Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 15, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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...Short Sidehead Stories... I
I nr .i i i mi i AI.IIH Ol'
Married for S3 Years
At tlx' bMM of Mr uml Mitt. (loo.
A llrown, hi Ml I'lonsiint, Friday, Mr
umi m CM Thoi Urate ottebrited with
Mirin Invited frlonds, the sjxly llilrd
anniversary of I hoi r marring", Tin
liiiMliiuid i ikiw H7 years of ago and
I In- wife h:i
Many Road Warrant. Ca.hed
County Treasurer Cnhlll on Monday
cashed more t tii.it $:iihh wort h of
riiunly I wiirriinlii Hint wore uudll
'd at tin' llK'itllliK
IllHl WIHdt, 'I'lll'IT
if ihe county court
were an unusually i
laigl II 11 111 IMT llf tlll'SK t'lnlfllH ulluwi'd
lit this mouth's term of tlm court, In
dieting eoniildiirahln activity In roud
building lu Hi)' county.
Will Paint 9u.pen.lon Bridge
Tin' County Court Friday afttraOOfl
ordered it.. painting of Hi' suspon
km bridge In HiIh city. HIiIn will be
luhertlaod fr, requiring tlmt ttin work
l" coitipli'ti'd liy liidipiMidi'Ucii Day
TIiIh Htructurc Iibh Ioiik l'-n In n I
of the inl nt In null uml with the colli
ol While. Illllt IllIM heell prescribed,
will hkiiIii immune It original Ktale of
Died at Clackamaa
Wnr Mohr aged c,li yours, died Hut
unlay morning of hemorrhage of the
htoinnch at hi home ut ClnrkuuiMH
lieceitai'd hud no fumlly uml other
i hiin ii brother, residing at Clackamaa,
he ha mi relatlveH on the Coaat. Fun
eral services were conducted ut Cluck
MM Humlny afternoon and Inter
men! took place In the ClackauiBH i em
Jone. William. Wedding
At the realdenre of tlu bride pa-
NBtei Mr uml Mm I WllllaniH, of
Oregon City, at H .'lo o'clock Htiturdiiy
evi'tiliig. Mis Ann William wa mar
rled to ThomnH JoBMi of Hlnck Din
liioml. WaNhlugton, the lte II II
ii oiriciutiug Tin
will make their home
young couple ;
lu Hlnck Dla
lllond, where Mr Jones In employed IIH
ii machlnlHt.
Reform School Band Will Play
Superintendent , lMllley, of the
lmliiNtrlal Hclmol wan In the city
Monday and arrunged with Hecretary
Harvey K Cross, of the VTUIlMtti
Valley ChautauiUB Association for
the appearance of Hie baud from this
school un one of He' attraction nt the
sM'clal Fourth of Jul) celebration thut
., in lie held at Oladatone park thin
year under the auspices of the Chan
tnuqun Association
Will Be A. iced Higher
County Assessor Jbh K Nelson re
turned Tuesday from Albany where he
atteuip'd a convention of the UM
sor of Western Oregon by which the
In order to make room for a new stock of Umbrellas we will offer
every Umbrella we have in stock now at a great discount.
We buy our Umbrellas in large quantity, direct from the factory
in the East, and always give you good value for your money, but
we are going to make special prices.
M j 50
u 2.00
" 2.25
44 2.50
" 3.00
" 5.00
The quality of these Umbrellas is the same as before, the very
best for the money, and our guarantee goes with every one (sold
Burmeister & Andresen
Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City Jewelers
I III I I k l.olNos
4 4
iinlforiii iiMiii'MMiiii'iit of fit), (Mil) per
inllc lor IIm' riiiidlmil mid rolling tod
ol the Houthorn I'tiellle Company wiim
decided upon l,ust year HiIh company
In Clackuiiiiis county wiih assessed al
Hie ruti' of $7MMI per mill', lull assos
nor Nelson hud itlrmidy IIiIm year ruin
I'd llio assessment to $10,011(1 per mill'
oil tin- roud lied wIiIIk tin' rolling Htock
wiih assessed ill u Hi'imniti' vii I out rn
to Oregon
to I heir aon.
