OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE g, 1906. LO OKI WAITS VATC 1 ME We were forced to give tip oar branch store in Pendleton and the entire $15,00000 stock of strictly new and up-to-date merchandise is crbwded in oar present location We mast vacate oar present premises Within six weeks and the combined $30,00000 stock is at ybar mercy. Prices slashed ruthlessly This sale is greater than the greatest we've ever had Everything will be qaoted at the lowest price ever before quoted on wearable goods $12,000 WORTH OF CLOTHING The season's newest creations in Men's, Youths' and Boy's, Jo be offered at the lowest prices Clothing was ever offered. $3.85 gives you the choice of all styles of Men's and Young Men's Suits that are worth up to $10.00. $5.80 buys the choice of all our Suits that were made to sell for $15.00 in Single and Double Breasted. $7.75 gives you your pick of all our $18 00, includes imported fabrics. $9.65 buys you the finest Tailor-Made Suit, the kind you pay $20.00 for. $ 1 1 .75 gives you the best in the house,- hand tailored and worth $25.00. , MEN'S AND BOY'S PANTS 78c for all Pants that you formerly paid $1.50. $1.30 gives you the choice of all our $2.00 values in pants. $1.90 buys you a pair of our $3.50 pants'in the latest fabric. $2.40 you can get a pair of pure worsted pants that originally cost $4.00. $3.20 gives you the cream of our pant stock imported worsted that sold for $5 and $6 per pair. . HATS 90c buys you one of our $1.50 hats. $f .65 gives you' the choice of our 50 styles of $2.25 and $2.50 hat values. $2.35 you can take home one of the celebrated Hawe's Hats. SHIRTS 90c for Monarch and Cluett Shirts the kind you pay $1.00 and $1.50 for. 39c for all 50c work shirts. 95c gives you the choice of all our $1 .50 to $2. Negligee Shirts. ' , . UNDERWEAR 39c for 50c ballbriggans. 65c for pure mercerized garments worth $1. 85c for pure light wool or silk garments that sell for $1.50 Remember Only Six Weeks Left m Which to Reap the Benefit of the Greatest Values Ever Offered. CORNER 6TH AND MAIN STREET OREGON CITY, OREGON CATARRIHl OFFiriAI V0TF OF COUNTY IS COUNTED 7UJ so' Democrats. Elect .' Governor, State Senator and Sheriff-r-Chamberlain Carries County The Detailed Vote. . Superintendent Public Instruction .Ackerman 3177, Hosmer 659, Sneak 275. State Printer Cooper 387, Duni way 2734, Hawk 158, Taylor 1277. Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. ' GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. j It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. J Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no inj urious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Iarge Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St New York. JOHN YOUNGER, JTE! y&T E -JSLm ZSES IRt Near Huntley's Drug Store. The official count for Clackamas , Chamberlain 239G, Withycom.be 1954, county gives the following jsults: Secretary of State Benson 2659, United States Senator, short term ! Brown 42G, McDaniel 172, Sroat 1260. Gould 3C5, Mulkey 2869, Stevens 708. ' State Treasurer Butler 147, Cook VORTY YEARS KAPERIFAO- 1 rreat Britai7i and AimricH, O. R. & N., THE TIME SAVER. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via This Popular Columbia River Route. Franklin was right when he said "Lost time is never found again." The O. R. & N., in addition 10 giv ing you 200 miles along the matchless Columbia River, saves you 17 hours to Chicago. It is the Short Line to Lewiston. Short Line to the Palouse country. Short Line to Spokane. . Short Line to the Coeur d' Alene country. Short Line to Salt Lake City. Short Line to Denver. Short Line to Kansas City. " Short Line to Omaha." . Short Line to Chicago. Short Line to all points East.- Three trains East daily, 9:15 a. m., S:15 p. m., and 6:15 p. m. The "Chicago-Portland Special," is an fine as the finest. Every comfort of home. For particulars ask any agent of the Southern Pacific Company, or write VA. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. ' . ' . , fa f , - . - . 1 u t - , - .''