Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 18, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates:
One year fl-60
Six months 75
Trial aubsc.rlption, two months.. 25
Advertising rates on application.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
plratlon stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If this' Is not
payment, kindly notify us, and the
matter will receive our attention.
Entered at the postofflea at Oregon
City, Oregon, as second-class matter.
FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1906.
combe as a citizen and In his relations
with the State Agricultural college. Is
above criticism. As a director of the
Kxperlment Station nt Corvallls. Or.
Withyeombe has done a grout deal to
advance the standard of agriculture
In the state. He Is close to the farm-
or. the producer and the laboring
! classes.
Clackamas county voters, regard
loss of party linos, will give Or. Withy
combe a remarkably heavy vote In
recognition of his valuable services to
the state already rendered and be
cause of the marked qualltloatlons he
possesses for the office to which he
Democratic papers, and particular
ly the McMinnvllle Telephone-Register,
will find that their attempted rid
iculing of Dr. Withyeombe, whom
they choose to designate as "Morse
Doctor." will prove Invaluable adver
tising for the Republican candidate.
Mu Hair is
United States Senator Short
Term Fred W. Mulkey, of
Multnomah County.
United States Senator Term
beginning March 4. 1907
Jonathan Rotirne, Jr., of Mult-
nomah County.
Congressman, First District
W. C. Hawley, of Marion Co.
Governor Dr. James Withy-
combe, of Ronton County.
Secretary of State Frank W.
Benson, of Douglas County.
State Treasurer George A.
Steel, of Clackamas County.
Supreme Judge Robert Eakin,
of Union County.
Superintendent of Public In-
struction J. H. Ackerman,
of Multnomah County. j
State Printer Willis S. Duni- !
wav. of Multnomah County.
Attorney-General A. M. Craw-
ford, of Douelas County.
Joint Senator Clackamas and
Multnomah Counties A. A.
Bailey, of Multnomah Coun-
Joint Representative Clacka- :
mas and Multnomah Coun-
ties Jas U. Campbell, of
Clackamas County.
County Ticket.
State Senator Geo. C. Brown-
Representatives C. H. Dye,
C. G. Huntley, Linn E. Jones.
Judge Grant B. Dimick.
Commissioner John Lewellen.
Sheriff Ell C. Maddock.
Clerk Fred W. Greenman.
Recorder Chauncey E. Rams-
Treasurer J. C. Paddock.
Surveyor S. A. D. Hungate.
Coroner R. L. Holman.
Justice of the Peace Llvy
Constable H. W. Trembath.
Two days ago in a beautiful little
city that clusters around the Falls of
the Willamette, there lay the bodies
of two men, each of whom met a vio
lent death. A few hours before each
j had been a living man In the posses
jsion of all his God given faculties. In
the full joy of life. A bullet ended the
I life of each one, but the similarity-
ends here. One. Sheriff Shaver, the
sheriff of Clackamas County, was a
good citizen, a brave officer, who met
death In the line of duty. The other,
Frank Smith, a desperado, thief, mur
derer and all that is bad,' was killed i
by an officer of the law, after being
hunted through the countryside with
blood houuds like a dangerous wild
beast. The mortal remains of one lay
In state in the Court house, surround
ed by a guard of honor, the other
within the walls of the morgue. About
the blor of one passed the people who
had known and respected the deceas
ed in life, awed In the presence of
death, or grief stricken at the loss of
la friend and neighbor. Through the
charnel house containing the remains
of the murderer another mass of hu
manity surges, and only comments
heard are oif joy that the earth is rid
of his polluting presence. The inert
clay of the martyr officer was consign
ed to mother earth in the presence of
a large concourse of sincere mourners,
while the shell from which the sin
stained soul had fled to meet its mak
er was given a burial befitting his
misspent life. The fate of one Is that
to which every peace office Is exposed
in enforcing the laws. The tragic
ending of the other is the typical end
ing of the "bad" man. Whatever our
belief In the hereafter Is. who would
not rather have lived the life of the
officer than that of the renegade.
Medford Tribune.
Do you like it? Then why
be contented with it? Have
to be? Oh, no! Just put on
Aycr's Hair Vigor and have
lone, thick hair; soft, even
hair. But first of all, stop
your hair from coming out.
Save what you have. Aycr's
Hair Vigor will not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair-bulbs;
makes weak hair strong.
Th bost kind of a testimonial -"Sold
for OTr lty yews."
Had by J.O. Ayur Co.. l.owU, ).
