OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1906. 3 Bww Personal Mention f IrUh, a farmer from Chiuh, wum In (hi i'lty TUMOSf. II llofftneimcr. of KiikI' Creek, wan In tile city yiiMlcriluy. Mayor William Hhlndlcr, of Mllwnu RlSj wan In tin' rlty Tuewlay I (' KM lot t a merchant at ItHtnnN run, whh In the city Saturday Professor Howard M lOfllMj of Canby, wan In the city Wednesday (I W llUon, editor of the Canby Tribune, wax In the rlty ycHtenlay. Italph Marshall, or ItuaMcllvllle, spent Sunday with relatives at Cam-mali Mr ami Mm M l'arh. of Vancouver WiihIi . were the guests of htM parents. Mr ami Mrs. T. M Park. Saturday ami Holiday Mr Tower ami family ami Mr ami Mm (ieorge Case will go to Vancom ir Wash. Saturday where they will spend the Hummer (' Hrhllebel. chairman of the le publican fiitinty Central Committee. retur I Tuiiailay evening- from a bua- I nem trip to Salem Mrs A W Walker, of Seattle, who liitH been visiting her brother. C II Krlssell, Iuim gone to Chicago, to Mpenil the summer with other relative. Jmlge T K Ityan ban sold to two new arrival from Spokane. Wash, ami Sell wood, the greater part of the Klneainon donation land claim, north if ihlH rlty. The consideration was Slf.O per acre lion C II Moored, of Salem, a mum I., i of tin- Willamette Valley Chuntau qua Association liounl of Director, accompanied by Mm MxircH waa In the city over Sunday, the guest of Mr ami Mm llruce Curry. Mm M Tycer returned from ore vu i'lty Thumday. accompanied by her will Hugh who has been quite III for several motttliH, The young man In .nine MttoT although he la still In a weak OUfedJtlOB llrowiiKvllle TllJM Mi and Mm C T. Howard r turned bum. Saturday evening from Albany. Where they attended the ailtlUUl IIH'el lug of the State ('.range, by which Mm Howard a again honored by re clec Hon ti tli,' r.crri'tary tton ship of the state Drs. RiMiini Ileatle 11 U, Ileatle, Welnhard Dentists, llulldlng II. UNION MILLS. Winter OSU tin around here Delia Miihamy 'Xtrn good w bo has been sick. la out again Agm s Wisidslde spent last with her parents at Mullno Mr I'dell. our worthy mall carrier, has a fresh cow for sale cheap. CIiiim and Ida lloyntoti spent a few davH with Mrs, and Mrs l.lnsey Lamb at Kelso last week Fred Wtaidslde Is hauling lumber for HI llroa. The bridge has been completed bsrt ready for travel as soon as the road to It Is ready Clarence Mallait Is working Shafi'i- Urns. Pauline Trulllnger has had measles, hut is well again. Nellie llonney la staying with alster. Mrs Ivl Mall. for tlx bw DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JHNO W. THOMAS, Dtntisl $75 Position Positions Secured for Two Students this week. Another Position Offering $75 to be Filled June 1st. Allen Business College Oregon City, Oregon 0OTC i3J Pure, raw linseed oil costs less than "ready mixed" paint, but when mixed with thick pigment, gallon for gallon, it makes the best paint for the least money. FOR SALE BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. o 0 Local Events Wanied, wmk It competent I, lloliuan girl for limine Dr (ieorge lloeye, dentist, llullillug, Oregon City. Cliulleld The Oregon Clly ColtH were defeat 'd at hiiMchall at Willamette KaJIs Sunday afternoon by the Oawego nine, the Mcore being 17 lo !t In favor of the vlaltora. Klour 9.1c, drift 11,10. $i or., and good na Hnow UKIi FRONT. S I'allav. an experienced merchant tailor, of Cortland, haa opened up a general tailoring business In the front pint of the building occupied by Mlhl stln. the plumber at 720 Main St. The latent style and pattern dress hata. Minn C. Ooldmnlth. in The Park place High School nine at t hit Chautauqua groumlH Wedneaday afternoon defeated Hie Clackamaa team by a acore of II to t! The bat terlea were: I'arkplace. Kenady and .lohtiHon . Street Clackamaa. I.and Ioweat price. Heed pea ' package seed now 2 Vic. 10-qt. or 5c, galvd. pall l!r; M qt pall L'.Ic, sonps and lie. RED FRONT. Miss M.i ni.