Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 18, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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...Short Sidehead Stories... I
i v-ioi.it lAi.iis or
Suit for Divorce-
Nell le Htiuil I Is hiiIiik Win r HiiiiiII
fur ii divorce They were innrrliil at
Denver Cll'v. Nebraska. In IKH7 Tim
plaintiff charges cruel treatment, full
urn to support imil desert Ion
Some Namet Were Omitted
In tin- published list of UtOSS w ho
NiiliNcrllHtil iii the Ori'Koii City relief
fund fur the OaHforali luStrer, the
iiiuueu nf several rout rlhlllors were
nnlnlonl hilly omitted Among these
w.'ic J. A. Tufts, tbt Main street con
h i tinner, who wiih hiiioiik the HrHt to
plarc bin DMM l (lie subscription list
Would be Happy If Separated
a i imi Osrpentsr, of Poftlsnd, who
wuh inarrli'il to Henry H Carpenter In
liinuiiry, I MO, Ih hiiIiik for it divorce
on the grounds of Assertion t tint im
alleged to linvn I a Ii in place one year
IStSr, Bhu iimIim to resume her maiden
name. Almii Wilson Charging deser
Hon Kahili Wesley (jowimlock hhUm
to he h'Kally separated from llatlle
(lownnlock whom he man led In this
It) In August, I'llll,
Klng'i Daughter! Entertain
I .list Wedliendav VtOIBfl "I tbS
home of Mr ami Mr II H Moody,
the King's Daughters of I he HI I'iuiI'm
Epleopal church, entertained the
members of HI I'iuiI'm flulld, the vim
' t nu n of the i huri h and their wives
I he Mood) home had I n elahorate
lv decorated and the OOBSStM wan a
pleasing Koclal event IlINt rilllK'l) t ill
moIoh were rendered during the even
lB hy MImhi'h Albright. Ilaulton. I Hup
r and l.ewthwalte Mi Miiysle Vim
ter nil in ii koIo and MIhh Humphrey
recited Delirious refreshment were
Enjoying a Real and Vltltlng
II I. K'dly returned to IiIh home
In Oregon City yesterday after a few
lu vm' vlalt at the farm home of Mr
and Mm l V Cnilg, near the south
rii limits of Halem Mr Kelly la
'.'ml hook keeper In the hank of Ore
i"ii City Mini for n couple of Week
hllM been taklllK a much needed ri'Ht.
a portion of thin time bavliiK DStB
pent at MtllSBUSi on the Hantliun
I Her. where be wan the gui.Mt of ex
County JinlKe (! IV Terlll Mr. Kelly
VSJ for many yearn chief miller In the
Oregon City Hour mill and In a pioneer
rtSldSBl of that thrlvhiK mnnufiictur
Iiik '"lty Friday's Halem Htatecman
Laying New Main
Superintendent Howell of the City
Water Works, with a force "f about
men Iiiih rommenci'd laying a new
main from WiiHhliiKton Htreet, extend
iiik to the reservoir In all there will
l.e laid Mini feet of pipe, of which
'.mi w ill coiihIhI of 12 Inch pipe and
In order to make room for a new stock cf Umbrellas we will offer
every Umbrella we have in stock now at a great discount.
We buy our Umbrellas in large quantity, direct from the factory
in the East, and always give you good value for your money, but
we are going to make special prices.
