Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 15, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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mixed with thick
rtW linseed oil
than "ready
paint, but when
mi; r if Mr ' y -i
11 U
)imt tor the H
Local Events J
0 -- il ill I I
as lii Hie guilt of
Hughee wiih kItot
Unlay, liilf. He
hi press hour.
HH, hi i i oil man.
another i:ial yes-
jury had not. i 'orted
For reliable Hry Hoods Mini InOM
at rlghl price try ThonMon'4 Bargain
mimimI commencement
'aroehlal High Hehool.
of Ht.
of thin
pigment, gallon tor giiion,
makei the best
Urist money,
Wanted Hti-Hily help,
faired, a ipiy to the
Wo.ll.TI MlllH,
A marriage license wan Issued Mori
.lay lo Frances WnllfriR and Leonard
HAlltnan, both of Onw. no,
city, will ho hold at Hhlvcly's opera
doom, Tuesday evening. hm 2;.
There arc four graduate Ihl year an
followM: Agnes Justin, May McDon
ell, f'harioti- Baker, and Phil Blnbott
A programme In being, arranged for
tha occasion and ArcbMataop a. Chris-
tta will deliver th'; address to the grad
uating class.
Dr. Coorgo Hocyo, dentist, Cauld
lliilidlng, Oregon City.
Four cent! a pound will be paid for
clean cotton rags at the Enterprise
Nina M
from W
Judge Mellrldo Krunt- I
Zlvncy a decree of dtVOrOJ
H. Zlvncy, on Monday.
Personal Mention
MIhh Ada Miller visited with Wood
bttrn friends Sunday.
IM unto, of Otk Drove, wan In MM
. Il Monday morning
i; W Idon. of i hn Canny Tribune,
wan In Ihc rlty Tnead
Mrs Mini K .lonrtn spent the wick
with relative at Salciii
MIhh Mnyslc Pouter spout week
with frlenda ai Portland.
Ifrt, I, L. Porter and ben aro vis
Ittlll wth relatives at Cnrvnllls.
Chambers Howell ami m k. How
)) are 'it 'I . licit. i mi a business trip
Mra. J. R. Bhaver and family move. I
this week to tbalr farm at Molalla
Ptab Warden A II WW
"lai-kamas wiih In tho city
Captain .1 I' Hhiiw him accepted a
POeltiOO an foreman of one (if the
gangs of workmen at the Improvement
work In progress at Caxadero.
MIhh Frances Myers has boon re
i li l ted to her position In the fyegon
City ICbOOla, and ban gone to her
homo al Forest drove for a visit.
Mr Hmer) lyc, of Oregon City,
wbh through here yesterday looking
up a irooHnd route for wnnn eler
trie line promo turn Ncwbcrg (iraph
lo. Mrs ('ha Burns. Jr., haw rd urn"l
after a week's visit with her parents
Ml Mi'Mlnnvllle. Mcr niece. Ixida
Wbochr, will Mmnd a few dayH with
IIiIk 0
KelitiinU', aged i7 yearH, who died
Hday at Mr. (iuypupH. nuar
.mill, waH burled ThurHday in
The family of C. W. Kelly In remov
ing to PortUltd where they will live,
Mi Kelly no'v being engaged In t. ih
neMH In the inctropollH
AinoH Martin, aged i;7 yearn, died of
pnralynlH at bin home near Candy Mon
day. Ho wa nnrvlvcd by a wife, throe
noiyi and two daugbUrra an followx:
Mra, John (iraharn. and Mm. O. It.
Mark, of Candy; .Ickhc Martin, of On
wego; (ioorge Martin, of McMlnnvlll"
mid another aon realdlng in the Kant,
i I'unoral Horvlorw woro held at tho
lute homo at. 10 o'clock Wclneadajl
inornlng and interinont took place a
Zloa oemi H ry
h'loiir wbt
drift $1.10.
and good iih Hue
T. y.. Heard, formerly of WiIh
hut now locate.) at Orantx I'ann,
wan elected coroner or .JOHcniuii.'
County at the recent election.
