OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1908. 3 on JBL- ' 1 frfflp' mixed with thick IP least money. Personal Mention H-ki V'lf. of IllIM WIIH III till City Wednesday. KtaU TtllleOO, of Salem, wiih tlilM wi. u iiic gum or mth it u MoAuptn, Poitauurtcr T. P Ruitlill wm vu llor lo Snlem Iiihi HiilunMv George W Dixon, editor of tin' Cun iy Tribune, whh in tin' pity Istordsy Mr Captain Graham 4 spending llic week with relatives ill Portland mixh TtitMQ, of lilmn, whh giIh wMk tin- Kin-Hi of n it K afeAlpin. Deputy Sheriff 1). C lloyles M Kpeud lug it few iIiivh mi hK claim BMT Mo In I hi MIhm Marie Himey, of this city, Iihh been vlNltltlK In I ' il t In in 1 . the pltHt week. MIhh Edith Cheney has gone to Win cousin for mi extended v I h 1 1 with rcl nllvi'H W. II QpQBMll, of 1 1 ii r I ii . in y wiih trUMOtlBg IiuhIiichh III thlH city IuhI Saturday C It Nnhlctl. of .-e,. bj visiting IiIm daughter, M in M J Morcland, In thlH i lly Win Kylcr, of Molalln. and George Wolf, nf niii i -, worn In Or'Kn City yiHtiTilay F II Wheeler, of Hun Francisco, llHM lllH'll VlHltliiK IiIh nlMtor. Mr 0. I IliiriiH, Jr Mrn Parlor him returned to bun after ii visit with hrr mm, Al Dr. I I Parker. Mr anil Mm George Cam', of MuiHliflihl, an visiting with OrtfOB City relatives Mrs I V Church, of Unit. WhmIi ' liiKton. In yIhMIiik her parents, Mr. ami llfl t'has AlhrlKht Win Stnbhe, vi'irran iii'WHpnin i Molh'ltor of Iv.tiK lulu, was In the city the latter part of Innt week. .1 QordOBi of QnUttl Pass. UiIk wwk visiting IiIh "on, Kmll don. salesman at AiluuiH Urns. w a Oof MIhh Vi-vh TiiII has retinue, tron ii. u i. in. i I 'iillfnrnln, mill In visiting at tbt hum.' Of Mrn Tims Miller Mrn W Waddle ami daughter, who hav. Iicen visiting Mr anil Mm Hurry M Sluiw havi' returned to their home lit Eugene. City Recorder Walter A Dltnlck at tended the oM'iilttK of the county cam pnlKii by the Republicans at Cauhy Mniiitay night Mth l.l'ie Itoppei has returned from Aurora where nho Iiiih heen look Iiik after luiMlneHH Interests Hth. KOppOl DWJU a line farm BMT Aurora Mrn ThoniiiH Yotght, of I'ortlaml. wlin hint heen the guest of Mrs. 8. O. fonltilKc, Iiiih returneil to her home, ICOOatpHleil hy Mix. Coolldgc anil daughter, Mra. II. C. Stevens, Sr., ami Mm. EL C SteVellM, Jr, and two iUM of the latter, who have heen vlhltlnt; for the Iiihi two wei'kH at Dayton, havo ro tnrBBd home Mrs W K Cnrll, Harvey O. Hick man iiiul Rhea NoitIh have returneil from San PrSBOlBPOi where fur nearly a month they were attncheil to the hoHpitai oorpa (ieolK'' Sullivan, who Iiiih quite cotnpleti'ly rccovereil from IiIh recent Heven; IIIiichh of typhoid fever, Iiqm returned to RiiKene to reaumu hla HtudleH at the Stale I'ulvoralt Mth, .1. A Confer. Jr., and mother, Mih John SamuelHon. of I'ortla&d, are In Oaotralla on hiiNlneaH, Mra. Confer IntelldH to vlalt her old home $75 Position Positions Secured for Two Students this week. Another Position Offering $75 to be Filled June 1st. Allen Business College Oregon City, Oregon iir: n C Et , leas thill "n.-:i(iy-&P mi '!'' r;:::i:t, hut when pigment, gallon for gallon, it n akei the belt paint for the FOR SALE BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. In Bucodn, luit will return In a few dayn. I. Inn liiii.'H. W H Kinlth mid ; H Kreeman, deleKatea from Court Itohlti Hood No 11, KoreHtiTM of Amer ica, of thin city, thla week BttBBdtd the ineetliiK of the (irand Court at 'melon FUV W 1 1 Wettlaufer, who la now IIvIiik on a farm near Clarkea, wax mi On-k-on city vlHltor Haturday llev ( Wettlaufer only recently i. i.-n.-d hla ptatorata of the BrtacalioaJ church III thla city. Mth CIium Miller and children ar i rived Kaiiirday from Oregon City and ari- the ueatH of Mih Mlller'M moth I er, Mih ICliKei Mr Miller la now located at HprltiKlleld, where IiIh fain Hy will mix in Jnln hi in HrowiiHVllle ! TlmeH K, A Tit UN, for many yearH employ ed ni tin' MlterltiK plant of the On-Kon City Water Workn, accompanied hy , Mra Tltua, left Sunday for Kreano, I California, w here he will renlde, hav tflf found almllar eniploytnent at that California city A ItolwrtHiill Iiiih KOTie to Den MolneH, Iowa, to attend a meet Iiik of the I'roHliytcrlan AaNemhly of the ! Culled Slatea ii h a deh-Kate from the j Willamette I'reHhytery Mr Hohert ' Him may extend IiIh trip to Scotland for a rtalt with IiIh mother whom he hint not Hcui fur IS yearH I'rn Heatie fi H.ntle. Dentlata. ninmiN 1C, 17. 1H, Welnhard nulldlnu SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL. Various Street Improvement Matters To Be Considered. 