II loiter
5. J. Noble,
W. Noble
write thut
In HiIh city. Mr. und Mrs. .1
of Hiintii Uohh, Cullforuln,
they hllVe ill po 0 of llli'll
imi' und
ill her properly ut Hunts. IIohii, und af
ler upending two or three months In
other pill I m of the (iolden Slate, muy
return to Oregon lo make their home
here. In Ihe letter Mr Nohlc wrltcx
Hint the people of California lire almost I
dully dlatruhed hy eurlh(uake shocks, i
one of which, u few days ago wiih do
cldedly alarmltiK, Hie shock In Hantu
ItoMii uppeurliiK almost un Hcvcrc iim
Hint of the i,i i,-uml Hhake on April IK.
I Baa.bail Team. Wanted
Hecretary Cross of the Willamette
Valley Ciuutuiiiu AHHoclatlou, la de
alroiiH of entering Into contractu with
five of the bent 11 til II ( -II r bttHebllll teatllH
of the valley for the baseball tourna
men, one of the chief attractlonN In the
way of athlellcM durltiK the A hhciu hi y .
TIin feature of the ( 'huulauiuu sos
mIoii will he the Maine iih lant year, It
being proponed lo have one game dully
for the ten duyH of the ANHcmhly. The
pi I .eM will he the name a offered laid
year 1'eama ileNlrlng to enter the
Tournament nlioulil communicate with
Hecretary Cross at once before thu
live teaillH have been '.eleeted.
Main Street I. Repaired
The Job of repairing the brick pave
llienl on Main alreel between Ninth
und Tenth street Iibh been finished
under the Hiiperlntendency of T. M.
Miller In all 15,000 new vttrlllcd
hrlck, in addition to several thoiiHund
of the old hrlck that were suitable for
further service, were ut lllid In the
Improvement The Main street pave
ment stntidN an a monument to the
administration of ex Mayor T. W. Hul
livnti, utieler whose adinlnlHlratlou the
Improvement wbh made While the
paving of this street wuh an expensive
undertaking, time ban demonstrated
that the money wuh well expended
One Lone Democrat
The fear of the Itepubllcan members
of the lower house of the legislature
I lliat there would not be n Democrat
mining tliein to voice Hie principles of
I Jefferson and Jackson and Introduce
' measures of a radical and disturbing
I nature, has been dispelled by the bit
'est returns, which show that I'ulon
county ha returned Merman Itotle
at Reduced Prices
will sell now for . $ .80
H 1 . 1.15
. 1.60
II 41 U t
m .1 ii u t 2.Q0
M . ' 2.35
" ' 4.00
Nature's Great Invention
i n iway, far awav,
wnr lit .in ii iil A uiikI rl', terra (o III day ;
Ah ptckd 4om ll .wrii, n a ,;:. In '! Ilraull,
An' atilu' Pie . Vunk'r, ah I ,, tu b. lar allll
AugtiHt Flower in the only medicine
(free from alcoholic atiuiulnnU) that baa
MM WCOMafttl in keeping tlie entire
thirty-two feet of digi-Ktive npjinrutui in a
normal condition, and assisting nature',
in n i-se of ditji '.tion, wparatiou and ab
orption for (aiildiiig and re-building
by pft Wilting am, irregular or unnatural
cause, which interrupt healthy ami per
fect natural proCWtH and result in mt-
tinal imligcstion, catarrhal affection,
(cauaiug apo ii Ileitis stojipage of the
gall duct), fi-rnu-ntation of unhealthy
food., nrrvoiiA dyapepsia, headache, ron
atitiutiou ami older complaint., audi aa
cuiii', biliousin-ss, jaundice, etc. I
August Plowtf i nature' intended reg
ulator. Two aiin-a, 25c, 7JC. All ilruggifta
Charrtidn CityDrug Store
child, who lake pride In Introducing
himself ss the "holiest Jew from
North Powder," who defeated bin lie
publican opponent Mr Maworth. Thus
the monotony of a unanimous house Is j
broken ami the "gentleman from Un
ion'' will have a chance to be heard -Hah'tii
Woodmen Hold Memorial
Willamette Kalis camp, Woodmen
of the World, Sunday afternoon held
Its annual memorial service, and the
mcmlier. to the number of alsuit 00
met at the hull and marched ln a body
to Mountain View cemetery, where the
Knives of departed members were dec
orated uml the monument of the late
Oncar Kornberg, who was a member of
Willamette Kails camp, was unveiled
with appropriate ceremonies. Rev. P.