a J. 50 ' "
a 2.00 " " 44
a 2.25 44 44 44
u 2.50 44 44 44
" 3.00 " "
" 5.00 " " "
The quality of these Umbrellas is the same as before, the very
best for the money, and our guarantee goes with every one sold
Burmeister & Andresen
Sasp?nsion Bridge Corner The Oregon City JcwdcrS
iiic wiick s hoinos
the real Hi Inch. The pipe will In'
laid In a direct line to the reservoir
and will run from Third to Fourth
at rent, up fourth lo the Apperiion road
thence past the old creamery and
through Holmes Addition lo Hie rcscr
voir Kilo pliiRH will he Installed
ill., nr the Mile of the malll for the pro
lection of properly owners from fire
The Cataracti Will Dance
On, Krhlity evening next, the 26th
IiimI , the inemherH of Cataract Hose
Company No. 2, of the Oregon City
Kile lleplirt llu'lil, will give their sec
ond it ti ii 1 1 ii 1 ball nt Cnnemiih I'ark Vnr
Ioiih comnill teen have the detnllH of
the affair well In hand mid the party
proinlMeH to he a repetition of the Ini
tial party IiimI year Messrs. Will It
lgus, Kred ,1. Nelson and Henry
Hlrallon OOBStlttlti H'" rein nil com
mittee on arrangements The floor
cominlllei. will he compound of the
M 1'Mnrn Htuwe, draper, I'ratt, Latou
telle, KaiiiHby and Rerhner Kox'm
orclieHtrn, of Hurt la ml . has been en
gaged and will fiimlMli music for the
Strike Good Quality Coarte Qold
Stockholder! Ill Hie Crown Hoy
Mining K Milling Company, of this
city, ate hi receipt of letter from men
who are proc Hiik with tin' develop
ment of lh- company's property, that
give additional proof of the posslhlll
Hen of the property owned by the com
pany .Ion. Melndl, who Ih directing
tin dlKKliiK of a inn foot tunnel at
the mine, haw written mcmherH of
the company In HiIm city Informing
I hem that It threefold ledge contain
hiK roarso gold of rich ipiullty Iihh
been encountered Tin- extent of the
ledge Ik not known and can only he
determined an the tunnel Ih extend
ed. While the HtockholderH hi till
company have always felt that their
mine really ha-, the yellow metal In
paying tjuantltln, such revelation hh
Hie one herein reported, give greater
encouragement In the work of devel
opment Ellar'a Big Show
Why not attend a flrHt-claMs enter
taltiment when you have the oppor
tunity. It costs no more This com
pauy producing the great play of Hip
Van Winkle under canvas. Alao In
cluding between acts specialties that
nr.- of the very liest. Hen Heyer, the
world's greatest trick bicycle and mil
cycle rider, doing the most wonderful
work oil a single wheel ever attained
Miss Anna Klslng. Chicago's favorite
opera Hluger Hlh-y Hlalr In Impersoiia
(hais, and others .making a continuous
performance The press wherever
they have appeared, pays thorn the
compliment of having the bcHt show
ever seen under canvas So eonltdent
at Reduced Prices
sell now for . $ .80
" H . 1.15
44 44 . 1 .60
M 44 . 1.85
" 44 . 2.00
. 2.35
" " . 4.00
Hurried , il i n liiiM i uined many a man') j
mom. e n i in- mi," .lion in '..nr.; j,ro
MM in gradual, onto unnoticed at ft rat.
Hut it in only a ithort time until the liver
haiku, the digestive orgaim give way, and
alinont couulli tM jlU Mtall the m ill who
endeavor to economize time at the e
x nse of his h 'alth.
A torpid liver CMUSI a cuarantine of the
entire hvsIciii It lin k in the diseased
geriiu ami IhmIv poilOOS and alfords tbem
full pi. iv. inviting Mime neriou illneaa.
In families where August 1'loweris uned,
tfltlggiih liver and coustiiialioti are un
known, so are all Mom u n ailments, aa
well as liutlgt tiou, dytptptU, henrthtirn,
headaches and kidney and lilader afier-
tions. No wi ll n gulated family should
lie without this standard remedy. a
Two aixe. 25c and 75C. All druggist.
Charrridn & Co., City Drug Store
Is the manager of this company of
pleasing the people that he guarantees
' to refund the money to anyone dlssat
I Hi d and our people ran rest assured
that they won't regret the fact they
attended, its their show will be fully
up to the expectation of all at Oregon
city, Saturday. May 19.
It i Not Believed Deiperado's True
Name Wa Smith.
Thinking the remains of the, dead
outlaw, Krank Hmlth, might he those
, of his son, Kllas Hmlth, of Hhenandoah
Iowa, who arrived In this rlty last Krl
I day, caused Coroner K. I, Holninn t 1
dls-lnter the body of the despoitpdn
I for purposes of Identification Mr.
Smith was unable, to Identify the re
mains, the Identity of which. It Is
Lot believed, will ever be establish
ed! Mr Hmlth was shown a photo
graph of the dead outlaw and while
he could not Identify the picture aa
that of his sou, he was not satisfied
: until the body hnd been exhumed.
