Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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i Out Correspondents' Corner
Brief Hits of Gossip From All Parts of the County. . jT
St r
James Adkins has got the frame of
his new saw mill all ready, up and is
preparing to resume . operations in
the lumber business.
Frank Hilton and Mr. Grimes made
a business trip to Canby last Satur
day. Charles Thomas and wife have mov
ed in the Martin Anderson house.
Gene Faulkner has gone up to Day
ton to work in a saw mill.
Fred Wolpert is building a new barn
Irvin Wheeler is still in Eastern
Oregon. He is staying with his uncle
who is in very poor health.
Charley.Wolf of Portland, is visiting
his father-in-law, Mr. Paverly and fam
ily, for a few days.
Elex and William Tice have both
been on the sick list for some time.
They are able to be around, at present.
Martin Richter is cutting cordwood
on the Vorpahl place.
The prospects for fruit in these
parts is good. Since the rain has
come it will give all who are inter
ested in their gardens a chance to
kill weeds by the score.
could not bring as much happiness to
Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis.,
as did one 25c box of Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve, when it completely cured a
running sore on her leg, which had
tortured her 23 long years. .Greatest
antisceptic healer of Piles, Wounds,
and sores. 25 cents at Howell &
Jones Drug Store.
And the good rain keeps up.
J. S. Jones will return to Chinook
this week.
Mrs. E. Hughes, of Portland, was
visiting relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Baker called on the
Steudeman family last Sunday.
D. W. Thomas and son have finish
ed their fence and will soon start on
the house.
O. H. Hughes thinks the Mutual
Telephone is all right. He lost a 2
year old colt last week and ran it
down over the phone from Beaver
reek to Mulino and from Mulino 'to
Canby, where it was captured.
Several of the delegates left this
week for Albany, where they attended
State Grange.
Relatives are visiting the Beatie
family at present.
J. E. Jones and Roy Staben were
buggy riding one day this week.
The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Jones, Jr., died Monday, May 21,
of pneumonia. The remains were in
terred at the Graham cemetery, Rev.
Mason officiating.
Karl Steudeman employed to China
men to train hops this week.
The whole Democratic ticket land
ed at Beaver Creek last Saturday
night. H. G. Starkweather, candidate
for judge, delivered one of the best
speeches ever delivered in this hall.
decrease in the same ratio that the
use of Dr. King's New Life Pills in
creases. They save you from danger
and bring quick and painless release
from constipation and the ills grow
ing out of it. Strength and vigor al
ways follow their use. Guaranteed
by Howell & Jones, druggists. 25c.
Try them.
Robt. Bullard has purchased a new
cream separator.
Lots of rain, but fine growing weath
er. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace, Mr. and
Mrs. B. Faust and Mrs. J. T. Evans,
Mrs. R. Schoenborn and dauhter, Mr. !-
and Mrs. W. Wallace spent Sunday .
with Mr. and Mrs. Bullard.
Mr. H. Wallace is having lumber
hauled for a new barn.
Farmers are busy tending spuds.
Mrs. T. Sagar has returned home
from Portland much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace are contem
plating going East this summer for
a few monthss' visit with relatives.
muddle has started the public to think
ing.. The wonderful success that has
met Ballard's Horehound Syrup in its
crusade on Coughs, Influenza, Bron
chitis and all pulmonary troubles
has started the public to thinking of
this wonderful preparation. They are
all using it. Join the procession and
down with sickness. Price 25c, 50c
and 1.00. Sold by Huntley Bros.
Miss Imogene Myers has returned
from a two months' visit among her
friends and relatives in Eastern Ore
gon. Silas Covey, of Albany, was the
guest of Mrs. Smith Sunday.
Albert Berger has gone to Eastern
Jim Dungy is working for Mr. War
nock. Miss Hattie Roman, of Portland,
was visiting her parents last week.
Mrs. Geo. Harding was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conway, of
Gladstone last week.
