OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE t. 1906. J Oil Cor respondents' Corner I Brlcl Hits of Gossip From Al! Pirtiol th County. , DOVER. School closed In District No. M last Friday. Th entertainment In tho af tfrnooii was enjoyed by unite n num ber of parents and friends of the pu pils Miss Chittenden left for Port land Saturday followed by the good wishes of all her pupils. A. .T. Kitamlller is on the sick list William Roberts is levins Um foun dation for a new resilience. Watch Dover crow. A baby girl came to gladden the hearts of Mr. and Mrs Joseph IV Shazer on Wednesday. May H, Walter Kltzmillor has the measles. Mrs. Dr. Roberds of Ragle Creek, was called Sunday to attend tirandnia DeShazer. who is suffering from an at tack of lumbago. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Kitmiller spent several days In Portland last week. Post Master Charles A. Keith, is fdowlly recovering under Dr. C. H. T. Atwood's treatment. The Sehlman family expect to go to their new home east of the moun tains about the first of June. Alex Bens, of Farmington. who late ly purchased the Henry Desharer farm was in Dover a short time ago looking over his place with the view of mak ing some much needed improvements. The prospect for early apples in this vicinity is very good. Dr. Walters is making preparations to fence his farm has set out an ap ple orchard and planted quite a plot to English walnuts. "Watch Dover grow." Sunday school at I o'clock; preach ing at 3 o'clock, by Rev. Joseph Pat ten Dover M. E. Church. ANCIENT ROME is now merely a memory of the past. Ballard's Snow Ointment Is the family liniment of the twentieth century. A positive cure for Rheumatism, burns, cuts, sprains, neuralgia, etc., Mr. C. H. Runyon, Stanberry. Mo., writes: "I have used Snow Liniment for Rheu matism and all pain. I can't say enough in its praise." Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. SHUBE L The Socialists had two speakers at our school house Saturday evening, but the crowd was small for this neigh borhood. But as there happened to be some Democrats and possibly some Republican beer in the neighborhood It drew the biggest crowd. Oh, Lord, how long will the political grafter and office seeker try to get votes by fur nishing wet and dry goods to the voter? Right here I would like to say to the Socialists and to W. W. Mvers in par ticular, why do they not help nomin ic guou men in me primary election j bp registering with one or the other of the old parties and the chances are (I mean voters') would help nominate men who are socialists at heart if we (I mean the voters) thought they I were me oest men. but as Mr. Myers, uiniKs me aireci primary law is no gooa wny in me name ol common sense does he not get to work and write up such a one as seems perfect to him and let the voters read it. and let them judge its merits. If I am not mistaken, and I think I am not. the majority of voters said we are willing to try the present law possibly It could be, bettered' some, but believe ! If Mr. Myers or all the Socialists to-j gether would get up some law they i would find at its first trial, that there might be some improvement made in ' father over Sunday. seems to be repenting at leisure. It. and it seems to me (being very Geo Lazelle has just finished clear- ' St;V(.rai 0f our sports are talking of hard to understand anythingi very ing an eight-acre field and is putting i ,j0nK to the mountains to catch speck atrange that a man would oppose ev- It to potatoes. je(j oeauties. We hope them all kinds erything that was done by someone I Mrs. Corbitt, of Mulino. has beenj()f sliccegg anj be sure that the suck else because it was not just as he visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. erg are "not at the big end of the fish would like to have it. knowing it was a step in me ngni direction. m I How to Break up a Cold. It may be a surprise to many to learn that a severe cold can be com- pieieiy uroKea up in one or iwo days f. , X . . . . . . ume. ine irrst symptoms oi a cold especially val- are a dry loud cough, a profuse watery - . - " 'f , . " 1 . discharge of the nose and a thinable: ,s"re n'ppl"8' "h1aPped ,v,u., wv,n burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic ! " """"s - " i Chamberlain's cough remedy is taken immediately on the first appearance of these symptoms, it counteracts the ef fect of the cold and restores the sys tem to a healthy condition within a day or two. For sale by Howell & Jones. MOLALLA. Jacob Aswalt has his new dwelling well under way. The foundation for the M. E. Church is being built. B. F. Harless is getting the material together for a new barn. Now the farmer stands in fear and trembling; the pests are beginning to show up on the tender blades. Measures are more Important than many men! Voters, look well after the amendments next Monday! DAMASCUS. And still it rains. The Rock Creek Sunday School was largely attended Sunday. May 27. Mrs. Ike Castle's mother and slater from Portland, are visiting her. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hunter spent Sunday with Mrs Hunter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. G- W. Feathers, from Portland, are visiting relatives and friends at this place. Miss Minnie Royer, Miss Ruby Cooke and brother Pn d spent Sunday at the City Park In Portland. Mr. MIrrell Newell ami sister Mae, called on the bride ami groom, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leigh, Saturday even ing. Number! Line's busy! Long Dls nnepi Hello Hello! will soon bethej$4$6 per head; dressed 9c; veal, order of the day. Arnold Smith spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents. Mr and Mrs. H. Paulson and son spent Sunday at Sandy Paulson's parents. with Mrs. Ki mi Mtn visiting at Mr. stout Mrs Harry Donley is S ponding I few days with her mother In law.' Mrs. M. lonley. Several of the boys went to Port land to see the "Made In Oregon" pa rade They said it was fine A HAPPY MOTHER will see that her baby is properly cared for- to do this a gxHid purga tive Is necessary. Manv babies suf fer from worms, and their mothers don't know It -if your baby is feverish i and doesn't sleep at nights, it Is tronb- led w ith worms White's Cream Ver- j mlfuge will clean out these worms In , a mild and pleasant way. Once tried always used. Hive it a trial. Price 2,1c. Sold bv Huntley Bros. Co. ,' ' CLACKAMAS. Miss ! people who know how to take care of The political situation is like a kal-: themselves-the majority do not. The eldoscope. gentle shake of which caus- i liver is a most Important organ In es an amusing or Interesting change the body. Herbine will keep it in con in the particles I dittos . C Slmpklns. Alba. Texas. Much good wdTk has been done on I writes: "1 have used Herbine for chills the cemetery grounds in the past two: and fever ami find It the best medicine weeks. IVcoration Day will be large-t 1 ever used. 1 would not be without ly observed by the people of Clacka- It. It Is as good for children as it Is mas ! fr grown people, and I recommend It l he tee cream social to be given by l tie Motners Club last week, was postponed till Friday evening. June 9. We are Informed that the graduating ex. Tdses of the class tit the ninth grade will take place 1n connection with the social. The sisters of Grange 298 P. of H . will serve dinner supper and mid- night lunch, on Monday. June 4. at Odd Fellow's Hall. Several men and women members of the 0. A. R and W. R C. of Oregon City, visited the school In district 64. Tuesday afternoon. Strawberries are yielding and rip- the Woodmen will give an Ice cream enlng well in spite of cool, cloudy t social In the near future, weather Large quantities of this crop ; Should the rain continue much long are taken to market from Clackamas. , er It will damage the fall wheat which and the quality of fruit is second to is very heavy and will fall down had none in any locality. I ly. Mr. Aleck Robinson Is expecting to ' I.awrence Bair of Canby. was look move to Portland where she can be ing after beef cattle here all day last more conveniently treated for her se- week. rlous illness. Geo. Oglesby, and sons, have taken Mrs Hargreaves entertained friends ; a contract to cut 5t0,000 feet of saw from Portland and Seattle last Sun- logs and will start In next week day These logs will be sawed up by the M. Hornberger has gone to Forest rail at Aurora. Grove to work at his trade of wagon making during the summer. DON'T ! Don't let your child suffer with that cough when you can cure it with Bal- i lard's Horehound Syrup, a sure cure ior cougns. juronenms. innuenza. anu j Croup. Pulmonary diseases. I B. B. Laughter. Byhalia. Miss , 1 writes: "I have two children who had j croup. I tried many different reme- dies, but I must say your horehound ' Syrup is the best (roup and tough meuicine i ever usea. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. TWILIGHT. Miss Florence McCord visited sev- eral days last week in Portland with her sisters. Ethel and Helen, Dame rumor says there is soon to be a wedding in Mt. Pleasant, Miss Anna Wllehart. of Oregon City, was a guest at the home of her bcnriener. .miss cuhub micuui ncnucu oi ner Grange at New Era last Satur day. If you know the value of Chamber- O I ! lit J ml.h : ... . .: ... to tie without .It. Here are mime of the o.. ,... ..ii sore eyes. Itching piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25 cents. For sale by Howell & Jones. 8UNNYSIDE. We were pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Griffith at Rock Creek Sunday school, papers and lesson leaves were not on OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat-No. 1, 6773c per bu. Fl0urValley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack. Howard's Best, $1.25 per Back. Oat in sacks. 11.15 ner cental. Hay Timothy, baled $1V?$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixta hay $9. cheat, $8.50. Millstuffs Bran $19.50 per ton; shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes 40&50c per sack. Eggs Oregon 18c j)er doz. Butter Ranch 2535; separator, 35c; creamery (&40c. 45(8.50; creamery 5055. Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips and Beets 75c per sack. Good Apples Choice $3.00. Honey 1112 'fee per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite 4 ft) ; Italian, large 7c per lb l-2c per medium 5 l-2c per Tb ; Silver 7c per lb. Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, 4 Vic fb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached, 7V.se. Dressed Chickens 12c lb. Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $3.50$'L75 per hundred. Hogs, live, 6; dressed sheep, dressed 614&7c; lambs, live $2.50& $3.50 per head. Portland Evening Telegram, daily, and the Weekly Enterprise, both one year, for $5.50. hand, but hope to lui.e them by next week. Mrs Donley has company for two or three weeks. Her daughter In-law, I Mrs. Nona Donley and baby Madge, Mr. and Mrs tirtfflth and Mr. and Mrs Kwuvtt Hubbard and Children j were guests at Mr. Oeo Deardorff's Sunday Mrs (too, Johnson was visiting her i mot her, Mrs. Kan one day last week. Miss l.ydla Hunter Is spending a few. days at Mrs Colty s In Portland Miss Koyes is again keeping bache lor's hall. 1 don't see what Is the matter with the bachelors Mrs Walter Smith is reported bet i ter. also Mable Dowermnn, who Is still at the hospital In Portland School will soon be closed at Rock j Creek, but we will be sorry to part with Miss Klelnamith. I believe she lias glon good satisfaction Frank Stoll seemed to be enjoying himself Sunday Last week we Inadvertently omitted j the names of Mr. mid Mrs Mowers. in the list of guests at Mr and Mrs llrifflth's golden wedding; they were aurelv present. - . THERE ARE FEW It Is fine for lagrlppe." Sold bv Huntley Bros Co. NEEDY, MARK'S PRAIRIE VICINITY. AND Mrs. Robert C.ran. of Pomeroy. Wn . was visiting her sister. Mrs J Jesse. the past week. Mrs. Jack Kerr was visiting rela tives at Woodburn last week The W 0 W Initiated five new members last Wednesday evening Camp No. 511 is growing some and R. W. Zimmerman, returned from i Wilipa. Washington last week He . went there to attend the burial of his ' brother-in-law, Mr. Olesy. Where will you spend your 4th? la being asked by almost everyone Bets are freely offered that there i will not lie 40 Renubllcan Votes In ua.