6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1906. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF SEW ER DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing described real property locat ed and being in Oregon City, Oregon, will be formed and constituted into a new Sewer District, and which said Sewer District will be known as Sew er District No. 5, and will be attached to the main of Sewer District No. 2, and which said real property is described as follows, to-wit: All of lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Blocks 38, 42, and 46; also lots 3, 5, and 6 of fractional Block No. 46; also all of Block D; also a strip 132 feet wide along Seventh street off of the Northerly side of the TuMlC Square between Harrison and Taylor Streets of said Oregon City; also all of Blocks 1, 8, and 13, 100 feet off of the west side of Blocks 4, 7, and 14, and 100 feet off of the east side of Blocks 2, 9, and 12 of Holmes Addi tion to said Oregon City, together with the Streets and alleys immedi ately adjoining said lots and blocks This notice is published pursuant to an order of the Council of-Oregon City, made at a special meeting of said Council held May 18th, 1906. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A, DIMICK, Recorder. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Mary P. Haworth, Plaintiff, vs. Allen Haworth, Defendant. To Allen Haworth, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the plaintiff's complaint filed against you on the 25th day of May, A. D. 1906, in the above entitled suit in the said Circuit Court, within six weeks from and after the service upon you of the summons and com plaint herein; but if published then within six weeks from and after the 8th day of June, A. D. 1906 which is i the time prescribed in the order of publication of this summons, for you to so appear and answer the said com plaint, and if you fail to so appear and answer the said complaint on or be fore the 20th day of July, A. D. 1906, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in plaintiff's said complaint herein, to-wit: for a decree disolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and said plaintijT upon the ground that you have wilfully deserted and aban- doned the plaintiff for more than one ygar last past, and do now so wilfully desert and abandon plaintiff without ' her consent. This summons is. published in the Oregon City Enterprise a weekly newspaper, published and of genaral circulation in said Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, for not less than nce tach week for at least six successive "weeks by written order of the Hon. VThos. A. McBride, as Judge ' of the V, Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ..iVr Clackamas County, made and dat edv on the 7th day of June A. D. 1906 an 1 duly filed in said Circuit Court. a T T O VTTt I.- o kJ. II. VII I I, LllJlt, Attorney for Plaintiff. Suite 617 Commercial Block, 4 Portland, Oregon. Is Disease a Crime? Not very long ago, a popular magazine published an editorial article in which the writer asserted, in substance,' that all disease ebon Id be regarded as criminal. Certain it in, that much of the sickness and suffering of mankind is due to the violation of cf"Ui)w nf Nature's laws. But to say thnt !) aluUii should be regarded as criminal, mutt appaa) to every reasonable individual as radically wrong. It would be harsh, unsympathetic, cruel, yes criminal, to condemn the poor, weak, over-worked housewife who sinks under the heavy load of household cares and burdens, and suffers from weak nesses, various displacements of pelvic organs and -other derangements peculiar to hf-r sex, - - - Frequent bearing: of children, with Its ex acting demands upon the system, eoubled. with the care, worry and labor of rearing- a large family, is often the cause of weak nesses, derangements and debility which are aggravated by the many household cares, and the hard, and never-ending' work which rne mother, is called upon to perform. Dr. Pierce, the maker of that world-famed rem edy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and ills Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription says that one of the greatest obstacles to the cure of this class of maladies is the fact that the poor, over-worked housewife can not get the needed rest from her many household cares and lalior to enable her to secure from the use of his "Prescription " its full benefits. It Is a matter of frciuent experience, he says, in his extensive practice in these cases, to meet with those in which his treatment falls by reason of the patient's inability to abstain from hard work long enough to be cured. With those suifering from prolapsus, ante version and retroversion of the uterus or other displacement of the womanly organs. It is very necessary that, in addition to tak ing his " Favorite Prescription n they abstain from being very much, or for long periods, on their feet. All heavy lifting or straining of any kind should also be avoided. As much out-door air ns possible, with moderate, light exercise is also very important. Let the patient observe these rules and the "Favor ite Prescription " . , . , . . . . erly line of Washington Street; thence ( nt, , . level across Twelfth Street; thence , UltCIl T&6 KlQI16yS Rid Northerlv trv the Smitnerlv lino nt I Thirteenth Street at an elevation of WCakCDed 1)T (fter-WOrK. US Ft. (in the Westerlv line nf Wart. nwunuuuu uf wiui iiviiu ington Street, and at an elevation of! Unhealthy Kidney Make Impure Blood. 