Several Mt. Pleasantites attended
the lecture given at the Methodist
Church last Friday evening,
i Miss Roma Stafford closed a very
successful term of school last Friday
at Mt. Pleasant.
Mr. W. C. Buckner is hauling lum
ber at present.
Four of C. Hornschuh's sons all
preachers, are visiting at home for
a few days.
This rain is very beneficial to all
Robert Ginther and family visited
uncle Henry Wolfer, of Macksburg,
last Sunday.
Moehnke & Heft have exchanged
their boiler and engine for a new one.
They are moving their sawmill about
a mile further south.
Chris Muralt and family of Maple
Lane spent Sunday with his father-in-law,
E. W. Hornschuh.
Miss Ella .Hornschuh and David
Moehnke spent a pleasant' evening
with Wm. Moehnke and family last
The teacher and pupils of the school
are already practicing for their enter
tainment. -
Grandfather Ginther, who died at
Oregon City last Wednesday, after a
short illness, was buried in the Shubel
cemetery on the family lot Friday af
ternoon. He lived a long and useful
life, having lived eighty-four years.
Rev. Wettlaufer preached the funeral
sermon and undertaker Holman con
ducted the burial.
We are glad to note that Rev. Wett
laufer has been retained here as min
ister of the Evangelical church. He
is a cheerful and practical speaker.
The keynote of all his instructive ad
dresses is the development of charac
ter. We will be measured by what
we are, and not by what we pretend to
be, when the Supreme Judge shall
consign us to our station in the silent
Prescription for Headaches.
When you have headache or other
nerve pain try Ake-ln-rne-Heaa taD
lets and you can have your ten cents
back if your headache or neuralgia
is not relieved in 15 minutes. No mat
ter what the cause is one tablet gives
relief. Huntley Bros.
Our school district held a meeting
on the 18th inst, to consider consoli
dation. The county superintendent be
ing present, assisted in explaining the
law in the matter. One other district
besides Stone being represented. Such
an interest was shown by those at-
tending the meeting, it was thought
best by the board of directors to make
another effort to have another meet
ing in the near future for the further
consideration of trying to get Damas
cus and Lower Logan and one or two
other districts to unite with Stone
The taxation and consolidation of
districts and tax for a county high
school at Oregon City, the question
that will come before the people 'of
Clackamas county, as your scribe sees
it. at the present election in June.
All vegetation is on the stampede
in Clackamas county, for Perfection
corn that was planted last of March,
is fine.
Health is ' generally good. Every
body at work.
We are going to have a telephone
soon, hence we will be near the bal
ance of the people.
There will be 'preaching at the
church house on Lord's Day the 27,
by Felix Speek, of Missouri, at 11
o'clock. All are cordially invited.
"Some weeks ago during the severe
winter weather both my wife and my
self contracted severe colds which
speedily developed into the worst kind
of la grippe with all its miserable
symptoms," says Mr. J. S. Egleston, of
Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and
joints aching, muscles sore, head stop
ped up, eyes and nose running, with
alternate spells of chills and fever.
We began using Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, aiding the same with a doub
le dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use
soon completely knocked out the grip."
Sold by Howell & Jones.
The farmers are glad to see it rain
again as the .c were getting rather
Miss Mary Tong is home on a visit
from Seattle, where she has been
working Mrs Tong intends visiting
her daughter Nettie and Rachel at
Miss Mabel Bowerman is ' slowly
improving. "
We .can hear the telephone wires
buzzing now. It is to be hoped that
the telephones will not cause trouble,
as there are more or less rubber-necks
on the line.
Miss Mae Newell has been in Port
land the past week visiting relatives
and friends.
Tor your Protection
we place thia label on every
package of Scott's Emulsion.