I' 1 1 im In at CorvalliH to
commencement Heanon with
A riur.1 rung
wiih an On
a farmor from
mm city vlaltiir
Sulluan ami children
fur a lnll with Mr
a.iut v
atWi of
Mm K
Hpcli.l the
(ici.l :'.
Mra T
arc at Cuadfr. i
J, Hohh Kargn of Portkaad, will xlna
at MIkb It. iih. m l reCltA tomorrow af
I I. Hrown. a young builnom man
of Sllverlun. wbh In Hn- dty Batnnlay
Thon Mild r. of Molnlla. and Kllan
Wright of Idlural, were In the city
I. Inn R.'.liinea. IC prcnenlatlve olert
npi ill Itn CM) w ith frlendn at
an. I AlhliU)
NlKhl A.-iit Millar of the Southern
paetfk Company, rtoReaJ with RoMMurd
frlcndn Hun. lay
Mm UotUl OffJMlM) of Independ
mire ban been vUltlng lior nlntor, Mrn.
.lamon Murrow
rfofeaoor Ihiviard M Kccle and
Frank Aatmann. .f Canby. woro In
th.- . in Salurda
Ml Qrayca Maude Marnhall nane
hi a Roee baroival M c.ivirity PMti
WedMOdftJ evening
.1 C PtddoCk, County TraHurr
elect, Wl lu the ciiv Monday from
hU home at Cliu kamaa.
Mm 0 W BvatiH and rhlldron leave
today for a two iimnthit' vlalt with
relatlTM in Cebtral IdakA
Jajdie Thon K Hynn wan in Porl
land Monday nttetullng the ncHalnnK
of the RoyBl Arch "lanonn
llruie uniwalt wan at I'erryilnle
Pi ilk county, thin week, where lie wan
called by the HlckncHH of bin mother
Mm lleius Mllabarjl will attend
the Bummer School that in to be emv
ducted by the MombouUi Normal
Mr and Mr Carl F Cauftold. of
Portland, have gone to BSD Franrlnro
where Mr Caulleld gi mh to urcept a
. ii.i.i poaltlou,
trie C l.atourettc and Hhea Cole
attcuiled the Intercollegiate Belli day
meet at Salem Saturday, returning
bona Sun. lay evening.
Mm Margaret Henry, who ban heen
veiling le i hlMer. Mri Hubert Hani
lln. ban gone to her old home at Hani
Dtoa. Ontario, tor a vIhii.
MIhsck Claia Kfa-rnor ami Mary
lielle Meldrum of this city, UfU BMOI j
hern of tho clann that will bo graduat
ed thin evening from the Portland
K, J Danlton, Hiirlntcndent of the
Crown Columi.ia Pulp Paper (Com
pany'n Oregon City iuIHh, wan a buab
noHH vlnltor to CauiiiH Wimhlngton.
during tho week.
Ilri Mary S Howard of Mullno,
ntate neendarv of the grange, waa In
the city Wodnemlay and went to Port
land to attend a meeting of the ereim
live of that organl.aiioii
.loo fianolig. Hoy Sleight. Ralph
Miln John Knapp and Dave McMillan,
wlm have heen attending the State
Agricultural College at CorvalliH. are
home for Hie summer vacation
Hev W S (Jrlni, former pantor of
tho trei;oii city Method lal Churrh,
and more recutitly locatod at Antorln.
wan In the city thin week, accompani
ed by hlx family, en route to Colorado,
where he will live.
MIkh Kate Wllnon. who for three
haletn ! yrarn has bCM
In the I'nrkplac
c-ntral Lake. Michigan, to apond tho
Hummer with le i mother. et'ctlng to
return to Oregon In September,
Mr and Mm Henry Wetzler and
Mm I, Kuconich Tuesday evening at
tended the marriage of MIhh Knther
.Mice Vultteumler to Mr, John c. can-
mi the eil.llng taking place al tie
home of the bride n parontn, at 4CT
I'nlon avenue. North.
It C. HtcvctiH, Jr. arrived thin weok
from San Franclncu and after a week's
vllt with relathen, will return to hla
California home, accoinpanlcd by Mm.
