OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1906. 4 3 Otir Correspondents' Corner 5 Britf !'it of Gossip From Al! Parts of th County. P i attend, so come MM and all ami there is a large amount of pota tOM here unsold yet FORTUNATE MISSOURIANS. CARUS. The rain Is a groat benefit to the farmers. Our road supervisor. Mr Haley, has , There was a boon having some work done on th ! OOttBt of tht Fanton road in west Cams. Mrs. Thomas of Heaver Crock called on Mrs. Davis ami Mrs. Lewis Tues day Miss Hollo Oregon- lias rotumod homo from a week's visit with her uncle at Molalla. Kd. Howard and family spont Sun day with rolativos at Mackshurg. Miss Ia Irish has gone to Oregon City to work. Mrs. SpaU and Mrs. .tones, of Boavor Creek, spont the day with Mrs Eph .lones Wodnosday. Clyde Smith has quit work in town. Ho intends to go down the river fish ing pretty soon. C. G. Morris spont Monday evening and Tuesday at Ed. Howard's. Ralph Howard was the lucky one to win the parrot at Wilson's. POSTMASTER RJBBED. G. W. Fouts, postmaster at Riverton. "When I was a druggist, at l.lvonla. Mo." writes T. .1 Dwver, now of C.raysville, Mo.. "Iliroo of my custom ors wore permanently cured of con sumption ly Dr. King's New Dlseov i ery. and are well and strong today , One was trying to soil his property anil move to Arizona, but after using Now ntscovory a short time ho found It unnecessary to do so I regard Or King's Now Discovery as the most mondorful medicine in existence" Surest Cough and cold cure and throat nit.l lit,,. ( ! II 1 I- ,1 II I 111 lli, IV and far between this year. The girls druggists 50 cents and Miss Ida Wolfhagen. is working for Mrs Hammond Paulson. The Damascus Grange mot May mall attendance on Bo nn oik. The Grange Is with Harry Chit progressing nice wood as Master. Mrs Clitoe Hiesar was seen In our neighborhood Sunday. The Mav basket hangers are few lon't like to be kissed when they are caught, as that happened to be one's fate last year. Mrs. Fisher, of San . Francisco, is staying with her sister, Mrs. O. T. MOON, of this place Mr lusher was in the great disaster at San Francisco and escaped with just the clothes she wore. Mrs. Castle's sister from Portland has boon visiting her the past week Mrs. B. Dalles is on the sick list but is slow ly improving Miss Elsie Moore is staying with Mrs M. Moffet. Rev. Lewis and wife, of Sunnysido. called at Mr. John ling's one day this week. Allen Shea has a sick horse, Mr. $1.00. Trial bottle free BEAVER CREEK. very henellelnl to for S The late rain all the crops. Win 11 Khees Is slashing' P Uuulon at present. of stitches, broke two teeth, and Jar j red and Jammed him all over. No bones broken, but he had a close call The pole had booh standing about live vein s, and rotted off close to the , ground They are putting the phonos In on this lino today and soon wo can ask Tlgai'ilvHle If they are through wash lug dlshoN. and other Important ipies tiotll of the day Central Is quite MUtlOUl about who I MOM to Haines with the mallcnrrlor I'otatooN are looking up ll little and eggs are advancing, Mr llarnes' young nephew, late of nmt hein California, was severely hurt In Jones' saw milt a week ago. and taken to the hospital The directors closed the school last Krldny to the regret of most of the i pupils and their parents class expected to graduate and as there was ; money In (he treasury, and the child iron loNod Miss Donaldson, they are at a loss to account lor the action of the i illreetors. I Cattle have been getting Into the nL. 1GAST0RII llliiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimniiimiii,, 1 Kj Mrs .1 S Jones and sister of Chi-1 grave yard, trampling the mounds and nook Is Nisltlng friends here at pros-1 dost roving what they could Do not: out forget the general rally to clean up Several of the Heaver Creek sports the ground and consider the question. this week to I of the fence on Decoration duv Mrs llclhlc has put a tine $HMI monument at the grave of her bus j band. Iowa, nearly lost his life and was rob- shea secerns to be having bad bed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow: with his horse! not long ago. he had one t luck die GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT. "Some weeks ago during the severe wnen my aocior prescnoeo r.iecrnc i ,ntor W(,atht,r ,Mth nlv wift, an(1 my Diners: which cureti me nun nine kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for Biliousness. Neuralgia. Weak ness and all Stomach. Liver. Kidney and Bladder derangements. A won derful Tonic. At Howell & Jones drug store. 