I OREQON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. MAY 18, 1906. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight ami parcels delivered to all parts of the city RATES REASONABLE - ELLO 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire iu : Oregon. Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific , Station Telephone Com- pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a S'rsonal communication, istance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard ae Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drug Store If Yoti Want a "Cracker Jack" Plumbing Job at a little cost, by all means confer with us before handing out your contract. A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near Eighth Sec Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Tiirough Utah and Colorado Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pas ses, and the World-Famous Royal Gorge For Descriptive and Illustrated Phamplets, write to W. C. McBRIDE, Cen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. CASTOR I A For lalaiits and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the y." Signature of tfiaUcA4 HARPER WHISKY A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE A SAFE STIMULANT A GOOD MEDCIINE ror 8al by - E. MATTHIAS -Sole Agency for Oregon City. G. N. Green, A Trite Savins. It is .i tnte saying that no man It Stronger than his stomach. Or Pierce's Golden Medical DiscOTery itrengtheni the itonaok puts it In iiie to Make. pure, rich blood helps ihe liver ami kidneys to expel the pOllOM from the bou and thus cures both liver and kld nex troubles. ( yon take this natural blood purifier and tonic, yon will as.slst your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, ml hlood. that Ik invign rating to the I'rain and nerve 'lite xxe.ii, nervous, run down. debilitated condition irblcn s many people suiter from. i Muall) the effect of poisons In the hlood; it is often Indiealod hy pttmdes or bolll appearing on the skin, ttie taoe becomes) turn and the feelings "blue" Or. Ptartse'i Discovers run all blood humors us well M being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It hi the MUJ medicine put up for sale through druggist! for like purposes that eontaius MltttOI alcohol nor harmful hahit formitej drugs, and the only one, even Ingredient of which has the profes sional andonetneut of the leading medical writers of Mas country Suite of these endorsement are published In a little book of extracts from standard medical works and ;ll lie sent lo any address re, on twlni of request therefor by letter or iMii.i 1 card, addrwued to Or. U. V. "Menv. Buffalo, N. Y It tell just what Dr. Pierce' medicines are made of. The'Wonls of Praise lor the several ingredients of winch Or. Pierce's medi cines are coui'ised. hy leaders in all the ieveral echeols of medical practice, and recommend i i ii: them for tin' cure of the disr.ii- fi.i li.cn the "'iolden Medical Discovers " is advised, inuld have far more welf'.it With the sick and aflllcled than any amount of tin- k-called "testi monials -so iMiipicuousiy Bannted before tMPtil 'ic . tluiM' w lio are afraid to let the IngradieliU of which their medicines MO composed be known. Hear iu mmd that tin cu Medical Discovery " has THK BA DO! 1P HONBfTt on every bottle wrapper, in a Full list of its ingredient. Or. I'ier. 'a Pleasant Pellets cure con Itlpatloo. iq Igoratd the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. Or. Pierce' creat thousand-page Illus trated i . ! ...si Sense Medical Adviser will he sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one cent stamp. ,,r cloth-hound for 31 stamps. Addre. Or. Pierce at above. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished Evry Week By the Clackamas Abstract Company. J. W. Marsh to G. B. & W. A. Dim ick E half of SV of S half of 87 of HTW of section 31, 42. E: $1200. J. M, Hodges to C. B. Fuller In terest in lot 1 block II YVMamette Falls. $1.00 W. M. Cake to G. S. Lacy, este half Interest in SE section 14. 63, E; $600. A. M. Beckwith' half interest In 1 SE section 14. 63 E; $600. N. C. Judd to C. S. Palmer half In terest in 94 acres in section 31 13. E: $312. J. C. Diamond to A. C. Pease E half of NE & SW of NE and NV of SE section 30. 43 E; $5. W, J Burns to D. V. McFarland 3 acres in section 36. 