Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 15, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Britl Hits of Gossip From Al! Parts of lh County.
mMof 1
$ Otif Correspondents' Corner
carnation. Afttr eongriitraatlonti, tho
Hindis wore Invited to Hi dining
room, whi'iv nn elaborate lirnch wit
served Tin1 room WM most Artistic
Hlly decorated In red rose lunhi and
(Mill Three were present Mi rela
tives nml Intimate friends. Mnnv fN
Mr. Adam Knlirht Is havinir some fl1' '' foully Presents wore received
work clone on tin- roads hero at pro- 1 m wul rvmno on tnelr nrn near
continues qulto ent hero In tho way of Mast inn stumps 1 M iltim Mr and Mrs Keltnnd have
and nloWtU and scrnnlim mml friends In Twtltthl who extend
Wo understand that Frank Hylton ,hon' "'i'' 1"'s wishes
t;;i- lold Ills farm m
.lames Adklns saw null save a long DEATH FROM LOCKJAW
whistle last Saturday for tho first time
since th tiro of a few weeks imo. never follows an Injury dressed with
Ah in Fhelps w as running his feed Huekleu's Arnica Salve Its antlscop-
i tic and healing proNrtlcs prevent
Henry Kirhtcr who Is working he- hlood polsonltiK ('has. Oswald, tner-
low Portland, came up home to visit chant, of Henssolaravllle, N. Y . writes:
his parents for a few days "lt cured Scth llurch. of this place.
William ami Block Tlce lost one I of the ugliest sore on his neck 1 ever
of their horses a few days ago. saw." Cures cuts, wounds, hums, and
Charles Thomas luaight a horse j sores. 2R cents at Howell Jones,
The weather st!0
. Thomas of Heaver ('rock sheared
Mr .McCarthys sheep last week.
Jacoh Kalhtleisrh has returned
home from Idaho.
Norman Howard spent Thursday at
Miss Kninut luskeep, who has heen chopper one day last week
working in Portland tho past five
months, reteured home Saturday.
Several from here attended the so
cial anil dance at Maple ljne Satur
day night.
Mrs. Charley Nohlet of Needy, is
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. here lately. Charley is going to team
Ooucher, of this place. this summer
Arthur Smith Is home again. The next election will he for school
Mr. and Mrs. C Spangler spent officers, hut the ones that get left In
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. that race will not lose much.
C. Howard. - fc
Laurence Darringer anil lva Irish
wer In our hurg Sunday.
Several of the hoys from here are
working on the steel hridgc at New-Era.
l'ansy Irish is visiting
Jacob Kalhflelsch took
hay to town Monday.
There was a ball game at Cam
drug store
in Oregon
a load of
frequently results from neglect of clog
ged bowels and torpid liver, until con
stipation becomes chronic. This con
dition Is unknown to those who use
Dr. Kings New Life Pills, the best
and gentlest regulators of Stomach
and Bowels. Guaranteed by Howell
& Jones, druggists. Price 25c.
No use to take time to sm-ak of the
I weather
Complexion Secret!. You all know It is delightful, hut no
To remove pimples, moth spots, sal-1 one begins to think vet that Stafford
lowness. blotches, clear up the com-; is a place to emigrate from, and we
plexlon and put the bloom of youth In . are waiting patiently till the clouds
the cheeks use Ijuakola tablets, a mil hv, which we prophesv will lie
positive cure for constipation 85 c I before these Items get into print. The
at Huntley Pros. hoy's rubbers are worn out and no
stt'e fnr potatoes to 't another pair.
TWILIGHT. therefore we could not send him out
as usual to gather news for your col
Mr and Mrs. Sam. Warnock. QflWaM, fal It Is whispered there will
Heaver Creek, visited at the home of ; D' a surprise party Friday ntghf. but
Mr. Swlck last Sunday. I it would not Ir fair to say where..
