4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1906. r WAGES ARE RAISED BOTH PAPER MILLS GRANT AN ADVANCE. Mirana An Increase In Annual Payroll of City of About 145,000 iitnimduy I'vimlng lb" inonuK") in. m at in. Hi th VViuamttU Pulp a I ' 1 1 1 i i ( ' 1 1 1 1 j i f 1 1 1 y Ullil !ll flown fill illlilillk 1 1 1 1 1 ( K I'. i" i 1 'Milium all Tim liinlloM1 l'riKriHHlvi Aid and I, Horary Club mot nl Mrn. KhiIIiiii'm mi Hi" 12th i,f May, hut omlUiul tho nii'i linn. -I their Hiiilii'H for tli" h to which thy ii'iiil now The IiiikIi nftcr the noUIK'i'il ii voluntary ml min i, of lift cents par iluy In all m.'ii In their m ilii) who a ri' now i i . 1 1 1 1 $1 .75 aii'l $'..'iiii pur day i hi ailvanco uppllcri in the ..!;' of shout roo nun ami uk'MIik an inrri'iiHc In i In- wiiK'' luy roll ni Oregon city of alum! $;i7ro per mouth, ni ilium! 45,uini per year. TIiIh -,i no. M ailvanc la ; . which . ..ni i- the in. in m.i iriiH iniinlty, in welootn t'lty icoilc TIiIh vhik'k In wiikch Ihii (lie naticr iiiIIIm In few ycarH ami In a larnt OOUBtl for the Iinniiuiil.nl iliul prcvull between Hi i HtilmtHntlnlly to illy of Hi uii im wh to Optima n Ihi. Hcconil ml Iiiih I ti inailc hy n wllhln lh IiihI .1' Ml' .1 "I' H' II' III I. .11 111 lllll i ... i . ami the workman. Mondtf eyetiiBi forty of the bj implored In till machine room, loft the mill when ihelr ileiuanil Sir an 'l Miii. e In wiikm, thai Ini'l been mnile In I he iiliHeiice of Mr Ijiuk. wkm not Kranteil Weilueniluy afternoon, Hfter a conference with Mr Limit, the nmtl returneil to Ihelr work. Hlnce they ex pltlBOd Hint ihev hail Hlrnck with tin' understand Ibi iimt the manajpw ,N In Ihe cltv ami had etillri'ly lirimreil tln lr rcucHt for more which The riiUe that Iiiih heen Kiimleil !u heen coiiteiniilaleil hy ihe comiiaiiy for one time. It h cUktOMd I'y reprett entntlvc of the company SUNNY8IDE AND ROCK CREEK. Mcaaleri are quite prevalent here Several liew cane have heen reported the laxt Week We are glad lo Hay that Grandpa JotWHoti who wiih partially paralyzed h much Impriiveil ami walkiil to bin iliniKhter'H on 4ant Saturday We hope In' may rcKalu the uhc of hln hand reejultr prosruniM ttwratlon to mftktsi Sun KranclHco miffer have u hox ready ti IniHleHH nerved a n It a iic wiih compliilnd and then ad journed in moid the 2i day of June at MiM. I, M. Uuntur'M, The Sunday School lately oi'Kiinl.ed at Hock ('reek School hoilMCl la pro uroHHlnu with Everett Muhhard iih Sii peilllll'llllenl 10 IT) II 1 II Sloll, IIH Secre tary, Hliodit Hmlth, OikhiiIhi ; Anna Sloll, iiMHlutaiil ; Uiulne Htoll, Choir Ifltj BurtOO liearilurff, Janitor and Eunice Deiirdorff Librarian .1. E heaidorlT'M folk are enJoyltiK the luxury of new potatoes A HiirprlHe wuh Klvn Mr. and Mr. Grlffih mi TueHday evenlni?. 22d Inat, In honor of Ihelr .Villi or Kohlon wed ding, NelKhliorn and friend gathered there at about half pant aeven with lunch, and coiiKralulntloiiH were freely given, There were about alxtyllvo perMOIlH pfeHent, they were completely tiikcn hy Hiirprlne and were very much I nleaneil They were preHeuted with Hcvcral nice preMenlH. a gold lined fruit iIIhIi, it ii 1 1 clock, berry i o and two ! Miliar .""i. two ki aphopbonoH were I on the hi'ciiii and tuade much uuiuhc ineiit and lifter a boiinteoiiH lunch wiih j aerveil, the hoiik "Hod be with you" i wna hiiiik and after winding them many more happy yearn of life, the company dlHpci-Hcd ut nhout twelve ; o'clock Tim HiifjirlMo will long ! reinemhered Among thone present were Mr. and Mra. Gage, Mr. anil I Mrs Hldgoway. Mra. Kate Sn inner, Kilel and Nellie Sumner, Mr and MrH. OttO Smith and baby. MrH. Ott and Hilda OU, Mr and Mra A Hunter and l.ydla Hunter, Mth Coity, Mr and Mra Htnldt and daughter