AIM muauntoiurtra si
record, reporting that then was spec
ulation In buying stores for the little
schooner Resolute.
But with all this there are a lot of
honest men n.iw working for the gov
ernment who do big things for the
country at large and got no profit and
but little reputation out of It. The
Reclamation Service Is a case In point.
That service which Is well known to
everyone In the west, now has under
way work for the reclamation by Ir
rigation of 2,0i)0.rtiO,0(i0 of land. It
will ultimately reclaim .10.000,000 with
Oregon City and Cutting road;
Report of viewers read tint time
nnd laid over until May 411) for second
In the matter of the John Kaiser
road ;
Report of viewers road first time,
nnd laid over until May 4th. for sec
ond rending.
In the matter of the bond of It, W,
Trembath. Sheriff;
Ordered that the bond of H. W.
I Tretul'ath as sheriff, be approved.
I In the matter of subscription and
petition for improvement of Forsythe
Ortlrred that said matter bo laid ,
over mull court can visit ami inspect
said road and the Improvement re
quired. In the matter of the llolcomh road;
Ordered that same be laid over un
til court can visit and Inspect said
road and the Improvement required.
In the matter of the Thos. Daniels
change In Oregon City and Cuttings
Mill road;
Report of viewers read second time
and the board reporting that said road
Is of little public utility, It Is ordered
'that matter be continued to allow pe
titioners to appear and show reasons
for Its allowance.
In the matter of the John Kaiser
road ;
Report of viewers read second time,
mill Wm. Ilellberg having filed a
claim for $1"0 damages, It Is ordered
that further consideration he continu
ed until said road can be visited and
Inspected by court.
In tin matter of the petition of C.
K. Corbet t and others for county road;
Ordered that viewers meet at place
of beginning on tin day of
May, Riot..
In the matter of petition of Max Tel
ford ami others for county road;
Ordered that viewers meet at place
of beginning of said road on the 'J 1st
day of May, 190(1.
Sfv a. i a M"
the water sunnlv now In sight. The
land under all these Irrigation pro-J In the matter of obstruction of coun
Naturally the President meant just
what he said when he pitched Into the
Man with the Muck Rake. But few of
his public utterances have been more
distorted and misunderstood. What
the President was inveighing against
wna sensationalism, thp baseless sen-
The Republicans are not going be- ..,. . that has haDnilv almost
fore the people of Clackamas county nin it3 course in the yellow and would-
empty-handed this year. They have j De.yeliow journals of the country .This
made a record of which they are proud ; countrv has been undergoing a great
and which commends them to the fav- j wave mora, awakenjng an( reform,
orable consideration of the voters at In gome quarters an,i from purely
this time. It is on this record and the , W)rdid motlves the reform has yerg
promise to continue the same business jed fjn m()ra, hvsteria. It waa this that
administration that has been estab- he Pre3,,j,int was Btriking at. He
lished in county affairs, that the Re-, djd n() mpan tnat the exposure of
publican candidates ask for an elec- corruption wherever it exists was
tion at this time , 4, Muckraking. He knows, few know
Of what does this record consist? , beUer that there are moral ,laBUe
The wiping out of the county in-1 pp)ts a f)Ver th(g CHUntry and that
debtedness. ' thev have to be raked. He knows too,
Reducing to a minimum the current j th(,y are aH offenslve t0 the raen
expenses of the county j wh(j hgve w do the raklng as t the
These are in themselves ample rea-1 bUc that S(jeg th(,m uncovered. Rut
sons for supporting the ticket which . wQrk Qf th,9 sort ,g dean ,n tne d(
is one of the strongest ever named by; thfj u mav be f(JU, m the cor.
the Republicans of Clackamas county, i ' tlon u exposes. However, corrup
Every nominee on the ticket has the J(j fiot 8ed ,g never era().
necessary qualifications and is de- ,cated am, thg more hfm(jr ,s due t()
serving of election. j hp sang flnd fiober writ,.rs prosecut-
In view of these facts then, wh i attorneys an(, other investigators
should not the ticket be elected- have t' aken a nanfl , the clean
With such a record there is no rea- mora, nasU.
son for supporting other than the Re-1 h ' 1
publican nominees. In order for a; . .
i-,.m, , ,.loo,l ha mutt re' l a"" 1
have had a hand in what has recent
But Republicans will be found stand- m called Muckraking
K.' .,.,,;,. :Ttw report of Commisisoner Garfield
their W men who are cl.a'n h - the corruption of the Standard Oil
est. capable and deserving. Company was Muckraking of a sort.