50 cents. will go to Hood RIn pick strawberries Heaver Creek has seNeral largo slashings this year and there certain ly will be some hot old fire lighting to be done Mrs Orlsenthwalte called on the Spence family this week Win E. Jones played butcher one day last week. Mrs. Kirk, of Tillamook. Is visit ing relatives here at present Ellas Parry and family soon will leiiNe for Grants Pass. STOP GRUMBLING. if you suffer from Rheumatism or i pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will bring quick relief. It Is a sure . cure for Sprains. Rheumatism. Con- traded Muscles, and all pains and within the reach of all Price l!5c, ,10c. SI 00. 0 It Smith. Tonaha. Tex , CASTORS AVcScltWc fttpttiflfli rr As slmlla ling the rood awl HetfuWt Ung the hloutuths amlDowcb of ProTnoh-8l)iitcsUon.('li-rftil ncMarullit'si t onlninN nrltlw Opium. Murphi'"' DOI Muitxul. Not Namcotic. m, v f(MJ Ja-.vevr ll irrtJtki JmmS-J bmttmmt . For Infants nnd Children The Kind You Hav Always Bought Bears the Signature of self contracted severe colds which Stem Ionian llros were breaking writes: 1 have used Mallard's Snow speedily developed into the worst kind bronchos to drive single last Sunday l.mtmeni In my family (Gr years ami MOLALLA. of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says Mr. J. S Egleston. of ed on Dr Beatie last Sunday Maple Landing. Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stop ped up. eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a doub "Made in Oregon." "Made to order je dose of Chamberlain's St.miach and weather" is now enjoyed on the moist ' Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use side of the appreciation. j SOon completely knocked out the grip." The Democratic speaking set for Sold by Howell & Jones. next Saturday night has been chang- H l.atourette. of Oregon City, call have found it a line remedy for all pains and aches I recommend It for Mrs D W Thomas railed on her pains In the chest " Sold by Huntley Cams friends this week. Bros Drug Co Thos. Daniels and son William are - -"- - slashing large tract. SPRINGWATER. D. E. Jones Is also making quite a ' slashing. I Sprlngwater Grange on the IL'th In- ed for 2 o'clock p. m. on account of the halls being occupied Saturday-nights. First campaign gun was fired off 1 here last Saturday night by our next j State Senator. Sheriff and others, j Molalla Band or the candidates at-' tracted quite a full house Saturday . NEEDY. MARK'S PRAIRIE VICINITY. AND Mr. Ben Wolfer moved into his new residence last week anil Ben is look ing forty per cent better than usual. Miss Beatrice Ritter has been as- A Thomas was shearing sheep for slant, had quite an Interesting Jtieet C Spence this week. Ing The literary program was a de ft and B Davis were promenading; bate. Resolved that Country Life the streets here this week. was better than city life," the affirm The Ibatle Bros, wero Improving utlve came out best Mrs. Mary 8. the County road this week. Howard, secretary of the State Grange - visited the Sprlngwater Grange and SORE NIPPLES. acted a-- judge in the aboNe QOQtMl A cure may be effected by apply- Charles Bard and wife, who have Ing Chamberlain's Salve as soon as been east of the mountains IS months, the child Is done nursing. Wipe It oft have returned home They think with a soft cloth before allowing the western Oregon Is the place AprrtVfl Remedy forCoiwllpa lion. Sour Slotuach.DiniThoofl Worms .Convulsions .Kevtrish ueiss and Loss or SLEKl'. Tac Simile Signature of NTCW YORK. EXACT COPT Or WKAPPEII. fx .ifV ll y Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Mrs evening. sisting Last week a Needy voter offered to j week, wager that Nelson would get 100 Totes I Our hop for state senator In the county. A Marquam voter took the wager. Now a Molalla voter, not going to be out done, otters to bet that Beatie will receive