Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 08, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Interesting Items Received too
Late for Last Week.
in nno
n ii
Correspondents sending items to
this paper will confer a favor and will
. be more certain of having their cor--'
. respondence published in the week's
issue of the paper for which they are
intended, if they would mail their let
ters so as to reach the Enterprise of
fice not later than Wednesday after
- noon. Below are printed the items
sent in by three correspondents, the
three letters being received too late
for last week's issue.
Stafford ,
The rain considerately ceased, so
that Decoration Day came and passed
just cool enough to be comfortable for
Stafford and vicinity to turn out in
.force in work in the cemetery, and
they made quite an addition to the Im
provements already accomplished, and
the lunch baskets and coffee pots
came so well filled that there was far
more than the proverbial loaves- and
fishes left, and we can say that Staf
ford cemetery look better than it
ever has in the memory of the oldest
Miss Susie Schatty returned to Port
land last week.
Miss Jennie Nohle, whose birthplace
was Stafford, was at the cemetery
greeting old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Narve Robbins also
were old time residents of Staffoffrd.
Mr. Robbin's father being the first
owner under the Government of what
,As at present the Wm. Schatz place
Te,ftWelCOme visItor- and workers
at the cemetery. i
Quite a number about here have in
vintat.ons to the German picnU? up .
the river from Willamette next Sun- j
?, k? h late for this 'sstie as n
felt obliged to wait till after the ht-
-ndinTms. bef j
Wm. Hettman has
the logging camn.
returned from
J?wry Ginther na- finished working
for Wm. Moehnke.
Sa?urdayShUbeI WCnt t0 SeIIwood last
Phillip Massinger and Henry Gross-
. af naming lumber for the
uiiiiiiiiis saw mii
A ' - -
' v -usun, or Liberal passed
through our neighborhood last week
vau.nsaing me oook about the San
i aucisco disaster.
ceer-annMng by the keg is the
u,uw me aay in this section of
uur voting precinct. That's what
counts in tnis neck of the woods.
- n.njan uoleman and M. V. Thomas
uuciiiusi, nominees ior county com
missioner and representative. resDeet
ively, addressed the citizens of Shu
bel last Saturday evening. The . au
dience was not as Jarsre as is usual.
the reason was learned during the ev
ening the Republicans having sent
out Deer to the old stand which of
course was the greater attraction. The
speakers spoke entertainingly how
ever on. their cause.
Rev. Henry Hornschuh preached in
the Evangelical church last Sunday
morning and Rev. Theodore Horn
schuh preached in the evening.
Mrs. C. V. Stoker was summoned to
the death bed of her sister at Tacoma,
Washington, who died a few hours
before she got there, from .blood pol
son. The poor mother left behind her
five little children, the oldest 12
years and youngest.. 8 months. Mrs.
Stoker brought home with her the 5
motherless children which were left
at the mercy of the world among
strangers. Mrs. Stoker's baby is sick
with a bad cold.
W. H. Jones has succeeded this
week in trapping two gray foxes; not
before they carried off over 40 hens.
Jones Bad one of them caught before,
had it chained like a dog by the
house for over three years, it had be
come quite tame, but one night it got
tired of captivity and made for lib
erty and was away three years when
it came back and was caught the sec
ond time.
Mr. T. C. Thomas had a barn-rais
ing Tuesday.
Our school house is looking very
nice after being painted which is
quite an improvement in its appear
ance. We expect soon to get the
grounds fenced in, which will still
W. H. Jones and C. Rider have had
their houses painted.
people who know how to take care of
themselves the majority do not. The
liver is a most important organ in
the body. Herbine will keep it in con
dition. V. C. Simpkins, Alba, Texas,
writes: "I have used Herbine for chills
and fever and find it the best medicine
"I ever used. I would not be without
itIt is as good for children as it is
for gtwwn people, and I recommend it.
It is fine for lagrippe."
Sold by Huntley Bros. Co.
One of the biggest schemes for ad
vertising Oregon has been undertaken
in Portland by Phillip S. Bates, pub
lisher of Oregon's Great Agricultural
Monthly the Pacific Northwest. The
proposition is nothing less than the
taking of 33 young ladies, one from
each county of the state to the James
town Exposition which will open May
15th at Jamestown, Virginia., The
Exposition is to commemorate the
first settlement of the English in the
United States, which took place in
1607 This historical event in the his
tory of our country is one which
gives opportunity for a wonderful ex
ploitation of the great strides which
have taken place in the past 300
years and the Jamestown Exposition,
from an educational standpoint, will
no doubt prove an exceptional under
taking along these lines. One farm
er's daughter from each county in
Oregon will be taken by Mr. Bates.