Mr Hmlth explained that he has a
son named Kranklln K. Hmlth from
whom he has not heard for the last
year and that the boy was located at
Tacomit at that time. Oregon City
people are very generally of the opln-
Inn that. Hmlth wan not the, true, name
of the murderer of Sheriff Hhaver, Of
BMf I (anion and Captain Henderson.
They think Hmlth was a convenient
name assumed by the desperado when
arraigned In the Portland municipal
Home dissatisfaction has resulted
In the distribution of the reward money
offered for the capture of Hmlth. Judge
Ityiin Is In receipt of nurneroiiH com
Muscat. Ion a and personal Interviews
from men who claim t have taken
part In the final capture of the out
law while It Is said that, some of those
who are to share the reward were not.
In the vicinity of the killing of Hrnlth
when it. occurred A' Kreat manv bills.
covering MpCWMfl 'hat were Incurred
In MM pursuit of Hmlth by members
of the varloiiH posses, are also being
received by Judge Hyan and these
await the consideration of the county
A Little 8ound Advice Will Help
Many a 8ufferer In Oregon City.
No woman can he healthy and well
If the kidneys are sick. Polsona that
pHHM off In the urine when the kidneys
are well are retained In the body when
the kidneys are sick. Kidney and
bladder get Inflamed and swollen,
crowding the delicate female organ
nearby and sometimes displacing
them This la the true cause of many
hearing down pains. latnenesaT back
ache, Hldeaehe. etc. I'rlc poisoning
causes headaches, dizzy spells, lang
guor. nervousness and rheumatism.
When suffering so. try Doan's Kid
ney Pills, the remedy that cures alck
kidneys. You will get better as the
kidneys gei better, and health will
return when the kldneya are well.
Lit a grateful woman toll you about
I Inn n h Kidney Pfflg,
Mrs A. canavan. of IM Lincoln St..
Portland, Oregon, says:
I was led to recommend Doan's
Kidney pills three years ago from the
great relief I had found In a case of
kldm-y complaint which had annoyed
trie for a long time I tried other rem
edies previously, hut Doan's Kidney
Pills were the only remedy that help
ed me. My trouble had lasted for
three years, during which time I Buf
fered from irregular action of the
kidneys and backache. At times I
was In such misery with the aching
and weakness that I could not rest In
any position. I suffered from head
aches and dizziness and could hardly
attend to the simplest of household
dm lei. Ixian's Kidney Pills freed me
from this miserable existence and I
never have lost an opportunity to rec
ommend the remedy.. In fact. I gave
a public testimony in 1 903. which I
am glad to repeat and confirm."
Plenty more prnof like this from
Oregon City people. Call at Hunt
by Bras.1 drug store and ask what
their customers report.
For sal, by all dealers, price 50c.
FtMtor-aflibtira Co., Buffalo, New
York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doana' and
take no other.
Territory Taken From Some and Ad
ded to Other.
Postmaster T. P Randall has been
advised of some slight changes that
have been ordered made In three of
from Oregon City. The changes are
not very extensive but consist of tak
ing of some territory from some of the
routes and adding to others. The
three routes affected by the changes
are Nob. 2. I and 5. As amended,
these routes will hereafter be as fol
lows: Route No. 2 From Oregon City
pott Office, northeasterly up the Clack
amas river to lltitchin's place, 8
! miles: southeasterly to Logan. 3ty
'mllen: southerly to Kirchem's corner.
1 I miles: northwesterlv on main road
to Oregon City, 9 miles. Total length
fV iniie. milliner 01 nouses I
i.i. 1. im
1 trolls served 602.
Route No. 3 From Oregon City of
fice, south and southeasterly on Mo
lalla road to south line of Sec. 33, 4
I mile north of Cams post office. 7
miles: east to Willis corner. l7s m:
north X&, northeast lim. east U,ni to
Stnedeman's. H in.; north to Hluhm's
corner. 14 ni; west to Reaver Creek
store, m: south to Daniel's gate.
7sm: retreat 7stn. lni; northwest-
.erly to Glbb's corner. :!7sm: northeast
1 to Richards' corner, m; east to
Henrlch's place. 1 m: retrace 1 m:
northerly to Swallow's place m. re-
1. trace to Gibbs' corner, l'im: west and
northwest to Oregon City post office.