-kshnrii' nrecinrt next Mondav. al-' though there w ere fin registered as Republicans. We think that about 2o registered Just to vote for the i bell-weather; In fact several informed j your correspondent that they wanted nim nominated as he was the easiest' man t() t,eat. and they expect to elect W.xtpps verv eftsilv There Is to be a Sunday schooT or-! ganlzed at the Marks Prairie school j house today. Sunday, the 'J7th Mr. J. W. Armstrong and family were visiting at Mr. Sutherlands' Sun-j day. The dance at Needy Saturday even ing was alright and although there was .not a large attendance all seemed to enjoy themselves. That young lady that din not dance th h r nU,n,iert n ladles' cholct ,,!,, Chas. and Henry Wolfer have their hop yards In fine shape and will have a big crop of hops. Sam and Ed. Miller are working their hop yard to full capacity. Ben Wolfer has been plowing poia- v, .f.,v toes the past ween The Republicans have fully endors- . ,,ar eh., nark of Clack- JJFtL foDhtot amas and we propose to vote only tor men thnt an. Unnwn In le Derfi et v truthful and are not owned by the corporations and have not been In the employ of railroads for the past 12 years. DEADLY SERPENT BITES are as common In India as are stom ' ach and liver disorders with us. fat the latter however there Is a sure I remedy: Electric Bitters; the great ! restorative medicine, of which 8. A. Brown, of Bennettsvllle, S. C, says: : "Thev restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering wl h dyspepsia and a chronically torp'd I liver" Electric Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, I kidney troubles and bladder disorders. ! Sold on guarantee by Howell & Jones, lrugglsts. Price 50 cents. COLTON. School closed last Friday In Dis trict 27. Mrs. M. J. Davis has taught a successful term, her pupils have made rapid advancement and she leaves followed by the good will of all. Mrs. Robeson Is again in poor health In fact she has never recovered I from a very severe sickness of the I winter. Miss Elsie Fisher Is home from Ore- gon City on a short, visit with her folks. T. N driving Force has purchased a fine mare of which he Is justly proud. Will Conley, of Wallowa, is visit ing relatives in and around Colton. He anticipates locating here. D. A. James Is on the sick list. He has been in very poor health for sev eral months and does not improve as his friends would like to see him do. J. H. James is very low; his recovery is doubtful. Miss Meadlo Hubbard Is visiting al the old lionie Measles are quite fashionable here, but seem to be light lu form, that do not last long. Mi l.aterty made a visit to the conn ty seat last Wednesday. T I Bird wns In our burg a few days ago on his way to the Cascade re sere to do duty us forest nurd. There will be religious services held In the OOltOO hall next Sunday the ..it of June. Hev Lewis will preach forenoon ami afternoon Basket din DEATH FROM LOCKJAW AVer follows an Injury dressed with Ilm Men's Arnica Salve Its antlseep tie and healing properties prevent blood poisoning, ('has. Oswald, mer chant, of Reusselarsi llb, N. Y writes: "It cured Sot It Bnrch. of tills place, of the ugliest Hore on his neck 1 ever saw " Cures cuts, wounds, burns, and sor. s 25 cents ut Howell Jones, drug store SPRINGWATER. Mercury t'4 degrees. I!. Cordon start. mI Monday for Ida ho. ,Iih Gut ridge w ent some time ago Karl Shlble has Henry Comers new hou ' about completed. Only a few days until election. ' That saloon man that got up the local option bill for amendment to the local option law bad as well of tried to NOMl the law M to think lie could mislead nud gull the voters; because If the voters vote yes. they may as well ito away with the local option law. for the amendment does, and makes It complicated besides. The IVidge saw mill Company Is about to start up again, as they have got It about repaired after the blow up The Sprlngwater Itoya are getting up a buseball club They had a Memorial sermon at INiaeada Sunday. Some more new stores In Katacada Heavy, impure blood makes a mutt dy. pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, Indigestion Thin blood tunkes you weak. pale, sickly Burdock Ml I Bitters makes the blood rich, red and pure restores perfect health. NEEDY. Things around Needy are looking j fine and the showers which we have been receiving are umkliig the grain I look line Hut we have had enough ' rain for the present