'clock P. M,
nnd con-
tlntio until tho hour of 0 o'clock 1', M.
on the third Monday, being thet1Sl.h
dny of June, I'.iod, which election Is
for, the purpose of electing one direc
tor to servo for the term of live years w
Dated tills 7lh day of June, PiOO, "
Chairman Hoard of Directors,
Attest: K. E. HUODIIC, Clerk.
Notice of Annual School Meeting.
Notleo is (hereby given to the legal
Voters of School District No. 02, Clack
amas County, Slate of Oregon, that
thn Annual School Meeting will be
acid In i he County courtroom in Ore
gon Cily, Oregon, to begin nt. the hour
of "7:30- o'clock P. M on the third
Moiidiiy, being tin, Hi h day of June,
Hind, for i be purpose of submit Una; Ilia
annual report of the directors and
clerk and tho transaction of business
usual at Hiieli ii ting.
Dated this 7t,li day of June, 190.
. Chairman Hoard of l)ltect(i',v
Attest: K. U. Ill to Dl 10, Clwrk. J