more votes at Molalla for Sheriff than Nelson will in the coun ty for state senator Ben Wolfer tht past raisers are well along with their hop work and are training the vines. Several young ladles have been emplyed In the work of training and they are a success at that kind of work. But there should be no young men assisting in the yards as the young men only seem to stand around hild to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with the host results Price 2" cents per Ikx. Sold by How ell & ones. VIOLA. Fred Schafer's rail road ties are i while the ladies do the work due at Canby this Tuesday noon, soon er or later. IF YOU DON'T succeed the first time use Herbine and vou will get instant relief. The Mr Chester Ritter and wife of Los Angeles, California, are visiting their parents at Needy. Percy Ritter and Miss Laura at tended the ball game at Mackshurg Sunday. There will be an entertainment and shadow social at Marks Prairie school The recent showers hav groat value to the crops In these parts ("has. Hlclnbothom. from the Du- Bolse saw mill, was In Viola the first of the week. Some parties at Viola are thinking of taking a logging contract of MHW it BOWMJF Jay birds for several years have been very numerous In this vicinity. They have not only been a great nul The Sprlngwater Sunday school will have Children's Day second Sunday In June Everybody invited The Democratic candidates discus ! sod the politics of the day at Spring water on the nth lust. Mr Stark ' weather and Mr Eby were very fair been of in their talk and were quite well ap predated A M Shlbley attended the Stat.' Sunday School Convention that was held In Portland, which he enjoyed very much Ho thinks there cannot be too much Interest taken in Sunday schools. The little folks will soon be our leading citizens. The way the twig Is bent the tree Inclines, etc hoped that th.-v will pro.p.r DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Miss Ella Kllnger and Mr Thomas w. re married last week They were by local applications, as they cannot eharlviirled and the boys received $Ti reach the diseased portion of the ear with which to purchase beer There In only one way to cure deaf- The small son of Mrs. Bliuoti Mllb-r ness. and that Is by constitutional died Monday evening, May II and rem. -dies Deafness Is caused by an will be burled at the Zlon church on Inflamed condition of the mucous lln- TiiesdiiN, May lf lug of the Eustachian Tube. When Our road supervisor has been doing this tube is Inflamed you have a rum some good work bllug Hound or Imperfect hearing, and Mr George Wlnfield from Portland when It Is entirely closed, deafneaa J is visiting his aunt. Mrs Dreler and the result, ami unless the inllamma old friends. Calvin Hanson la visiting at Ills home Mr and Mrs Chester Bitter from California, are homo again Miss Llllle and Miss Mary Mitt were calb rs at M i afternoon DO YOU LOVE greatest liver regulator. A positive house on Friday evening. May IS. All cure for Constipation. Dyspepsia. Ma- corne and have a fine time. All are laria, Chills and all liver complaints, j welcome. Mr. C . of Emory, Texas, writes: I George Oglesby was calling on Mr. "My wife has been using Herbine for .jjm Mitts on road matters one dtf herself and children for five years. It ast week. is a sure cure for constipation and .hii .) purel-.a.-ed a now buggy your baby? You wonder why he cries Buy a bottle of White s Cream Venn ifugo and he will never cry. Most malaria fever, which is substantiated by what it has done for my family." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. sam e to gardens and gralnflehl I, but RHEUMATISM MAKES LIFE A BUR have furnished an unwelcome means DEN. f..r . 1 i . ., . - i ,, ,,f m&mm A fu- ilnvs :, , a ,,.-, t,,.m.. lu tti.t rmiut vnttiulit,. one man' killed about one hundred Of possession that Is within the reach of '! have worms and the mothers the birds by scattering a few hands- mankind, but you cannot enjoy Its u,m 1 hn,,w 11 .. 