The man 'with a fish on hia back
la our trade-mark, and It la a
guarantee that Scott's Emul
sion -will do all that la claimed
for it. Nothing better for lung,
throat or bronchial troubles In
Infant or adult. Scott's Emul
sion is one of the greatest flesh
builders known to the medical
We'll send yoa a mample fns.
scon & BOWSE,
409 Pearl Street
Hew York
The dance at Sycamore was consid
ered a success by those attending
from here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hilleary and
son of Albina, were visiting relatives
and friends last Sunday.
Chris Henerick, who has had a se
vere case of typhoid fever is able to
walk around now.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hunter .and
daughter, of Eagle Creek, spent the
past week with relatives and friends.
Grange met Friday evening, May
17, with - a v large . attendance. The
young people enjoyed the -evening in
The rain knocked the baseball play
ing in the head Sunday. The boys
will look glorious in their new suits.
Mrs. Hurddle and daughter Vina,
took dinner with Mr. Luther Huddle
and wife, Sunday last.
G. W. Fouts, postmaster at Riverton,
Jowa, nearly lost his life and was rob
bed of all comfort, according to his
letter, which says: "For 20 years I
had chronic liver complaint, which led
to such a severe case of jaundice that
even my finger nails turned yellow;
when my doctor prescribed Electric
Bitters; which cured me and have
kept me well for eleven years." Sure
cure for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weak
ness and all Stomach," Liver, Kidney
and Bladder derangements. A won
derful Tonic. At Howell - & Jones
drug Store. 50 cents.
Eilers' Big Show was here on Fri
day of last week. The band furnished
music for the "young uns" and the
play entertainment for the grown folk.
F. S. Clemo was a Salem visitor on
W. W. Powers was in town on Sat
urday, shaking hands with his old
Ernest Shank went to Portland on
Sunday last, returning on Monday.
Roy Burdette was up from Oregon
City and spent Sunday with his par
ents. Zura Stalnaker spent Friday and
Saturday with relatives in Aurora.
A Republican meeting is advertised
for Saturday evening, May 25, in the
city hall. . Some good speaking as
Thomas Wolfe died last Friday
morning at an early hour. He was ill
for sime time. The remains were
shipped to Michigan for burial.
Mrs. Mary A. Wilson if Macksburg,
died last Thursday evening. The fun
eral took place Saturday. Services
were at the Zion cemetery.
Strawberries are being shipped from
here by local growers almost every
day. Canby Prairie is well adapted
to ' berry raising.
''When I was a druggist, at Livonia,
Me.," writes T. J. , Dwyer, now of
Gjaysville, Mo., "three of my custom
ers were permanently cured of con
sumption by Dr. King's New Discov
ery, and are well and strong today.
One was trying to sell his property,
and move to Arizona, but after using
New Discovery a short time he found
it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr.
King's New Discovery as the most
monderful medicine in existence."
Surest Cough and cold cure and throat
and- lung healer. Guaranteed by How
ell & Jones, druggists. 50 cents and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Potatoes are looking nice in these
Miss Rebecca Kalbfleisch, of Port
land, is visiting relatives here at pres
ent. Charley Spangler has purchased a
new cream separator.
Our worthy postmaster, R. M. Coop
er, has enjoyed tne company or nis
eastern friends the last few days.
Richard and Willie Davis are work
ing on the steel bridge at New Era.
Lew Buckner has-, returned home
from Wendling, Oregon.
Miss Thena Howard has gone to
Macksburg to work a few days for
her grandmother, Mrs. H. Morris.
Robert Burgess spent Saturday ev
ening and Sunday with Forest and
Sidney Irish.
Mr. and Mrs.- Davis and family went
to Beaver Creek Sunday.
Miss Dora Burgess is working in
Oregon City.
Monroe Irish has rented the hop
yard of Mr. Gordon.
DEN. a happy home is the most valuable
possession that is within the reach of
mankind, but you cannot enjoy its
comforts if. you are suffering from
rheumatism. You throw aside busi
ness cares when you enter your home
and you can .be relieved from those
rheumatic pains also by applying
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One appli
cation will give you relief and its con
tinued use for a short time will bring
about a permanent cure. For sale by
Howell & Jones.