K Hammond, rector of St. Paul's
Kplscopul church, delivered the me
morial addri' anil a male ipiartet
rendered several selections. The uni
form rank of the Woodmen attended
the service)! In a Imdy In full uniform
Smith Bills Continued
Hills in.-. $000 for expenses,
alleged to have been Incurred by
members of the various poBHcs that
participated ln the pursuit of Smith,
the desperado, are on file with the
Clackamas county court I-ast Friday
ufteinooii ihe court decided to con-
tlnile Hie 1,111: until the next term of
court and In the meantime confer,
with the Miirlori county court und the
Oregon City and Wood hum council. '
The tnemherH of the court In thla eotin-
l) have already paid a hill of f 100 for
Hie Mpeclal train that, originally con-
veyed Hie imtiri posse to Wood burn on i
the morning of the fatal Hhootlng of
Hberlff Hhaver und Captain Henderson, 1
feel that any additional expnnae Itemn
Hhonld be Hhared by Marlon county
and the two city counclla.
Will Give Prize.--
ntiidv of
Kor the promotion of th
agrlculiure. Hie ,ent.H Orange, fatronw harrow, one Oliver plow, one cider
of HiiKbandry, A. K. Miller manter, l""'HH "n'! "uw fanning mill, one pair
yenterdny voted to give prl.en aggre-1 platform acalea, capacity 1500 90BS4s;
gating $10 to the boyn and girl of!"" Hl)rav "n"P- """ grindstone, two
nchool dlHtrlctH 12 and 45. Thee ; 'r'"-gallon Iron kettlea, two pevya,
pry.eH are offered lo Htlmulate an In- l""1 'm '"" Ha,:kH' u,r"'' Htan,lH "f
tereat In the agricultural content atart-1 Italian !., two Hpllttlng bara, augurn,
ed bv Countv Hchiml Huoerlntendcrit rageH, 2 nledgen, Hhovela, forka, grul-
K. It KoMiiHon, In the raining of pola
toen and UMtern and nweet pea. The
$10 will be divided according to the
deWialloil of u Hpeclal committee com
prising the prlnclpaln of thene two
dlHtrlctH, u. A. Dariall, of No. 12, and
MIhh Koftte, of No. among the Ixiyn
and glrln who make the beat record in
conteht ut the end of the HettHon. Ikiyn
will ralnc (nitatoea and glrln antem,
and hv, et pean, and make rioteH of the
renultn of fertlllzern. On the outcome
will depend who will receive the prlz-ei.--8unday'H
Canby Will Celebrate
The eagle will scream at Canby this
year and the people of that enterpris
ing town propone to hold a celebratkin
that will he a hummer. Hon. Crant
It, Dlmlck, of HiIh city, ban accepted
I '
the Invitation and w be the orator : " " ,, 'T. ,ta . '.,"7" " le , r?nunn' n1 OTUQ" "P,
of the dav in the celebration of which entirely disregard weaUened nerrous system aa no othar
of tm day. In the o k Oration of which ed M u ihoud n. But with Oregon at m(,dicine can
the .anby people will be Joined by lt amtrmt a few month. , Mrs. A. e! O. Hylaad. of Cheater-
the population of the aurroundtng 0 E L JohnTOn esuxbitshed the Cas-1 town, Md . in a letter to Mrs. Pink
country for several miles ln every Lg Laundry. It Is equipped wlU. th. ham aav.!
rectlon The Aurora Hand has been i ,ale,t lmpTOvei machinery and Is dally n-rVni Piakham--
::r .:; "S "1, k5 LT. ,urn,ng out work th' ",,to ?&i4t
or sirts of a kinds Including a and ,uper1or to much of the laundry ' for yeari WM pgnfr thr'nh the rjisage
game of baseball, Is being arranged . , work th4t itme ln portiand. of rffe. I had a good deal of aoraaest, dizzy
In the evening there will be an elab a home insUtutlon and fumUhing : spslls, headaches, and was vary liervpna. I
orat. pyrotechnic display and the day j employment for many Oregon City people V.ir? advi? SlSl
will conclude with grandliall hi the enjoylnt lmmeDtt patron.. ?Z "l'l'ouAI lrt
city hall for which special music has ! 77, e hl.h ,undard of the work being ktk b. K.t all thnM 1 i nt i iimI in trmntmnf im
been provided With the exception of
a the
dayH' carnival and celebration
that will be held at Salem under the
auspices of the Klkn and the special j
celebration that Is ncheduled for Olad
Mom Park, under the auspices of the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asso-!
elation, this is the only proposed dem-1
onstratlon In this section of the Val- 1
Health i. Worth Saving, and Some
Oregon City People Know How to
Save It.