-. " " ' ' , ijr ' : -. : ' A - - - . i . '.4.: t -- ' - I - . A - - , " Y Rocorder of Conveyances KaufC man, Soc, 340; Ramsby, Rep., 2693; Shannon, Dem, 1485. Treasurer Baker, Dem., 1602; Moran, Soc, 393;. Paddock, Rep., 2528. Surveyor Hungate, Rep., 3251. Coroner Holman, Rep., 2448; Jones, Soc, 347; Meissner, Dem., 1726. The final , result of the vote on the various proposed amendments and laws has not been determined, the election officials of Maple Lane pre cinct having misplaced the record of this part of the vote. Until the figures from (this precinct are located the total will not be known. By a majority of 20G, however, the C. H. DYE, (Representative-elect.) Labor Commissioner Hon 2746, Richards 1533. Joint Senator, Multnomah and Clack amas Bailey 2541, Flegel 1286, Ehal aines 343, Miller 173. . Joint Representative. Multnomah and Clackamas Campbell 2572, Fank hauser 210, Meindl 396, Nelson 1285. State Senator Beard, Soc, 251; Brownell, Rep., 1860; Hedges, Dem., 2361; Nelson, Ind., 115. Representatives Dye, Rep. ,-2303 : Huntley, Rep., 2782; Jones, Rep., LINN E. JONES, (Representative-elect.) SENATOR-ELECT JOSEPH E. HEDGES. United States Senator, long erm Bourne 21C5, Gearin 1930, Paget 178 Simola 280. -- .. Congressman Galloway 2009, Green 135, Hawley 2155, Myers 338. Governor-r-Amos. 95, " Barzee 227, HTM. A .1 Tl .. f tT. 1C39; Wait, Dem., 1055; Ginther, Soc, .314; Kraxberger, Soc, 416; Thomas, Soc, 315. County Judge Dimick, Rep., 2418; . Spence; Soc, 271; Starkweather, Dem., 1948. I Commissioner Coalman, Soc, 387; Grace; Dem., 1371; Lewellen, Rep., 2744. Sheriff Beatie; Dem, 2172; Mad dock, Rep., 2090; Mathews, Soc, 288. Clerk Greenman, Rep., 2129; Lat- C. H. HUNTLEY, (Representative-elect.) 344, Matlock 1158, Steel 2954. Supreme Judge Bright 189, Eakin 2509. Hailey 1435, Robbins 381. Attorney General Brix 345, Craw ford 2471, Miller 1585, Rutherford ourette, Dem., 211t Reynolds, Soc, loo- , N ' 324 proposed county high school is de feated, the country precincts giving a heavy negative vote against the project which was loyally "supported by the people in Oregon City and sur rounding districts. The vote on the high school was 1746 for and 1952 against. Result of the vote on amendments, one precinct not reporting, and so far as counted follows: Referendum bill, 1C44 for, 1774 against; equal suffrage', 1761 for, 2256 against; Local Option Amendment, 1332 for, 2297 against. NO SALOON AT' WILSON VILLE. County Court Denies Application for , License. The attention of the, Clackamas County Court was taken up Wednes day afternoon In considering the ap plication of Wm. Flinn, of Wilsonville, for a liquor license. Flinn owns and conducts a saloon at Buttevllle, Mar ion county, but recently invested in property at Wilsonville .and erected " therein a, building suited to the busi ness in wnich he proposed to engage. He subsequently prepared a petition addressed to the County Court, ask ing that a license be issued permit ting him to sell liquor at Wilsonville. But a remonstrance was circulated, the number of sigpers thereto being about the same as the number on the petition asking that the license be granted. It was with this question that the court wrestled all afternoon, ' hearing witnesses for and agatnst the proposition. Gordon E. Hayes appear ing for the petitioner and C. H. Dye for the remonstrators. After considering tlie case, the ac tual number of remonstrators exceed ing the number of petitioners, the Court refused to grant the license pe titioned for. Notice of Annual School Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 62, Clack amas County, State of Oregon, that the Annual School Meeting will be held in the County courtroom in Ore gon City, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the third Monday, being the 18th day of June, 1906, for the purpose of submitting the annual report of the directors and clerk and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. ' Dated this 7th day of June, 1906. THOS. F. RYAN, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: E. E. BRODIE, Clerk. Notice of Annual School Election. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 62,jCTack amas County, State of Oregon, that the annual school election for said 'district will be held at the city hall in Oregon City, Oregon, to begin ' at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. and con tinue until the hour of 6 o'clock P. M. on the third Monday, being the 18th day of June, 1906, which election Is for the purpose of e'ecting one direc tor to serve for the term of five years. Dated this 7th day of June, 1906. THOS. F. RYAN, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: E. E. BRODIE, Clerk. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE e Tessas i Iff ft Copyrights 4c Anyone sending a sketch and description nay quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conlidentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest aaency for securing patents. Patents taken tbrounb Mann A Co. receive ipecial natice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Tnrest dr. eolation of any sclentiaa Journal. Terms, S3 a year : four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MM & Co.38,Bww- New York Bimaota Offioe. 636 F BU Washington. D. C