Clara. Mra. HltiKHlad. Mr and Mra lie!, and two daughter Frank and Fred tHoll MIhh Anna. Uiiilaa. Myrtle and Emma Htoll. Mr and Mra. Hurkhart, Mr and Mm. CiKike. Mr I Hubbard, Mr and MrH Heo lleardorfr, Mra M. Don ley and Hon Will. Mra II Donley and baby. Mr. and Mra Frank Sumner, Mrn Berth! lienrdorff and daughter, Mr Krauh lirlffth wiih alao preaent with numbera of othera unknown Ui the writer. Hock Creek Hchool i progretudnv nicely with MIhh Ktuuitt KUdnHtutth UK teacher STUB To be torn off by the Chairman STUB i To be be torn off by theJFtrat Clerk OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR Precinct, Clackamas County JUNE 4, J906 Mark Cross (X) Between the Number and Name of Each Candidate or Answer Voted for. COUNTY t7th SENATORIAL DISTRICT For United States Senator, To Fill Vacancy 12 HIHAM GOULD, of Yamhill Co 13 FRBD W, MULKEY, of Multnomah Co ... 14 I D, STEVENS, of Multnomah Co Vote For Orw . . . Problbllloo Republican For U.S. Senator, for term beginning Mar. 4, 1907 M JONATHAN BOURNB, JR., of Multnomah Co . . 1C 18 Vote For One . . . He publican JOHN M. OKAHIN, of Multnomah Co Democrat B LKK FAfJKT, of Multnomah Co Prohibition A. 0. BIMOLA, of Multnomah Co SocleJtat For Joint Senator, Clackamas and Multnomah Co. Vote For One 52 A. A. BAILEY, of Multnomah Co Republican 53 A. F. FLEGEL, of Multnomah Co Democrat 54 J08EPH EHALAINBS, of Multnomah Co Socialist r,5 A. F. MILLER, of Multnomah Co Prohibition 1st CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT For Representative in Congress 1st District Vot For One CHA8UM V. GALLOWAY, of Yamhill Co Democrat EDWARD F. GREEN, of BeatOO Co Prohibition WILLIH C, HAWLEY. of Marlon Co ..s Republican W. W. MYERS, of Clackamaa Co Soclallat J7th REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT For Representative, Clackamas and Multnomah Counties vote for one 5C JAMES U. CAMPBELL, of Clackamas Co Republioaa 07 A. W. FANKHAUSER, of Clackamaa Co Prohibition CONTINUE Thoaa who ar Kalnlng flnah and ni t.iji h by raitular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion hould contlnus th treatment In hot wantheri amallnr dam anda little cool milk with It will (Jo awny with any obleotlon which la attacshed to fatty pro ducta dMrlns the heated eeaaon. Send tor I... Maple. som a mownk, Dieabia, 49.41) I'Mil SlrMI, Ywk. m and . ... , II drugs,. Resolutioni of Condolence. Henolveil. That whereaH It bun pleus i eil the MaHter to call from our mhlxt the mother of Mr Rodlun, therefore be II Hewilveil. by the Laitlen' Club uh Homblcil. that we realize our Iohh 1h tn the MaMter nlven and that the be reaved family have lont a faithful mother, and we hereby extend our baartfclt Mympathy to them. Blirneil: MrH M K Donley, ICmma KleiiiHinlth, Mm Nona Donley. Mtm I. (i White. Ada K 1oiik. Martha KeytiH, Alice M. Iieardnrff. llertha M Denrdorff. STATE For Governor Vote For One sit JOSEPH MEINDL, of Clackamas Co 8oelaHet 59 A. P. NELSON, of Multnomah Co Democrat For State Senator Vote For One 60 BEARD, WM Sodaliat 61- BROWNELL, GEO. C Republlcaa 62 HEDGES, JOSEPH E Democrat 63 kfhhon. N. F. "Iaaependent, do rlgty I 11. AMOS, of Multnomah Co Prohibition 24 C. W. BARZEE, of Wasco Co Socialist GEORGE E. CHAMHERLAIN. of Multnomah Co Democrat JAMES WITHYCOMBE, of Benton Co Republican For Representative Vote For Three 64 G6 66 DYE. C. H. HUNTLEY, C. G. JONES, LINN E. .Republican Free 30 Days' Trial Free ReVVSf our complex ion. Saves your clothes. BftVM oor temper. Saves your money. Saves weary steps. Saves your health. Savet- your time, Helpline no changing. No scorching, no dirt, 1'nifonu temperature. Is never too cold. 1- never too hot. Is always ready. No reheating New Model Electric Flat Iron A houseno 1 Convenience that saves