Many Oregon City people take their
lives In their hands by neglecting the
kidneys when they know these organs
need help. Sick kldneya are resptgisl
ble for a vast amount of suffering and
Ill-health, hut there Is no need to suffer
nor to remain in danger when all ills
eases and aches and pains due to
weak kidneys can be quickly and per-
manently cured by the use of Doan's 1
Kidney Pills. Here Is the statement
of a citizen who has reclaimed good
health by the use of this remedy:
J. C. Buckler, building contractor,
of 8 East Ninth St , Portland, Oregon, j
"After having tested Doan's Kid-1
ney Pills for over three years I can j
conscientiously say that I know of no j
remedy for the kidneys that Is Its j
equal. Before using Doan's Kidney i
11111b In !',..- I Karl a e, instant unrnni'cg '
In the small of the back and to stoop
or straighten caused the pain to catch
me hard In the back. There was also
a weakness of the action of the kid
neys, very notlcable at night, and the
secretions contained a sediment. Hav
. lng tried one remedy after another
, without results I finally began U.ins
Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 found benefit
from the start and In time they com- i
I'pletely cured me of the aching and j
pain in the hack, corrected the secre-
lions and brought thorough relief. The
above facts I related in substance in
a testimonial given at that time, which
I am pleased to confirm now."
Plenty more proof like this from
I Oregon City people. Call at Huntley
flros." drug store and ask what their
customers report
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Oregon City, Oreon, June 9, '0C.
Editor Enterprise:
Permit me space to say a few words
in regard to my recent defeat. I have
no criticism to offer and no blame to
attach to any one. My friends, I think
U'lU't Ru t MM anil 1 1 -i f . , t , . .
i I it v m ii , ivj ui unu I'.iiin'iii
rrienas. as over enlisted in any politi
cal war on earth, consequently I wish
to thank every one of my friends who
Stood by me so faithfully, for their
true and loyal support. I also desire
to i hank the advisory committee for
their support and loyalty and 1 greatly
appreciate the clean and gentlemanly
manner in which the newspapers of
the county conducted this- campaign
so far as It concerned me. 1 can therefor,-
submit to defeat without a sore
spot about me. assuring my friends
that their loyalty to me will never be
1 am. yours respecifullv,
When our soldiers went to Cuba
anil the Philippines, health was the
most Important consideration. Willis
T. Morgan, retired Commissary Ser
jeant U. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Con
cord. N. H., says: "I was two years in
Culm and two years ln the Philippines,
and being subject to colds. I took Dr.
King! New Discovery for Consump
tion, which kept me in perfect health.
And now, in New Hampshire, we find
lt the best medicine ln the world for
toughs, colds, bronchial troubles and
ah lung diseases. Guaranteed at How
ell & Jones, druggists. Price 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Having Hold my farm I will offer fori
wale at WIlHonvllle, Oregon, on Hat !
urday, ,tino 23, lftOfi, at 10 o'clock a. j
rn., the following: One horse, f, yearn
old, weight 1050, broke double and
single; fresh cowh, one 28 month's
old calf, one .'i year old, one 4 yearH old
H goats; about 20 sheep (ewes) with 1.1
lamb ; one full-blood Hhropahlre buck
2 plgM; on .'i-lnch in i claHH wagon;
on,- Inch wagon, nearly new; one
2-Mcatcd carriage; one Het of carriage
harneHH, one new nteel roller, one
new Hteel roller, one dine harrow, one
Kprlng - tooth harrow, one Hplke tooth
blng hoen, barrels, household furni
tun; conniHtlng of bedroom Beta, one
parlor 9;l, picture frames, carpets,
kitchen treasure, tables and many
ot her things' too numerous to mention.
Terms of sale: All sums of $5 or
under, caHh in hand; over $.. one
,.. nm . c i ,,....,., ,i,v,
. ,i . n ' ,iii- ki ir.l ,.T;ut I'll I .- "lit j
approved security.
W. W. H. Samson, Auctioneer;
CHAS. T. TOOZE, Owner,
Wllsonvllle, Oregon.
Deserve. Vour Patronage.
The growth of a community and the
.ucce of Its local ln.tltut.on. depend. eUb,e Compound is the world's great
entlrelr on the loyalty of It. people. It , Mt women at thi tryinf
Is well enough to preach patronize horn. ' r;r(i
Induatry" but except the service xlvei Lydi'a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
et a home Institution equal, that of out inTi,or.ta and atremrthena the
itf . t fwrn i-n I rr.r t t hi m arrumonr rmr '
ldone commends It to the general DubUc.