122 Ft, on the Easterly line of Wash- ' It used to be considered that only will do the rest. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser Is sent free on receipt of stamps to pav expense of mailing onlj. Send to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications are held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate and regulate stomach, liver and bowels. ORDINANCE NO. Lot 6, Block 4, except the South 25 Ft., Harding and Morey 26.72 Lot 6, Block 4, the Sly. 25 Ft. of, W. H. and T. A. Pope.. 9.07 Lot 3. Block 26, The Commercial Bank of Oregon City 50.67 Lot 6, Block 26, The Commercial Bank of Oregon City 38.07 Lot 4 Block 26, John B. David and Mary E. Barlow 225.00 Lot 5, Block 26, John B. David and Mary E. Barlow ...... 170.99 Lot 1, Block 27, the N half of, heirs at law of H. W. Ross, deceased 150.69 Lot 8, Block 27, the N. half of, heirs at law of H. W. Ross, deceased 117.95 Lot 1, Block 27, the Sly. half of Bertha Tscharmg 87.80 Lot 2, Block 27, 32 Ft. off the Nly. side of, Jos. Supple 52.88 Lot 7, Block 27, 32 Ft. off the Nly. side of Jos. Supple 41.43 Lot 8, Block 27, the Sly half of John W. Graham 68.56 Read " first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held June 6, 1906, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be, held June 19th, 1906 at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. ington Street ; thence to the North erly iline of Thirteenth Street at an elevation of 114 Ft. on the Westerly line 'of Washington Street and at an elevation of 118 Ft. on the Easterly line of Washington Street; thence Northerly to the Southerly line of Fourteenth Street at an elevation of 83 Ft; thence level across Fourteenth Street; thence Northerly to the South erly line of Fifteenth Street at an ele vation of 80 Ft; thence level across Fifteenth Street; thence Northerly, to the Southerly line of Sixteenth Street at an elevation of 84 Ft; thence level across Sixteenth Street; thence Northerly to the Southerly bank of Abernethy Creek at an "elevation of 82. Ft. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances of Oregon City, in con flict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held June 6, 1906, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held June 19th, 1906, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO... ORDINANCE NO... An Ordinance establishing the grade of Washington Street, of Oregon City, Oregon, from the Northerly line, of Seventh Street Northerly to the An ordinance assessing the proba ble cost of improving Fifth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the West southerly bank of Abernethy Creek line of Railroad Avenue to the East ; on si(1 Washington Street. Oregon City does ordain as follows: line of Main Street and from the West line of Main Street to' the East line of Water Street, and directing an en try of such assessments in the Dock et of City. Liens, Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That whereas the Coun cil of Oregon City, having ascertain ed and determined the probable cost of improving Fifth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the West line of Railroad Avenue' to the East line of Section 1. That the grade of Wash ington-Street of 0egon City, Oregon, from the Northerly line of Seventh Street northerly to the Southerly bank of Abernethy Creek on said Washington Street be and the same is hereby established as follows: Beginning at the Northerly line of Seventh Street at an elevation of 209 Ft.con.the Westerly line of Washing ton Street and at an elevation of 210 Main Street and from the West line ; Ft. on the Easterly line of Washing- of Main Street to the East line of j ton Street; thence Northerly to the Water Street, as provided by Ordi- j Southerly line of the alley between nance JNo. 66b, to De tne sum oi ; aeventn ana ungntn oireeis ai au $2682.30, and . Whereas, under the provisions of Section 85, Chapter 13, of the Charter of Oregon City, as amended, it-is di rected that onethird of the total cost of improving Streets, shall be paid from the Permanent Street Improve ment Fund, and elevation of 108 Ft. on the Westerly line of Washington Street and at an elevation of 209 Ft. on the Easterly line of Washington Street; thence Northerly to the Southerly line of Eighth Street at an -elevation of 210 Ft.; thence level across Eighth street; thence Northerly to the Southerly line of the alley between Eighth and An ordinance providing for the num bering of buildings in Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon City does Ordain as follows: Section 1. There shall be a uniform system of numbering all houses, stores and other buildings (except sheds and outbuildings) erected or to be erected within the city limits of Oregon City, Oregon, by placing on the door or door frame of the main en trance to said buildings or as near thereto as practicable, its proper num ber as shown by the map and plan showing the system of numbering such buildings now on file in the office of the Recorder of Oregon City. Said numbers shall be painted on the building, or on metal or glass or a metallic figure used at the option of the owner, and so placed as to be readily seen from the Street. The figures'designating the number wheth painted or' otherwise, to be not less than two inches in height. Sec. 2. The base line or street for starting said numbering shall be Water Street for all streets running easterly and westerly and the base line for all streets running northerly and Southerly -shall be First street. Sec. 3. The numbers for all build ings on the Northerly side of alj streets running easterly and westerly shall be odd numbers commencing with the number 101, and the numbers for all buildings on the Southerly side of all streets running Easterly and Westerly shall be even numbers, com mencing with number 102. The num bers for all buildings on the Westerly side of all streets running Northerly and Southerly, shall be. odd numbers commencing with number' 101, and the numbers of all buildings on the Easterly side of all streets running Northerly and Southerly shall be even numbers, commencing" with number 102. Said numbering shall begin at the base lines and shall be prefixed by the proper hundred figure to desig- "- ". i.uv-c .... ,o ... muuna "um j the hgaa lino ' Section 4. Numbers in accordance with the map and plan now on file in the office of the Recorder of Oregon City shall be placed on each and every of said buildings within fifteen days after the approval of this ordinance and each and every building hereafter erected within said city shall have placed on the street side thereof the number of said "building in' accordance with the provisions of this ordinance within fifteen days after the comple tion thereof. Sec. 5. Any owner of said build ings now erected or hereafter erect ed within the limits of said Oregon City or other person having the cus tody and control of said building who shall refuse or neglact to cause to be placed thereon the number thereof urinary and bladder troubles were to be tracea to me Kianeys, but now modern science proves that nearly all : diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs, The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when vonr kidneys are weak o4 out of order, you can understand how qnickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. . If yon are sick or ' feel badly," begin . -' . . . - , -re taking tne great jcianey xemeu, i. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedv, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its ments by all fz'K druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a saniole bottle Home of Bwamo-Root. bv mail free, also a pamphlet tellingou how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dp. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton , JN . v . uon t mate any mistane, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad Cress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. in accordance with the foregoing sec tions of this ordinance' shall be deem ed guilty of.a misdemeanor and upon conviction before the mayor or re corder shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five' dollars or by imprisonment for any term not ex ceeding twelve days, or by both fine and imprisonment. ' Sec. 6. In addition to the penalty prescribed in section five of this ordi nance the City Council shall on such refusal or neglect have the power and authority to cause the number of the said building to be placed thereon as hereinbefore set forth, the cost there of to constitute a lien upon the prop erty and to be entered and collected as any other lien. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held June 6, 1906, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting , of said Council to be held June 19th, 1906, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. the date of the first publication of this summons,' which is by order of the above entitled court fixed as Monday, July 9, 1906, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for' In the complaint, to-wit: for a decree- of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now ex isting between you and the above named plaintiff on the ground of de sertion, and for such other relief as the court may deem just and equit able. - This summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered' in the above entitled court and cause, and the date of the first publication is May 25, 1906, and the date of the last publication is July (J, 1906. " JOHN F. LOGAN, -Attorney for Plaintiff. j tion of this summons, and If you fail' so to