Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 01, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Near Huntley's Drug Store,
Great Britain and America.
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in ;
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
towns .
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Druar Store
If Yot Want
a "Cracker Jack" Plumbing:
Job at a little cost, by all
means confer with us before
handing out your contract.
Main Street, near Eighth
See Nature's
Wondrous Handiwork
1 i irv
Through Utah and Coiorado
Castle Gate, Canon of the
Grand, Black Canon, Mar
shall and Tennessee Pas
ses, and the World-Famous
Royal Gorge
For Descripitive and Illustrated
Phamplets, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't,
124 Third St.. PORTLAND, Or.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
ror Sal by
Agency for Orogon City.
1 1 tarn
Are You Tired, Nervous
and .Sleepless?
Nervousness mill sleeplessness u rt us
Mil) due to i In fact thst tin1 nerves tire
pi fed on properly nourish! n btoodt
thry :in stuntxl nerves. Dr. Ptere's
Golden Medical ptieovwi Mmbj purr,
rich Mood, unit thereby the PWWI rf
properly nourished ntui all tin organs of
tin' Issly are run a smoothly us imtohln
cr which runs In oil. In this WU you
feel clean. tmii ami strenuous von are
(, n. .i up and invlforatwd, ami you in
is-. .! for n bole in) of physical or mental
w.-ri Hest of nil. tlu strength an. I in
crease in vitality ami health are UstMNfl,
Tin' trouMe with most tonics mm) nop
u'liii's whim liuvo a largo, booming MM
for a short time. Is that they are largely
composed of alcohol holding tln limits in
solution, Till alcohol shrinks up tho rsl
blood corpuscles, ami in the long run
gnv.tly injures tho system. One may fool
exhilarated and hotter for tho lime being,
yet In tho (-ml weakened mid with vitality
decreased. Hr Pierce' QoldM Mistical
Discovery contsdus no alcohol Bhrerj
bottle of It U ars upon it wraptMT llu:
Badge nf Honesty, In a full list of all Its
Several Ingredients. For tho druggist to
offer you something In- ol lims Is "Just as
KihmI " Is to insult oiir intelligence.
Every Ingredient entering inrt the
world-famed 'Golden Mistical Plvovory
has tho unanimous approval ami endorse
ment ol tho leading medical authorities
of all tho sovoral si'h.sils of practice. No
other medicine old through druggist for
like purpose lias am mob I'lulorsoniont.
Tho "Golden Medical Discovery not
only pffMUOM all tho gissl effects to M
oiiutnod from tho uso of Qonea Seal
Mot. in all Stomach, liver ami bowel
troubles, as in dyspepsia, billooHMM, con
stlpaUoa, ulceration of stomach ami
bpweli am) Kindred uilinonts. but the
Goidea sal mot nvii in Iti compound
ing Is groath cnhancisl in Ita curative ac
Hon by oin. r I ngn sheets such as Stone
RKti, illaok t'horrv Imrk. HIikuIi. . Man
tlrakc root ami chemically pur trlple
rvtinisl glycerine.
"Tho t'omtnon Sense Medical Adviser."
Is sent fre in pepor covers on receipt of
il one-cent itaBM to pay tho cost of mad
Ing only. For ill stamps the cloth-bound
Visum" will be sent. Address Or R. V.
Pierce. HulTal... N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's l'loasant Pellets cure con
stipation, biliousness sad headache.
U. S. Department of Agriculture It
sues Some Statistics.
The following data, covering a pe
riod of; 34 years, have been compiled
from the Weather Bureau Records at
Portland, Oregon. They are Issued
to show the conditions that have pre
vailed during the month in question
for the above period of years, but
must not be construed as a forecast of
the weather conditions for the corning
month :
Month. June, for H4 years.
Mean or normal temperature. 62
The warmest month was that of
1899. with an average of 66 degrees.
The coldest month was that of 1893'
with an average of 58 degrees.
The highest temperature was 99 de
grees on June 17. 1876 and June 29, '
The lowest temperature was 39 de
grees on June 4, 187", and June 6.