She will carry a large amount of lit
erature for general distribution along
the lines of travel which it is expected
our Board of Trade will furnish.
. The method of choosing our candi
dates rests wholly with the farmers'
daughters of our county. They are
801 Main St., Peoria, III.
This Coupon is good for a 50c Bottle of
Mull's Grape Tonic.
Fill out this coupon and send to the lightning
Medicine Co., 157 Third'Ave., Bock Island, 111., and yon
will receive a full size, fiOc bottle of Mull's Grape
Tonic. -
I have never taken Mnll'i Grape Tonic, but if you.
will supply me with a, Opc. bottle free. I will take it as
directed, i
Street No..
ours fuu address ano
all entitled to compete for the honor.
It is a simple proposition depending
on the number of subscriptions sent
in by the candidates. The cost of the
paper is 50 cents a year and from our
knowledge is fully worth a dollar, Ail
expenses will be paid and the estimat
ed cost of the trip is over $$10,000. It
will prove a wonderful advertisement
for our county as Mr. Bates makes no
charge for the work he will do for
and we trust his efforts to make Ore
gon better known throughout the
United States will receive the support
of every one in our county.
If you have any kind of scalp trouble
skin humor, eczema, ulcer, wound,
piles, cut or old running sore, remem
ber that we guarantee Dermakola oint
ment to relieve you or we will pay
your 25c back. Huntley Bros.
- p
The week opened and closed show
ery and cool, with an intervening peri
od of from two to three days with mild
temperatures and clear skies. The
rains on Tuesday and Wednesday were
excessive over limited localities in the
northeast section of the State. The
Umatilla River overflowed its banks.
and did considerable- damage to the
streets in the city of Pendleton and
to the bridges and fences along its
course from that city to its mouth at
Umatilla. In a few other localities m
that section farm lands were badly
washed by heavy rains, but the good
done in the larger territory where the
rains were only moderate, much more
than compensated for the damage done
in the few limited eras where they
were excessive, jmoay tne tem
perature was dangerously near the
frost mark, both in the eastern and
western portions of the State, but no
frosts were reported. The winds dur
ing the week were generally light and
mostly from the west, but some of the
rain squalls were attended by wind
rushes of short duration.
Why Huntley Bros. Are Warranted In
Recommending Dr. Davis' Prescrip
tion For Indigestion.
Because of the fact that so' many
so-called indigestion remedies prove
disappointing we are frequently ask
ed if Dr. Davis' Prescription, Pepsiko-
la Tablets really will bring the relief
If there were the least doubt in our
mind and if we did not positively and
absolutely know the real worth of this
remedy, you yourself must know "that
we would not be warranted in recom
mending Pepsikola Tablets if they did
not possess great merit.
As a usual thing we do not offer a
dyspepsia remedy on our own person-
sonal guarantee, but unless Dr. Davis'
Prescription relieves and cures your
coated tongue, heart burn, dizzy spells,
sour stomach, wind belching, sleep
lessness, weakened energy and other
symptoms, of indigestion we will hand
back your money cheerfully and with
out any argument.
Pepsikola Tablets are also a grand
nerve tonic and no one should hesi
tate to try a 25 cent box as they will
not cost you a penny should you fail
to receive the benefit expected.
The Very Best Remedy for .Bowel
Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and
well-konwn resident of Bluffton, Ind.,
says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the
very best remedy for bowel trouble.
I make this statement after having
used the remedy in my family for sev
eral years. I am never without it."
This remedy is almost sure to be
needed before the summer is over.
Why not buy it now and be prepared
for such an emergency? For sale by
Howell & Jones.
whits nainiv.
HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists.
If the Symptoms Fit Your Case, Remember " A
Disease Once Known is Half Cured."
Feel feverish ? Have headache? Back
ache? In fact, "ache all over?" Have
occasional chilly sensations? Appetite
gone ? Tongrue furred 1 Bad taste, espe
cially in morning? Bad, foul breath?
Perhaps nausea, or "sickness at stom
ach," occasionally 1 rreei wean, urea,
blue and discouraged ?
The above are symptoms common to
stomach and liver derangements and
often Drecede attacks of fever and mal
arious affections, grip, bronchitis, and
"iune fever." or pneumonia.
Whichever ailment they point to, you
may be sure that it is best to get rid of
them as soon as possible by putting your
and invigorating stomach, 'liver and
bowels, and thus Durifvina vour blood
and system and enabling it to throw off
the attack.
For the above purpose, medical science
nas as yet produced no better agent than
Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery.