Time, Strength and Money. Styles and Prices of Irons Style No, I Regular household ,6-lb. Flat Iron $4.00 Style No. 2 Nickel' Plated, H-lb. Smoothing Iron, for dainty work .... $4.00 Fill in the coupon below, specifying the style of Iron you prefer, and mail to us at once. Your select! Hi will he delivered promptly upon receipt of ihe coupon, with absolutely no expense to you. For Secretary ot State Vote For One 27 FRANK W. BENSON, of Douglas Co Republican M R- c7 BROWN, of. Douglas Co.., Soclallat 29 T. 8. McDANlEL. of Multnomah Co ProhlbiUon 30 P. H. SROAT, of Marlon Co Democrat 67 ADEN, HENRY D. 68 EBY, O. Dt 69 WAIT, C. N, . Democrat 70 GATHER, ROBERT ) 71 KRAXBERGER. F. J. ) . 7J THOMAS, M. V. ) BedaUat For State. Treasurer Vote For One Cut Out Coupon Portland General Electric Company, Gentlemen You may lf liver to me one Klectric 1'iat JJ sree to try, and il un- tatllfact.iry to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. Ill do not return it at tnat time you 111, iv rluiiKe same lo mv itcct nut at f4 o. It IS Understood that no charge will In- made fo' tl.e iron if 1 return it with in 30 dHyn, Name ' Addreea Kill in and mail COUPUN TODAY to PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller, Contract Agent for Oregon City 31 LESLIE BUTLER, of Wasco Co .". . Prohibition 32 G. R. COOK, of Multnomah Co Socialist 3:i J D. MATLOCK, of Lane Co Democrat ::i QBORGH A. BTEEL, of Clackamas Co Republican For Supreme Judge Vote For One :if. c i I1RKJHT, of Sherman Co 7777 Prohibition :;6 ROBERT EAKIN, of Union Co 7., Republican 37 T. (i. HA1LEY, of Umatilla Co Democrat 3lT MARC!U8W. BOBBINS, of losephine Co Socialist For Attorney General Vote For One 39 C. C. BRIX, of Crook Co Socialist 40 A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas Co ....Republican 41 ROBERT A. MILLER, of Multnomah Co.". .' '. .7.7 Democrat 42 F. H RUTHERFORD, of Multnomah Co. .7 Prohiwtion For Superintendent of Public Instruction Vote For One 43 J. H. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah Co Republican 44 J. E. HOSMER, of Multnomah Co Socialist 45 HENRY SHEAR, of Benton Co ProhlbiUon 2 J , For State Printer Vote For One 46 J. C. COOPER, of Yamhill Co . . . . . 777777 777 777 7777. 777 7.7 7 Socialist 47 WILLIS S. DUNIWAY, of Multnomah Co Republican 48 ALVIN S. HAWK, of Multnomah Co Prohibition 49 .1 SCOTT TAYLOR, of Klamath Co 7 7.7 7 .. Democrat For County Judge Vote For One 73 DIMICK, GRANT B. 74 8PENCE, C. E 75 .Republican .Socialist STARKWEATHER, HARVEY G. .Democrat For County Commissioner 76 Vote For One COALMAN, ELIJAH .Socialist 77 GRACE, J. .Democrat 78 LEWELLEN, JOHN H. .Republican For Sheriff 79 BEATIE. R. B. Vote For One Democrat SO MADDOCK, ELI C. . Republican 81 MATHEWS, F. M. .Socialist For County Clerk 82 GREENMAN, F. W. Vote For One . Republican 83 LATOURETTE, H. F. 84 . Democrat REYNOLDS, CHAS. E. .Socialist For Recorder of Conveyances Vote For One For Commissioner of Labor Statistics and Inspector of Factories and Workshops yote For One 50 O. P. II OFF, of Multnomah Co Republican 51 W. B. RICHARDS, of Linn Co 7777 Democrat 86 KmTffMAN, J. Y Soclallat 86 RA SBY, CHAUNCEY e7 Republican g7 "shTaNNON, WILLIAM .7777. Democrat For Treasurer Vote For One 88 BAKER7 ROBERT- Democrat 89 MORAN, CHARLES Soclallat 90 "PADDOCK, J. C. 7 Republican For Surveyor Vote For One 4)1 HUNGATE, S. A. D Republican For Coroner Vote For One 92 HOLMAN, R. L. Republican 93 JONES, GEO. M. 7. . .Socialist 94 MEISSNEr7dR. C. H 77Democrat PROPOSED BY REFERENDUM PETITION Shall act appropriating money for maintaining Insane Asylum, Penitentiary, Deaf -Mute,. Blind School, University. Agricultural College and Normal Schools be approved. Vote Yes or No 300 301 Yes No Continued on page 8