and would like to see the sun once more for a week or so at least. There will be a social ball given by! the I (). O. K. In the Odd Fellow's hall Saturday evening. June '.ah Remetn- j her the Odd Fellows have a good hall. 1 good music, good order and a gisxl time In general lie served III III Refreshments will lining riMim. Come t one and all and liuve a good turn School closed In District No. 91, Friday. May 25 In the afternism ai program was rendered by the pupils t of the .sehiMil which was highly apprec- ; lated by all those present. Miss Cres well deserves much praise for the I services rendered as teacher the past winter, for a more successful and pro fttable school we never bad Estella I will ever be remembered by her pupils j for the kind and affectionate manners, shown them and the many useful in structions received. The Smyrna Military Band Is pro gressing nicely as- usual under the management of J Wesley Yoder. Wesley Is no doubt a good Instructor j as Is shown by the manner In which the hand renders Its music. They ( w ill sunn begin to play for picnics and places of entertainment. We think the wedding bells will soon be ringing In our vicinity, as we very often see persons wending their way in a southerly direction by the aid of the rays of the rising sun. We like all the road work we can get, on our new-made road. The Misses Maybelle and May Ack erson were home on a short visit last week We were glad to see them back as we miss them very much during their absence. Miss Nora Crlswell has gone to Wll-1 holt where she will remain during the I summer. The dance given at Aurora Satur day night was a grand success. Remember the picnic at Hubbard, Saturday, June 2, anil the grand bull .a the evening. For a mild, easy action of the bow els, a single dose of Doan's Regulets Is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. CARU8. Since the gisid weather has returned most everyone Is plowing spuds and hoeing gardens. Ralph Howard, who has been work ing for Fred Schaffer returned home Saturday on account of getting crip pled while working on the tie drive. Several tram here attended tin; Re publican speaking at Heaver Creek Monday evening. Charley Stewart and family are hav ing some friends visiting them at present. Richard Davis went to Portland last Sunday. WET WEATHER COMFORT "I hvt mad your FISH BRAND Slicker for five yoar, and can truth fully say that I nvr have had anything give me ao much com fort and latlifaction. Encloaad find my order tor another one." (mam. AND ADORIse ON application) You can defy the hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats. Highest Award World's Fair, 1 904. OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK Or THIS ION OF THE FISH A.J. TOWER CO. QWUCJ DOBion. v. a. i. rOrVfff CANADIAN CO. Llmlttd Toronto. CANADA N Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, anil which luut heat in 0e for over !( yen, luut homo the Hlgimt.uo of "l has been iiuulo under hln wx CjZsis Tvf lTjA t MO,ml Niipervlnioii glut' Mm liitUncy. marvr, -cuc4K Allow iu ono to deceive, you lu till. All Counterfeits, Imitation unl "Jiist-iiH-ood " in o hut l',x pertinents thut, trltlo with mill endanger tho health of lnthntN mid Chlhlron-Kxperleneo against Hxporhuout. What is CASTORIA Cuntortn a linrniles substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and oothiBg Hyrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, IHurpliliio nor other Narcotic? Mihstauee. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm nud allays l-Vverlshnesa. It cores IHnrrliuui and W ind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates Hie Food, regulates tho Htomuch and Howcls, giving healthy and naturul idcou. Tho Children' Panacea Tho Mother's I i n ml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt o,hu oow. , !, i.Mit ai faun oit. Thena Howard accompanied by her grandmother mid uncle, returned home fmm Muckxhtirg Monday. Our road supervisor had some work done on the Km, hi road laal week Mr. anil Mrs J MoNhborgcr vlsllisl ii lutlves at MaekNburg Monday t'lyde Smith scnt Monday evening and Tuesday at I'M win Howard's Lawrence Darrtnger Is home for a short visit Kph Jones and family are having relatives visiting them this week Mr. CM U) Is tulklug of building a prune drier. Anvone wanting good cigars, choco- lltl, .