appear ana answer, plaintiff will; apply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint, to-wit: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plain tiff and defendant. This summons Is publlshe once a week for. six (C) successive weks by. order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, dated May 16, l&v directing the first publication to be made on the 18th day of May, 1906 and the last publication to be made on the 29th day of June, 1906. J. W. BELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Daba of first publication May 18, 1906. , Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of John R. Shav er, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the office of Graham & Cleeton, 205 Marquam Building, Portland, Oregon, within six monjths from date hereof. Dated May 18th, 1906. C. EARL SHAVER, Administrator. First publication May 18, 1906. Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next meeting of the city council for a renewal of my liquor li cense at my present place of business. Main street between Fourth and Fifth streets " W. Rambo. vynereas, one uura oi tne uiuu p.o- Ntath streets at an elevation of 212 able cost of improving said Fifth . ty,Bn0 Mortwiv tn th South- Street from the West line of Railroad Avenue to the East line of Main Street, and from the West line j3f Main Street to the East line of Water Street, is the sum of $894.10, and the remain ing two-thirds of the total probable cost' of said street improvement is $1788.20. Now, Therefore, The said sum of $1788.20 is hereby assessed to the sev eral lots and parts of lots and. tracts of land, abutting on that portion of said Fifth Street, Oregon City, Ore gon, to be improved in the respective amounts set opposite the number and description thereof in Section 3 of this Ordinance, as being benefitted by said improvement in said Amounts. Section 2. The Recorder is hereby directed to enter a statement of the assessments hereby made in the Dock et of City Liens, and cause notice thereof to be published as provided by the City Charter. Section 3. Lot 1, Block 3, Chas. Albright . and Heirs at law of Julius Lo- gus, deceased $160.41 Lot 2, Block 3, 20 feet off N side of, E. A. Brady 23.18 Lot 2, Block 3, except the N. 20 ft. Clara E. Morey and heirs at law of Julius Logus, de- ' ceased 12 .45 Lot 7, Block 3, Dan Lyons thence Northerly to the South erly line of Ninth Street at an eleva tion of 208 Ft. on the Westerly line of Washington Street rnd at an ele vation of 209 Ft. on the Easterly line of Washington Street; thence level across Ninth Street ; thence North erly to the Southerly line of Tenth Street at an elevation of 200 Ft. on the. Westerly line, of Washington Street and at an elevation of 202 Ft. on the Easterly line of Washington Street; thence to the Northerly line of Tenth Street at an elevation of 198 Ft. on the Westerly line of Wash ington Street and at an elevation of 200 Ft. on the Easterly line of Wash ington Street; thence Northerly to the Southerly line of Eleventh Street at an elevation of 168 Ft. on the West erly line of Washington Street and at an elevation of 170 Ft on the East erly line of Washington Street; thence to the Northerly line of Eleventh Street at an elevation of 164 Ft. on the Westerly line of Wash ington Street and at "an elevation of 166 Ft. on the Easterly line of Wash ington Street; thence Northerly to the Southerly line of the Alley be tween Eleventh and Twelfth Streets at an elevation of 142. Ft. on the Westerly line of Washington street and at an elevation of .145 Ft on the Easterly line of Washington Street; 35,63 ' thence Northerly to the North line of Brights Disease Not Rare, but Common Kidney Disease Developed into Bright's Disease the 8th to lOth Month; Then Incurable by All Known Means Except the new Fulton Compounds, which Record 87 ' of Recoveries. Saloon License. , Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next regular meeting of the Oregon City Council for a renewal of my saloon license at my present place of . business, corner Main and Fourth streets. W. E. WILSON. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the Estate - of Arthur L. Albright, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the cred itors of and all persons interested in the said estate, that the undersigned has been by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas duly- appointed adminis trator of the said estate and all per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified, to the un dersigned, at the office of Hedges & Griffith in Oregon City, Oregon, with in six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH, Administrator of the estate of Ar thur L. Albright, deceased. Hedges & Griffith, Attorneys for Ad ministrator. First publication May 18, 1906. SUMMONS. Notice of Appointment of Executor. The undersigned has been duly ap pointed as executor of the estate of John Bennet Deardorff, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for County of Clackamas, and has duly qualified. f All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to me at my office Nos. 201-3, Front street, Portland, Or egon, with proper vouchers, within six months from this date. HARRY G. McGOWAN, Executor of the last will of John Ben nett Deardorff, deceaseds ; Dated May 25, 1906. J. C. Moreland, Attorney for executor. SUMMONS. We have before us a little work on kidney diseases by Joseph F. Edwards, M. D., of Phila delphia, that contains some things that every one ought to know. Many people imagine Bright's Disease is rare, when, in fact It In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Lou Schober, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Godfrey Schober, Defendant. To Charles Godfrey Schober, the defendant above named. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed, against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, which is by order of the above entitled court fixed as Mon day, July .9, 1906, and if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff 'will In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Alma Carpenter, Plaintiff, vs. Henry S. .Carpenter, Defendant. To Henry S. Carpenter, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 30th day of . June, 1906, said day being more than six weeks from the 18th day of May, 1906, the ' date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so answer . for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for to-wit: For a decree of said court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defend ant; that plaintiff be allowed to re sume her maiden name, to-wit: Alma Wilson, and fpr such other and fur ther relief as may be equitable and just. - -,'.'j The order for publication of sum mons in this case was made by the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court on the 10th day of May, 1906. . The date of the first .publication of this summons is May 18, 1906, and the date of the last publication is June 29, 1906. ED. & A.R. MENDENHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Roman Zahn, Plaintiff, vs. Henne Clement Zahn, Defendant. To Henne Clement Zahn, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you: in the above entitled suit on or before the 3d day of September, 1906, which is the time prescribed for answering in the order of the publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer the complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the. re lief demanded in the - complaint, to wit: a decree of the Court dissolving: the bonds of matrimony heretofore and: now existing between the plaintiff and' defendant upon the grounds that upon: the 2d day of September, 1902, you, the said defendant. Henne Clement Zahn, disregarding the solemnity of your marriage vow willfully and with out cause deserted and abandoned plaintiff herein, and ever since have and still continue to so willfully and. without cause desert and abandon plaintiff, and to live separate and apart from him without any sufficient cause or any reason and against his will and without his consent, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan; Judge of the County Court, of Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, duly made and filed this 29th day of May, 1906. The date of the first publication of this summons being June 1st, 1906, and the date of the last publication thereof being the 13th day of July, 1906. BRUCE C. CURRY, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ' for Clackama .County. Annie Hoben, Plaintiff, covers nearly the whole gamut of kidney dis- eases. This book sets out that the kidneys have , appl to the court for the relief pray. ed for in the complaint, to-wit: ror a decree of divorce dissolving the Lot 8, Block 3, Chas Albright and heirs at law of Julius Lo gus, deceased 160 . 41 Lot 3, Block 4, G. A. Harding and Clara E. Morey 35.79 Lot 4, Block 4, G. A. Harding and Clara E.' Morey 160.25 Lot 5, Block 4, G. A. Harding and Clara E. Morey ...... 160.25 the alley at an elevation of -141 Ft. on the Westerly line of Washington Street and at an elevation or144 Ft- on the Easterly line of Washing ton Street; thence Northerly .to the Southerly line of Twelfth Street at an elevation of 130 Ft. on the West erly line of Washington Street and at an elevation of 132 Ft. on the East- but one function, viz., the elimination of the urea and waste products, andlhat all interferences with that function are called Bright's Disease. Dr. Edwards adds: "For the benefit of physi cians who may read this book I will give a list of the cases which I attribute to Bright's i Disease, viz.: Albumenurla. Congestion of the Kidney. . Degeneration of the Kidney. Fatty Degeneration of the Kidney. Inflammation of the Kidney. Uraemia. Disease of the Kidney." Thus nearly all kidney disease being Bright'" Disease, the serious yuestiou is, is it in the ptimary or secondary staget After the eighth to tenth month it becomes chronic and is then Incurable by all known means except the Fulton Compounds. There is often no notice of the trouble till it has fastened. If you have kidney disease