The earliest date on which first kill
ing frost occurred in autumn. October
Average date on which first killing
frost occurred in autumn. November
Average date on which last killing
frost occurred in spring. March 17th.
The latest date on which last kill
ing frost occurred In spring. Mav 9th.
Average for the month 1.70 Inches.
Average number of days with .01 of
an inch or more. 11.
The reatest monthly precipitation
was ", 38 inches in 1888.
The least monthly precipitation was
0.08 inches in 1883.
The greatest amount of precipitation
recorded In any 21 hours was 1.85
inches on June 17, 1873.
Average 5 a. m . 84: average 5 p. m.
Average number of clear days, 8.
Partly cloudy days. 10.
Cloudv daj;s. 12.
The prevailing winds have been from
the Northwest.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is f, miles per hour.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 51 miles from the south on June
2, 1894.
Burch and Relss' World's Greatest
Dog and Pony Show will appear in
this city next Saturday afternoon and
night under their enormous water
proof tents. This will be the first
Western tour of these great animal
shows, and the management feels
that they will create a mild sensation.
There are over Iliin performing ani
mals with the aggregation, consisting
of beautiful Shetland ponies, dogs,
monkeys, goats, zebus, pigs ant eat
ers, camels, pumas, bos iiidieus, llamas
tapairs, emeus, cassowarys and mules.
In addition to the many new and novel
animal acts will be presented exciting
races of all kinds and descriptions;
troupes of acrobats, eqpiltbertste, aer
ialists. gymnasts, wire and rope danc
ers, bicyclists, scores of funny clowns
and the greatest musical attraction
ever presented with any tented exhi
bition, any where In the world. The
management of these shows engaged
the famous Gregory's Royal Italian
Handa Rosa for this western tour, at
an enormous salary.
A grand free street parade will be
given at 11 o'clock on the morning of
the exhibition at which tome the entire
company of over S60 animal actors
will he seen. There will beover t wenty-five
dens and cages of rare and cost
ly animals in it, besides all or the led
stock and tho famous Manila Rosa.
After the afternoon exhibition all the
children attending tho performance
will be given a free pony ride. Over
LOO Shetland ponies will be placed at
their disposal. No boy or girl attend
ing these shows will be permitted to
leave the tents disappointed. These
free rides to the children will not
be omitted under any circumstances.
CASTOn I -A. ,
Bean ths ) ,tie m mn Bnugn
J.T '-AifL
r j. jJsJui
Saloon License.
Notice Is hereto' given that 1 will
apply at tho next regular mooting of
tho Oregon t'lty t'otmcll for a renewal
of my saloon license at my present
place of business, corner Main and
Fourth streets.
w H W 11. SON
Notice of Appointment of Executor.
Tho undersigned has been duly np
pointed as executor of tho estate of
John llennel IVardorff. deceased, by
tho County Court of tho State of Ore
gon for County of Clackamas, and has
duly qualified.
All persons hnvlttg claims against
said estate are hereby untitled to pre
; sent the same to too at my office
Nos. 201-3. Front street. Portland. Or
egon, with proper vouchers, within
six months from this date.
Executor of the last will of John Pen
i nett Deardorff. deceased.
Hated May 2f.. 1900.
I J. C. Moreland. Attorney for executor.
In the Circuit Court lOf the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Liu Sehoher. Tlaintlff,
Charles Godfrey Sehoher. Defendant.
To Charles Godfrey Sehoher, tho
ilefeiulant above named.
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint tlleil against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before the expiration of six weeks
from the date of first publication of
this summons, which Is by order of
the above entitled court fixed as Mon
day. July 9. 1906. and If you fall to so
i appear and answer the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief pray-
led for In the complaint, to-wlt: for
a decree of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between you and the
above named plaintiff, on the ground
of desertion, and for such other relief
; as tho court may deem Just and equit
able. This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thos. A. MeBrlde. Judge of
the above entitled court and cause.
The date of the first publication is
May 25. 1906. and the date of the last
publication is July 6. 1906
Attorney for Plaintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County
Thomas Henry Cooper, Plaintiff,
Edna Cooper. Defendant.