The conntv campaign was opened , "t It was a sort for which the Pn.
at 'Canny Mondav night with an en-! 1ent highly commended him The
thusiastic meeting. Enthusiasm mark-: Interstate Commerce Comm ssion s
ed the meetings that were held at just now engaged on a job of the same
Frognond, Clackamas. Barton, and 1 rt. It is uncovering all sorts of cor
meetings will be held tonight at High-! ruptlon. collusion and law breaking in
land and tomorrow night at Damascus. ! the coal carrying business It has
An itinerary for next week has been I only just touched on the soft coal car
arranged, bv which twelve meetings ; Tying roads and probably will find
will be held, the candidates dividing ! things equally bad when it comes to
into two parties. There is being man-; the bard coal and the oil roads. Hut
ifested at the Republican meetings, nobody is going to accuse Chairman
which are largely attended, a good In-: Knapp of being a Muckraker for all
terest and assurances of loyal support.be may discover. The same Is true
for the ticket. ' of Governor Folk and District Attor-
The members of the County Central j ney Jerome and a lot of other good
Committee and tie candidates are: solid men of both parties all over the
pleased with the outlook which augurs j country who are making a business
well for the success of the entire tick-'of digging up corruption and seeing
et ' that it is disposed of in an effective
and sanitary way.
No one need run away with the
idea that the President was hitting
at such men as these when he talked
r.t ht ,,nl,i..,l,ln Thev are men of his
The Democrats must be reduced to i ' " , V',Q ,a tVl. ur,rt tn hold
desperate straits when they are com-, , th , work Sooner or later,
pelled to resort to attacking the na-j , h d the need for Buch
t onality o Dr. A-itaycomhe, Kepub- haye ooased But ln
lean candidate tor Goven.or. This , - mfjantlme there i8 still need for
is the only charge they have been able , e fian(i, Rnd jud,clouhly
t0 ?,riDf aKIa;n.Ht,trie Be,;on co.nntyi applied and it is only to be hoped that
candidate. It indicates that alarm ; as the need exiHt3 there will
cv ats Am onsr thfi minor r.v uartv mem- n j H ... , . . t. ...i..
a - . J . ; mon frtlirifl T A II V TUP 1IW1V HltIU'
Jocts jumps fruni nothing an acre to
$."i0 or $1000 an acre as soon as the
project Is "declared." Hut the engin
eers, and there are hundreds of them
engaged In the work, are prohibited
by law from making anything out of
this appreciation In values. And there
has not yet been a breath of scandal
about the service.
The Department of Agriculture has
had its scandals, but there are plenty
of honest scientists thsre who each
year add millions to the value of the
farm products of the country and get
no personal profits out of It. The
Bureau of Plant Industry has recently
completed some work on providing
a long-staple cotton, almost as valu
able as Sea Island, that can be grown
on the uplands, and In a few years
this will almost double the value of
the American cotton crop. Yet the
men who did the work made nothing
out of It and will not.
Now the Rureau of Public Roads,
which officially has nothing to do with
crops, discovered Incidentally the val
ue of a fertilizer for tobacco made
from finely ground granite. This
simply means opening up an Inexhaust
ible supply of a fertilizer at $(3 a ton
that we have heretofore had to Im
from Germany at 1100 a ton. for there
was not potash to be had In thli coun
try. It was a case In which if the man
had resigned from the service and kept
his process a secret, he could have
cleaned up millions. Hut he did not,
call It stupidity or altruism whichever
you choose.
There are nlenrv of other cases that
noint to more than mere honesty on
the part of government worker. Of
course they ought to be honest, though
they are not paid extravaeatit snlarlos
for being so. Hut a consideration of
this sort of thing is refreshing and
suggests that perhans there Is some
good left In humanity after all.
. o
Foreigners have protested a lot
about our commercial dumping prac
tices. Hut there was not a note of
nrotest heard when King Edward un
loaded his collection of Whistler paint
ings on Pb-rpont Morgan.
A chart of the amendments to the
rate bill would look surprisingly like
'an iso-railroad map of the United
. o
Some accomplished mathematician
has flgurtfl out who gets the most
benefit from the free seed distribu
tion, the voter iwho received half an
ounce of mixed varieties or the con
gressman who has a hundred thousand
of such packages to distribute.
bers for the success of "Our George.
Making such charges can only be con
strued as a confession of the weak
ness of the opposition to Dr. Withy
eombe. Instead of detracting from
the strength of the Republican candi
date, this course on the part of Democ
racy Is really proving a capital thing
for Dr. Withyeombe who is gaining
votes as a result.