1 A ...V,..u, ., ..U- ..,... If , or.. ufrl...r fr... IfUgO Tills till 111 IJI lHir,wn-i ,,M a ii " , 11 ,1,11 hi, r.m,. ,t,, i,w,i , a.oi-n IUM -hnnnooUm V,m throw aside hiisl- ' cleans out Its system Politic.! Imvi, tuifiin to nsmimc the nu rnr,s jL-tuin vou ,'iiter voiir home way. appearance of life. A number of vot- and vou can be relieved from thos. Hon can be b takn outhmrdluta.llu (Ion can he taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hear inf will he destroyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which Is nothing but an Intlatued con lltu Mitts Sunday dltlou of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars 4B for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh I that cannot be cured by lUII's Catarrh Cure Send for circu lar! free f. II CHI.NKY & CO Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall s Family Pills for ronstl pat Ion White's Cream Venn child of worms and In a pleasunt Every mother should keep n Dirv Your Patronag. Tie- r,iwth of n ruinmtinlty and tha REDLAND. bottle of tills medicine III the housi last week and now- says Its a daisy. a.,.Kiaram. ()f a dlzy ! rheumatic pains also by applying ith It. fear n I never enter her - of ... bun. institution. tepli iMinoinnuiHnuiiiiv -. h m Mil . i rhamW1ln'a Pain Malm One antiU- """" ' -" " South for Frank O. That's right, i ... apn , , . '. h ,. .. . , ... . .,,, . ., itros Drug Co Frank, no use to batch; it's simply a ' ,n ,,wl D..nlnii.. ,iurhnri,.,i hi 1 in,.,t iw. f,,r n'sborf time will brlnn- V. H. Matoon and wife were visit ing with Mr. E. Barrett, last last Sun day. Mr. B. C. Courtwright. who has been traveling in Eastern Oregon, is now temporarily at home. The Clear Creek Mutual Telephone company held a director's meeting last Monday night. The directors are: Mes-rs. Funk, Brock, Kirchem, Stone and Anderson. Mr. Ed. Barrett has been hauling shingles to Parkplace. The president of the Mutual Tele phone company has bargained with Mr. Lash necessary revolver Into his knee, is to be about. first-class humbug and fraud to live Without a housekeeper. Grading and road work are in full blast in this part of the county. Several of our young people attend ed the dance at Hubbard Saturday evening and report a good time. Our school closes next Friday and our teacher. Miss Anna Bachman, of Sumiach and Liver Tablets cured her i5H)llt', lias Klteu Kt-ueiai ai im 11,111 . Dave Zimmermann is no better and little hopes are entertained for his re covery again able about a permanent cure How-ell n Jones. For sbIo by TWILIGHT. That several Republicans here are disgusted at the results of the primary election Is putting it mild, and openly av thev will no! minnort some of the most Of the poles tho3t. whf) were nominated. ittend the line to those .fr tohi. !,.. has been with her STOMACH TROUBLES. Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly . respected resident of Falsonla. Miss.. Miss Clarlsa Fancher, formerly of was sick with stomach trouble for! this place, but now of Portland, was more than six months. Chamberlain's , visiting old friends last Wednesday Mr. Yexley has been "hauling lum She says: I can now eat anything I 1 tier Tor .Mr. Wilson wno expects to want and am the proudest woman In I build a new house. I the world to find such a good medl-J Relatives from Beaver Creek visited iclne." For sale by Howell & Jones, i at the home of Mr. Gromm last Sun- all wno nave suDscnneu ior stoch. inoi mota(.ri Mrs. Geo. Kesterling of Can only Will the scope of territory, now hv wh() nas l)(.(.n very lck for 8ev. connected up be enlarged, but better (,ra dayB. and cheaper service is expected, as Coleman Mark will have some car- it costs less per phone to maintain a penter Work done on his house this week. there are only Plowing potatoes is all the go here, central than where three circuits. Mr. George Gill is hauling lumber for Deering & Morrison. THE LIFE INSURANCE muddle has started the public to think ing. The wonderful success that has met Ballard's Horehound Syrup In its crusade on Coughs, Influenza, Bron chitis and all pulmonary troubles has started the puhlic to thinking of mav be slight may yield this wonderful preparation. They are . . & i J . aii using it Join the procession and to early treatment, but the down with sickness. Price 35c, 50c tipvl rrVM will hanrr nn "W-rfiV T T J J 1 I U I I U1J MT PI EASANT. 