StevellH and to sunn, who have deen
vinlting In Mi, city for the last hIx
Mlns Lack LemoQ, who taught lant
vein in the Went Oregon City school,
ban fOOa to her home at WnrrenHhurg,
Mo After a visit in the cant yho will
i return to the Coast, having been en-
"Hronitie" Pott, the dootdlack. who
reoently uanl to Redding, California,
for hU health, illod of tuborculoalH
;it that place tho latter part of laxt
I The marriage of MIhh (Jreta Strkk
lor. a former Oregon City girl, to S.
Aiien Percy wbh ocUdrafod at. 8
...lock TucHday evening at I'd. Hteph-
' enn chapel, Portland. MIhh Antiln
. il.. Walden, or thin city, wan bri b-v
maid. A number of Oregon City peo
ple attended the wedding, aH followc:
Mrn. T. A. Pope, MIhh Iaura Pop:.
Mm. J. NclHon WlHner. MIhh CIh iinr
clay Pratt, Mra. 0. A. Harding, C. 11.
Hardlnf and B, B. Brodle.
dates from the first dollar saved. Per
haps the best reason for saving, money is,
that practically nothing can be accomplish
ed without it. You must have it to start
you in business, to furnish your home, to
educate your children, to protect you
against sickness or misfortune, and to pro
vide for you a comfortable, independent
old age.
Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
The latest Htylon and pattern
lie . batH. MIhh C. GoldHmlth.
I'uneral hcivIcch were conducted at
St. John'a Catholic Church by H'-v.
Father lllldehrand Sunday morning
over the remaltiH of the young Hon of
Mrs John Vlnclch. Interment was had
In the Catholic cemetery.
Spring fever It prevented by
use of our Red Line Saraaparilla. None
Just aa good. Our price ;ii rent.
CI I A KM AN ft CO.,
City Drug Store.
Went Oregon City met defeat on the
I dancdall diamond Sunday afternoon.
Oswego being tho victor by a Hcoro
of 1.1 to 1" Tho batlorloH woro: West
Oregon city. Hradley and Shaw; Oh-
wego. Coylen and WaldorlT.
per cent Farm security.
it. Sentinel
Councilman Mat Juntln. of tho Third
Ward, has removed to tho Oivcn'H
niplnyod as teacher i property near tho corner of Main and
-cb.MiW has goie I,, fifth Streets, he having purchased the
name HIh residence on the hill will
lie occupied by Win. Wlckum.
Miss Anna Shannon, of Cancmah
an agrecadly surprised Tuesday ev
ening by a number of young friend
Mho found that tho evening passed
delightfully In playing progressive
Our patterns arc the latest designs.
Our styles are exclusive. MIsb C.
Miss Honaon's piano recital, which
takes place at W. O. W. Hall, Satur
day, June td, at throe o'clock, promises
iti be a treat to all Interested In music.
Miss Benson has been most fortunate
the i In securing two of Portland's favorite
singers to assist her pupils upon this
occasion Mrs. J. S. Hamilton ami
Mr. J. Ross Fargo.
Mm. Hamilton Is a thorough music
ian, having received her musical edu-
S.-voral Instruments convoying cation at the Chicago Musical College,
rights of way in the Handy country to , and since coming to Portland has had
the Ml Hood Klectric Company and charge of the choir of the Grace M. K.
the Sandy River Electric Company, i Church, and is now director of the
have deen filed with the County Re-j musical department of the Woman's
curder during the last few days. Those Club of that city. She has a mezzo
electric companies are financed large- soprano voice of great sweetness and i
ly by Portland men and their activity power that has won hei many enthus
In acquiring rights of way through thollaatlc friends,
nortn central part of the county Is Mr. Fargo needs no Introduction in:
taken to Indicate prospective opera- Oregon City, being already well and
Hons of some character. favorably known here as the posses-
, sor of a rich and pleasing tenor voice.
Tho latest styles and patterns in His former appearances have gained
dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. (for him many admirers and Insure him
once again a warm welcome.