To Bdna Cooper, the defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appoar and
answer the complaint filed against you
Ifl the above entitled suit on or be
tort the expiration of six weeks from 1
the date of the first publication of this
summons, which is by order f the
above entitled court tixeu us Monday,
i July 9, IMC, and if you fail to so ai
; pear and answer the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint, to-wlt: for a de-1
, cree of divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony heretofore and now ex-:
, istlng between you and the above i
named plaintiff on the ground of de-j
sertion. and for such other relief as
the court may deem Just and equit
' able.
This summons is published by ord'-r
of Hon. Thos. A. MeBrlde, Judge of
the above entitled court, made and
entered in the above entitled court
and cause, and the date of the first
publication Is May 25. 190f,. and the
date of the last publication Is July 6,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the grade
Of Sixth Street, Oregon City, Oregon,
from the Easterly line of Main street
to the stone wall of the Oregon & Cal
ifornia Railroad Company on Rnil
road Avenue Is ordered changed and
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
The John J. Fulton Co. of San Fran
Cisco, First in the World to An
nounce the Cure and present a
Definite Percentage ol Recoveries
(87 percent) and Give Out Lists of
the Cured.
Here re tome of thn San rrnctsce r'oov
ertei. All of them MN ! .arH tiy prijulclani
to lie incurably III with MrlgM's Iliseaso or
Ulttweieii: N. W. SpauMIng, PlSSlflsill hpauMIng
BavC'o.; Adolpb Weske, founilir Osl. Cracker
Co.; Carl D. Zelle, plQnSSI druirsist; Chat.
EDgelke, editor Han Francisco Journal; It. M-
1 Wood, editor Spirit Review; Edward Bhnrt, of
the Call; C. A. Newton, yardmamcr S. P. Co.
(Sacramento); John A. Phelps, Hotel Repr.lter;
Mrs. M. Enipey, l a Htelner Hi.; Mrs. H. E.
Cllne, 1787 Ilroadway; Mm. P. fioyhenoli, 108
1 Fillmore St. (tupped 38 times,; H. C. Pell,
Manager Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.; P. J. Hach-
' elder, Pacific Coast At Kuth Thomas Clock
i Co.; E. H. Cutler, Attorney, 330 Pins St.; Wo.
i Hale, Ileal Estate, sir. Hansome St.; Mrs. C. 0,
Matthewson Proprlotor Hotel Clifton; Thos.
Hasklns, Merchant (I'etaluma); Col. Wm.
Hawkins, U. S. Quartermaster's Department;
' Chas. V. Wacker, Merchant, 131 Sth 61.; Mrs.
Thos. CbrlHtol, 424 27th St., and huadreds of
others. Some were at death's door when put on
the Compounds, but many such recovered. That
many wre In extremis niuy be learned from
' this: Homo recovered who bud been tapped
dozens of times; others were already In tho
twIlchlnKs or uraomlo polsonlnx; ninny hud
from four to six pbylclans eornlrm the fatal
dlusnosls; several left standard hospitals la
evlrernls: Severn) hrifl m ' I , . r , ..M i . ti.r laM
r Interviews, gad ft few recovered who wore lu s
state of absolute coma.
in a word alKut WiV, of all enses of Hrlnht's
Disease an J III alleles, heretofore positively In
curable, are now curable under the nuw KuILoq
Compounds. Tin- Kenal CotS pound for Bright'l
and Kidney Disease lull; for Diabetes, a
Pamphlet free. We have just established
depot In your city where you wlllllml IhoCoia-
pounds and pamphlets, via:
Charman & Co., City Drvg Store.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
Bow To rin.t out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with out
Water anil lot it stunil twenty fniii hours;
ascilimeutor set
tling Indicate an
uuhrultltv Don
tlitiolt ol the kid
Ml s , if it stains
your linen it is
c idcncc of kid
nov trouble ; loo
frequent ilesilt
to puss it or pain
in the back U
also convincing proof that the kidneys,
ami blaiMci are out of order,
Wtmt To Do.