1 A Npeclal meeting of the City Coun jet han heen called for tonight when IiIiIh fur the luiprov-mi-nt of Jnlin Qulncy AdaiiiH Htreet hetween Sixth and Seventh HlrcetH will he opened. The matter of awarding the contract for city print Iiik for the cnHuIng year mid other Important mattern will en KUKe the attention of the city fatheiH The Impi'ivc-int-nt nf WaHhlnK'on Htreet hh oriKlnally contemplated, ex teniliiiK frorn Seventh Htreet In the Aliem. thy hrTflKe, BBBBBl to have MM) ahandoneil I'roperty ownera deslr Iiik thin luiirovemenl an- now clrcu latliiK another petition unking that thin Htreet he Improved from Seventh street northerly to Fourteenth afreet Another petition Ih helng clrcuhited 81081 pmperly owner iiHklnK for the Improvement of Kleventh Ntreet hack to Jefferaon Htreet. Jefferaon Htreet from Kleventh to Twelfth Htreet and Twelfth Htreet to Jackaou street. COMING. HeeHon Hroa." Hlg Hoiihle Cncle Toi&'l ObUB Company, with their own solo hand and operatic orchestra: a lim it nf man eating hlondhntindH; per forming iNinleN and a HrHtclasH com pany of twenty the artlHU. will give nil.- performance only at Shlvely's opera hoiiHe, Wednesday, May 2.'. I'op iilar prices will prevail and Heats now on snle at Huntley's drag store. I'a : rude at lit m hi Wednesday. DEATHS FROM APPENDICITIS decrease In the same ratio that the j uso of Dr. King's New Lift I'IUh In croaHOH. They savo you from danger and bring quick and painless release from constipation and the Ills grow- I lag out of It. Strength and vigor al ways fiillow their use. (iuaranteed hy Howell & Jones, druggists. ISO, ' Try them. o - Local Events Dr. deorge Hoeye, dentin), ('aulleld llulldliig, Oregon City The 1(1,, Van Winkle Show will he Indited Ul Washington and I nth St. Horn, lo Key. and Mra H II Roh Inn, Saturday, May 12, a Hon, at the llapllst parsonage. , Max Boll ink, W. L. Hlock and Dr. W. K. ('aril have heen appointed ap pralaera of the estate of the late Mra llahette Selling. Dally Telegram and Enterprise, both one year, for only S5. Wauled Servant for family of four In Portland. Inquire nf Mra. B. Schwah, Seventh near Center, Mc Cown hoiiHe, OreKon City. Ileginnlng Monday, May II, the of fice hours of the Oregon City hanks will he from it a m to p ig , Instead of from !i a in to 4 p.m., as hereto for. Flour !)r,c, $1,05, and good as Snow drift $i in RED FRONT, Our customers constantly remind us that our prices are certainly the lowent in the city, on reliable dry KimkIh and hIioch Thomson's Hargalti Store. Mabel Miller, aged '28 years, of Mllwaukle, was committed to the any linn at Salem Tuesday The demented woman Imagines ahe Ih (hihhchhciI of evil spirits. a S T Homan, printer, ! Welnhard Hldg , Oregon City. There will he a gisid old-fashioned OflabrtttOB at Wllholt on July 4. F. W, Mcleran. owner of the resort, was in Hie city making arrangements onlay Kverybody Invited Rut .1 t'hnate and Will D Fish were granted a marriage license Wed nesday. Tlie prospective bride being a minor, the mnsent of her mothor wan required before the license h Hiied. The latest styles and patterns In dress hats. MIsh C. ('.old smith C. A Warren, at one time engaged In the stationery business in this city, has associated himself In business with Harvey K CrosH and will give his attention to the real estate de partment Herman Schllrf. of Portland, has purchased the cigar store ami husl ness heretofore conducted In this city by Rudolph Heller. In connection with IiIh retail trade, Mr. Schllrf will manufacture cigars Ijowest prices Seed peas or uc package seeds now i'-ic. 10-qt. galvd pall l!tc; 14 it. pal! I'.'ic, soaps 2c. 2 4 and ,1c RED FRONT. The total registration of Clackamas county voters announced has been In creased by the receipt of 115 registra tion blanks from Justices of the peace from the country. It Is expected the actual registration' of the county will clnsely apprnximate 5100. CoatltOtOr John lllttner la making gisid prngress In the Improvement of Fifth street This contract was to bine heen performed in February, but the ('nuncll granted an extension In time until after the rainy seasnn. The ( 'nuncll Intends to Improve Sixth street In a like manner hetween Rall mad Avenue and Water street The members of Oregon City Iyidge No Ml having chartered u special car. went to Portland Wednesday ev ening and made u fraternal visit to Portland LodgV, No, 109, The occa sion of the visit was to meet and lis ten to nn address hy the Supreme President of thhe Order who address ed the Portland lodge that night. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ren & Schubcl Al Fairclough was in from the Ogle reek mines Sunday on a Hying trip, his mission being to secure necessary repairs to machinery. He reports the live-stamp mill recently installed be ing satisfactorily operated. The man agement expects to make its initial clean up in about SO days. Mr. Fair dough returned to the mines Mon day. Our patterns are Wie latest designs. Our styles are exclusive. Miss C. Goldsmith. A. It. Pile, brother of J. M. Price, the Oregon City clothier, has opened a general clothing store nn Filmnre street, in San Francisco. Mr. Price, of this city, is interested in the business, nnil expects tn jnin Ills brother in the Summer, after turning his Oregon City business over to his brothers. H. 1.. Price and Al. Price, both of Pend leton. Hear the free hand concert by Eiler's Kip Van Winkle Show at noon Satui'dav. Mav Annie llohen, who was married to Andrew riObSD at Vancouver, Wash ington in April. 1005, has filed suit for divorce alleging cruel and inhuman treatment, failure to Iprovide, drunk enness and desertion three months following the marriage. Bert e llaney, deputy prosecuting attorney for Multnomah county, is attorney fQr the plaintiff. F. 11. Godfrey, nf this city, was se rlotialy injured by an explnsion at Col llns, Washington, Wednesday. The injured man was taken to the rail road hospital at that place and his in juries are considered serious. Details of (he accident were not obtainable, the news of the mishap helng tele phoned to this city where the young man's parents reside. The Memorial Day committee re cently appointed frorn among the muihera of the (1. A. H I'ost and the I W It. C , held a meeting Wednesday afternoon at the court riHim and ap- IKilnteii Franklin T. (Jrlfflth prealdent of the day and F. J. Nelson grand WflfhaH Other details of the day's program have not heen r-ompleted, hut . are helng attended to hy varloua auh ! chimin It lees. R. L. Holman, leading undertaker, naxt to Harris' grocery store, Oregon , City, Oregon. s I Tin- inemhers of the County Court this week Inspected the McCord hill I In the vicinity of the New Kra road, j Itesldenta of that section have the I uae of the county's rock crusher while , j this long hill Ih helng treated to a, : 068t of crushed rock and made more ; paHHahle. When the Improvements , now helng mode are completed, the road will he In better condition than It Iiiih been In years. The annual graduation exercises of tin- Oak (irove sch'xd were held Thursday evening. Today the mem bers of the board of directors of dis trict No. :!0, the Stone neighborhood, will meet with Superintendent Zlnser for the purpose of considering the matter of consolidation with adjoining districts, the transportation of pupils and other matters of particular In-ten-Hi to the district. See Iteyer In his free bicycle and Unlcycla exhibition during Kip Van Winkle Hand Concert at noon, Bat urdiiy, May HI. The County Court has issued an other warrant for the collection of a special road tax in District No. 21, Cotton, by which alHiut $100 will be raised This levy waa not assessed agaiiiHt some of the property of the district when originally made neces sitating action of the Court. Judge Ryan and Commissioners Hrobst and Klllen thlH week completed their In spection of county roads. AssesHor J. F. Nelson, asHlsted by Miss Ella Shaver, have begun work on the l'.ioi; inscHHment roll. This work should have begun last March but AKseHsor Nelson has been delay ed by the failure of the bookK to be Chas. V. Galloway Of Yamhill County Democratic Candidate for Representative in Cong ress forwarded to him by the Secretary of State's office. The books did not ar rive until Saturday, but the task of writing the roll will be proceeded with as expeditiously as possible. Spring fever is prevented by the use of our Red Line Sarsaparllla. None Just as good. Our price 60 cents. CHARM AN & CO . City Drug Store. A. Mihlstein, the Main street plumb er expects to suspend business in this city during the summer while he goes on n vacation for the benefit of his health. Mr. Mihlstin expects to leave about June 5 and In the mean time will close out his plumbing stock as far as possible. Persons needing anything In the plumbing line will find It to their advantage to consult with Mr. Mihlstin prior to that date. tin is 3t. Teachers of the city schools for the coming year will be elected Monday evening. June 11. at a regular meeting of the board of directors There are several vacancies