- Cook has returned from teaching a very successful term of schiail In Washington Miss Cook waa a graduate from the Oregon City high school In LMl ami finished her educa tion at the Oregon State Normal tcbool at Monmouth. MONEY TO per cent. Schubel IX)AN AT 6 Farm security. AND 7 U'Ren Married, at the residence of the bride's parents Mr and Mn. J. E. Buyer's In Oregon City, at 1:30 Sun day afternoon. Miss Myrtle lloyer and Heorge D Maker The young couple will make their home In Oregon City, Mr Maker being an employe of the Crown Mills. Our pattern are the latent deilgnn Our stylea arc exclusive. Mlia C. Coldstnlth. Anna Margnrtha. wife of Joseph Schleffer. died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F C. C.adke, In this city. She was a native of (ier many. where she was Isirn Airll 11. IH42 Funeral services were conduct ed at 9 o'clock thla morning at St. Johns Catholic church. Hev Hither Hlhlc brand, officiating R. L. Holman, leading undertaker, i next to Harris' grocery etore, Oregon ' City, Oregon. Memorial Day 1'xorolncn at Clarkn iniii wtn largely attt'iulcil. At ten o'clock at the church. Hev Mr. Myres. pastor of the Congregational church delivered an eloquent Memorial Day nddrcMM, after which the people march ed to tin- cemetery ami ilecntnteil the' gruveH. Captain .1 I' Shap. of IIiIh city, gave the Memorliil liny address Millinery Cut I c up. Ladles Child's trimmed hnts LS9 up; stvllsh hata. KKD FRONT. The members of the various young peoples' societies of the First Congre gational church, of Portland, accora- pMiil'l ly Hev 1 L limine, tti pa tor. ii rut numbering In all about 15" permum, held a picnic Wednesday ni iii' Chautauqua jtroiimlH Literary ex i'I'cImi'h appropriate t I lie day, a big picnic dinner anil games hi Mm after- IIIXIII Ml'rVI'll to lICHHMtllly pHMH the lliniv Thi party made tint trip via the Southern PscIm, Spring fever la prevented by tfai hmo of our Red Line Sariaparllla. KOM Just at good. Our prim ISO centM CMAKMAN & CO., City Drug Store. Oregon City real estate dealem re port gn at activity in the realty mar ket There are Innumerable Inqulr lea for land dally, and a great many prospective Kultlem are Inspecting the acreage with the Intention of Inventing In ClackunuiH County realty. While there la not any material Increase In tin- khIoh of land na yet, the number of Inqulrera. who aa a rule are men of Home meatiH, la taken to Indicate HiibMtantlal business along real eatate llnea later on In the year when these Intending settlers make their selei Uofls, The latest tylos drcHM hata. MIhh 0, and pattern OoldHmlth. In At a meeting at Cataract Hose ''one puny a hall Tueaday night, attended by a dozen of the prominent inualclatiM of the city, the Oregon City Mimical Aaaoclatlon waa formed by the ehc Hon of the following offlcera: Presl- b ni, Mr Mcllaln; vice prealdent, Max llollack; aecretary, Mr. Johnson ; treas urer, Kd Huberts. While thla meet lng waa merely preliminary to what la contemplated by the organization, there waa manifested an Interest that Insures the attcceaa of the undertak lng, which Involves tie- Interesting of all musically Inclined people of the city In forming an orchestra, glee, guitar and mandolin clubs, and perhaps a baud A good start has been made, and Oregon City Is In need and ahould have Just what the organization pro lioaftH to supply Another meeting will be held In Hie same hall next Tuesday evening and all persons In terested In music are Invited to be present. Cut In Hhoea White oxforda 83c. !t!tr, $1.19; choc, low shoes 96c up. Cut In MIbscr' fine shoes $1.14; ladlea' fine to $1.19. Red Front. AgenU wanted: -San Francisco Earth quake Disaster; ThounandH killed and Injured. $500,000,000 worth of property destroyed. Full and authentic ntory told by aurvivorn and eye witnesses. Largest and best hook, bent Illustrated 80 per cent profit to agents. Freight paid. Credit given. Outflta free. Send 4 2-cent stamps for postage. Address COOPER & CO.. 134 Lake St. Chicago. TRIALS WILL BE RESUMED. Oregon Will Again Become the Center of Prosecution. Oregon will again become the cen ter of land fraud attraction next month An sism as Special Prosecutor ll'iiey gets through with the letter Issik trial of Dinger Hermann In Washington. It in expected he will come to Portland and resume the trial of important cases pending here. It Is not expected that the Hermann case In Washington will take much time Now that the dilatory tactics of the Congressional defendant have been put to a comer, and the case in scheduled to come to trial before the Chas. V. Galloway Of Yamhill County Democratic Candidate Representative in Congress for intti of next month. It is expected to finish It In little time. The Govern ment's evidence in the letter-book case Is believed to be compact In form and little time will be taken in placing it btron the Jury. The case is unlike the long conspiracy cases heretofore tiled. District