-renins, or chewing gum call on it c.M.ner. he has It. I IN A CLASS All WhtVteftV M) aid "r written (r or agalnal so-called pm. nt bmh! tin) . kMM i thl' to In. truthfully Mid of I'r. Pleree'i medicines that spptlei to mi other iiii'dlelne put up fur itul" through drunks ta, Thai in mil lied In j place all i.y tiu'iiKelveN beMHM shey if ettber patent DOf Secret medii - nil their lagm! wiss Ming openly primal in plain Engl -ii '.r IBMI BOttH w rnpei .. Than aa.tin stay sm eiiiitinl so plttast all hy lhemelvi. baMQSt SM rental n not u drop ol alcohol In their rouipol ti'in, or make up. Send miir nd.lr.'H' to Ir. K. V. IMeree. at Itutt.ilo, N. V., l'li a WBBSSllj for a fru iNNiklet, OOnpilM hy him tfOQ KtHtnlitrd nii'dl.-al w.irki and you will I. urn on realliu It Unit the Iniidlnrf Badlctsl writers and taactafl of nil the several SChOOlS of pra.'llee eisloPM. and rocooBMod, in stasttongwl taras nii ai die, aacfa and everv Ingredient an taring into the comnosl tfon of Dr. PtofMri Ooldan Miieai riiMovary for sta euro of weak Stomach, dyspapslg, ratarrh of stomach, "liver eompulot," uirind llrar, or blllouaocsMi, chronic Uiwni arfei'iinii, j and all rutiirrliul .llneaie of whau.ver region, nam.' Of nature. It Is also a peclAc ri'inedy fur all such ahroiilc or t t K "titlldliig eri'.es of riHiirrhal ;iffne- UonV ind ihwr reaulVants, m iiruii.'hial, throat and lnngdlsai(McapicoMUsnr tlom acconipauliHl with severe coiirIis. It ! nut so u.nnI Mr acute Colds and eniiidiH, ; lint (or IliiBi iiou. or chronic cases it is snpaclalty afflcacloua in producing per-fe.-tcure.. Itcooulns Black l Itarrjrtarki poldfin tasvl r.Nit. Bloodrool, Stone r.Nit, Mandrade rMit and Quean's nnit -all of Which lire lilitlily brgiMd KS reinedlen for all the ghovc nwtlonad sltactlons hy sncis atnlMnt mudicnl wrlK'i'N and tein lier' us Prof, ttartholow, of Jaffarson Med. Col" Mgej Prof, Hire, of tin- I'nlv. of Til.; Frof. Kluley KIllngwiMMl, M. I)., of Hen ne't M.sl. College, 'lileiigo; l'rof. John King) M. D., lae of Clncltmgtii prof. John M. Sendder. M. I).. lnU! of Clncrn MU l'rof Edwin M. Hale. If, l) of Hannamann Mad. College, Onleigo, and scores of others e.imlly eminent In their setsral wbools of nrsvctlce. The !,, idea Me Ileal Discovery" Is the only medicine put up fur sale through driiKKlsta for like iiurposes, lh.il has anv sucfi prtMttonyt' endorsement worth mure tlian any number of ordinary testi monial. Open publicity of Its formula on the bottle wrapper Is the beet possible guaranty of Its merits. A glance at th.ll published formula will show lLat 'CrohWti Medical Disco very" conttlns on bolsond oils, harmful or Im Mt-formlDg agents and no alcohol -chemically pure, trlple-re-tlned glycerine lielng used Instead Nlye- erlne is entirely unobjectionable and besides Is s. most useful loffredlent in the cureut all stomach as well as bronchial, throat and lung affections. There Is the highest medical authority for its use in all such cases. The "Discovery" Is a Concentrated glyceric extract of native, medicinal roots and Is safe and reliable. BmlnieOt doctors also praise the Ingre dlents entering Into Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescript ion. Ur. John ryfeoHeof the Editorial stuff Of THg BoI.KCTIC MkDK'AI, Kkv'IKW says of Unicorn root (Hetontrxs Dlolort) which Is one of the chief Ingredients of the "Favorite Prescription" : "A remedy which Invgrlbly acts as a uterine Invlgorator makes fur normal activity of the entire reproduc tive system." Eia continues, "In lteioniua We have S medicament, which more fully answers the above purposes tfwwi rtrtu other drug oUh which I um ueimiiif. j. In the treatment of diseases peculiar to women It Is seldom that, a case Is seen wli icli doc not present some Indication for this remedial agent." Dr. Fyfe fur ther says: "The following are among the leading Indications for HelontaS (Unicorn root). I 'a in or aching in the hack, with leucorrhceai atonic, (weak) conditions of the reproductive organs of women, men1 Signature of PROCURED HO DCriNDEO ". iiu, ,,r i'l. ( fi f ,- in HHke l, !! ir i.)