LaUndry ieft at the O. K. barber hOD will
be promptly called for and delivered to
anv part of the city. Telephone 1M4.
H L. Johnson, proprietor
JUNE 17, 1906.
Fare: Detroit to Mill City $2.50;
West of Mill City to Kingston $2.00;
West 'of Kingston to Maxwell $1.75;
Albany. Corvallis and Philomath, $1.50.
Leaves Detroit at 4:45 a. in . Mill City
at 5:55 a. m.; Kingston at 6:35 a- m;
M linkers at 6:56 a. m.; Albany 7:30
a m.; Corvallis 8:00: Philomath 8:15,
Arriving in Newport at 12:00 noo.
Returning leave Newport at 5:30
p. m. Giving hVt hours' fun and pleas
ure at the seaside. The first excur
sion of the season. Come and enjoy
PILES auL'suppusiVonj
f. MU. TtuHLpaon. Sp tl
I (hey dW all Tta claim for thcta." Ut. S. M. t" ie, I
urtviM staooti, MtwvTiin. .i. i ., wnie : t e ut i
I Karra Kock, ft . a , write ; " tbct girt amrmtlHVU-1
I fact too. Vt. H. D. McGUJ, Clar feature, Tiftfl , wrttea:!
' la a rrifii or J trt, I oaf IMilHt M trmmit
I Nutt roura. ' Paica, M Clsra. Srnmv fm, Mali
j Sold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros.
Call for Free Sample.
I 1
- Attorney at Law.
Justice ji the Peace
Office ln Jagger Building, Oregon City.
'ollectlona. Mortgage Foreclosure Ab
tracts of Title and Chtnaral Law Bua
Office over
Bank Of Oregon City. Oregon City. Or
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
of 1906 as follows; Monday at St.Paul;
Tuesday forenoon at J. N. McKay's; Tuesday afternoon at Buttevllle; Wed
nesday and Thursday. Oregon City, atHeinz' feed stable; Friday and Sat
urday at Hubbard. Terms $20 to insure with foal.
J. N. McKAY, Owner,
George W. Speight, Keeper. R. F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon.
Do Your Work
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
"TSESZS Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Dangers and Pain of Thla Critical Period
Avoided by the Un of Lydla ft. Pink,
ham's Vegetable Compound.
ffow many wo
men realize thai
the moat critical
period hi a wo
man', existence)
ia the change of
life, and that th
anxiety felt by
women aa thia
time draw near
ia not without
reason ?
If her nyatem ia in a deranged oondl
tion, or ahe ia preden posed to apoplexy
or oonireation of any organ, it ia at thin
time likely to become active and, with
a hoat of nervous irritation , make i if e
a burden.
At thia time, also, cancer, and tnmori
are more liable to begin their destine
tive work. Huch warning symptoms aa
a sense of suffocation, hot flaahes, dia-
ziness. headache, dread of imnendina?
' ' r
tu, sounoa in tne ear., i.rniony, pi
pitation of the heart, aparka before tha
eyes, irregularities, constipation, varia
ble appetite, weakness and inquietnda
are promptly heeded by intelligent
women who are approaching the period
of life when woman's great change.
ml f SSjja,. m MAM Vear.
m t , I i 1 1 i al a
I me. and I have naaaad safeTr through tha
change of life a well woman."
For special advice regarding this im
portant period women are invited to
write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Maaa
She is daughter-in-law of Lydia E.
Pinkham and for twenty-five years has
been advising sick women free of
charge. Her advice is free and alwaya
j helpful to ailing women.
a 2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
persona communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard aa Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Drug" Store
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city
Office, Rooms 4-5-6 Barclay building.
All calls promptly attended to.
Phone, office 41, residence 1044.
TH Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1671
A h.'Hutifnl bay, 16 hands high,
wetgfis1 11)45 pounds, splendid coach
action, that was admired so much at
the Lewis and Clark Show, where he
stood third in a class of Coach stal
lions that could not be beaten on
either continent. Pfiel won first prize
and championship at the Oregon State
NFatr in 1903-4. and is considered by
good judges to be the highest class
Coach stallion In the state. His colts
are uniformly good, and out of trot
ting bred mares they look like pure
bred coachers. Will make the season
Prices Reasonable
Work Guaranteed