There iseoinfott in the knowledge Ml
often ixpiosscd, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-KiMit, the great kidney tcinciL,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, I
pain in the Kick, kidneys, liver, bladder
and everv pint of the urinary tuissage.
it collects inability to hold walci
and scalding PaiD in passing it, or bad
tffectl following use of liquor, wine or
U-cr, and overcomes that unpleasant no
ccsMtv of MiO compelled to go oltcll
during the day, and to gel up many
times during tho night. I he mild and
the extraordtnai v effect Swamp-Root
is mmn realied. It standi the highest
for its wonderful cures of the BJMMt dis
tressmg cases. If you need a HMdltilM I
vmi should have the U-st. Sold b drug
gislsiu tiftv cent a'lld one doll.u sues.
You uiuv have a sample Is.ltle and
Wk that tells all
alsnit it, Uithsrnt free
bv mail. Aildit s-1 t
Kilmer & Co., Ilmg-
It. mil, hi, N Y U hen
writing mention this
paper and don't
make auv mistake,
name, I'r Kiltnet'
imt regwubet the
i Bwamp kiKi, ami
the address, llinghaiutou, N. Y.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order made by the Council of
Orogon City at a regular mooting of
snld Council held Wednesday. May
June I,
W A DIMICK, Recorder.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of John R. Shav
er, deceased, by the County Court of
the State of Orogon. for Clackamas
County, and has duly qualified as such
administrator AH persona having
claims against said estate are heroby
notified to present tho same to mo at
the office of Graham & Cleeton, 20T,
Marquam Building. Portland, Oregon,
within six months from date hereof.
Dated May 18th, 190(1.
First publication May 18, 190C.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
In the Matter of the Estate
Arthur L. Albright, deceased.
Notice Ik hereby given to the cred
itors of and all persons Interested In
the said estate, that the undersigned
BM been by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas duly appointed adminis
trator of the said estate and all per
sons having claims against tho said
estate are hereby required to present
the same, prnpdrly verified, to the un
dersigned, at the office of Hedges A
Griffith in Oregon City. Oregon, with ¬
in six months from the date of the
first publication of this notice.
Administrator of the estate of Ar
thur L Albright, deceased.
HedfM & Griffith, Attorneys for Ad
First publication May 18, 190(1
In the Circuit Court of the Stole of
Oregon, for Clackamas County
Alma Carpenter. Plaintiff.
Henry S Carpenter, Defendant.
To Henry 8. Carpenter, defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Ore
fan, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled cause
on or before the .toth nay or .nine,
lllOO, said day being more than six
weeks from the 18th day of May. 190G.
the date of tho first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to so
answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to Ihe court for the relief
prayed t-wit:
For a decree of said court, forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defend -
ant ; that plnlntlff be allowed to re -
sume bei maiden name, to-wlt: Alma
Wilson, and for such other and fur-
f as may be equitable, and
The order for publication of sum
mons In this case was mad' by the
Hon. T. A. Mcltrlde, Judge of the above
entitled court on the 10th day of May,
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is May IS, 1900, and
tho dato of tho last publication Is
June 29, 1900.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court, of the State
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Annie Hoben, Plaintiff,
Andrew Hoben, Defendant.
To Andrew Hohnn, Defendant,1
In the name of the Stato of Oregoe
vr,i, are hereby required to .ippear und
eVfoWef tho complaint filed against you
in the abovo entitled cause on or be
fore the 80th day of June, A. D. 1900,
nnd in default thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for tho relief!
demanded In the complaint, which is
that the bonds of matrimony existing
between you and plaintiff be dissolv
ed. Service of summons on you by i.ub
Hcatlon in made by order of tho Hon.
Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge ol the
r htmi-n,K4 i
above entitled Court, made and en
tered on the 10th day of May. 1906, di
recting that anlil publication bo mud"
,n tho Oregon City Kntorpi ino. a
Weekly newspaper of general circu
lation, published at Oregon Clly, in
t laeUnmas County, State of Ohm. on
nin e it week for six successive weeks
prior to tho 30th day of Juno, hbti;.
.'.lid tho in .i publication thereof Is
In the Ustio of said newspaper of dat
May ISth, 1906.
Attorney for Pliiltitlff.
In tho 01
rou 11
Court of the State of
the County of Clackn
Ralph Wesley Gowanlock
Iliiltle Gowanlock, Defendant.