..it Pr aJ'kw. twiw w, I'liUUJt lUU U liwuh mrwtttfk, IN ALL COUNTNKS. Wartf Artilk H Jitlfl . WDM '"', 'irr an. ' Ms plnt. PiUnt and litMn(,mnt rrtctlct (icluil);. Wriu r f ,im i,.imi iu miu itnM. . aiu4 iuw tvm am. WAaHINQTON, O. C. BY THEAS elve: i I depfrasUM and Irritability, gsmehttal "I'll I'll ' I i M .if III.' r'l il. urgaus "t wow ... eon taut Miiiaaiiui heat in the region ol the itlduei tnw rbsgut (flooding), due to a weelinned o did. hi of the repttaliioUva syetimi am orriiOM ( an pprnaed or sheenl gi t N'rn!i, an-iiu In.m or aec pa ., an abaurausl litlon of the illgnat f i" ,., ,,. .,,1.1 ..I , I. 1. I .,, w,,- ..... , ,,,,, li li ,i. ! llfl. I I, dr..i;k'liig Sanaa lit u lii the eu'ine low, r pari in in. i ai uoim n If nmre ..r I. . ..t sta gbOV gjfSgpllNgfl ar.' pmgent) go Invalid woman una do better Hi, in take Dr. Pierce's Favoritei Ptescrlptlcn one of the leading higr.i. enuoi w nicu i-1 nieorn root, or H loui ami the medical pmprtiea pi which I at. II ttn t faithii iy repreii uta. on ildiui Mnei mot, snothet promtneni Ingredient of i avorlte Prescription," I'm!. Plnley Blllngwood M. D . Ben net) Medical I ..ll.-ge. t in. ago, na "It l gg imtHirt mt remedy In disi nlere of tin- womb, III all catarrhal con.li- ti. am tj Ki.(ierai ssifiielileigeiil. It U useful. " Prof, John m Bcudder, If, D., late, ol Clni'lniiaU, says of (inlden Seal nsit: "III relation to lis general elfis'ts on thn System, tiers t n iiwIU-inr In i uN.ut Which thtrr In mii h BCMfYll linnmlmlll) I nf opinion. It Is unlVtrmllv regarded as fi. tonic inu'Iul In all dehlliiuU'd plates." I'n.f llartliohiw, M. I) . of .L fTem-m Medical l ollege, says of Uotdgn Seal: "Valuable in usrrine bemorreggo, nenorrhggli t' .' . ? and congestive dystnenorrnoia (painful menstruatlcn), " llr Pierce's l av. It I 'reserlnt Ion faltli- iiiuy reureeenta an ine aimve nam.'. I In- gredlents and cures the diseases for which tbey are recommended, Of Black Cohoah, another Ingnsllent of Favorite Prescription." l'rof. John King. If, D., author of the Amkuicaw DlNi'KNNAToliv, says ; " In the painful conditions Incident to IriiiM'rfert. iMcii-troiit.lon. IIm ., in hi i a iiiuy ii, ,-,i pj iut sie sfllnlty for the Fmnals reproductive !.... I. ..II.. .1 l .1 , t, rial or- Minis, ii. is ail eiiii'irni llgelll lor ri'Stiiratlori of Kiiiitiriwu,,i( eiaaiai th In dymenorrlia iiialnful perlodsi, It U nr pflSfSd hi im iithrr ilniii, Is'lng of great est utility In Irritative and congestive Conditions Ol the uterus and appendages, characterised by tensive, dragging ptlns, resembling the pains of rheumatism, it Is a goisl remedy for Ibe reflei ' slde-acbe ' of women, it should he remembered in nieiiiuatlsiu l the uterus, ami i.. uterine leucorrboBa " lllue Cohosh root, and Yellow Lady's Bllpper root, the two remaining Ingredi ents not mentioned aisive, have just as strung endorsements for their curative merits In diseases peculiar to women, but W have riNim for no more. " Favorite Pre scription" Is a happy and harmonious nnmpound of the alsive mentioned Ingrn (Hints and faithfully represent! them In curative results. The foregoing are only a few brief SXtractS taken from amongst the volu minous endorsements which the several Inarndlents entering into Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have received from the most, eminent medical writers of all the different schools ol i Heine. After ri'iiilltig them who can doubt that Dr. Pierce bus selected and compounded his "Prescription" from the most valuable Ingredients known to the medical profes sion for the ('ure of those chronic dis cuses of women (or which he recommends It? A far more extensive endorsement will be mailed fi;i In form of a booklet of extracts, from standard medical works, to any one sending name and address to Dr. U. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and re ipiestlng the same. in-. Ptaroe'i Pleasant Pellets am tiny, sng-sr-coated anii-Miious granules. "W f UlSte and Invigoi hi,. Btotfiach, I.lvnr and lliiwi'ls. Do not bogot the "pill habit." but cam constipation. One or I wo em li day for a laxative ami regulator, tin r four for an active cathartic. Uncu tried alwuv In favor