2 1 E: $750. C. Palmer to J. Sevier 9 1-4 acres in Section 36, 13 E; $733. J. R. Wilkinson to J. Zeek lot 1. j block 1 Canby: $800. J. Zeek to B. Bermoser lot 1 blk. 1 Canby; $800. C. Traxtlle to J. Traxtlle 64 acres .1. Foster CI., 23 E: $10. .). Traxtile to C. Traxtile 22 acres in Foster CI.. 23 E; $10. S. J. Buchanan to J. T. Russell 50 acres in Hood CI. 32 E; $2000. E. L. Thurman to T. E. Weaver W half of SE section 15, 62. E; $1000. i Hibernia Savings Bank to A. R. Mc-; Tague lot 11 and 12 Blk. 2'". Milwau- kie Park: $90. J. Hotts to T. S. McDaniel SW of SW of XW of Sec. 2. 12 E: $1. T. S. McDaniel to F. O. McGrew, SW of SW of NW of Section 2, 12 E; $1. Gladstone R. E. Asn. to Berk & Seaman Blk. 11 Oladstone; $lun. .1. 0. Sprague to W. H. Miller 52 acres in CI. 37, 33 E; $2500. Hibernia Saw Bank, to .1. M. Taylor lots 3 to 6 & 11 ami 12. block 22. lots' 11 and 12. blk. 23; lots 7. 8. 11 and j 12. blk. 24. Mil. Park: $540. 0. M. Rain to Title Guarantee & Trust Co S half of NE & lots 1 and 2 section 4 3 E: $1. G. E. Siegers to S. J. Solomon lots 1 and 2. blk. 16 Miiwaukie $1300. R. Mick to W. Hornshuh, 5l acres in section 1. 41 E: $275 .1. Weise by heirs to W. A. Wise. 10 em in CI. 58 22 E; $1. , 0. I. & S. Co to E. C. Clay lot 7,1 block 28. Oswego: $120. I.. EL Armstrong to G. H. Elkerton lots 2 to 10, and 13 & 14 blk. 88 Oak Grove; $1. J. W. Marshall to Clacham's Ab tract & Trust Co.. 4 acres in S. S. White Claim 32. E: $50. 1. S. Brown to J. C. Her E half of W, half of S7 of section 8 31, W; $750. ,f. V, Wilson to C. T. TOOM I acres in section U 31 W; $1150. Clackamas Abstract and Trust. Co to R. Wilson 4 acres in S. S. White Claim $750. N. J. Boyles to W. H. Daugherty SE of SE section 3 62, E; $1000. E. Hanson to 0, Hanson lots 1, 2, & 12. Blk. Barlows; $1.00. J. E. Calvan to J. A. Beede 10 acres in section 4, 32, E: $1500. W. E. .Johnson to H. H. Yost 38 A. in claim 43. 32, E; $450. The Clackamas Abstract & Trutt Co. are owners of the only complete Abstract plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice, and all work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles perfect W6. 3. F. Clark, Atty at Law. President and Manager. Over Bank of Oregon City. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur L. Albright, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the cred- i itors of and all persons interested In the said estate, that the undersigned lias been by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of f,Claekaman duly appointed adminis trator of the said estate and all per- sons having claims against the said MtatC are horehy required to prc-;cot the same, properly verified, to the un dersigned, at Iho off lee of Hedges it Griffith In Oregon City. Oregon, with In six months from the date of the Drat publication of this notice. FRANKLIN T GRIFFITH, Administrator of the estate of Ar thur j. Albright, deceased. Hedges tirlfflth. Attorneys for Ad tnlnistrator. First puhlleaflon May IS, l!0ti. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. ' Alma Carpenter, Plaintiff. V8. Henry S Carpenter. Defendant. To Henry S Carpenter, defendant JXtTt named: In the name of the State of Ore gon. you are horehy required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the ahove entitled cause on or before the 110th day of June, liirtti, said day being more than six weeks from the ISth day of May, 1900,, the date of the tlrst puhlleaflon of this summons, and if you fall to so answer for want thereof the plaintiff J will apply to the court for the relief prayed for to-wlt : For a decree of said court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now I oxIstingL between plaintiff and defend ant: that plaintiff be allowed to re siime ber maiden nnme. to-wlt: Alma Wilson, and for such other and fur ther relief as may he equitable and just. The order for publication of sum mons In this case was made hy the Hon T A Mellride. .fudge of the tbOTC entitled court on the loth day of May. 190fi. The date of the first publication of this summons is May IS. 1966, and the date of the last publication la lime 29. 1906, ED. & A R IfBNDENHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon for Clackamas County Annie Hoben. Plaintiff. of Andrew Hoben. Defendant To Andrew Hoben. Defendant' In the name of the State of Oregon yoi are hereby required to jppear and B wer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or be fore the 30th day of June. A. D 1906. and in default thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, which Is that the bonds of matrimony existing between vou and plaintiff dissolv ed. Service of summons on you b pub" lication is made by order of the Hon Thomas A McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and en tered on the mth day of May. 130d, di recting that said publication be mad" it. the Oregon City Enterpnse, a eekly newspaper of general circu lation, published at Oregon City, tn ( lackamw County. State of Otegon. ouce a week for six successive wnnkl prior to the 30th day of June, LfOO, Anil the first publication thereof la in the issue of said newspaper of dnt May 18th. 19". B E HANKY. Attorney for PUIntif. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Ralph Wesley Oowanlock. Plaintiff. vs. Rattle Oowanlock. Oefendant. To the defendant Hattle Ooxvanlock. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 3'tth day of June, 19o;, that being the time fixed by the court for you to appear and answer herein and six wi'ks from the first publica tion of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint, to-wlt: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plain- Brights Disease Not Rare, but CommonKidney Discose DcvelopeH into Brijht'B DitictiHc the 8th to lOth Month; Then Incurable by All Known Means lixcopt the new Pulton Compounds, which Record HI , of Recoveries. We have tx-fore us a little work on kidney diseases by Joseph T, Kdwardi, M. D., of I'tiila delphla, that contains some things that every one ought to know. Many people Imagine Bright' Dls'aso is rare, when, in fact H covers nearly the who.e gamut of kidney die eases. This book sets out that the kldnevs have but one function, viz., the elimination of the urea and waste products, and that all Interferences with that function are called Urlght's Disease. Dr. Edwards adds: "Kor the benefit of physi cians who uiay read this book I will give a list of the cases which I attribute to Urlght's Disease, viz.: Albuminuria. (.'uiigi stlon of the Kidney. Defeneration of the Kidney. ratty Degeneration of the Kidney. (nflaimi.iuioii of the Kidney. Uraemia. Disease of the Kidney." Thus nearly all kidney disease being Ilrlght . Disease, the serious guestlon Is, Is It In Die primary or secondary stage? After the eighth to tenth month It becomes chronic and Is then Incurable by all known meansexcept the Kulton Compounds. There Is often DO fiutlce of tbe trouble till it has fastened. If you have kidney ! disease In tbe tlrst stage the Kenal OoinpoUM will cure It quickly. If It Is of more than H to IU months standing it Is the only thing known that will cure It. In proof that nothing else will we cite all medical works In evidence. The stock holders of the John J. Fulton Co., business and professional men of San Francisco, are the tlrst In the world to announce the cure, presenting a tefinlte percentage of recoveries (7 per cent), . and giving out the lists of tbe cured, all amoug r purtly chronic, wcll-dellned cases. If you have ny Ind of kidney trouble, there Is only one thing to lake. The Kenal Compound for Urlght's blsease isH; for Diabetes, II ro. JohnJ.FuIton CO., 408 Washington street, San Francisco, sole i' orn pounders. 1'ainphlet free. We are the sole agents. Charman & Co., City Drug Store. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? KUncy irnuldc Makes YOU Miserable Almost cvi-ivIhmI who lends the news uiiH'is is sun- io Wiiuw ul the wonderful i.. i... i. II 11 1 1 1 " V ' 1 1 1 m ' i k I tlli-l Svi.iinn i-v.7-0 I Root, the great kiu ,r'j -. m'v' ''er and bind nVv I dni rented) . r u k rta n is tin i great an ki , I MR teal triumph of the uiiieiceuin eciuui diecovered aftei j ean oi tcitntiftc research by Dr, Kilmer, thr eminent kidnev .mil mid is wonderfully hluddct iMClalitt, lUCCeeafttl in pmOiptK' eui ing lame buck, uric acid cattrjrh of the bladder ami Bright'! Disease, which is the worst torn of kidney trouble, in Kilmer't 5wamnRoot ii not rec onunendnd tor ex ei j ttung but It yon have uiduev, livei oi bladdei tronbleltwtUhc found just the remedy yon need, it has been tested iu so many wins, iu hospital work tad in private practice, ami has proved 10 mcoeeafnl In every ease that a apeda) arrangement has been made bv Nhieh all readers of this pnpei . who have not already tried it, may gave a temple bottle sent free by mail, also a hook tell ing more about Swanip-KiHit, and bow to h' mi OUt it vou have kidney or bladdei trou ble. When wilting mention reading this generous offer iu this jwpei and send your address to Dr. Kilmer ,: Co., Blnghamtoiii N. Y. The regular 6 fix cent and oiie- doilar sic bottle are Uom..,swBM.n..t Mld bv all giMsl druggists. Dott't m iUe .on miatake, but remember the nnme, Bwi imp