To the defendant llattle Gowanlock.
Ill the name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby required to Appear and
answer (ho complaint against you In
the above entitled court and eausn on
or before the 80th da of June 1806,
that being the time fixed by the court
for you lo appear and answer heroin
and six weeks from tho first publica
tion of ibis summons, and If you fall
so to appear and answer, plaintiff will
apply to the court for tho relief de
manded in tho complaint, to-wlt:
A decree dissolving tho bonds of
matrimony existing between the plain
tltf and defendant.
This summons Is published once a
week for six ifi) successive weeks by
order of the Hon Thos K Ryan. Judge
of the County Court of Clacknmns
County. Oregon, dated May 10, 1 900,
directing the first publication to he
made on the 18th day of May, 1900 and
the last publication to be mnde on
the 29th dav of June, 1900
Attorney for Plulntlff
Dale of first publication May 18. 1900
In the Circuit
Oregon, for
Court of the Slate of
the County of Clnoka
Human .aim. I'lulutlfT.
Ileum- l 'lenient Zahn
To Hetllie Clement
I iifeudaut
Zahn, above
mimed defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint tiled against you
In the alaivo entitled suit on or before
the ltd day of September. 1900, which
Is the time prescribed fur answering
In the order of the publication of tbla
summons, and If you fall to so appear
and answer the complaint, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief demanded In the complaint, to
wit: a decree of the Court dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between the plaintiff and
defendant uui the grounds that upon
the :'d day of September. 1902, you
the said defendant Heniie
Zahn. disregarding the solemnity of
your marriage vow willfully and with
out cause deserted niiii anamioned
plaintiff heroin, and ever sine- have
and still continue to so willfully and
without oanee desert and abandon
plaintiff, and to live separate and apart
from him without any sufficient cause
or any reason and against his will und
without his consent, and for such
At lu r and further relief as the Court
may deem Just and proper
This summons Is published by order
of the Hon Thos f Ityan. Judge of
the County Court, of Clackamas rutin-
ty. Oregon, duly made and tiled this
fth day of May. 19ftfi
The date of tho first publication of
this summons being IttM 1st. ItOti
and the date of tb' last publication
ihensif being the nth day f July.
Attorney for Plaintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for t'lackamus County
Benedick Schmidt, Plaintiff
vs. t
Christiana Schmidt. Defendant.
To Christiana Schmidt., defendant
alsnve named:
In the name ol the State of Oregon,
.you are hereby required to appear anil
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court and cause,
ion or before six (HI weeks from the
I 18th day of May, 1Mb, the date of
i the first publication of this summons.
and If you fail so to appear and an
swer, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for and de
manded in the complaint herein filed,
to wit: For judgment and decree for
ever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, und for such
other anil further relief as to the
i Court may seem Just, und equitable
1 This summons Is published by order
, 0f the Hon. T. A. MeBrlde, Judge of
I the Circuit Court for the County of
Clackamas, made and dated on the
j C
day of May, LfM
Attorney for Plaintiff,
publication May 18, 1900.
publication Juno 29, 1906.
MENT. Notice is heroby given that sixth
Street, of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the Easterly line of Water street, to
the Westerly line of Main street and
from the Easterly line of Main street
to the stone wall of the Oregon &
California Railroad Company on Rail
road Avenue will be improved with
crashed rock or gravel it h lull width,
and by laying wooden sidewalks,
wooden curbs, drains, gutters and cor
ner blocks, and by guiding salt! Sixth
Street between the Easterly lino of
Water Street, and the Westerly lino of
Main Street, according to the estab
lished grade thereof, nnd by grading
said Sixth Street between the Easter
ly line Of Main Street and the Stone
wall of the. Oregon A California Rail
road on RRallroad Avei according
to tho proposed grade thereof.