What if Dr. Withyeombe was born
in England, Is there a single incident
in his private or public life during a
35 years' residence in this state that
h nomncrats are able to call up for
criticism at this time? The truth of
ment fearlessly.
This Is not a defense of graft in the
government service. There is enough
graft, always has been and probably
always will be. When Henj. Franklin
was the first Postmaster General, he
had to reprove some of the officials
and post-masters under him lor reck
less extravagance if not actual dis
honesty in handling the $32,000 that
it took to run the department the flrBt
He It remembered. That at a regu
lar term of the County Court of Clack
amas County, held in the Court House
In Oregon City, for the purpose of
transacting county business ln May
the same bing the time fixed
by law for holding a regular term nf
ald court, present Hon. Thos. F.
Ryan, county judge, presiding; T. B.
Killen and Wm. Ilrobst, Commission
ers, when the following proceedings
were had, to-wit:
In the matter of Supervisor's re
ports examined and allowed.
In the matter of reward for capture
of murderer of George Hanlon, Sher
iff Shaver and Harry Henderson;
Ordered that the action of County
Judge In offering a reward of $250 for
capture of murderer be approved.
In the matter of the appointment
of successor to fill vacancy caused by
death of Sheriff Shaver;
Ordered that Harry W. Trembath
be appointed as Sheriff of Clackamas
County for balance of unexpired term
of Sheriff John R. Shaver, deceased.
In the matter of subscription and
agreement to grade hill on Hoist road
near Deep Creek school house;
Ordered that $25 be allowed for
this purpose, subscribers to do bal
ance of work necessary.
In the matter of change of county
road at Renson Hill on Reeson &
Highland road;
Ordered that county surveyor be
instructed to make a survey and des
cription of ground needed so that deed
may be obtained.
In the matter of powder for Beaver
vear. The first secretary of the navy,
SSSerte .the record of DrC Withy- 'Joseph Hewes, also went officially on
ty road leading through Canemnh;
Ordered that the clerk notify the
O W. P. &. Ry. Co.. to remove said
In the matter of the A. H. Fellows
Ordered that said road be not grant
ed unless the expense account be paid
by the petitioners, and that said mat
ter he laid over until June term. ,
In the matter of the resignation of
It. V. Trembath. constable;
Ordered that said resignation be ac-
In the matter of accounts of Sher
iff J. It. Shaver;
Ordered that Bruce C. Curry and
Lou Cochran be employed to audit
anil report upon said accounts and
In the matter of petition of Dolan
heirs for settlement of taxea;
Ordered that upon payment of face
nt claim for each year with Interest
at 10 per cent, the proper officer Is
sue rertlflcates of redemption show
ing payment of same.
In the mutter of County High
Ordered that the county clerk be
Instructed to place the question of
the establishment of a county high
school 6n the ballot, to be voted on
at the regular June election.
In the matter of the petition of T.
M. Allison for a saloon license at
Ordered that a license to sell liepior
at Ilorlng Issue to said petitioner, for
a period of six months.
In the matter of Martha Ford for
county aid ;
Ordered that warrant be Issued to
said Martha Ford for $SO0 to be Is
sued each month until further orders.
In the matter of county aid to C. K.
Swan, .County Charge;
Ordered that his allowance be In
creased to I'i.oo per month, and war
rant Issued to Peter Julius Hanson for
care of said Swan.
In the matter of petition of J. ('.
Elliott and others for telephone privi
lege; Ordered that said petition be grant
ed subject to laws of State of Oregon,
and rules made by county court.
In the matter of petition of F. R.
Andrews and others for telephone
cable over suspension bridge;
Ordered that said petition be de
nied. In the matter of the petition and
subscription of George Kelland and
others for Improvement of county road
from Canby to Grange Hall;
Ordered that petition be granted,
and that county expend a sum ecpial
to the amount subscribed, subscrip
tion work to be done Ilrst and allow
ance by county last, and road super
visor of districts to have charge of
In the matter of bridge across New
ell creek;
Ordered that said bridge be con
structed at a cost to the county, not to
exceed $215.00 balance of cost to be
paid by subscription, guaranteed by
petitioners; and County Judge author
ized to employ a builder to construct
said bridge.
In the matter of bridge across Suck
er creek;
Ordered that a new bridge be con
structed across said creek and that
bids be asked for, accompanied by
plans and specifications, bridge to be
built at site of obi bridge.