Mrs. Cilbson. of Portland, spent a, MM Ida Shlckl.er is visiting Mrs
few days last week with her uncle, "elhle this week for a few days and
Mr Geo. Lazelle. calling on old friends
Thomas Kelland attended the dance Mrs Weddle did not entirely re
at New Kra Saturday night. (cover her health by her winter's so-1
A pretty wedding took place June i Jurn In what Is styled the Sunny I
tith. at high nexm, at the home of the South of Callifornla She stayed In
bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. P. H. I'asadena hut there was an unusual
Engel. at New Kra. when their daugh-' aniount of rain there this year,
ter. Laura E . and Oeorge W Kelland 'r!' Nlmlc had a comforter doing
1 were united in marriage. The bridal last Thursday We understand s,ho
! couple entered the parlor to the Kot nvt 811 finished.
A. Shibley's strains of the wedding march nlavetl Such bees are becoming unite the
guo an appropriate hay
at l' :;n p in , June 17.
Vooul and Instrumental must' hv
tot Alfred Miller will he an Mler
est I to; toatiire of the Children's H)!iy
proaiaiii As a church and eomiimti
It) feel highly honored hy the rri
minimi of Prof. Miller In his ov-tingo
liltli work.
We were Kind to note that Viola
precinct wave only three ballot! In
favor of the Loral Option Amendment.
ArrangVuantl are being made for
a Fourth f July picnic on the camp
ground at Viola.
Mr Jubb and John Hamilton are
prcp.i r I iik to hull. i new residences
Mr i 'ui Isoiv Is hauling lumber to
Oregon City from llouney A Miller's
saw mill.
Some tine clover on the Clour Crvek
bottom has been spoiled as a nmtilt of
the 'xtended rain.
Mr iliaham Is planning to go to the
logging camps in British Columbia in
the near future.
II Mattoon. who is on the rxrt!t
if Clackamas county, spent sirm-
at his home in Volla
store and also plant Ice niedlclne
Your cor rcn poutf'Hr. was loo III In
send In H Heasonallk' report of oloc
lion ilV pioceedliigM. Inn this pro
I'tnet may well bo pi oral of the roe
nil made both as to vOtel east and
orderly liehaMor
tirange No IM I'
line rhlekt'n dtBB
per. of cold meat,
fee. sf raw herrlcM
The HlsterH of
of II. fdinltdted a
'i' and a good sup
hot biscuit and cof
and cake. Moveral
I II Uced'H son .III I, ion, hflH eoiili
in CKtnywdt f i lontf, which win
'mailt It very pleinianl for Mr ltul
The jlnnle at Duma tens tunoil to
be a ."i i and all enjoed It),
fii oi'ge Donrdorff has a caf Hint la
Mill' III" will
will see that her baby Is properly
cared for to do this a good purgn
tlve is necessary Many babies suf
fer from worms, and their mothers
don't know It If your baby Is feverish
and doesn't sleep at nights. It Is troub
led with worms White's Cream Ver
mifuge will dean out these worms In
a mild and pleasant way Once tried
nlwais used, (live It a trial. Price.
!5o. Sold by Huntley Hros Co.
t our good ladles worked In I ipilel
manner during the day for eipiui anf
1 1 and agiiinst local optloh nun ml
A rural iiJephoue Hue Is In proccxs
of eiiistructlon fhroitgh our little burg
and i large majority of property ow n
era will eouaect
A. O Hay ward lately old a cow tn
J llergru. of Lents.
Mrs VI K I'rell limn m.-iintlv .1.1 ,'Tlee
her stocfl of giHuls aird grtieerleM to A
The Misses Amies And Isabella Mil
ther left low n last Friday for a vis
it to Mrs iharrltt In IkinpWn, Lane
county Tin' yoinig Ia4ivs rxpeet to
be gone thM'o weeks
Mr William Fullertoir. wtW lately
found employment III Portland, was
home for a short stiry Inst SuinUv
it 1 m ii 1 1 old enough to
soon bo IN yours old
Mrs I limit v had company
t0WB Sunday.