This notice Is published pursuant,
to an order made by the Council of
Oregon City, at, a regular meeting of
Hiilil Council held Wednesday, May ,j
W. A. DIMJCK, Itet'ordor.
June 1.
n the t lirctiil Court of Ilic Stale of
Oregon, for OlMkamM oouaty
'ma Schilling! Plaintiff,
v. w. EkhHUrtg, Dtftndant,
To k. w. Schilling, dtitntlUn! ibovi
Mined :
In (lie name of Ihr Slnlo of Off
gOfh jfOU ore hereby rctpiirod lo ap
pour ninl answer Hie complaint, flleil
apiinst you in Hie above etililleil
cause on or before Ihe !'th tiny of
.Mine, I !)()(!, said day Ismiij? inore
thM fit weeks from the. VTIli dnv of
April. 100(1, (he dale of the first pub-
lioitlon of tiiis rariunonii voA if jfow
fail to so answer for want thereof
the plaintilT will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for, tnwit :
Pol a decree of said eoiirl forever
dissolving the bonds of inatritiionv
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant ; that plaintiff, Venui
Schilling, have the care, custody and
control tf their said minor child.
Howard Schilling, and for such
other and further relief as mav bi
eipiiluldo nnd just.
The order for pnbliOAtion of mun
itions in this onuse was made by the
Hon. Thos. A. Mi-Undo, Jndgfl "f
ibOVfl entitled court on the '.'7th dnv
da of April. l!0h
ft, i i . il - - Li
I lie date oi i ne nrm ptioiieaiioii
of ths summons is April 17th, 1906,
and the dale of the hint publication
is June Stli, 1906,
Attorneys for 1'laintilT.
In the Matter of tho Estate of (
Mary A Huelat Bradley, deceased
Notloo Is hereby given to tho crod-
! Iters of and all persons Interested In
snld estate, that the undo! signed has
boon duly appointed executor of the
S last will and testament of the said
Mary A Huelat Bradley by order of
I the ourrty Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas and
that all persons having claims against
1 the said estate are hereby required
; to present the same, properly verified,
to the undersigned at the office of
llodk-cs & ilrlffltb In Oregon City, Or-
I'gon. w it run six mourns irom tno untn
of the first publication of thin notice
.... . .. - ,.... ...
I ..( I. Uiui ..I..
Executor of the Inst will and testa
tii.nt of Mary A. Huelnt Bradley,
First Publication May 4, 1900
Hedges A Cirlfflth, Attorneys for Kx
oeh tor.
; In the Circuit Court of the (Rate of
Oregon, for Clarkatnas county
B, II. IMckard. Plaintiff.
I Mary E Plckard, Defendant.
.To Mary K. Plckard. defendant above
1 In the name of the State of Oregon.
; you nre hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
In the above entitled court and oaue.
on or before six (I'll weeks from the
20th day of April, 190(1. the date ,,f
I the first publication of this summons.
J and If you fall so to appear and an
I ewtr, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for and de
manded In the complaint herein filed.
to wit : For Judgment and decree for-
ever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore existing between
i plaintiff ami defendant and for such
other and further relief as to the
Court may seem Just and equitable
This summons Is published by order
jof Hon Arthur L Fra.er, Judge of the
County Court for the County of Mult
nomah, mnde nnd dated on the 12th
day of April, LfM ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First Publication April 20. 1900.
Last Publication June I, 190(1.
Ill the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County
May II. Hopple, Plaintiff,
Edward Hopple. Defendant.
To Edward Hopple, defendant above
named :
In the name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you
In the above entitled cause on or be
foro tho l!8th day of May, 1900. said
day being more than six weeks from
the 13th day of April, 1900, the date
of the first publication this sum
mons, and If you fall to so answer for
want thereof Hie plalntlffff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for,
For a decree of said court (OffVO.
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff nnd
tlelenilnni . nun minium .vinv II. no
pie. have the care, custody and centres
of their Hit id minor children, Frankle,
Earl and Fanny Hopple, and for Hiich
other and further relief as may be
equitable and Just.
Thn order for publication tif sum
mons In this cause was made by the
Hon. Thou. A Mcllrlde, Judge of the
above entitled court on tho 9th day
of April, 1906,
The date of the llrst publication of
this summons Is April LSth, 1008, and
th date of the laat publication Is Ma;
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Btmr. the I I M WM "II Havf) AIV
The Kind Ynii Havn Always Boojm