to be filled at this election, two of then caused by the retirement of City Superintendent Addie E. Clark and Miss Frances Mey ers, teacher of the primary grade in tlie Easthum school. These teachers will not apply for positions next year. It is more than probable that several other vacancies will occur.' Millinery Cut. Child's trimmed hats i!c up. Ladies' $1.39 up: stvlish hats, j RED FRONT. Several of the friends nnd neigh bor! of Mrs. Uruce urn wait tendered her a birthday surprise Tuesday even ing. Refreshments were served af ter the evening had heen devoted to whist in which the prizes were award ed to Mrs. II. H. Straight and Mr. Win. Andresen. Those forming the party were: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Straight. Mr. and Mrs. Jack .tones. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Andresen, Mrs. F. W. tlreenmnn, Mrs. F. A. Sleight. Miss Jennie Hankins and George llankins. of this city; Mr. Pond and Mrs. Wells of Portland. The Rip Van Winkle show, the big scenic calcium light effects, just the kind of a show that will please all Mav 10. Let Yotif Money Work For Yoti and you will have a willing and faithful servant. You can never make a fortune by days' work, but if you let your money work with you, together you can accomplish results that you could never obtain by manual labor. Money when out to work keeps right at it day and night, never stops to rest, asks for no holi days and never takes a day off. It is very easy to start your money to work, all that is neces sary is to open a Savings Account with us and make small weekly or monthly additions and it will work without complaining and with results that will be highly gratifying to you. Do it to-day, tomorrow never comes. The Bank of Oregon City Henry Guenther, aged 84 wears, died Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry rand, In this city. Deceased was a native of Ger many hut had resided In the United Htatea 42 years, 18 of which were spent at Oregon City. Besides a wife, he Ih survived by three children, as follows: Mrs. ('.. Hornshuh, and E. F. Guenther. of Shubel and Mrs. Henry Brand, of this city. Funeral services will be held at the Elyvllle church at 10:30 o'clock this morning and Interment will be had at the Shu bel cemetery. The latest styles and patterns In dreHH hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. Percy R. Caufleld, for the last three years utility clerk In the Oregon City postofflce, has resigned to accept a clerical position in .the Bank of Ore gon City. As successor to Mr. Cau fleld. Postmaster T. P. Randall has appointed Carl Joehnke. who will as sume his duties next Monday. The new appointee is a native Clackamas county boy. his home being at Mount Pleasant. He was a member of the crew of the battleship Oregon on Its memorable trip around the world. His appointment Is subject to the sanc tion of the postofflce department at Washington. Cut In Shoes White oxfords 83c. ; 99c. $1.19; choc, low shoes 95c up. Cut In Misses' fine shoes $1.14; ladles' fine to $1.19. Red Front. Coroner R. L. Holman yesterday morning received a letter from Eliaa Smith, of Shenandoah, Iowa. Inform : ing him that he. Smith, had found his ; son. Frank Smith, well and hearty, ' at Seattle. Mr. Smith is the gentle ' man who thought perliaps Smith, the j desperado, was his son and came to ! this city and caused Coroner Holman to disinter the remains of the outlaw, ; hut he was unable to identify the body as that of his son. In his letter, Mr. Smith takes occasion to thank Coro ner (iolman for the consideration he : received while In this city on his un pleasant errand. There is plenty of State School money to be had at 6 per cent Inter est Loans can.be had from one to ten years. Gordon E. Hayes, agent. With but few exceptions, all of the i 'candidates nominated by the Repub-l 1 lican and Democratic parties for leg- islative and county offices at the prl ; mary election, have qualified by filing with County Clerk Greenman their formal acceptances. The Socialists, W80 at a convention, named a com-' ! plete ticket, have filed acceptances fori i their candidates ag There will be no Prohibition ticket represented j on the official ballot in Clackamas 1 i county this year, the members of that i party having waived the formality of i naming a ticket this year. There are. less than 100 registered Prohibition- i.sts in the county. Eiler's Big Show, presenting that famous play Rip Van Winkle with high-class specialties. You make no mistake hy going May 19. The first strawberries of the