Wednesday aftorniHin the Woman' The piano numbers to be given have
club was entertained at tho home of i been already noted in these columns
Mrs. K. W Scott, a short musical pro- and consist of a series of carefully
gramme being a feature of the moot- nelocted solos and duets of varying
ing which was one of the most delight-1 grades of difficulty, ranging from alm
tu of tho winter's series. The pro- pie compositions adapted to small
grmime included the following ntim
ibers: Piano solo, "Thine Own." Miss
Ram do; piano solo, "The Storm." Miss
(ii. rnde Fairoiough description df
"The Storm." Mrs B. W. Scott; read
ing. Mrs. Scott; history of "Lead
Kindly Light." Miss Myrtle Buchan
an; address. Mrs. M. M. Charman,
president of the club. Refreshments
wore served. It waa decided that the
1 not and final mooting for the year
should bo converted into a picnic, the
time and place of holding the same to
be arranged later.
Hedges, for tho defense, saked for a
new trial. C. D. Latourette conduct
ed the prosecution.
Certrudo Quarrle, who was married
to Frederick Quarrle In Ontario, Can
ada. In May, 1895, filed suit for dlvorco
on tho grounds of desertion. Plaintiff
asks to resume maiden name, Ger
trude Lindsay.
Grace P. Smith, in a divorce suit,
filed against A. O. Smith, charges,
that her husband at times remained
away from home all night, never took
her out anywhere and even went so
far as to flatly Inform her that he did
not care for her any more. This was
tori much and the divorce suit is the
i sequel. They were married at Port
; land, In December, 1900.
,n Biograph Com-
fingers to the works of such masters
as Schumann. Mendelssohn and Grieg.
Heart Disease Claims
Another Old
; Clark Amorici
which Is to present the ruins of
San Francisco tonight at the opera
house, has been received with such
enthusiasm that without doubt they
gave an excellent performance.
They are the only troupe on the
! road having moving pictures of the
fire itself, and the dynamiting of the
buildings. These were taken by Mr.
I Clark himself, and are shown by none
i other.
The following telegram was sent by
the manager of the Ashland opera
house to the manager of the Grants
Pass opera honse:
"People of Ashland unanimous In de
claring Clark's picture show best ever
seen here." Ashland News.
At Shively's Saturday night, June
Flag Day was generally observed
by Oregon City people Thursday. Tin
national colors were floated from all
public buildings, business houses and
maiuifticturlng institutions and many
private residences were appropriately
Cut In Shoes White oxfords 83c.
!0c. $1.19; choc, low shoes 95c up.
Cut in Misses' fine shoos $1.14; ladies'
fine to $1.19. Red Front.
gaged us principal of the Oak drove
School for the next ear
C. W NobUtl and C A lllnkle,
two of Clackamas county's oldest pio
neers, were In the city Wednesday
morning from their homes at Needy
They went to Portland to attend the
annual reunion of the Indan War Vet
erans and the rloneera' Association, j
Mr and Mis John Mies, recently WANTBD: (ientlenian or ludy with
from Wisconsin, but temporarily of ...,.i r.fi.w,. t,, tmv.,1 U mil or
with a rig. for a linn of $'J'i0.OOO.0O
The Oregon City Hod und Gun Club
has accepted l In- challenge of the
Portland (Inn Club for a competitive
shoot The match will be held either
at Oregon City or Portland, the time
and place to bo arranged later. The
shiHit will take place in the very near
W Iburn, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
I L, o. Baton. Mr. Nllaa is thinking of
purchasing property at Gladstone and
permanently locating in this section
j of the Willamette valley which he
i likes bettor than the district further
capital. Salary $l,i7L'.mi per year and
axpanaos; salary paid weekly and ex
IMUises advanced Address. with
stamp. Jos. A. Alexander. Oregon City.