2111. Length of route 25L miles.
number of houses 147; number of
patrons 665.
Rants o R aVmn rtnoimn riiv
post office north to suspension bridge
Km, northwest across suspension
bridge m.. 'amile; northwesterly to
school house, IV4 m; east to Fors
' berg's. t,m; retrace Vm., 1 m: north
I to Shaw's place n. retrace to bridge
l :m. lSti southwest to forks of road
on iiinsitie nan nine: westerly to 1. c.
Clancey's corner, 'uu; northeasterlv
to Winkle's, fcni; westerly to Baker's'
Hun: northerly to Berry's ra; m;
I westerly to Mosler's place. 14m;
northerly to Kllnger's, igm; north-'
easterly to Petlt's, m; northwest
; and west to Robinson's place, -m:
retrace to Hurdon's corner, inilo;
southerly to Kllnger's m: north-(
westerly to Cook's, Sm; south m,
4m: southwest to Borland's gate, j
m, retrace 4111, lHiin; southwest
across Tualatin river to Oregon City
road. lM.ni: southeasterly to Ream's
corner, 27sm; northerly to forks ofj
road, tint, retrace m. 1 mile: south
easterly to Willamette post office, 1
mile; northeast i4m, southeast 'sin.
southwest km. southeast 'sin,, north
east Vim, southeast m, southwest
1 ( 111. miles; northeast to suspen
sion bridge. I'Vsin; thence to the Ore-!
gOD City post office. Length of route
25Mi miles. Number of houses 201.1
Population served M0.
Portland Evening Telegram, daily,
and the Weekly Enterprise, both one
year, for $5.50. I
Ratio of Registered Voter I About
Four Republican to
One Democrat.
The total registration In Clackamas
county la 4999. Of that number 3700
are Republicans, 8.10 Democrat and
IM Socialist, Prohibitionists or In
dependent. This Is considered a full registra
tion for this county, but few having
registered since the primary election
when 47.", had nuallfled as electors.
The registration by preclncta follows:
Aborncthy, 262
Harlow, 84
Heavr Creek, l.-;
Horlng, 90
Hull knii, 49
Canyon Creek, 37
Cascade, f;o
'anby, 191;
Clackamas, 149
Cherryvllle, 34
Canemah, U
Damascus, 113
Kagle Creek. 1 10
Kstacada, 226
Oeorge, 44
Harding. H7
Highland. 124
Harmony. 74
Klllen. 89
Mllwaukle, 139
Maple Lane. 124
Milk Creek, 71
Molalla, 171
Manpiam. 75
Macksburg, ill
New Bra, 129
Needy, 108
Oswego, 177
Oregon City No. 1, 329
Oregon City No. 2, 325
Oregon City No. 3, 221
Oak Grove, 119
Pleasant Hill, 106
Soda Springs, 47
Sprlngwater, 93
Tualatin. 120
Cnlon, 37
Viola. 67
West Oregon City, 195
Total, 4999
Democratic Candidate Announce His
Aa a candidate for the office of
County Treasurer 1 have Just a word
to say to the people of Clackamas
The Grand Jury last fall, investigat
ing this office, found it in such a con
fused condition that the investigation
was abandoned. As far as it went, ,
however, one fund was found to be at ;
least $t;un short. The jury was unable
lo determine under whose adminis-
t rat ion of the office the shortage oc
curred. This condition in the office does not ,
imply dishonesty of any official. MIs-
takes and inaccuracies in handling the i
county funds may have occasioned the
loss. There may be other shortages !
that would have been disclosed had
the grand jury completed its investi-j
gat ion.
mind other things than efficiency and
ability In selecting a County Treasur
er? No matter how honest a Treas
urer may be if he is unable to keep his
accounts the County is going to get
the worst of it. A large percentage of
business failures are the result of bad
There is not a man in Clackamas
County today who actually knows the
amount of the county indebtedness.
No man ever will know until the
working of the Treasurer's office is
systematized and until modern meth-
, ods are employed in handling the large
sums iw are pan into ana aisuursea
by the County Treasurer.