In the matter of reward for the cap
ture and killing of Frank Smith, mur
derer; Ordered that one-half of the reward
amounting to $750 be awarded to
Harry Draper, of Spokane, who shot
Frank Smith; That $51) each be award
ed to W. J. Culver, George Morden
and Andy Vaughnn; That the balance
of $000 be divided equally between the
following: Mrs. Hratton of Canby;
Harry Mlnto of Salem, John Doe of
Woodbtirn; .... Smith of Woodburn;
Frank Snow of Portland; Sam Down
ey of Portland; John Cordano of Port
land; J. K. Graham of Canby; J. F.
Deyoe, of Canby; C. I5. Burns of Ore
gon City; Chas. Ely of Oregon City;
J. II. Slatterly, Wm. May, J. K. Mor
ris, R. Fosberg, E. C. Hackett, C.
Cross, Jack Jones, Kd, Rechner, II.
Cook, D. 0. Hoyles, C. A. Frost, Oim
Wlnesett, Frank Hendricks, H. W.
Trembath, T. F. Ryan, of Oregon City;
J. II. Held of MUwauklo; D. McAr-
Creek and Oswego;
Ordered that each be allowed 200 thur, Sr.; Dave McArthur, Jr.; G. P.
pounds of powder, with fuse and caps. McNamee; Paul M. Crimp; Dert Wll
In the matter of Daniels change in I lard and L. Ferguson, of New Era.
Official Election Ballot for tru
For Unltd Kt.at Senator 1 1 r.n vuti
MUl Kt V. t HI O W.
of Mullnomkh County
For United Status Boimtor " Til"'' Vo"
UOllKNt.. Jl( . JON A I II AN
of Multnomah County
For Governor
ol It on County
For Secretary of Slat
tit ftSON. HANK W
ol Dougl County
For KUt 1 reiwurnr
Vot 0
s l I I I., l.l.ukl,. K.
ClaclminM County
V S 1 1
For Suprnmit Judge
Vot I
u4 Utiittn County
Fot AlUrnny Oxuoml
V..tr f.
t ol Ouutflal County
For Bupnrltiiendituiof Public Instruction Vut
ultnumtlt Cuunty
For But Prtntor
Vote k
UtMWAV. Willi V
k ul Multilumen County
For Oommimttounr of Labor Butmuci and RwpocUir
of Fctorl and Workhop Vote ft t'
Hull, o v
MaitnoainB County
t Congressional District
For RnpreiKiuUUv in Potior gtm
rloa Couaty
Importance of the Teeth
When a pretty girl parts rosy lips ami reveals de
cayed teeth, inflamed gums and a disagreeable
breath, how quickly the charm is dispelled, and
how painful and mortifying must it be to her to
b; e victim of such a condition.
Many adies whose faces arc unattractive in re
pose, become positively charming when their
smiles reveal clean, white teeth, well cared for.
Though ladies may be dressed in the richest ap
parel, with eyes enchanting and features perfect,
if they have decayed and broken teeth, diseased
gums and foul breath, their friends cannot ap
proach them withput a feeling of repugnance.
In twenty-four hours we breath twenty-five thous
and times. What must be the effect on the deli
cate structure of the lungs when for days, months
and years the air we breathe is drawn through a
a depository of filth and poisoned by being mixed
with effluvia rising from decayed and ulcerated
teeth ?
Why endanger your health and life when a few
hours' work will make your mouth clean and
We do painless work and guarantee it.
An expert Eastern graduate dentist with us all the
Seventeen years' practice in Oregon City.
Both Phones.
Weinhard Buildings Opposite Court House 1
Iji u .
Tuesday forenoon at J. N, McKay
nesday and Thursday, Oregon City,
urday at Hubbard. Terms $20 to
J. N.
Ooorge W. Speight, Keeper,
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1671
A beautiful bay, 1C hands high,
weighs 1545 pounds, splendid coach
action, that was admired so much at
the Lewis and Clark Show, whoro he
stood third In a class of Coach stal
lions that could not he beaten on
either continent. Pflel won first prize
nnd championship at the Oregon State
Fair In l!M),'l-4, and 1h considered by
good judges to bo the highest class
Coach stallion In the state. His colts
are uniformly good, and, out of trot
ting bred mares thoy look like pure
bred coachers. Will make the season
of 1900 as follows; Monday at St.Paul;
's; Tuesday afternoon at Uiittevlllo; Wetl-
atHolnz' feed stable; Friday and Sat-
Insure with foal.
McKAY, Owner,
It, F. D. No. 1 -Woodburn, Oregon.