Frank Hunter ami lames Rafd took
dinner at J. K I M-nrdorff 's Siiuila
Two btltobtf wagonn run through
our vicinity now a days
Cony and Kitty I'l'utltcr and baby
were visiting his pa rents Hitudtiy,
Mercury 64 degrees.
A quiet wedding at J
on the 7th Inst., the contracting par-, by xirs iuie Penman, and stM)d fashion not only here, hut we road of
ties were Miss Maud Shibley and Kl-: under an arch of white roses and Ivy. 1 them In other sections,
mer Dibble. Rev. Edward Blair join- where the ceremony was performed ' Some say those who want liquor
ed them in matrimony with a very ! by Rev. P. K. Hammond, of Oregon ; wl11 earry a bottle In their pocket. If
impressive ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. ! City. The bride was most elegantly there is no saloon, but If they do them
Dibble are at home in Klwood. attired in blue silk, trimmed in white Is not the light music and low com-
The Children's Day of the Spring- lace.N and carried a bonMN of white panlonshlp to tempt men and Iniys
If ..- AJttH ISl. . . M 1 . . , . .. ... .
At present writing we are having
a genuine down x u r which is of no
particular benefit to strawberries and
straw berry picking, nor liny making
Mr John Robinson lately sold his
place consisting of house barn and
six acre of land to a Mr LatVH from
Mr Itohluson is at a logging camp
down the Columbia Mrs Rnbinaon
Is visiting family friends In' Canity.
It is rvxrtod that lr Harvey Hick
man of Oregon City, will tttton locate
In Clackamas lie will fit up a drug
How to Break up a Cold
It may be a surprise
learn that a severe cold
plefety broken up In one or two days'
time The tlrst ijrmptbinH of a mid
are a dry loud cough, a BVOfllM watery .
dlschaxgf of the BOM; and a thin
whitu coating on the tongue When
Chamberlain's cough remedy la taken
Immadlataly mi the first nnpearancti ,,f
themt symptoms, it conuteractN the ef i
feet of rht cold and rcstoron ibw sys-
tem to a healthy eondlttoa within i
tlay or rwt. For sale by HowHI a ,
1 111
water Sunday School, has been put off
until the rourth Sunday, the 24th Inst.
Everybody invited.
W. Bard attended Circuit Court last
week as one of the jurors.
A Reward.
We offer a reward of 25 cents for
every esse of skin trouble, eczema,
ulcers, old running sores, wounds, cuts
or any kind of scalp trouble that Der
makola Ointment will not heal, for If
not cured we pay the 25 cents back.
Huntley Bros.
Mrs. lrvin Norton and children are
visiting Mr. Calvin Parker and wife.
Mother's Ear
usig iftfMmT, mo im rum
Time AT com '" that
uMou the uriM irisrN mho
Send lor fret uaplt.
4.K-4i5 PtH Slreet, N,, gt.
ot. tod t i.oo ; a!ldrj(fuu.
who otherwise would never think of.
putting in thtdr mouths to steal away
their brains, and your correspondent
Is no temperance ranter either.
The Rev Waehlte went up to Salem 1
Saturday to attend the Baptist con- j
ferenee which
met there, returning I
A large crowd from Viola attended
the Children's Day exercises at the
Kedland M K Sunday School.
We are glad to report that tttatler
the care of Dr. Mount. Kdward Pick
ens is rapidly regaining his strength I
from a serious attack of appendicitis. I
; .The Viola M. E Sunday Bohool will I
Don't Get Wet!
will keep you dry as
nothing cSc will.bemue
thcr arc the j-tm!u t of
the best matrrijlt ind
arrenty years' experi
ence in manufacturing.
iCcjT A. J. TOWt R CO.
,1 I Union. ILS.A.
Mrs Ott wan unite sick
hut was ImprtoluK when
Friday was the last day of MMOl
Kock CltKtk srbiHil house TJley hntl
a short pnnrrammo which was tWTJ
luterestluu. also the wand drill by
nine little ulria. looked very nice, tlur
visitors were Mrs Rodlun. Mrn K
Johnson. Mrs Fnige. Mrs test Oenr
dorff. Mr Kl.erhart Miss Lydln Hunt
er. Miss Allen Cotty. the Misses tftoll.