sea son produced in Clackamas county, are being retailed in the local market. , l.ese come from the fruit tracts of Mrs. F. A. Sleight and W. H. Mamie ville. of Canby. They are of the Clark Seedling variety and in quality are second to none, not excepting the Hood River product. These berries find a ready market now at two box es for 35 cents. Canby is acquiring an enviable reputation for the grow ing of strawberries of exceptional quality and several carloads are mar keted annually from that point. The soil and climatic conditions seem es pecially adapted to the culture of this luscious fruit. The operation of a party of survey- ' MR. B. METZGER Metzget & Company JEWELERS AND. OPTICIANS 111 Sixth St.. near Washington, Portland, Oregon Will be at the Electric hotel every Wednesday, He will test your eyes free, should you need glasses, he will fit you. .All work guaranteed and prices the same as in Portland. WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT FOR ONE DOLLAR. Remember, lenses are included at these prices. We change your lenses at often as required without extra charge. f 1 ors, whose mission Is a mystery, in ! making a circuitous survey around Oregon City, has aroused not a little Interest as to what Ih actually contcm , plated. The surveying party Initiated ! its survey at a point on the Oregon ; Water Power II Railway Company's j Portland Oregon City line Just north I of this city and extended Its llnea I easterly following the Abernetby to Newell Creek, thence In a southwest ! erly direction Into the Mt. Pleasant 'district where, the party Is now en i gaged Nothing of the purpose of the survey or Its probable termina- tion can be learned here which serves ! only to deepen the mystery attending the operations of the party. Agents wanted: -San Francisco Earth quake Disaster; Thousands killed and injured. $500,000,000 worth of property j destroyed. Full and authentic story . told by survivors and eye witnesses. Largest and best book, best Illustrated j 80 per cent profit to agents. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfits free. Send 4 2-cent stamps for postage. Address 1 COOPER & CO., 134 Lake St. Chicago. Saturday night the Mllwaukie Band gave its concluding dancing party for this season at the Armory. The at tendance was large and the party proved the most successful of the win ter's series. This musical organiza tion is one of which the people of Mll waukle as well as Clackamas county, have abundant reason to feel proud. J. E. Wetzler is the manager of the or ganization and he has demonstrated the fact that he is the right man tor the place. Manager Wetzler assures the Oregon City people that in ap preciation of the very liberal patron age the band has received from the people of Oregon City, It is the pur pose of the organization to come to this city and give some open air con cents during the summer. Oregon City people hope the band may find it m possible to give more dancing parties next winter. MEN WANTED Saw Mill and Lum ber Yard laborers, $2.00 per day, woodsmen $2.25 to $3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon. EXAMINATION FOR RURAL CAR RIERS. Postmaster T. P. Randall has been directed to conduct an examination in this city next Saturday afternoon of applicants for appointment as rural free delivery carriers on any of the routes operated in Clackamas county. The Department desires that at least ten candidates take the examination which will be held In the postofflce building in this city. This is an unu sually large number of prospective appointments and may mean that ad ditional routes to those already in operation are to be established. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN IS COMING. That favorite historical drama. "I'ncle Tom's Cabin." which is al ! ways welcome by the American peo- pie and endorsed by the pulpit and j people of every nationality, will be I presented at the Shively Opera House on Wednesday. May 23. by Beeson's i Big Double I'ncle Tom's Oabin Com pany, a first class company of twenty ! five, white and colored. It is unnecessary to re-tell the pa i thetic story of the book that immor ! talized Harriet Beecher Stowe. This ! IKirtrayal of life of the slavery day will linger as long as the youth of the land reads the history of the days gone by. With its pathos and humor, with its darkness and bright ness, its Uncle Tom, and Little Eva, its Simon Legree, its Topsy and the inimitable Marks, the lawyer, there is an ever recurring freshness in the story. It will never die. Parade at noon, OF