Attorney Bristol has said that it Is the policy ol the Government to complete the land fraud cases be tween now und Fall and clenr the dock et. This means that the Federal Courthouse will be the scene of great activity soon. Many important cases are pending trial. Among the notables in official rank to stand the shafts of l'rosecu tors ltenev anil Hristol are llinger Hermann on the Oregon conspiracy indictments; former United States Attorney John II Hall; State Senators F. P. Mayes, George C. Brownell and Hubert -V Booth. Besides these there are many men of prominence in this state and In the Kast, mostly indicted hv the Grand Jury recently adjourn ed. Terror will again strike the hearts f !. Ilmluir irrnhli.MK when the Fed- .,ri n,n,i Turn la nallnri Into action next month. Saturday's Telegram. Stops Itching Instantly. Cures piles, ec.enia. sail rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabies IVmu's Ointment. At any drug store. mi MUSIC WILL BE FEATURE. Excellent Attractions Arranged for Chautauqua. 'I he feature of this year's Assembly of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association will be the exceptional , musical program that is now aanured. More elaborate musical entertainments ' were never before offered the people ;of the Northwest than the three grand : i musical events that -were finally out-; i lined Monday. These Include two ora j lorloa and one grand concert. In ad-! jdltlon, eight of the leading soloist In the stale liave been engaged and these will be heard In connection with the ! dally programmes. Mesiden Mm. , Imogen Harding Mrodle, of thin city, the Chautauqua soloist, these nlngers are: Minn Kthel M. Shea, Mm Mary Dearborn gchwab. Minn Ethel Lytle, Mm. Max M. Shlllock, Mm. Anna I Meatrice Sheldon, Minn Kvelyn Hurley. Mm. Fletcher Linn and J. Ross Fargo. The musical features of Ihe Assem bly will excel! anything before taken. Parsons' orchestra of 12 pieces han been secured and will give two con certn of an hour each, dally, one In the afternoon and another preceding tin- evening exercises The first ora torio, Hayden's masterpiece, "The creation" will be given Saturday ev ening. July 14. Thin programme will under the direction of W Glfford Nash, musical director of the Chau tauqua, assisted by a chorus of 100 voices. The soloists will be: Soprano, Mm. Rose Block Matter; alto, Mm. Imogen Hardlng-Mrodle; tenor, Arthur Alexander; bass. Dom J. Zan. An or chestra of 21 pieces will assist In the production of this great musical pro gramme. On Wednesday evening, July 18, i lu re will be given a grand concert, the programme for whlcb follows: TrioAllegro anlmato N. W. Oade Piano, W. Glfford Nash; violin. Waldemar Llnd; Cello, Ferdinand Konrad. Piano Solon (a) Nocturn Liszt (b Staccato Etude Rubinstein Miss 1 aura Foi. Violin Solo (a) Romance in G Beethoven (b) Zlgeunerwelsen Sarasate Mr. Waldemar Llnd. 'ait rait o Solo A Hummer Night Goring Thomas (Violin and Cello Obligate) Mrs Anna Selkirk Norton. Cello Soloa i (at Le Cygne Saint Saens lot Bpanisn uanee u. ropper Mr Ferdinand Konrad. Quartette Ray Mlas Mendelssohn Mr Nash. Minn Fox, Mr. Llnd, Mr Konrad. The concluding muslr-al programme for the Chautauqua will he given Sat urday evening. July 21. and will con sist of an oratorio evening of Mendel ssohn's "Hymn of Praise" and Rossl- Inl's "Stabat Mater." These will be given under the direction of Mr. Glf 1 ford Nash, musical director and a ' trained chorus of 100 voices, and 21 1 Instrumentations. The soloists will I be the same as for the first oratorio: Soprano. Mm. Rose Block fiauer; alto Mrs Imogen Hardlng-Brodie; tenor, Mr. Arthur Alexander; bass. Mr Dom J Zan. REDUCED SUMMER RATES. EXCURSION Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breitenbush Hot Springs From All S. P. and C 4 E. Points. On and after June 1. 