Knot, Dr, Kilmer s Sxvaiiip-KcHit and the address, bmghiilutoii, N. , OP xry I xit tic. tiff and defendant This summons Is published once a week for six (6) successive xveeks by order of the Hon. Thus K Ryan, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, dated May 1, 190. directing the tlrst publication to he made on the 18th day of May. 1906 and the last publication to be made on the I'iltli duv of June. IMf, J W REM,, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication May 18, 1906. BRIDGE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that bids, accompanied hy plans and specifica tions, will be rUOeiVed at the office of the County Clerk of OlaokamW County, Oregon, for the construction of a hrldKe across Sucker Creek, near Oswego, at the site of the present bridge Said bills will be received up to and Including Mav :'9th. at 10 o'clock ' a m V W C.REENMAN. County Clerk. Liquor Licenia. Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next meeting of the Or-; egou City Council for a renewal of my sub miii license at my present place of business, corner of Railroad Avenue and Seventh streets. LOUI8 DcFIfRDU8Hxl NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Estate of ( Mary A RuOMl Hradley. deceased. Notice Is hereby given to the cred itors of and all persons Interested in said estate, that the undersigned hns been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of the said Mary A. Hiielat Hradley hy order of; the oonty Court of ttie State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas and thgt all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at the offloo of j Hedges & Orlffith In Oregon City, Or egon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. FRANKLIN T ORIFITTH, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Mary A. Huelat Hradley, deceased. First Publication May i. 190C. 1 Hedges ft Orlffith, Attorneys for Kx ecu tor, SUMMONS In the Ciri uit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. ertii Si Ig, Plaintiff, V. W. To F. Schilling, Defendant. W. Schilling, defendant nhove named : In the nami of thr Slate of Ore. I to gp- 'Oil, vou are hereby require pear nirnin cause and answer the complaint filed t you in the above entitled on or he fore the 91 h day of 100P. gajrj day lieinL' more iv weeks from the 27th duv of 100n. the date of the first, mill Aiiri lien fail ion of this summon!", and if yon to so gngwer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for, towit : For n decree of said court forever dissolving the honds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant; thai plaintiff, Vernn Schilling, have the rnr cuitody rj nil i control of their said minor C find, such Howard Schilling, and for other and further relief as may he eqtji table and just. The order for pnl mniH in this cause icnt ion of sum ns made hv the Hon. Thos. A. Mel' ride, ,Ti of above entitled com I on the '.'7lh day dav of April. 1006. The date of the first publication of His summons is April '.'Till. 1908, Mini (lie ditto of Hie lust puliliontioil is .lime Sh, IflOC. ED A R, tfBNDBNHALL, Attomeyg for Plaintiff, SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Oregon, for Court of Hie Slate of the Counu uf Olaoki mas William Copeland, IMalntlff, va Hector II Campbell and Mary IC Campbell, bis wife, 1 h'fctiilnut s STATU OI'' ORBOON, County of Clacliiunna. hm By virtue of a Judgment order, de Sree and an execution, duly Issued nut of and under the seal of the above en titled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the tftn day of April ItOgj upon a Judgment rendered mid entered In said COUrt on the ta day of April. LIM, In favor of William ('opcland, plain tiff and iiKHinst Hector II Campbell, and Mary E. Campbell, his wlfiv de- tendaata, for the sum of 1,000,00, with Inleresl thereon at the rate of 7 per c ut per annum from the 1 r 1 1 1 day of August 1901, and the further sum of $100,00 us attorney'H Tee. and the further sum of $ t rt r.O eostM and ills bureementa, ami the costs of ami upon this writ, commanding me to make .ale of the follow tn.