'rally of the Republicans In Clackamas appreciated j county last Thursday evening I Alice Boyluti nnd Amelia Grimm spent Sunday with Myrtle Henderson In Oregon City. Mr .lames Hylton went fishing one day this week. Fate seemed to be against him. All he brought home was an empty basket. ntli. -It on thi. loyally of II. propl It It wit rno.iKli to pi. a. li pnlionlir horn. m m indu.tn ' i"'i escepi th atrvlea sivi nt a bORM iMtlttlUOB ttMll that of nut LOOAN. ,,f town .ntcrtu l.r, tlila argumi'iit car rl.n no wi-lRht and la rnttrrlv dlarrfard There was a meeting of the board of rd. aa tt ahould bf Hut Willi Oregon City directors of Clear Creek Mutual Tel i.ople It Is different, A ft-w men tha epholie Co. ut the Grange hall Moll no K t. John.on ratnlill.hed the Caa day night cade Ijnmdry tt la equipped with tha Mr and Mrs F W Itlebhoff enter latMt taprOVtd nia.liliierv and la dally tallied the Stork on Saturday evening, turning out work that la equal to any May 12. us reward wore presented and superior 1o much of the laundry with a lo pound son work thnt la being done In Portland. The ilau. . at Logan given by the Bttaf a home Inatltutlon nnd fui-nlahln young people of the Mllwuukle Grange emptovment for many QMfM City peopla was a succeaK A large crowd was In ' enjoying an Immenae patrons-. rli" high aliind.-iid of the work t.eln( One Gold endHnotner The farmers hav the rain. Miss Mamie Snidow of QfMBWOOdi was visiting at the home of her grand parents, Mr. Roman. Silas Corey was a Mt. Pleasant vis itor over Sunday. Mr. Sellers, who has been visiting at the Grey Gable farm, has returned to his home. been Hav ' ... i - ii. i - Im attendance i. en. i.n.. -ie- mi. -no . ,...,,. ,, ... ..., ,! I tie creanierv is running on mil i".-. OlDMitV now. on Mon. lav last louo Laundry left ut the O K. barber shop Wfl nonnda of butter being made They 1-o.mptly called for and dellyered to receive about ten thousand pounds of e" Isphons i:m. The season's first cold MUs Cora Sellers, who has very ill. Is rapldky improving. Miss Ruth Braker was visiting at i Ml Pleasant last Wednesday. Geo. Harding has occupied the Part-1 low house. Miss Ethel Holmes was calling on Mrs, Young last Sunday. A large number of Mt. Pleasant poo pie attended the Norrls & Rowe Clr-1 fits last Wednesday. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. 25c. Ask your druggist for them. A healthy man Is a king In his own right; an unhealthy man Is an unhap py slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health - kepl you well. cream per week which makes about 3(100 pounds of butter What can be done In regard to mere boys getting drunk. There are cases from here and It Is known they get It In Oregon City somewhere. Any man who will give a boy Ibpior or will buy ll for them, ought to be sent to prison. Miss Young, our genlnl school mis tress, was out calling Sunday ufter QOOti, In giving the names of the board of directors for the new telephone com pany last week, we uti Intentionally omitted the names or Mr. Itrock and Win Stone. K. 1. Johnson, i.iontlet. and 1.00. Sold by Huntley Bros. DAMASCUS. longer; it will be more troublesome, too. Un- MACKSBURG. I ii 1 1 leal sunshine once fall. Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough van good before this nice weather comes to Kmillsion in n -nrfvpnti ve Remedy, I tried It, and after using They hav end. t1 r , two small bottle I was completely , school at. th as well as a cure. Take SCOTT'S EPIOLSl We are in the land of more. The farmers art. getting their crops in an Miss Olga Bchmale, of Oregon City, visited her mother, Mrs. Schmale, last Thursday. Mrs. Stark has been removed to a hospital in Portland, where it is hoped by her many friends that she will im prove. Mr. A Newell and Harry Feathers transacted business in Portland Thursday. Mr. Salisbury from St. Johns, was out looking after his sister's place. Nelson Smith, of Portland, is spend ing a few weeks with his brother, TT ,.11 liL waiter aniiiu. . , . , A mission Sunday school will be or- 01 t&e tbroat anC lungS ganlzed at the Rock Creek school- an(J drives the Cold OUt. house Sunday, May 6. " There will doubtless be a large at tendance, no doubt, for the reason there are many who do not attend a Sunday school at all on account of the distance they have to go. Now there Will be one close enough for all to iauvjI-i i iui-u vvnii-c nvniiniia Tin v are having ,in BURGLAR. .iiMkln- here this week Mr. Wm. Thos. T.nnorgan, provincial ! The Mennonltes are holding tiro Constable at Chaoleau. Ontario, savs: tracted meeting at the Dryland hoIiooI Is not relieved In IT, minutes. No mat neceSSrirv to take. oViariOPS "I caueht a severe cold while hunting house which will continue till Wed- tor whnt the cause Is one tablet gives J - . 