Mr. and Mrs Yooug. Mrs II l nr
dorff. and Mm liotib-y
Emma Stoll was quite sick tunl
could tiett bit i)rMnt
There waa a rather small utteml
ance at Sunday SelnNil at llock Creek
mi accoinit of sickness on the tenth uf
We am glad to say
girls are better hot
ll' Well
Mr and Mrs tleo. Deardorff. also'
Mrs. II Dentine tr and daughtor Kir
nice were at Mr Htoll's Sunday
Miss Lulu ChirwotNl Is cook at Mr
Rotllun's Mill Some of the phones
in Dow in. ni'ar Riiek Creek and some
people have been railed out tattler
arly In the morniiig
Mrs Nlttil tiretmlee, llldepond
Oregon, was visiting her sister
i Mrs Murrow nud altemleil I lit- gmdu
ttlll class at Barclay Mhool In which
Kiltm Murrttw was one of lw Kradu
Mrs Moran hud another ki't'ack of
heart failure last Friday evening and
was ipilte feohtw for awhile
Mr Tarrance tddeirt daughter l
pilte sick with pneumonia
Tlte ehllilren o( this ulclnlly tot all
bout well of the nMMflaa, Marvel
Fly Is ipiHe sick at prewni nnaalH
to many tn Lillian Hlflerr is v'.alltag at Win
can he etmi ' Junes an Ototal
Strawberry picking la keeping srune
of the people ijulfe busy It present
The rain Is spolllirg them and thn
price Is liable fo go iP
Mrs Matehetl went to lirtluud nud
Ration limt WedueHilny on a IiiimIiiosh
Rev ll.illluger will preaen at the
ftiureh luTo nexr Suii4v at I p
nine ami li'-ar him
Mr Itusmdl ami Mr Palnier, new
arrivals from the MM have fe)M at
temflng our Sunday Selmol ami prov
id utile aHsfstnutH
Mrs Skinner haves In a few day
to iwsist her husfland, who im cook
lug for a railroad ramp
Mis Nma Currins will srnrr soon
fur Iowa and OtlMf points on a visit
among frleiutH
The chlldri-n's Day eitTflses have
been stMinel until the lt Simdnv
in July, as tTie inrtirvetilaK time Is
taken up by other work
The Sunday Behoof will give a social
at the church hern next Friday evnn
lug SrrawborrloH and cake will be
servnl Admission free but id rents
will be charged for tnke and berries,
On FWday. June tt, the Sundnv
SehiHils of fJlagOU 1 1 y hold a plenlr
ar Willamette All going from htt$
tnuHl let the Superintendent. Mr
Mntchett know by Motulai evening,
the lu,h Kvoi y one gnlng Is expected
to take lunch Usik out for the pro
gramme in the papers' fills week
w itk.
Mr StolPs sick
UtV) will stain
A 8jfc HeadacOe Cvtra.
U ! ask our citiintmfs to try Ake-ln-rtn-
Head Blblttl for neuralgia and
henillteln-s Willi the illetel slailtllllg that
you must get Immedlafn ridlef or your
ney bark Safe, sure and ntx cures
for fen eutmt Hnntlfy Bros
!The Great Carnival Sale!
Saiurd&y Morning. June 16th
A new sale in Men's Clothing, Hats, Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, purchased of the
manufacturers, Mendl Vienna Company, and Cahn Nickelsburg Shoe Company, all of
San Francisco disaster, at
We will give ABSOLUTELY FREE with every purchase a Lady's Coat worth from $4 to $U.
Men's $18.00 Stilts, Carnival Sale,
Boy's Suits from
Men's Shoes, Carnival Sale
Ladies' Shoes, worth $2.50, will sell for
Straw Hats
90c up
5c each
Don't miss this opportunity Call and convince yourself
The Eastern Mercantile Company