I have had three years training in
liook-keepmg and accounting, and in
addition much practical experience. !
There are two of us asking the elec- j
tors of Clackamas County for the of
Boa of County Treasurer. I'nleSB you
take into consideration a man's poll-1
I tics before employing him on the :
farm, the store, the factory, don't
consider politics in this case. Con-!
i sider merely which one of us you
j would employ if you were hiring a
1 man for your private business. If you j
j believe that I am best fitted for the
place and if you conclude to select
me, 1 promise you:
1st. I will systematize and place j
on an Intelligent working basis the
office of the County Treasurer.
2d. I will ascertain and report by
publication in the county papers the 1
; true condition of every fund handled
by the County Treasurer. I will state
in what funds there is a shortage.
3d. I will ascertain and make a de
tailed and intelligent report of the
actual indebtedness of Clackamas
How to Improve Your Complexion.
Everyone who wants a good healthy
color, a ruddy glow and a clear skin
free from the effects of biliousness,
sluggish liver and chronic constipation
should get a 5-cent package of Laxa
kola Tonic Tablets today. Huntley
DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
RefTssl1511 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
For Sick Women
To Consider
Fnwr. That almost every operation
in our hospitals performed upon women
becomes necessary through neglect of
such aymptoma as backache, irregular
and painful perioda, displacement)
of the female organs, pain in the aide,
burning sensation in the stomach,
bearing-down pains, nervousness, db
ziness and sleeplessness.
Second. The medicine that holds
the record for the largest number of
absolute cure of female ills is Lydia
E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound.
It regulates, strengthens and cures
diseases of the female organism as
nothing else can.
For thirty years it has been helping
women to be strong, curing backache,
nervousness, kidney troubles, inflam
mation of the female organa, weak
ness and displacements, regulating
the periods perfectly and overcoming
their pains. It has alao proved itself
invaluable in preparing women for
childbirth and the change of life.
Tnino The great volume of unso
licited and grateful testimonials on file
at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lvnn.
Mass. , many of which are from time to
time published by permission, rive ab-
solute evidence of the value of Lydia
B, I'inkhara'a Vegetable ComDound and
Mrs. Pinkham's advice.
Mrs.Pinkbam'f SUadinglavitatlon
to Women. Women suffering from any
form of female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink
ham, at Lynn, Mass. All lettera are
received, opened, read and answered
by women only. From symptoms given,
your trouble may be located and the
quickest and surest way of recovery
advised. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law
of Lydia E. Pinkham and for
twenty-five years under her direction
and since her decease she has been ad
vising sick women free of charge. Out of
the vast volume of experience in treat
ing female ills Mrs Pinkham probably
haa the very knowledge that will help
your case. Surely, any woman, rich or
poor, is very foolish if ahe does not take
advantage of this generous offer of
Expense to Taxpayers of Recent
mary Election.
County Clerk Greenman has ascer
tained the cost to Clackamas county
taxpayers of holding the recent pri
mary' election. The total cost as far
as claims have been audited and al
lowed, aggregated about $2200 or
about 70 cents for each vote that was
This total will be slightly increas
ed, however, by claims that are yet
to be filed. There were cast in the
election a total of 3131 votes, of which
but 475 were Democrats.
The total registration in the county
prior to the primary election, was
Has a tent built expressly for them.
It is made cf Kahki, which is used and
recommended by our government as
the best. It Is absolutely water proof
This elegant tent is built egg shape
and has no center poles in front of
the stage, therefore giving everyone
a good view of the performance. The
stage is lighted with Acetylene gas.
which can be lowered and raised to
give the proper effect, as desired.
Lightning and thunder is made by an
electric storage battery. The scen
ery for each and every act is new and
painted especially for this elegant pro
duction. Mr. Eiler prides himself in
navinR the 8wellest outfit in the coun
. m. am, nelights ln having people come
ggd see his pavilion theatre before
j the pt,rformance. They will be at
nr,. rifv Sfltllrrtv ,v 19.
"Suffered day and night the torment
of itching piles. Nothing helped me
until I used Doan's Ointment. It cur
ed me permanently." Hon. John R.
Garrett, Mayor. Girard, Ala.
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
a'. Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Farmer' 132
Abstract of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
Prices Reasonable