It is not a secret, or patent medicine, all
its ingredients being printed on the bottle
wrapper. It is the prescription of a well
known and experienced physician. It
contains no alcohol or other harmful,
habit-formirig agents chemically pure,
triple-re lined glycerine being used both
as a solvent and preservative of the med
icinal extracts of which it is composed.
It is made from the following native.
American medicinal roots: Golden Seal
root. Queen's root, Stone root." Bloodroot,
Mandrake root and Black Cherrybark.
The medicinal properties of these are ex
tracted by exact and peculiar processes
with the use of chemically pure, triple
refined glycerine, of proper strength, and
by means of apparatus and appliances
devised for this special purpose, and in
such a way as to produce a most perfect
pharmaceutical compound.
As to the superior curative properties
of some of the above ingredients, we can
only give room here for a very few of the
briefest extracts from standard medical
works, but more complete information
will be sent you. free of charge. In pam
phlet form, if you will send vour address,
plainly written on postal card or bv let
ter, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, ST. Y.,
with a request for the same
Of Golden iSoal root Prof. Bartholow,
of Jefferson Medical College, says: " Very
useful as a stomachic tonic (stomach
tonic) and in atonic (weak stomach) dys
pepsia. Cures gastric catarrh (catarrh
of stomach) and headaches accompany
ing the same. Chronic catarrh
of the intestines, even if it has proceeded
to ulceration: is remarkably beneiitod by
Hydrastis (Golden Seal). It may
be given as a remedy for intermittent,
chronic and malarial poisoning ind en
larged spleen of malarial oriein."
From "Organic Medicines," by Grover
Coe, M. D., of New York. ve extract the
following: "Hydrastis (Golden Seal) ex
ercises an especial influence over mucous
surfaces. Upon the liver it acts with
equal certainty and efficacy. As a chol
agogue (liver invigerator), it has few
equals. In affections of the spleen, and
abdominal viscera generally, it is an
efficient and 'reliable remedy. Also in
scrofula, glandular diseases . generally,
cutaneous eruptions, indigestion, debility,
diarrhoea and dysentery, constipation,
piles and all morbid and critical dis
charges." Dr. Coe further says : Hydrastis
(Golden Seal) is also of inestimable value
in the treatment of chronic derange
ments of the liver. It seems to exercise'
an especial influence over the hepatic
(liver) structure generally, resolvmg (dis
solving) biliary-deposits, removing ob
structions, promoting secretions, and
giving tone to the various functions. It
is eminently cholagogue (liver accelera
tor), and may be relied upon for the relief
of heuati: (liver) toroor."
Wiibert Thompson never knew a well day until last Jane he had been constipated all his life many
doctors treated him, bat all failed to even help him his nealth failed rapidly and on January 21,
1903, Mrs. Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case
too serious and recommended that a specialist be' consulted but he also failed to help the
patient NOW HE IS WELL. - .
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mrs. Thompson first wrote us as follows: "My husband, aged 23, suffers from sharp pains In his stomach and
sometimes thinks It is his heart. Let me know by return mall wbat causes tiie pain, if you can. Mr. Thompson
has been treated by several doctors, but they have Riven him up." -
We promptly advised that a first-class specialist be consulted. We quo: "We want to sell Mull's Crape
Tonic, because we know It will cure constipation, but 60c. a bottle Is do object to us when a human life is at stake,
and if your husband's case Is as serious as you state, we suggest you consult a reliable specialist, not the advertising
kind, promptly." At the same time, knowing that Mull's Grape Tonic could do no harm, we advised its use until a -physician
oould be consulted. January 26 Mrs. Thompson wrote that a physician had been consulted. He diag
nosed the ease as being chronic constipation and dyspepsia. His treatment was followed faithfully, but there was
no perceptible Improvement In Mr. Thompson's health. Then he began taking Mull's Grape Tonic and on Sept.
8, 1903, we received the following lettergram Mrs. Thompson: -
"You will remember that I wrote to yon last Januarv In regard to my husband's health. It
Is four months sinoe ho quit taking Mull's Grape Tonio for oonstipatlon, whioh ho suffered from
slneo birth. He took Just 24 bottles of It and is perfectly cured. He is much stronger and has
gained considerably in flesh. I eannot thank you enough for Mull's Grapo Tonlo. 'It Is worth Hs
weight la gold.' Just $12 oured him and ho has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors who did
him no good. Now I want to state my oaso to you and expect your early reply. I also have eonsti
patlon, have had for three years. Kindly let me know as I am sure It will euro me if you say it will,
as it did all you elaimed it would In my husband's oaso. I await an early reply."