- described real property, situate In the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wit: The Wind Half of the North East I Quarter (W4 of Nlty) ami the eat 'Half of the North West gunner (Rty I of NW',l in Section Twenty five C!M Township Three South (3 Si of Range I Ugh) ami One Half East of the Wll laniette Meridian iH s'v K of W M ) containing one hundred and sixty ! acres, mure or less Now. Therefore, by vlrtiire of said execution. Judgment, order and decree and In compliance with the commands Of said writ. I will, on Saliirday. the Mta day of May. I9uf.. g the hour of t"ii o'clock a in . at the front door of the County Court House In the City I of Oregon City. In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for I'. S gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the I within named defendwi ur either of them, had on the dale of the mortgage ! herein or since had In or In the above described real property or any part tin reof, to aatlsfy HUhl execution, Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. J R SHAVER Sheriff of Clackntnas County. Or,' Hy E C Hackett, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon April 1 !'. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for the County of CInekii mas Mary R Davidson, Plaintiff, vs J. M Melklejobn and Mnttle I. MelMeJohn. his wife. .1 N Unit ton nml Mrs J N. Itallton. his wife. Defendants ST ATI' Of ORBOON, County of Clackamas is Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de ciee ami an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, In the nlsive entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the tlt&i day of April, IHOfl, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the -J4th day M April, I Our., In favor of Mary I DgVilSOQ, plain tiff, and against .1 M Melklejobn and Mettle i, UelMejohn, hiH wife, y N. Uallton and Mrs .1 N flnlltnn. his wife, defendants, for the sunt of HtM.78. with Interest thereon at the rate of C, per cent per annum from the 21th dny of April, lfmf,, nml the further sum of $L'7,in costs and disbursements, and the costs of and usin this xvrlt. commanding me to make Halo of the following described real property, sit uate In the County of Clackamas. Stale of Oregon, to w it : The SW'i of the HV' of Bectlon ?.. and the NW'4 of the NW; of Sec tlon 10; also the following: beginning at the Quarter section corner between ! and 10; running thence West 1 1 50 chnlns; thence North M W Knst nn chains to the line between Sections 9 and 10; thence South 27.70 chnlns to the place of beginning, containing 98 ti acres, more or less In T. f, 9 It. B, of w. M. Now, Therefore, by vlrtnre of snhl execution. Judgment, order and decree and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the Mtll day of May. 1 f00. at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for IT. 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the tuU of the mortgage herein or since hnd In or to the above described real property or any part ! thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, IniorCHt, costs and all accruing costs. ,T. It. BHAVBR, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Ore. in D, c. Hackett, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, April 27, inoc. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In the Circuit, Court of the State of Oregon, for thr mns. County of Clacka- Inlntlff, V. A Hathaway, I vs. Martha A.Crangle and J ,T. Defi Taylor, iidniilH. STATE OF ORBOON, Countjf of Clackamas. hh. Hy virtue of a lodgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of nnd under the seal of the above en titled Court, In tho ahove entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2:id day of April, 1906, upon a Judg men rendered and entered In said court on tho 18th day of April, 190(1, In favor of W. A, Hatliinvny, plaintiff and against Martha A. Orsngl nml .1. J, Taylor, defendant h, for the mini of $125.00, with Interest thereon nt the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the lH.h day of November, 1905, nnd the further sum of $f!.ri.00 as attorney's fee, ami Hie further sum of $11 Ml. costs ami disbursements, ami the costs of and upon this writ, commanding mo out of the personal property of hiiIiI defendant, and If siifflcleni could not be found, then out of Hie real prop i i I v belonging to said defendant on and after Hie date of said Judgment to satisfy said sum of $ ami also the costH upon this said writ Noxv, Therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and de cree, and In compliance with the com mandl of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said de fendant's, I did heretofore and on the 16th Ony of March, Ltfjf,, duly lew upon under attachment Iu this action, the following described real property of hiiIiI defendant J J Taylor, situate and being In the County of Clackamas. ami state of Oregon, to wit aii or lot Eight () in igfliton 3d, Township four (4) South of Rgnge One to East of the Willamette Mori-dlan And I xvlll on day of Max ttfld o'clock a m at the County court Maturiliiv. the 'jflth at the hour of 10 Hie front door of House In the (Mix- of Oreuoll Cltv. In said Counlv and State, sell nt public auction, subject to redemption, to tin. hlgheet bidder, for 0, H gold coin, gggg In hand, all the right title nml Interest which the within named defendant!, or either of them, had on the date of said judg ment or since had In or to the ghoVi described real property or imy part thereof, in satisfy said Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all aceril lug costs J II SHAVER. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon Hy E 0. Hackett. Deputy Dated, Oregon City, Oregon April 27th. I9tit; SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for County of Clackamas Joseph A Ptechaty, Plaintiff, va Emma Plochaty, Defendant To Emma Plechaty, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon fOg are hereby required to appear In the above entitled Court and answer the complaint filed against you there In on or before the, 19th day of Max. I9w;, said date being six weeks after the first publication hereof, which first publication Is on the (th dnx id April. 1 108, If you rail to appear and answer the plaintiff will take a decree against yon for the relief demanded In the complaint, which is for a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing between yourself and the plaintiff. This mimmnns Is published In pur Hiiance of an order of the Honorable Thomas A. Mellride, Judge, of the above entitled court made and enter ed on the 31st day of March. I90C W S O'REN. Attorney for PPilnllff 80MMONB. In the Circuit Court of ggg State of Oregon, for Clackamas county k ii Ptekard, Plaintiff, va. Mary K IMckard Defendant, To Mary H IMckard, defendant above named 111 the num., of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and nnswer the complaint tiled against you in the gbOVS entitled court and cause, on or bgflgfl six (C) weeks from th 20th day of April. I!0C,. the dnt of the tlrst publication of this summons, and If you fall so to appenr and an Wer, the plaintiff will applx to the court for the relief prayed for and de manded In the complaint herein tiled, to wit: Kor Judgment and decree pf ever dissolving the honds of matri mony heretofore existing between plaintiff ami defendant, and for such other and further relief as lo the Court may seem Just and equitable This summons is published by order I of Hon Arthur I, Krancr, Judge of the i County Court for the County of Mull inoinah, made and dated on the 12th dav of April. 1106 .1 .1 PITZOBRAXD Attorney for IMalntlff I First Publication April 20. 1906, Last Publication June 1, I'jnc SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackanisi County. May II Hopple, Plaintiff. va. dward Hopple, Defendant. To Kdward Hopple, defendant above named : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby reipiln il to appear ami answer tin- complaint tiled against yon In tin1 above entitled cause on or be fore tho 28th day of Max . I too, said day being more than hIx weeks from the 12th day of April. 1006, the dnte of the first publication of this sum mons, ami if you fall to ho answer for Want thereof the plalutlffff xvlll apply to the court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: Kor a decree of mild court CoreVOf dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, that plaintiff May II. Hop ple, have the care, custody and control of their Hiild minor children, Krankle, Hail ami fanny Hopple, and for such other ami Further relief as may be eipiltalde ami Just. The order for publication of sum mons In this cause was made by the Hon. Thus. A. Mellride, Judge of the above entitled court, on the 0 tit day of April, L906, The date of this summons Hie llllle of till the first, publication of is April Kith. 1906, and ' last publication is May 251 h, 1!I0;. DD, & A. It. MBNDBNHALL Attorneys for Plaintiff Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of ii Htiiie of John it. Shav er, deceased, by the County Cojirt, of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, ami has duly ipiarlfled as such administrator, All persons having Clgitni against said estate are hereby notified to prevent the same to me at the office of Graham a Ciee ton, -ur, xlanpiain HUllOlng, Coil Intnl. Oregon, v it 1 1 1 1 i six months Irom dale QerSOl Dated May ISth, L906, 0, BARL BHAVBR, Administrator, Klrst publication May 18, 1906.