And still the beautiful Oregon mist
continues to descend. Some clover
has been lodged, but ' oh, how the
grain and weeds grow.
Last Sunday was Fred Ellegson's
birthday, and his good wife celebrated
it by inviting in a number of the rela
tives and friends to partake of an elab
orate dinner.
The Oregonian printed an article
last week which made some of the
old farmers laugh who have been deal
ing with tent cattepillars with coal
oil torch and other effective means, lo
these many days. .One man positive
ly declares that he has studied the
habits of said pests and they never
return to the tents -where they are
hatched, when they once leave them,
rain or no rain. It will be remember
ed the article stated that a few more
days of rain would exterminate them,
as they had to return to their nests
and would starve to death. How
some of us do like to rush into print.
John Seedling completed the exam
ination of the graduating class last
week and sent their papers to the
Superintendent. 1
The cows created much havoc in
the cemetery, that Mr. Turner ' went
around and collected money to pur
chase wire fencing and Charlie Lar
son and tl Borland boys finished
putting it up Tuesday. It looks very
neat. Mr. Gage and his man trim
med out his little grove in front of
the yard, and- put benches in to ac
commodate the people for Decoration
Day. While the nice fence and the
cutting of the brush and old trees
has improved the place wonderfully,
still there is plenty to do yet, and
there will be work for all who come
on the 30th of May to help.
There is fern to cut and rake off,
cradle knolls to be leveled, graves of,
people whose friends are far away.
to be fixed ; roses to be trained and
if the new ground which has been
plowed is harrowed and rolled, that
ought to be laid out in regular order,
It is a pretty place, this city of our
dead, and it is no disrespect to the
day to work to beautify it. Therefore
we hope to have a full attendance of
willing workers, and don't forget the
coffee pots and lunch baskets. There
will be some way provided to boil the
coffee and remember Mrs. Gage, who
lives near has promised the milk and
sugar, and she now adds a quantity of
new tin cups.
Mr. Decker, a son-in-law of Mr.
Barnes', arrived from Dunsmuir, last
The nephew who washurt in Jones'
saw mill and taken to the hospital, is
out again and at work.
if you suffer from Rheumatism or
pains,, for Ballard's Snow Liniment
will bring quick relief. It is a sure
cure for Sprains, Rheumatism, Con
tracted Muscles, and all pains and
within the reach of all. Price 25c,
50c, ?1.00. C. R. Smith, Tenaha, Tex.,
writes: I have used Ballard's Snow
Liniment in my family for years and
have found it a fine remedy for all
pains and aches. I recommend it for
pains in the chest." Sold by Huntley
Bros." Drug Co.
There is a crew of surveyors located
here having begun on a line at Wilhoit
going Northward. It is not quite cer
tain whether Brownell was the in
fluential party to the survey or not.
Democrats held a revival last Sat
urday. Starkweather, Eby and others
addressed the large audience on the
present conditions of the county,
themselves and the State at large.
Molalla Grange No. 310 at a special
meeting last Wednesday evening, ini
tiated six members. The grange at
this place has 160 members in good
United Artisan Assembly No. 82,
had initiation last Saturday night,
making 106 members in good standing
for that Order. Molalla is moving to
wards securing the State five year cir
culating library for the benefit of the
Our Brass Band (a home affair that
we are beginning to take a pride in)
surely demonstrated the fact last Sat
urday in playing for the political meet
ing, that the Molalla Band Is on the
way of advancement.
L. A. Daugherty visited our burg
Saturday, the first outing he has had
since getting his leg broken. While
he gets on quite well with his crutches,
he says he prefers to walk on two
good legs, than four.
Photographer Jones "on wheels,"
has his studio here located on the
Harless Park.
Earl Shaver of Por.land, was a vis
itor here Saturday.
Mr. Vernon of Polk, was down look
ing after our beautiful crop prospects.