in the first. stage the Renal Compound will cure It quickly. If it is of more than 8 to, 10 months standing it is the only thing known that will cure it. In proof that nothing else will we cite all medical works in evidence. The stock holders of the John J. Fulton Co., business and in the world to announce the cure, presenting a lefinite percentage of recoveries (87 ner cent. and giving out the lists of the cured, all among tad of kidne; professional men or san Francisco, are the first in tne world to announce the cure, presenting a iefinite percentage of recoveries (87 per cent), and (riving out the lists of the cured, all Anions purely chronio, well-defined cases, if you have tny mu oi iuaney crouDJe, mere is only ODe thing to take. The Renal Compound for Bright's !lsease is il; for Diabetes, tl.50. John J.Fulton Co., 409 Washington street, San Francisco, sole rompoundera. . Pamphlet free. Ws are the aot gents. Charman & Co., City Drug Store, f bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between you and the above named plaintiff, on the ground of desertion, and for such- other relief as the court may deem just and equit able. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court and cause. The date of the first publication is May 25, 1906, and the date of the last publication is July 6, 1906. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Andrew Hoben, Defendant. To Andrew Hoben, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregor: you are hereby required tov appear end ai-6wer the cemplaint filed tigainst you in the above entitled cause on or be fore the 30th day of June, A. D. 1906 and in default thereof, the plaintiff will tpply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, which is that the bonds of matrimony existing between you and . plaintiff be dissolv ed. Service of summons on you by pub lication is made by order of the Hon Thomas A. McBride, - Judge of the above entitled Court, made and en tered on the 10th day of May, 1903, di recting that said publication be made In the Oregon City Enterprise, a Weekly newspaper of general circu lation, published at Oregon City, in Clackamas County, State of Otegon once a week for six successive weeks prior to 'the 30th day of Juno, 1906 (And the first publication thereof is in the issue of said newspaper of data May 18th, 1906. - B. E. HANEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of ' Oregon, for Clackamas County. Thomas Henry Cooper, Plaintiff, 'vs. Edna Cooper, Defendant. To Edna Cooper, the defendant above named: . ' In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or "be fore the expiration of six weeks from SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Ralph 'Wesley Gowanlock, Plaintiff, " vs. Hattie Gowanlock, Defendant. ' To the defendant Hattie Gowanlock. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 30th day of,June, 1906, that being the time fixed by the court for you to appear and answer herein and six' weeks from the. first publica- SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Benedick Schmidt, Plaintiff. vs. . Christiana Schmidt, ' Defendant. To Christiana Schmidt, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hied against you in the above entitled court and cause,. on or before six (6) weeks from the 18th day of. May, 1906, the date of the .first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and an swer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for and de manded in the complaint herein filed.. to-wit: "For judgment and decree for ever dissolving the bonds of matri mony . heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the ' Court may seem just and equitable. This summons is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the Circuit Court for the County of Clackamas, made and dated on the 17th day of May, 1906. T. B. McDEVITT, JR.. Attorney for Plaintiff. ' First publication May 18, 1906. Last publication June 29, 1906. i '. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. '.; Verna Schilling, Plaintiff, vs. F. W. Schilling, Defendant. To F. W. Schilling, defendant above named : ' In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 9th day of June, 1906, said day being more than six weeks from the 27th day of April. 1906, the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and if you fail to so answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for, towit : ' For a decree of said court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and' defendant ; that plaintiff, 'Verna Schilling, have the care, custody andy control of their said minor child,.' Howard Schilling, and for such other and further "relief as may be- equitable and just. The order for publication of sum mons in this cause was made by the Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of above entitled court on the 27th day day of April, 1906. The date of the first publication of ths summons is April 27th, 1906, and the date of the last publication ' is June 8th, 1906. ED. & A. R. MENDENHALL, , , Attorneys for Plaintiff-