In a runaway accident In this city
e lerday afternoon. David, the 16-year-old
son of Thomas E. Thomas,
of New Era precinct, was run over
with the result that both of the bones
in the left leg were broken at a point
midway between the knee and the
ankle The fracture was a serious
one. The little fellow was on the wag
on, which was being loaned with saw
mill machinery, when the team be
came frlghtenel and started and he
sustained the Injury in attempting to
jump, when he fell underneath the
wagon. Tho runaway team was stop
ped near Huntley Bros.' drug store
before any Injury had resulted to eith
er the team or Its contents.
City Phone
The advance of dental science has been so rapid
and the improvements so numerous in all
branches of the work that few people realize to
what an extent the pain accompanying dental
operations has been minimized. This has
been accomplished not alone by improvements
in the agents eniployed for producing an
aesthesia,both local and general.but in methods
and appliances used for their administration.
The work of filling teeth has been so improved
as to allow of its performance in much less
time, and with little or no pain as compared
with the work of former years.
Seventeen years in dentistry in Oregon City.
An eastern expert grauduate dentist with us all
the time. We guarantee to please you.
All the latest painless methods.
Farmers' Independent
Phone 131
R. L. Holm. in. leading undertaker,
next to Harris' grocery store. Oregon
City, Oregon.
Sunday evening at the First Bap
tist church. Rev. H. B. Robins, will
preach the annual Foresters Memor
ial BOrmott. The services, which will
Include some special music by the
male quartette, will be attended In a
body by the members of Court Robin
Hood No. 9. of this city
Agents wanted: -San Francisco Earth
quake Disaster; Thousands killed and
Injured. $500,000,000 worth of property
destroyed. Full and authentic story
told by survivors and eye witnesses.
Largest and best book, best illustrated
80 per cent profit to agents. Freight
paid. Credit given. Outfits free. Send
4 2-cent stamps for postage. Address
COOPER & 00., 134 Lake St. Chicago.
Louis W. Ingram, a veteran of the
Civil War and an honored and respect
ed citizen, died suddenly of heart fail
ure, at 6; 30 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing at his home at Parkplace. The an
nouncement of Mr. Ingram's death is
scarcely believed. He had been in his
office every day until and including
Tuesday and was enjoying his accus
tomed good health until Wednesday
morning when h arose somewhat
earlier than usual, complaining that
he did not feel well. About 6 o'clock
he reclined on the sofa and within a
half hour was dead.
Mr. Ingram was a native of Pennsyl
vania, having been born at Bellefonte.
January 2. 1840. He came to Oregon
In 1888, locating at Oregon City, where
he has since resided. The deceased
is survived by a wife, six sons and four
Mr. Ingram was always prominently
associated with the G. A. R., being
past commander and the present ad
jutant of Meade Post, of this city.
Funeral services were conducted at
2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, bv Rev.
J. Robert Landslnirough. at the First ,
Presbyterian church. Following the j
services at the church, the members of
Med Boat No. 2. G. A. R.. took charge
ol the remains which were interred at
Mountain View cemetery.
"Had dyspepsia or indigestion for
years No appetite, and what I did
eat distressed me terribly. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me." J. H. Walk
er. Sunbury, Ohio.
List of advertised letters remain
ing unclaimed at Parkplace P. O. for
the month ending May 31, 1906.
Miss Manna Haynes. Mrs. M. A. Hillis.
Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all
kinds of casualty insurance written
by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of
fice with Justice of the Peace.
Bean the
the Kind hi Haw Always Bought
Fruit Inspector Reid's Demurrer
The young people who presented
with success the domestic drama. "Val
ley Farm," last Saturday evening
at Mount Pleasant, will repeat the
performance at Harlow Saturday oveu
0 of this week. Will R. I.ogus, of
this city, appears In the lending role
as the young New Yorker.
cisco Ri
ioo couples attended the
Hall that was given at the
Wednesday night under the
of the Women's San Fran
illof Committee Among the
members of this
an active part in
wire: Mrs. J. W.
1'ope. Mrs. Linn
Fosberg. Mrs. D.
committee taking
managing the party
Norrls, Mrs. T. A.