He thinks Clackamas is far ahead of
anything about "Dixie's Land." ,
Mrs. R. R. Thomas and Miss Hattie
went to Albany to attend the State
Dr. Powell was called down to
Mulino Monday to care for a patient
afflicted with appendicitis.
The Molalla Dentist goes to Port
land this week to attend the Oregon
State Dental Association, and expects
to take in the State Grange on Friday,
returning last of the week, so as to be
at his office next Monday.
your baby? You wonder why he cries.
Buy a bottle of .White's Cream Verm
ifuge and he will never cry. Most
babies have worms, and the mothers
don't know it. White's Cream Verm
ifuge rids the v child of worms and
cleans out its system in a pleasant
way. Every mother should keep a
bottle of this medicine in the house.
With it, fear need never enter her
mind. Price 25c. Sold by Huntley
Bros. Drug Co.
There will be an immense hay crop
here and we expect to see hay sell at
less than four dollars per ton in the
The rain is delaying hop work and
makes it difficult to train the vines as
they break very easily.
There is some very hard talk in
Macksburg Road District about road
matters. As there are about 45 miles
of road in this district, it is not pos
sible for one road boss to give satis
faction to all. Let us divide this dis
trict and see if we can get better re-
Positive, Comparative, Superlative.
I have used one of your Fish Brand
Slickers for five years, and now want
a new one, also one for a friend. I
would not be without one for twice the
cost. They are just as far ahead of a
common coat as a common one is
ahead of nothing."
(Name on application.)
Be sure you Jont get one of the com
mon kind this Is the CCjWI3fc
mark of excellence.
A. J. TOWER CO., fjr3!
BOSTON, U.S.A. CSfff$P$!&
Makers of Wet Weather Clothing & Hats.
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR 1 A
Castoria, is a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
And allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teetling Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Miss Anna Bachman closed an eight
months' term of school last Friday.
The entertainment in the evening was
a grand success. A vote of thanks
was tendered her for her endeavor
to make the school what it should be
and that it was a big improvement to
what we have formerly had taught
here goes without saying. Any dis
trict will be fortunate in securing heF
services as an instructor. The sale of
baskets at her entertainment amount
ed to nqar twelve dollars., which is to
be used for library purposes. Mr. W.
W. H. Samson was the auctioneer and
maintained his reputation as an auc
tioneer. Almost all of our young people at
tended the band boy's dance at Au
rora Saturday evening and say it was
the best dance ever given in that
Two sisters -of Miss Bachman came
up from Clackamas to assist in our
school entertainment.
Mr. Amos Leas secured the contract
to furnish lumber for OgleSby Bros'.
hop house, about 17,000 feet of umL
ber is required.
We learn that Thomas Mark will
have a large hop house erected on his
fine farm here. -
Charles Wait, Sr., of Canby, is run
ning Mrs. Mark's hop yard on her
place here.
Mr. Coalman Mark will try the plan
of mowing his clover field next week
so as to raise clover seed. A large
amount of clover seed was raised on
this prairie last season and brought
fancy prices.
The high winds of the past few days
have injured some hop yards in this
J. D. Ritter is putting in a large
amount of potatoes.
There will be a fair crop of fruit
here this season, although the cherry
crop was badly damaged by the late
Programme of School Entertainment.
Greeting Song Lois Gribble
Recitation I Can't and I'll 'Try
Sammy Marks. .
Recitation A Sweet Long Day
Reba Reuck.
Recitation Harry's Dog
Leta Zimmerman.
Exercise The Seasons
By four little girls.
Recitation The Organs of Sense
Katherine Johnson.
Dialogue The Little Gossips
Erica and Sidonie Nordhaus
en, Lois and Blanche Grib
ble, Roy and Leta Zimmer
man, Isaac Reuck and Cora
Recitation If Blanche Gribble
Song Twilight is Falling
By the School.
Recitation Two Little Hands
Orval Marks.