Very respectfully yours, MRS. W. H. THOMPSON, 801 Main St, Peer Ilk
A 5G-
If you are afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred
diseases we will buy a 50-cent bottle for you of your druggist '
and give it to you to try. If you are constipated we know it
will cure you. Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy
as to pay for a bottle of it that you may test for yourself its won.
derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
is" the only cure for constipation known. We do not recom
mend it for anything but Constipation and its allied diseases. It is
our free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate
yourself further than to take its contents. Mull's Grape Tonic is
pleasant to take and one bottle will benefit you. We want you to try
it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail
it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent
bottle and charge same to 'us.
Prof. Joh.n M. Soudder. M.'D., of Cin
cinnati. Mtys of Gulden Seal: "it stimu
lates the digestive processes and increases
the assimilation of food. By these mertrK
the blood is enriched "In rela.
tion to ils general effects on the sy
tem. there is no medicine in use about
which there is such general unanimity
of opinion. It is universally regarded
as tlie tonic useful in all debilitated
As to Stone root, the American Dts
PKSSAtort says: "In diseases of stom
ach and intestines improves appetite,
promotes flow of gastric juice ; tonic
effect upon organs involved. A good
remedy in indigestion, dyspepsia chronic
gastritis, increasing the secretion from
kidnevs and skin."
Prof Finley ElUngwood, M. P.. of
Bennett Medical College. Chicago, says
of Stone root: "In catarrhal gastritic
(inflammation - of stomach) where the
circulation is defective, it. either alone
or combined with Hydrastis, is of first
importance. They increase the appetite
and greatly improve the digestion and
assimilation of food. Is a heart
tonic of direct and permanent influence.
Excellent in the bicycle heart, in rheu
matic inflammation and clergyman's sore
All the other ingredients entering into
the composition of "Golden Medical D ' v
covery" are equally praised for their
curative effects in all stomach, liver and
bowel affections and Jive of them for
bronchial, throat and lung affections
attended with severe cough, expectora
tion and kindred symptoms.
But you had best read for yourself the
"words of praise" written concerning
each and every ingredient of this marvel
ously efficacious medicine by leading
medical practitioners and writers. This
you can do by writing for the booklet
mentioned In the preceding column. No
other medicine for like purposes has any
such profatslrmal endorsement as " Golden
Medical Discovery," which should have
more weight than all the ordinary testi
monials so lavishly flaunted before the
public bv those who are afraid to Dublish
their formulas that the search light of
investigation may be turned upon them.
it is wen to Know wnat one takes into
the stomach whether in the form of food.
drink or medicine.
From the same little book of extracts
mentioned above it will readily be seen
why Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
works such marvelous cures in those
chronic and distressing diseases peculiar
to women. In all cases of pelvic catarrh
with weakening drains, bearing or "dratc-
ging-down ". pains or distress, and in all I
monthly or periodical derangements and
irregularities, the " Favorite Prescrip
tion " will be found to be made of just
tne rignt ingreaients to meet and cure
the trouble.
Your druggist sells the " Favorite
Prescription " and also the "Golden
Medical Discovery." Write to, Dr.
Pierce about your case. He is an experi
enced physician and will treat your case
as confidential and without charge for
correspondence. Address him as directed
in preceding eolumn.
It is as easy to be well as ill and
.much more comfortable. Constipation is
the cause of many forms of illness. Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant" Pellets .cure constipa
tion, iney are tiny, sugar-coatea gran
ules. One little " Pellet " is a gentle li
' is a gentle laxa-
tive. two a mild cathartic
medicines sell them.
All dealers in
Dr. Pierce's 1000-page illustrated book,
"The Common Sense Medical Adviser,"
Is sent freA in paper covers on receipt of
one-cenr stamps to pay the cost of
mailing emiy.
11 DS tne clou-
nouna volume win De sent. It was
frnif.rlv sn d fnr Hi sn ir nv Arfioa I
Dr. R. v. Pierce. Buffalo N V '
The children's friend - i '
Jayneuj Xbnic Vermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
tone; vitality and sna
Get it from your druggipt
D uCSjd 1
Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breitenbush
Hot Springs From All S. P.
and C. & E. Points.
On and after June X, 1906, the South
ern Pacific in connection with the
Corvallis & Eastern railroad will have
on sale round trip tickets from points
on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and
Detroit at very low rates, good for re
turn until October 10, 1906.
Three day tickets to Newport and
Yaquina, gxd going Saturdays and
returning Mondays; are also on sale
from all East Side points, Portland to
Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West
Side points, enabling people to visit
their families and spend Sunday at
the seaside.