E. Jones, Mrs. F.
W. Kinniard and
Millinery Cut
40c up. Ladlea
Child's trimmed hats
$1.3!) up: stylish hats.
lu the 1906 graduating class at the
CorvaHia Agricultural College there
are l lin e yonng men from this county
as follows: John Knapp. of tins city:
Krml Roth, of Candy; and Joseph
! Ringo, of Molalla. whose mother, .Mrs.
Albeit Kllgle. went to CorValllS to at
tend the closing exercises.
L. L
Weinhard Building,
Opposite Court House
,Iis. David Caulleld. The Committee
was assisted by the young women of
tho city who organized themselves
into reception and floor committees
ns (ollowa: Reception, Miss Holmes,
Miss Helen Danlton, Miss Marjorle
Caulleld and Miss Myrtle Buchanan:
flm r. Miss .Margaret Coodfellow. Miss
Laura Pope. Miss Cis Barclay Prat'.
Miss Atmee llollneU ami Miss: flna
Daultob. The party was a succur :
socially and netted the ladies i sun
Btantial sum for their efforts. Mutuc
w;is lurniBnatt oy tne Little
P. led." of Portland.
( 1
Judge McBrlde on Wednesday over
ruled the demurnn- of Fruit Inspector
.1. H. Reid In the damage suit of T. R.
A. Sellwood and J. M. Sellwood re
cently filed against that official. Mr.
Reid is given 20 days in which to an
swer the complaint in which he Is
charged with destroying 34 prune j agent of the
tree, the property of the plaintiffs and do the rest.
for which damages in the sum of $20 10
are asked.
Divorces were granted as follows:
Anna Boyd against tieorge Boyd and
VailM Schilling against F. W. Schil
ling. An order of default and refer
ence was entered in the divorce suit
of Mary H. Hopple against Edward
I lopple.
The suit of John J. Cooke, adminis
trator, against Jacob Cassell for $2000.
alleged to be due on a note, was tried
before a jury Wednesday. Late in
the afternoon Judge McBrlde Instruct
ed the jury to return a verdict In favor
of the plaintiff for $2040. Attorney
Colonist's tickets will be sold from
the East to points on the Oregon lines
of the Southern Pacific Co. via Port
land, commenclnsr February 15 and
continuing daily 10 and Including April
7 and from September 15 until October
j 31. The rats from some of the princi
pal points are: Chicago, $25; Bloom
I ington. 111.. $31.80: St. Louis, $30;
Omaha, $25: Kansas City, $25; Coun
cil Bluffs, $25; St. Joseph. $25; Sioux
City, $25; Denver. $25: corresponding
I rates will be made from other points
and will appear to all points on Ore
gon lines.
Persons desiring to pay for tick
ets to bring anyone from the East or
middle West to Oregon may deposit
the amount required with the local
S. P. The company will
For further information
inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket
i no
O Ji. S. J. s X Sl .
Iho Kind Yvj Have Always Boucirr
. yA
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.
JHN0W. THOMAS, Dentist
Father HtldebraBd, of 81 John's
Catholic cimrch. yeaterdaj entertain
ed i lie pupils of St. John's IMroehial
and High School on tttelr annual pic
nic at Canemah Park, Just before
the commencement season tho pupils
of ibis school are annually tendered
a picnic at one of the convenient re
sorts near this city.
Drs. Bentle & Beatle,
Rooms HI, 17, IS. Weinhard
Lowest prices. Seed pens or 5c,
paekugo seeds now 2 '..jo. 10-qt. galvd.
pail 10c; I I (it. pail 23c. soaps 2c. 2
Al'tier being out several hours I
Tuesday the jury in the ease of State
of Oregon vs. Ira Hughes failed to
agree and was discharged. The jury
Is said to have been eipially divided
Constipation causes headache, nun
sou, dizziness, languor, heart palpita
tion. Drastic physics gripe, sicken,
weaken the bowels and don't cure.
1 Mian's Regulets act gently and cure
constipation. 2.'. cents. Ask year
Hals one half price; all hats re
duced. Children's trimmed leghorns
75 cents and up. Call while the as
sortment Is good.
7-(! MR8. H. T. SI.ADEN.
Transacts a general banking: business.
Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.