1 t .... . . I I 1 .PL.. 4 Prescription for Headaches. When you have headache or other nerve pain try Akeln The llend tab lets and you can have your ten cents back If voiir headache or neuralgia n .t i mmrnA o. C, ' a "urgiar in rne iotvh swamp ibhi nesoay evening. The attendance Is relief. Huntley Bros. when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes Send for fret ump.t. SCOTT & BCWNE, Chemists 40IMI3 Pearl Street, New tub SOc. and $1.00 ... All druggists cured." This remedy Is Intended es pecially for coughs and colds. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold In less time than by any other treatment and Is a favorite wherever Its super ior excellence has become known. For sale by Howell & Jones. STAFFORD. organized a Sunday Dry land school house. The .Mennonltes are leading. It Is CLARKES. The gentle rain lias been falling upon the just, if they were foolish enough to be outside, until 1 1-2 Inches ; had fallen by Tuesday night and still coming. Farmers who are ready to j cut clover, and young turkeys, are the only ones displeased except possibly the mall carriers. ! Charlie Waunker was fixing the cross-bar for the Farmers' telephone at ' the bridge at Tualatin, and the pole I broke off at the ground and came down with him. He received a cut ; on the Jaw which called for a number HOWINQ r L aflllli. WET WEATHER WI5D0M! THE ORIGINAL m SLICKER SLACK OP YELLOW I WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING EL5E WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE C1TM.OQUE8 rnr.t LL LINE OF CARMLNTft AND HATS. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MAa., u.a.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO , LTD., TORONTO, CANADA Mr. find Mrs. II. Hounds spent Sun day with the Inlter's parents, Mr. and; Mrs. Freeman. The Misses Manning Spent Sunday: with their sister. Mrs. O. Daniels. 3, Aklns and daughter spent Sunday ! at home, NOItnthi the little son of Mr. and ' Mrs. 11 Hnllard, had the misfortune! to fall from a fence nnd break his ; right leg Just above the kt , last I Friday, but. Is getting along nicely j under the doctor's care. M!sson Nellie and Zelmtn Anderson spent Sunday upon the hill. Henry Turney is on the sick list, "name Humor" says the wedding bells will soon ring. O. R. & N., THE TIME SAVER. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via This Popular Columbia River Route. I'rualtlln was right when he said "Loeline ll never found again " The 0, H K N , In addition CO giv ing you L'UO miles along the matchless Columbia lllver, saves you 17 hours to Chicago. It Is the Short Line to J.ewistun Short Line to the I'alouso country. Short l.lne.to Spokane. short Line to the Ooeur d' aiene oonntry. Short Line to Salt I.nke City. Short. Line to Denver. Short Mne to Kansas City. Short. Mne to Omaha. Short Mne to Chicago. Short Mne to all points Hast. Three trains Fast dally, !t:15 n. m., !H: LI p. m and 6:15 P m. The "ChlotV j gO-Portland Special," Is an line as the finest. Ovary comfort, of home. j For particulars ask any agent of the Southern I'nclllc Company, or write A b CltAIC, (ienoral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. J Accidents win happen, but the besi regulated families keep Hr. 'I'll as' Eclectric on (or such emergencies, n subdues pain nnd heals the hurls. PROCURED AND DEFENDED. N-'iul mmlnl, .Iniwinu i. itiiniu. n.r exiiartwNiraii .ni'i fraa raponk Prat lulvlri-, how tO ODmUH ,ju, mI i, ti.ul., muikh, ooprrlljta,jfa., IN ALL countrieb. .'hm'..'k ilirrct with Washington savts timr mOMfy nnJ ftrn tht' patfnt. Patent and Infrlngemtnt Practice Excluslvaly. Writ., or nornn to .in Ht G23 Ninth Btrnt, opp, llnlt.il SUtM fatanl 0Bc, WASHINfirON, D. C.