Season tickets from all East Side
and from all West Side points, are
also on sale to Detroit at very low
rates with stop-over privileges at Mill
City or any point east, enabling tour
ists to visit the Santiam and Breiten
bush Hot Springs in the Cascade
mountains, which can be reached in
one day.
Season tickets will be good for re
turn from all points until October 10.
Three-day tickets will be good going
Saturdays' and returning Mondays
only. Tickets from Portland and vici
nity will be good for return via the
East or West side at option of pas-4
senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi
cinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield
branch if desired.
Baggage on Newport tickets checked
through to Newport, on Yaquina tick
ets to Yaquina only. Sunday, excur
sions to Newport on the C. & E. will
begin June 10th or 17th and run every
Sunday thereafter, leaving Albany at
7:30 a. m.; leave Corvallis 8 a. m.
S. P. trains connect with the C. &
E. at Albany and CoVvallis for Ya
quina and Newport. Trains on the
C. & E. for Detroit leave Albany at
7:30 a. m., enabling tourists to the
Hot Springs to reach there the same
day. Trains from and to Corvallis
connect with all East Side trains on
the S. P.
Full information as to rates, time
table, etc., can be obtained on appli
cation to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt
C. & E. R. R. Albany; A. L. Craig, G.
P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or to any
S. P. or C. & E. agent.
Rates from Oregon City to Newport
To Yaquina $6.00.
Three day Rate from Oregon City
to Newport, $3.00.
are as common in India as are stom
ach and liver disorders with us. For
the latter however there is a sure
remedy: Electric Bitters; the great
restorative medicine, of which S. A.
Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C, says:
"They, restored my wife to perfect
health, after years of suffering with
dyspepsia "and a chronically torpid
liver" Electric Bitters cure chills "and
fever, malaria, biliousness, lame hark.
kidney troubles and bladder disorders
csoid on eiianintpo hv Hnwn jr. Tnn
s,ola on guarantee oy-riowen & Jones
druggists. Price 50 cents.
Sh outline
and Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and Tour
ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist Bleeping cars dally to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping cars (personally conducted
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclining-
chairs (seats free to the east daily.
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
Depart. Time Schedule. Aaat
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver,
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, s-ss n in
Special Kansas City. 8t "" p
9:16 a. m Ixuls. Chicago and
Atlantic .
Express Salt Lake, Denver,
8:l p. m. Ft. Worthy Omaha. 8:00 a m.
via. fiunt- Kan,8 City, St.
lnjrton. Louis, Chicago and
St. PanI
Fast Mail Walla Walla. Ler-
6:16 p m lston, Spokane, Min- 7-15 a
via 8 do- neapolia, St. Paul.
, Duluth, Milwaukee,
aaae. Chicago and Eaat-j .
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every live days at
8 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
Portland, Oregon.
8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily
service (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Yamhill rivers.
For detailed information of rate.
The Oregon Railroad A Navigation Os,.
your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A.M. I For Maveers.Ralnler.l
Dally. Clatakanle. West port I
umton, Astoria, war-i
renton, Flavel. Bam. :
mono. Fort Stevens,!
Gearhart Park. Sea-
aide. Astoria, and
Express Dally.
- Astoria Express.!
i:uu r.aa- j j
9:40 P.M-
C. A. STEWART, Coram'! Act, i
Alder street. Phone Main 906.
J. C MATO. O. F. & P. A.. Astoria. Or.
Leave Portland 6:45 a. m. daily (except
Sunday) for Salem and way points.
Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday for Independence, Al
bany and Corvallis.
Regular service,- courteous treat
ment and prompt dispatch are our
specialties. it
Office and Dock:
Foot Taylor Street
Phone Main 40.
Portland and The Dalles
x ' HOUTE .
8tr. "Bailey Gatxert" leaves Portland
T A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri
days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues
days, TmiBrsdays and Saturdays.
Str. . "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A.
M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;
leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fr! Jays.
Steamers leaving Portland make daily
connection at Lyle with C. R. A N. train
for Ooldendale and Klickitat Valley
C. R. & N. tram leaves Ooldendale oa
Mondaya, Wednesdays and Fridays at
6:30 A. M., matting; connection with
steamer "Reg-ulator" for Portland and
way points.
C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendaie on
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at
8:30 A. M., connecting: at Tyle wltrt
steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con
necting there with O. R. A N. train
East and West. x
Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks
dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for The
Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A.
M.; leaves The Dalles P. M., arrives
Cascade Locks 6 P. M.
Meals served on all steamers.
Fine accommodations lor teams and
Landing- at Portland - at Alder Street
Dock. '
V. P. & G. M.
Gen. Office. Portland. Oregon.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of ia4rftf&a4ZK