190fi, the Booth- J ern Pacific In connection with the iCorvallls & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points Ion their Hues to Newport, Yaquina and I Detroit at very low rates, good for re turn until October 10, 1906. Three day tickets to Newport and i Yaquina. Rood going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on sale j from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene. Inclusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit I their families and spend Sunday at I the seaside. Season tickets from all East Side i and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tour ists to visit the Santi&m and Breiten bush Hot Springs In the Cascade . mountains, which can be reached in I one day. Season tickets will he good for re turn from all points until October 10. Three-day tickets will be good going Saturdays ' and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vici nity will be good for return via the ! East or West side at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi cinity will he good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch if desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport, on Yaquina tick ets to Yaquina only. Sunday excur sions to Newport on the C. & E. will begin June 10th or 17th and run every Sunday thereafter, leaving Albany at 7:80 a. m.; leave Corvallis 8 a. m. S. P. trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Ya quina and Newport. Trains on the q ai E. for Detroit leave Albany at 7:80 a. m., enabling tourists to the Hut Springs in reach there the same day. Trains from and to Corvallis connect with all East Side trains on the S. P. Full information as to rates, time table, etc., can be obtained on appli cation to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt (' E. K ft Albany; A. L. Craig. G. P. A., 8. P. Co., Portland, or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent. Hates from Oregon City to Newport $t'i.00. To Yaquina $0.00. Three day Hate from Oregon City to Newport. $3.00. AN ALARMING SITUATION. j i frequently results from neglect of clog- . Sd bow Is and torpid liver, until con stipation becomes chronic. This con dition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills, .the best and gentlest regulators of Stomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by Howell JC- Jones, druggists. Price -Tic. PROSPERITY dates from the first dollar saved. Per haps the best reason for saving money is, that practically nothing can be accomplish ed without it. You must have it to start you in business, to furnish your home, to educate your children, to protect you against sickness or misfortune, and to pro vide for you a comfortable, independent old age. MAKE YOUR START TODAY, DO IT NOW The BANK OF OREGON CITY Bank open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J. MEYER Transacts a general banking business. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Nasal CATARRH , In U lu . m tlj 11169111 DfllW 1 rlrenf .innthesinilhn's the dlwm I membrane. It cares catarrh and fores way a cold la the bead aoleklT. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, apreeda over the membrane and la absorbed. Belief Ii Im mediate and a care follows. It Ii not drylng-ooee not produce sneering. Large Blxe, 80 oenu at Draj gteta or by mail; Trial 8 lie, 10 oenu. EI.T BROTHERS, 64 Warren Street, Sew York AT OREGON CITY ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Shows 2:30 and 8:00 p. m. Tents near W. F. R. R. Depot tUF GREATEST TRAINED PIUS TRAINED GOATS TRAINED TIGERS TRAINED PONIES TRAINED ZEBUS TRAINEO BIROS RAINED PUMAS TRAINED DOOS 2 O-R UNNY 350 i Lilliputian Performers. Troupes of Acrobats. Gymnasts, Bycyclists, Jugglers, Wire and Ro?e Walkers, Necromancers, Atheletes, and Japanese Performers. EVERY ACT BRAND NEW TALKING PONY EXCITING RACES A BIG MORAL SHOW WATERPROOF TENTS liKM SCHOOL RIDING BRING THE CHILDREN LEAPING GREYHOUNDS EVERY ACT A FEATURE ANIMAL POLICE PATROL A PLAY ENACTED BY DOGS ISIS, the TALKING MONKEY Gregory's Royal Italian Banda Rossa PDEf2 Every Child Attending the Matinee Will tCtCf Be Given a Pony Ride, Absolutely Free. Grand Free Street ONE TICKET ADMITS ONLY BIG SHOW COMING. President Cashier Drying preparation aimply derev op dry catarrh ; they dry up the aecretiona, which adhere to the membrane and decora, poae, cauai n g a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. og inhalant, fume, smokes and snuffa and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cur catarrh or cold in the bead easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St. , N. Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, relier. ing immediately the painful inflammation. Vith Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Bay Fever. CJito,.. -""OS f , K 'IIMlN6WlrUIHTHV""- 350 TRAINED CAMhLS TRAINED SACRED CATTLE TRAINED TAPIHS TRAINED DROMEDARIES TRAINED CAi SOWARY TRAINED ANT EATERS TRAINED BOS INDICU? TRAINED LLAMAS CLOWN S-2 O Scores of Parade 11 a. m. TO ALL DEPARTMENTS Daily POPULAR PRICES