Instrumental Music By Oglesby Bros,
and Will Leach. -
Recitation Mother's Fool
Henry Zimmerman.
Dialogue A Row in the Kitchen
Amy Gribble and John Nordhausen.
Song.. Where Is My Wandering
Boy Tonight Phonograph
Recitation Christmas Eve j
Miss Dollie Bachmann. j
Recitation The Clover ;
Ulrica JNoranausen.
Recitation My Wish
Roy Zimmerman. j
Sell "Kids at Rest"
Dialogue What They Knew j
Sidonie Nordhausen, Cora Lar
son, Blanche Gribble, and J
Lizzie Zimmerman. i
Recitation Little Flo's Letter j
Lois Gribble.
Recitation Angella Reynor
Mrs. J. Marks.
Instrumental Music Oglesby Bros,
and Wm. Leach.
Dialogue Mind Tour Own Business
Laura Kocher, Lillie Gribble,
Lizzie Zimmerman, Robert
Yoder, Frank Oglesby, and
Anna Bachman. ,
Recitation The Old Oak Tree
Sidonie Nordhausen.
Solo Avon Jesse
Bought, and which has been.
has borne the signature of
has been made under his per-
supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
Recitation The Sweet June Time
Cora Larson. 3
Dialogue The Trials of a School
Reba and Isaac Reuck.
Hapsburg March Phonograph
Recitation " Deacon Brown
Mrs. J. Marks.
Recitation. .How Sockery Set the Hen
Lewis Keiling.
Tableau Yield Not to Temptation
Instrumental Music Oglesby Bros.
Wm. Leach.
Recitation The Rural Telephone
Dollie Bachman.
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly
respected resident of Faisonia, Miss.,
was sick with stomach trouble for
more than six months. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her.
She says: "I can now eat anything I
want and am the proudest woman in
the world to find such a good medi
cine." For sale by Howell & Jones.
Portland Evening Telegram, daily,
and the Weekly Enterprise, both one
year, for $5.50.
Deserves Your Patronage.
The growth of a community and the
success of its local Institutions depends
entirely on the loyalty of Its people. It
Is well enoueh to preach "patronize homt
industry" but except the service eivet
at a home institution equals that of out-of-town
enterprises, this argument car
ries no weight and is entirely disregard
ed, as It should be. But with Oregon City
people it is different. A few months
aso E. L. Johnson established the Cas
cade Laundry. It Is equipped with the
latest Improved machinery and is daily
turning out work that is equal to any
and superior to much of the laundry
work that is being done in Portland.
Being a home institution and furnishing
employment for many Oregon City people
it is enjoying an immense patronage.
The high standard of the work being
done commends it to the general public
Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will
be promptly called for and delivered to
any part of the city. Telephone 1204.
E. L. Johnson, proprietor
i 1
Chicagov17 Hours Nearer via This
Popular Columbia River Route.
Franklin was right when he said
"Lost time is never found again."
The O. R. & N.. in addition to eiv-
! ing you 200 miles along the matchless
Columbia River, saves you 17 hours
to Chicago. It is te
Short Line to Lewiston.
Short Line to the Palouse country.
Short Line to Spokane.
Short Line to the Coeur d'
Short Line to Salt Lake City.
Short Line to Denver.
Short Line to Kansas City. . .
Short Line to Omaha.
" Short Line to Chicago.
Short Line to all points East.
Three trains East daily. 9:15 a. m..
8 : 15 p. m.. and 6:15 n. m. The "Chica-
go-Portland Special," is an fine as the
finest. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of the
southern pacinc company, or write
General Passenger Agent,
- Portland, Ore.
rawing or photo, for expert search and free report.
Free advice, bow to obtain patents, trade "",trft.
copyrights, etc N ALL COUNTRIES.
Business direct -with Washington saves time,
money and often the patent.
Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively.
Write or come to us at
633 ninth Street, ojrp. United States Patent Office,